Useful herbs during pregnancy. What herbs can be drunk during pregnancy. St. John's wort and sage

Many women who stop taking medication during pregnancy find a way out in natural remedies - herbs. These products are natural because they are produced by nature, which, however, does not make them safe.

Medicinal herbs can help relieve a number of ailments during pregnancy. But some plants are contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women, or their use must be limited. In the first third of pregnancy, avoid the use of medicinal plants, with the exception of those that have the mildest effect, such as chamomile and ginger.

Be especially careful with Chinese herbs!!!

Herbs are the same medicine; it affects your body and your baby just like any other medication. There are powerful herbs, which can cause harm to the fetus (for example, lead to miscarriage). They are known to cause diarrhea, vomiting, and increased heart rate. So immerse yourself in "nature" with caution.

Herbs can be even more dangerous than the medicines prescribed for you. Herbs are not tested on pregnant women, and you will not find the corresponding marks on their packages. There is no certainty that they were produced in satisfactory conditions, under the necessary control.

They are packed in different ways, in different proportions: some can be quite weak, others can be incredibly strong. And many contain infectious elements such as insect parts, pollinators, mold, and even toxic substances like lead or arsenic.

Some herbs during pregnancy can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage, so try not to use them.

Do not accept: Chinese aralia, barberry, oregano, Canadian goldenseal, root of life, cotton root, crocus, juniper, nutmeg, pennyroyal, mistletoe, male fern, tansy, feverfew, wormwood, wormwood, common wormwood, broom, rue, thuja , green hellebore, large celandine.

Although garlic, echinacea, Chinese gingko And ginseng widely distributed and consumed by many, there is no evidence of how safe they are for pregnant women. It is generally not recommended to take them, and if you do, then you are responsible.

Herbs during pregnancy are best taken in the form of nutritional supplements and herbal teas: they have the mildest effect.

Ginger. Ginger tea or cookies can help relieve morning sickness. It is worth drinking tea in small cups throughout the day, you can also add freshly grated ginger to the roast: it promotes blood circulation.

Cabbage. Eliminates swelling. Wrap boiled and chilled cabbage leaves around the ankles, or put them on the chest to relieve pain.

Raspberry leaves. It is ideal when labor is approaching. Raspberry leaves soften the ligaments around the birth canal, which promotes uterine contractions and speeds up the process of childbirth.

WARNING: take them only in the last 8 weeks of pregnancy, not before! They can cause preterm labor.

Chamomile. has a mild effect on the body. it can be taken throughout pregnancy and reduces gas, bloating and relieves constipation. but drink chamomile tea should be no more than 2 times a day. In addition, chamomile tea will help you relax.

Coriander. helps prepare the body for childbirth. Eat 3 or 4 coriander sprouts along with a salad or make a tea from the seeds. Start taking coriander 2 weeks before your due date.

Kalina. Relaxes muscles due to anti-spasmodic and sedative properties. In the form of a decoction or tincture, it is used to alleviate painful contractions during childbirth. WARNING: do not take before labor begins: stimulates uterine contractions.

Fennel. Tea can relieve morning sickness, but drinking more than 2 cups a day is not recommended. You can add fennel bulbs to food: it relieves nausea.

Garlic. Add to food during cooking to maintain stable blood pressure. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and reduces the risk of blood clots. Contributes to the normal growth and development of the child, as it stimulates blood circulation.

Liquorice. Chewing licorice sticks will help get rid of nausea. In the form of tea, it stimulates slow digestion.

Tinctures from lavender, marigold And Hypericum contribute to the healing process, especially if there are postpartum sutures.

Seasonings. Cumin, dill and fennel contribute to the formation of milk during breastfeeding.

Sage reduces the production of milk when you wean your baby from the breast or practice artificial feeding.

Alfalfa, burdock root, seaweed, nettle- Rich sources of vitamins and minerals.

Fruit wild rose are rich in vitamin C and help fight infections.

First of all, when preparing this or that decoction for yourself, think about the possible harm that you can do to yourself and your baby. Therefore, do not rely on other people's advice, but be sure to consult your doctor about which herbs are allowed.

Weakened immunity during pregnancy often makes itself felt with colds. You can alleviate your condition at this time with an infusion of linden or raspberry. Moreover, a woman in position can drink raspberry infusion even a few weeks before childbirth, because. it has a relaxing effect on the ligaments and speeds up the process of childbirth. Infusions of rose hips, verbena and echinacea will help maintain immunity, they are rich in vitamins and have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

It is good to gargle with infusions of chamomile, because. it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract, effectively normalizing the stool. But it should be borne in mind that they should not be abused. The maximum amount per day should not exceed two cups.

Tea with calendula, mint and St. John's wort is very useful throughout the entire pregnancy. Infusion of lemon balm perfectly copes with toxicosis, relieves the feeling of constant nausea and relieves discomfort in the intestines.

Also, tea with grated ginger helps with morning sickness. In addition, it will energize you for the whole day. With the same problem, fennel infusion is effective, although they should not be abused.

Often, expectant mothers have problems with pressure. The medicinal collection, consisting of wild rose, hawthorn and St.

Removes toxins from the body and fights swelling collection of hawthorn, motherwort and lingonberry leaves. It is drunk in small portions throughout the day.

Relieves constipation finely chopped rhubarb root, filled with a small amount of water. The threat of premature birth can neutralize the infusion of elecampane root.

forbidden herbs during pregnancy

Most of the medicinal herbs used in the normal state are strictly prohibited for pregnant women. They can harm your body, the health of the unborn child, cause premature birth, provoke a miscarriage or contribute to the birth of an unhealthy baby. These are aloe, barberry, oregano, lovage, tansy, licorice, sage, etc. Before using any herbal decoctions and infusions, be sure to consult your gynecologist.

During pregnancy, most medicines are not recommended for a woman to take, and some are generally contraindicated. But the expectant mother is no less susceptible to various diseases and ailments. And then the woman pays attention to medicinal herbs. However, not all herbs are safe during pregnancy.

According to experts, to date, many components and mechanisms of action of medicinal plants have not been fully studied. It is known that the most potent medicinal drugs are made using medicinal herbs (lily of the valley, foxglove, poppy). Therefore, taking some plants, you can provoke serious health problems. The consequences can be very severe for both the mother and the fetus.

In addition, it is difficult to find organic herbs nowadays. Environmental pollution has led to the fact that plants accumulate in their composition various toxic substances that adversely affect the human body.

It is important to know which herbs are possible for a woman during pregnancy and which are not. The body of a woman, like her child, is very sensitive at this time. And even herbs that are safe for other people can harm him.

Contraindicated herbs

The expectant mother needs not only to give up medicinal herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy, but also carefully read the composition in herbal preparations. Many of these concoctions contain herbs that can harm the woman and her child.

During pregnancy, you can not take herbs that can disrupt the blood circulation in the placenta, providing the baby with nutrients and oxygen. These plants include sage (included in gastrointestinal and diuretic collections), hyssop (included in collections for the treatment of anemia, neurosis, gastrointestinal diseases, bronchial asthma).

Herbs, the intake of which can lead to impaired fetal development, include sorrel and garden spinach (high content of oxalic acid), seaweed (too high iodine content).

Plants that can provoke spontaneous abortion or premature birth:

  • common barberry - is part of the fees against anemia, improving appetite, the condition of the liver and gallbladder;
  • aloe tree - is prescribed to stimulate appetite, stimulate immunity, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • medicinal lovage - found in painkillers, expectorants, diuretics, sedatives;
  • medicinal oregano - is prescribed to calm, treat cough, increase appetite;
  • common tansy - used to treat headaches, anemia, edema, chronic stress;
  • buckthorn brittle - found in collections against constipation, treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • curly parsley - is prescribed as a diuretic, with digestive disorders;
  • Tangut rhubarb - used as a choleretic and laxative.

Herbs that can cause toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, flatulence, heartburn).

  • valerian officinalis in large doses or with prolonged use - usually used to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, with sleep disorders;
  • wild rosemary - is prescribed as an expectorant;
  • wormwood in case of overdose - used to improve appetite;
  • sweet clover - found in collections of diuretics, expectorants;
  • celandine - recommended for diseases of the digestive tract.

During pregnancy, it is dangerous to take herbs that affect blood clotting, as there is often a risk of bleeding during or after childbirth. Therefore, it is better to abandon the use of such herbs as medicinal burnet, highlander bird, dioica nettle, cat's foot, common ragwort, corn (stigma).

Allowed Herbs

Despite the many herbs that expectant mothers should not take, there are also useful plants for such women.

With the help of certain herbs during pregnancy, you can significantly improve the condition of a woman, reduce some of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany this period.

Many mothers-to-be suffer from edema. In this case, you can use plants that have a diuretic effect. Diuretic herbs allowed during pregnancy include lingonberry leaves, birch leaves, birch buds, bearberry leaves, horsetail. With the consent of the gynecologist, you can take linden flowers, a decoction of viburnum. In any case, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe diuretic herbs on your own during pregnancy. Pregnancy in each woman proceeds with its own characteristics, and if certain herbs are suitable for one woman, they may be contraindicated for another.

Herbs will help alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis. To do this, use a tincture of lemon balm and peppermint. These plants also have a calming, mild laxative, analgesic effect, are able to relieve intestinal spasms, and reduce gas formation.

When the pressure rises for the expectant mother, she is recommended to take herbal teas from peppermint, motherwort herb, valerian root (it is important not to exceed the dosage).

Medicinal herbs can help relieve a number of ailments during pregnancy. But some plants are contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women, or their use must be limited. In the first third, avoid the use of medicinal plants, with the exception of those that have the mildest effect, such as chamomile and ginger.

Be especially careful with Chinese herbs!!

Herbs are the same medicine; it affects your body and your baby just like any other medication. There are powerful herbs that can harm the fetus (for example, cause a miscarriage). They are known to cause diarrhea, vomiting, and increased heart rate. So immerse yourself in "nature" with caution.

Herbs can be even more dangerous than the medicines prescribed for you. Herbs are not tested on pregnant women, and you will not find corresponding marks on their packages. There is no certainty that they were produced in satisfactory conditions, under the necessary control. They are packed in different ways, in different proportions: some can be quite weak, others incredibly strong. And many contain infectious elements such as insect parts, pollinators, mold, and even toxic substances like lead or arsenic.

Some herbs during pregnancy can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage, so try not to use them. Do not take: Chinese aralia, barberry, oregano, Canadian goldenseal, root of life, cotton root, crocus, juniper, nutmeg, pennyroyal, mistletoe, male fern, tansy, feverfew, wormwood, wormwood, common wormwood, broom, rue, thuja, green hellebore, large celandine.

While garlic, echinacea, Chinese gingko, and ginseng are widely available and consumed by many, there is no evidence of how safe they are for pregnant women. It is generally not recommended to take them, and if you do, then you are responsible.

Herbal teas for pregnant women

Herbs during pregnancy are best taken in the form of nutritional supplements and herbal teas: they have the mildest effect.

Ginger. Ginger tea or cookies can help relieve morning sickness. Drink tea in small cups throughout the day, you can also add freshly grated ginger to the roast.

Cabbage. Eliminates swelling. Wrap boiled and chilled cabbage leaves around the ankles, or put them on the chest to relieve pain.

Raspberry leaves. This is an ideal remedy for approaching childbirth. Raspberry leaves soften the ligaments around the birth canal, which promotes uterine contractions and speeds up the birth process. Attention: take them only in the last 8 weeks of pregnancy, not before! They can call.

Chamomile. It has a mild effect on the body. It can be taken throughout pregnancy and reduces gas, bloating and relieves constipation. But drinking chamomile tea should be no more than 2 times a day. In addition, chamomile tea will help you relax.

Coriander. Helps prepare the body for childbirth. Eat 3 or 4 coriander sprouts along with a salad or make a tea from the seeds. Start taking coriander 2 weeks before your due date.

Kalina. Relaxes muscles due to anti-spasmodic and sedative properties. In the form of a decoction or tincture, it is used to alleviate painful contractions during childbirth. Attention: do not take before labor begins: stimulates uterine contractions.

Fennel. Tea can relieve morning sickness, but drinking more than 2 cups a day is not recommended. You can add fennel bulbs to food - it relieves nausea.

Garlic. Add to food during cooking to maintain stable blood pressure. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and reduces the risk of blood clots. Contributes to the normal growth and development of the child, as it stimulates blood circulation.

Liquorice. Chewing licorice sticks will help get rid of nausea.

Tinctures from lavender, marigold and St. John's wort contribute to the healing process of wounds, especially if there are postpartum sutures.

Seasonings. Cumin, dill and fennel contribute to the formation of milk during breastfeeding.

Sage reduces the production of milk when you wean your baby from the breast or practice artificial feeding.

Alfalfa, burdock root, seaweed, nettle sources of vitamins and minerals.

Dog-rose fruit rich in vitamin C, help fight infections.


Oh, I'm tangerines! It just cracked with boxes, that only the peel flew in different directions! The day wouldn't start or end without them!

I ate cabbage like crazy!!!

Comment on the article "Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy"

Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. The topic was created to discuss the article. Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. Girls, is it possible to drink tea with - matryoshka - St. John's wort during pregnancy?

Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. Girls, is it possible to drink tea with - matryoshka - St. John's wort during pregnancy? And as I found on the Internet: oregano and thyme are strictly contraindicated in herbs, contraindicated in pregnancy.

Girls, tell me, why is it now generally not mentioned in pregnant communities a decoction of raspberry leaves as a means of stimulating the onset of childbirth? I gave birth for the first time in 2006, all communities were full of Herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy. Raspberry leaves.

herbal tea after childbirth. Nutrition, vitamins, medicines. Pregnancy and childbirth. And if you take these herbs, can you continue breastfeeding? Tea to facilitate childbirth. Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy.

Phytolysin is a homeopathic herb in a tube (it is possible for pregnant women). I drank in the first B. (a history of chronic pyelonephritis). There were no exacerbations. Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. What herbs are dangerous for pregnant women.

Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. Is herbal treatment safe for pregnant women? Everyone began to dissuade, because the question is more from the series: Can a pregnant woman skate and ride ice slides?

See other discussions: Herbs contraindicated in pregnancy. Herbal teas for pregnant women. Herbs during pregnancy are best taken in the form of nutritional supplements and herbal teas: they have the effect of drinking tea in small cups throughout the day...

Now pregnant with the fourth and started drinking this tea only from 38 weeks. Another writes that during her first pregnancy she drank this tea and did not even notice the contractions, the bubble burst and she gave birth to Herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy. Herbal teas for pregnant women.

herbs during pregnancy I decided to put it in a separate topic, because. we need to know this. As for herbs, here's what I found. something Contraindicated during pregnancy: .... Some of the listed plants can be used in collections, where their negative effect ...

Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. Raspberry leaves soften the ligaments around the birth canal, which promotes uterine contractions and speeds up the birth process. Attention: do not take before the onset of labor: stimulates uterine contractions.

Is tea safe for pregnant women? Pregnancy and childbirth. In my opinion, if there is swelling, then it is necessary to drink diuretics, and not suffer from thirst. Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. Herbal teas for pregnant women.

Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. Tinctures from lavender, marigold and St. John's wort contribute to the healing process of wounds, especially if there are postpartum sutures. What not to eat when pregnant. But I caught a cold and I don’t know if it’s possible to drink any medicines?

herbs during pregnancy I decided to put it in a separate topic, because. we need to know this. As for herbs, here's what I found. something can Here is an approximate list of herbs that you can not Herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy. What herbs are dangerous for pregnant women.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. Pregnancy and seaweed. Hello! Please help, I'm so frustrated. I read that you can’t eat seaweed during pregnancy, but I didn’t know and ate it twice.

Oregano for pregnant women. Analyzes, research, tests, ultrasound. Pregnancy and childbirth. Oregano for pregnant women. Good afternoon the second month of pregnancy, the cough doctor prescribed a chest collection or oregano, and I once heard something bad about oregano. which is definitely not...

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Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. It can be taken throughout pregnancy and reduces gas, bloating and relieves constipation. mordovnik, mistletoe, male fern, shepherd's purse, black nightshade, garden parsley ...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. I read a topic about kvass and remembered the message I heard on TV that pregnant women should not eat nettles in any form.

Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy. Herbal treatment during pregnancy. Dangerous and poisonous plants. Can a pregnant woman ... eat spices? Gridchina Natalia.

The body of the expectant mother is especially vulnerable. And not only because a new life develops inside it. Indeed, under the influence of pregnancy, changes occur in it that are normal for such a state, but new to it! Therefore, the immunity of a woman who is in an interesting position is often reduced, which is fraught with various ailments. But after all, many medicines are banned during this period! What should the future mother do - endure or allow the cold to occupy her body? Of course not. A natural pharmacy will come to the rescue. But you should clearly understand which herbs you can drink during pregnancy and which you can’t.

It must be borne in mind that herbal treatment during pregnancy should be carried out with extreme caution. Often you can come across the opinion that natural remedies cannot harm, but this is not at all the case! First, substances were obtained from certain plants that became the basis of potent drugs (for example, morphine or atropine). Secondly, there are poisonous plants. Yes, they are used to make the same drugs (we all know that poison in small quantities can be useful). But it is not recommended for anyone to use them on their own, and even more so for the future mother, because she is responsible not only for her life! These are field horsetail, common lilac, black henbane, belladonna (belladonna), medicinal avran, medicinal fumes, yellow capsule, bird cherry, European bathing suit, glossy euphorbia and others. Therefore, before using any plant, you should definitely make sure that it is not included in the list of poisonous or potent.

But if everything was limited to a list of poisonous herbs! After all, many plants that are useful in the normal state during pregnancy can cause harm to varying degrees, including - even provoke a miscarriage! Therefore, let's find out which herbs can be used during pregnancy and which should be avoided.

Herbs contraindicated during pregnancy

Since a miscarriage is the worst thing for a future mother, let's start with herbs that can cause uterine contractions and, as a result, have an abortive effect: barberry, oregano, great celandine, wormwood (common, bitter, officinalis), rue, thuja, broom , green hellebore, tansy, nutmeg, marsh mint, male fern, pyrethrum, juniper, crocus, white mistletoe, Canadian goldenseal, cotton root, root of life, medicinal lovage, calendula, sage, garlic.

Sour sorrel, garden spinach (these plants have a high content of oxalic acid, which can cause disturbances in the formation of the baby's bones), sea kale containing a large amount of iodine, and hellebore, thyme (thyme), sage and licorice can interfere with the normal development of the fetus. significant damage to the fetus or cause deformities.

Plants that affect blood clotting should be avoided, since any changes in this property can significantly complicate pregnancy: shepherd's purse, corn stigmas, knotweed (kidney and pepper), stinging nettle, immortelle, common viburnum.

Also, improperly selected herbs during pregnancy can cause insomnia (for example, valerian in large quantities, despite the fact that in small quantities it is used for the opposite effect), an increase (ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, eleutherococcus) or a decrease (motherwort, periwinkle) in blood pressure , and many other disorders and negative effects that a woman in an interesting position absolutely does not need.

This is not a complete list of plants that should be included in the list of prohibited herbs during pregnancy. It’s just that there are really a lot of them, it’s very difficult to list absolutely everything - you can even write a whole book on this topic. Therefore, we recommend that for each plant that you want to use during pregnancy, even if you know it is very useful, consult a doctor or read specialized literature.

It should also be remembered that absolutely any herbs can provoke an allergy. Therefore, if you are prone to allergic reactions, use plants with extreme caution.

Useful herbs during pregnancy

Since there are plants that are contraindicated during pregnancy, should there be those that are shown? Quite right. Herbs allowed during pregnancy can even be divided into groups, although the plants in these groups will be repeated. But this is not surprising, because a single product can have a lot of useful and even amazing properties.

So, for the general strengthening of the body, which is now not very sweet, you can use plants containing many vitamins. These are rose hips, lingonberries, peppermint. You can make tea from them.

Teas from the rose hips, lime blossom, raspberries already mentioned will help to increase immunity or fight an already onset cold.

With toxicosis, you can successfully cope with the help of peppermint and lemon balm.

Decoctions of chamomile, rosehip, lemon balm and mint will save you from headaches.

However, it should be remembered that even beneficial herbs can cause harm if consumed in unreasonable amounts.