Baby gender by month calculator. How to calculate the gender of the child: son or sweetheart daughter

Many parents today are thinking about how to calculate the sex of the child. This issue is especially relevant in families where the couple wants a baby of a specific gender. For example, they already have a boy, and now they really want to endure and give birth to a girl. Some scientists claim that the planning of the sex of the child really exists. Next, we will consider all popular theories of task planning.

ancient legends

In history, the division of mankind into men and women has always raised many questions. This fact has given rise to many legends and theories.

For example, according to legend, before all people were androgynous. They combined both men and women at the same time. But over time, the gods divided people by gender for sins. No matter for what, but the fact remains - men and women are looking for each other to produce offspring and reunite.

Nevertheless, the gods doomed people to a "curse" - all children will be divided into boys and girls. Accordingly, you should not think about it. This question is decided by the gods.

scientific origin

The legend is beautiful, but it suits only those people who believe in it. It is possible that all genetics and the origin of sex is God's will. Nevertheless, scientists have long found a simple explanation for the division of mankind into men and women.

Girls have X chromosomes, boys have XY chromosomes. Accordingly, the female egg carries X chromosomes. But the spermatozoa that fertilize it are different. If he is with an X chromosome, a girl will be born, if with a Y - a boy. It follows that the sex is formed before the 10th week after conception. And after that, the genitals of the baby are actively developing. Nevertheless, couples from year to year think about how to calculate the sex of the unborn child and plan it.

Medical intervention

In the modern world, medicine has reached incredible heights. For example, with its help, parents can really plan the gender of the future baby. But this is a rather expensive and lengthy process. Not every woman will agree to it. It is banned altogether in some countries.

We are talking about in vitro fertilization. It is also called IVF. In this case, the eggs and sperm combine outside the mother's body and then grow for some time. Only by a certain time they "sit down" in the female body for further bearing.

At this point, an analysis of the anatomical fluid of the embryo can be done. It helps to determine the sex of the unborn baby. The study violates the integrity of the shell of the embryo, which can lead to miscarriage. The chance is small, but it does exist.

In addition, during normal pregnancy, women in some countries can have an anatomical fluid test. So before the 12th week of the life of the embryo, it will be possible to find out who will be born. And if you don’t really want to give birth, have an abortion. Why until the 12th week? Firstly, in Russia, voluntary termination of pregnancy is carried out before this date. Secondly, up to this point it is impossible to find out the sex by ultrasound - the embryos develop in the same way.

Accurate Research

How to calculate the gender of the child? Reflecting on this issue, it is worth finding out ways to diagnose the gender of an already born baby. Indeed, often a pregnant woman in the first months of her interesting position does not suspect that conception has already occurred. This results in the couple still planning the gender of the baby, which is already determined.

In today's world, there are different approaches to solving problems. The most accurate diagnostic method is ultrasound. From about the 12th week of pregnancy, women can be told whether their baby is a boy or a girl. But, as a rule, the very first data are erroneous. It is difficult to distinguish a boy from a girl by ultrasound until the 14-16th week of the embryo's life. Therefore, it is advisable to postpone the undertaking with sex determination until the 20th week.

In practice, even ultrasound is sometimes wrong. Either the doctor is not experienced, or the child hides from the apparatus and does not allow to see the genitals. Nevertheless, parents are more accustomed to trusting just such a diagnostic tool. The later the couple asks the doctor for the gender of the baby, the less likely they are to end up disappointed.

Belly shape

So, now we will consider folk ways of predicting and planning the gender of the unborn baby. All over the world there are different theories regarding this issue. It is impossible to say exactly how true they are - these are just assumptions.

Some believe that you can determine the sex of the child by the shape of the mother's abdomen during pregnancy. How to do it? If an interesting position from the back is not too noticeable, and the belly of the expectant mother is neat and does not stand out, a boy will be born. With a smooth transition from breast to abdomen, a girl is expected.

As practice shows, there is no evidence for this theory. Women look different with every pregnancy. And the sex of the child has almost no effect on the appearance of the mother.


Another crazy theory is the definition of gender by the way a woman looks.

Some people claim that if the pregnancy is difficult, the mother looks "terrible" and ugly, there will be a girl. The baby takes all the beauty of its parent. If the mother during pregnancy is beautiful, cheerful and outwardly no negative effect on the body is imperceptible, a boy will be born.

In real life, things are not so simple. As we have said, every pregnancy brings its own surprises to women. And the gender of the unborn child does not affect the appearance of the mother in any way. This is a scientifically proven fact that they simply refuse to believe.

Basic planning methods

In general, there are a lot of theories regarding predicting the gender of the unborn baby. Someone refers to this or that behavior of the mother, to eating habits, and so on. But the question of how to calculate the sex of the unborn child still remains open.

For example, the following theories are popular today:

  • maintaining a special diet;
  • by blood, depends on the age of the mother;
  • by blood, depends on its renewal with parents;
  • use of lunar calendars;
  • Budyansky's method.

All of these methods have their pros and cons. Next, we will talk in more detail about how to calculate the sex of a child from the blood of the parents, as well as other indicators.


Let's start with a more scientific solution. It is about the theory of blood renewal. To plan the sex of the baby, it is enough to carry out just a few simple mathematical actions.

Blood in men and women is updated in different ways. The strong half of society is waiting for this process for 4 years, and the weak half - 3. This information will be useful in further forecasts.

The age of a man by the day of conception must be divided by 4, women - by 3. The results obtained are again divided by 2. Whoever has a larger balance will have a child of that gender.

Information from the web

How true is this theory? It's hard to judge. After all, on the Web you can see a lot of reviews of parents. Someone managed to calculate the sex of the child by renewing the blood, while others were waiting for failure.

You can often find a similar theory on the Web. Only according to it, the gender is determined in the opposite way - whose remainder of the division is less, he "won".

Ancient China

But that is not all. In real life, you can see a huge number of theories regarding predicting the sex of the baby. The methods proposed above are reminiscent of the algorithm performed in ancient China.

  • L - the number of full years of the expectant mother;
  • MR - mother's birth month;
  • MZ is the month of conception.

How to decipher the results? An even number is a boy, an odd number is a girl. Many women say that it was this method that helped them plan the sex of their unborn child.


The possibilities for forecasting do not end there. Among them, there are often theories that have found a response in science.

The first thing to do is to calculate ovulation. Every couple planning a baby knows that this is the most favorable day for conception. To get a boy, it is necessary that fertilization takes place on "day X". For a girl, sexual intercourse should occur 2-3 days before ovulation.

The thing is that Y-spermatozoa live less, but they are active, light and fast. It is they who allow you to conceive a boy. X-sperms are heavier and slower. However, they are more durable. Many women rely on this technique. He has quite a lot of "precise hits".

Frequency of acts

How to calculate the gender of the child? In Russia, an interesting discovery was made in one of the family planning centers. You can plan the sex of the baby by regulating the frequency of sexual intercourse in a couple.

For the conception of girls, a rare intercourse of a man and a woman is necessary, for boys - frequent. This is due to the fact that sperm with male chromosomes mature faster. Such a theory has no evidence.

Moon calendar

If the moon is in the area of ​​the signs of earth and water, a girl will be born. In other cases, you can wait for the boys. It is necessary to pay attention to the position of the moon at the time of conception.

Freshness of blood

So, as we have already said, in men the blood is renewed every 4 years, in women - in 3. It is necessary to see whose biological material at the time of conception will be more "fresh". If it is male blood, a boy will be born, female - a girl. Everything is simple and clear.

Blood type

It's no secret that blood is a fairly important component of a person. And it has a certain effect on pregnancy and conception. Want to calculate the gender of the baby? By the date of birth of the parents or by ovulation - this is not so important. The main thing is that such calculations are not too true. For more accurate planning, it is recommended to focus on the blood of future parents.

For example, her group plays the role. For diagnostics, various ready-made tables and online calculators are used. For example, if mom and dad have I blood type, there will be a girl. A woman has II, and a man has I group? You can expect a boy. The corresponding table will be presented to our attention. It clearly demonstrates the influence of blood type on the sex of the baby.

Rh factor

You can calculate the sex of the child by the date of the expected day of conception, by the age of the parents or by blood renewal at any time. Some believe that the Rh factor also affects the process being studied.

In this case, it is important to find out what kind of blood the mother and father of the unborn baby have. A woman with "-" and a man with "+" will have a girl. If dad and mom have negative Rh factors - a boy, positive - there will also be a baby. "+" in a girl and "-" in a young man allows you to conceive a girl.

Japanese calendar

The next theory is the use of the Japanese conception calendar. It allows you to compare the months of birth of the parents and, depending on them, indicates who will be born to the couple.

The corresponding table is also presented to our attention. If you do not want to study it, you can use special calculators. Here you need to specify the dates of birth of the parents, and then just look at the output. This is how easy it is to answer how to calculate the sex of a child by the date of birth of the parents.

The method, as you might guess, is not the most reliable. After all, a couple can have children of different sexes. At the same time, the dates of birth of the parents remain unchanged. This fact has long been confirmed by practice. So it’s better to think about how to calculate the sex of a child by blood or in other ways.

Budyansky method

As we have already said, the so-called Budyansky method is popular today. It allows you to predict who will be born by the date of birth of the mother and by conception.

  1. Subtract 9 months (226 days) from the woman's date of birth.
  2. Determine whether the year of conception is even or not.
  3. Find out according to the special table the type of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Do the same with the date of conception.
  5. Compare the received cycles. If they match - a girl will be born, if they differ - a boy.

How accurate is this method? It's hard to answer. As in all past cases, he helped someone, but not others. Some parents try to combine several methods of planning the sex of the child at once. It is not so easy, but it is possible.


We figured out how to calculate the sex of a child by blood, by the appearance of a woman, by the shape of the abdomen, and even by the date of birth of the parents. But, as practice shows, this is not enough. There are various methods for solving the problem.

It's hard to believe, but some people suggest that women follow a certain diet when planning a pregnancy. It depends on who the expectant mother wants to give birth to.

People believe that nutrition during the period before conception affects the sex of the baby. About 2 months before planning a child, the girl will have to go on a strict diet.

Do you want to have a boy? You will have to give up milk and dairy products, cabbage, nuts, asparagus, green salad. But you can lean on meat, bananas, potatoes, dates, oranges and mushrooms.

To conceive a girl, you must deny yourself dishes with potatoes, exotic fruits and plums. It is allowed to eat cucumbers, beets, peppers, peas, onions, eggplants and all dairy products.


How to calculate the sex of the unborn child by the date of his conception and by the age of the parents? In order not to get confused in the previously proposed methods, it is recommended to use special calculators. Or you can just try to predict by observing the temperature regimes during conception and pregnancy.

So, if you want a boy in winter, the future father needs to dress warmly and not get cold. Low body temperature has a bad effect on "male" spermatozoa. Accordingly, in the summer there will be no special recommendations for future dads. The girls' planning comes down to observing low temperatures.

People's Observations

For example, to get a girl, you need to eat more sweets. To plan a boy, the mother's diet should be enriched with salty foods. Or you can put an ax under your head. Then, according to some mothers, there will be a boy. Threads under the pillow - to the girl. We have already seen how you can calculate the sex of a child from the date of the parents (assuming the year of birth).

All these tricks have long ceased to be confirmed. They have acquired a variety of theories. It’s a completely different matter if parents think about how to calculate the sex of a child from the blood of their parents, the date of conception, and the age of mom and dad. These methods are more understandable and accurate.

Scientists have long noticed that men employed in hazardous industries are almost incapable of conceiving boys. There is also a theory of heredity. If there are more girls in the family, then in the future women here have more chances to conceive babies.

Still, the appearance of the mother slightly affects the sex of the child. "Dense" short women with a wide pelvis more often bear boys, and tall and thin women - girls. The nature of the parents is another factor that must be taken into account when planning. "Iron ladies" and their corresponding men most often produce boys. Calm young people are more likely to conceive girls.

How to calculate the gender of a child's birth? Women under 25 are more likely to give birth to boys. It is also worth noting that there are more girls in the families of smokers. All these are just theories. The main thing is that the child is healthy. And his gender doesn't matter.

Some couples want to become parents exclusively of a son, and the birth of a daughter does not fit into their plans. That is why doctors are developing special diets and positions for making love to enable the couple to plan the sex of the future newborn. There is a very interesting technique that allows you to calculate the sex of a child by renewing blood.

Calculation of the sex of the child by updating the blood

Calculator for calculation

The sex determination method is based on the assumption that blood cells in men are renewed every 4 years, and in women every 3 years. Accordingly, whose blood is fresher, such a sex will be in the crumbs. Initially, doctors offered a table that was compiled for each couple individually, taking into account their dates of birth. But now you can calculate the sex of the child by updating the blood online using a special calculator.

At the heart of his work is a special program that calculates in which year a couple can have a boy, and in which a girl. The program determines the cyclical change of cells of the circulatory system in a woman and a man and gives the finished result.

  • abortion or childbirth in the mother;
  • transfusions of blood-containing drugs and lymph;
  • serious surgical interventions;
  • miscarriages in women.

Therefore, if you had an operation or a transfusion, then before you calculate the sex of the child by renewing the blood, you must use the appropriate amendment. It is the date of the operation that is considered the day of blood renewal not according to the schedule. This date must be taken into account in the calculation.

How to calculate the sex of a child by blood type?

There is a test to determine the sex of the baby by the blood type of the parents. It is believed that if partners have group 1 or 2, then most likely they will have a girl, and if group 3 or 4, then a boy. The Rh factor also matters. Rh-negative women are more likely to give birth to boys. This Rh is considered dominant, that is, defining. For calculations, a table is often used, in one of the columns of which the mother's Rh factor is indicated, and in the other - the father's. The test for determining the sex of the baby by the Rh factor is considered more accurate than by the blood group, although doctors and gynecologists are skeptical about such calculations, because for the appearance of a boy, the presence of a Y chromosome in the DNA is necessary. The calculator makes it easier to calculate.

Every mother-to-be wants to know the gender of her baby as early as possible. With the help of medical methods (ultrasound), this can be done no earlier than the second trimester of pregnancy. And then, sometimes mistakes happen. It remains only to trust the "near-scientific" and folk methods, of which there are a lot now. Determining the sex of a child is possible by the following methods: by the date of conception, by the renewal of the blood of his parents, by the Chinese calendar, by blood group. Let's look at each of these techniques in a little more detail.

Calculating the sex of a child based on the date of conception

As you know, the sex of the child is determined at the time of conception, the fusion of the sperm and the egg. The egg does not have a “sex”, the sperm is the carrier of the sex gene. So, contrary to popular belief, the sex of the child depends entirely on the man, or rather on his sperm.

If fertilization occurred with a spermatozoon - a carrier of the X chromosome, then a girl will be obtained, if XY - a boy will be born. Now about the date of conception. As you know, conception can occur only during the period of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube). This happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle. Spermatozoa, carriers of the XY chromosome are faster than spermatozoa of the X chromosome, but "live" in the female genital tract much less. Therefore, if you want a boy, try to plan conception exactly on the day of ovulation.

We determine the gender of the child by the "renewal" of the blood of the parents

This is a very interesting theory that has been around and shown to be fairly reliable for many years. Some researchers believe that people's blood is renewed every few years. Moreover, in men, this process occurs once every 4 years, and in women - once every 3 years. Blood renewal can also occur in other situations. For example, when donating blood for donor purposes, transfusion and large blood loss, due to surgery, childbirth, etc. Be sure to take these facts into account when calculating.

Let's try to calculate.

The man is 35 years old. The woman is 26 years old.

We look at the remainder in the received figures. The future father has 6, and the future mother has 5. Calculations show that they will have a daughter.

It is also possible to determine the sex of the unborn child based on the blood type and Rh factor of his parents. Although, these methods are very contradictory and can hardly be trusted. Both methods are presented below.

Table No. 1 gender of the child according to the blood type of the parents:

Table No. 2 gender of the child by the Rh factor of the parents:

Ancient Chinese table (calendar) for calculating the sex of a child

Using the table below, you can determine the gender of your unborn child. This Chinese calendar is said to be over 700 years old. And its original is kept at the Institute of Sciences in Beijing.

All that is needed for this is to know the exact month of conception of the child (this is the main problem). Few women know the exact day of ovulation, especially those who do not have a regular menstrual cycle. In the vertical column of the table, select your age, in the horizontal row - the month of conception. And at their intersection you will see the expected gender of the child.

18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Folk omens

In addition to all kinds of mathematical techniques, there are also popular beliefs. Many of them are probably known to you.

If a pregnant woman has a waist for a long time (if you look at her from behind), then a boy will be born.

Boys usually behave more actively, move more strongly.

Women who are expecting the birth of daughters are more likely to have toxicosis, acne, stretch marks, etc. Girls are said to "take the beauty" from their mothers. If a pregnant woman is constantly drawn to eat something sweet (especially if such cravings were not observed before pregnancy), a daughter will be born. If you are drawn to meat products, a son will be born.

The younger the woman, the more likely it is that her first child will be a son.

The shorter the period between births for one woman, the more likely it is that her second child will be of a different sex.

Parents over 30 are more likely to have daughters.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is possible to determine the sex of a child with 100% accuracy only by some medical methods, but it just does not make sense to conduct such analyzes. It is too expensive, and somewhere it is not even safe for the fetus. It is better to wait calmly for the birth of the child. And it doesn’t matter what gender it will be, the main thing is that it be healthy! Well, during pregnancy, you can try the methods described in this article. Which of them work and which do not, it will become clear after childbirth.

With the help of special tables, today you can find out the gender of the unborn child. Surely, every parent would like to know in advance who will be born - a girl or a boy. What color to start picking up diapers, socks, bodysuits, sandboxes, what toys to look after (dolls or cars).

Naturally, every expectant mother undergoes an ultrasound scan, but even in this case, an error is not excluded, moreover, the sex of the baby can only be found out at 4-6 months of pregnancy, while proven methods will prompt the answer even before conception or in the early stages.

Method for determining sex by blood renewal and group / Rh factor

So, you decided to find out in advance the gender of the unborn child. To do this, there are a lot of methods, ranging from folk signs, tables and ending with modern medical diagnostics. If your goal is to plan the sex of the child according to the table, then first of all pay attention to the method of updating the blood.

It is believed that the blood in men is renewed every four years, while in women - every three. Therefore, at the time of conception, the blood of one of the parents was renewed later, that is, it was more “younger” and whose blood is “newer”, the unborn child will have the same gender. Let's give an example: the age of a woman is 25 years, men - 30, that is, the blood of the expectant mother was renewed one year ago, dad - two years ago, that is, the family can expect a girl.

When referring to such a table, it is worth remembering that sometimes blood is updated unscheduled, for example: significant blood loss, donation, trauma, surgery, etc.

Table No. 1 - by blood type:

Table No. 2 - by Rh factor:

Japanese table

You can try to determine the sex of the child according to the Japanese method, referring to two tables. In order to correctly use the Japanese table, you need to know three numbers - the month of birth of mom, dad and the month of conception. In the first table, you need to correctly find the number (1-12), which will be at the intersection of the months of birth of both parents.

After that, find the resulting figure in the second table, go down to the month of conception and view the result, which will show a high probability of who can be born. This method is ideal for those couples who are just planning a pregnancy.

Month of birth
future mother
Birth month of the future father
Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec
Jan 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Feb 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
mar 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Apr 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
May 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
june 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
july 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
aug 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
sep 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
oct 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
but I 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
dec 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
1 2 3 4 5 6



7 8 9 10 11 12
Jan X x
Jan Feb xxxxxx x
Jan Feb mar x xx
Jan Feb mar Apr x x
Jan Feb mar Apr May xx x
Jan Feb mar Apr May june x x
Feb mar Apr May june july x xx
mar Apr May june july aug x xxx Jan
Apr May june july aug sep x xx Jan Feb
May june july aug sep oct xxxxxxxxxxxxx x Jan Feb mar
june july aug sep oct but I x x Jan Feb mar Apr
july aug sep oct but I dec x x Jan Feb mar Apr May
aug sep oct but I dec x x Jan Feb mar Apr May june
sep oct but I dec xxxxx x Feb mar Apr May june july
oct but I dec x xxxxxxxxxx mar Apr May june july aug
but I dec xxx x Apr May june july aug sep
dec xxx x May june july aug sep oct
x x june july aug sep oct but I
x x july aug sep oct but I dec
x xx aug sep oct but I dec
x x sep oct but I dec
xxxxxxxxx x oct but I dec
x xxxxx but I dec
X xx dec

Chinese table

Another popular method is the Chinese table, which is over 700 years old and it is with a high probability that it can correctly determine the sex of the child. Legend has it that this particular tablet was found in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing.

Some believe that she predicts the sex of the unborn baby, based on the data of the Chinese lunar calendar, while others are sure that special studies were carried out in ancient China, thanks to which a connection was found between the age of the mother and the month of conception. In any case, the probability of determining the sex of the baby reaches 98%. To calculate the sex of the child, it is enough to know two numbers: the month of conception and the age of the mother at the time of conception.

Folk omens

Of course, folk wisdom could not ignore the conception of a child, pregnancy, sex determination before birth, and other equally important issues. Even our great-grandmothers and grandmothers, when ultrasound was still not in sight, and the Slavic people were not familiar with the tables, determined the sex of the child, practically without mistake. We invite you to familiarize yourself with folk signs:

Expect a boy if:

1.1. there is practically no toxicosis, that is, you do not feel sick in the morning, you do not vomit;
1.2. you have constantly cold feet, dry hands;
1.3. the stomach resembles a ball lowered down;
1.4. you included salty and sour foods in your diet, and also began to eat more cheese and meat products;
1.5. your appearance has changed for the better (you have become prettier);
1.6. you have headaches;
1.7. when you eat bread, you choose only the crust;
1.8. sleep only on your left side;
1.9. you are always in a good mood;
1.10. the baby in the tummy is active;
1.11. the baby's heartbeat is at least 140 beats per minute;
1.12. you are under 20 years old;
1.13. hanging the wedding ring over the stomach, it moves in a circle.

Expect a girl if:

2.1. you have constant toxicosis;
2.2. the shape of the tummy is cone-shaped, the stomach is not lowered down;
2.3. you began to eat more sweets;
2.4. the left breast became larger than the right;
2.5. you have problematic skin and your appearance has become worse than before pregnancy;
2.6. when you eat bread, you choose only the crumb;
2.7. lie down to sleep on your right side;
2.8. mood changes very often, you get annoyed by every little thing;
2.9. baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute.
2.10. you are over 30 years old;
2.11. hanging the wedding ring over the stomach, it moves back and forth;
2.12. dad is gaining weight.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time when every woman, in anticipation of a miracle, enjoys her pregnancy, is waiting for her unborn baby. And it was at this time that you can get acquainted with various tips and recommendations regarding the care of the baby, for example, with the important article "". But after the child was born, do not forget about yourself, be sure to think about it.

The conception calculator for boys and girls will help you determine the most appropriate time to conceive a child of the desired gender based on the date of ovulation.

Pregnancy, future motherhood and fatherhood are among the most important events in life. After receiving the news about the imminent replenishment of parents, the question is always tormented: who will be born? Girl or boy? Since ancient times, there have been many methods and will accept sex determination, but none of them guarantees a 100% result.

How to conceive a boy or a girl?

It has been scientifically proven that the sex of the baby is programmed at the moment of conception. This is because both men and women have two chromosomes. In men, this is a Y-chromosome and an X-chromosome, in women - 2 X-chromosomes. It is from the chromosome of a man, from whether X or Y will fertilize, that the sex of the child depends. Although the body of a man produces approximately the same number of X and Y chromosomes, there is still a chance to conceive a child of the desired gender.

The body of any healthy woman is designed in such a way that conception can occur only on certain days of the month. As you know, a woman's menstrual cycle has a strictly individual period, it ranges from 25 to 35 days. Around the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, that is, the release of the egg from the ovary. Pregnancy will take place if a meeting with a male sperm cell occurs during the period of ovulation.

Gender of the child by date of conception, day of ovulation and conception

A woman has a menstrual cycle of 28 days, the date of the beginning of the last menstruation is May 31. Thus, her cycle in the current month is from May 31 to June 27. The estimated date of ovulation in this case is June 13th. The chances of getting pregnant are high if you make love between 4 days before ovulation and 2 days after, that is, from June 9 to 15.

It has already been proven by science that spermatozoa with a Y chromosome (so-called male) move faster than spermatozoa with an X chromosome (female). Although male cells reach their target (eggs) faster, they die faster. Female cells in this respect are slower, but tenacious.

How to conceive a boy? To get pregnant with a boy, intercourse must be arranged exactly on the day of ovulation or within a few hours after it.

How to conceive a girl? To get pregnant with a girl, it is best to have intercourse the day before ovulation.

Example calculation for the same woman:

When ovulating on June 13, to increase the chances of giving birth to a boy, sex should be directly on the day of ovulation and a little later, that is, on June 13 and 14. In order to get pregnant with a girl, sex must be on June 11 or 12.

It is important to understand that this calculation, although scientifically proven, cannot guarantee the exact result, because any female body is unique.

To start calculating the gender of the unborn baby, you need to fill out the calculator form.