Where did the custom of celebrating the New Year come from on Russian soil? New Year, where are you from?

Leafing through the news on the Internet, I got to Sobchak, who, without hesitation, throws herself at people. I thought.

But what if your child one day discovers that the opposite sex does not interest him at all?

How will you react to this? How to treat? And most importantly, how to avoid it?

Do not take the topic very close to your heart, the personal life of others does not interest me. Within the limits of his apartment, everyone can do what he wants, if it is not prohibited by law.



We have an asthmatic child in our family, we do not smoke. The husband quit smoking when the first child was born.
In the summer, neighbors with 2 children settled under us. Both parents smoke. All the smoke ends up in our bathroom and toilet. It is impossible to be there, children start coughing from the smoke. The husband went to the neighbors, they seem to agree, they nod. They honestly say that it is inconvenient for them to smoke on the loggia, but they promised to smoke less. They smoke a lot.
Once I got up at night to go to the toilet, the door was ajar. Smoke from the wall, and the most unpleasant thing is that there was smoke in the nursery! She hid the children, checked.
Today I could not stand it and sealed the ventilation with a bag and tape! ((
There is no stink.
We live on the 3rd floor. The ventilation was checked recently, it's okay.
I'm ready to lay a brick mine, let them enjoy their soot!



Good afternoon / evening / morning dear forum users / not! Congratulations on the past holiday on March 8! All health, happiness, family and material well-being, love and fulfillment of all desires!!! The holiday has passed, and now there are favorite flowers in the vase, delighting the eye and soul... I adore freesias, hyacinths, orchids, tulips, of course, the queen of flowers, the rose... What are your favorite flowers? The topic is chatty, post photos of your favorite flowers



Good afternoon, dear girls!! Happy Holidays to you!!!
I have a question .. my friends decided to buy an apartment .. they offered a chic option, the apartment according to the documents is clean, comfortable layout, the rooms are bright, isolated, the apartment is sold at a fifteen percent discount (than everyone else for the same footage .. in this area) , within walking distance of a school and a kindergarten .. for a family this is relevant (there are two children in the family) .. my husband also works in this area .. (also convenient) .. well-developed infrastructure .. but the whole catch is .. that the windows of the apartment they go to the current cemetery ... Here I have a question .. Would you take such an apartment ?! ..or looked for another option .. (I have pure curiosity)
Thank you.



Good evening) I don’t know about you, I have an evening))
Personally, I have lost sight of several active forum users and I am very interested in how they are doing. If someone is in the know, write how they are doing (with their permission).
Well, at the same time, I wonder how the members of the Exta forum are doing, a miracle from the box (I don’t remember the nickname).
The topic is chatty .. It's sad, we have a strong snowstorm, no hint of spring


Lord of Dance

Nothing has changed with you - in the early 80s, as in previous years, there were no fashionable shoes in the free sale of fashionable shoes. They get it from marketers, buy it for checks, stand in long queues for many hours in stores, or buy it from friends who, after buying it, didn’t fit in size (after standing in a line for many hours, they bought what they got, so as not to stand in vain, and then they sold it). Basically, fashionable shoes were supplied from the countries of the socialist camp: Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria. Yugoslav shoes were more valued, softer, more beautiful. And the western one - from Germany, France, Austria - was generally the ultimate dream.

In the second half of the 80s, it was already possible to buy a lot - if there was money. Not in shops, of course, but in clothing markets, which were called "push", "flea markets" (from the word "push" - to sell) or "flea markets". At that time, "shocks" were a specially designated place for trade, in which, on weekends, sellers and buyers gathered. These places were not yet equipped with stalls, tables, or counters. The sellers formed a corridor, holding the goods in their hands, in the middle of which buyers slowly moved in one direction, choosing the right product. Where are the firewood from? The Poles came to us on steam locomotives (and a little later we went to them), the enterprises began independent foreign economic activity and "at home" you could buy cosmetics, "balalaikas", shoes .... and go to speculate to your heart's content.

This is how they "got" shoes in the 80s in the USSR, and now let's remember which one.


Probably few people will indicate the date when people decided to celebrate this holiday. One thing we know for sure is that this tradition came from the past, which is too far from our days. It is also reliable that even before the advent of calendars, more than six thousand years, it was also celebrated, but then only pagans did it.

How did they celebrate in Rus'?

Even before the establishment of Christianity on our land, the reckoning began in the spring, when all living creatures and plants awakened. And the celebration of the first day of the New Year fell on March. Everyone liked this holiday, and young boys and girls rejoiced most of all. Under loud deafening cries, they performed the ritual of burning the effigy of Winter, danced and sang merry songs. Until now, we do exactly the same when Maslenitsa comes.

But with the advent of Christianity on Russian soil, they began to use the calendar, called Julian. Now the New Year starts on March 1st.

But in Rus', Prince Vasily Dolgoruky indicated that such a celebration should be celebrated after the end of the field season. And here there is some confusion. People celebrated the New Year on March 1, but the church, which honored the laws of the Bible, set its beginning on September 1.

Then, little by little, people all began to celebrate the New Year after the harvest of the autumn harvest, and it was from there that the tradition of "Indian Summer" arose, which has survived to this day. At the same time, the day of the arrival of the New annual cycle also fell. And just then, from the 1st to the 8th of the first month of autumn, all the fairer sex began women's housework.

They carefully washed their huts, washed dirty clothes and wove canvases.

But just like now, they met and celebrated the New Year in the distant past, also at night. Just like we do now, people gathered around the laid table and invited friends and relatives. Exactly at twelve o'clock at midnight, a cannon shot announced the arrival of the New Year. Church bells picked up this cannon fire and rang loudly, announcing the arrival of the New Year to the inhabitants.

This went on for two hundred years, until Tsar Peter I, who honored Western traditions, issued a decree that approved the New Year on the 1st day of the first winter month.

How did the Russian tsar order to hold such a celebration

By order of the king, people were forced to decorate their homes with juniper and pine branches. And such decoration could never be removed until Christmas (January 7). An interesting reliable historical fact is that our ancestors in Rus' used to celebrate this holiday with birch branches or cherry blossom branches. It all depended on when this event was celebrated: in spring or autumn.

The beginning of the holiday was announced by the peals of cannon and weapon shots and fiery fireworks, which were arranged on Red Square. And after them, all honest people had to fire from all the weapons that could only be found in every yard. For the kids, it was commanded to arrange winter entertainment: sleigh rides and other winter joys.

At the court of Tsar-Emperor Peter the Great, Russian was hardly spoken, because it was considered the language of the common people. Basically, all communication was in German and Dutch. So, the word God (God) in these languages ​​means God. That is, by his decree, Peter forced his subjects to congratulate each other on the New God, on the day of His (Christ) circumcision according to the Jewish rite. This Peter's "joke" still exists, and people, having lost their original meaning, continue to congratulate each other on January 1 "on the New circumcised Jewish God", and not on the New Year, as it was before.

From year to year, never thinking about the origins of traditions, all honest people celebrate the New Year. Fun, noise, lights and fireworks, chiming clocks, promises and congratulations, a feast, clinking glasses, dancing until the morning and laughter, everyone wishes new happiness to each other in the new year, but no one thought why ...

A beautiful beginning, excites the soul, beckons with memories, doesn't it? But will there be joy on your faces when you find out the truth about what the "bright" holiday "New Year" hides in itself?! You are no longer small children, and therefore, I will wipe your joy from your face! It's time to sober up and wake up, it's time to grab knowledge! Gathering your will into a fist and not cunning soul, it's time to say goodbye to the Jewish gods! We have our own holidays, we also have our own Slavic New Year, new year which is named!
Our ancestors - the Slavs, had their own original calendar - Kolyada Dar, according to which at the time of the introduction by Peter in 1699 of the new chronology and the celebration of the New Year from January 1, it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. By his decree, Emperor Peter I stole 5508 years of the past from the Slavs!

In Summer 7208 from S.M.Z.H. or according to the new style in 1699, Peter I, who had recently returned from a long European embassy (where the real tsar was replaced by a double -), issued a decree on the abolition of the old calendar, which existed in Russia neither more nor less, but at least 7208 years, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, which was invented by Dionysius the Small only in the 6th century AD. At the same time, he moved the beginning of the calendar or the New Year, as it is correct in our opinion, in Russian, from the day of the Autumn Equinox to January 1, or, as it is now customary to call January. He chose 1700 as the starting date for the new chronology.
And on the eve of the "New Year holidays", the heralds announced to the Muscovites a royal decree to the beat of a drum:

“December 20. About the celebration of the New Year. The Great Sovereign indicated to say: the Great Sovereign is known to Him not only in many European Christian countries, but also in the Slavic peoples, who agree with our Eastern Orthodox Church in everything, like: Volokhi, Moldavians, Serbs, Dalmatians, Bulgarians and His Great Sovereign's subjects Cherkasy and all the Greeks, from whom our Orthodox faith was adopted, all those peoples, according to their summer, are counted from the Nativity of Christ eight days later, that is, from the 1st day of Genvar, and not from the creation of the world, for many differences and counting in those years, and now the year 1699 comes from the Nativity of Christ, and the next Genvara, from the 1st day, a new 1700 will come, and a new centenary age, and for that good and useful deed, the Great Sovereign indicated that from now on to count in the Orders and in all sorts of acts and fortresses to write from the current Genvara s 1 numbers from the Nativity of Christ in 1700. And as a sign of that good beginning and a new century in the reigning city of Moscow, after due thanksgiving to God and prayerful singing in the church and to whom it will happen in your home, along the large and passable noble streets to noble people and at the houses of deliberate spiritual and worldly rank before make some decorations on the gates from trees and tvey pine, spruce and juniper against samples, what are made at Gostin Dvor? and at the lower pharmacy, or to whom it is more convenient and decent, depending on the place and the gate, it is possible to commit; but for a meager people, each at least according to a tree, or a branch on the gate, or to put over his temple; and then it would have ripened, now the future of Genvar by the 1st day of this year, and that adornment of Genvar will stand until the 7th day of that well, 1700. Yes, Genvara on the 1st day, as a sign of fun, congratulating each other on the New Year and the century.

It’s so simple, with one royal decree, as many as 5508 years of the past were stolen from the Slavs, and not just taken away with a division into new and old eras, as it is customary to present their history to the “correct” states, but forever! If anyone does not know, this decree was followed by another, bring all the books to the capital of Muscovy - Moscow, ostensibly to make copies. But, neither the originals nor copies from those originals have ever returned to their owners. A huge number of ancient books were destroyed in order to erase from the face of the Earth any mention of the true chronology of our ancestors. But even those few books that have been secretly preserved give a completely different idea of ​​the supposedly barbaric, slavish and ignorant period from the past of our, in fact, glorious and great ancestors.

Peter I chose the date of the beginning of the new chronology not by chance. So, on December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates Christmas. And according to the "holy" book of Christians - the Bible, on the eighth day, the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite. And it turns out that on January 1, the Christian church celebrated Circumcision of the Lord, the celebration of which was a great holiday, along with the New Year itself, even before the Jewish coup of 1917, as even evidenced by the calendars of tsarist times, in which January 1 is listed as "New Year and Circumcision of the Lord." This date was chosen by Peter I, and by his decree he ordered all subjects to mark the beginning of a new calendar or chronology and congratulate each other.

Is it by chance that there is an opinion that, in fact, Peter I allegedly joked by introducing the celebration of the New Year, i.e. feast of the New Circumcised God? After all, why and where did the word "year" come from? In many European languages, the word "god" sounds like "year" (god) - German "Gott" (Got), English God (Year), etc. It turns out that the word "year" was introduced into Russian speech, like a tracing paper from German and Dutch, which they denoted god. Then, everything falls into place, and the understanding that Peter's joke is not a joke at all, but a real story, becomes even more significant when we take into account several other facts that led to the appearance of such a substitution.

"He has served us well, this Christ myth." Pope Leo X, 16th century.

(... here in the original source there is a lengthy myth about the so-called Radomir - omitted as unnecessary, like taking the Slavs aside ... - whoever wants to look - there is a link to the source below)

Jesus Christ, as a "new god", was brought to the expanses of Rus', then Muscovy ( Moscow Tartaria), which was expressed in the so-called Nikon reform of 1653-1656. It was Patriarch Nikon, the temporary figure of the Vatican, his bargaining chip, which was instructed to replace the faith of the Slavs, for which he received huge ransoms, did a great job, tying the ancient Slavic-Aryan holidays to the Christian calendar, imposing a Christian saint on every Russian holiday! And his most important act was the creation of the name of Christ. It was Nikon who introduced the spelling of the word Jesus, like Jesus, inserting another letter "and" in his name.
Another harmful act of Nikon was the substitution of the concept of true Orthodoxy, which stands for glorification of the Rule, i.e. the world of the gods of our ancestors (under the gods, our ancestors meant people who, in their development, reached the level of creation, i.e. control of the primary matters of space), to Orthodox Christianity, although the Russian Church even before 1943 year was named as Russian orthodox or orthodox, and not the Orthodox Church (renamed to "Orthodox" by Stalin's decree).

The dissatisfaction of the people with the imposed rules resulted in widespread uprisings against the POPs (from the Ashes of the Fathers Betrayed - those clergymen who betrayed the old faith of their ancestors), as a result of which several thousand priests were destroyed and several tens of thousands of rebels were executed. Over time, the people got used to it and in less than 50 years, Peter I officially introduces a new chronology in honor of the New Year (God), whose name was Jesus!

Thus, the Dark Forces, through the Vatican, took over Muscovy, and introduced into the consciousness of people not only a new religion and a new god, but also a new calendar, and even a new chronology, thereby replacing the ancient holidays of our ancestors, and stealing from us at least 5508 years of real past!
Now, every time you celebrate the New Year, remember how bloody this “holiday” is in the literal sense, for even circumcision of the Lord is a bloody deed, and when it is performed on a newborn on the 8th day of life, the development of such qualities is blocked like conscience, compassion, kindness, love. Here is what was bequeathed to the Jews:

“Eight days from birth, let every male child be circumcised in your generations” (Old Testament, Torah Genesis 17:12).
Circumcised in infancy, people become real zombies, which are elementary to control, which is what the Levite clan does (by the way, the Levites are not circumcised; they are shepherds, and the Jews are their sheep) over their God-chosen circumcised army.
But the most terrible circumcision was carried out over the Russian people, from whom, with one stroke of the pen, as many years of the past were circumcised as never before, none of the “correct” European and even God-chosen peoples!

Remember, Slav, for whose blood you raise a glass, but say a toast on the night of January 1! And isn’t it strange for you that you drink for the destruction of your people, your past, and for your own destruction too!
Yes, if only someone would think why, for us, the Rus, who have been living in the sun for centuries, suddenly a holiday appeared, which for some reason we celebrate at night, and just at midnight? It's time to wake up evil spirits!

And even the Christmas tree, which Peter I imposed, was not accepted by the Russian people with joy as it is now, since the Christmas tree in Rus' had its own reputation, and at the same time not very good. From ancient times, the Christmas tree was considered in Rus' the tree of death: they buried under the Christmas trees, covered the last path with spruce branches, decorated graves with spruce garlands and branches, it was strictly forbidden to build houses from spruce, and it is not customary to plant Christmas trees near residential buildings. And what fear does a trip to a spruce forest evoke, where in broad daylight you can easily get lost, since spruce very poorly transmits sunlight and in spruce forests, therefore it is very dark and scary, remember Russian folk tales.

One documentary called "Zeitgeist" voiced and showed clearly that Jesus Christ had several predecessors who were also born on the same day, namely December 25th. But this is not the only thing that brings them together. It turned out that they were all crucified, and then resurrected three days later.
These are the prototypes of Jesus Christ:
1 . Horus, Egypt, 3000 B.C. Born December 25 from Isis-Virgo. When he was born, a star lit up in the east, with the help of which 3 kings found the birthplace of the Savior. At the age of 12, he taught the children of a rich man. At the age of 30, he received the spirit of initiation from a man named Anu. He had 12 students with whom he performed miracles - he healed and walked on water. He was called the Truth, the Light, the Son of God, the Shepherd, the Lamb of the Lord, and others. After the betrayal by Typhon, Horus was crucified on the cross, buried, and resurrected 3 days later.
2 . Attis, Phrygia, 1200 BC Born by virgin Nana on December 25th. Crucified, resurrected after 3 days.
3 . Mithra, Persia, 1200 BC Born a virgin on December 25th. He had 12 students. Worked miracles. After his death, he was buried and resurrected 3 days later. He was called the Truth, the Light... Mithra's day of worship was Sunday.
4 . Krishna, India, 900 B.C. Born by the maiden Devaki. The arrival was marked by a star in the east. He worked wonders with his students. Resurrected after death.
5 . Dionysus, Greece, 500 BC Born a virgin on December 25th. Traveled and performed miracles such as turning water into wine. He was called the King of Kings, Alpha and Omega and other epithets. Resurrected after death.

True, funny coincidence...
"The Christian religion is a parody of the worship of the Sun, they replaced him with a man named Christos and worship him as they used to worship the Sun" Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

What is hidden under the twelve disciples? - this is nothing but 12 months of the calendar or 12 zodiac periods that the Sun goes through in a year !!! All these gods, no matter with what names, all replaced the cult of worship of the Sun!
After all, what is December 25th from the point of view of astrology? December 21st is the shortest day of the year, until this date the Sun "rolls to sunset" and thus the daylight hours are shortened! On the 22nd, the Solstice occurs and daylight hours begin to increase. There is Christmas or the rebirth of the Sun, it is also called the Solstice, in the annual cycle of the Earth's rotation around it! This is the real truth and what we celebrate at Christmas!

Now you understand for certain why all the gods invented by the Dark Forces are resurrected after 3 days and why they were born exactly on December 25th! Since the capture of the provinces of Great Tartary took place for many thousands of years, the Dark Forces, through their servants of the Jews, biting off piece by piece from the Great Empire, had to come up with more and more new religions and their deities, which are ideal copies of each other only because throughout the territory Great Tartaria had one culture and one worldview. And the conductors of the Dark Forces only tried to impose their deities, and holidays in their honor, on our Vedic holidays, but only in different parts or provinces of our truly Greatest Empire!
So, different territories of a single Empire were enslaved, and after the decomposition of their worldview, they broke away and new states and new peoples, new languages, new cultures were created ...

You are probably already wondering what a true holiday our ancestors celebrated on December 25th ( Note: celebrated not from 25 - but from 22 to 25 13 Beylet- Kolyada Day - New Year, New Kolo falls on December 21 or 22, not counting the three "luminous years"), on the so-called Christmas of the Sun?

Yes, there is such a thing, and we, to everyone’s joy, I will answer, we are still celebrating it, though with a shift of 14 days. This holiday is the day of the god Kolyada, which the Slavic-Aryans celebrated exactly on December 22, if we count according to our calendar! Another name for this day according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar is the Day of Changes! Is it by chance? And what these changes mean, you probably already guessed. If not, I repeat - the name is really not accidental and simple, because real changes occurred in the annual circle of life, i.e. The sun began to rise, and the days slowly grew, and the nights waned. And the patron or manager of these Great Changes was, just, the god Kolyada! It is no coincidence that the holiday in honor of the god Kolyada fell on the day of the winter Solstice ( Note: celebrated not from 25 - but from 22 to 25 December - see KolyadiDar - it's clear there 13 Beylet- Kolyada Day - New Year, New Kolo falls on December 21 or 22, not counting the three "luminous years")

How did our ancestors celebrate this holiday, you already wonder? Yes, everything is the same as we are celebrating now! At what time, nothing new - the traditions were preserved, despite the persecution, and substitutions and prohibitions ... On this day, groups of men dressed in the skins of various animals (mummers), who were called Kolyada's squads, walked around the yards. They sang hymns glorifying Kolyada (approx. A.N. - now it is called "carols"), and arranged special round dances around sick people to heal them.
The sign of Kolyada was a wheel with eight spokes painted in bright colors - a sign of the sun, and in the center of the wheel a fire was supposed to burn - a bunch of straw, a candle or a torch. Calling on Kolyada to send warmth to the earth as soon as possible, they sprinkled the snow with colored patches, stuck dry flowers carefully saved from the summer into the snowdrifts. In the furnaces on this day, all the hearths were extinguished for a while and a new fire was lit in them, called the Kolyadin fire. Since Kolyada was the god Asom from the genus of the god Svarog, whose usual incarnation in houses was considered a large sheaf, Kolyada was also depicted by a sheaf or a straw doll. Kolyada was also revered as a god who gave people a new calendar - Kolyada Dar, and before that they used Chislobog's roundabout.

It is noteworthy that in 1837, near Moscow, it was customary to call Christmas Eve “koleda” and on Christmas night to carry in a sleigh a girl dressed over all warm clothes in a shirt, which they passed off as Koleda.

It is also worth knowing that a more ancient holiday is superimposed on the Kolyada holiday, this is when, through the gates between the worlds, the god Perun entered Hell and freed the poor ancestors from captivity, and with them the inhabitants of Hell fell to the ground. They wandered the earth for some time and begged for food from people, until Perun sent them back. The custom of dressing up in disguises (masks) is just a reproduction of that situation. For more successful caroling, you need a scary mask, and the scarier the mask, the more you can carol.

The Kolyada holiday, in contrast to Kupala, marks the seasonal turn, the arrival of light, the dying of the old, the arrival of the strong young. It is also associated with the cult of Veles, in honor of which the people dress up as a fierce beast - a bear or, in the old way, a ber, a tour, etc.

A logical question may arise - why do we celebrate the day of Kolyada, i.e. Christmas of the Sun (God), on the wrong day? After all, the calendar is a calendar, and the real birthday of the Sun (without noticing it, I discovered another truth - the Sun, it turns out, also has a birthday) falls precisely on December 25, and not on January 7, as the supposedly Orthodox Christian world celebrates. The answer was buried back in 1918.

After the coup in 1917, the new government of the country raised the issue of reforming the calendar. On January 24, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the "Decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in the Russian Republic." Signed V.I. The document was published by Lenin the next day and entered into force on February 1, 1918. It said:
“... The first day after January 31 of this year is considered not February 1, but February 14, the second day is considered the 15th, etc.”

Thus, our Christmas shifted from December 25 to January 7, and the New Year holiday also shifted. Contradictions immediately arose with Christian holidays, because, having changed the dates of civil holidays, the new government did not touch church holidays, and Christians continued to live according to the old calendar.

The difference between the old and the new style in the 20th century was already plus 13 days! And, the day, which was January 1 according to the old style, became January 14 in the new calendar. And the modern night from January 13 to 14 in pre-revolutionary times was New Year's Eve.
It is interesting that in 1929 there was a cancellation of Christmas. With it, the Christmas tree, which was called the "priestly" custom, was also canceled. New Year's Eve has been cancelled! And, by the way, very true! The same must be done now and postpone the celebration of the arrival of the New, I don’t want to say the year, Summer, to its original date - the day of the Autumn Equinox - the Slavic-Aryan New Year! However, at the end of 1935, an article by P. Postyshev appeared in the Pravda newspaper “Let's organize a good Christmas tree for the new year for children!”. The appearance of this article was hardly accidental: after all, it was in 1935 that Stalin uttered his famous phrase: "Life has become better, life has become more fun." The society, which has not yet forgotten the holiday, reacted quickly enough, and Christmas trees and Christmas tree decorations appeared on sale. Pioneers and Komsomol members took upon themselves the organization and holding of New Year trees in schools, orphanages and clubs. On December 31, 1935, the Christmas tree re-entered the homes of our compatriots and became a holiday of joyful and happy childhood (we already know what “happiness” this holiday brings). And only since 1949, January 1 became a non-working day.

And what is the New Year without the main characters - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Studying the origin of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, I came across various versions, and they were all one in one - the image of Santa Claus has always been harsh, strict, cold, evil ...
Father Frost, aka Frost-Cracker, aka Karachun, aka Studenets, aka Frost-Red (Blue) Nose - the prototype of the modern grandfather was by no means distinguished by a kind character. It was a stern god of winter, who reigned from November to March, a hero of remarkable strength: as he blows, spit - in an instant and chills a red-hot bath. He walked with a staff, fettered rivers with iron chains. The icicles were his tears, and the snow clouds were his hair. They feared him, worshiped him ...
And the funny thing about this is that Karachun (Treskun) is associated precisely with the day of the winter solstice, as well as the Day of Changes, and the day of the god Kolyada and the Nativity of the Sun (god). It was believed that on this day the formidable Karachun, the deity of death, the underground god commanding frosts, an evil spirit, takes over. The ancient Slavs believed that he commands winter and frost and shortens the daylight hours.

Many have already correctly noted that Karachun absorbed the image of more ancient events, when the god Perun entered Hell and freed our ancestors from captivity.

The servants of the formidable Karachun, and later Father Frost, are connecting rod bears, in which snowstorms turn around, and blizzards-wolves. It was believed that, according to the bear's desire, the icy winter lasts: the bear will turn in his lair on the other side, which means that winter has exactly half the way to spring. Hence the saying: "At the Solstice, the bear in the den turns from one side to the other."
Once upon a time, Karachun (Treskun) was brought offerings and gifts. This tradition is still preserved among many peoples in the form of rituals associated with petitions for a good harvest for the next year. And our modern festive table is, in essence, nothing more than a special ritual, which, as our ancestors believed, would bring prosperity and well-being in the next season.

Subsequently, the image of Karachun (Treskun) turned into the image of Santa Claus - the Slavic god of winter. Frost was represented as an old man with a long gray beard. In winter, he walks through the fields and streets and knocks: from his knock, bitter frosts begin and the rivers are frozen with ice. If he hits the corner of the hut, the log will certainly crack! His breath produces a strong chill. Hoarfrost and icicles are his tears, his frozen words. Snow clouds are his hair. He does not like very much those who tremble and complain about the cold, but who are vigorous, cheerful, healthy, give bodily strength and a hot blush.

Santa Claus got his name from folk tales. Folk tales were retold by writers, who came up with the colorful name Treskun - Santa Claus. For example, Moroz Ivanovich appeared in 1840 in the collection "Children's Tales of Grandfather Iriney" by V. F. Odoevsky, as well as in Nekrasov's poem "Frost Red Nose".

As a sign of reverence for Frost-Karachun-Treskun, his idols were often erected in winter - the well-known Snowmen. It was from the Snowman or Snezhevinochka that the well-known granddaughter of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, got her name, the image is also mythological - the spirit of ice and snow melting in spring.

The Snow Maiden was born in Russia. She is the heroine of a folk tale, a poetic image of a girl fashioned from snow and revived. One version of the fairy tale, in which the Snow Maiden melts from the sun's rays, was creatively developed by Alexander Ostrovsky in the fairy tale play of the same name, written in 1873, and then forming the basis of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Snow Maiden.
But, unlike most versions of the fairy tale, where the Snow Maiden is sculpted by old people who dream of a granddaughter, Ostrovsky's Snow Maiden is Frost's daughter and goes to people from the forest. Well, in order to smooth out the sad end of the tale, with the light hand of the writers, the Snow Maiden was made the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Therefore, it turns out that many well-known images were invented artificially and relatively recently, mainly not arising from scratch, but easily modifying the already known ancient images, known to our ancestors for many thousands of years. Such is the story of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, the same story with the Christmas of the Sun!

I immediately remembered that in the West, the main New Year and family holiday, and even the main holiday of the year, is Christmas, and what we celebrate on the New Year is not celebrated there at all!

Slavs, remember our ancestral holidays, and don't let yourself be deceived by new images and substitutions!

Slavic New Year is the New Year - the holiday of the Autumn Equinox!

A. Novak
source -

New Year is one of the most traditional and fun holidays, covered with the brightest memories from childhood. All children are enthusiastically waiting for it, and adults are looking forward to this event. We meet the New Year with new hopes and aspirations, we expect new joys from it, we believe that it will be better in every respect. We traditionally celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 with a noisy and extensive feast with the people closest to us with the same New Year tree. But it was not always so.

First day of the year

The celebration of the New Year among the ancient peoples usually coincided with the beginning of the revival of nature and, basically, was timed to coincide with the month of March. The decision to count the New Year from the month of "Aviv" (i.e., ears of corn), which corresponded to our March and April, is found in the law of Moses.

Since March, the Romans also considered the New Year, until the transformation of the calendar in 45 BC. e. Julius Caesar (Julian calendar). The Romans on this day made sacrifices to the god Janus and started major events with him, considering it an auspicious day.

Until the XV century (perhaps also before the adoption of Christianity) and in Rus', the new year came on March 1 according to the Julian calendar.
In 1348, a Council was held in Moscow, at which it was supposed to start the year from September, and not from March. Time, you know, was medieval, it was possible to sew and cut for everyone.

Jean Sauvage's French phrasebook of the Russian language of the 16th century "Paris Dictionary of Muscovites" even retained the Russian name of the New Year's holiday: "The first day of the year."

Peter I, striving with all his might to Europeanize Russia, by his decree of December 15, 1699, set the beginning of the year in Rus' from January 1 according to the Julian calendar. At that time, the Julian calendar was adopted in many Protestant states of Europe, and Russia then celebrated the New Year at the same time as them.

But still, Russia celebrated the New Year 11 days later than in Catholic countries, where the more accurate Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII on October 4, 1582, was already in force.

In the XVIII century, almost all the Protestant states of Europe switched to the Gregorian style, and the New Year in Russia again ceased to coincide with the Western European one.
In Russia, the old calendar was valid until 1918, until, finally, a new style was established by decree of the Council of People's Commissars in Soviet Russia, and after January 31, February 14 came immediately.

But we were not the last to switch to the Gregorian calendar, Serbia and Romania did it in 1919, Greece in 1924, Turkey in 1927, Egypt in 1928.
Dates in the Russian Orthodox Church (as well as Jerusalem, Serbian and Athos) are still considered according to the old style, and according to it, the New Year comes on the night of January 13-14. But in the next, XXII century, the Old New Year will begin on the night of January 14-15.

I must say that the Old New Year is celebrated not only in Russia and the former republics of the USSR, but also in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Switzerland.

New Year's address

In many countries, a few minutes before the start of the new year (in Russia, as a rule, on December 31 at 23:50), heads of state address their peoples with a speech in which they usually sum up the past year and wish good luck to citizens in the new year. The appeal is broadcast by the media.
In the USSR and Russia, the tradition of such appeals begins with the speech of L. I. Brezhnev before the New Year 1976.

US President Ronald Reagan congratulated the Soviet people on the New Year 1987, and Mikhail Gorbachev delivered a congratulatory speech to US citizens.
There were also small incidents. So, on December 31, 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, instead of the head of state, the satirist Mikhail Zadornov spoke to the viewers.
Another outstanding example is the “double appeal” that we all remember before the New Year 2000: first, at noon on December 31, 1999, the address of the first President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin was heard, in which he announced his resignation (this appeal was repeated several times), and 12 hours later, the acting President, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin congratulated the viewers on the upcoming New Year.

Santa Claus is an integral part of the New Year. Imagine that local gnomes are considered the ancestors of Santa Claus in some countries. In others, medieval itinerant jugglers who sang Christmas carols, or itinerant sellers of children's toys. There is an opinion that among the relatives of Santa Claus is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, he is Studenets, Frost.

The image of Santa Claus has evolved over the centuries, and each nation has contributed something of its own to its history. But among the ancestors of the elder, it turns out, there was a very real person. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Mira. According to legend, he was a very kind person. So, once he saved the three daughters of a distressed family by throwing bundles of gold into the window of their house. After the death of Nicholas, he was declared a saint.

In the Middle Ages, the custom was firmly established on Nicholas Day, December 19, to give gifts to children, because the saint himself did this. After the introduction of the new calendar, the saint began to come to the children at Christmas, and then on the New Year. Everywhere the good old man is called differently, in England and America - Santa Claus, and in our country - Santa Claus.
Our old friend and good wizard Russian Father Frost is a character of Slavic folklore. The Eastern Slavs have a fabulous image of Frost - a hero, a blacksmith who binds water with "iron frosts". The Frosts themselves were often identified with violent winter winds. Santa Claus is reflected in ancient Slavic legends (Karachun, Pozvizd, Zimnik), Russian folk tales, folklore, Russian literature (A. N. Ostrovsky's play "The Snow Maiden", N. A. Nekrasov's poem "Frost, Red Nose", a poem by V. Ya Bryusov "To the King of the North Pole", the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala").

The peculiar nature of the pagan deities determined the initial behavior of Santa Claus - at first he collected sacrifices - he stole children and carried them away in a bag. However, over time - as often happens - everything turned upside down, and under the influence of Orthodox traditions, Santa Claus became kinder and began to give gifts to children himself.
Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but did not become widespread. In the 1930s, Soviet cinematographers created the image of Santa Claus, who appeared to children and gave gifts. In 1935, Stalin's ally Pavel Postyshev proposed organizing a New Year celebration for children, about which he published an article in the Pravda newspaper, and since then Santa Claus has become the official symbol of this wonderful holiday.

Santa Claus comes to the holiday not alone, but with his granddaughter - the Snow Maiden. It should be noted that the image of the Snow Maiden is unique for Russian culture. There are no female characters in Western New Year and Christmas mythology.

At the beginning of 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together at the Christmas tree festival at the Moscow House of Unions.
By the way, every last Sunday of August Santa Clauses celebrate their professional holiday. If you have a friend Santa Claus, then do not forget to congratulate him on this day. After all, Santa Claus congratulates us every New Year.

Residence of Father Frost

Santa Claus has his own official residence - the city of Veliky Ustyug in the Vologda region. Since 1999, the tourist project "Veliky Ustyug - the birthplace of Father Frost" has been operating. Tourist trains from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vologda go to Veliky Ustyug, specialized bus trips have been developed.
The residence of Father Frost is visited annually by up to 32 thousand tourists, and the correspondence sent in the name of Father Frost is processed by a whole staff of employees. According to the Governor of the Vologda Oblast, since the beginning of the project, more than a million letters have been sent to Father Frost from children from various countries.

Happy New Year to you, dear readers!

13. 12.2015

Catherine's blog

Good afternoon, readers and guests of the Family and Childhood website. New Year's Eve is a magical holiday that both adults and children are waiting for. He breathes magic, beckons with brilliance and bright lights to the fabulous world of unusual creatures. This holiday, like all others, has its own history, traditions and features.

The history of the New Year's holiday

The history of the new year has many centuries. It was celebrated even three thousand years before the birth of Christ. Julius Caesar, the well-known ruler of ancient Rome, set the beginning of the year on January 1 in 46 BC. This day belonged to the god Janus, and the first month of the year was named after him.
In Russia, January 1 began to be considered the first day of the year only under Tsar Peter I, who signed a corresponding decree in 1700. Thus, the emperor moved the celebration to the same day on which it was customary to celebrate the New Year in Europe. Prior to this, New Year's festivities were held in Rus' on September 1. And until the XV century, it was believed that the year originates on March 1.

If we talk about history closer to our days, then January 1 first became a public holiday in 1897. In the period from 1930 to 1947 it was a normal working day in the USSR. And only in December 1947 it was again made a holiday and a day off, and since 1992 one more day has been added to it - January 2. And quite recently, in 2005, there was such a thing as the New Year holidays, which last for 10 days, including weekends.

The traditions of the new year are many and varied. Each of them carries a certain meaning and has its own history. So, the Christmas tree is an integral attribute of the holiday. In Russia, for the first time, houses were decorated with spruce branches by decree of Peter I, who imitated Europe in everything.

And the custom to put and decorate a green beauty for Christmas appeared already at the end of the 19th century. It was taken from the Germans. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was forbidden to put up a Christmas tree, but in 1936 this ban was lifted, and the green beauty again began to bring joy to children and adults.

Separately, it is worth talking about. In ancient times, a green tree was decorated unpretentiously. Usually they hung vegetables or fruits, as a rule, apples, nuts and various products of labor. At the same time, each individual decoration carried a certain meaning. And only in the 17th century did the first toys appear, which served as a prototype for modern Christmas tree decorations. It was then that the first glass balls appeared in Germany.

This happened in the town of Thuringia in 1848. And in 1867 in Lausch, Germany, the first factory for the production of Christmas tree decorations was built. It is worth noting that the Germans for a long time rightfully held the primacy in this matter.

And the tradition of decorating the top of the Christmas tree with a figure of Christ originated in Scandinavia. Later, it was replaced with a golden angel. And closer to our time, they began to decorate with a spire. In the USSR, a red star burned at the top of the Christmas tree in every house.

Over time, not only the appearance of the toys changed, but also the styles in which the Christmas tree was decorated. So, bright sequins and tinsel at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century (as in our days) were replaced by the fashion for a Christmas tree in restrained silvery tones. Later, figurines made of paper and cardboard gained popularity. But fashion is cyclical, and bright shiny jewelry soon regained its place in homes.

It is interesting to note that the history of our state is directly reflected in Christmas decorations. In the USSR, there were many figurines of vegetables and fruits during Khrushchev's time. During the Second World War, figurines of paratroopers were hung on branches.

Under Stalin, Christmas tree hockey players and figurines of circus characters were produced. In addition, toys with state symbols were widely distributed, for example, the already mentioned star on top.

Nowadays, it is fashionable to make toys with your own hands. For this, a variety of technologies and materials are used. They are knitted, glued, cut out and combined with these different techniques. Almost every home today has a toy or garland made by the hands of children and their parents.

Another tradition is Christmas gifts. Without them, a holiday is not a holiday. Boxes of different sizes, wrapped in multi-colored paper, are placed under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. And in the morning, these gifts discovered by children will be a source of joy and good mood. The obligatory guests of the New Year's holiday are Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka. It is they who, according to legend, bring gifts to children in a bag.

The image of the fabulous Santa Claus is collective. It was created on the basis of St. Nicholas and the Slavic folklore character Moroz, who personifies winter frosts.

If there are prototypes of Santa Claus in many national cultures, then the Snow Maiden is a purely Russian heritage. She appeared relatively recently. Most likely, it was first mentioned in fairy tales in the 18th century. And in 1873, A.N. Ostrovsky composed the play "The Snow Maiden", where she is depicted as the fair-haired daughter of Father Frost and Spring-Red, dressed in a blue and white hat, fur coat and mittens.

And in 1936, the image of the Snow Maiden received its completed form, when, after the official permission of the holiday, in the manuals for organizing New Year's morning performances, she began to act on a par with Santa Claus.

Features of the celebration

As you know, New Year is a family holiday. On this night, the whole family gathers at the table, various delicacies and treats are prepared. There is such a sign "As you meet the New Year, so you will spend it." Therefore, the table, as a rule, is bursting with a variety of dishes, so that in the coming 365 days such an abundance would be on the table every day. This can also explain the desire to dress in new beautiful outfits.

In the past few years, the celebration of the new year has increasingly been transferred from cozy houses and apartments to cafes and restaurants. In order to have a fun night, hosts are invited to organize contests and offer other interesting entertainment. New Year's tours are also gaining popularity, which make it possible to celebrate this holiday in other cities and even countries.

According to custom, at 11 p.m. on December 31, they see off the outgoing year. The celebration of the new coming year begins at midnight with the chimes and the clink of filled glasses. Many people believe that if you manage to write your cherished desire on a piece of paper, burn it and sip champagne, then it will surely come true.

New Year's mood is also given by television programs and programs dedicated to this holiday. As December 31 approaches, the air is flooded with good old films about the New Year, musical television programs, and fairy tales. Every inhabitant of our country at least once saw the "Irony of Fate", without showing which not a single New Year passes.

"Blue Light" and other musical programs are shown on each channel. The President's speech and his congratulations have the opportunity to watch the whole country. This tradition dates back to 1970, when Leonid Brezhnev spoke to the citizens of the country for the first time.

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine New Year's Eve without festive fireworks. Run it both centrally and privately. Starting from midnight until 1 a.m., multi-colored stars and artificial lights scatter non-stop in the sky.

This action looks especially grandiose in big cities, where they arrange impressive pyrotechnic shows. In addition to fireworks, sparklers are lit in every house and crackers explode. You can read about how to choose the right one.

The use of fireworks, firecrackers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics during the New Year holidays originates in China. It was believed that evil spirits that night, expelled from their former habitats, are looking for a new home.

Having found it, they will cause various troubles and troubles to its owners all year round. And the loud noise and bright lights from gunpowder explosions can scare them away. This tradition has gained wide popularity and spread all over the world.

The celebration of the Old New Year is common only in Russia and some CIS countries. It is celebrated on the night of January 13-14. On this day, according to the Julian calendar, the new year began. In fact, it is an echo of the change of chronology during the transition to the Gregorian style. For Russian people, this is another reason to gather at the festive table.