Pathologies of the nail bed and methods of therapy. Fingernails come off skin

The first impression of a person directly depends on the beauty of nails, hair, hands: whether he is neat, attentive, responsible. Appearance depends on daily habits and cleanliness. Hand problems are mostly related to the state of health, for example, often the nail leaves the skin due to illness, and not just bad habits.

Why does the nail come off

Every girl at least once in her life faced the problem of peeling the nail plate from the bed. This process is medically called onycholysis. Onycholysis is a disease of the nails that is accompanied by inflammation, pain, and possibly even bleeding of the bed. Exists several types of disease:

  1. Kailonhiniya - when the nail departs in the middle;
  2. Onychoshisis - the plate peels off across its growth;
  3. Onychomadesis is the most unpleasant form. The nail comes off from the very base, at the cuticle, which can cause severe inflammation. The whole process is accompanied by suppuration and severe pain.

In addition to this common cause, the nail may be pulling away from the skin. from tight shoes. This is the scourge of young girls, fans of stilettos or running shoes. Now the tendency to build up toenails is becoming more and more popular, it looks beautiful in sandals, but wearing closed shoes or sneakers on such a creation, you will create an unfavorable environment for nails. They will begin to bend and break due to unnatural pressure.

Play a very important role in nail exfoliation physical exercise. If you are engaged in weightlifting, then you need to be prepared for such sad consequences. Also, the plate can move away from a blow to the finger (for example, something was dropped on the hand or the corner was touched with the little finger). In this case, there is a change in the color of the nail, but very rarely the process is accompanied by pain.

The hardest case is onychomycosis or fungus. Most often, with a correct and clean lifestyle, it appears on the little finger, as the most “clamped” finger, gradually moving to all the others. On the legs, its spread is much faster than on the hands; on this limb, the disease is also more difficult to treat. With a fungus, pain is rarely felt, more often itching, an unpleasant smell or discomfort, nails change colors.

Symptoms of onycholysis:

  1. A void appears under a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail. Depending on the place of its occurrence, the type of disease can be diagnosed;
  2. The plate above the empty space changes color. Most often, yellowish shades appear. But at the same time, if there was a bruise, the nail becomes blue, and with a lack of minerals, it turns white;
  3. The lesion can begin both at the tips of the nails (more often) and from the bed (much less often, but more problematic), so any detachment of a couple of millimeters should be suspicious;
  4. Often the process is accompanied by itching. Pain occurs only in the advanced form of onycholysis or with onychomadesis.

Photo - Complete exfoliation of the nail

Video: treatment of nail fungus

How to treat

Before treating the nail, if it moves away from the skin, you need to consult a specialist. If he has already turned yellow, then professional and immediate treatment is needed. Various baths with useful mineral components are often used. They are also suitable for the prevention of disease.

Photo - The nail on the hands departs

Step by step treatment plan:

  1. Cut off the diseased fingernail or toenail with sterile scissors. This should only be done if the operation is possible, i.e. when peeling the tip of the plate;
  2. After that, treat the place of the cut with "Yodicerin", which will not bake;
  3. Prepare a mineral bath based on tea tree and sea salt. It is best to use Himalayan or Dead Sea salt. In a glass of water we take two tablespoons of the mineral and about 5 drops of ether;
  4. We keep our hands in the solution for about 20 minutes, after which we carefully wipe them with a towel;
  5. Now it remains to apply only a soothing cream to the open area near the nail to regenerate and protect the skin. It can be "Bepanten", "Panthenol".

This is an option with the simplest form, which appears due to tight shoes, or a bruise has become the cause of the detachment. If you develop a fungus, trimming your nail can be dangerous because of the chance of spreading spores. It is better to immediately dip your fingers in a bath based on chamomile decoction and sea salt. After that, an antifungal drug prescribed by a doctor should be applied to a clean and dry nail plate. We do not recommend wrapping the nail in this case so that it can “breathe”. It should be noted that even if the symptoms have ceased to bother you, the treatment cannot be stopped. Antifungal creams ("Dermazol", "Clotrimazole" and others) should be used for at least 3 months, and sometimes even a year.

What to do if the nail moves away from the skin - secondary causes:

  1. Watch your diet, try to limit fast food and synthetic additives as much as possible;
  2. Often this disease itself is a symptom of psoriasis of the nail plate, eczema, atopic dermatitis;
  3. At first, avoid taking strong antibiotics;
  4. Get rid of uncomfortable shoes. Believe me, even the most beloved shoes will not be a joy if your nails constantly move away from the skin or a gouty bone appears;
  5. This part of the body is greatly influenced by the general background of the body. Constant stress or lack of sleep can in itself cause the destruction of the plate.

"Onycholysis" is the medical term used to describe detachment of the nail from the nail bed. This phenomenon is usually the result of a fungal infection or traumatic injury to the nail.

The most common cause of nail loss is contagious fungal nail disease. They are caused by various types of dermatophytes - fungi that feed on keratin found in the skin and nails. Dermatophytes can also affect the skin, resulting in tinea pedis.

The problem is that in warm, humid environments, such as those created by shoes and socks, the infection can quickly spread and be transmitted to other nails that are still intact. Often, nail detachment also begins in the patient's family members due to the exchange of hygiene products and the sharing of a shower. In the event of an injury, detachment of the nail from the nail bed most often occurs in people involved in running, football, skating and skiing. The pressure of the boots on the nail causes the skin under the nail to blister and eventually the nail plate to peel off.

If onycholysis is caused by trauma and the nails are bleeding, apply pressure to the nail for five minutes and repeat if necessary.

It is important to note

Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be needed to control pain.

Treating a detached nail at home can often help relieve pain, promote healing, and prevent the spread of infection.

  • Soak the finger with the diseased nail in cold water for 20 minutes after trimming the nails.
  • Trim your nails short at least once a week.
  • Refrain from using nail polish to hide your nails. Otherwise, unwanted moisture can get under the nail and encourage fungal growth or worsen already damaged nails.
  • Change socks daily.
  • Use antiseptics, such as Thymol (Tymol), designed to disinfect and dehydrate the nail plate. They inhibit the development of bacterial infections and fungi by reducing the levels of substances they feed on. Before using such antiseptics, consult a dermatologist.

Prevention of detachment of the nail from the nail bed

Here are some tips to help prevent the occurrence of nail separation from the nail bed.

Tip 1. Wear shoes made from breathable materials.

Tip 2. Wear clean socks made from breathable materials such as cotton and change them daily.

Tip 3. Dry your feet completely after they have come into contact with water.

Tip 4. At the first sign of a nail injury, bandage your toe or seek medical attention.

Tip 5 If possible, wear steel-toed shoes when handling heavy objects.

Tip 6 Shoes should be slightly longer than the toes so that they do not rest on the toe.

Tip 7. If your nail is damaged, you should try to bandage the nail into the nail bed and see a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can try to remove the loose part using nail scissors. Remember that the regrowth of the nail will occur naturally.

Tip 8 If there is pain, discomfort, immobility, swelling, discoloration of the nail, bad smell, discharge, or further detachment of the nail from the nail bed, you should contact a dermatologist immediately. Only he can prescribe the right treatment.

Tip 9. If you need to handle soil, compost and trash, use a pair of dry rubber gloves and turn them inside out to dry after use.

Tip 10. Avoid contact with irritants and moisture. Wear lightweight cotton gloves if you work in damp areas or if your work requires contact with liquid.

Detachment of the nail: what to ask the doctor

Onycholysis may look unpleasant and even scary, but thanks to advances in medical science, nail detachment is treatable.

Here are some questions you can ask your doctor about onycholysis:

  • What home remedies do you recommend?
  • What type of bandage should I use to wrap the nail?
  • How often should the bandage be changed?
  • What caused onycholysis?
  • What should I do if I accidentally tear off a nail completely?
  • How long will a detached nail last before I can return to my normal activities?

Onycholysis - deformation of the nails caused by a disease, leading to discoloration and detachment from the nail bed, with the prospect of their complete loss without timely treatment.

Fingernails and toenails can be affected.

They acquire a yellow, brown or bluish tint, become thinner, become brittle, break easily.

Detachment can be partial or complete, if you observe a slight departure of the nail plate, this does not mean that it will not increase, because the cavity that lifts the nail plate from the finger tissue is gradually growing.

It is easy for women to hide the initial stage of the disease under dark nail polish, but it is dangerous to get carried away, you need to quickly contact a dermatologist or a dermatologist-mycologist.

Clinic and symptoms

Onycholysis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the border separating the healthy and affected part of the nail has an uneven edge;
  • the painful part of the nail becomes whitish, yellowish, yellowish-brown or blue, if the disease is provoked by trauma, the color of the nail may turn purple or black due to the blood accumulated under it;
  • the skin under the injured nail is thickened, the shape of the nail is changed;
  • pain is absent, but if an infection joins the affected tissues, they may appear.


The most common cause of onycholysis is mechanical trauma to the nails. Not always, but very often, detachment of the nail is observed after:

  • impact of the upper phalanx of the finger with the formation of an internal hematoma;
  • burn;
  • self-tearing of the nail plate by patients with onychotillomania (an obsessive desire to destroy their own nails) and onychophagia (biting nails with teeth and hangnails);
  • wearing tight shoes.

The second most common cause is a fungal or staphylococcal infection (30-50% of all cases), in which onycholysis is accompanied by inflammation of the tissues adjacent to the nail.

Less commonly, nails begin to peel off from prolonged contact with allergens (household chemicals, disinfectants, insecticides for insects).

Departure of the nail from the nail plate or its longitudinal separation (onychoshisis) can be the result of:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczemic skin lesions;
  • bullous dermatosis;
  • disrupted work of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems.

Onycholysis is also associated with long-term use of fluoroquinol antibiotics (Tsiprolet, Quintor-250, Ciprofloxacin, Sifloks, Tsiprobay, Tsiprobid, Tsifran).


First, the doctor conducts an external examination of the nails, if a fungal nature of the disease is suspected, an appropriate analysis is prescribed. If the presence of a fungus is not diagnosed, onycholysis can turn into onychomycosis.

If the causes of the disease are hidden in violations of the internal organs, they conduct a study of metabolism or diagnosis “according to the profile” of chronic diseases.

Onycholysis treatment

Successful treatment begins with the correct identification of the causes of the disease!

Occurring after an injury

If the injured nail begins to exfoliate from the edge (marginal onycholysis), it is necessary to carefully and timely cut the nails, protect it from injury and infection with a bactericidal patch.

With significant trauma to the nail (more than 50% of the area), the affected part is removed surgically. Accession of infection is prevented with antiseptic solutions and ointments with antibiotics (synthomycin ointment, heliomycin ointment). If a large hematoma occurs after an injury, it is also removed so as not to attract bacteria and not tear off the nail plate from the base of the nail.

Infectious nature

Fukortsin (Castelani liquid) is used to destroy the infection.

It is applied in its pure form with cotton swabs on the deformed nail and the tissues around it.

When the solution is dry, the diseased areas of the nail and skin are smeared with Oxytetracycline ointment of various concentrations (3% or 5%).

For internal use, vitamins, iron and calcium preparations are prescribed.

allergic nature

First of all, contact with allergens is completely stopped.

To exclude the development of infection, warm baths with potassium permanganate are used once a day (preferably in the evening). As an alternative to manganese, solutions of chrysaborine in chloroform 5% and an alcohol solution of tinol 1% or 2% are used.

Consequences of common diseases

In such cases, local (external) therapy is ineffective, so you should see a specialist in the profile of your disease and follow the course of treatment prescribed by him.

Consequences of taking antibiotics

In addition to local treatment, to prevent infection, it is necessary to quickly restore the intestinal microflora with pharmaceutical preparations (Bifidumbacterin, Baktisubtil, Linex), food (fresh root vegetables, apples, decoctions of rose hips, currants, kefir, fermented baked milk).

To accelerate the growth of healthy nails in case of a disease of any nature, a gelatin solution (10%) is taken as a course 5 times / day for 3 months. And they carry out a daily massage of the hand / foot and fingers with the usual kneading and stroking of soft tissues to enhance their blood supply.

For the treatment of onycholysis on the fingers of the lower extremities, angioprotectors, massage and physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed to enhance blood microcirculation in the extremities.

It is important to protect your fingers from contact with chemicals, but latex, from which gloves are made, is allergic, so be careful!

Help of folk remedies

For disinfection and strengthening of nail plates

  • Warm baths with pure sea salt - 1 tsp. salt: 1 glass of water, spend 2 times / day for 2-3 months.
  • Rubbing warm oils (olive, pumpkin, sea buckthorn) into damaged nails (this is also good for healthy ones). Before going to bed, the oil is rubbed with light movements and left overnight under cotton gloves, polyethylene ones are not suitable due to airtightness. In the morning, hands are washed with warm water and soda, preferably without soap.

To saturate with vitamins

  • Phyto baths with pine needles and chamomile grass. The crushed vegetable raw materials are taken in equal proportions, poured with boiling water at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons: 0.5 tbsp. water. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath for 20 minutes, filtered and mixed with 0.5 cups of brewed green tea. Fingers with diseased nails are immersed in the solution for 20 minutes.

Such baths are also useful for healthy nails - first immerse healthy fingers in the bath, and then sick ones, never vice versa!

To enhance the growth of the nail plates

  • Baths with gelatin. 0.5 tbsp gelatin is poured into a glass of cool water and left for 30 minutes, then heated (on the stove, in the microwave) until it is completely dissolved. The fingertips are immersed in the solution that has cooled to body temperature for 15 minutes, the regularity of the procedure: 3-4 times a week.


It is easy to prevent onycholysis - it is enough to observe hygiene standards and take care of your nails. Protect hands from injuries, exposure to chemicals, household chemicals, insecticides.

If the injury was received and the nail began to deform and exfoliate, consult a doctor as soon as possible to prescribe treatment and exclude tissue infection.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Even in women who carefully monitor the condition of the nails, they can begin to flake off and bring a lot of problems. In this article, you can find out why the nails on the hands exfoliate, what are the reasons for this and the treatment.

General description of the disease

Detachment of the nail is a symptom of a disease called onycholysis. This disease affects the nails, characterized by detachment of the nail plate from the bed. The symptoms of the disease are varied and depend on the causes. The first noticeable symptoms of the disease:

  • the appearance of flashes located between the nail and tissues;
  • discoloration of the nail plate.

The color depends on the cause of the disease, with an infectious lesion - yellow, blue, brown. With non-infectious causes of infection - grayish-white.

When the detachment of the nail from the nail bed has not yet begun, but it has acquired a different color, the girls ignore the problem and pick up the varnish. A minor defect in appearance after a while leads to serious consequences.

Causes of detachment of the nail

There are 7 main causes of detachment of the nail plate:

  1. Mechanical damage. A frequent phenomenon, accompanied by an inflammatory reaction when it enters the damaged area of ​​​​a secondary infection, the formation of a hematoma.
  2. Aggressive substances, household chemicals. When exposed, they provoke rejection of the plate, discoloration, tissue necrosis. Household chemicals are a common cause of nail plate rejection as a result of an allergic reaction. With allergies, the clinical picture is complemented by symptoms of an inflammatory reaction.
  3. Antibiotics. The use of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone, when used excessively, causes onycholysis.
  4. Fungus, pyogenic bacteria. In 30-60% of cases, exfoliation of fingernails is caused by the pathogenic action of these microorganisms. Among the pyogenic bacteria that cause onycholysis, streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus are common.
  5. Chronic diseases. Long-term negative impact on the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems, endocrine organs is the reason for the peeling of the plates.
  6. Skin diseases. Eczema, allergic, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, cause a lack of intake of substances necessary for the nail plate to develop fully.
  7. Manicure. Poorly done work with damage to the nail plate can provoke detachment of the nail plate.

Infectious and non-infectious causes of the disease provoke the appearance of symptoms characteristic of them, which differ from the general clinical picture. Depending on the reasons, the detachment of the plate is accompanied by a change in the color of the plastic, suppuration, and edema.


When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should contact a dermatologist. After a laboratory or instrumental examination, the cause of the disease will be clarified, on the basis of which the method of treatment will be determined.

When the nail plate exfoliates, a complex of drugs is prescribed that provides an active influx of mineral and nutrients for the development and growth of a healthy nail:

  • vitamin A, B, C;
  • calcium, iron;
  • gelatin solutions.

For local treatment, warm baths with the addition of potassium permanganate are used. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day, until the cure. After a bath on the thumb, or others that are affected by the disease, a lotion is made from synthomycin ointment. If necessary, the ointment is replaced with a 2% alcohol solution of tinol. Massage and other physiotherapy procedures improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected limb.

In case of serious mechanical injuries, voluminous necrotic areas, surgical intervention is necessary to remove the nail plastic and dead tissues.

For your information. Timely disposal of small areas of necrotic tissue located under the plate will avoid surgical intervention.

If the nails of the hand exfoliate due to a fungal infection, antifungal drugs, ointments and solutions are prescribed. In chronic diseases, dermatitis, complex treatment is necessary to eliminate the underlying pathology and substances that strengthen the nail plate.

It is easy to remove the consequences of mechanical damage by observing the hygiene of the nail plates, cutting off the protruding edges and sticking an antibacterial patch, which prevents a secondary infection from penetrating under the plate.

Detachment of nails on the hands - the reason for direct contact with aggressive substances, or household chemicals? Avoid contact with these substances by using rubber gloves. Taking care of your nails in time, avoiding direct contact with household chemicals, mechanical damage, you can protect your nails from delamination. Remember that prevention is easier than cure.

Detachment of the nail from the nail bed is also called onycholysis. Some do not give due attention to this disease, although the problem is quite serious - ignoring treatment leads to a neglected form and hard-to-remove gross defects of the nail plates.

What happens with onycholysis?

Onycholysis - detachment of the nail plate

Delamination- violation of the integrity of the nail plates. Under their surface are formed hollow glimpses, which causes the nails to separate from the soft tissues of the fingers.

There is complete or partial color change nail plates. They can become pale yellow, whitish-gray, less often bluish or brown. At first peeling is only top of the nail or its sides, then, as the disease progresses, the defect reaches its grounds- the entire surface moves away from the nail bed. But most often, it does not come to this, and the nail plate is not completely separated.

Possible diseases with exfoliation of nails

Detachment of the nail plate can be observed in some diseases, both chronic and acute. The most frequent are:

These are systemic diseases. Onycholysis is also characteristic of:

Causes of onycholysis

The causes of detachment of the nail plate can be various factors such as infectious, and non-infectious nature.

chemical factor of peeling nails

Non-infectious causes:

  1. Chemical - the disease manifests itself with frequent contact with household chemicals without the use of gloves or other substances. Such a tool may be washing powder, nail polish, liquid for removing it.
  2. Mechanical - various injuries: a strong blow, dissection, squeezing, the habit of biting nails. In such cases, a hematoma (accumulation of blood) forms under the nail, which must be removed as soon as possible.
  3. Allergy.Such a reaction can be caused by the same household products, latex, nail polish. Often their peeling can be observed after coating with gel polish, which is popular today, but often causes allergies.
  4. Medications.This includes some groups of antibacterial drugs, most often the cause of nail exfoliation is treatment with fluoroquinolones.
  5. Manicure and pedicurecarried out incorrectly at home is also a common cause of onycholysis. Nails can begin to delaminate if they are not carefully cut, which leads to deformation, and also when filing them, keep the file not perpendicular to the nail plate, but at an angle, move the tool in different directions.

Onycholysis can be provoked by hormonal fluctuations, vitamin deficiencies and stressful situations.

Infectious causes include. In 40% of cases, onycholysis is caused by the first microorganisms. Getting on the nail plates, they destroy it, the nails begin to exfoliate and break.

Vitamin deficiency

And various macro- and microelements can also provoke detachment of the nail plate. Their shortage usually occurs when eating meager food.

The diet must contain foods high in iron, calcium, zinc. Ideal fish containing also large amounts of magnesium, vitamin D, phosphorus without which the absorption of calcium is impossible.

Vitamins are important for nail health B, A and E contained in apples, butter and sunflower oil, seeds, fermented milk products, nuts.

Also in the diet should be the presence of protein foods, vegetables and fruits, containing silicon, amino acids, zinc and folic acid.

Types and pathogens of onycholysis

Depending on the cause that caused onycholysis, the following types are distinguished:

Diagnosis of onycholysis

examination by a dermatologist

If you find a peeling of the nail plate, you should contact a dermatologist to determine the cause of this problem. If during the diagnostic process the doctor finds concomitant diseases, he will refer the patient to another specialist. This is necessary in order to eliminate the factors that provoke onycholysis.

At the first appointment, the dermatologist visually examines the nail plates. It happens that the doctor immediately sends the patient for analysis (scraping), which reveals the type of pathogen. After that, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

If the examination of the nails did not reveal the cause of their exfoliation, diagnostic methods such as:

  • sampling that determine the presence of fungus, staphylococci and streptococci;
  • blood analysis in order to assess the general condition of the body.

Other instrumental and laboratory diagnostics are not excluded, the choice of which is based on the most probable cause of onycholysis.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of onycholysis depend on the cause that caused it.

In case of a disease that occurs after a nail injury, it may be noted:

  • pain syndrome;
  • hematoma formation;
  • discoloration and weakening of the nail plate;
  • bleeding.

If onycholysis is caused by an infection, you may experience:

  • redness of the tissues around the nail plate;
  • sensation of pain;
  • bad smell;
  • discharge from under the nail plate.

Symptoms common to all types of onycholysis:

  • unevenness, change in the border line dividing the nail plate into pink and white parts;
  • the skin under the nail thickens;
  • pain occurs only with secondary infection, due to the ingress of microorganisms under the departed nail plate.

Treatment and preparations for exfoliation of nails

Onycholysis is a fairly persistent disease, it cannot be cured in a short period of time. Elimination of symptoms can occur only after the complete regrowth of the nail..

The task of treatment- stop the detachment and eliminate its main cause. Therefore, complex therapy is used to get rid of onycholysis. The sequence of action upon detection of detachment of the nail plate:

  • Dermatologist visitand, if necessary, a specialist doctor (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, and others) to eliminate the underlying disease as the cause of onycholysis. It is imperative to follow the prescribed treatment.
  • Dieting,including products with the necessary vitamins and minerals, a large number of protein foods, food containing gelling agents.
  • Performing finger massageto enhance blood circulation.
  • for nails with the addition of potassium permanganate. After such procedures on the affected nails synthomycin or heliomycin ointment is applied, fixed with a bandage and plaster, the compress is left overnight.

If health problems have been discovered that have caused the splitting of the nails, local therapy will not work. In such cases, the underlying diseases should be treated:

  • At psoriasis or eczema are often treated with corticosteroids, eliminating the inflammatory process.
  • In cases bacterial infection of the nails,caused by staphylococci are prescribedantibiotics.
  • Fungal infections require different treatment . To eliminate them, topical preparations are used, including imidazole and allylamine . There are also medicines that fight the fungus, for ingestion, they are called systemic antimycotics . These include Griseofulfin, Terbinafine, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Intraconazole . Such drugs are taken exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, as they have many contraindications and side effects. The course of treatment lasts from 3 months to a year , continuous therapy. The doctor may also recommend baths with the addition of salt, soda. A new treatment for fungal detachment of the nail plate is laser, aimed specifically at the pathogen under the stratum corneum. With deformation of the nail plate and severe pain syndrome, the specialist may advise the removal of the nail plate.
  • If detachment of the nail caused by an allergy, an irritant is determined . Contact with this substance is completely prevented. In some situations, a specialist prescribes immunotherapy to reduce or eliminate allergies.
  • With detachment of the nail plates that appeared after antibiotic therapy , it is necessary to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora. This can help natural dairy products . After the intestinal microflora returns to normal, the exfoliation of the nails will stop.

First aid for nail injury

Hematoma - bruised nail

In the event of a finger injury, as soon as possible put your hand or foot under a stream of cold water. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of a hematoma under the nail, which provokes exfoliation of the nail plate. In the cold, the injured limb must be kept at least 15 minutes to constrict blood vessels and relieve pain.

To avoid edema, an iodine mesh is applied to the skin and a compressive bandage is applied. This will minimize the risk of the nail moving away from the nail bed.

puncture to release blood from a hematoma

If a hematoma has formed, you should consult a doctor for minor surgery: a small hole is made in the nail so that the blood accumulated under it comes out.

If it is impossible to visit a specialist, you can try to carry out these manipulations at home, subject to complete sterility. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and treat the bruise with an antiseptic solution, take a sterile needle, heat it on fire. Having made a hole in the nail plate, remove blood from under it. Then re-treat the nail.

If a detachment of the nail plate occurs due to injury, the following steps must be taken immediately:

  • First you need disinfect tweezersor nail scissors. Cut off the exfoliating part with them (if it is at the tip of the nail).
  • Treat the nail plate and tissues around it antiseptic solution (iodine, chlorhexidine).
  • In 250 ml of water, add sea salt in the amount of 2 tablespoons, tea tree oil (5 drops), pour the solution into a basin, lower the injured limb there. Take a bath for 20 minutes then pat dry with a towel.
  • Apply a cream with soothing and regenerating properties to the damaged area. ("Bepanten"). Repeat these procedures for several days.
  • In order to prevent bacteria and fungi from growing under the exfoliated nail plate, daily hygiene of hands and feet should be observed.

The video discusses in detail the puncture of the nail with a bruise.

Treatment with folk remedies

Methods of alternative medicine are used as additional, for symptomatic treatment and disinfection.

orange juice with salt

A good remedy for strengthening nails is a solution of orange juice, a tablespoon of salt and 60 ml of warm mineral water. 5 drops of iodine are added to these components. Everything is mixed up. Keep your fingers in this mixture for at least 10 minutes.

Kombucha has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You can make a porridge out of it. Take a small part, cleared of films. Shred it. The resulting mass is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

A few additional ways to treat a bruised nail at home in the video.

Measures to prevent detachment of the nail plate

To prevent such a disease as onycholysis, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You need to wear only those shoes that "breathe".
  2. Socks should be chosen from materials that have high breathability (cotton). They should be changed every day.
  3. Do not wear tight shoes.
  4. After contact with water, dry hands or feet.
  5. When working with household chemicals, always put on gloves and then dry.
  6. It is necessary to properly organize food, excluding canned, fatty and spicy foods. Essential Foods – High Content vitamins A, B, D, E, calcium and micro-, macroelements, contributing to its absorption, polyunsaturated acids.
  7. Treat with antibiotics as little as possible.
  8. Be sure to treat chronic diseases in the acute phase.
  9. Avoid stressful situations, overwork, lack of sleep.

Thus, if preventive measures were not observed and symptoms of onycholysis appeared, you should seek the advice of a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe adequate complex therapy. Self-treatment in this case should not be allowed, since there are many reasons for the detachment of the nail plates, and it is impossible to establish them on your own.