Detailed MK: how to sew a wall organizer. DIY wall organizer: how to make and how to decorate

Each apartment accumulates many small items that are often lost and do not have their permanent place. This situation occurs in a woman's handbag, in the needlewoman's corner, in the hallway and in other rooms. To eliminate clutter, it is wise to make a DIY organizer for small things. It will quickly find what you are looking for. Thanks to the available compartments, you will always find keys, cosmetics, umbrellas, combs, gloves, toys and many other small things in time.

Bag Organizer

A women's reticule contains many small items that are often hard to find. In addition, shifting such items from one bag to another is tiring. Organizer for small things will help to get rid of this problem. How to make such a product with your own hands, we will analyze in detail in this article.

First, you need to draw a pattern that matches the size of the items that will be placed in the future product. We cut out a rectangle with dimensions of 24 by 65 cm and an allowance of 1 cm on each side, counting that 2 compartments will be 14 cm wide, 3 compartments - 10 cm each, and one - 7 cm.

Secondly, we select 2 cuts of fabric of interest to you with harmoniously combined colors for the front and back sides. Using a pattern, draw a rectangle on each piece of fabric, then cut them out.

Thirdly, with an allowance of 1 cm, sew two parts on three sides, folding them with their right sides to each other. Turn the rectangle through the unstitched section, straighten its corners with a ruler, sushi stick or needle, picking up small bends. Then sew up the open side with a blind stitch.

Fourthly, iron the part and fold it in width so that the front of the pockets is 10 cm and the back is 14 cm. Sew the product on the sides, lay the lines, creating pockets.

The resulting organizer can be rolled up and fastened with Velcro or a button. If the fabric is plain, then you can decorate the product with embroidery or appliqué. You learned how to make an organizer for small things. The master class details the sequence of actions.

hallway organizer

Things like keys, umbrellas, gloves, combs, creams and shoe brushes tend to get lost in the hallway at the most crucial moment. To avoid this and not be late for work or a meeting, you can sew an organizer for small things with your own hands. It is placed on the wall or the end of the cabinet and has several pockets of different shapes. Small compartments can hold small items, large compartments can hold larger items. In addition, the original panel will serve as a decorative element of the interior.

How to sew pockets for small things with your own hands: a master class

The basis of future pockets is made of dense, possibly furniture fabric. If necessary, the base can be duplicated with interlining. Pockets can be sewn from any fabric of a suitable color, which must be reinforced with a bead. Pockets can be voluminous or flat. The volume is obtained by creating a fold along the bottom edge of the pocket.

The side sections of the compartments are processed by the upper ones - piping. On the lower raw side, two counter folds are laid. Next, the pocket must be attached to the base at its future location, lowered with the upper edge down, holding the cut with folds. You will get an inverted pocket inside out. The part is attached to the base with the lower cut, after which the pocket should be raised up. On the front side, the side cuts are sewn along the line of the oblique inlay.

Shallow pockets can be fastened with buttons or buttons. It is not difficult to make such a convenient organizer for small things with your own hands, and it will be appropriate not only in the hallway, but also in the bathroom.

Pockets for children

To teach a child to maintain cleanliness in a children's room, it is necessary to have a lot of lockers, chests of drawers, shelves, drawers. A convenient option for placing small accessories, nipples, bottles, napkins, powders, diapers can be an organizer in the form of hanging pockets.

Every young mother is interested in learning how to sew pockets for small things with her own hands. A master class on creating a convenient fixture is described below.

We will need two types of fabric - the main one and for finishing, an elastic band that supports the pockets, cardboard that strengthens the shape. The organizer can be both vertical and horizontal. Depending on the direction, the product can be hung on the wall, on the end of the furniture, on the children's bed.

Cutting products and sewing pockets

We cut out one part for the base for pockets 80 cm long and 35 cm wide. Next, we will need 3 parts for future compartments with dimensions of 20 x 30 cm. To make the pockets convex, we will make a wide sidewall for them 60 cm long and 8 cm wide.

Then you need to round the edges of the compartments with a saucer. Overlock the edges or sew a zigzag line on a typewriter. Attach the side piece to the front side of the pocket and sew from the wrong side. Turn out, iron, edging the top of the pocket, including the sidewall, with an oblique trim.

If desired, you can insert an elastic band into the inlay, fix the ends at the edges. Thus, we prepare 2 more pockets. Then we sew the pockets to the base, observing the distance between them. A do-it-yourself organizer for small things can be strengthened by cutting out one more part of the part from fabric and cardboard. Sew two parts on three sides, fold over, process the top edge, leaving it open to put cardboard. Edge the outer edges of the product with an inlay.

ribbon keeper

Any needlewoman accumulates a large number of small things, including meters of oblique inlay, braid and a lump of various ribbons. In order for all these items to always be quickly found, it makes sense to build How to store ribbons separately from needles, buttons, pins and other trifles, we will consider in this part of the article.

To create a box for ribbons, you need a small box, fabric or self-adhesive paper, glue, eyelets, tools for installing them, whatman paper, colored cardboard. A suitable box with a non-removable lid can be purchased from the post office. From the lid you need to cut off the excess cardboard, leaving only the top. If the box is dark, it should be pasted over with either adhesive paper or white Whatman paper, and on top with a cloth. Also, the organizer is glued inside with cuts of fabric. All allowances on the inside of the lid and box are decorated with colored cardboard. Next, you need to install the grommets on the lid and on the sides of the drawer using special tools. Now you can put the spools of ribbons in the box, and bring the ends out through the holes.

Convenient jewelry storage

A glamorous solution is offered by designers for organizing a place for decorations. Most often, this is a panel placed on the wall near the dressing table. When making an organizer for, it is worth considering the interior of the room and the design of the dressing table. The panel should be correctly combined with the environment. Most often, a baguette is used to create an organizer, on which burlap or canvas for embroidery is placed instead of a picture. Sometimes the fabric is replaced with wire, fishing line or colored ribbons, on which earrings and hairpins are placed. To hang the beads, you can screw the screws decorated with buttons or small decorations into the frame.

Summing up, we can say that organizers for small things can be made from anything. The main thing is to fantasize and not be afraid of experiments.

Today, when there are quite a lot of small items in family life, organizing home space is quite difficult. This problem is solved by making a wall organizer - of course, you can buy it, but a truly beautiful and unique accessory is obtained only when imagination and creative passion are invested in it. By the way, such a thing can also be a great gift for loved ones for the holiday.

We make a wall organizer with our own hands: the necessary materials

There are many cute organizers and from different materials, but the easiest way to show your creativity is to sew a hanger for storing small things from fabric. In order to make such an interior decoration you will need:

  1. a piece of fabric, the minimum size of which should be 50 by 50 cm - it will simply be difficult to cut pockets and a base from a smaller piece;
  2. Scissors and needles for stitching material;
  3. Loops and hooks for hanging;
  4. Decoration elements. It is difficult to name a specific element - there are a great many of them, for example, in the photo below these are ripped pockets from old jeans.

The process of making crafts comes down in general terms to preparing a fabric base for a wall organizer, cutting out the necessary pieces of fabric for pockets by marking with your own hands, determining how to attach the product to the wall and decorating a finished souvenir. On average, such work takes 3-4 hours and is quite affordable for beginner needlewomen. By the way, you can even attract children to it!

We will analyze the types of wall organizers and the nuances of their manufacture

So, having decided for yourself that the organizer will be made of fabric or leather, you need to decide on the room for which this thing will be made. The hallway is the place where they are most often placed. One of the simplest "stitchable" organizer options is shown in the following photo:

This craft is not too bright, but it has a huge advantage: it is not easily soiled, and convenient pockets will allow you to place a lot of things lying at the entrance to the apartment in the homemade product - from keys to mittens and scarves.

Another convenience: this organizer can be hung on the door of a closet or hallway, or on the wall.

Take any dense fabric (for example, from old curtains), cut two pieces of the same size (ideal - 45 by 75 cm, but if you need other sizes, this is not forbidden). Then you need to sew these pieces with the wrong side up, and then, turning them “obvious”, stitch them along the edges. Next, cut 3 more strips of the same density fabric and make three lines of pockets, each of which can have three (or more) pockets. The upper edges of the strips need to be tucked up, decorating them with a pretty ribbon or an appliqué that suits the style.

The final stage of work is to give each pocket depth by artificially forming two folds along the edges. The stripes must be stitched on three sides, it is also necessary to make a line separating the pockets.

The simplest organizer can be sewn so that there is order near the phone - no matter what room it is in. It looks something like this:

This do-it-yourself organizer can be not only wall-mounted, but also, if convenient, desktop. Taking the basis of a dense fabric of bright colors, you should sew a rather long narrow pocket for a fountain pen on it. In the adjacent, wider compartment, you can store a notebook, and in an even wider one - a phone or smartphone.

A very practical organizer for the bathroom. If you intend to place it above the bath, you can make it small (30 by 45-50 cm.). The best option would be when all the pockets are of different sizes, and to give the product "gaiety", you can use pieces of fabric with a different pattern from each other. Since we are talking about the bathroom, you can think about using oilcloth as a material.

A feature of the manufacture is the need to edging each pocket. A wooden bar must be inserted into the upper curtain, with which the storage of small items will be attached to the wall. It may look like this:

Organizer for small items can be placed in any room: in the kitchen, in the bedroom, sometimes in the hall. A feature of the model under consideration is the asymmetric arrangement of pockets and arbitrary selection of fabric colors for them. This gives the finished product a touch of recklessness and futurism.

For ladies, an organizer located on a carnation near a mirror or dressing table will not be superfluous. There is no point in too large pockets, since the items in them are supposed to be kept miniature. And this means that ready-made pockets, torn from old jeans or women's trousers, are quite suitable.

Finally, you can not ignore the children's room:

An organizer for storing small toys and stationery is best sewn from the most dense fabric in bright colors. It is better to make pockets of the same size and decorate them with cute applications. The craft is attached to the wall with a wooden slat, tacked in several places with ribbons. In the free space of the organizer, you can place useful information for the child, such as the alphabet or the multiplication table.

Video on the topic of the article

We have considered in the article only the easiest crafts to make. For those who want to make a beautiful wall organizer made of wood or plastic with their own hands or try to “complicate” the fabric version of homemade, the following videos are intended:

Pockets in a garden locker

Here we are in kindergarten. I decided to make my own pockets. Of course, similar things are sold on the market, but I wanted to make my own. Sewn quickly and without problems. I will share my experience .

I measured the dimensions of the cabinet door in advance.

I bought a simple oilcloth in the household. store (it is somehow dense) with a bright, childish pattern.

I cut out the base. In my case, this is a rectangle 22 * ​​79cm (here the drawing does not play a special role, because it will be covered with pockets).

At home, I found a slanting inlay of a contrasting color, and I processed the upper cut of each pocket with it.

Next, on each of the 3 large pockets, I made a markup for the folds (4 marks turned out to be 6,12,18,24 cm). She laid small folds: 2 to the right, 2 to the left of the center, secured with pins. Folds are needed so that the pockets are voluminous, and not flat. Someone also uses an elastic band around the edge of the pocket for this.

I start collecting. First I work with the bottom pocket. The indent from the bottom of the canvas (main) to the place where the pocket is sewn is about 4 cm.

I put the pocket on the main one tightly face to face down with a pattern so that the oblique trim is at the bottom and the folds are at the top. I sew with a simple stitch on a sewing machine at a distance of 0.6 cm from the edge. I remove the needles, I raise the pocket. The front side is clean, the seam is inside the pocket. I connect short sections with the main canvas with pins. I sew the other 2 pockets in the same way. The distance between the top of one pocket and the bottom of the other is 1-1.5 cm.

When the large pockets were sewn on, a small pocket was sewn to the empty space. It turned out flat, just for a handkerchief.

After the pockets, she took up the entire canvas.

I had 7 cm left on top, I bent them and stitched them 1 time. I inserted a cardboard box 22 cm long (along the width of the main canvas) and 3 cm wide (along the width of the bend) into the resulting space.

I sewed a slanting inlay around the entire perimeter, grabbing the edges of the pockets. From 2 edges at the top, I left tails of 5 cm for loops. I tucked the loops and sewed them separately. It turned out a canvas with 4 pockets, which can be easily wiped and folded everything you need.

1 pocket - for a handkerchief; 2 pocket for changing to physical-ru; 3 pocket for shirts, panties, t-shirts, shorts; 4 pockets for tights and socks.

Bright, comfortable, fast, functional. The main thing is that she did it herself!

Organizer for cosmetics is a modern device that saves space on the work surface and your time searching for the necessary cosmetic product. You can make an organizer with your own hands using the simple tips listed in this article.

The modern woman necessarily has much more than several bottles of cosmetics. If you think about it, in order to be fashionable and beautiful, a huge number of titles are required: shadows, face bases, eyelids, foundation, lipsticks, glosses, concealers, primers, mascaras, eyeliners, makeup brushes and much more.

Sometimes it happens that too many cosmetics oh and its just impossible to fit in a makeup bag. Organize a place on the dressing table and place all your cosmetics in the most convenient way for use help organizer. This is a simple modern device that can organize each large and small vial.

The organizer can be bought on the website of the Aliexpress store. The resource has a large variety of materials, different design and placement: on the wall, on the table or on the road.

If you want to have organizer created by personal original design and suitable for you, you need to make it yourself. First of all, you should know What are makeup organizers?

  • From cardboard. You can use absolutely any cardboard, but it is best to choose dense and thick(one that is often used to pack appliances, such as a refrigerator). This cardboard will keep not only your shape, but also a large amount of cosmetics. The organizer is a number of cups put together.
  • From a tree. Making a wooden organizer with your own hands is much more difficult than making it out of cardboard. This job requires skill and suitable material. However, if you have the opportunity, you can get the original a product with a large number of cups and shelves to accommodate all your cosmetics.
  • From fabric. Textile organizer can be wall-mounted, and can be compact, so to speak, road. Such a device is attached to the wall in order to save space on the surface of the dressing table. The product has a large number of pockets, in which all cosmetics are placed. Travel textile organizer can be made in the form of a cosmetic bag with many departments or in the form of a case which can be rolled up.
  • From metal. Rather, even from a metal sheet. In order to make such an organizer, first of all, you need to have the material itself. you may any piece of metal will do. It should be flat and even. Such an organizer is mounted on the wall, decoratively finished. Its secret is that each cosmetic product can be attached to a metal base. with a magnet.

How to make a DIY makeup organizer?

How to make a do-it-yourself organizer for cardboard cosmetics?

Anyone can make an organizer out of cardboard. For this you will need the following materials:

  • Thick cardboard
  • Kraft paper or decorative paper for creativity (it is necessary in order to decorate your product).
  • Scissors
  • Ruler, simple pencil
  • decorative ornaments

The basis for the organizer can serve as old shoebox. She will contain a large number of glasses of different sizes to accommodate all cosmetics. Use only the bottom of the shoe box. It should be wrapped in pretty paper. This can be done using glue or stapler.

Base for paper organizer

Now you should measure the area of ​​the box in centimeters to understand what size cups you need to fill the space inside it. You can also make these cups from shoe cardboard, or you can take a thinner material, for example, stationery cardboard.

Each container should also decorate with beautiful paper. After that, let the products dry and put the small cups into the big box. It is best to make each container a different height and width, so you can accommodate diverse cosmetics: long brushes and small boxes, for example.

The containers should be arranged in ascending order from you, that is: the tallest cups should be farther from you, and the lowest ones should be closer to you.

If you do not have kraft paper for decoration, you can decorate cardboard with ordinary wallpaper. Any hostess always has an excess of this material, it is not expensive, it is beautiful and is able to fit the cardboard tightly enough.

Decorating a cardboard organizer with wallpaper

Another good idea for creating an organizer is − use cardboard tubes(tubes) from kitchen cling film or foil. Also suitable sleeve from a roll of soft toilet paper. The bottom of any box is used as the basis for the organizer.

She should decorate in any way: paste over with paper, wallpaper, rhinestones, ribbons, paint with paints and so on. In the decorated box, you should insert cups from cardboard tubes, the size of which you adjust yourself, and glue them to the bottom with glue.

This product is able to perfectly accommodate a large number of cosmetic brushes, pencils, tubes, brushes, but boxes and bottles will not fit in it.

Do-it-yourself organizer for cosmetics made of paper and cardboard tubes

Ideas for creating paper organizers:

Stylish cardboard organizer in the form of a box Desktop compact organizer made of cardboard for cosmetics and small items

Cardboard organizer with compartments and cups

Drawer-shaped cardboard organizer

Tiered cardboard organizer for cosmetics

How to make a cosmetics organizer out of wood?

To make a cosmetics organizer out of wood, you need have the right material. A board, a pressed chipboard sheet, a wooden pallet, a plywood sheet can come in handy. In order to fasten all the parts together, you will need screwdriver or superglue if the material is thin and light.

What does a wooden organizer look like:

Simple organizer for cosmetics made of wood

Organizer for cosmetics made of wood with compartments and drawers

Simple wooden organizer with holes for storing cosmetics Multi-storey wooden organizer for storing cosmetics

Spacious wooden cosmetics organizer

How to make a wooden organizer: diagram

How to sew a travel organizer for cosmetics from fabric?

Textile organizer can be made from absolutely any fabric. But it's best to choose thick material, which could hold its shape even under the weight of heavy bottles and tubes.

There are two main types of organizer:

  • Wall mounted home
  • Travel case

Home textile organizer primarily saves space. It allows you to place a large amount of cosmetics not on the surface of the dressing table, but in pockets that are in limbo.

A nice feature of the organizer is that you can always “pick it up” for the style of the room: choose the right fabric color, decorate it to your taste, make it big or small.

The pockets of the wall organizer must be of different sizes: wide, narrow, deep, small, dense, translucent. Depending on preference, product can be mounted on the wall using pushpins or pre-sew loops for attaching to studs.

It is always a pleasure to use such an organizer, everything fits in it: brushes, palettes, tubes, powder boxes, mirrors, combs and much more. You can also combine the fabric, for example, make some pockets from dense fabric, others from organza or mesh.

Fabric organizer on the wall

Another type of textile organizer is a case. Such a device also saves space on the work surface, as it allows you to use the organizer only when necessary.

In other words, the case is a piece of fabric with many pockets and departments for the placement of cosmetics. Such a case can be rolled up and unrolled. The product is tied with a ribbon when stored in a twisted state. The organizer is convenient to use, you can take it with you on trips and on the road, if desired, it is attached to the wall with push pins.

Textile compact organizer

Organizer-case for cosmetics made of fabric

It is also possible sew an organizer box. This is the easiest way to "clean up" your dressing table and put cosmetics in one container. The product looks like a rectangular box with a cardboard base and textile lining.

If desired, the product can be supplemented with additional pockets on the inside and outside. In such an organizer, you can place bottles and jars of any size. The product can be stored in the cabinet and on the surface.

Simple textile organizer

DIY cosmetics organizer on the wall: ideas for needlework

If you have a small metal sheet, you can try make a magnetic organizer on the wall. This product looks like in the form of a wall board. As a basis it can be any metal used.

INTERESTING: Some needlewomen skillfully used a baking sheet in the oven, which ceased to be suitable.

The metal base should cover with any beautiful fabric so that it has an aesthetic appearance. You can use cotton or synthetic fabric. Main - it doesn't have to be transparent. The edges of the metal sheet should also be decorated. To do this, you can use a wooden picture frame, lace, plywood and much more.

The convenience of using this organizer is that any cosmetic product will always be in sight. A small magnet should be glued to each bottle or tube (you can buy it at a craft store). It is on the magnet that your cosmetics will stick.

Do-it-yourself magnetic organizer on the wall

Video: “How to make an organizer for cosmetics with your own hands? Master Class"

The problem of storing small things is relevant in almost every home. Cleaning up your kitchen utensils, office supplies, and cosmetics can be very difficult. Of course, you can buy all kinds of devices, but it will be much cheaper to make an organizer with your own hands. It will fully meet all requirements, fit perfectly into the interior and be able to fit everything you need. In this case, everything will be laid out in places and will always be at hand.

The problem of storing small things is relevant in almost every home.

Among the abundance of options for making an organizer, it is difficult for many to choose the most suitable, convenient and practical. Having considered the most original ideas, it will be much easier to dwell on one or another design.

These can be such products:

  • mat-bag for storing children's toys;
  • frame for jewelry;
  • containers for small things;
  • multi-tiered dish for cosmetics;
  • pockets hanging on the wall;
  • key hanger;
  • hanging organizer for toilet paper;
  • hanger with rings for scarves and scarves;
  • wall organizer for cups.

This list is endless. In order to start manufacturing, you just need to look around and find out exactly what materials are available. A little imagination and diligence will be enough for the organizer to be ready.

Gallery: do-it-yourself organizer (25 photos)

DIY desktop organizer (video)

How to make DIY makeup organizer

A compact cosmetic bag is made from ordinary boxes in just a few steps. There is sure to be a place for everything in it. Moreover, it can be not only cosmetics, but also jewelry, and other small accessories. Even for combs there is a place in it. You can place this design in the bathroom, hallway or bedroom. If you choose the right color scheme, it will certainly fit into the interior.

What is necessary:

  • cardboard box;
  • small boxes of different sizes;
  • glue;
  • wrapping;
  • scissors.

A compact cosmetic bag is made from ordinary boxes in just a few steps

Manufacturing master class:

  1. Cover the large box with wrapping paper.
  2. Cut off the lids from small boxes and then glue them with paper too.
  3. To the bottom of the main box, glue all the small ones in random order.

Laundry organizer: step by step instructions

Any needlewoman can sew a convenient organizer for socks and underwear from fabric. This does not require complex and obscure patterns. It is enough just to make measurements of the linen box and you can get to work.

What is necessary:

  • single-layer synthetic winterizer;
  • textile;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon.

Any needlewoman can sew a convenient organizer for socks and underwear from fabric

Sewing steps:

  1. Take measurements of the drawer from the linen closet.
  2. Cut out identical rectangles from the main fabric and synthetic winterizer, the size of which should be literally a centimeter less than the perimeter of the box.
  3. Sew long rectangles onto the base, creating sides.
  4. Sew along the center of each rectangle and fold so that all the seams are inside.
  5. Sew the outer walls with a fold up.
  6. In the same way, make all the internal partitions of the required size, without sewing them to the edges.
  7. Put the workpiece on an ironing board and carefully iron all corners so that there are no wrinkles.
  8. After that, make small partitions.
  9. Hide all cuts with tape.
  10. Sew on dangling partitions.
  11. Sew a large rectangular piece of fabric to the bottom of the organizer.

Close the resulting cuts with tape.

Simple storage organizer

It's not hard to make such an organizer.. Due to the fact that the main material is leather, this product acquires a chic appearance. It can be placed near the front door and never again worry that the keys or the phone will be forgotten at home.

What is necessary:

  • leather;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • beard
  • glue;
  • 4 sets of screws with caps;
  • hammer.

It's not hard to make such an organizer.


  1. Cut out a couple of squares from the leather, one of which should be 18 × 18 cm in size, and the second 11 × 11 cm.
  2. Glue the smaller square in the center of the larger one.
  3. Place any square object in the center of the workpiece.
  4. Raise the edges of the larger part up and form walls in this way.
  5. While holding the resulting corner, make a hole and insert a screw into it.
  6. Secure it with a cap.
  7. Fix all other corners in the same way.

Finally, trim the protruding corners a little with scissors.

Organizer for things

In order to make a wall organizer, you will need old jeans and the bare minimum of tools. Surprisingly, you can also make an excellent fixture out of old, unnecessary clothes, which in the future you just need to attach to the wall.

What is necessary:

  • several pairs of old jeans;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine;
  • ribbon;
  • centimeter;
  • scissors;
  • pencil or pen.

In order to make a wall organizer, you will need old jeans and the bare minimum of tools.


  1. Rip off pockets from all prepared jeans.
  2. Cut the leg on one side, and then mark a rectangle on it.
  3. Cut out the marked area with scissors.
  4. Sew a ribbon around the perimeter so that the edges do not fray.
  5. Randomly sew pockets on a rectangular piece of jeans.

From the material that remains, make a handle so that the product can be fixed on the wall.

DIY sewing accessories organizer

In order to have all the tools necessary for the sewing process at hand, it is also worth making a convenient organizer for them. As with any other type of needlework, it is very important here that all things lie in their places and there is no need to waste time looking for them.

What is necessary:

  • fairly thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.


  1. Draw a box layout on cardboard. Be sure to draw a handle in the upper part so that the design can later be easily mixed from one place to another.
  2. Make exactly the same drawing on the second cardboard sheet.
  3. Cut both future boxes along the contour, bend them exactly along the fold lines and immediately seal them.
  4. Take both designs, put them with their backs to each other and glue them together.
  5. Place small boxes of different sizes tightly in each cell, into which all the accessories will be stored in the future.

Paper organizer box (video)

The organizer can be made for anything. Such designs will help to put things in order in shoes and clothes. They are simply indispensable for children who simply do not know where to put a lot of their trinkets. For the artist, such a product will also be a godsend. Indeed, with the help of a simple organizer, it will be possible to restore perfect order where it seems simply impossible. Regardless of whether it is vertical or horizontal, hinged or portable, with its help it will be possible to achieve the most important thing - all things, even the smallest ones, will be at hand, and each will lie in its place. It will no longer be necessary to look among all the tinsel for what is needed right now. Accordingly, not only time will be saved, but also nerves.