What parameters can be used to determine a man's body type? Body proportions and constitutional types

Every person at least once in his life thought about his external data and would like to change something. Some people dream of losing excess weight, others want to gain weight, and others are not satisfied with their height and body proportions. At the same time, few people know that the human constitution and the features of its changes during life are programmed genetically. Therefore, when starting to work on bringing your figure closer to the ideal one, you need to find out what types of human physique scientists distinguish, and which one you belong to.

Human physique

The human physique is a set of proportions and specific structure of body parts, as well as features of the development of its tissues: muscle, bone and fat. All these parameters are determined during the period of intrauterine development, and further changes in a person are subject to this genetic program. Researchers also identify such a concept as somatotype. This is not only the actual constitutional features of a person’s physique, but also an option for its further change under the influence of external factors. Somatotype is determined as a result of various body measurements. It is characterized by certain metabolic parameters, predisposition to certain diseases and mental characteristics.

Somatotyping techniques

Since ancient times, people have tried to determine the main human body types and classify all people according to this principle. Researchers began to notice that men and women with different somatotypes react to various external factors (age, nutrition, illness) with unequal changes in physique. Currently, there are many classifications of people according to their constitutional type. They are all similar to each other. Let's look at some of them.

Proportions and body types of a person

Body proportions are one of the important indicators of people's physical health. Of course, each person is unique, but over the course of numerous studies and measurements, scientists have determined the average parameters that they usually focus on. If there is a noticeable disproportion between parts of the human body, we can talk about the presence of growth disorders. They can be caused by deviations in the normal functioning of the endocrine system, chromosomal abnormalities. In accordance with proportions, the following human body types are distinguished, the anatomy of which is different:

Mesomorphic type. It includes people whose proportions are close in value to the average parameters. This takes into account gender, age and some other characteristics.

Brachymorphic type. People of this type are strong and muscular, usually short in stature. The transverse dimensions of their body parts prevail over the longitudinal ones. This also applies to internal organs. The lungs, for example, in people of brachymorphic body type are wide, but short. The heart is located almost transversely.

Dolichomorphic type. A person with such a constitution is tall, has long arms and legs. He has a small layer of fat under the skin, and poorly developed muscles. People with a dolichomorphic physique are characterized by a predominance of longitudinal over transverse dimensions.

E. Kretschmer: the relationship between the psyche and physique

In addition to the relationship between body type and a person’s physical health, some researchers have noted the influence of the constitution on the individual’s psyche. Among them we can distinguish the German scientist E. Kretschmer, who classified 3 types of people according to their physique:

Athletic. Such a person has well-developed muscles and is usually tall or medium in height. An athlete has broad shoulders and narrow hips. Kretschmer believed that such people are responsible and good organizers. They always finish what they start and do not like long discussions and red tape. They can become good managers and production workers.

Asthenic. These people are tall, but because of their thinness, they seem even taller than they actually are. They have long limbs, a flat chest, a pale, elongated face, and a long nose. For asthenics, according to Kretschmer, the main type of behavior is a thinker. These are people of mental work with a well-developed imagination. They love to fantasize, read a lot, but cannot organize their activities well.

Picnic. People of this type are short in stature, have a dense physique with a tendency towards obesity. They have a small, wide face and a short and thick neck. People of this type are sociable, they get along well with colleagues, friends, and relatives. They don't like to read. They prefer to get all the information they need from communicating with other people.

W. Sheldon's technique

One of the founders of somatotyping was Professor W. Sheldon. Back in 1940, he suggested that it is necessary to evaluate not the human physique as a whole, but its individual components. Their combination will determine one or another somatotype, which, according to Sheldon, remains unchanged throughout life. The scientist proposed to evaluate the components using a point system ranging from 1 to 7 (minimum and maximum severity, respectively). This should be done by a trained specialist. Sheldon identified three components:

  • endomorphic;
  • ectomorphic;
  • mesomorphic.

For each of them, a certain value is selected, and the resulting triple of numbers is the somatotype of a particular person. Of course, it is rare to find people who have the maximum score for one component and the minimum for the rest. In most cases, researchers observe average values, among which one component still predominates. Based on Sheldon's research, three human body types are distinguished.


People with an ectomorphic body type are thin, tall, and have a small amount of subcutaneous fat. The muscles are poorly developed. Parts of the body are slightly elongated, this is especially evident in the structure of the face and chest. A person with an ectomorphic physique has long arms and legs relative to his body. The more pronounced the ectomorphic trait in a person, the less likely it is that under the influence of any factors he will become overweight.


The constitution of a person with a mesomorphic physique is dominated by bones and muscles. There is little subcutaneous fat. The muscles are well developed, especially in the limbs. Such a person has a broad chest and shoulders.


The main feature of the endomorphic body type is the predominance of the profile dimensions of its various parts over the transverse ones. Such people have a large amount of fat under the skin, some of which is concentrated in the shoulders and hips. The arms and legs are flaccid and have poorly developed muscles. The belly is large and round in shape. Unlike people with ectomorphic or mesomorphic body types, an individual with pronounced endomorphic characteristics is very prone to obesity.

Medical practice

There are many classifications based on a person’s physique. The types and characteristics of constitutional features are similar to each other. In medicine, for example, it is customary to focus on the following classification:

Normosthenic type. It includes people with a proportional body, consistency in the development of the skeletal and muscular systems.

Asthenic type. Such people have a slender, tall body. Their chest dominates the size of their abdomen, and their limbs are longer when compared with their body. The muscles of people of the asthenic type are poorly developed.

Hypersthenic type. Such people differ from normosthenics in their shorter stature, dense build, and predominance of transverse dimensions over longitudinal ones.

Every doctor knows the body types of a person and their effect on the condition of the body. Having assessed a person according to his constitution, it is easier for a specialist to determine a tendency to a particular disease and give recommendations regarding lifestyle and treatment methods.

Each person’s body has its own, unique characteristics - weight, shape, size, amount of muscle mass, as well as proportions. But among all the diversity in science, it is customary to distinguish certain basic body types.

To begin with, it is worth noting that a person’s physique is a manifestation of genetic material. Some scientists also believe that body types can determine some general properties of the body, susceptibility to certain diseases, and even character traits and temperament. In addition, the structural features of the body are taken into account when choosing a physical training system or creating the right diet. But there are several classification systems.

person according to E. Kretschmer

The famous German doctor believed that a person’s physique can determine certain general psychological characteristics and assess the individual’s reaction to the influence of the external and internal environment. The body types in this system were as follows:

  • Asthenic. People of this type were tall and fragile in build. An asthenic man has narrow shoulders, thin arms, and an elongated face. Women could be short, but their fragility and thinness remained unchanged.
  • Picnic. This form is characterized by short stature and a blurred figure, which was explained by the presence of rich fat deposits. It is these people who are most often prone to problems with excess weight.
  • Athletic. This includes people of tall or medium height with an athletic figure, strong muscles, and a wide shoulder girdle.
  • Dysplastic type. Kretschmer included in this group individuals with a shapeless body structure or the presence of any deformities.

Body types: system of Professor V.M. Chernorutsky

This classification is not so different from the previous one, but is considered more accurate and modern. The professor identified three main types of structure of the human body.

  • Hyposthenic type - characterized by high growth, a small number and poorly developed muscles. The shoulders are narrow, the chest is elongated.
  • Normosthenic type - this group includes people with normal, average indicators. Such a person has a perfectly formed skeleton and well-developed muscles. If we talk about the amount of subcutaneous fat, then it corresponds to the average. The limbs are proportional, the shoulders are wide and the chest is convex.
  • Hypersthenic type - a person is characterized by short stature and excess adipose tissue. This is why such people are more prone to obesity. It is believed that this group includes patients with high blood cholesterol levels.

Men's body types

This classification system was created by William Sheldon, Professor By the way, and to this day it is very popular among bodybuilders. It is customary to distinguish three main types of male physique:

  • Endomorph- a person with rounded, sometimes vague body shapes. Such a man is characterized by a short neck, large breasts, a large spherical belly, soft muscles, and thin wrists. As a rule, such representatives of the stronger sex are more prone to obesity.
  • Ectomorph- This is a typical lanky man. In such people, high growth is combined with disproportionate sizes of arms and legs, a long chest and an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat deposits.
  • Mesophmorph- This includes people with a normal physique. They have a developed muscular system, but also have a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue. These are men with dense

Of course, it is very rare to meet a person who would be a pure example of a certain body type. Much more often, people combine two or even three forms.

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Each person has his own individuality in body structure. At birth, we acquire one of three body types. In science, there are three main types of human physique (figures).

William Sheldon came to this conclusion in 1940. Based on his research, he developed a theory about the structure of the human body. There are three body types in total. Endomorph, , . Some people fit the description of each somatotype very well. In most people, mixed types of structure predominate, with one of the three predominant. With the subsequent description of each of the variants of human structure, you can determine which one you belong to. This will help you plan your training program and diet to achieve your desired goal - weight gain or weight loss.

Body type

ECTOmorph(prone to thinness). The first type we are considering is characterized by a narrow chest, has narrow shoulders, long arms and legs, and a flat chest. A distinctive feature is the body’s fast metabolism, calories are burned quickly. Accordingly, ectomorph people have the lowest percentage of subcutaneous fat; such a person is practically not in danger of gaining excess weight in the form of fat. When practicing bodybuilding, such an athlete has low strength indicators. An increased amount of lean muscle mass is a great way to show off your muscles, but gaining muscle mass is quite difficult. To be sure, measure your wrist; if the girth is less than 17 cm, you are an ectomorph.

Brad Pitt

ENDOmorph(prone to overweight). The second type is distinguished by a massive body, large bones, short and massive limbs, and a neck. Such an overweight person is prone to excess fat deposition, which is mainly deposited on the hips and waist. proceeds very slowly. There will be no problems in gaining muscle mass, but you need to pay attention, muscles grow along with fat. Here it is necessary to vary your workouts and proper nutrition to speed up metabolism and muscle growth only. Therefore, nutrition is the main component for an endomorph. This type predominates in the majority; people of this physique like to eat a lot and do not like physical activity. The wrist diameter is more than 20 cm.

Vin Diesel

Mesomorph(medium, sporty). The third type of structure is the most optimal and is predisposed to physical activity. It is distinguished by a low level of body fat with noticeable muscles, has broad shoulders and a developed chest. Naturally athletic and strong, such people easily cope with weights and are inclined to engage in any kind of sports. Fast metabolism allows a mesomorph to both gain weight and lose weight, but this needs to be monitored since weight can come along with fat. Once you have established your type, you can return to measuring your wrist. If within 17-20 cm, your body is ideal for fitness and bodybuilding.

Tom Hardy

You can change your body type

Regular exercise and, most importantly, proper split meals can speed up metabolism. And your body may become closer to mesomorphic, but your bone structure will not change. Therefore, you will get a more mixed structure, but will remain by nature the way you were born. We will look at how to eat right and what workouts to pay more attention to for each body type in the following article.

Table of weight and height ratios for each body type

height(cm)endomorph (weight, kg)mesomorph (weight, kg)ectomorph (weight, kg)
157 57-69 54-59 51-55
160 59-66 55-60 52-56
162 60-67 56-62 54-57
165 61-69 58-63 55-59
168 63-71 59-65 56-60
170 65-73 61-67 58-62
173 67-75 63-69 60-64
175 69-77 65-71 62-66
178 71-79 66-73 64-68
180 72-81 68-75 66-70
183 75-84 70-77 67-72
185 76-86 72-80 69-74
188 79-88 74-82 71-76
190 88-91 76-84 73-78
193 83-93 78-86 75-80

Three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph and the constitution of the human body

Ectomorph, energetic, thin, fast;

Endomorph, full, wide and slow;

Mesomorph, fairly muscular, average.

All these body types differ greatly from each other in the speed of metabolic processes in the body.

In the body of an ectomorph, processes proceed rapidly. Excess weight does not threaten a person of such a physique. He has long bones, a thin body, small and very skinny muscles. Gaining muscle mass is difficult for him, but if he succeeds, he looks very slender and aesthetically pleasing, thanks to the complete absence of fat and narrow bones.

An endomorph, on the contrary, easily gains a lot of weight. Metabolism - metabolic processes, that is, the “burning” of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body occurs slowly. In addition, the energy requirements are also small. Therefore, their body is soft, loose, and there is an excess of fat mass on the face. People of this body type usually gain muscle mass quickly. But, unfortunately, it is soft and loose. The main problem for this type of people is excess fat mass, which is extremely difficult for them to get rid of.

Mesomorphs are distinguished from others by their developed muscles. The muscles are voluminous, the bones are thick and wide. People of this type, without any problems, gain muscle mass, sometimes without even noticing that they look too square and strong.

The above information is very important when creating an individual effective nutrition plan. Each body type reacts differently to the composition and diet. Let's now look at specific body types.

Ectomorph (you can eat everything in large quantities)

Since the main problem of an ectomorph is a catastrophic lack of body weight, he should not worry about limiting himself in food.

Diet: In one day, consume at least 3.5 - 5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight; protein should provide about 30% of calories for the whole day. Carbohydrates should make up 50%, and fats about 20% of calories. In order to gain muscle mass, the calories received during the day must not be completely burned. It is also necessary to have high-quality protein, clean fats and carbohydrates in the diet. The daily norm should be at least 2000 - 2500 calories.

For this body type, calories consumed are of primary importance. Ectomorphs are recommended to eat every 2.2-3 hours. If you have a very busy daily routine and don’t have time to eat as often as you need, then you can use special mixtures that replace normal nutrition, as well as sports drinks and high-calorie “bars.” If possible, take food and drinks with you so you don't go hungry for a long time.

Supplements such as protein and carbohydrate-protein mixture should be taken daily, twice a day. To replenish the energy needed for effective training, supplement your diet with keratin.

An ectomorph needs to carefully monitor the correctness and regularity of meals before and after training. Do not be afraid of excessive consumption of carbohydrates: practice shows that nutrition before training, especially food rich in carbohydrates, reduces catabolism (destructive processes) during strength training. Also, after training, such food promotes an anabolic effect, that is, tissue repair and growth.

Endomorph (minimal fat)

Diet: First of all, you need to significantly reduce your fat intake. All protein should come exclusively from lean foods, such as skinless chicken breasts, lean parts of turkey, egg whites, and lean, low-calorie fish. Plant foods are important, but you shouldn't use them as a source of protein. In the first half of the day, you should limit your fruit consumption. As for carbohydrates, complex ones are recommended, such as long-grain rice, potatoes, and legumes.

You need to eat no more than 5-7 times a day, in small meals. This will normalize metabolism and maintain it at the desired level.

The “black list” of prohibited foods includes: various sandwiches (with ham, smoked meats, sausage, etc.), fatty dairy products, carbonated drinks (lemonade), alcohol. Some of these products are incomplete sources of protein, while others are a huge accumulation of carbohydrates.

Also, you should not eat too late or too early. Finish your meal before you are full. The main problem of an endomorph is calories. If you need to lose excess weight, then you need to monitor this with special care. The number of calories must be reduced, and their calculation must be thorough and strict, without even minor errors and inaccuracies.

Sports nutritionists advise people of similar physique to use white lean meat as the main source of protein. This way, a person will have a pleasant feeling of fullness, and excess fat will stop accumulating in the body. If you need to lose weight, then give preference to fibrous foods high in fiber and eat less starchy carbohydrates. You should eat small portions rich in protein and fiber. All this together will help you get rid of excess weight.

Mesomorph (lucky, but don't relax)

Diet: 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (lean turkey, egg whites, skinless chicken breasts, lean fish). Carbohydrates should also be consumed in moderation and provide a high amount of calories, approximately 60-65% of the daily diet. “Fat” calories should be within 15% of the total daily diet.

Diet: 5-7 times a day.

You can’t eat the same food every week; you need a varied menu. Sometimes, give your muscles a little more calories than they should, but don't stick to a strict diet all the time. You gain muscle mass easily and quickly, but you also have no problem losing kilos, if necessary, so you don’t have to be afraid of small changes in one direction or another.

Mesomorphs are genetically gifted. This is the best body type for sports. Research shows that athletes of this physique during training, and even during rest, spend more calories per day than other people of a different physique, even despite the same height, age and percentage of subcutaneous fat tissue. They can be called happy owners of a harmonious figure, where the percentage of fat mass and muscle mass is in perfect balance.

But, unfortunately, it is often this type of people who are most prone to laziness and inaction. They often train and eat, without any regimen or plan. Get your diet in order, count the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and don’t forget about the nutritional supplements that are necessary for successfully building your own body, because not all people can boast of such a good constitution as yours!

Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph.

This material will discuss the structure of the human body and determining its characteristics. Find yourself in them too.

Who is an ectomorph: description of the body structure of men and women, photo

The human physique is a genetically programmed set of characteristic features of the body, which include:

  • proportions of body parts
  • skeletal features
  • volume of muscle and fat tissue

There are several classifications of the human body structure. One of the most popular is the system of Professor William Sheldon, who identified three main body types (somatotypes), which differ as much as possible from each other in their structure:

  • ectomorphic
  • mesomorphic
  • endomorphic

According to Sheldon's theory, throughout a person's life, a person's body size and appearance may change, but not their type - it remains unchanged. In addition, according to many psychologists, our appearance directly affects our inner world. And there is a strong relationship between the structure of a person’s body and his psychological state.

The ectomorphic (asthenic) type of men and women is characterized by the following body structure features:

  • long limbs with thin, fragile bones
  • relatively short body
  • narrow shoulders and hips, almost equal in width
  • elongated wrists, palms, fingers, ankles, feet
  • small muscle mass. At the same time, the muscles have an elongated shape, which is very difficult to give volume to.
  • high metabolism, as a result of which excess weight is not gained throughout life, even if a person eats quite a lot
  • elongated face with a high forehead, weak jaw and thin nose
  • generally fine hair
  • narrow chest
  • predominance of the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can provoke surges in blood pressure
  • low body fat
  • the ability to easily and quickly lose excess weight if necessary

With age or poor nutrition, fat in ectomorphs is deposited in the waist area, and is not distributed evenly throughout the figure. To gain muscle mass, it is better for such people to give up cardio training and replace it with strength training.

Men with this type of build differ:

  • tall (often called “lanky”)
  • long legs and arms
  • narrow waist
  • elongated chest
  • small volume of muscles, which, however, with sufficient training, easily become sculpted and beautiful
  • difficulty building muscle

External features of an ectomorph woman:

  • slender and fragile figure
  • graceful elongated neck
  • flexible body
  • due to the lack of roundness, it may look somewhat angular, like a teenager
  • weak stamina
  • lack of muscle strength and fatigue
  • due to the shortened upper body, it seems that the legs grow “from the ears”
  • small breasts and buttocks
  • body type – “rectangle”

Ectomorphs have the following character traits:

  • love of solitude
  • sensitivity, which can develop into neurosis
  • restraint
  • secrecy
  • non-standard behavior
  • suspiciousness
  • thoughtfulness
  • artistry
  • alcohol resistance

Diseases that people of the ectomorphic type are often susceptible to:

  • gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • hypotension
  • vegetative - vascular dystonia
  • metabolic disorders
  • nervous disorders

Famous representatives of the ectomorphic body type:

  • Bruce Lee
  • Brad Pitt
  • Edward Norton
  • Justin Timberlake
  • Kate Moss
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Nadya Auerman
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Paris Hilton

Who is a mesomorph: description of the body structure of men and women, photo

The mesomorphic (normosthenic) body type is as close as possible to the average statistical characteristics of the human body. The lucky ones belonging to this type are distinguished by an athletic build with the following general features:

  • a small amount of subcutaneous fat, which is evenly distributed throughout the body
  • slim, athletic and compact body
  • medium width with skeleton and bones
  • well-developed shoulders, which are often square in shape
  • proportional body and limbs
  • developed muscles
  • elastic belly
  • good endurance
  • balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  • normal metabolism, which allows you to maintain a fit and slim body with proper nutrition
  • the ability to quickly lose weight and build muscle with the help of workouts and diets
  • usually with a well-defined lower jaw
  • coarse hair

It must be said that, despite the natural athleticism, the mesomorphic type has the ability to quickly gain not only muscle, but also excess fat. Therefore, they need to adhere to a healthy diet.

Mesomorphic men often achieve success in bodybuilding, as they are true natural athletes, whose typical features are:

  • massive cubic head
  • wide protruding chest
  • trapezoidal body with a narrow pelvis
  • predominance of the torso over the abdominal region
  • wide shoulder span
  • muscular limbs
  • possession of natural strength
  • rapid muscle growth

Women of a mesomorphic body type are the happy owners of a proportionate, slender figure, which is characterized by the following:

  • legs are generally longer than the upper body
  • shoulders slightly wider than hips
  • average or above average height
  • "curvy" and body relief
  • The body type is usually “hourglass”, and in cases of excess weight gain – “apple”

Mesomorphs are people of action who are often endowed with the following qualities:

  • aptitude for leadership
  • courage
  • assertiveness
  • ambitious
  • love for active walks and sports
  • adventurism
  • self-confidence
  • pain tolerance

The mesomorphic type most often suffers from diseases:

  • digestive system
  • respiratory organs
  • rheumatism
  • high blood pressure

Popular mesomorphic people:

  • Bruce Williss
  • George Clooney
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Hugh Jackman
  • Sylvester Stallone
  • Madonna
  • Anna Kournikova
  • Sydney Crawford
  • Tina Turner
  • Halle Berry

Who is an endomorph: description of the body structure of men and women, photo

The endomorphic (hypersthenic) structure gives a person a fairly obese, dense body, which is characterized by the following features:

  • spherical body shape
  • medium or short height
  • round head
  • wide hips and shoulders
  • short limbs
  • large massive skeleton
  • heavy bones and joints
  • rather weak arms and legs
  • developed but flabby muscles
  • excess subcutaneous fat
  • high levels of testosterone and insulin in the body
  • prevalence of the parasympathetic nervous system
  • low stamina and frequent bouts of fatigue
  • ability for short but very powerful power movements
  • slow metabolism, as a result of which the calories consumed are almost immediately stored in excess subcutaneous fat, which is very difficult to get rid of
  • presence of a tendency towards obesity
  • fat tends to be deposited in the abdomen, hips, sides, and shoulders
  • big round belly
  • slow weight loss

To have a good figure, representatives of this type need to carefully monitor their diet (limit carbohydrate intake) and be sure to do cardio exercises.

Endomorph men are distinguished by the following external characteristics:

  • stocky and strong, with a short neck
  • despite developed muscles, due to the high content of adipose tissue they look quite massive
  • have full shoulders that taper sharply at the extremities
  • have a wide chest

Women of this type look very sensual, attractive and have the following characteristics:

  • the splendor and softness of the contours of its forms
  • large round breasts
  • short but strong legs
  • wide, full hips
  • usually lack of waist
  • shoulders, which are usually narrower than the hips
  • body type – “pear” or “apple”

Psychological traits of people of the endomorphic type:

  • friendliness and tolerance towards others
  • love of comfort
  • lack of aggressiveness
  • need for love and encouragement
  • slowness
  • relaxation
  • ability to fall asleep quickly and easily
  • increased appetite

Ailments often found in the endomorphic type:

  • diabetes
  • atherosclerosis
  • stomach diseases associated with high acidity
  • liver disease
  • high blood pressure

Star representatives of endomorph personalities:

  • Danny DeVito
  • Russell Crowe
  • Oprah Winfie
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Beyonce

How to determine whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph: test

You've probably noticed that on the way to achieving a slim and fit figure, by doing the same exercises and following proper nutrition, people achieve completely different results. This is due to the fact that we all belong to different somatic types. Understanding which specific one you belong to will help you correctly adjust your daily diet, as well as develop the necessary training system.

In order to determine a person’s body type, there are a number of different techniques. The most popular are the following:

  • according to anthropometric characteristics - indicators of some physical data of the figure are measured, and then using special formulas the person’s somatotype is determined. This method is considered one of the most accurate. You can undergo such testing in fitness centers or find a description on the Internet.
  • visual assessment of your appearance and observation of your own body - pay attention to how quickly you lose or gain weight, as well as the width of your bones and the volume of your hips and shoulders. Remember what kind of figure you had in your youth (with age, your metabolism slows down, and this increases your chances of gaining extra pounds)
  • by elbow width - the width of the elbow joint bent at a right angle is measured and compared with the indicators.
  • along the intercostal angle - place your fingers under the lower border of the ribs so that they follow the costal line. Then you need to measure the angle that has formed between the fingers and copies the intercostal one (an angle of 90 degrees is typical for mesomorphs, acute for ectomorphs, obtuse for endomorphs).
  • questionnaire – it is necessary to take certain measurements and answer the test questions as honestly as possible.

It should be noted that the described types “in their pure form” are rare. In reality, mixed options predominate. Typically, lifestyle and diet determine the presence in a person of certain external features that relate to other types of build.

If you have data of two or all three types, then testing can show the percentage of one or another body type in your figure.

There is no need to be upset if the test results show that you belong to an undesirable body type. Consider your somatotype as a starting point in adjusting your lifestyle and eating habits. Every person can change and acquire a slim, fit body. The main thing is persistence and a strong desire to achieve positive results.

How to find out and understand who you are - ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph: determination by wrist

One of the simplest methods for determining your body type without using complex calculations and questionnaires is to measure the width of your wrist. It is believed that its girth is a constant value and does not change due to the gain or loss of muscle and fat tissue.

There are several main variants of this method.

Method 1. Grasp the wrist below the protruding bone with the thumb and middle finger of your other hand. The somatotype is determined depending on the location of your fingers:

  • cover each other – ectomorphic
  • touch each other - mesomorphic
  • can’t reach each other – endomorphic

Method 2: Using a measuring tape, measure your wrist at its narrowest point. Now compare the result with the indicators suggested below:

  • ectomorph - less than 15 cm in women and 18 cm in men
  • mesomorph – 15-17 cm for women and 18-20 cm for men
  • endomorph - more than 17 cm in women and 20 cm in men

Method 3. Enter your wrist parameters and your height in the table provided.

Of course, the above methods are very conditional and do not give accurate results, since they do not take into account the parameters of the lower body. Therefore, to more accurately determine your body type, it is better to use special tests.

Video: Body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. Human genetics