Beauty police: the best foot spa treatments. Spa for feet at home

Often in the daily hustle and bustle, we forget about taking care of our feet. While the lifestyle and environment have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin in this area. In order for the legs to please us with their beautiful appearance, you need to take care of them. Various spa treatments will help transform the feet and ankles, returning their attractiveness.

This spa treatment is performed in a cozy room where pleasant music plays and the lights are slightly dimmed. This environment allows you to completely relax and feel a state of peace. First, the master massages the legs with stroking movements of the hands. The whole body experiences lightness and pleasant bliss. Then, using a teak wand, the massage therapist presses on the energy points, forcing the body to stimulate the activity of certain internal organs. Classic spa massage relieves tired legs, tension and stiffness, improves blood circulation, fights insomnia. After it, you will feel lightness in your legs and an invigorating effect.

The main load always falls on the legs, so it is so important to give them at least a little attention and care. Take care of your feet with a foot spa massage or foot break. It is performed as follows. With stroking light movements, the master glides over your legs, slowly pressing on the acupuncture points. With proper pressure, stimulation of certain organs occurs. The legs become light, the nerve endings are unblocked. The effect is enhanced by the smell of aromatic oils and the quiet sound of music. As a rule, the Foot-Break is carried out on a massage mat using care products.

If you are concerned about swelling, you need a lymphatic drainage spa foot massage that will restore beauty and health to your feet. This procedure helps prevent the accumulation of excess fluid, break down fats, increase tissue elasticity, and is also a highly effective prevention of cell dehydration. Thanks to the removal of toxins and excess fluid, your legs will become beautiful and healthy.

This SPA procedure is in great demand among the representatives of the weaker sex. It has an impact directly on the source of cellulite due to the point pressure of the massage therapist's hands. Foot massage is carried out using essential oils that penetrate the skin and are able to normalize various processes in the body. The movements of the masseur's hands are aimed at moving and eliminating fat deposits.

This spa treatment will help get rid of cellulite and restore the smoothness of the skin. In addition to eliminating the orange peel, a session of such a massage will allow you to relax, improve lymph and blood circulation, the respiratory function of the skin, stimulate the process of cell regeneration, and remove excess fluid from body tissues. Feelings of freshness, comfort and lightness will stay with you for a long time. If necessary, the massage alternates with lymphatic drainage SPA massage, which leads to an improvement in lymph circulation in the area of ​​cellulite deposits, which ensures the outflow of lymph from the periphery to the center.

In order for the legs to please you with their beauty and harmony, you need to take care of them. You can carry out special procedures for legs both at home and visiting beauty salons.

Water spa treatments for feet

The term "SPA" refers to treatments involving the use of water. They can be used singly or in combination.

The SPA complex includes the following:

  1. special foot bath;
  2. treatment of toes and feet;
  3. cleansing the feet with a scrub;
  4. applying a mask to the skin;
  5. massage treatments.

Water procedures for the legs are needed to relieve fatigue and heaviness in the legs, which many modern women suffer from with varicose veins. And they are also suitable for slimming legs. All day you have to endure an increased load on your legs, and in the evening they just buzz with tension. How to relieve these symptoms? With the help of baths and massage.

What effect do foot baths have?

  • Cleansing effect.
  • Mitigation.
  • Exfoliation.
  • Tonic action.
  • Therapeutic and preventive effect in varicose veins.

Mandatory conditions for water procedures - warm water, the presence of additives. Among the additives, for example, the following can be mentioned: soda, potassium permanganate, aromatic oil solutions, herbal infusions. The main purpose of spa baths is relaxation. You can visit beauty spas or have treatments at home.

Do water procedures every day or at least twice a week. The bath takes about 10-15 minutes. After that, be sure to lubricate the surface of the skin with cream, after drying it with a towel. The cream is rubbed from the feet to the thighs.

After a relaxing foot bath, it's time for a spa pedicure. The peculiarity of this treatment of the toes is in soft, gentle care without the use of special tools to remove the cuticle and coarse calluses. The whole procedure is carried out with the help of special emollient creams. Instead of a pumice stone and a brush with hard bristles, a scrub is used. The cuticle is not cut, but delicately shifted to the base of the nails.

You need to complete the water SPA procedures with a massage. It will help improve not only the condition of your legs with varicose veins, but also your overall well-being. It is also a great weight loss tool. Massage in the salon will be carried out by a trained specialist, at home you can do it yourself using self-massage techniques.

Foot treatments at home

Foot care procedures performed at home are no worse than salon ones. Recipes to combat sweating, dryness, cracks, heaviness and swelling in varicose veins abound. Choose for every taste.

  • Mask for sweaty feet at home. Made from mint leaves. They must be crushed, mixed with gelatin (2 tsp), vegetable oil (2 tbsp). Dilute the resulting mixture with warm water.
  • Homemade ointment for rough feet. Mix one part of any vegetable oil and five parts of petroleum jelly. On the legs lubricated with this remedy, socks made of natural fibers should be put on top. Leave until the morning, waking up, remove excess cotton wool.
  • Bath for relaxation. A warm bath with the addition of salt from the sea will help relieve heaviness in the legs with varicose veins at home, half a kilogram of salt should be taken. A few drops of a pleasant aromatic oil will not hurt. While taking a bath, massage the feet, then the legs and thighs.
  • Moisturize your feet with glycerin. The bath with the addition of rose water and glycerin in equal proportions should be warm. After it, you need to grease your legs with a fat cream, put on cotton socks and leave until the morning.
  • Wraps for slimming legs. How to carry out at home? Prepare your feet by soaking them in a warm bath and exfoliating. Apply a special composition to problem areas and wrap them with cling film or plastic bags. There should be many layers, it is necessary to wrap tightly. They put on something warm upstairs and wrap themselves in a warm blanket. So you need to lie down for about an hour. Then wash everything off, treat the areas intended for weight loss with cellulite cream.

How to prepare a wrapping agent?

The most popular types of wraps for slimming legs that can be done at home include the following components: honey, blue clay, chocolate, mustard, coffee. Here are some specific recipes.

  • Honey and cinnamon are taken in equal parts, you can add a few drops of olive oil. The result is a viscous mixture.
  • Mix mustard with olive oil. The resulting remedy will burn your legs very much. To achieve the effect of losing weight, you can choose a more gentle method if you cannot tolerate the effect of mustard.
  • Blue clay is diluted with a small amount of water of the desired density, so that it is convenient to apply. Infuse for thirty minutes.
  • The most “delicious” is chocolate mass for wrapping at home. Mix cinnamon, butter and cocoa until creamy.
  • But aromatic therapy for slimming legs: mix coconut oil with a small amount of citrus oil. Using this scented product is a pleasure.

Such useful and easy-to-perform procedures in one course (up to 14 procedures) will effectively help to slim the hips.

Cosmetic procedures for feet

Such procedures are carried out in beauty salons. What are they? We list their main types:

  • removal of unwanted hair on the legs (different types of hair removal);
  • pedicure: removal of the stratum corneum on the heels, shaping the nails of the toes and painting them with varnish;
  • measures to combat the expansion of veins in varicose veins, their goal is to improve blood circulation in the legs, give them lightness;
  • thigh slimming procedures;
  • various spa treatments.

Pedicure should be done at least once every four weeks. If you wear open shoes, then twice a month. If you do not take care of the skin of the feet in time, a layer of rough dry skin forms there very quickly, and then cracks. Nails also require attention. A pedicure will prevent nails from growing into the skin.

Various procedures are used to prevent varicose veins. For example, foot baths, massages, body wraps. We will discuss this in more detail below.

Treatments for legs with varicose veins

Of great importance for the treatment and prevention of vein disease in varicose veins are various SPA procedures: baths, douches, all kinds of massages, including hydromassage.

Baths for varicose veins

  • Tree branches (oak, chestnut, willow) in the amount of 300 g are lowered into cold water. Put the pot on fire. When it boils, cook for half an hour. Then add herbs to the decoction: succession, St. John's wort, chamomile. Insist all night. Rye bread soak and add to the broth. This mixture is placed in a bath and taken every day at night for about an hour. The water must be very warm. After the course (20 days), an interval of up to ten days is made, then everything is repeated.
  • Herbal infusion for veins. Take in equal parts chamomile, hay, plantain, nettle. Steep a tablespoon of this mixture in boiling water (one glass) for 10-15 minutes. Add to bath water.
  • Pack of herbs for foot bath. Pour the following composition into a cloth bag: a teaspoon of juniper berries, mint, oregano, lavender (two tablespoons of each herb). Prepare hot water for the bath and place an herbal bag in it. Take a water treatment for about 20 minutes.


Cold dousing with water greatly tones the blood vessels. If you pour it on your knees, the blood circulation in your legs will improve. You can replace such water procedures by walking on dew, on snow (it is poured into the bath), on cold water, which is poured into the bath in a thin layer.

Cold water SPA procedures should be started gradually, slowly increasing the time of their implementation.

Another option for dousing: wet wraps for veins. Put wet socks on your feet, then put dry thick socks made of wool on top. After that, you need to lie down under a warm blanket for about two hours.


Compresses are very good for diseased veins. They will restore normal blood circulation, give relief to aching vessels. After the procedure, you should be able to give your legs a rest for a long time. Therefore, it is better to do them at night.

Compress example. Grind dry leaves of coltsfoot, add water (1:10). Let this solution boil and cook over low heat for up to twenty minutes. The cooled and filtered solution can be used as lotions and rubdowns on swollen veins.

How to do a massage with your own hands?

This method will help relieve pain in tired legs, improve vein tone, and prevent further development of varicose veins. When conducting a massage, follow your feelings, they should not bring discomfort. Lightly stroke the leg in the vein area, starting from the foot to the thigh. Do this for five minutes every morning. Combine self-massage with special exercises. Add back massaging. There are nerves associated with the vessels of the legs.

By alternating different foot care procedures, you will be able to maintain at the highest level not only their aesthetic appearance, but also their health, which is even more important. Try, choose the best for yourself, and most importantly, do not be lazy. Take some time for yourself during the day, and the result in the form of slender and smooth legs without protruding veins will not keep you waiting.

Fans of the traditional trimmed pedicure often speak of spa foot care with a fair amount of skepticism, referring to the fact that the latest techniques are more expensive and superficial than usual. There is some truth in this opinion. If you go to a specialist once a year, the delicate effects of the spa will simply be ineffective, and neglected legs will not begin to resemble a picture from a magazine. But in the event that you like to pamper your fingers and heels and consider it an obligatory part of your own regular beauty program, pay attention to the SPA pedicure - it's worth it!

Legs are a marvel of biomechanics. The legs experience perhaps the greatest load in the body, withstanding during the day the entire weight of our body, which is often excessive. On a typical working day, a person takes about 6,000 - 8,000 steps, which means that he walks around the earth several times in his entire life. We do not even think about how our health depends on how healthy our legs are. After all, the sole of the feet projects on itself all the internal organs of a person. The largest number of zones and biologically active points, functionally associated with the internal organs, is located on the surface of the skin of the foot. Unfortunately, we often forget that they must be protected until the moment when the legs begin to hurt. The main problems of the skin of the feet are dryness and sweating. Where there is constant friction between the skin of the feet and shoes, dry calluses appear. Spa foot care is one of the most enjoyable treatments.

Today, SPA is a wellness complex of procedures using any water - both mineral, sea and fresh, as well as seaweed and salt, therapeutic mud and medicinal plants, a variety of massages, masks, scrubs, peelings, where they put in order bodies and souls .

The range of spa applications is very wide, but the most popular are foot care procedures. Today, instead of the usual care for hands and feet, we offer you an exquisite professional SPA. Care steps include everything you need:

  • Cleansing is the basis of care. First of all, it is necessary to remove all external impurities from the surface of the skin. For this, disinfectants are used. Along with cleansing, thermal baths are useful for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the legs.
  • Baths are relaxation and stress relief. Immerse your feet in water so that the water covers the feet. Various salts and aromatic oils are used. Legs hold up to 5 minutes.
  • Exfoliation - for moisturizing and toning. They may include algae, organic sugar crystals, titanium chips.
  • Peeling allows you to remove dead cells of the stratum corneum, which improves the penetration of active substances into the skin during subsequent procedures and stimulates blood circulation. Scrub is used during the foot bath or after the exfoliation bath. A nourishing mask may be applied. Duration 3-5 minutes.
  • Masks - a store of energy for a long time. They are applied only to well-cleansed skin. They include: vitamins, glycerin, oils, lanolin, waxes, honey, Mother's milk, ginseng, aloe, chamomile, moisturizers, etc. Special formulations may also be used. Many cosmetic companies produce special masks for hands: modeling, algae, anti-aging, whitening, paraffin, etc. They soften and nourish the skin of the hands, enhance its protective properties, stimulate the processes of regeneration (recovery). To enhance the effect, wrap the legs with warm towels or thermal boots. The remains of the mask are removed from the legs with a napkin or washed off with warm water.
  • Then a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied. Rub it in with stroking movements. Creams include various components and additives that create a protective film. You can add a foot massage.
  • Massage enhances lymph and blood circulation, relieves tension in muscles and ligaments. It actively affects the receptors that are rich in the skin of the foot. Classical massage is used in the form of stroking and rubbing, as well as acupressure, affecting acupuncture points, reflexology.
  • Any SPA procedure ends with some pleasant music and a cup of fragrant tea.
SPA treatments are ideally combined with: pedicure, paraffin therapy, foot massage, massage!

Spa treatments - the beauty and health of your legs!

Our feet are subjected to enormous stress every day. What are we not doing! We wear tight shoes and high heels, go shopping, take long walks, dance. And playing sports gives our legs an extra load. Even sitting on a comfortable sofa, we do not give our legs a well-deserved rest, because in this case, blood stagnation occurs. The list is endless! And at night, having finally found the long-awaited peace, our legs groan, ache and hurt!

To solve such problems, simply applying a foot cream is often not enough. foot spa is not only skin care, but also relaxation. This procedure allows you to get rid of rough skin (corns, "corns", etc.), relieve tension and pain, cool "burning" legs, feel complete relaxation, get rid of stress and even cheer up. Classic foot spa treatment includes cleansing, applying an active mask, and finishing with a massage with a nourishing cream.

Ideally, before starting the procedure, take a foot bath (preferably hydromassage) using Bath Salt. The bath will perfectly prepare your feet for further procedures.

SPA program for legs

  • The first step is to cleanse the skin of the legs with a scrub. Natural scrub saturates the skin with minerals, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, enhances blood circulation, and exfoliates dead cells. Scrubs are needed to soften the skin and then remove dead particles.

    For example, you can use Fucus Oil Scrub Salt, made from natural raw materials from brown algae, or choose another scrub that you like more.

  • 2nd step - applying the mask. We recommend using an alginate mask with menthol. This mask will give you a feeling of lightness and freshness. It has bactericidal, capillary-strengthening, antiseptic and antispasmodic effects.
  • 3rd step - massage with nourishing cream. Foot cream relieves fatigue, perfectly moisturizes and refreshes the skin.

    Foot massage will relieve tension and fatigue, improve blood circulation and prevent congestion.

    The massage is carried out as follows:

    You need to start with stroking, moving from the toes to the knees. Then, holding the foot with your hands, use your thumbs to massage it from your fingertips up to your ankles. Then repeat this in the opposite direction, going down from the ankles to the toes.

    Now, rotation of the ankles. Grasp the heel with one hand, firmly holding the foot and lower leg during the massage, and with the other hand, grasp the foot in the instep area and make slow circular movements with the foot, changing its direction every two or three movements.

    Then you should carefully stretch your toes. With one hand, grab your leg around the arch of your foot, and with the other, grab your big toe. The movement starts from the base of the finger to its tip, then in the reverse order. Movements should be stretching, smooth. Then, in a similar way, each toe on both feet should be massaged.

    Finally, massage the inner surface of the bend of the foot. Grab your ankle with one hand so that the heel is in your palm. Run the back of your other hand, with enough pressure, along the curve of the foot to the heel and back. And in conclusion, again you need to perform stroking in the same way as at the beginning.

Spend regularly spa treatment for feet you will be rewarded with a light, airy gait!

To improve the condition of the skin of the legs, various means and methods are used, which include a spa pedicure. The result of the procedure is stored for a long period. In this case, the session can be held independently by preparing the necessary materials.

Spa pedicure

There are a large number of ways to care for the condition of the skin, so many women are wondering what a spa pedicure is. The procedure is a kind of care for the skin of the feet and nails and consists of several stages, including cleansing of the epithelium, aromatherapy, deep nourishment of the skin and foot massage. The relaxation stage is an important aspect of the procedure, which is carried out not only in spa centers, but also in beauty salons.

Differences from the usual pedicure

The difference between such a session and a pedicure is the absence of a rough effect on the skin. The integrity of the skin is not violated, because nothing is cut or cut. Hardened areas and calluses are eliminated by dissolving with special means. The process is characterized by a mild effect without pain and discomfort. The risk of injury is completely eliminated.

Due to the uniform removal of the upper keratinized layer of the skin, the effect of the pedicure is preserved for a long time. In some cases, it can last up to 30 days. The session will take approximately 2 hours.

During the procedure, the person is completely relaxed. This is facilitated by special music for meditation or tracks with the sounds of nature. In addition, candles and incense are used. Maximum comfort is ensured by equipping the office with pedicure chairs, where you can comfortably sit. In some salons there are vibration massage chairs that massage the client's lumbar region and back during a pedicure.

During the session, the master uses massage and various drugs that stimulate blood circulation and help relieve fatigue from the lower extremities. Thus, the procedure combines aesthetics and medicine.

What is needed for a spa pedicure

If you decide to carry out the procedure at home, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary tools and cosmetics. For a spa pedicure you will need:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • pumice;
  • bath with warm water;
  • hard washcloth or pedicure brush;
  • food film;
  • scrub container;
  • essential aromatic oil;
  • towel;
  • moisturizing cream.

Foot care takes about 2 hours. During this time, the skin is treated with various preparations, therapeutic mud, plant extracts and thermal water. To soften and steam the skin, use hydromassage.

Fruit acids soften the skin of the feet, and scrubs with small and large exfoliating particles help to deeply cleanse the skin. All cosmetics for a spa pedicure should soften and moisturize the epithelium. To do this, it is recommended to use various masks, toning gels and paraffin wraps.

Spa pedicure technique

The technology for performing spa treatments includes 3 parts. At the first stage, it is necessary to carry out hardware or classical treatment of the legs. Steaming occurs step by step. First, the feet must be treated with antiseptics, making a bath with a special composition or sea salt. Disinfection is carried out so that toxins do not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

For steaming, the legs are immersed in a container of water, the temperature of which is 37-38 ° C. If the liquid is cold, then the procedure will not have the desired effect, and too hot water will cause irritation. Special salts, essential oils and other cosmetics are added to the solution. It is not recommended to perform the steaming procedure for longer than 8-15 minutes, since water promotes vasodilation, increasing the permeability of cells through which beneficial substances enter, and an excess of these substances can have a harmful effect.

Step 2 in Spa Pedicure: Exfoliation

At the second stage, peeling is carried out, which is the removal of dead epithelial cells. First, the skin is treated with a scrub. Scrubbers are needed for:

  • soft tissue toning;
  • deep cleaning of the surface of the feet;
  • improve blood flow through massaging movements;
  • nutrition and hydration of the deep layers of the skin;
  • removal of dead cells.

As part of scrubs, sea salt, powdered sand, sugar or coffee can be used as the main component. For the procedure, you can use substances with larger particles, such as walnut shells and berry seeds. These components are used to treat oily skin.

When scrubbing is completed, a dissolving serum is applied to the skin. It should contain plant extracts and acids. These components penetrate deep, dissolving compacted areas and destroying calluses and corns.

Spa Pedicure Scrub Recipes

To carry out the procedure yourself, you can use the means prepared according to traditional recipes. Homemade masks and scrubs do not require large expenses, since the components can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. To prepare the scrub you will need:

  • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry or liquid cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • grapefruit oil - a few drops.

All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin.

No less effective is a coffee-based scrub. It needs:

  • ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream or honey - 1 tbsp. l.

The ingredients are mixed, applied to the skin and massaged with light movements on the surface of the feet.

The minimum cost requires the preparation of a product that consists of:

  • 1 st. l. cane sugar;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil.

This composition is used to massage the fingers, feet and calves for 10 minutes. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for later use. Sessions are carried out 1 time in 1-2 months to keep the skin soft and well-groomed.

The final stage of the spa pedicure

At the final stage, a massage of the lower extremities is performed. It will take 5-10 minutes to massage each foot. The procedure contributes to the impact on many energy points located in the human foot. These points are responsible for the functioning of various organs, so the session allows you to improve not only the condition of the skin, but also well-being.

After the procedure, the body is charged with energy, which has a positive effect on health. Baths with sea salt, plant extracts that are part of scrubs and masks, aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on the general condition.

During the massage, the work of internal organs is stimulated, it also helps to eliminate pain in the back and joints and relieve chronic fatigue syndrome.

Massaging will help get rid of problems with sleep and swelling of the legs. After that, a nourishing cream is applied, which will make the skin smooth and velvety and prevent dryness and cracks.

Renewed skin needs to be taken care of, so a paraffin wrap can be done between the mask and massage. The procedure is carried out not only in the salon, but also at home. Before this, you need to visit a doctor, because the use of paraffin is refused if there is:

  • fresh scars;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • peripheral vascular disease;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious diseases of the dermis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • poor tolerance to high temperatures;
  • pregnancy.

A large number of contraindications is explained by the fact that when exposed to a substance, the body heats up, which can adversely affect an unhealthy body. Before the procedure, a sensitivity test is performed by applying a small amount of paraffin to the skin. In addition to diseases included in the list of contraindications, wrapping should not be done during an exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

The session can be done at home. To do this, you need to massage your feet, lubricate them with a moisturizer and dip them several times in paraffin heated in a water bath, in a microwave or oven to 55 ° C. After that, the legs are wrapped with cling film and socks are put on. When, after 20 minutes, the feet become wet and the substance begins to cool, the paraffin is removed and put on cotton socks for the night.

In this case, you must follow the rules and do not keep paraffin on the skin for more than 20 minutes. It is removed starting from the ankle and moving towards the fingers. The procedure using hot paraffin is designed for regular use - at least 1 time in 3 days. To enhance the effect, you need to wrap yourself up after wrapping and relax.

If you perform the procedure at home

A spa pedicure session can be done on your own, having prepared in advance all the necessary materials and cosmetic substances. It is recommended to use professional products to enhance the effect, but if there are none, then substances that were prepared independently using folk recipes are suitable.

The bath can be replaced with any other container that fits in size. Events should be held by a loved one so that you can completely relax. This cosmetic and wellness procedure does not require a lot of expenses and, if the recommendations are followed, it has the same effect as a session in the salon.