Why is duphaston prescribed during pregnancy? Duphaston during pregnancy - support in the early stages of bearing a baby. What to do if you forgot to take your pill

Sometimes, during a routine examination, the doctor prescribes the patient to take the drug Duphaston during early pregnancy. Naturally, any pregnant woman has a question about why to use a hormonal drug and how it can affect the health of the future baby.

What is this drug?

The most important hormone that prepares the female body for pregnancy is called progesterone. It is on this that absolutely all changes in the body of the expectant mother depend, which are so necessary for the full development and formation of the unborn child.

But if a pregnant woman has a deficiency of this hormone, then spontaneous abortion or intrauterine developmental delay of the future baby is possible. Then the gynecologist prescribes Duphaston for early pregnancy. Feedback from patients is positive, the drug allows you to carry a child with great ease.

How does it work?

This product is an analogue of the female hormone progesterone, the only difference is that Duphaston is obtained in the laboratory. Moreover, such a medicine is identical in structure to the natural hormone and replaces it if necessary.

If there is not enough progesterone in a woman’s body, this negatively affects not only pregnancy, but also affects the normal course of menstruation. As a rule, this deficiency is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • severe headache;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • swelling of the mammary glands and abdominal area;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • severe fatigue.

In addition to these signs, a low amount of progesterone leads to the fact that a woman can suddenly gain additional weight before the start of her “special days”. Therefore, a woman’s doctor can prescribe Duphaston during early pregnancy in order to equalize hormonal levels, but only after passing the appropriate tests.

However, there are situations when treatment with the hormonal drug Duphaston is mandatory, namely:

  • For quite a long time, the woman was unable to bear a child due to spontaneous miscarriages.
  • In cases where a phenomenon called recurrent miscarriage occurs. As a rule, this occurs due to disturbances in the hormonal system.
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage and the impossibility of carrying a baby. If test results indicate low progesterone levels.
  • If a woman has had precedents with a frozen fetus.

Appointment when planning pregnancy

Taking Duphaston in the early stages of pregnancy is quite logical, but in some cases it is also prescribed when planning pregnancy.

If a woman has problems bearing a child, then she needs to undergo a full examination of sex hormones; the most important thing in this situation is to identify the level of progesterone, another name is the pregnancy hormone.

If there is not enough such a hormone in the female body, then an artificial substitute is prescribed, which the woman begins to use in the second phase of the cycle, with complete withdrawal when menstruation appears.

Well, if the long-awaited joy in the form of pregnancy has arrived, then Duphaston continues to be taken until the 20th week. It is worth noting that only a specialist can prescribe the dosage and duration of the course; it is strictly forbidden to do this on your own.

Admission during pregnancy

When a long-awaited pregnancy occurs, this drug, when taken, reduces the tone of the uterus so as not to provoke premature birth or miscarriage. Moreover, during early pregnancy, Duphaston is directly involved in preparing the mammary glands for feeding and helps the female body accumulate the necessary fat to bear a child. In addition, Duphaston protects against miscarriage and improves the endometrium.

If pregnancy occurs as a result of the IVF procedure, then the use of Duphaston in the early stages of pregnancy is mandatory, since the cells of the immune system in most cases perceive the implanted fetus as a foreign body and try to get rid of it. And this drug acts as a blocker of these cells.

Therefore, a woman must take Duphaston without fail. As a rule, taking this remedy begins with preparing the uterus for the IVF procedure. In this case, the calculation of the dose is purely individual for each patient.

Use in later pregnancy

The course of taking Duphaston and its duration depends only on the factor of how the woman’s pregnancy progresses. As described above, this drug is generally discontinued at 20 weeks. The condition for cancellation is a fully formed placental layer, which takes care of the production of progesterone.

But if there is the slightest threat, then this drug is not discontinued until the 36th week. Only with the onset of this period do they stop using the hormone. The main thing is that Duphaston, when taken in late pregnancy, does not have a detrimental effect on the fetus.

When asked whether Duphaston helps maintain pregnancy, the answer is clear: yes. Duphaston is an indispensable remedy for discharge in early pregnancy. The synthetic female pregnancy hormone not only helps protect the fetus, but also helps its development and nutrition.

If the hormonal system malfunctions

Sometimes disturbances occur in the functioning of the female reproductive system, which are caused by various reasons. The most common disorder is related to the menstrual cycle. In this case, there are three signs by which you can determine the occurrence of a certain problem, namely:

  • Dysmenorrhea. Severe pain before the onset and during “special days”.
  • PMS. Pronounced premenstrual syndrome.
  • Amenorrhea. Lack of menstrual cycle.

How to understand what is wrong?

A regular menstrual cycle is the first sign that the female body is fully coping with its responsibilities. Well, if all of the above symptoms appear, this is the first sign that a failure is occurring. In this case, the woman should contact an appropriate specialist for advice.

After passing the tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the malfunction. And if the problem is low progesterone levels, then Duphaston will be prescribed. This remedy will normalize a woman’s hormonal levels and eliminate any problems that have arisen.

Are there any side effects?

Are there any side effects if Duphaston is taken during early pregnancy? Reviews show that side effects can be extremely rare and can be easily eliminated after adjusting the dose taken. If taken in small doses, diffuse bleeding from the uterus may occur. As a rule, such unpleasant symptoms disappear immediately after increasing the rate of use of this drug.

Very rare, but still occurring are chest pain, severe headaches and skin rashes as a result of an allergic reaction. There are cases of swelling of the limbs and decreased libido. The appearance of all this can be influenced by Duphaston during early pregnancy. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually. And, as a rule, the symptoms listed earlier disappear as soon as the doctor adjusts the dosage taken up or, conversely, down.

Can an overdose occur during pregnancy?

To date, no cases of overdose from this drug have been recorded. But, if there is an accidental use of this drug in large quantities, then the first thing to do is to rinse the stomach with large quantities of water. Then the person who has suffered from careless use should be laid down and kept at rest until all unpleasant symptoms pass. Therefore, it is important not to take Duphaston uncontrollably and haphazardly during early pregnancy.

In case of overdose, you can use additional medications that will help cope with poisoning, but only after consultation with a specialist. Since there are no specific drugs that can neutralize the effect of Duphaston in nature.

Are there any contraindications for use during pregnancy?

Although the drug "Duphaston" can give a woman the joy of motherhood, there are still some contraindications to its use.

If a woman is allergic to any of the components that are present in this drug, then it must be taken with extreme caution, and if the first signs of a reaction of the body appear, then Duphaston should be immediately discontinued during early pregnancy.

For the following diseases, the drug is strictly prohibited for use:

  • rotor;
  • Dabin-Jones;
  • in case of liver dysfunction;
  • for malignant tumors.

This drug should also be taken with extreme caution in case of a disease such as vascular thromboembolism. This also applies to thrombophlebitis, as well as a tendency to thrombosis. For such diseases, this medicine should only be taken under medical supervision.

A few rules

Duphaston is a hormonal drug that cannot be taken without permission or, conversely, discontinued. It is prescribed, as well as taken, only on the recommendations of the attending physician. How to take Duphaston in early pregnancy? The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • Take the drug twice a day, strictly maintaining 12 hours between each dose.
  • If one dose was missed, then wait until the next required time to take it, and only then take the pill.
  • At the end of the course of treatment with Duphaston, the woman must make sure that pregnancy has not occurred. At the end of your menstrual cycle, you should purchase and perform a pregnancy test.
  • If pregnancy occurs during the course of treatment, it is not recommended to stop taking this drug. In this case, you should visit a gynecologist for advice.
  • When stopping treatment with this drug, remember that it is hormonal. And they stop using such drugs gradually, while strictly adhering to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.
  • In rare cases, Duphaston may also be prescribed for menopause. As a rule, such a drug is prescribed only in combination with other drugs. Thanks to this approach, a woman restores her disrupted hormonal levels within two weeks.

As was written above, the drug “Duphaston” is a synthetic hormone that has a positive effect on the female body as a whole. This remedy can not only restore the endometrium in women, but also completely renew it. But this is not the entire list of effects from such a remedy.

"Duphaston" for maintaining pregnancy in the early stages blocks any possibility of cysts and polyps forming in the uterus. This remedy promotes the conception of a child, makes it possible for the embryo to attach itself and not be rejected. And most importantly, thanks to this remedy, all possible risks of miscarriage or premature birth are reduced to zero.


Over the past 50 years, Duphaston has been successfully used to maintain and properly develop pregnancy. Throughout this time, this tool has been constantly studied and tested. Thanks to this, valuable experience in its application was gained. Today, Duphaston is the most effective synthetic hormone, which also has virtually no side effects and a minimum number of contraindications.

We also looked at how to drink Duphaston in the early stages of pregnancy. At the moment, almost all specialists who are involved in the field of reproduction and gynecology claim that this drug is the best compared to other analogues. This medicine is not only better, but also irreplaceable in some cases. Its main advantage is that Duphaston is an ideal drug for maintaining pregnancy.

Conception, pregnancy, the birth of a healthy child - these natural events for most women remain just a dream for some. The inability to conceive, maintain a pregnancy, or carry a baby to term is often due to hormonal disorders, or rather, insufficient production of progesterone. For this pathology, duphaston is prescribed, a synthetic analogue of the hormone of the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum. The drug affects the woman’s body like progesterone.

Progesterone – “pregnancy hormone”

Progesterone, in interaction with estradiol, regulates the menstrual cycle. In the preovulatory phase, the follicle matures under the influence of estrogen. At the moment (release of the egg due to rupture of the follicle) and in the postovulatory phase, progesterone plays the “main violin”.

It is produced by the corpus luteum - the endocrine gland formed during ovulation. Progesterone prepares the uterine mucosa for implantation of a fertilized egg: the functional layer of the endometrium thickens and becomes loose. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum hormone:

  • prevents miscarriage by suppressing the activity (motility) of the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • prevents ovulation of newly formed follicles;
  • prepares breast tissue for breastfeeding;
  • promotes the formation of a mucous plug in the cervical canal;
  • influences the psycho-emotional state of a woman, relieving excitement and providing a calming effect.

With the correct hormonal status, all these processes occur in a woman’s body “automatically”: conception, a normal pregnancy, the birth of a healthy baby. The slightest deviations or failures lead to insufficient progesterone production. Problems begin: inability to conceive, miscarriage. It is in such cases that gynecologists prescribe duphaston.

For more information about the effect of progesterone on the body of a pregnant woman, see the video review:

In what cases during pregnancy is duphaston prescribed?

Since duphaston contains dydrogesterone (a synthetic analogue of the corpus luteum hormone), the drug is indicated for repeated spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) and the inability to become pregnant due to insufficient progesterone production. In these cases, a synthetic analogue (progestagen) compensates for the lack of its own “pregnancy hormone”. Duphaston is prescribed only after determining the hormonal status. note: blood is donated “for hormones” after ovulation, that is, in the second phase of the cycle. It is advisable, in order to avoid errors, to additionally perform analysis in other laboratories and compare the results.

Can duphaston be taken for self-medication?

Uncontrolled use of duphaston without a thorough medical examination and determination of the level of hormones in the blood is fraught with an unpredictable reaction of the body. Don’t forget that the drug is hormonal, so arguments like “it helped Svetka get pregnant and will help me” or “I read it on my favorite forum” are not enough to risk your health. There are many causes of infertility, low progesterone levels are just one of them. Important: the wrong regimen for taking duphaston sometimes has the opposite effect: the tablets “work” as a contraceptive.

Taking duphaston

The dosage regimen is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle. Usually, at the stage of pregnancy planning, 1-2 tablets are prescribed from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle for six months. If pregnancy occurs, continue taking the drug until the 16th week. At this time, the placenta is formed and the production of its own progesterone increases. If there is a history of spontaneous abortions, the drug is prescribed until the 20th week of pregnancy. In case of threat of miscarriage, take up to 40 mg (4 tablets) at a time, followed by a subsequent reduction in dosage.

When discontinuing duphaston, the daily dose is gradually adjusted in a decreasing manner. The individual dosage reduction regimen is determined by the doctor. Important: Do not suddenly stop taking the pills - this can cause bleeding and even miscarriage.

Taking duphaston during IVF

During IVF, duphaston is prescribed both to prepare the uterine lining for implantation of a fertilized egg, and to reduce the risk of fetal rejection (the drug blocks cells of the immune system).

Duphaston: side effects

The most dangerous side effect of duphaston is breakthrough bleeding, which can be controlled by increasing the dose of the drug. Possible renal dysfunction, nausea, and prolonged headaches. Duphaston is prescribed with caution:

How safe is duphaston?

Opinions about the safety of duphaston are divided. If domestic doctors are confident in the harmlessness of the drug and exclude its negative impact on both the mother’s body and the fetus, then their foreign colleagues think differently.

Duphaston has been discontinued in the UK. This is explained by the little-studied effect of dydrogesterone and the possibility of its teratogenic effect on the fetus (impaired embryonic development, congenital deformities)

Duphaston: pros and cons

To take or not to take duphaston? The question is complex, akin to Shakespeare’s “to be or not to be.” On the one hand, the drug helped many women forget the diagnosis of infertility and become the mother of a long-awaited baby. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that reports of the ineffectiveness of duphaston or its teratogenic effect will not soon appear. Therefore, one should be guided by the principle: “do no harm.” You should take the medicine only after examination, consultation with several specialists (gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist) and complete confidence in the need to take this particular drug.

Clinical pharmacologist, doctor of the highest category Marina Sergeevna Nazarova

Is it possible to overdose on duphaston during pregnancy? What are the main indications for the use of this drug, and when should it not be taken? Such questions should be examined in more detail.

Features of the drug

Duphaston is a gestagen; it contains an active substance called dydrogesterone. It has no side effects, it does not have anabolic, androgenic, or estrogenic effects. This medicine is used for replacement therapy. Disintegration of active drug substances does not have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Its effectiveness occurs without additional disruption of the menstrual cycle, without suppressing ovulation. It follows from this that there is no harm to the body during pregnancy. The effect of the drug begins a few hours after use. The release form is round tablets. Color white.

Taken orally with plenty of liquid. Reception is carried out regardless of food consumption. If one dose is missed, you are not allowed to take a double dose the next time to make up for the miss. If several doses of medication are prescribed during the day, they should be divided into equal intervals.

When is the drug prescribed?

During puberty, medication is prescribed to treat menstrual dysfunction, to eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, uterine bleeding, and irregular menstrual cycles.

The main indications for use are:

  1. Dysfunctions in the menstrual cycle.
  2. Development of endometriosis.
  3. Signs of dysmenorrhea.
  4. Problems with conceiving a child, caused by a lack of lutein.
  5. If there is a lack of progesterone, which negatively affects the course of pregnancy, there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth.
  6. Lack of progesterone and, as a consequence, the occurrence of recurrent miscarriage.
  7. The appearance of premenstrual syndrome.
  8. Uterine bleeding.
  9. Prevention of endometrial wall hyperplasia during menopause.

During menopause it is used to treat endometriosis, treatment of hormonal imbalances and uterine bleeding is carried out. It is the main means for carrying out replacement therapy in case of hormonal imbalance.

Side effects

Reproductive system organs: possible bleeding, pain in the mammary glands. The following side effects often occur:

  • severe headaches;
  • nausea;
  • menstrual dysfunction(scanty discharge, heavy discharge, absence of menstruation or too long).

Average response frequency:

  • the appearance of depression;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • weakness or malaise;
  • rashes on the skin accompanied by itching;
  • weight gain.

With infrequent reactions, symptoms such as anemia, hypersensitivity, and Quincke's edema appear. If there is a side effect, therapy is stopped.

When medicine is not prescribed

The main contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • contraindications to treatment with estrogens in complex therapy;
  • vaginal bleeding, the cause of which has not been established;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • presence of tumor-like processes;
  • increased sensitivity to the active substances of the drug.

Features of use during pregnancy and lactation

Duphaston is prescribed during pregnancy if there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion
, to premature birth, placental abruption.

During lactation, there is no data on whether dydrogesterone passes into breast milk. The danger to the baby is unknown, so the drug is prescribed with caution and is taken under strict medical supervision.

Some nuances of reception

Before starting treatment with Duphaston, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of bleeding. Sometimes, for the first time after starting treatment, bloody or spotting discharge may appear. If such symptoms appear in the middle of the course of therapy or at the end of therapy, this is a signal that you need to be examined, since during this period the drug cannot cause discharge.

If necessary, a biopsy is performed to exclude pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

When should treatment be stopped

Termination of the course of therapy is possible if the following situations occur:

  • the appearance of intense headaches, migraines, signs of circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • the appearance of symptoms indicating the presence of blood clots in the veins.

If a threat of risk of miscarriage is diagnosed, and the drug is not suitable for treatment, it is recommended to replace it with other drugs that do not contain similar substances.

Sometimes during therapy, disturbances in the functioning of the liver appear., sometimes clinical manifestations are intense. Therefore, duphaston is prescribed with caution and under strict medical supervision to those patients who have a history of liver disease. In parallel, it is recommended to systematically monitor biochemical blood tests; if signs of severe liver dysfunction are detected, therapy should be discontinued.

If breakthrough bleeding occurs, it is recommended to increase the dosage of the drug, so that such signs can be prevented or stopped.


An overdose of duphaston during pregnancy is only possible if the doses are too high. However, at the moment there are no cases of overdose with duphaston.

The drug is extremely toxic
. But since no cases of overdose have been recorded, it is assumed that in case of an overdose, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and lethargic sleep may occur.

In case of overdose, no specific treatment is required. Symptomatic measures and gastric lavage are carried out. There is no specific antidote.

The medicine should be stored out of the reach of children. All medications should be prescribed only by a doctor, as side effects may occur. And treatment under the supervision of a specialist will help avoid consequences. All therapy measures are prescribed taking into account the patient’s condition, the individual characteristics of her body and the stage of advanced disease.

The first trimester is the most important period determining the further development of pregnancy. It is at this time that a woman’s body is actively preparing for motherhood, and all conditions are created for the formation and development of the baby. If disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system are observed, drug therapy is often prescribed.

Duphaston during early pregnancy compensates for the lack of the most important hormone - progesterone. It is this that allows you to relax the muscle fibers, protecting against spontaneous contractions. Prepares the body, reducing its immune defense, to secure the amniotic egg in the uterine cavity. Thanks to advances in medicine, today it is possible to normalize the condition of the expectant mother and baby if any abnormalities arise.

Operating principle

Many pregnant women try to avoid taking any medications, believing that this will affect the formation of the fetus. The drug Dufastan is completely safe for both the woman and her child. This is an analogue of natural progesterone, the very main hormone without which the most important thing cannot happen - conception, gestation and the birth of a new life. Normally, its enhanced synthesis begins after fertilization of the egg, when it makes its way to the main destination - the uterus. In the cavity of the muscular organ, the amniotic egg is fixed, then the embryo will develop and grow, turning into a fetus.

If, for any reason, the level of progesterone drops, this leads to a threat to the vital activity of the embryo. That’s why this drug is prescribed; it replenishes the deficiency until the placenta takes over the functions of hormone synthesis. This happens around the 20th obstetric week, and after that there is no need to maintain medication. In rare cases, the drug is taken longer, but after 22 weeks the threat of miscarriage disappears, and we are already talking about the risk of premature birth. The tablets are absolutely safe, they do not affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, they only affect hormone levels.

Indications for use

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed to reduce spontaneous abortion. Thanks to its action, the uterus relaxes, spasms and bleeding stop. Favorable conditions are also created for the formation of the mucous membrane - the future placenta, whose functions in the early stages are performed by the corpus luteum.

Another reason for prescribing may be chronic endometritis. This is a special condition of the female body’s immune system, in which the embryo is perceived as a foreign body that poses a danger. If not diagnosed in time and treated appropriately, there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

Duphaston's reception

Very often the drug is prescribed during the period of preparation for conception, when there are medical indications. In such cases, the woman continues to take it throughout the first trimester even after fertilization occurs. 1 tablet 2 times a day is enough, but the regimen may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman. You cannot independently introduce changes to the gynecologist’s prescriptions, much less increase or decrease doses. Even if the expectant mother forgot to take the drug on time, she can do this in the next 6 hours, the level of the hormone in the blood will not change dramatically.

There is no need to take the drug if the placenta is formed (18 weeks). If the hormone levels are normal, Duphaston is discontinued gradually, the dosage is reduced to 1 tablet per week. Rapid completion of the dose can cause bleeding and subsequent miscarriage.

Consequences of taking

Despite the fact that the drug is very similar in its molecular structure to progesterone, individual reactions of the body are possible. This is minimal discomfort, which allows you to do the most important thing - maintain the pregnancy.

Side effects:

  • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • uterine bleeding (dosage changes);
  • abdominal pain;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • headaches, migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • itching, rash, urticaria (very rare);
  • hemolytic anemia (isolated cases);
  • edema syndrome.

In addition, there are conditions in which the drug should not be taken.


  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the excretory system;
  • rare hereditary diseases;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • individual intolerance.

Duphaston should not be taken with medications containing estrogen. All appointments are controlled only by a doctor.

If a pregnant woman makes a mistake with the dose and takes more than prescribed, gastric lavage is necessary. There are no special antidotes; only symptoms that arise are treated. In any case, if adverse reactions or overdose occur, you should seek medical help.

  • Date: 04/30/2019
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Duphaston is taken during pregnancy if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Pregnancy is a special condition for a woman. Moreover, any negative impact can affect not only her, but also the fetus.

Characteristics of the medication

Today, many representatives of the fair sex are unable to carry a child to term the first time. One of the most common causes is disruption of the hormonal system.

Hormonal medicine has helped many people maintain pregnancy. How to take duphaston during pregnancy and until what week, is this medicine safe - these are the questions asked by all women who have been prescribed it. There are two opinions about the issue of security. Therefore, some women are wary of hormonal treatment.

Doctors have been using this hormonal medicine for a long time. The drug has an analogue called utrozhestan. It is prescribed not only when there is a threat of natural abortion, but also in the following cases:

  • for the prevention of miscarriage;
  • for infertility;
  • in the presence of menopausal disorders;
  • in case of menstrual irregularities;
  • if mastopathy is diagnosed;
  • in the presence of endometriosis and fibroids.

Many pregnant girls have a question about how duphaston during pregnancy differs from utrozhestan. The chemical composition of hormonal drugs is absolutely the same, and the only difference is that the drug duphaston contains a synthetic hormone, and its analogue is a natural hormone. It is impossible to say for sure which drug is better, because... they are both successfully used and help women carry a child or become pregnant.

Duphaston - hormonal tablets. An analogue of the female hormone - progesterone. This hormone is responsible for reproductive function in the body. The drug contains a hormone created synthetically. Release form: film-coated tablets.

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Why are hormones needed and what function do they perform? Before each period, progesterone begins to prepare the female organs for a possible pregnancy. Retains moisture in the body, making the uterine lining loose. Thanks to excess fluid, the shell thickens. Such a restructuring in the body occurs for possible pregnancy and the ability to bear a child.

If progesterone is produced in inappropriate quantities in the female body, the cervix becomes weak, and its mucous membrane also relaxes. All this leads to the fact that the uterus cannot hold the fetus, and this fact becomes decisive for many women; a natural termination of pregnancy occurs - a miscarriage. Timely and long-term use of the drug restores the level of female hormones and normalizes the condition of a pregnant woman. Only a specialist can tell you how to take Duphaston hormonal tablets for pregnant women.

When is the medicine prescribed?

The drug is prescribed during pregnancy only by a gynecologist. Under no circumstances should women take duphaston on their own during pregnancy. Before prescribing the drug, doctors will definitely take a blood test from the woman to determine the amount of hormone produced. It is recommended to take the medicine for girls who have had an abortion or had a frozen pregnancy.

Even after such unpleasant situations, you cannot use it yourself! How much duphaston to drink during pregnancy and what quantity is determined by the doctor individually.

Drink duphaston after meals. Depending on the condition of the body, you can take it 2 times a day. The ideal option is to take it before pregnancy, when planning it.

Lack of progesterone may not always cause a threat of miscarriage. There are many other reasons why pathology develops. Therefore, before prescribing hormonal medicine, doctors take a blood test. We should not forget that an excess of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman can cause the development of serious pathologies, so taking hormonal medications during pregnancy is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors.

Duphaston is prescribed when planning pregnancy for 2-5 menstrual cycles. On what days the drug is taken depends on the length of the cycle. If fertilization has occurred, the drug is taken in the same dosage that was established.

It is strictly forbidden to stop taking duphaston during pregnancy on your own. You should stop taking it only gradually. Usually doctors reduce the dosage, and use is completely stopped before the XX week of pregnancy.

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You should not take Duphaston hormonal tablets during early pregnancy if they are prescribed only on the basis of visible symptoms and the woman’s verbal story. Unfortunately, such cases also occur in medical practice due to the unprofessionalism of some doctors. During pregnancy, duphaston is prescribed only on the basis of a hormone test.

Controversy about taking the drug during pregnancy

Doctors of medical sciences have been arguing about duphaston for a long time. Many believe that the medicine does not have negative effects on the body of a pregnant woman and child, while others, on the contrary, speak out against it.

8 years ago, British doctors banned the use of Duphaston tablets for pregnant women, expressing the opinion that the effect of a synthetically created hormone on a woman’s body has been little studied and is based only on theory. The data in the English instructions differs significantly from the data entered in the Russian one. The British are confident that duphaston during pregnancy can cause disturbances in embryonic development, genetic changes, and deformity. Russian doctors are sure of the opposite.

The instructions for use do not contain information that the medicine is harmful to the female body.

If the rules of administration are not violated and a hormonal drug is prescribed based on testing for the amount of hormones produced by a pregnant woman, then its use is not prohibited.

Based on reviews from women who were prescribed hormonal pills during pregnancy, it can be judged that the drug is well tolerated and does not affect the health of the expectant mother and fetus.

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By the way, another reason why you should not take hormonal medication on your own when planning a pregnancy is strict adherence to exact dosages. Only a gynecologist will be able to correctly suggest a regimen for taking a hormonal drug by studying the basal temperature chart and deciphering the hormone test. When planning pregnancy, Duphaston tablets should be taken in accordance with the ovulation process, because violating this rule leads to the medicine beginning to act as a contraceptive.

Who should not take hormonal pills?

Duphaston during pregnancy does not affect the functioning of the organs and systems of the body. But for some diseases you cannot take it:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • liver diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • depressive states;
  • psychical deviations.
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Rotor syndrome;
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome.

Side effects

How to take duphaston during pregnancy if it gives side effects? Any drug after taking can affect the general condition of the body, and duphaston during pregnancy is no exception. Hormonal medicine has a number of side effects, the presence of which must be reported to your doctor. Some girls experience headaches, feel dizzy, feel nauseous, and may even vomit.

In isolated cases, the temperature rises, bleeding and allergic manifestations appear. An allergy can occur if a woman has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. But in 93% of women, duphaston hormonal tablets during pregnancy do not cause any side effects.

Particular attention should be paid to those women who have previously taken contraceptives. The combination of estrogen and progesterone can cause a pathology such as thrombophlebitis.

Many pregnant girls or those planning to become mothers refuse to take it, but this is absolutely wrong. For many infertile women or those who could not bear a fetus, duphaston during pregnancy really helped to make their cherished dream come true. Hormonal therapy should only be prescribed by a specialist after studying the condition of the pregnant woman’s body, the presence of allergic reactions and passing special tests. In this case, no side effects will occur. Synthetic progesterone will help maintain a long-awaited pregnancy.

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The only “BUT” when taking the hormonal drug duphaston is to strictly follow the gynecologist’s recommendations and follow the prescribed dosage! Only your doctor can tell you until what week you should take the hormonal drug Duphaston for pregnant women. You cannot stop taking the medicine overnight, because... this can have a detrimental effect on the development of the child, on the condition of the pregnant woman and can cause a miscarriage in the later stages, because a sharp drop in hormone levels will lead to relaxation of the muscles of the uterus and mucous membrane, and it will not be able to hold the fetus.

After taking synthetic progesterone, by the 19th gynecological week, the drug helps restore the level of the hormone to such an extent that the placenta itself is able to produce a sufficient amount of the female hormone. It is for this reason that by the 20th week, taking duphaston during pregnancy is stopped. If a woman followed the correct dosage throughout her pregnancy and took hormonal medication according to the appropriate regimen, then everything will be fine with the child.