Polish girls. The most beautiful Polish women. photo. Character of Polish girls. Ambitious, pretty, religious

In the modern world, the phrase that “there is no more beautiful queen in the world than a Polish girl” is very common, and it is worthwhile to figure it out - is this really true?

Today, it is believed that the appearance of Poles (by the way, in Russian the word Pole is rarely used and is considered obsolete, according to the new rules it is correct to say “polka”) beckons with its Slavic charm and attractive facial features. What is unique about the inhabitants of Poland and why is their appearance considered so unusual in the world?

A bit of history

Poles are a Slavic people, the bulk of which lives in Poland. Official registration says that 36 million Poles live in this country, of which there are slightly more women than men.

Approximately 20 million more people with Polish nationality live outside the state - in America, Germany, Canada and Ukraine. True, today the authorities of the country have decided to give people of Polish nationality the opportunity to return to their historical homeland, so they offer material privileges in the form of benefits and the Pole's Card for those who want to live in Poland.

This is interesting! By the way, Poland has always been famous for the charm and charm of its ladies, and according to historical data, one of them even managed to win the heart of Napoleon himself. History shows that Polish women were a kind of standard of elegance and style, which manifested itself not only in appearance, but also in clothing, makeup and behavior.

The famous Polish "Wanda" made it possible for fashionistas of the Soviet Union to buy Polish handbags, cosmetics and perfumes, which were considered the best (with the exception of French counterparts). At the same time, almost half of the country of the USSR was fragrant with famous perfumes called “Perhaps”, which already says a lot.

Polka - what is she?

The typical Polish appearance of the girls is a bit reminiscent of German women, because they boast a rather fleshy nose and wide mouth. The idea of ​​a woman of this type may immediately turn out to be erroneous, because the imagination draws a not very attractive girl, somewhat similar to a man.

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However, many are mistaken, and for this it is worth remembering at least the famous Polish actress Barbara Brylska, who played in the New Year's Soviet film of all those that are still being played to this day. Everyone can agree that she is attractive, and certainly it would never occur to anyone to argue with the given statement.

Notable is the fact that usually Polish women look a little older than women of the same age in Ukraine or Russia. The fault is the posture, which immediately catches the eye - beautifully straightened shoulders and a straight back - this is the hallmark of any representative female in Poland.

Once upon a time, even such a phrase was used that said that the border between Poland and the Soviet Union can be determined precisely because the local women hold their backs.

A standard Polish girl does not identify herself with the image of a fatal beauty, as they do today, for example, Russian women have long hair that must shine and be perfectly even, lips filled with fillers and thick artificial eyelashes. Poles are for natural beauty, so among them you will not see (or you will see, but very rarely) provocatively dressed women and aggressively made up. And in the modern world, this is what gives them charm, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that many call them beautiful.

Character as a feature of appearance

Discussing the appearance of Polish women, it must be said that not only external beauty and unusualness, but also self-confidence gives them charisma. Those who have been in Poland can confirm this, the rest will just have to believe that Polish women are not just self-confident, their level of self-confidence is off scale.

Polls show that 80% of women in Poland consider themselves as attractive as possible. And probably everyone knows the rule that says that if you love yourself, then the whole world will love you. Here it works 100%. At the same time, self-confidence, most likely, is based on the fact that in the past - golden-haired and laughing great-grandmothers, who with their direct beauty even killed kings, were very much appreciated.

Polish girls are quite ambitious and in some ways even sassy. They boast of their lack of complexes and say that in order to achieve their goal, they can do anything. In this case, this does not spoil them, but makes them even more attractive, because, despite their ambitions, they can give in in time and change their principles somewhat.

The average image of a Polish girl

As a rule, the typical Polish appearance of a girl is shrouded in a halo of modesty, which almost always distinguishes them from the company of people of other nationalities. A Polish woman is a modest bow or hair clip, but at the same time a sly look and an interesting conversation.

Such a simple recipe is enough to fall in love with a man, which, in fact, representatives of this nationality actively use.

A modest appearance is offset by easy contact with people and an open demeanor. A Polka will almost never be bored in a new company. People very easily make contact with her due to her spontaneity emotionally.

It is believed that Poles are so open and ambitious because it is impossible for them to say unpleasant things. However, you need to understand that a woman of this nationality will not let a stranger get too close to her, so of course, it’s worth observing the boundaries.

It has been noticed that Poles women and their appearance in life look much prettier than in the photo. And experts also explain these facts by charm and self-confidence, which a photograph very rarely conveys. Personal communication makes the appearance of any Polish woman more attractive.

Interesting fact! The Polish language has a word -sympatyczny, which means not the external qualities of a person, but his behavior, so we can say that Polish girls are incredibly pretty.

By the way, usually Polish girls become pani literally from childhood, because they are taught to do this.

All Poles have religious qualities, so you can always meet a modestly dressed girl on the street who is heading to the church. It is interesting that posters are hung on the streets in Poland, which depict girls and the inscription "Listen to God."

Separately, it must be said that the Poles adhere to rather strict views regarding sexual contacts with a partner. This is not to say that they all marry virgin, but there are usually about eight dates before the first contact.

For comparison: in Italy or Sweden, this event occurs already on the fifth date. Accordingly, beautiful polkas are also very smart.

TOP 10 most beautiful fields

Editor's note: below are girls written with a first and last name, it is on the latter that the emphasis should be placed, because in Polish the female surname usually ends with the letter “a”, while in the same situation in Russian the ending “aya” is used. Example: Solowska - Solovskaya.

In Poland, as in any other country, there are women who are ideals, and photos of the appearance of Poles, who are included in the ranking of the 10 most beautiful women in this country, are worth seeing.

The rating is based on independent statistics and the serial number that will be assigned to each participant in the list is not her place in the rating, it is just a number. And by the way, looking at photos of Polish girls, it is rather difficult to choose only 10 candidates, because almost every Polish woman is beautiful in her own way and individually.

  1. Barbara Brylska. This woman is familiar to almost every person, because the film in which she starred is shown annually, probably, in any CIS country before the new year. Barbara played her first role at the age of 15, and today she has 30 works in her portfolio. The actress to this day is a secular lady and a style icon, which many Poles look up to.
  2. Olya Tsyupa. She deservedly got into the ranking of the most beautiful women, because she is a fairly successful Polish model. Once she represented her country at Eurovision, where she impressed the judges by washing clothes in a rather revealing outfit (yes, right on stage). She skillfully combines in her image all the features of the appearance of Poles women, while she has a height of 170 centimeters and an ideal figure in terms of model parameters.
  3. Isabella Skorupko. Without exaggeration, one of the most beautiful Polish women. She grew up in the suburbs of Stockholm and made her film debut at the age of 17. Known for her rather impressive film career, as well as the fact that she is adored by almost all teenagers. And I must say there is a reason, because the appearance of this woman beckons with her unusual features.
  4. Natalia Sivets. Discussing the typical appearance of Polish girls, it is worth paying attention to this particular girl. She is a Polish fashion model who became popular after Poland's football match against Russia at the European Championships. Journalists awarded her the title of "Miss Euro 2012" And since then she has become famous all over the world.
  5. Magdalena Cucumber. Polish politician who ran for president in 2015. This woman deserves respect, at least because she not only understands politics, but also looks incredibly beautiful. By the way, in her advertising campaign there was a phrase aimed at improving relations with the Russian Federation, and today she calls for the lifting of sanctions against Russia.
  6. Magdalena Meltzage. Journalist and actress, style icon for Polish beauties. A woman with a romantic name and a rather exciting career that began with a mini-series, continued with an advertisement for a fashionable cosmetic brand, and today she is filming with world-famous actors and actresses.
  7. Francis Sudnik - the most beautiful girls in Poland are fashion models, and Francis is the best proof of this. Today she is a Venezuelan fashion model, but she has Polish roots, so her participation in the Miss Poland and Miss Universe contests from Poland is fully justified.
  8. Alicia Bobrovskaya is a Polish actress who once won the title of the fourth Miss in the Miss Universe pageant. Her beauty is standard even today, although she was born in 1936.
  9. Carolina Grushka. A girl with a sweet last name, who today is both a Polish and Russian film actress. A blonde with blue eyes - these are the features of the appearance of Polish girls that are characteristic, which is why the actress got into the current list.
  10. Isabella Miko - a girl with different talents - an actress, a singer, a model, but she got on the list due to her attractive appearance and thanks to her appearance on the cover of a magazine Maxim(ugly ones are not printed in it).

23rd place. Katarzyna Krzeszowska / Katarzyna Krzeszowska(b. 1990, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland) - winner of the Miss Polski 2012 contest.
Miss Polski is the second most important beauty pageant in Poland after Miss Poland/Miss Polonia. The Miss Polski winner represents the country at Miss World.
At Miss World 2013, Katarzyna Krzeszowska performed unsuccessfully, but at the Miss Supranational 2014 contest she became the 4th Vice-Miss.

21st place. Agata Sheviola / Agata Szewioła(born 1989, Zary, Poland) - Polish model, winner of the Miss Polski 2010 contest.

20th place. - Venezuelan fashion model of Polish origin. She was born on December 9, 1979 in Venezuela, but she spent her childhood and youth in Poland. Having unsuccessfully tried to participate in the Miss Venezuela contest, the girl, remembering her Polish roots, took part in the Miss Poland 2006 contest, where she only reached the semi-finals, but was honored to represent Poland at the Miss Universe and Miss Earth beauty contests. ". Francis's height is 173 cm.

19th place. Joanna Opozda / Joanna Opozda(born February 7, 1988, Busko-Zdrój, Poland) is a Polish actress and model.

18th place. Monika "Jac" Jagaciak / Monika "Jac" Jagaciak(born January 15, 1994, Poznan, Poland) is a Polish top model. The height of the girl is 182 cm, the parameters of the figure are 80-57-89.

17th place. (b. March 3, 1981, Opole) - Polish model and actress, best known for her role as Dominika Petrova - the fictitious wife of Dr. House in the series of the same name. The height of the girl is 175 cm, the parameters of the figure are 86.5-61-86.5.

16th place. Katarzyna Smutniak(born August 13, 1979, Pila, Poland), better known as, is an actress and model of Polish origin, living and working in Italy. The height of the girl is 173 cm, the parameters of the figure are 86.5-61-89.

15th place. Monika Levchuk / Monika Lewczuk- Polish singer, former model, winner of the international beauty contest Miss Supranational 2011.

14th place. Marcelina Zawadzka / Marcelina Zawadzka(born January 25, 1989, Malbork, Poland) - Miss Poland 2011. Represented the country at the Miss Universe 2012 contest, where she entered the top 16.

13th place. - American model and actress. Born June 7, 1991 in London in the family of a Pole and an Englishwoman. Emily's height is 171 cm, body measurements are 90-61-86.

12th place. Vladislava Kostak / Władysława Kostak(her last name can also be written in Polish as Kostakówna) is the first winner of the Miss Poland contest. The competition took place in 1929, the winner was not chosen personally, but from a photo. After the victory, Kostak went to the Miss Europe contest, where she became the First Vice-Miss.

11th place. Zofia Batytska / Zofia Batycka(born August 22, 1907, Lviv, Ukraine - June 9, 1989) - Polish actress, Miss Poland 1930, Vice-Miss Europe 1930, Miss Paramount 1931.

10th place. Anna Jamróz(August 4, 1988, Gdynia, Poland) - Polish fashion model, winner of the Miss Polski 2009 contest. She represented the country at Miss World 2009, where she entered the top 16.

9th place. (born February 8, 1983, Minsk, Belarus) - Belarusian TV presenter, actress and model. She took part in the competition for married women "Mrs. Universe 2011", where she won the title of "Supermodel". She is ethnically Polish.

8th place. (born August 1, 1983, Walbrzych, Poland) - Polish fashion model. Gained fame after the Poland-Russia match at the European Football Championship 2012, receiving the title of "Miss Euro 2012" from journalists. The height of the girl is 170 cm, the parameters of the figure are 87-59-89.

7th place. Alicja Bobrowska / Alicja Bobrowska(born January 8, 1936, Vladimir-Volynsky, Ukraine) - Polish actress and TV presenter, Miss Poland 1957. Alicia Bobrovskaya became the first representative of Poland at the international beauty contest "Miss Universe", while winning the title of 4th Vice-Miss at this competition.

6th place. (September 5, 1942, Warsaw - March 19, 1997) - Polish actress and model. Teresa Tuszyńska played in 12 films, but she never received an acting education.

5th place. (born January 19, 1955, Warsaw) - Polish actress, dancer, model, writer.

4th place. Aneta Kręglicka(b. March 23, 1965, Szczecin, Poland) - the winner of the Miss World 1989. She became the first and so far the only Polish woman who managed to win the Miss World. Krenglitska is also the winner of Miss Poland 1989 and First Vice-Miss of Miss International 2009.

3rd place. (born March 3, 1978, Warsaw) is a Polish actress and model. Famous film roles: Ligia (Kamo Gryadeshi, 2001), Princess Henrietta (Fanfan Tulip, 2003), Lady Elzbieta (Taras Bulba, 2008).

2nd place. (born June 27, 1987, Melbourne, Australia) - Miss Poland 2010. She represented the country at the Miss Tourism Queen International competitions, where she became the 3rd Vice-Miss, as well as at Miss Universe 2011 and Miss International 2012. The girl's height is 175 cm, figure parameters 91-64-93.

1 place. is a German-American actress and model. She was born on January 24, 1961 in West Berlin. Her father was German actor Klaus Kinski, an ethnic Pole born in Sopot, Poland. Mother - actress Ruth Brigitte Tocki (her nationality is unknown).

Since in Ukraine, according to statistics, there are fewer men than women, in order not to suffer from loneliness, you can also focus on foreigners. Moreover, they are very fond of Ukrainian women ... for their beauty, character, perseverance and diligence.

Our compatriots who know the foreign environment within the country itself tell about the mental characteristics of men abroad.

Complaining for no reason

Country number three on our list - so close and at the same time far away - Poland. Ekaterina Kuznetsova, an ex-resident of Zaporozhye, who moved to this country for permanent residence, told how the family institute works there and why the Poles love Ukrainian women so much.

- Poland, although allegedly a state close to Ukraine in spirit, but the Polish people, especially the indigenous people, differ significantly in mentality, behavior and even everyday habits. As practice shows, the locals are very friendly, polite and good-natured, although most of them have a habit of complaining for no reason, she says. Our compatriot noticed some peculiarities in the rules of local etiquette. So , the Poles greet each other by the hand , and kiss good friends on the cheek . The respectful "pani / pan" works everywhere - even on the street, even in a cafe, even in an elite restaurant. - It strikes me very much how people behave in public transport: men let women go ahead, they open the door or hold the elevator. In fact, this is a trifle, but very nice. I would like that men in Ukraine would not forget to be polite, - the interlocutor continues.

Zaporizhzhya was very pleased with the fact that in Poland it is strictly forbidden to smoke at public transport stops. Therefore, you catch men with a cigarette in your mouth not at every step, but only in specially designated places. Citizens themselves and the police strictly control smokers and in case of violation write out rather large fines to them.

Coming back from work

Unlike Ukrainian, Polish men are more trained in order. There are trash cans at every step, the owners clean up after the dogs, and in public transport, everyone must pay the fare. You rarely see a controller there, but there are enough "hares", and they - predominantly from other countries, including ours. - The Poles also work in different areas, some go further to Europe to earn money. But the difference between them and us is that they return to live in their native land, which cannot be said about us, says Katya. - Now, with the new president, Andrzej Duda, it has become easier for women to live ... For each child, the state allocates assistance - 500 zlotys a month. And another +130 PLN is given for each child if the family low-income. Therefore, if a woman has a minimum wage, it is not profitable for her to go to work, because then all assistance is canceled. If a person earns well, then the family has enough to live on. Even this year, assistance was introduced for all students - PLN 300. And those who go to school also receive funds to buy everything they need by the beginning of the school year. As a mother, this makes me very happy.

Rest not for all the money

In terms of courtship, as Ekaterina noted, Poles are not very different from Ukrainians. Although I can't speak for everyone. - In every house there is a shovel ... There are those who abuse alcohol, there are those who cheat, and those who carry their women in their arms, - she continues. - As in other European countries, in Poland it is not practiced to get married early. According to the latest data from the Chief statistical management of Poland, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity quantitatively predominate in the country. Among the 38.5 million Poles, 52% are women, that is, in cities there are as many as 111 women per 100 men, and 101 in villages. Young people in Poland are becoming less and less conservative and willingly imitate the European approach to marriages- the later, the stronger.

According to statistics, Polish women get married on average at 26.4 years old, and Polish men leave the bachelor's path at the age of 28.4 years. - A man and a woman meet for a very long time - 5-10 years before marriage ... Often young Polish couples go to work, first collect funds for a house, a wedding, and only then get married. And it happened so sadly in our country that, according to all traditions, parents make weddings for children, - the woman says. Poles divide duties in families in different ways. Here, according to the compatriot, the phrase works well: “As you make bed, so you will sleep”. There are families where the wife is in charge, but there are vice versa. – Life in Poland, in my opinion, is more measured and calm. Ukrainian men and women rush headlong to work and work until the last client. It's not like that here. For example, I was shocked by the stories of my friends. They go to the hairdresser for 5-10 years, and if the master works until six, then only until six. She will not enter into your position, even if you have known each other for ten years. He lowers the blinds and “Goodbye!”, The interlocutor notes. I think women are happier here.

They don't carry ten bags from the store, as a family, as a rule, they have cars.Families of the Poles go on vacation and not for the last money, like us, but for a salary.It is interesting to spend weekends - also a local tradition.

Love for hard work

Poles love Ukrainian women for their beauty, charisma and diligence.They love our care.Mentally, with the Poles, if a woman is from Western Ukraine, there is not much difference.Poles, like Ukrainians, are Christians.Some of their celebrations are different.For example, they are surprised by our loud celebrations for the New Year, or the rites for Baptism, - says Katya.However, we should not forget that some Poles are rather dismissive of the Ukrainians.There are those who still consider our territory their colony.Hypocrisy - it is also present in society.Some Polish employers perceive our men as cheap labor, and women are seen as objects of sexual pleasure, - adds the ex-resident of Zaporozhye.

Everywhere there are pluses and minuses.Ukrainian men, according to women, are more attractive.The Poles are not so attractive to her from the outside, although there are no comrades for the color.

Interesting facts about Polish romance

Poles are the earliest people in the EU to get married.Polish men put on their wedding ring for the first time on average at 29, while Scandinavians get married after 25, and Spaniards at 34. Polish women get married a little earlier than men - at 27.Younger brides in the EU are only residents of Bulgaria and Romania.

39% of Poles believe that the wedding should be organized in such a way that family and friends will remember him for another half a century.

44% instead consider marriage Impreza a waste of money.

82% of Poles who nevertheless came to the altar and survived the wedding banquet are satisfied with their marriage.

Three-quarters of Poles and Poles admit that sex is an important part of their relationship.

More than 70% of respondents aged 16 to 49 have sex at least once a week.

During the 10 years of existence of the largest Polish online dating service Sympatia, Poles have created more than 5 million profiles.That is, every sixth adult in Poland at least once tried to find a mate on the Internet.

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Each people of the world has its own characteristics, which are absolutely normal and ordinary for them, but if a person of a different nationality gets into their midst, he may be very surprised at the habits and traditions of the inhabitants of this country, because they will not coincide with his own ideas about life. We invite you to learn 8 national habits and characteristics of the inhabitants of Poland, which will help you better understand the inhabitants of this country.

They are really polite people.

Don't be surprised if a skinhead accidentally steps on your foot and apologizes warmly. The Poles do it automatically. The scope of required courtesy is much wider than in other countries.

To strangers, the Poles turn to you, adding the construction pan / pani / państwo (mister / madam / gentlemen). Calling strangers “man” (mężczyzno), “woman” (kobieto) is unacceptable in Poland. At the same time, the titles “girl” (panno) or “young man” (młody człowieku) are used by older people in relation to really young Poles, but are considered obsolete.

Etiquette is observed in business correspondence. And here a foreigner needs to be careful - for example, in a job application it is not enough to write: “Director Kowalski: please hire me” (this is uncivilized). Be sure to apologize for the inconvenience. To the director to address “Dear director! Very, very much I ask you to hire me, ”explain why you should be employed and how much you will appreciate it.

They love to complain

Complaining is the favorite sport of Poles. Don't try to compete with them. The answer "everything is fine" to the question "how are you?" considered indecent (how is this "good"? It's suspicious!). Life cannot be easy and good! Poland is a "safe haven" with a growing GDP in Europe plunged into crisis. Well, yes, they didn’t seem to feel the crisis, but in Germany the motorways are still better ...

They agree to offers from the third time

A real Pole will refuse several times before agreeing, for example, to a treat (it’s ugly to agree right away). In Poland itself, despite the number of refusals, the guest will be fed in any way, but abroad, with their habit of refusing out of politeness, the Poles sometimes go hungry. So if by chance a Pole happens to be at your house, offer at least three times: help, food, any amenities, you will see - you won’t get a positive answer the first time. Well, maybe only if this instance has suffered enough abroad ...

They are very religious

Poles are very religious, every Sunday most go to church. Everyone celebrates Easter and Christmas together, and the most important holidays in the country are Catholic. Many Poles divide life into periods: from baptism to first communion, from first communion to chrismation, from chrismation to wedding, from wedding to death. A passer-by in communication with a boy may well ask if he already had the ritual of the first communion or will he only be?

Even to marry for a Pole means "to get married." In Poland, it is customary to seal the bonds of marriage in the church. At the same time, the latter even replaced the registry offices, since priests draw up all state documents. Interestingly, in a white wedding dress, a girl can only get married. It is not customary to wear it for a civil ceremony in the registry office.

They are learning in bulk.

In Poland, higher education is no longer prestigious or fashionable, it is mandatory. Everyone studies, it is not always clear why, but the fact is that the position of a cleaner without at least a secondary education is hard to get. Unfortunately, the cult of education is not paired with material compensation for the work invested in education. There is a popular anecdote: the mother of the illiterate Yasha cannot find him a job for minimal money (he will go on a drinking binge with a large salary), because such small salaries are only for people with higher education. But here we again return to the topic of “folk sports”.

They stock up on food

Poles take care of their children and other relatives living in other cities. "Sloik", that is, a bank, is an integral attribute of every Polish family that sent a child to study or a husband on a business trip. In these jars they carry their mother's food for the whole long week: soups, main courses, sauces, salads, pickles and canned food. Without this, it is impossible to live in Poland, every Sunday all cars, buses and trains are simply overflowing with banks, and on the road you can sometimes hear the characteristic sound of glass walls rubbing against each other. If Polish students were banned from carrying cans, they would starve to death.

For them, all the nations of the former USSR are Russians

For Poles, everyone who lives east of Poland is Russian. It went back to the times of the USSR, when any citizens of the Union were called Russians. Therefore, do not be surprised if, having informed a Pole that you have come from Belarus or Ukraine, you suddenly hear from the interlocutor: “Well, how are you doing in Russia?”

They love torturing foreigners

Here cream 2 grows on trees. In crypt 3 you can buy cannon 4 full of beer. Children are entertained with parties 5 . The Poles, to be honest, are not the most organized nation in the world, so very often they memorize something 6 . 7 itch and guess a lot 8 when 9 stumble with friends. Glamor girls visit freak salons 10 . They walk on sofas 11, eat from chairs 12, making sure to keep a favorable stomach 13. The country is prosperous - in every city there is a palace 14, and every Pole has his own building 15. Everyone who works receives a pension for 16 and usually rests for 17 weeks.

Polish-Russian Dictionary:

1. pytać (torture) - “to ask”.

2. śliwki (cream) - "plums".

3. sklep (crypt) - “shop”.

4. puszka (cannon) - "bank".

5. wieczorynka (party) - an analogue of the program "Good night, kids."

6. zapomnieć (remember) - “forget”.

7. cieszyć się (itching) - "rejoice."

8. gadać (guess) - "talk".

9. spotykać się (to stumble) - “to meet”.

10. salon urody (salon ugly) - “beauty salon”.

11. dywan (sofa) - "carpet".

12. stół (chair) - "table".

13. wygodny żywot (profitable belly) - "a comfortable life."

14. dworzec (palace) - "station".

15. zdanie (building) - "opinion".

16. pensja (pension) - “salary”.

17. niedziela (week) - "Sunday".

Poles are the second largest (after Russians) Slavic people, the main population of Poland, where there are 36 million Poles. About 20 million more people with Polish roots live outside of Poland: in the USA (9.5 million), Germany (up to 2 million), Canada (1 million) and other countries.
Poles are Western Slavs. Among the Poles there are several ethnographic groups, including the Kashubians (up to 500 thousand people) and the Silesians (up to 900 thousand), who have their own languages ​​and can be considered separate peoples.
The religion of the Poles is Catholicism. Pole Karol Wojtyla (1920-2005), who took the name John Paul II, became the first pope of Roman origin.

In Russian, there are two nouns for the feminine gender of the word "Pole" - Pole (this word is considered obsolete, and among native speakers of the Polish language is perceived negatively) and polka (is correct from the point of view of the modern Russian language).

A note regarding the spelling of the surnames of the rating participants: in Polish, most female surnames have the ending "a", while in Russian such female Polish surnames are usually written with the ending "aya", for example, the Polish surname Skłodowska is traditionally written in Russian as Skłodowska. In both Polish and Russian, Polish surnames are declined by case.

46th place. Katarzyna Krzeszowska / Katarzyna Krzeszowska(b. 1990, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland) - winner of the Miss Polski 2012 contest.
Miss Polski is the second most important beauty pageant in Poland after Miss Poland/Miss Polonia. The Miss Polski winner represents the country at Miss World.
At Miss World 2013, Katarzyna Krzeszowska performed unsuccessfully, but at the Miss Supranational 2014 contest she became the 4th Vice-Miss.

44th place. Mia Wasikowska / Mia Wasikowska(born October 14, 1989, Canberra, Australia) is an Australian actress. Gained international fame after the release of the film "Alice in Wonderland" (2010), where she played the title role. In Russian, the name of the actress is written as Wasikowska, although Mia herself pronounces it as Wasikowska. The actress's father is Australian, her mother is Polish, while Mia considers herself Polish and bears her mother's surname.

43rd place. Ewa Wiśniewska(born April 25, 1942, Warsaw) - Polish theater and film actress. She played Princess Kurtsevich in the highest-grossing modern Polish film of the 90s, With Fire and Sword (1999), receiving the Orly Award for Best Supporting Actress for this role.

42 place. (born July 30, 1982, Maruba, Australia) is an Australian actress. She was born into a family of Polish immigrants. Strahovski is a stage name, her real name is Strzechowski / Strzechowski.

41st place. Grazyna Barszczewska / Grazyna Barszczewska(born May 1, 1947, Warsaw) is a Polish theater, film, radio, television and cabaret actress. In 1999, she received the "Wielki Splendor" prize awarded by the Polish Radio to the best radio actor.

40th place. Elzbieta Barszczewska / Elzbieta Barszczewska(November 29, 1913, Warsaw - October 14, 1987) - Polish theater, film and television actress. She played the role of Beata in the film "Witch Doctor" in 1937 (a remake of this film is the well-known in Russia film "Witch Doctor" in 1982).

39th place. Agata Sheviola / Agata Szewioła(born 1989, Zary, Poland) - Polish model, winner of the Miss Polski 2010 contest.

38th place. Francis Sudnicka / Francys Sudnicka- Venezuelan fashion model of Polish origin. She was born on December 9, 1979 in Venezuela, but she spent her childhood and youth in Poland. Having unsuccessfully tried to participate in the Miss Venezuela contest, the girl, remembering her Polish roots, took part in the Miss Poland 2006 contest, where she only reached the semi-finals, but was honored to represent Poland at the Miss Universe and Miss Earth beauty contests. ". Francis's height is 173 cm.

37th place. Joanna Opozda / Joanna Opozda(born February 7, 1988, Busko-Zdrój, Poland) is a Polish actress and model.

36th place. Elzbieta Starostecka / Elzbieta Starostecka(born October 6, 1943, Rogow, Poland) - Polish theater and film actress, singer. Winner of the Złote Grono Award (for the most popular actress in the 1976/77 season) for her role as Stefania Rudecka in the film Leper.

35th place. Marta Zmuda-Trzebiatowska / Marta Żmuda-Trzebiatowska(born July 26, 1984, Czluchow, Poland) is a Polish actress. Acting in films and TV series.

34th place: Monika "Jac" Jagaciak / Monika "Jac" Jagaciak(born January 15, 1994, Poznan, Poland) is a Polish top model. The height of the girl is 182 cm, the parameters of the figure are 80-57-89.

33rd place: Karolina Wydra / Karolina Wydra(b. March 3, 1981, Opole) - Polish model and actress, best known for her role as Dominika Petrova - the fictitious wife of Dr. House in the series of the same name. The height of the girl is 175 cm, the parameters of the figure are 86.5-61-86.5.

32nd place: Katarzyna Smutniak(born August 13, 1979, Pila, Poland), better known as Kasia Smutniak / Kasia Smutniak, is an actress and model of Polish origin living and working in Italy. The height of the girl is 173 cm, the parameters of the figure are 86.5-61-89.

31st place. Paulina Chapko And Karolina Chapko / Karolina Chapko- Polish actresses, twin sisters. They were born on November 15, 1985 in Nowy Sącz (Poland).

photo by Paulina Hapko:

photo by Karolina Hapko:

30th place. Monika Levchuk / Monika Lewczuk- Polish singer, former model, winner of the international beauty contest Miss Supranational 2011.

29th place. Marcelina Zawadzka / Marcelina Zawadzka(born January 25, 1989, Malbork, Poland) - Miss Poland 2011. Represented the country at the Miss Universe 2012 contest, where she entered the top 16.

28th place. Emily Ratajkowski / Emily Ratajkowski- American model and actress. She was born on June 7, 1991 in London in a Polish family and. Emily's height is 171 cm, body measurements are 90-61-86.

27th place. Vladislava Kostak / Władysława Kostak(her last name can also be written in Polish as Kostakówna) is the first winner of the Miss Poland contest. The competition took place in 1929, the winner was not chosen personally, but from a photo. After the victory, Kostak went to the Miss Europe contest, where she became the First Vice-Miss.

26th place. Zofia Batytska / Zofia Batycka(born August 22, 1907, Lviv, Ukraine - June 9, 1989) - Polish actress, Miss Poland 1930, Vice-Miss Europe 1930, Miss Paramount 1931.

25th place. Irena Karel / Irena Karel(real name - Kiziuk / Kiziuk; born August 10, 1943, Lviv) - Polish theater, film and cabaret actress.

24th place. Zofia Saretok(real name - Taubvursel / Taubwurcel; March 28, 1938, Lodz, Poland - March 10, 2013) - Polish theater and film actress.

23rd place. Olya Tsyupa / Ola Ciupa(full name - Alexandra) - Polish model, winner of the Miss Małopolski 2014 contest. She became known after participating in the musical number of Donatan and Cleo, who represented Poland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with the song "My Słowianie" (We are Slavs"): Olya Tsiupa in a very revealing outfit washed clothes straight She also starred in the video clip for this song.The height of the girl is 170 cm, the parameters of the figure are 88-62-88.

Donatan and Cleo "We are Slavs"

22nd place. Anna Jamróz(August 4, 1988, Gdynia, Poland) - Polish fashion model, winner of the Miss Polski 2009 contest. She represented the country at Miss World 2009, where she entered the top 16.

21st place. Magdalena Ogurek / Magdalena Ogorek(born February 23, 1979, Rybnik, Poland) - Polish politician, candidate for the presidency of Poland in the elections to be held on May 10, 2015. One of the points of Ogurek's election campaign is the normalization of relations with Russia: "As president, I want to maintain balanced relations with the Russian Federation. We will have to make a lot of efforts to normalize our relations. If, after being elected president, I am invited to come to Moscow, I will certainly accept the invitation ". Ogurek also calls for the lifting of sanctions against Russia, which, according to her, "do not work anymore."
In the Russian-language media, her surname is often spelled incorrectly - Ogorek.

20th place. Isabella Scorupco / Izabella Scorupco(born June 4, 1970, Bialystok, Poland) - Polish and Swedish actress and singer. Famous film roles: Natalya Simonova (Golden Eye, 1995), Elena Kurtsevich (Fire and Sword, 1999).

19th place. Anna Górna(born February 8, 1944, Warsaw) - screenwriter, director, also an actress who starred in just one film - "Heat" (1964).

18th place. Irina Khanunik-Rombalskaya(born February 8, 1983, Minsk, Belarus) - Belarusian TV presenter, actress and model. She took part in the competition for married women "Mrs. Universe 2011", where she won the title of "Supermodel". She is ethnically Polish.

17th place. Natalia Siwiec / Natalia Siwiec(born August 1, 1983, Walbrzych, Poland) - Polish fashion model. Gained fame after the Poland-Russia match at the European Football Championship 2012, receiving the title of "Miss Euro 2012" from journalists. The height of the girl is 170 cm, the parameters of the figure are 87-59-89.

16th place. Alicja Bobrowska / Alicja Bobrowska(born January 8, 1936, Vladimir-Volynsky, Ukraine) - Polish actress and TV presenter, Miss Poland 1957. Alicia Bobrovskaya became the first representative of Poland at the international beauty contest "Miss Universe", while winning the title of 4th Vice-Miss at this competition. Alicia Bobrovskaya is an ethnic Kashubian.

15th place. Teresa Tuszyńska(September 5, 1942, Warsaw - March 19, 1997) - Polish actress and model. Teresa Tuszyńska played in 12 films, but she never received an acting education.

14th place. Danuta Kowalska / Danuta Kowalska(born January 19, 1955, Warsaw) - Polish actress, dancer, model, writer.

13th place. Monika Mielnik / Monika Mielnik(born September 15, 1990, Tychy, Poland) is a modern Polish actress, acting in films and TV shows.

12th place. Katarzyna Maciąg(born May 3, 1982, Kozienice, Poland) - Polish theater and film actress.

11th place. Aneta Kręglicka(b. March 23, 1965, Szczecin, Poland) - the winner of the Miss World 1989. She became the first and so far the only Polish woman who managed to win the Miss World. Krenglitska is also the winner of Miss Poland 1989 and First Vice-Miss of Miss International 2009.

10th place. Anna Dymna / Anna Dymna(born July 20, 1951, Legnica, Poland) - Polish theater and film actress, best known in the countries of the former USSR for her role as Marysia Vilchur in the film "Witch Doctor" (1982). In 1988, she played the role of Margarita in a 4-episode Polish adaptation of M. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The real name of the actress is Dzyadyk / Dziadyk. In 1973, she married actor Wiesław Dymny, after which she took her husband's surname. Despite the fact that in Russian the surname of the actress is correctly spelled "Smoky", in Russian-language sources the spelling of her surname in the Polish manner has settled down - Dymna.

9th place. Olga Savitskaya / Olga Sawicka(February 7, 1932, Poznan, Poland - April 2, 2015) - Polish ballerina, choreographer, actress.

8th place. Barbara Karska / Barbara Karska(b. September 20, 1949, the Netherlands), better known as Barbara Nielsen- An actress known to Soviet audiences for her role as Basya in the Polish film Anatomy of Love (1972).

7th place. Karolina Gruszka / Karolina Gruszka(born July 13, 1980, Warsaw) - Polish and Russian actress, wife of Russian director and playwright Ivan Vyrypaev. Famous film roles: Masha Mironova (Russian rebellion, 2000, voiced), Sasha (Oxygen, 2009), Ekaterina (Dance of Delhi, 2012), Vera (Long live Belarus, 2012).

6th place. Magdalena Meltsazh / Magdalena Mielcarz(born March 3, 1978, Warsaw) is a Polish actress and model. Famous film roles: Ligia (Kamo Gryadeshi, 2001), Princess Henrietta (Fanfan Tulip, 2003), Lady Elzbieta (Taras Bulba, 2008).

4th place. Beata Tyszkiewicz(born August 14, 1938, Wilyanov, Poland) is a famous Polish actress who starred in almost 100 films. Famous film roles: Princess Elzbieta (Ashes, 1965), Marysya (Marysya and Napoleon, 1966), Isabella Lentskaya (Doll, 1968), Varvara Pavlovna (Noble Nest, 1969).

3rd place. Fields of Raksa / Pola Raksa(born April 14, 1941, Lida, Grodno region, Belarus) - actress, three times (1967, 1969, 1970) awarded the Silver Mask Award as the most popular actress in Poland. She starred in Polish and Soviet films. Famous film roles: Hedwig-Maria Kalinowska (The Girl in the Window, 1964), Helena de Wit (Ashes, 1965), Zosia (the film of the same name, 1967), Marusya "Spark" (TV series "Four Tankers and a Dog", 1966-1970 ), Yvette (Nocturne, 1966). The full name of the actress is Apolonia / Apolonia, while in the movie she starred under the diminutive name of Paul, which is erroneously indicated in Russian-language sources as Paula.

2nd place. Barbara Brylska / Barbara Brylska(born June 5, 1941, Skotniki, Poland) is a Polish actress. Famous film works in Russia: the Phoenician priestess Kama in the film "Pharaoh" (1966), Nadia Sheveleva in the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" (1975), Helena in the film epic "Liberation" (1972), Eve in the film "Love's Anatomy" (1972). In Russian-language sources, the spelling of the actress's surname in the Polish manner has become established - Brylska.

The most beautiful polka - Nastassja Kinski is a German-American actress and model. She was born on January 24, 1961 in West Berlin. Her father was German actor Klaus Kinski, an ethnic Pole born in Sopot, Poland. Mother - actress Ruth Brigitte Tocki (her nationality is unknown).