Crafts from vegetables and fruits for school. Many interesting crafts can be made from zucchini. Autumn crafts from watermelon

Smeshariki. Master class on making products from natural materials and plasticine

Makarov Zakhar, 3 years old
Supervisor: Makarova Nadezhda Viktorovna, daytime teacher, OGKUSO SRTSN "Scarlet Sails", Ulyanovsk

Do-it-yourself Smeshariki from natural material and plasticine.

Purpose: The work can be used in the story games "New Adventures of Smeshariki", as didactic material in the classroom or in the design of the exhibition "Gifts of Autumn".
Target: making characters from the cartoon "Smeshariki" from natural material and plasticine with your own hands.
- learn to work accurately with plasticine;
- learn to use natural materials in work;
- learn to compose an image of an object from several parts;
- develop fine motor skills of fingers;
- Raise interest in working with different materials.
Foreword: Probably in every house where there are small children, they know about the existence of Smeshariki: a cartoon, toys from kinder surprises, coloring books ... And when I asked my son what he would like to do today? That his answer surprised me, he wanted to make Smeshariki with his own hands. To make it more interesting, she offered him vegetables and plasticine. He pulled out all his toys from kinder surprises, put them in a row and chose his favorite characters: Nyusha, Losyash and Kopatych.

1. We distribute vegetables and characters: Nyusha from beets, Losyash from onions, Kopatych from potatoes.

2. We decided to start with Nyusha. We use white plasticine for the peephole (balls-flat cakes).

3. Red - patch, mouth, eyelids (she's a girl, she should be beautiful).

4. We compose all parts of the face in front of us, imagining how it will look.

5. There are not enough black details in the eyes and cilia.

6. We attach all parts of the face of our Nyusha to the convex part of the beetroot. If it is poorly attached, then we attach the spout to part of the toothpick, and the eyes and mouth to it.

7. We decided to make heart-shaped cheeks for our beautiful Nyusha (cut out using stacks).

8. Let's take care of the hair. We make a cake from raspberry-colored plasticine. We cut out, using stacks, a bang in the form of a heart - on one side, leave the opposite side.

9. We fix the hair on the beet tail, wrapping the tail itself in plasticine.

10. With a stack we make a pattern on a bang and a pigtail.

11. What is a pigtail without a bow?! We take yellow plasticine, divide it into components of the bow: ribbon, bow and the core of the bow in the form of a circle.

12. We attach all parts of the bow to the pigtail.

13. It came to the hands and feet! We make four blanks from yellow plasticine, and four circles from yellow - for hooves.

14. We attach. To make the legs and arms not only hold well, but also move, we use toothpicks.

15. We divide the hooves in half with a stack. Nyusha is ready!

She will drive a cool orange car in the new series!

16. We pass to Losyash from the bow. White eyes, orange nose, red mouth, yellow horns.

17. We compose into a single person. See if everything is in place!

18. Carefully fashion the horns.

19. Hands and feet - will not be difficult. (After Nyusha - Losyash quickly became!) We connect all parts of the body. Compare with a toy from Kinder Surprise... Looks like?! Yes, we are even better!

The moose was also waiting for a chic car!

20. Now - Kopatych. His nose is already different, we sculpt it from black plasticine, a mouth and eyes, just like Nyusha and Losyash.

21. The most important thing is a hat! It took a long time to choose a color... Green or blue?! Still blue! We knead the tortilla around the edges, and leave the middle convex so that the hat is cowboy! Putting all the parts of the face and the hat together.

22. Hands, legs and even a rake decided to give Kopatych!

Every autumn, thematic exhibitions under the general title "Gifts of Autumn" come to kindergartens and primary schools. And the main characters on them are crafts from vegetables and fruits.

From zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, melons, watermelons, apples, grapes and other natural material from branches and beds, you can do:

  • Figurines of animals, birds, cartoon characters, people
  • Designs - appliances, houses, household items, dishes
  • Flat paintings and panels with different subjects
  • Flowers and animals in the carving technique (not to be confused with)

Artistic carving of vegetables and fruits

Another technique for making crafts from vegetables or fruits with your own hands is Carving(cutting out). This is when everything superfluous is cut off from the original form and a new figure is obtained, similar to something or someone.

Banana, eggplant and broccoli dog

watermelon turtle

watermelon dinosaur head

Zucchini squash shoes

Piggy salad bowl with watermelon, berries and melon

Watermelon submarine

Bell Pepper Frogs

You can also cut flowers from vegetables and fruits. A sharp knife and our master class will help.

Master class "Bouquet of pepper tulips"

The flowers turn out to be very authentic, especially after 12 hours - dried petals close, closing around the centers. But it doesn't spoil the view.

Photo after 12 hours

For work you will need:

  • fleshy bell pepper - yellow and red
  • cherry tomatoes - small and even
  • barbecue sticks
  • patisson (for the base)
  • vase - we have woven from paper tubes
  • mug
  • red cabbage leaves, green hot peppers and viburnum sprigs - for decoration
  • teiplant

With a sharp, not long knife, we cut out the peaks on the pepper, trying to make both halves neat and go to work. We wash one part, where the testicles are, in water, removing the seeds and the core. This can be done by hand.

Now we plant the flowers on a skewer, leaving 2 cm in the middle for the tomato nozzle. We tap the stem.

The side without the base of the pepper is very soft and can quickly slide down the stem. We make a support at the bottom - we strengthen the top with electrical tape, and then on top of it - a green tape.

We put a small squash into the mug - this is the basis for the bouquet. For a vase, you can use a small pumpkin, green zucchini.

Set up a bouquet. We decorate it with cabbage leaves, viburnum sprigs, green hot peppers.

Crafts with the addition of decorative elements

You can add decor from other materials to vegetables and fruits: plasticine, foamiran, feathers, material, as well as beads, buttons, berries.

In this way, piglets from potatoes appear:

Pumpkin Fashionista:

Watermelons and pumpkins make wonderful samovars, teapots, flower vases, clocks and funny Halloween masks.

And "Cross" offers you another master class.

Master class "Wise turtle"

Tortilla does not need to be introduced. This is a well-known character in the work "The Golden Key", which is loved by all readers. The turtle is a symbol of wisdom, so we will make a fairy-tale hero.

We will need:

  • half a head of cabbage
  • large dark green cucumbers (without pimples)
  • wooden toothpicks and 3 skewers
  • base - flat plate and greens
  • floral wire
  • cap fabric, braid, needle and thread
  • scissors for cutting toothpicks
  • eyes

Let's start with the shell. Cut the cucumbers into circles of equal thickness. Divide the toothpicks in half with scissors or a knife.

If you break the toothpicks with your hands, you will get uneven shaggy edges, and they will spoil the overall picture of the shell.

We attach each circle to the base-cabbage with 3 wooden "carnations". This is enough to hold the cucumber.

For the head, cut off the end of the cucumber of the required length. We select so that the head and neck are similar - rounded, even.

For the beauty of crafts, we decorate the place where the neck is attached to the body with a cucumber “washer”: we make a circle from a cucumber, remove the middle and put it on the neck blank.

In the body, we will provide a place for the neck and select some leaves from the cabbage.

When the whole shell is ready, we will strengthen the head and neck of the turtle here on skewers.

We make eyes, turn the wire in the form of glasses. We make a cap from a circle of fabric.

We make legs from four columns of cucumber, fasten to toothpicks. Set the turtle on a flat plate. For beauty, cover it with red cabbage leaves. You can use any greens.

For the entourage - tagetes flowers, and the image of the wise and somewhere even flirtatious turtle Tortilla is completed!

An excellent and long-lasting turtle option is made from green zucchini squash.

Secrets and subtleties of creating crafts

  1. Before starting work, all vegetables must be washed, dried, and then used as material for creativity.
  2. Wooden toothpicks, skewers, floral wire will help in this.
  3. Be sure to keep in mind that crafts made from vegetables or fruits have a short shelf life. Soft tomatoes and juicy cucumbers, for example, quickly “leak”, and this must be taken into account when composing compositions.
  4. It is better to use "long-term" vegetables and root crops: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, onions.
  5. Ideally, crafts should be prepared immediately before the exhibition, if time permits.
  6. It is best to install each craft on a base / stand. Otherwise, the composition will not have a logical conclusion.


Take advantage of our tips and master classes on creating a wide variety! This is an interesting, fun and useful hobby for children and adults!

Helpful Hints

You can make a huge number of different crafts from vegetables and fruits.

Many of these crafts can be made together with children - this will not only bring pleasure, but also positively affect the child's imagination.

Here you will find crafts for every taste and color.

Arm yourself with the right materials and use the accumulated information to create beautiful and original crafts.

Read also:

Crafts from autumn vegetables for children

Children will love to play with paints. To make them have fun, make vegetable seals for them.

Potatoes, for example, can be cut in half and cut out a certain pattern in each half - the child will dip the potatoes in paint and stamp on paper.

In addition to potatoes, there are other vegetables that can be used.

Look closely at the pictures to see how you can surprise kids with simple vegetables and paints.

Crafts from vegetables in kindergarten: eggplant man

You will need:

1 eggplant

Glue stick

pom poms

Plastic (toy) eyes

Everything is very simple, and even small children can do the craft.

1. Glue the toy eyes to the eggplant.

2. To make a nose, you can glue a large pom-pom or cut a circle out of paper and glue it on.

3. Small pom-poms can be glued in the shape of a man's mouth. Instead of pompoms, you can also use colored paper, cardboard, or even other vegetables - a strip cut off from a carrot, for example.

DIY vegetable crafts: potato men

Making eyes

* To make the eyes of a potato man, you can use small buttons of any color (except white), which should first be sewn to a piece of white fabric - then cut the fabric in a circle, grease it with glue and stick it to the potato.

* Also, eyes can be made from: peas, berries, black pepper, seeds, colored paper, or pieces of carrot, which are fixed with a toothpick.

Making a nose

To make a bulging nose, use a button sewn to a piece of fabric - cut the fabric in a circle a couple of millimeters larger than the button. Spread the fabric with glue and attach to the potato.

Making ears

To make the ears, use pumpkin seeds - just insert them into the potato with the sharp end down. You can also make ears with plasticine.

Making hair

Hair can be made from different materials, such as thread, paper (by cutting a fringe) or thin wire.

Crafts from vegetables to school: potato ponies

INwe will need:

Three potatoes



1. Insert one toothpick into a small potato - this will be the head.

2. To make the neck, take out a small potato and insert the other side of the toothpick (from step 1) into it.

3. For the body you will need a large potato. Attach it the same way.

4. Use toothpicks to make the horse's legs. Insert them into a large potato, i.e. the body of a horse.

5. To make the horse stand, attach small pieces of carrot to the toothpicks that play the role of the horse's legs.

6. You can also make ears out of carrots. Insert the ears into the pre-cut holes.

7. For the mane and tail, use knitting threads. Just cut as much as you need and stick to the craft.

How to make vegetable craft: radish flower

Before you start cutting the radish, soak it in cold water for a couple of hours - it will become firmer and fresher.

1. Cut off the bottom of the radish. Decide how many petals you want for your future flower, and think about where you will make the incisions.

2. Take a knife and start making cuts from the bottom up (see image).

* You may need to practice a little so that later all the petals of the radish flower turn out to be even.

* If you want the petals to be more loose, gently move them with your finger from the center of the flower in the opposite direction.

3. Cut the petals with scissors so that you get "arrows" (see image).

4. Repeat the previous steps to make a second layer of petals from the middle of the flower, but this time the petals should be between the outer petals.

A similar flower can be made from the peel of a tomato or kiwi:

How to make a flower from a tomato - video:

Crafts from vegetables instruction: flower decorations from vegetables

These crafts can be used as a decoration for dishes or simply as a pretty serving of vegetables for kids who are not known to be very fond of vegetables.

You can use different vegetables. In this example, cucumber and carrot are used. You will also need a toothpick.

Food Crafts: Egg Snowman

You will need:

6 large boiled eggs

6 small boiled eggs

Black pepper (peas)

1 carrot

1 skewer

1. Peel one large and one small egg from the shell and cut off the top and bottom of them.

3. Put a small egg on a large one and secure them with a skewer - thread it through.

4. Make a hat out of carrot rings. To secure it to the snowman, first make one hole with a skewer through the circles. Now put the hat on the protruding skewer.

* You can safely cut off the excess part of the skewer.

* Instead of a skewer, you can use thick, uncooked pasta.

5. Make eyes, nose and buttons using black pepper, and for the nose you can use a small piece of carrot.

6. Parsley can be used as hands for a snowman.

Children's fruit crafts: decorations from dried orange slices

You will need:



Oven rack

Satin ribbon

1. Cut the orange into several slices about 1-1.5 cm wide.

2. Place the orange slices on the wire rack.

* Do not use a baking sheet, otherwise the slices may burn.

3. Put the slices in the oven and keep them there at 130 degrees Celsius for a couple of hours (check them periodically).

4. Remove the orange slices from the oven and let them cool. You can put them on a plate to cool.

5. Now the slices can be used to decorate dishes or for a Christmas tree or interior - they not only look beautiful, but also smell good.

6. You can make holes in them and thread the tape so that the slices can be hung.

DIY fruit crafts: fruit cup

You will need:

orange or grapefruit

1. Take an apple and put it on the table with the handle down. Cut off the top part and the bottom part will act as a cup.

2. Using a knife, cut out the core of the apple.

3. To prevent the apple from turning black inside, brush it with lemon juice.

4. Make a hole in your "apple" cup for the handle. Cut a slice of kiwi and insert it into this cutout - it will act as a handle.

5. For a saucer, just cut a slice of orange or grapefruit.

You can also make such a fruit cup to decorate the table:

Crafts from berries: strawberry Christmas tree

You will need:


Baking paper

Paper (lace) napkin

Adhesive tape (adhesive tape)



1. Make a cone out of cardboard. To learn how to make a cone, you can go to our article: Paper cone. Also cut a circle out of cardboard - this will be the base of the Christmas tree.

* Instead of a paper cone, you can look in stores for a Styrofoam cone.

2. Cover the cone with baking paper. You can push the ends of the paper inside the cone. You can use sticky tape to secure the paper to the cone.

3. Melt the chocolate to stick the cone to the base.

4. In a napkin, cut a circle with the same diameter as the base of the cone and push the cone through the napkin.

5. Prepare strawberries and divide them by size. Remove ponytails.

6. Start gluing strawberries from bottom to top, starting with the largest berries. Dip strawberries in melted chocolate and stick to the cone (wrapping paper).

* Save the smallest berries for the top of the tree.

7. You can also attach other chocolate decorations (ready-made or handmade) to the tree.

Children's crafts from vegetables and fruits: butterflies

You will need:


Toy (plastic) eyes

PVA glue

Sealed bag (zippered bag)

Fine brush or wire (optional)

Paints (optional)

1. Using glue, attach the toy eyes to one side of the clothespin and let the glue dry.

2. Put your favorite treats (yours or the children's) in a bag with a fastener - you can distribute them on the sides, but this is not necessary.

3. With a clothespin, grab the bag, as shown in the image.

4. If you wish, you can make a butterfly antennae from a thin brush or wire. You can also paint the clothespin if you think it's necessary.

Autumn is a beautiful and sad time: nature says goodbye to warmth and sunny mood. But do not rush to yearn for the outgoing summer. The gifts of autumn will delight you with their exquisite and unique taste, bright colors and indescribable aroma. And the kids will be able to make crafts from vegetables and fruits for the exhibition at school with their own hands. Dear mothers! Get ready to create with your children, and our step-by-step instructions will help you create funny characters from fairy tales and cartoons based on ordinary vegetables, fruits.

What crafts to make from vegetables and fruits for the exhibition "Gifts of Autumn"

Exhibitions-fairs, traditionally held in schools, are a reason for children to rejoice, admiring the creations of others, and a “headache” for mothers who, in the evenings, and sometimes at night, bring children's masterpieces to perfection for the competition. In order to have time to fulfill your plans, to purchase the necessary things - from natural materials to cardboard - discuss with your child in advance the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdo-it-yourself crafts from vegetables and fruits for an exhibition at school.

You will find a rich selection of plots and characters in printed children's educational magazines, online publications on children's creativity. Free YouTube channels on needlework will tell you how to decorate crafts beautifully, helping your child (and mother) understand the intricacies of craftsmanship. The theme of the exhibitions "Gifts of Autumn" is multifaceted: heroes of popular cartoons, fairy tale characters, animals, birds are cheerfully placed on autumn glades in the middle of a fairy forest.

For crafts you will need: vegetables; fruits; natural materials; glue, scissors traditional for needlewomen; varnish to preserve and preserve the craft; various textures, quality paper; cardboard; plasticine. Here is a forest beauty - a “nutty” squirrel is stocking up for the winter, somewhere a “pineapple” owl hoots at a bitch, a “carrot” horse is carrying a pumpkin carriage with Cinderella, a “potato” Cheburashka is playing merrily with the onion boy Cipollino, and the “lemon » Goldfish fulfills the most cherished desires.

Crafts in honor of All Saints Day - Halloween look bold, stylish. Pumpkin - the queen of the garden - is certainly present in all sorts of guises: as a vase for a maple bouquet of "roses"; like a magic lantern that drives away evil spirits; like an exquisite carriage or ship for travelers. The sketch will not do without a black cat and a funny witch in a pointed hat.

Step-by-step instructions for crafts from fruits and vegetables to school

Does your child dream of making a bright, unusual DIY craft for the autumn fair exhibition at school? Our step-by-step instructions will tell you, your child, an easy, fast, high-quality way to make a real masterpiece using seasonal vegetables, fruits, natural materials, tools, and needlework accessories. You will need a little imagination, diligence, a huge supply of patience in creating "works of autumn art" for an exhibition at school.

"Hedgehog" of pear and grapes

Hedgehogs, although glorious, kind creatures, are still very prickly. Playing with them is very problematic, but cute, affectionate and not at all prickly kids, for which you need pears and grapes that are not only funny, but also edible. We will analyze step by step the method of preparing these pear-grape crafts for an exhibition at school with our own hands:

  1. Take a large plate, garnish with lettuce leaves, creating a forest entourage.
  2. Cut each pear in half, placing the cut on a plate.
  3. Prepare the "grape spines": cut toothpicks in half, clean the uneven edges with sandpaper. “Dress” the grapes on the halves of the sticks so that the sharp edge of the toothpicks remains free.
  4. Insert soft needles, leaving room for the head.
  5. For the eyes of the Hedgehog craft, elderberries, chokeberries or peppercorns are suitable for an exhibition at school.
  6. A small but curious spout will be a pea of ​​allspice.
  7. The dish for the exhibition at school is ready!

"Giraffe" from carrots or potatoes

"Autumn" giraffe is a funny and fun do-it-yourself craft that even little schoolchildren can prepare for the fair exhibition at school. You will need:

  • carrots - 7 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs. (for carrot and potato crafts);
  • matches;
  • peppercorns for the eyes - 2 pcs.
  1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly and pat dry.
  2. A larger carrot or oblong potato will be the giraffe's body.
  3. Smaller - head. If the giraffe is completely "carrot", prepare 4 rectangular figures for the legs.
  4. A long thin carrot will serve as a neck for the Giraffe craft with your own hands.
  5. It remains to connect the parts with toothpicks.
  6. Cut off half of the match, leaving the part with the sulfur head for the horns. Gently push into carrots or potatoes.
  7. For the eyes, use pepper or acrylic paints. Do not forget to draw beautiful spots with them. Leave the craft to dry and boldly take it to the exhibition to school!

"Caterpillar" from apples

Autumn fruits are ideal for creating unusual crafts. Juicy, ripe, fragrant apples will be an excellent basis for the miracle masterpiece "Caterpillar". You will need 5-6 apples of approximately the same size, toothpicks for fasteners, 1 carrot, several rowan berries, a grape, a flower for decoration.

  1. Cut the carrots into thin - no more than 5 mm thick - rings.
  2. Prick an apple with a toothpick in the place of the tail, thread one ring of carrots and connect with another apple. Repeat the process, forming the body of the "insect".
  3. When there is 1 apple left to serve as the head, attach it vertically as shown in the photo.
  4. The remaining vegetable rings will serve as the legs of a leisurely caterpillar. Attach the carrots with toothpicks to the bottom sides of the caterpillar.
  5. We attach a grape as a nose.
  6. Chokeberry will replace the eyes, and will also serve to create funny antennae horns.
  7. A dried flower will turn a caterpillar into a flirtatious lady, and a stylish top hat into an elegant gentleman.
  8. Autumn fruits, rowan berries as a decor will provide an opportunity to show imagination when making crafts.

How to make "Racing cars" from vegetables and natural material

The easiest way to make a racing car is to cut a half of an apple peeled from the core into equal large strips, as shown in the photo. Four grapes will pass for the wheels. Having ensured the "mass character" of such crafts, you can recreate rally races or an autumn city with cars scurrying through the streets.

Vegetables will serve as an excellent material for a racing car. A student of a middle or high school can do such a craft with his own hands, and the kids will need the help of their parents. Cut out the driver's seat in an open super car with a knife, making the steering wheel out of a small "round" carrot or cucumber. Rings of vegetables are suitable for wheels: zucchini, carrots, attached with toothpicks.


To make a do-it-yourself Turtle craft for an exhibition at school, you will need the following vegetables:

  • round pumpkin of small diameter;
  • 4 gherkins and one cucumber with a rounded end for the head;
  • pumpkin seeds - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower seeds - 2 pcs.;
  • toothpicks for fastening.
  1. Wash and cut the pumpkin in half. Remove seeds and pulp.
  2. Carefully cut out the pattern with a knife, repeating the shape of the turtle shell.
  3. From the four sides of the body, make small arches-cuts of a semicircular shape, into which attach the gherkins. These will be the legs of the animal.
  4. Using toothpicks, attach a small piece of a rounded cucumber - this will be the head.
  5. Fasten the pumpkin seed and half of the sunflower husk with plasticine, forming eyes. Glue with double-sided tape or plasticine to the head.
  6. A wonderful handmade vegetable turtle will certainly impress the kids at the autumn fair at the school!


Volumetric vegetables with a dense skin - zucchini or zucchini, eggplant, pumpkins, melons; A “wonderful” fruit - pineapple will be an ideal basis for creating an autumn craft “Vase of Flowers” ​​for an exhibition at school with your own hands. To make the vase stable, you need to cut off a small circle at its base. Decide on the required height by cutting off the excess part. Then, using a knife, remove the core of the vegetable or fruit.

If desired, decorate the surface of the craft with an intricate or simple pattern. Autumn flowers will look beautiful in a vase - oak trees, asters, marigolds. Do you want your DIY craft for an exhibition at school to look really autumnal? Collect yellow maple leaves and make magical roses, as in our photo. Form flowers by fastening with thread or wire.

How to make "Piglet" from zucchini and rowan berries

A small, plump zucchini; a circle of cucumber for the ears and a thin strip of peel for the tail of the spiral; a patch of radishes (carrots), chokeberry berries - a small list of easy-to-do, but such a fun craft "Piglet" based on vegetables for a school exhibition:

  1. Cut the cucumber slice in half. Attach the ears as shown in the photo.
  2. Using two matches on the back of the zucchini, attach the "patch". Matches will simultaneously perform the role of nostrils and fasteners.
  3. Attach rowan berries with toothpicks. They will be the eyes of the pig.
  4. It remains a funny tail and your creation is ready!

"Hare" from cabbage

You will need:

  • white cabbage - 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots with tops - 1 pc.;
  • plasticine.

“Cabbage stalk” is a fun and funny craft that will delight the kids at the exhibition at school. It is easily made with your own hands by elementary school students based on seasonal vegetables:

  1. Connect both cabbages with toothpicks. The one that is larger will serve as the body.
  2. Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise. Then divide the larger one into 2 equal parts: these are the paws of the toy.
  3. A smaller zucchini will serve for long, long ears.
  4. Fasten the paws and ears with toothpicks, as shown in the photo.
  5. Using plasticine, make eyes, a muzzle and a mouth for a bunny.
  6. Do not forget that this "beast" loves raw, healthy vegetables. Therefore, one cannot do without juicy carrots in the paws of the “oblique”.

Do you want to make a funny and absolutely kind Babka-Hedgehog for an exhibition at school with your own hands? Get vegetables, fruits in advance:

  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 apple.
  1. Cut off the rounded part of a large stupa potato and one medium one for stability.
  2. Smaller potatoes will go on the nose and hands of the "sorceress".
  3. Fasten the stupa, the body with toothpicks, attaching the arms and the apple head.
  4. Cut off 6-7 cm of the banana from the side of the tail. You can eat the insides, and cut the peel into small, narrow strips, imitating the unique hairstyle of Baba Yaga.
  5. Put the peel on the apple.
  6. Matches are suitable for the eyes, and a long strip of the same banana skin will become a broom.

Cartoon characters "Smeshariki"

Favorite "Smeshariki", made from vegetables, fruits and improvised materials with their own hands, will bring great joy to the children and will quickly find their buyer at the fair at the school. For the wise Sovunya, you will need beets; Nyusha "fits" a tomato; orange / lemon Losyash, potato Kopatych, onion Hedgehog, apple Krosh will make a fun company. Plasticine or polymer clay will serve as a material for hands, feet, decor elements. Small branches will become Losyash's horns, and mountain ash, chestnuts, and leaves will emphasize the autumn mood.


Vegetables, fruits, natural material will be needed for a variety of do-it-yourself crafts for an exhibition at school. Exquisite apple-basket will decorate the children's table. An indispensable attribute of All Saints Day - a luminous pumpkin - will emphasize the mysterious, mysterious atmosphere of the holiday. "Carrot" flowers, apple-grape Princess Frog can be made with your own hands even by kids.

Using ordinary zucchini, you can create original crafts for a school or kindergarten. To do this, you just need to show imagination, be patient and, of course, find plants that are suitable in appearance and size.

For the manufacture of crafts, you need to choose even and intact zucchini

Autumn crafts from zucchini

squash ship

To make a ship, you can take both a large and a small zucchini, wash it and dry it. Then, without first removing the peel, cut off the upper part in the longitudinal direction. The remaining workpiece should be approximately 2/3 of the original volume.

Then you need to carefully remove all the pulp and grains. For the manufacture of the flag and anchor, it is advisable to use some bright vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, red peppers. The steering wheel and the porthole also need to try to make catchy.

beautiful ship

From the cut part of the zucchini, you can build a semblance of a ladder. All additional parts are well fixed with toothpicks. For decor, you can use grass, flowers - it all depends on the preferences of the child.

A ship with scarlet sails made of cardboard

The most beautiful flag is made from white cabbage leaves. They can be pre-painted with gouache. If there is no cabbage at home, you can use a bright cloth attached to a wooden twig.

Zucchini penguin for school

When making a penguin, you will have to work a little more with a sharp knife, so a small child cannot do such a craft without the help of adults. To make it easier, it is advisable to take a plant whose walls have become a little soft due to the fact that it was cut a few days ago.

On the sides of the zucchini, you need to make cuts in the direction of the "tail" and bend the resulting ovals to the sides. They will act as wings. In the center, you can cut a small tummy. Then the penguin will be very cute.

The eyes of a sea bird can be made of plasticine or small buttons, the beak - from pieces of a plastic bottle, carrots or beets - whoever has something at home. There is no perfect manufacturing scheme here. To make the craft unique, you must definitely bring something of your own to it, so feel free to experiment.

penguin family

Plane and helicopter from a small zucchini

If you need to make an autumn craft from a zucchini, you should think about creating air transport - an airplane or a helicopter. Both of them are very easy to make from this plant.

Do-it-yourself airplane

For an airplane, you will need two medium-sized zucchini. The first one will serve as the base, so you don't need to cut it. It is good if it has a thin tip bent upwards. The second must be divided into three parts. The middle one can be immediately put aside - it will not be needed. In the remaining two, deep oval cuts should be made in the center so that in the future they tightly fit the main part of the craft.

To keep the wings from falling, they can be propped up with skewers or toothpicks. The screw can be made from zucchini peel and carrots.

Helicopter from a zucchini

If you plan to make a helicopter, you can try to find a plant that resembles this type of transport in shape (as shown in the photo). Then it remains only to attach bright details from carrots to it and take the autumn crafts to an exhibition at a school or kindergarten.

If all the zucchini that are at home are round, you should not be upset - you can also make funny helicopters out of them.

Funny helicopter do it yourself

You need to put the plant on its side, cut off the peel from the front to get a kind of glass in the cabin. Make cuts on the sides in the form of windows. Attach blades on top.

cartoon helicopter

Instead of the chassis, put small potatoes. If you decorate the helicopter with eyes and a nose from other vegetables, then it will immediately come to life.

Do-it-yourself green zucchini tractor

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time making autumn crafts for school, you can make a tractor. It will require a small vegetable of the correct elongated shape. From above, you need to attach a semblance of a cabin to it, on the sides - wheels. What additional elements will be made of - carrots, zucchini of a different color, cardboard, plasticine - it does not matter. In any case, the craft will turn out to be interesting.

This tractor is very easy to make.

Here is a more complex version of the manufacture of this type of equipment:

Step-by-step instructions for making a tractor from zucchini

Other crafts from a zucchini on the theme "Autumn"

Within the framework of one article, it is impossible to talk about all the ways to transform a zucchini. Therefore, below we present photographs of interesting children's work. Study carefully, take note and be sure to create!



Figurine "Cat"

little man

Crocodile Gena