Plan-summary of the lesson on the topic: Modeling and designing from paper. Modular origami. How to Make Simple Modular Origami Origami Mockups

Plan - lesson summary: Modeling and designing from paper.

Modular origami.

Prepared and conducted by D. V. Zhirnova

MBOU secondary school №14

Plan - lesson summary

Theme: Modular origami.

The order of folding the Chinese module.

Objectives: To teach how to fold the Chinese module according to the scheme, select the size of paper cutting for each selected origami craft, cultivate accuracy, develop creativity, the ability to solve problems outside the box, develop aesthetic taste, develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Object of labor: A4 colored paper.

Interdisciplinary connections: (Russian language: vocabulary development, correct interpretation and spelling of the term "module", terms of handicrafts when working with paper, stories: historical events related to the art of origami,

Methodological equipment: paper, practical guide "Origami", "Rules for safe work in manual work, instruction card" Order of folding the Chinese module", poster "Terminology of manual work with paper".

During the classes

    Organizational work:

- control of attendance;

Checking the readiness of students for the lesson;

2. Updating knowledge

3. Presentation of new material:

Demonstration of crafts in the technique of modular origami

From the history of origami - a story

Description of crafts, color, shape, size.

Recording the basic information of the lesson in the workbook, sketching the Chinese folding scheme

4. Introductory briefing

Acquaintance with paper folding techniques for the Chinese module;

Familiarization with the dimensions of paper cutting for the Chinese module;

Analysis according to the instruction card of paper folding techniques;

Acquaintance with the rules of labor safety in manual work;

5. Independent practical work on practicing paper folding techniques.

6. Current briefing:

Checking the organization of the workplace and compliance with safety regulations when working with paper;

Checking the correctness of the methods. And technological sequence;

Checking students' self-control and mutual control.

7, Conducting a physical education session.

8. Fixing the new material:

Ability to describe the model;

Student message: "History of origami. Japan is the country of origami.

The choice of individual crafts and the preparation of an operational map.

9. Final briefing:

Summarizing; - analysis of typical errors, their causes and methods of correction;

Demonstration of the best works;

Reporting and commenting on the assessment of the work of each student;

Cleaning the workplace;


Lesson summary

Origami is the Japanese art of creating various models, figurines by bending sheets of paper. Who invented origami is unknown. Consider history origami art has been going on since the invention of paper. Paper was invented in ancient China.

Modular origami is a modern variation of ancient Chinese art.
In the 20th century, origami became widely known and popular all over the world. And if in classic origami it was supposed to use only plain sheets of square-shaped paper for folding, and the whole process took place without the use of glue and scissors, then the modern world of origami is infinitely rich in a variety of techniques, techniques and materials. Here are some trends that can be distinguished today in this art.

Folded in the traditional style - from a square sheet of paper without cuts. Origami figurines of this direction quickly reached a high technical complexity. Models of modern masters are far superior in this sense to traditional Japanese origami.
Origami folded from a sheet of paper of a different shape: triangular, rectangular, five-, six-, octagonal, etc.

modular origami. The product is created not from one sheet of paper, but from two, three, four, etc. identical parts - modules. Separate modules become only a detail of the constructor, an element of the mosaic.
Modules can be made up of both square sheets of paper and sheets of a different shape.

Modular origami has gained a lot of fans, and for good reason:
it can be folded by adults and children - since the origami module is easy to manufacture;
any paper is suitable for making origami modules;
from origami modules you can fold models of any complexity
- from the most simple to labor-intensive and complex;
modular origami is great for pupils and students, as it is much easier to do large crafts in a team; the art of origami brings your whole family together wonderfully, because everyone can contribute to the production and creation of beauty.

Task: Review and describe crafts from the Internet:


    The name of the craft.

    Paper color and size.

    Artistic design of crafts (features, additions, decor, additional elements that improve proportions).

Origami modules can have a variety of shapes. During assembly, the modules are held together by friction, allowing the structure to bend and give it a variety of shapes. But in some cases, it makes sense to glue the modules together. It is also necessary to glue individual structural elements.

The blank for the triangular module must correspond to the parameters 1: 1.5, strictly observe this ratio and it will not be difficult to fold the module according to the proposed scheme.

Chinese module instruction card:

How to cut paper for crafts

Preparing a sheet of paper, it is better and more convenient to work with A4 sheets,
Modules come in different sizes depending on how many times the A4 sheet is divided:
1/4 A4 - into 4 parts of a rectangle
1/8 А4 - for 8
1/16 А4 - for 16
1/32 A4 - for 32.
It is not recommended to try the 1/2 A4 format, 1 A4 sheet from ordinary office paper, if only from paper embossed wallpaper.
The best craft format is 1/32 modules:
Crafts can be stored in a closet - they are compact - the height of the crafts is no more than 18-20 cm - this allows it.
Easily transported, suddenly it will be necessary to move, or take to the exhibition.


Light projects - for a minimum number of modules about 100 pieces: strawberry, turtle, toothpick, lemon, Christmas tree, sunflower, ornament

"Origami schemes" - 7 or 13 green modules can go on strawberry leaves. You can also fold modules from half a square. Triangular modules, Strawberry, Orange, Pineapple. In one sheet of pineapple - 7 or 8 modules. The aspect ratio of the rectangle should be approximately 1:1.5. The recommended rectangle size for modules is 38x60 mm.

"Origami as an art" - Literature used: Classes of the school mathematical circle 5-6 grade. Bend and unbend. Grasshopper. Conventional designations. A little about the history of occurrence. Flashlight. Origami. Frog. Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. Origami originated as a ceremonial art. Lines of previous folds.

"Forms of origami" - Tips for skillful hands. Learn how to read diagrams using symbols. Frog. 3. Kite 4. Envelope. Table 12. 9. Bird 10. Master the technique of folding the basic elements of origami. Exercise 1. Fold the square diagonally. Water barrel spinner box steamboat butterfly. 7. Fish 8. Catamaran.

"The Art of Origami" - Table of Contents. Tasks. What is origami? Shape operations. Design marks. Assembly methods. combined operations. Links and resources. Lines and arrows. Photo gallery. State educational institution secondary school No. 858. Some noble families even used origami as a coat of arms and seal.

"Origami Products" - The resulting module has two corners and two pockets. 8. Again, fold the small triangles along the marked lines and lift the edges up. Here is one possible connection example: Turn the mountain towards you. 2. Bend and straighten to outline the middle line. How to connect modules to each other. 5. Pull the edges up.

"Origami Clothes" - Upper. Ekaterina Khaustova. Is it possible to make life-size paper costumes? Plant clothing. Sabina Gorelik. Works by designers Svetlana Stepanova and Lyubov Shchuchenko. Lower. Educational module "fundamentals of technology". Irina Shaposhnikova. Sports. Types of everyday clothes. Open lesson.

Subject: Modeling in the technique of origami. A crane flapping its wings.

The purpose of the lesson: to teach how to make dynamic figures by repeatedly bending and folding paper.

Lesson objectives:

- introduce the basic shape of the "bird", repeat the folding of the basic shape of the "square";

- develop fine motor skills of hands, the ability to act according to instructions;

- cultivate kindness towards others.

Equipment: textbook "Labor training" for grade IV; colored paper.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

  • Let's take a deep breath, exhale. Let's exhale everything negative: feelings, self-doubt. Let's smile at each other, remember the pleasant moments from life and with this mood we will get to work.

  • Check if everything is ready for the lesson? ( colored paper, textbook)
II. Introductory conversation.

  • Today is a lesson from the section “Making products from paper and cardboard. Modeling in technology ... ". Collect the word from the letters: A, M, O, I, R, G, I. (Origami.)

  • What is origami? (Origami is the art of folding anything out of paper without scissors or glue.)

  • Let's remember what products we have already made using the origami technique in previous classes? (the teacher shows the figures in textbooks 1- 3 classes, students remember and name them)

  • Every year our products became more and more complicated, we got acquainted with new basic forms, on the basis of which various products are formed.

  • Tell us about the history of origami. (pupils answer, the teacher completes their answers with a story:
The art of paper folding originated in Japan many centuries ago and originally had religious significance. Translated from Japanese, "origami" means "folded paper": "ori" - "folded" and "kami" - "paper" and "god" at the same time.

Paper figurines decorated the walls of temples, placed on a sacrificial fire.

Having lost its ritual purpose over time, origami went beyond the temples and reached the imperial palace. The ability to fold out of paper was considered among the courtiers as one of the signs of a good education and refined manners. In those days, paper was a rare and expensive material. Origami figurines served as emblems and seals in some noble families. Later, the art of paper folding began to be practiced mainly by women and children. It has become a part of traditions and customs, decoration of Japanese life, carnival processions, folk holidays. In the second half of the 19th century, origami crossed the borders of Japan. In European countries, they began to get acquainted with classic figures made using the origami technique.

The rapid development of origami began only after the Second World War, mainly due to the efforts of the world-famous origami master Akira Yoshizawa. This amazing man was born in 1911. During the Second World War, he was an employee of a military factory. It was then that he decided to give the traditional Japanese art of paper folding a new sound. He made origami original by inventing hundreds of original figurines. It was Akira who invented a single universal system of signs, with which you can write down the folding scheme of any figure.

The new revival of origami is also closely related to the terrible tragedy that occurred on August 6, 1945, when "people" decided to test the atomic bomb on a person, signing the death warrant for the city of Hiroshima. The consequences of the monstrous experiment were terrible: out of 420 thousand inhabitants of the city, 80 thousand died. Over the next 20 years, another 200,000 people died from the effects of exposure. Among the dead were many children. It was then that among the children doomed to death, a legend arose about a free bird, a symbol of life. - crane. The children sincerely believed that by making 1000 cranes out of paper, they would be healed and stay alive.

The 1000 Cranes movement revived interest in origami. Colorful books, booklets, magazines dedicated to this art began to be published all over the world.

Peace Park was laid in memory of the victims of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. In May 1958, a monument dedicated to the dead children was opened there. The monument depicts a bomb, on the top and on the sides of which there are figures of children with their hands raised to the sky.

Twelve-year-old girl after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, sick with leukemia, Sadako Sasaki prayed for peace on earth. In the hospital, Sadako folded cranes. She managed to make only 644 cranes... Her death was the reason for the construction of the monument. But a wave of amazing children's solidarity swept through all countries of the world. Japan began to receive millions of parcels from all continents of our planet with an invaluable cargo - paper cranes, collected in garlands of 1000 pieces. These garlands adorn the monument today and are a symbol of protest against the war.)

What new did you learn from my story? Who developed a single universal system of origami signs? Why is the Japanese crane a symbol of peace and life? (student answers)

III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

- Let's learn how to fold such cranes. The topic of today's lesson is “Modeling in the technique of origami. Production of a dynamic figurine "Crane flapping its wings". Lesson objectives: learn new things about the art of origami; get acquainted with the new basic form "bird"; improve the ability to fold paper according to a set of patterns.

IV. Demonstration and analysis of a product sample.

- Let's look at the crane. What happens if you gently pull the parts of the toy in different directions? ( crane "flapping" its wings)

– The crane figurine is dynamic. How do you understand it? (ABOUT on can move)

What parts does a crane consist of? ( body, head, wings, tail)

- What color paper is better to take for making a crane? ( bright, cheerful, because crane is a symbol of peace and life)

V. Planning for future work.

- We will work according to the illustrated technological map. Open your textbooks on page 48. What are origami diagrams used for? What do the symbols used in the diagrams mean?

- Name the symbols shown on page 48. (from left to right: “valley fold”, “mountain fold”, “pull”, “turn over”, “bend and straighten”, “bend in”, “open”, “repeat the action on the reverse side”, “turn”).

- Tell me, on the basis of what basic form will we fold the crane? ("bird") And what is the basic form already known to us that underlies the “bird” form? ("square"). That's right, in grade II, we made a box from the basic “square” shape.

- Let's define the sequence (plan) of the upcoming work:

1. shape "square";

2. shape "bird";

3. "crane".

VI. Fizkultminutka.

VII. Communication of evaluation criteria.

- Before we get started, let's remember the basic rules of origami. Their observance will help us make the crane figurine of high quality:

A. precise alignment of corners and sides when bending;

b. making a clear fold line;

V. keeping hands and work area clean.

VIII. Practical work.

- Who can independently fold a model of a crane without explanation and step-by-step work? (The rest work with the teacher step by step)

- Let's get to work. Let's start by making the basic "square" shape. We need a square sheet of paper. Choose a sheet of the color you like from the sets of colored paper and make a square out of it. ( We combine the upper right corner of the sheet of paper with the opposite side so that the sides match. We bend the extra rectangle and tear it off under the ruler or cut it off with scissors.)

  1. Fold the square in half, matching the opposite corners.

  2. Fold the triangle in half. The fold line is vertical.

  3. Bend one corner up, combining the sides, bend back to its original position.

  4. Open the pocket along the marked fold lines so that a small rhombus forms.

  5. Flip the shape over to the other side. (Students repeat the steps on their own on the other side.)

  6. Open the pocket so that a small rhombus forms. It turns out the basic shape of the "square".
- Let's keep working. Further according to the plan - the manufacture of the basic form of "bird". Check that the resulting “square” lies on the desk with visa fold lines, a rhombus. Do not flip the workpiece.

  1. In front, bend the two upper sides to the center line.

  2. Bend (bend and bend) up the lower triangle.

  3. Bend the folded sides.

  4. Pull down one layer of paper, bending it along the indicated lines. The two valleys must become mountains.

  5. Flip model, repeat steps 7 - 10 on the other hand.

  • The basic shape of the "bird" is ready. Let's start making the "Crane" figurine. (Consideration and analysis of step-by-step techniques for folding a crane from the basic “bird” shape. The teacher demonstrates each step on the board on a large sheet of paper, the guys repeat. If the guys do not understand the technique, then the teacher repeats several times.)

  1. Rotate the basic bird shape. Two diverging narrow triangles at the bottom.

  2. Bend the right triangle so that its inner edge coincides with the horizontal line. Bend the triangle and bend inward along the marked lines. Get a tail.

  3. Double left triangle thinner(draw students' attention) - front and back bend its edges to the center line.

  4. Bend the left triangle and bend it inside(draw students' attention). Point the top a little up. Get a neck.

  5. Bend a small corner inward. Get a head.

  6. On both sides of the figure, bend the wings down to the stop.

  7. The figurine of the crane is ready.
- In order for the crane to start flapping its wings, you need to hold the figurine by the breast and lightly pull the tail.

IX. Summing up the work.Evaluation of work.

- What new did you learn in the lesson about the art of origami? What have you learned today?

- Look carefully at your work. Did you manage to follow the rules of origami in order to make a quality product?

- Evaluate your work in today's lesson and fill in the evaluation tables (in the self-assessment notebooks):

(symbols: "-" - Badly; "O" - almost good; " + » - Fine; " ++ » - Very good)

- I propose to make a circle of peace, joy and friendship out of cranes and convey to every inhabitant of the planet, the planet is also round, our desire to preserve peace and friendship on earth. And also to convey a piece of their joy to classmates. (Laying out a circle of cranes on the board)

- I will spread paper wings for you, Fly, do not disturb this world, this world, Crane, crane, Japanese crane, You - forever living souvenir.

X. Reflection.

- In conclusion, let's name the words related to our today's lesson:

AND- desire, life (symbol of life);

At- perseverance, skill, success, luck (symbol of good luck);

R- result, joy;

A- neatness, Akiro, ABC (origami alphabet);

IN- attentiveness;

L– logic;

AND- interest, art, product, toy;

TO- China, square.

XI. Workplace cleaning.

- The lesson is over. Remove your jobs.


  1. Zhurba, A.F. Labor training. Grade 4: textbook. allowance for the 4th grade. general education institutions with Russian. lang. training / A.F. Zhurba, N.A. Yurchenko. - Minsk: NIO, 2007. - S. 48-49.

  2. Zhurba, A.F. Labor training in the 4th grade: a manual for teachers of educational institutions with Bel. and Russian languages ​​of instruction / A.F. Zhurba, N.A. Yurchenko. - Minsk: NIO, 2008. - S. 112-116.

  3. Myasoedova, E.A. Modeling in the technique of origami. Making a figurine "Crane flapping its wings" Labor lesson in grade IV / E.A. Myasoedova // Pachatkovye nauchanne: sam "I, dzitsyachy garden, school. - 2010. - No. 5. - P. 45-47.

  4. Nikonovich, N.L. Making a figurine "Crane flapping its wings" Labor lesson in grade IV / N.L. Nikonovich // Pachatkovye navuchanne: here "I, dzitsyachy garden, school. - 2010. - No. 5. - P. 47-49.

Current Issues of Teaching Labor Training

in primary school

How to choose the right material for the lesson?

The main document that a teacher should be guided by when solving this issue is a program approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. The program outlines the range of issues to be studied, the requirements for the level of training of students, for each topic several products are recommended for the teacher to choose from. Compliance with the requirements of the program is mandatory, but not all crafts must be selected from the tutorial. The program provides the teacher with the opportunity to use up to 30% of the study time at their own discretion. In the manual on a number of topics, several crafts are offered. The teacher has the right to offer students any product, based on the conditions of the school, the characteristics of his class. The main criteria for the selection of products should be:

- compliance with the goals and objectives of labor training as an academic subject;

- technical, cognitive significance of products: the possibility of mastering knowledge, skills in the course of making crafts;

- socially useful significance of products: the need for this product for educational activities in the course of studying other subjects, for organizing collective recreation, to satisfy individual interests and inclinations;

- the opportunity to engage in the performance of work of all students in the class.
How to arrange a blackboard for the lesson?

Organizes junior schoolchildren to work, arouses interest in the upcoming work, thoughtful preparation of the blackboard for the lesson. These can be: a record of the topic of the lesson, its motto, illustrations, children's work of previous years or other classes, a glossary of terms found in the lesson that are not on the pages of the manual, a memo for doing the work, an instruction card, work steps for making crafts.

The organization of the workplace, instilling in students the skills and abilities of a work culture and the proper organization of their own and collective work, compliance with hygiene and safety rules on the pages and endpapers of study guides are given serious attention. One study guide per desk teaches students to work on it together, helping each other, if necessary, to understand the sequence of work. It is important to correctly place the manual on the desk. The manual lying on the desk occupies most of the desktop and provokes students to do part of the work on the textbook. Teachers at the beginning of the lesson repeat with students the rules for the location of the textbook, the placement of tools, materials, devices, but as soon as the children begin practical work, they often forget about the application of these rules. When the rules are understood and learned, you need to use every opportunity to repeat them, consolidate, apply at each stage of the lesson.
What to do if there is not enough time for practical work of students?

Reserves of time for the practical work of students are hidden in the planning of each specific lesson.

The program provides for most of the study time (at least 80%, this is 36 minutes) to devote to the practical activities of schoolchildren. At the same time, preparation for work: setting the goal and topic of educational work, examining samples and analyzing them, planning upcoming labor operations reduce the time for practical work. But they are a must. In addition, the main source of new knowledge about technology, expanding the polytechnic horizons of students in the lessons of labor training, are short, figurative, interesting messages and conversations conducted by the teacher. They greatly enliven the lesson, contribute to the awakening and development of the technical thought of children, their moral education. Some of this material may be shifted in time to other stages of the lesson. In the course of the implementation of the products, the teacher, for example, can voice prepared proverbs, sayings, entertaining material.

A number of crafts offered for the lesson, students do not have time to complete. This is not a reason to ask students to finish their work at home. Homework assignments for labor education in the primary grades are not assigned. How to get out of this situation? On the one hand, doing crafts should not always be strictly related to the boundaries of the lesson. Some products are quite time-consuming, and work on them cannot be completed in one lesson. The teacher can plan to make a craft in two lessons. The main thing is that the work planned for the lesson is completed. At the same time, it is known that students are very reluctant to interrupt work on the product they have begun. Therefore, when planning, it is important for the teacher to correctly assess the capabilities of students, to think over the form of organization of work of schoolchildren. Some crafts in order to save time can be done not individually, but collectively. Working in groups (in pairs) according to a general plan, students acquire the necessary knowledge, work out practical skills and manage to create a complete collective craft in a lesson. The work in the lesson should be planned in such a way that the situation of success is ensured by everyone or almost everyone. Job training manual assignments provide an opportunity to offer students alternative assignments. You can offer an alternative, both in terms of complexity and interests. We must not forget that boys and girls often tend to do different crafts, at least according to the plots.

The manufacture of some crafts involves the preparation of materials. Some teachers get out of the situation by replacing one material with another. For example, the students made a sun from straws from matches (sulfur was previously removed from them). Straw can be easily replaced by any plants with a hollow stem.

Do you need visual aids for labor training lessons?

In manuals on labor training, diagrams, drawings are given, the stages of making handicrafts are shown. Younger students gradually learn to understand them, but not all students easily and immediately read and understand the language of diagrams. Many need a visual demonstration of actions. With this in mind, the teacher should not give up on class-wide visibility.

Hello dear masters and craftswomen. I present to your attention a master class on making such an origami swan, and I called it “Swan in Pink”. How to make an origami swan? We will make a pink drawing, highlight the swan with pink modules around the perimeter and put it on a round stand, and also glue small eyes. Please watch this video on making an origami swan. IN […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! Today I bring to your attention a master class on making a tricolor Swan from triangular modules. It would seem, what else can you think of, what other options are there for making Swans using the modular origami technique. But it turns out that there are still options and this is not the last thing in my arsenal. The tricolor swan is so simple […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in black from 3D modules. In the last lesson, we made a Swan in red, and now I decided to change the style a bit and make a Swan in black. The scheme is not complicated and will suit anyone, even a beginner in modular origami. Specially […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in red shades. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of different schemes and master classes for making Swans using the modular origami technique. I am sure that you have never seen such a swan. This scheme is quite simple and even […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 3. In the third part of the master class, I offer you two video tutorials and a detailed origami diagram of how to make a swan. The first video shows how to make a swan neck and how to make a small stand. The second video talks about how to glue a swan better and faster. Lesson 6 (neck and […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 2. In the second part of the "Swans in Blue" mater class, we complete the torso. I have prepared for you two video tutorials and a detailed origami swan diagram from modules. To assemble the swan, you will need 1438 1/16 size modules, of which: 317 - purple modules 471 - blue modules 552 - blue […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 1. I bring to your attention a new master class on making an origami paper swan from 3D origami modules. The scheme is rather unusual and the appearance of the wing is not quite classic. In the photo you can see small through holes and a mesh pattern. Frankly, the scheme is quite complicated! Especially for this scheme, I […]

“Rainbow Swan” scheme and video tutorials (part 3). The third part of the "Rainbow Swan" master class consists of three video tutorials on assembling the stand. And I also decided that a video tutorial on gluing the "Rainbow Swan" would be very useful to you. Lesson 5 (stand part 1) Lesson 6 (stand part 2) Lesson 7 (stand part 3) […]

This educational program is artistic and aesthetic, based on many years of practical experience.
Everyone from 10 to 16 years old is invited to the group.
The program is designed for one year with two classes per week, in total - 72 hours. The program consists of nine topics. Each topic includes 1-2 theoretical lessons, which take place in the form of introductory conversations, but the main work is practical.

The main goal of the program

Searching for means of materialization of basic geometric concepts adequate to children's capabilities using origami.
Development and development of aesthetic taste and manual skills in children.


  • Educational:
    • improving the quality of knowledge in geometry;
    • expanding horizons;
    • acquaintance with the culture of the peoples of the world;
    • the formation of practical labor skills.
  • Educational:
    • education of volitional qualities of a person (perseverance, patience), the ability to work in a team.
  • Educational:
    • development of creative abilities of teenagers, artistic taste;
    • development of memory, eye, drawing skills, speech culture, spatial imagination, hand motor skills;
    • development of self-confidence, abilities, expansion of sociability of children.

Expected results

Children should know:

  • basic origami terms,
  • basic conventions in origami,
  • the history of the origin and development of origami.

Children should be able to:

  • make paper geometric designs
  • make complex designs from paper (polyhedra, animal figures).


  • verbal (conversations, lectures)
  • visual (photos, diagrams with the stages of work on the manufacture of the model)
  • simulation folding

Forms of work

A classic lesson in studying and consolidating the material, a lesson-game, a lesson-workshop, a lesson in the collective activity of students.

Ways to check results


Monitor student activity in class. At the end of some practical classes, games and competitions with paper models are planned.
Competitions for young origamists, in which children, with the help of their albums or as a keepsake, must add up the maximum number of products, will help to sum up the intermediate results of mastering the program.


At the end of the academic year, students' achievements will be presented at a reporting exhibition, the results of which determine the level of mastering the program.

Educational and thematic plan


Number of hours

For theoretical classes

For practical lessons

1. Introductory lesson
2. Simulation folding
3. ABC origami
4. Modular origami
5. Archimedean Solids
6. Natural crystals
7. Star polyhedra
8. Kusudama
9. Final lesson


1. Introductory lesson

The history of the art of origami. History of paper. Goals, objectives and content of the work for the academic year. Basic tools. Demonstration of models made earlier. Rules for working in a circle. Labor safety rules.

Practical work. Making simple figurines. Games and competitions with paper models.

2. Simulation folding

Basic origam terms. Definition of a square and its properties. Definition of the diagonal, midline, center of the square. Methods for making a square blank from a rectangular sheet of paper. Folding techniques. The main basic forms: "arrow", "triangle", "door", "envelope", "double triangle", "double square", "catamaran".

Practical work. Making simple animal figurines. Writing fairy tales and funny stories. Games and competitions with paper models.

3. Conventions. One-sided origami. Modeling in the technique of applications.

Brief historical outline: Tolstoy and origami. ABC origami. Basic conventions. Akira Yoshizawa, creator of the origami alphabet.

Practical work. Making flowers. Drawing up bouquets, compositions and ikebana.

4. Modular origami

Introduction to modular origami. "Locks" and "pockets" of modules. N. Eremenko, V. Mikhalkinsky, Akira Yoshizawa, Kunihiko Kasahara, Eric Joysel, Issei Yoshino and other origami masters. Demonstration of photographs depicting complex modular structures.

Practical work. Production of geometric designs, stars, decorative ornaments.

5. Polyhedra

Pyramids - a brief historical sketch. Archimedean bodies. Their main types and properties. The concept of sweep.

Practical work. Making models of a cube, pyramid, prism, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron according to patterns.

6. Natural crystals

Crystals of rutile, garnet, calcite, fluorite, Buckminsterfullerene, etc. Variety of shapes of polyhedrons.

Practical work. Making models of crystals according to patterns.

7. Star polyhedra

Nomogram. Compilation of nomograms of regular polygons. The use of nomograms in the manufacture of star polyhedra.

Practical work. Production of stellated polyhedra: dodecohemi dodecahedron, bitrigonal dodecahedron, quasi-truncated hexahedron, quasi-truncated stellated dodecahedron.

8. Kusudama

Brief historical outline.

Practical work. Making kusudama: "Arlekino", "Coral", "Space Station", "Flower", "Superball".

9. Final lesson

Technical equipment of classes

  1. Colored paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Pencils.
  5. Glue.


1. Magazine "Origami": No. 2, 1997; No. 7, 1997; No. 8, 1997; No. 24, 2000; No. 27, 2000 Publishing house "Akim", 1997, 2000
2. Applications to the magazine "Origami"

  • "Kusudamas are magic balls." Ed. "Akim", 1997
  • Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu."Universal paper constructor - origami". Ed. "Akim", 1997
  • Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu."Christmas Origami" Ed. "Akim", 1998
  • Khlyamova T.V. Origami Starry Sky. Ed. "Akim", 1997
  • Gonchar V.V."Polyhedra Models". Ed. "Akim", 1997

3. Shumakov Yu.V., Shumakova E.R."Origami - the wonders of paper." Rostov-on-Don, 1997
4. Vygonov V.V."The world of origami". New school, 1996
5. Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu. Flowers and vases origami. SPb Crystal, 2002