Gloves for men - knitted product. Learning to knit gloves master classes mk knitting needles

Gloves are knitted in a circle on 5 knitting needles No. 2 from the “Competitive” yarn - Pekhorka in 2 threads, 150 gr. (3 pairs of gloves take 5 skeins of 100 g each.) You need to stock up on safety pins in advance for temporarily removing loops - 10 pieces.

Before knitting, you need to put your palm on a sheet of paper and circle the pen strictly perpendicularly. You can circle the left and right hands separately, but the right one is enough. What is it for? Gloves sold in stores are knitted on standard hands and often do not take into account the anatomy of real people: - then the thumb is tied strictly on the side of the glove, while the thumb muscle in most people is attached in the middle of the palm and the finger is more likely to bend towards the palm; - then the fingers of the gloves (for the index, middle, ring and little fingers) begin at the same level, although such people are extremely rare. That is why gloves sit best on the hands when they are knitted for a particular person.

In addition to the palm drawing, several measurements still need to be taken:
1. The girth of the wrist, in this case - 19 cm;
2. The circumference of the palm, in this case - 22 cm;
3. It does not hurt to measure the thickness of the fingers (at the widest point), in our case - 8; 7.5; 7.5; 7 and 7 cm.
It is better to put all measurements on the drawing so that they are at hand. The knitting density and the required number of loops are determined along the circumference of the palm. For gloves of this size, 44 loops are typed on these knitting needles from these threads.

Description of knitting gloves

Cuff - 44 loops are typed on 4 knitting needles, fit 7 cm with an elastic band 1x1.
Palm - after the cuff, the knitting of the palm of the front stitch begins, but in the very first row I reduced 4 loops (1 on each knitting needle knitting the front with the wrong side together with the front), it turns out 40 loops. In the next row, on one of the knitting needles (you decided to knit the left or right glove first), knitting a wedge for the thumb begins. The addition is made by 2 reverse yarns between 9 and 10 loops in each 3rd row (see figure - thumb of the left hand, for the right hand - symmetrically between 1 and 2 loops). Referring to the pattern of the palm, we determine the height of the wedge for the thumb (on the remaining knitting needles, knitting with front stitch without additions).

Circuit Loop Symbols

= double crochet;

Upon reaching the desired height, slip on safety pins all the loops of the wedge for the thumb, including 9 and 10 loops (for the right glove 1 and 2) for further knitting of the thumb (14 loops in total). To compensate, dial 2 air loops over the pins and continue knitting on 4 knitting needles (10 loops each) until the gap between the little finger and ring finger is reached.
According to the calculated knitting density, 16 loops are needed for one finger (in the described embodiment). 6 loops for the little finger are removed on safety pins from the knitting needle opposite the thumb, and 6 loops from the adjacent knitting needle. To fill the gap between the little finger and the ring finger, we collect 4 air loops. The distribution of the loops of the finger-knitting glove and the number of additional loops are shown in the table.

Distribution of glove loops when knitting fingers

Since the little finger is closer to the base of the palm than the index, middle and ring fingers, we knit 2 more rows with the loops available on the knitting needles 40-6-6 + 4 = 32 (referring to the pattern of the hand), for the free movement of the little finger.
After knitting two rows for three fingers, 12 loops for the index finger, and 12 loops for the ring finger (with 4 additional loops of the gap between the fingers) are removed on safety pins. For the gaps between the middle and index and middle and ring fingers, 4 more air loops are typed.

Middle finger - the resulting 16 loops are knitted on 4 knitting needles to the required length (referring to the pattern). Closing the finger is done by knitting two stitches together on each needle, the remaining 4 loops are gathered together, fastened, the thread breaks.
Forefinger - to the 12 loops removed from the safety pins, we collect 4 more loops from the same air loops of the gap between the middle and index fingers. Cast on 16 stitches are distributed on 4 needles. The index finger is performed similarly to the middle finger.
Ring finger - the existing 12 loops are removed on the knitting needles, 4 more loops are dialed to them from the same air loops of the gap between the ring and middle fingers, then everything is done as for the middle finger.
Little finger - 12 loops are removed from the safety pins on the knitting needles, 4 more loops are cast on from the air loops of the gap between the little finger and the ring finger. Further - as for the rest of the fingers.
Thumb - we remove 14 loops from the safety pins on the knitting needles, we collect 6 more loops: 2 of 2 air loops made over the wedge for the thumb and 2 from the gap between the removed and air loops. We distribute the resulting 20 loops on 4 knitting needles and knit 3 rows, after which we decrease 1 time on each knitting needle (2 together front). This trick will allow the thumb to move freely. Next, from 16 loops, we knit the thumb to the desired length, we complete the finger in the same way as the rest.

The second glove is done in the same way.

The ends of the threads on each finger are crocheted to the inside and fixed.


Determine the location of the rest of the fingers. To do this, divide the total number of loops by 8. If not divided, distribute the remainder evenly between all fingers. From the number of loops for the ring finger, subtract two and give them to the index finger. If your thumb is on the second knitting needle, then the little finger will be on the fourth and first. On the fourth needle, knit half of the loops assigned to this finger with the main viscous, and remove the rest untied on a pin or additional thread. If the number of loops is odd, knit a smaller part of them. On another pin, remove the loops from the first knitting needle - half or one less. After that, on the fourth knitting needle we make 4 air loops and with it we knit the loops remaining on the first knitting needle. Thus, four knitting needles remain in - three are located, the fourth is working. Continue knitting in a circle - to the base of the index finger. The index finger is knitted first. It is on the first spoke. Knit fingers on three, divide the number of loops by three, the “extra” can be added to any knitting needle. Knit half of the loops from the first knitting needle, transfer the rest to a pin. Divide remaining stitches evenly over 2 needles. Cast on 4 air loops and knit another loop on it from the next knitting needle. Knit the finger in a circle to the middle of the nail and begin to decrease the loops, knitting two loops at the end of each knitting needle together with the “reverse” front one. Decrease until there are two stitches left on each needle. Break the thread, thread it in, remove the knitting needles and pull the needle and thread through the loops. Pull and pull the end of the thread to the wrong side. After the index, knit. The initial number of loops is assigned to it, plus 8 loops from the jumpers. It is convenient to introduce another knitting needle into the work. Knit in the same way as the index finger. For the ring finger, transfer the loops from the pin or on an additional thread to the knitting needles. You should get the original number of loops plus two more. Divide them into four needles. Knit in the same way as the index and middle fingers. For the little finger, the loops set aside for it are transferred to the knitting needles and 4 more loops are cast on from the jumper with the ring finger. the same number of loops on the upper edge of the hole as there were air loops, and knit in the same way as the rest of the fingers.

Fold-over gloves, or as they are also called mittens, knitted from warm yarn, will always look relevant. Their popularity lies in the high level of comfort. Initially, this style was invented for market sellers who were uncomfortable working with gloves, and without them it is very cold.

Workers found a way out of the situation by cutting off the tips of standard gloves. But, the fingertips were still cold. Therefore, it was decided to create an additional folding top, which allows not only to confidently count money and take various goods, but also protect the palm from the cold.

The ability to quickly release fingers was not only liked by market sellers. Now flip-top gloves can be found not only in adults, but also in children. In this case, such a model can be connected independently.

How to start knitting gloves with opening fingers?

First of all, to make transformer gloves with your own hands, you need to collect all the tools for work. For experienced and novice needlewomen, the following will come in handy when needleworking:

  • spokes in the amount of 5 units;
  • Yarn– 1-2 skeins of 140 g each (acrylic, acrylic with wool). You can take skeins of different colors;
  • Needle. It is necessary in order to put together all the elements.

Attention! The size of the needles should match the thickness of the yarn. For the winter period, a denser yarn is used, which means the size of the knitting needles will be from 4 to 4.5 mm. The product for the spring-autumn period will be made with a thin thread. So, 2.5 mm knitting needles are useful in work.

For ease of use, the folding top of the transforming gloves can be fixed. To do this, a small button is sewn on the back of the hand. And on the folding top - a loop.

Some craftswomen separately knit a fixing elastic band. It has the appearance of a thinly knitted flap that will be sewn on both sides and will act as a convertible top retainer.

General job description

The flip-top gloves will be made up of three parts: a base in the form of a back and front, a flip top and five fingers. Work begins with the creation of the foundation. Then they move on to knitting fingers and creating a folding top.

On a note! The technology of knitting gloves with a folding top is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The only important thing is to monitor the density of knitting. In this case, all parts will be symmetrical and well connected to each other.

The folding top must be tied as tightly as possible. It is important that it fits well on the fingers, which will provide warmth in cold weather.

Gloves can be plain or patterned. Both options can be additionally decorated with buttons or sequins. When creating a model for a child, it is important to pay due attention to the elastic band. It should fit snugly around the wrist, otherwise the child may lose gloves.

Main stages of work

Determine the size:

  1. Draw a hand on a piece of paper;
  2. We measure the girth of the wrist - usually 15.5-18 cm. We will count on an average of 17 cm;
  3. We measure the girth at the widest point of the arm. We will rely on an average of 18 cm;
  4. We measure the distance from the beginning of the thumb to the base of the hand - usually 6-8 cm;
  5. We fix the number from the beginning of the little finger to the base of the hand - 9-10 cm;
  6. Measurement from the base of the thumb to the base of the hand is about 10 cm.
  7. Based on these measurements, we form a control sample, in which 2 loops should be 1 cm.

Important! All measurements must be taken with the arm relaxed. It is important to fix the numbers with a small margin of 0.5 cm so that it is not tight.

For beginner needlewomen who knit gloves with cut-off needles for the first time, it is better to knit with light threads. On dark yarn, knit and purl loops are hard to see, so you can get confused.

We start knitting gloves with open fingers

  1. We collect 36 loops and divide them equally into 4 knitting needles;
  2. We knit in a circle with an elastic band (1 front, 1 purl);
  3. With a marker, leave a note of the beginning of the row. We knit an elastic band 5-6 cm wide. It is possible more if there is a desire to make the cuffs long;
  4. As soon as the cuffs are finished, we begin to knit with facial loops. On each knitting needle, you need to add one loop;
  5. So we knit three rows;
  6. After we form a wedge for the thumb. If we knit gloves for the right hand, then at the beginning of the first knitting needle we make a crochet, for the left hand - at the end of the fourth knitting needle we make a crochet.
  7. We knit three rows with front stitch;
  8. On the fourth row, add a loop, knit three loops and make another loop;
  9. The remaining three rows are knitted with stitch;
  10. In the next row we form a yarn over, knit 5 loops, add a loop;
  11. Three rows knit stitch. We start a row with a crochet, we form 7 facial ones and again a crochet;
  12. We form three rows of satin stitch;
  13. In the same way, we knit further and form a wedge for the thumb to the end;
  14. We remove 11 loops on a pin or knitting needle. We distribute them in half;
  15. We begin to decrease the loops (we knit the last loops from the quadruple and the first knitting needle together) until the wedge leaves. It is necessary to reach the level of the little finger.

Stage of finger formation

We knit a folding top of transformer gloves
  • We turn the glove over with the back side and in the designated place we collect about 25 loops;
  • We form an edge loop, turn the glove over (upside down) and knit with purl rows;
  • We put two knitting needles together and form another 25 loops;
  • There will be 51 loops in total. We knit the loops formed from the glove with the front surface, the rest - with an elastic band;

Important! To make the edge of the elastic band neat, it is necessary to turn over all the loops in the first row of the elastic band before knitting.

  • So we knit 5 rows and begin to decrease, gradually knitting two loops together in each row.
  • We connect the folding part together.
Knitting the thumb
  • We tie the thread and form 6 loops;
  • We remove the remaining loops from the pins and distribute the loops on the knitting needles;
  • We knit several rows along the length of the thumb;
  • At the end of the loop, gradually remove and tighten the edge.

Gloves (mitts) with a folding top can be an original and useful gift for a loved one. This accessory will appeal to all ages. The product is much warmer than the classic version of gloves and will protect your hands even on the coldest day.

Video: Glove mittens with a flap

Gloves are an indispensable accessory in cold seasons. They come in different sizes, colors, with a variety of patterns. But how to knit gloves with knitting needles on your own, to your taste and according to individual size? For many, this is a daunting task. If you want to learn how to knit gloves with your own hands, then our article will interest you. In our master class you will learn how to knit warm gloves with a beautiful edge. They are easy to perform, and step-by-step instructions and videos will help you understand the technique of knitting them.

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Photo gallery: Warm women's knitting gloves

Yarn: Ram Angora, 40% mohair, 60% acrylic, 100 g / 500 m, color 512
Yarn consumption: 80 g
Knitting tools: set of five needles size 2.5 mm, hook 1.6 mm, two pins
Knitting density of the main knitting: 1 cm = 3.3 loops
Product size: palm girth = 17cm
Palm length = 10cm

Knitted warm gloves - step by step instructions

  1. Cast on 20 sts for the sample and knit a few cm in stocking pattern, measure the width.
  2. Knitting density: 20 loops / 6 cm = 3.3 loops in one cm.
  3. Loops for knitting palm circumference: 3.3 loops * 17 cm = 56.1. This number must be a multiple of 4 in this case equals 56 stitches.
  4. On one knitting needle you need: 56 loops / 4 knitting needles = 14 loops.
  1. For one finger you need: 56 loops / 4 knitting needles = 14 loops. Since the fingers are different, you need to add 1 loop to the middle and index fingers, and subtract 1 loop from the little finger and ring finger. For a girth between the fingers, cast on two additional loops.
  2. (14+1)+2=17 sts on index finger.
  3. (14 + 1) + 4 = 19 sts on middle finger.
  4. (14 - 1) +4 = 17 sts on ring finger.
  5. (14 - 1) + 2 = 15 loops on the little finger.
  6. Middle finger sts + 3 = 22 thumb sts.

Product edge

The gum pattern report consists of 6 loops: 2 front loops, 4 purl.


The pattern report consists of 6 loops.

  • 1st row: 2 persons., 1 out., 2 persons., 1 out.
  • 2nd row: 2 persons., 1 out., yarn over, turn 2 loops over and tie together the front crossed, 1 out.
  • 3rd row: 2 persons., 1 out., 2 persons., 1 out.
  • 4th row: 2 persons., 1 out., 2 persons. knit together, yarn over, 1 out., 2 persons., 1 out. Thus, knit another 4.5 cm.

The technique of knitting 2 inverted loops together with the front crossed is shown in the video below.

glove base

Knitting finger gloves

Please note: the knitting pattern of the second glove is similar to the first, only the additions for the thumb must be done on the third knitting needle, and the little finger should be knitted on the other side. Both gloves must be symmetrical.

Now the glove needs to be turned out and all the threads fastened, slightly steamed with an iron or through a damp cloth.

Warm gloves with knitting needles are ready. The knitting process is quite painstaking, but the result is worth it.

In the cold season, you need to take care of such a piece of clothing as gloves. Of course, it is always easier to buy them in a store or on the market. And what if you try to make your own hands. Such a product will be pleasant to wear. After all, in addition, it will warm the thought that it is the result of your work. In addition, it will be a great gift for loved ones. You can make them in different ways. The fastest and most convenient stocking needles. There is only one problem for beginners or already pros.

Having understood the principle of needlework, you can provide the whole family with this wardrobe item. In addition, knitting products is not only an opportunity to create something original and original, but also to escape from everyday problems and worries.

The fashion for gloves, as well as for do-it-yourself, originated in the 16th century in Spain. In Russia, they gained popularity in the 20th century. This garment is practical and comfortable to wear. They were especially widely used among the sports part of the population. In the 21st century, they began to decorate with embroidery, beads and other accessories. It is better to make this wardrobe item from acrylic wool. She will not sit down after washing, she does not shed. The skin in this material breathes and is provided with warmth. An excellent addition to them can be a scarf or the same color.

  1. The secret to neat clothes that fit nicely on the hand is to use fine wool for knitting gloves and knitting needles.
  2. Make gloves a centimeter narrower in width. Then they will fit, not big.
  3. Before starting work, take measurements of your hand.
  4. We measure the width just above the thumb. The height from the hand to the base of the thumb, forefinger, little finger.
  5. To calculate the number of loops, you need to multiply their number in one centimeter by the arm circumference, doubled. Or calculate the density horizontally.
  6. Gloves for a child or yourself can be knitted from the bottom up or from the top down.

glove hand measurements

It is better for beginners to learn a lesson on how to knit gloves with knitting needles from small things. Consider the example of gloves for children with five knitting needles for a hand with a girth of 13 centimeters:

Children's gloves

  1. We begin to knit gloves for four fingers, except for the first. To do this, dial 6 loops. Used: facial, purl, smooth surface.
  2. Then we distribute them in 2 pieces for 3 needles and stretch them in turn with the front surface. The number of bends will become 2 times more, since in the second row of loops you need to get more facial ones. We knit each cut according to the size. The little finger is 3.6 cm, the ring and middle 5 cm, the index 4.5 cm. Then the work is transferred to other knitting needles, and the resulting fingers are sewn up.
  3. We place our fingers on 4 tools. Two on one side, two on the other. We continue our business from the little finger. We knit the loops that go from the fingers together and work in turn with the front surface until the moment when it is necessary to make the thumb.
  4. He knits just like the rest. Height 3 cm, you need to add a couple of times through the line one loop at a time.
  5. When it is ready, attach it to the main knitting. Decrease the number of loops at the beginning and end, as well as 4 loops at the base.
  6. Next, through the strip, we prepare a loop of the thumb with the place of the palm, on the other hand with the back.
  7. Now we knit an elastic band.
  8. We do the second thing in the same way.

The hand circumference of this example is 20 cm. Let's look at a sample of a woman's glove from hand to fingers step by step.

Rubber. For you will need 52 loops that need to be spread on knitting needles. There will be 13 lines in the elastic, they can be knitted in different colors.

Base of the thumb. On the left hand we make an increase on the fourth mace at the end of the row, for the right hand at the beginning. Let's say you started knitting a women's glove for the right hand. First we make a crochet, through the loop again a sketch. Then stocking knitting. In each row, add two bends, plus double crochet, and so on alternately until the beginning of the first finger, when you knit 6 cm in height. After that, the bends are transferred to the pins. Seven pieces on one, six on the other. We connect with knitting another needle, on which you need to get six loops.

Knitting pattern for high gloves

Now decrease the knitting of the glove by knitting two loops together until one remains. Make three more strips before the beginning of the little finger. Knitting is divided into eight parts, four on each side. You should have 13 stitches. All fingers are different in width, so leave 13 for the little and middle fingers, 15 for the index, and 11 for the fourth. Begin to make each cut for the fives separately. If you started with the index needle, make 4 loops on the first knitting needle, 4 on the second, 5 on the third, and throw the other five to the next.

Starting from the nail, you need to reduce to rounding. On 1 and 3 knitting sticks at the beginning of the row, on 2 and 4 at the end. We finish until there are 6 bends left. We connect them together.

Similarly, we knit the rest of the limbs of the arm. For the middle finger, 19 loops should remain, for the ring finger 17, for the little finger 16. To knit the thumb for the glove, you need to dial five loops on two stocking needles. The last three loops are made with another knitting needle, plus loops from the edge of the thumb go to them. For the fourth knitting needle, loops are cast on from the base material. Then we knit a glove as usual. The second glove is made in the same way as the first, but remember that it will be a mirror image. This is how we learned how to knit gloves for women for beginners in this business.

Pay attention to the photo. Such a do-it-yourself knitted model of mittens has recently been very fashionable and comfortable, especially for those who drive a car.

Self-tied mittens

Fashionistas can not hide their beautiful manicure in them. Making this type of clothing for hands is as easy as shelling pears, since you do not need to bother with your fingers. Just start knitting with an elastic band, and we knit the places where the five should begin, with a column.

And how to knit gloves with knitting needles for men? The principle of knitting is the same as for women. Here is the instruction and diagram. We collect 64 loops and scatter in an equal amount on 4 knitting needles. The first two needles will be for the top of the glove, the other two for the palm. We make an elastic band of 35 rows. With the third and fourth knitting needles we knit pigtails, which will consist of 27 loops. The rest of the work is done on the outside.

After 22 rows, slip 8 loops onto a pin to make a hole for the thumb. Make a sketch of 8 air loops. This is for the top of the finger. Knit in pattern and stockinette stitch alternately. On the 26th lane there are only external snares. They are distributed to the rest of the fingers.

To knit the second finger for the men's glove, remove 16 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle. Plus, add 4 more loops, it turns out 20. Distribute 8 on two knitting needles and 12 on the third. You need to knit around to the middle of the nail. Then you begin to decrease, knitting two loops as one. When 2 loops remain, finish knitting by tightening and cutting the thread from the inside.

For the third finger, take 8 loops from the top and bottom of the glove. Pull 4 loops from the base of the index finger, and add 3 air loops to the side of the fourth finger. Divide the loops on three knitting needles. Knit like a forefinger.

For the nameless one, take 4 loops from the base of the middle one, and from the side of the little finger, make a crochet of two air ones.

The first finger is knitted with 8 snares from the pins and add 14 from the beginning. Walk with wet ironing on the finished product.

In order to master the technique of knitting and knitting, you can watch a master class of some experienced master in this matter. Before choosing a tool, decide for what business you are purchasing it. As it turned out, for the manufacture of gloves you will need hosiery knitting needles. They come in packs of 5. The loops are scattered for 4, and the fifth is the work. They are different in width and length. Don't forget the accessory needles. They will be your helpers. To prevent the loops from blooming, throw knitting on them.

If you have never done this skill, try with small models, mittens for kids will come in handy. Carefully study the patterns of knitting gloves. Calculate how much yarn you will need. Better buy it with a margin. Suddenly this will no longer be on sale in the near future. In case of shortage, you can alternate with other threads. If you are making things for children, then knit from top to bottom so that you can dissolve and add size if possible. After all, they grow very quickly.

It should be remembered that knitted things require a careful attitude. Firstly, there should be a delicate wash, and secondly, proper storage.

Wash things by hand or on a gentle cycle, avoiding mechanical stress. Rinse clothes well, otherwise the powder may ruin the color. Dry flat to avoid warping. When ironing, put a damp cloth and steam the product through it.

Dry it well before putting it away in the closet. Store in stacks, but not tightly packed. If they have strings, don't cut them off. Crochet or knit to the wrong side and secure. Remove the pellets with a specially designed brush.

Now you know everything about gloves, including how to knit them yourself. Additionally, we suggest watching a video on knitting other models of gloves.