Why do many Russians, to put it mildly, dislike the Caucasian people? The opinion of Caucasians about Russian girls

General opinion:

Anonymous from the public Atypical Makhachkala: boys, fuck ... those Russian heifers, leave our yes))) anon)))

Khizri Magomedov: to breed ours, who do you mean, girls? Or to breed boys, that Russian whores like under our mow down? My brother didn't understand.

Orkhan Balakadashov: Even if ours are spoiled in a certain amount, then Russian girls from birth have blood in their blood. We fuck your..m and we enjoy it...and you, s..ka Russian, are here only because you are attracted to Caucasian members, since you included a lot of them!! And watch your language!

Abdurakhman Daibov: Russians are whores, Dagestanis - well, there is sleaze, but unlike Russians, they are 100 times better.

Vagit Abdurazakov: Most of the whores are Russian.

Omar Omarov A: 80 percent readily available.

Tigran Sargsyan: Because most of them are Russian whores. I live in Rostov, where every second one is a whore...

Jaka Jaka: only a Russian can wear black underwear with a red top and combine a pink clip at the same time ... and she is not combed.

Salih Gabitov: I am here in St. Petersburg!... They are all drunks and whores! Even the dirt from under the nails of a Dagestan girl is not worthy!

Murad Ashikilov: In Dagestan, out of 10 girls, at least 8 are beautiful, and in Russia, out of 100 girls, 6 cannot be collected.

Ruslan Malsagov: Because almost all Russian girls are giveaways. Some people hang themselves on guys. They lead a b...sky way of life.

On marrying a Russian:

Fatima Gafarova: There is no hope. You will break your life. Pomatrosit and quit. Our guys still marry their own, they won’t turn Russians into wives ... Better forget it.

Taga Tagirov: Never! They have a bad temper!

Maga Avar: a wife will never come out of a Russian girl.

Maga Jaba: never married! I am for purebred children, and not crossbreeds, you don’t understand what.

Timur Khasbulatov: Saul brother .. I'm marrying a normal girl and everything will be fucked up ... but before Russians, po..bu.

Donald Dag: I would not advise anyone to marry a Russian.

Rustam Askerov: Why get married? They give it anyway.

Kamil Magomedov: I myself am a Dargin and would never marry a Russian, because they all walk ... No matter what anyone says, out of 100% only 1 or 2 percent are normal ... If I marry a Russian, then almost all of my relatives will stop respect me, and many will simply turn away.

Today, no one explained to our Russian girls, who grew up in an atmosphere of vague moral values ​​and democratic-schizoid denial of the qualitative originality of people, nations, worldviews, that people belonging to different cultures have different ideas about what is good and what is Badly. And if the presence of premarital sexual experience for a girl in Moscow today is considered in the order of things, then according to the ideas of Caucasians, this is a shame, and these girls are not women, but prostitutes, and the attitude of Caucasians towards them is appropriate, like bedding and cattle.
No one explained to the Russian girls, also about the Caucasian-Muslim tribal tradition. The essence of which is that the representatives of the Caucasian belligerent side (possessing tribal consciousness) on the territory of the Russian side remain - the enemies of the Russians, and the women of the enemy (Russians) consider their military booty. "Spoiling girls" (depriving virginity and raping) is a common occupation of the Islamic-Caucasian conquerors. These Russian girls do not know that our Russian guys who are captured by Muslims (in the Caucasus or Asia) are cut off their reproductive organs. On the other hand, these same reproductive organs of the southerners become on the Russian Earth, for the Russian Gene Pool - an Instrument of Mass Defeat, through sexual contact of Caucasians and Asians with Russian girls.
Among the newcomers from the Caucasus to the Russian Land, it is considered male prowess to seduce a Russian girl and leave her, sexually mocking her and often taking away living space, bringing her real, ethnic, Caucasian family to her. A Caucasian woman in their mentality is a second-class person (although the mother is revered unconditionally), a Russian woman is not a person at all, cattle. But their Caucasian girls do not start intimate relationships with Russians, for this they will be cursed and excommunicated from the community, or even kill their own. Caucasians next to Slav girls - a picture familiar to our cities. How many Caucasian girls have you seen with our guys? In the Traditional Society, a woman is the guardian of the national foundations of the family, the main foundations of life. And when the women's community decomposes en masse, morally and socially, the end of the ethnos, nation, race comes.
Therefore, do not get tired of telling your sisters, daughters and granddaughters our stupid Tanya, Masha and Dasha:
Your handsome prince in one unbeautiful moment can turn into an animal face for you! A person who grew up in tribal traditions sees in you an object for satisfying animal desire and a means of destroying the enemy - his own, that is, us: our People, the Gene Pool of the Russian Nation.
And now I appeal to all Russian guys, men in the Stavropol Territory, more and more often Russian girls began to disappear. Recently, a 15-year-old girl disappeared, she did not have a mother, there was only a father who worked at a brick factory. After some time, the law enforcement agencies nevertheless decided to "comfort" the father, they told him that his daughter was found in some kind of brothel in one of the Caucasian republics, saying that she was alive, but they were not able to do anything and get her out of there they will not be able to, since those who maintain this brothel have a lot of connections and a high position in society. So, what happened to this girl is unknown, however, there are many such cases, 15-year-old Anastasia Pogrebnyak has not yet been found, her photo can be viewed here

I found this curious and instructive text in Varrax's LiveJournal, where he got from some forum. After reading it, I was not even particularly surprised, I just thought: but this is how all or almost all tsunarefs think of us, just for the time being, for the time being, they are smart enough to keep these thoughts to themselves. But apparently not for everyone and not always. Sometimes it breaks through - as the author of the monologue below under the nickname Erkan.
Hey, liberals and champions of tolerance! Read and enjoy - it's about you too:

“I see the guy you broke up. Only now you have a sick pride, like many representatives of the new generation of Russians, or rather Russians, because the first, unfortunately, so far include brothers in Dagestan, partly Ichkeria and Tatarstan. The whole world considers chocks not us, but you. At the age of 29, Allah gave me the opportunity to visit 42 countries of the world, I keep a diary for myself, maybe I’ll write a book at the end of my life))), in 37 of them you are called “pigs”. To be honest, I do not agree with this, because you are not a country of gaunakhs and all sorts of fagots, you are a country of Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy and great warriors. But your current generation has exposed all the worst qualities of the Russian people. You have pointed out the worst sides of the worst of my people. But you come to Baku and see who the Russians are here. Your fellow tribesmen, as they were here schmuck, so they remained. They can't get past the plumbing. It is they who are campaigning for alcoholism and prostitution here. And this is the great Russian people?! Our people are already doing big business with you, they are elected to your Senate, they run the largest oil company in your country. What are you doing, fixing our toilets. But our Russians have a big plus compared to those representatives I wrote about - they began to drink a little less, they do not fully apply to the widespread idea in the world “Russian woman is the most accessible woman”, and they do not engage in incest.
You write about a civilized society. You probably mean Europe. It's funny, parker, only the last part of your nickname connects you with them. You are Asian from cover to cover. Turkic blood flows in you, which has shaped you as a people. You yourself could not build your own state, calling for help the Germans, and then the Turks, then again returning to the Germans in the person of the Romanovs. When great cities and empires were built in the “Churkestans”, your ancestors lived on trees. You were lucky that there were really weak peoples nearby, in the person of those who lived beyond the Urals, and the rest was donated to you by the Turks. Hence the vast territory. But you cannot share this responsibility. They have you in Chechnya, where your government is deceiving you and scaring you with all sorts of Basaevs. You have forgotten how to fight so much that the Dagestanis are forced to fight against the Vainakhs. Now you sucked in Ukraine. You can't stomach that little Georgia has you at every opportunity. I'm not talking about us anymore. Your rulers are so stupid that they believe the sweet words about the "greatness of Russia" uttered by Ilham Aliyev, in response they read his praises. As a result, there is no longer Russia in the Caucasus, but we, the Caucasians, are in Russia. This is what keeps you going. There are no Russians in big Russian business, we and Jews solve problems there. You cannot manage your state and wealth, so, well, we will pick up what lies and do the work for you, but from this you will only eat leftovers from our table.
Even Herzen wrote that Russia does not have its own "national acropolis", on which each nation relies. You are marginalized, and have not become a real nation. For this, you almost executed Herzen, and this is your trouble, that you are not able to see yourself, instead rushing at others.
Your nation is degrading before our eyes, even our bastards and schmucks, coming to Russia, settle down there to the fullest, they become people there, i.e. those whom they are not considered even at home. Hence the conclusion - you are the same as they are. Soon you can be called with full confidence a nation of drug addicts and incest, a nation of alcoholics you have been called for at least 200 years. And after all this, you still make claims to me?! That's funny.
In general, I did not write all this in order to prick someone or answer your barbs. No, not at all. It's just sometimes strange to me that you still don't know how you are treated in the rest of the world. They wrote about Germany here)), every third Russian probably dreams of running away to the West, your dreams are probably green, the color of the Green Card. What are you even talking about.
Your football team is a typical mirror of your society - zero patriotism, zero fighting qualities and the eternal search for the extreme, which as a result turns out to be his own. When your players will sing their anthem just like the Turks and go out to every match as if it were a battle for the honor of the Great Country, then we'll talk about Russia as a football power.
When your fathers stop fucking their daughters, mothers stop selling their children to Thailand, when you believe in God and give up all delusional religions in the form of communism and fascism, when your women stop “accidentally passing” next to our “blockages”, offering everything imaginable and unthinkable services, humiliating yourself in front of a hairy black-assed man for only 200 rubles, when finally a Russian becomes the head of your state, when your morning starts at 7-00, and not at 12-00, when you realize that a plate that is spelled without “b” is needed only for food, and not for throwing at neighbors, when instead of “eating vodka” you will at least drink it, when you learn to fight again, when you again read not the proclamations of RNE and Limonov, but Dostoevsky, Platonov, Solzhenitsyn and Nabokov, when you do not desecrate the memory of your soldiers and hang swastikas everywhere, when you learn to respect your family, mother, father, love your children to the point of madness, when you are ready to shed your own and other people's blood again in the name of the Motherland and faith, then maybe you and will be respected in the world, and will raise the status of your fellow tribesmen in Azerbaijan from a plumber to a senior locksmith…”

Such are the revelations of a "man from the Caucasus." It is quite possible that the author of this text spattering with anger at Russians is selling watermelons in the market next to your house, his show about forty-two countries sounds very implausible, and you buy from him every day.

My friend and I once went to the billiard room. For a long time. About eight years ago.
We went quite regularly and with pleasure.
And somehow they played enough, got hungry and went to the port restaurant to the nearest tavern to eat and drink a cup of beer.

As it turned out, Azerbaijanis kept the zucchini. Maybe not... But it was an Azer who served us. And a little further from the common hall, but still within sight, young people of Caucasian appearance were eating shashlik.

That is, now I would already throw it away.

But let's be honest. The young people behaved with dignity. Russian single girls (including us) were not molested. They didn't make noise. Lezginok did not dance. Lambs were not slaughtered. In general, everything went sedately and calmly, as in the Soviet Union, with the exception of loudly screaming "black eyes" speakers.

As I already said, the "Caucasian" tables stood on the outskirts of the common room. Some kind of movement was constantly going on there, someone came and left, sometimes policemen appeared ... In general, I got the feeling of a "carefully regulated" viper. But the kebab was brought fresh. And my stomach and wallet are very expedient and tolerant.

In addition to young people, there were also Slavic girls at the "Caucasian" tables.
Not wives. Men (not even Caucasians) do not take wives to such places. Not whores either. No no. Ordinary girls who want someone to eat, someone to drink, someone to have fun ... and someone who wants relationships of varying degrees of seriousness.

This is where we come to the topic where usually the blood begins to flood the eyes and cavernous bodies of males. This is fine. This is part of the struggle of species for survival. Now let's remember that we are still not teenagers in the stage of hard puberty and we will go further.

The girls behaved differently. But in most cases, the way girls from working-class neighborhoods behave when they get into a restaurant. They neighed loudly, danced, lifting their legs high, quickly got drunk and began to sit on the horsemen's knees and so on. Dzhigits used the availability of girls (apparently, more than once and not only here). But the attitude of horsemen to girls was obvious. No, no one offended them, did not swear, did not throw them out into the street and did not force them to do a blowjob in public. But for the horsemen they were just bedding. And no word can express this attitude more precisely.

I looked at it all ... and did not even think to condemn. I myself am far from wearing a white coat. And I know that everyone can have different reasons for everything. However, jarred. I confess.

So, among all these not too good upbringing and behavior of the girls, one stood out. She was different. You know. A proud, incredibly beautiful, very bright girl. Just different. She didn't even go to the dance floor. She was very clean and modestly dressed. No makeup at all. I almost didn’t drink, or maybe I didn’t drink at all - I didn’t follow it on purpose. And she even sat in a different way. As if she had put a glass wall between herself and them.

I'm curious. In general, after twenty minutes of sidelong glances in the direction of that girl, I had the opinion that she was the only one here with "her man." And that they have not just "love" for one or two evenings, but a long relationship. "My man" was a young healthy man with an evil look. He said something sharply to her a couple of times, then snatched something from her hands. She got up and went to the toilet. He is behind her. Caught at the exit, pulled by the hand - pulled hard, dragged him to the place. He behaved very well.

Do you understand? Others were disposable. Therefore, they were allowed to do everything, even with their faces in the salad. It was different with this one. "You are my woman. Behave yourself... Like I said!"

And it doesn’t matter that he dragged her into this viper, which means that she is not a wife, not for a long time, not seriously. He already had rights to her anyway. And he used these rights in every possible way.

Not once did he hit her hard and hurt. No. But he pushed. Spyed. He raised his voice. Humiliated by word and gesture. Gave me a slap a couple of times. Naturally, no one stood up for the girl at the table. Alien woman. Russian woman. And then, no matter how unpleasant it is for me to say this, I have to say it. Yes. I haven’t seen, I don’t know yet a single Caucasian (but I still know plenty of them (the Turks don’t count, although, maybe, they are also a “jolly” people) what actually (not in words and within the framework of self-persuasion ) would consider a Russian (European, by the way, too) woman exactly the same as a Caucasian woman.

And do not, girls, jump up and shout "no no." Yes! Just because we are really different. We are brought up differently, we have a different worldview, we think differently and our emotions are arranged differently.

By the way. Question to Russian (European) men. Do you see the difference between women of Caucasian (patriarchal) upbringing and European (secular) upbringing?

In short, I drank tequila (((. And I jumped zealous. Before that, while the girls swayed with their boobs in front of the humpbacked Caucasian noses, it didn’t jump up. And when this Chernomor smacked a little white, thin, modest girl, it jumped up. "What are you, who are you!" - jumped up. Since it jumped up with me within the limits of everything reasonable, I did not run with a skewer in my hands to the "Caucasian" zone. But I went up to the girl in the toilet and quite (as it seemed to me then) politely and distinctly asked. "Well, why this is for you, huh?

By the way, assuming quite what will be the answer.

Well, she answered. (answered, because I still told her a lot of things, accompanying each of my sentences with "well, why?"

And at first she climbed into a fight, and then somehow quickly deflated. And she answered. That they have love once and for all life, that no one understands her, but she knows that he is good, best of all, just quick-tempered. He is not like her peers and compatriots - kvelye and boring. He is bright, hot, passionate. He is a flame, he is a fire, he is either sharp or affectionate, he says such tender WORDS. And what sometimes screams, threatens to kill and shoves his fist in the side, so this is a Caucasian ... "It's customary with them." So he's jealous because he loves. Oriental man - a sharp act. He can't help it, but then he asks for forgiveness all night.

"No. I'm not like everyone else," she said. "I know for sure"! - she said. "Let him even kill! But I'll be happy for at least a month!"

A little good girl Sasha, who has read stupid books and watched stupid TV shows.

She also said that she was pregnant and that they were going to get married. Exactly. At first they will live a little just like that, and then they will sign. And that I'm a fool. And that if everything is bad with me, it does not mean anything. Someone is good. After all, is there someone who is good? A?

Well, then I realized that it was time for me to sober up and stomp home. Because there are so many of these sashes. How many mash, dash, natasha ... How many laris. But for some reason we exchanged phone numbers with Sasha.

And, in short, she called me six months later or something, or even later. I forgot who Sasha is. And she called. And she cried. And she told me... that I was right. He beat her. First, gently, prophylactically. "He's so passionate, but I did something wrong. Not the right way. Not like they do. It's my own fault, I provoked it myself."

Doesn't it remind you of anything?

And then he just started beating Sasha. Legs and so that she yelled at the whole house. Beat every day in mortal combat. Pregnant with his child, by the way. And then he threw it out into the street in a shirt alone. And she stomped naked and with a belly. But the truth is, someone kind put her alive in the car and took her to her friend. (she was not a Muscovite herself). From there, she called her mother. To take away. And she called me to tell me.

This is such an idiotic and such an archetypal story, it's all so banal to the point of nausea... It's even unpleasant for me to tell, let alone relive.

But I didn't say a word. However, I missed a few details.

a) she still managed to put a black eye under my eye
b) we were pulled apart by some half-Armenian half-Azer named Arsen, who rubbed me for a long time about the friendship of peoples
c) I, furious and under the influence of alcohol, stuck to the cops sitting near the exit and insulted them in such a way that it’s strange how they didn’t tear my legs out.
d) I'm duuura

Naturally, our boys are no better. But the probability of "hit" should still be taken into account.