The concept of karma in the modern world. Karma of a person, what does this concept mean

Karma - what is it? A mysterious entity that mercilessly decides our destinies? Or a cosmic force that rewards everyone according to their deserts? Let's find out more about this interesting phenomenon.

Have you ever asked yourself why some people are born healthy and happy, they are lucky in life, they are surrounded by loving and benevolent people. And others are physically handicapped, their life is full of difficulties and failures, they suffer from loneliness and suffer defeat. Could this be a consequence of actions that were committed by a person in the distant past, or even in his previous incarnations?

The word karma is translated from Sanskrit as "action". This concept also includes words, thoughts, feelings and experiences of a person. We can say that any act or thought, even the most insignificant, leads to certain consequences in the future. These consequences may happen tomorrow or in a few lifetimes, but they will definitely happen.

Types of karma

Karma can be manifested and unmanifested. Manifested karma is everything that has manifested in our destiny at the moment. This is our physical condition, financial situation, place of residence, people around us. This type of karma is very difficult to change, it often has to be endured for a lifetime, without being able to do anything.

But not all seeds of karma could germinate in a person's life at the moment. Many unresolved problems and unlearned lessons await their implementation. In the meantime, they are in our subtle karmic body. This is unmanifested karma.

Fortunately, a person has the ability to change unmanifested karma. But for this it is necessary to reach a very high level of consciousness, when we can realize and analyze our actions, correct mistakes. No healer or spiritual teacher can save you from negative karma. This can only be done by the soul that created the karma.

Why does a person need karma?

Every person comes into this world in order to learn and develop. He has a certain scenario of life - destiny, as well as many lessons that he must learn in this life. All people have different levels of soul development, but everyone has one common goal - spiritual evolution.

And the law of karma helps the soul to improve and rise to a new level of spiritual development. Thanks to karma, we can experience various life situations, experience all kinds of feelings and emotions, until we finally realize ourselves as a divine and immortal part of the Universe.

Can karma be cleansed?

The soul in the process of endless reincarnations accumulates a huge amount of dirt in its karmic shell. These are serious crimes, and various misconduct, and broken promises, and that have not been returned. Words and deeds for which we should be ashamed. All this places a heavy burden on the shoulders of people in their subsequent incarnations in the form of various diseases and physical disabilities, experiences and mental disorders, material difficulties and obstacles.

A person cannot avoid responsibility for what he has done until he realizes that he was wrong. And the best way to realize guilt is to feel the situation on your own “skin”. That is why people experience pain, suffering, suffer defeats and failures, face meanness and betrayal, try to break through the wall of difficulties and obstacles. This continues until the soul finally realizes its mistakes.

In order to correct his karma, a person first of all needs to embark on the path of spiritual development. He needs to free himself from vices and negative qualities, learn to love and understand others and act for the common good, and not just for the sake of his own interests.

Only in this case it becomes possible. Having revealed the best qualities of his soul and eliminated all weaknesses and vices, a person becomes invulnerable to any evil.

In order to completely clear karma, it is necessary to actively work on oneself for several lifetimes. This is also facilitated by certain esoteric practices that help to lift the veil of secrecy over previous incarnations. Unfortunately, this knowledge is currently not available to most people.

It is also often difficult to distinguish real practices from charlatanism. For example, today many "spiritual mentors" offer to quickly cleanse karma by reading a magic mantra or perform a ritual of burning bad karma. A lot of money is paid for such rituals, but, unfortunately, there is no result.

It is impossible to commit many sins and misdeeds, cause irreparable harm to other people and hope that all this will be forgiven after performing the ritual and reading the prayer.

This requires, first of all, the internal change and development of a person, a high level of consciousness, love and compassion for all the inhabitants of the planet.

The video material will help you learn more about a person’s karma:

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

For many, human karma is a real mystery of nature. Does it really exist? What is it for? Or is the Universe playing with people and building their destinies? It is necessary to understand this mysterious phenomenon in as much detail as possible.

Surely every person at least once thought why some individuals are constantly lucky throughout their lives, while others feel unhappy, problems fall on them like a snowball. Maybe physical handicaps, troubles and bad luck are the result of previous actions and misdeeds committed in past lives?

Karma in ancient Sanskrit means action. This includes the actions and thoughts, desires and words of the individual throughout life. They note that each, even the most insignificant thought, gives rise to certain consequences and changes in fate. They will definitely appear, maybe not in a month, but in future incarnations for sure. For every cause there is a consequence, this should always be remembered.

Even if a particular person does not believe in fate and the law of the investigation, everything is still subordinate to him. Karma is not an entity, it carries a certain energy that regulates the consequences of all actions. That is why they try to keep a balance between bad and good actions so that a person lives normally and does not suffer.

Karma is not considered a punishing force that is just waiting for the moment to execute the sentence. Karma only monitors the causes and consequences of what is happening to a person. When a problem has not been solved in time, information about it is stored and transmitted to the future or upcoming incarnations.
Any action carries several types of consequences:

  • the visible effect is manifested in the active life at the level of physiology;
  • the emotional consequence leaves a deep imprint in the soul of a particular person, it all depends on the strength of experiences, how deep they are;
  • a distant consequence will be revealed in future incarnations, and the person himself will not even understand and realize this, he will begin to think why he has such a misfortune, because he seems to have done nothing.

It should be understood that the more serious and worse the act, the greater the impact it will have on the present or future life of a person.
The laws of karma affect not only a specific person, because there is the karma of humanity, clan, country, Cosmos and many other types of it. All of them intertwine and interact with each other.

Types of karma

The most basic types of karma are:

  • human;
  • kingdoms of nature;
  • space;
  • solar.

The great sages are sure that at the moment when a person has worked out his own karma, a person dies. Then he will begin a completely different life in a future incarnation, and how prosperous it will be depends only on what actions a person has committed in previous incarnations.

Karma diagnosticians are convinced that it is necessary to work with karma. In order to rid themselves of negative thoughts, they accept even the difficult lessons of fate with gratitude, forgive betrayals and insults, believe that problems will teach a lot and do not complain about fate. It is in the position of gratitude that the vibrations in the soul increase, and this contributes to the purification of karma. Experts say that each person learns to perceive the surrounding reality with love, to understand that humanity is a team that constantly interacts with each other.

Karma by date of birth

Many people strive to understand why they appeared in this world at all, what their real purpose is. It is with the help of karma that they understand what a person must experience in the present incarnation, what he inherited from the past, what he gives and why he needs it. The concept of karma originated in ancient times, in Indian philosophy it is translated as activity. Everything good and bad will certainly return to a person sooner or later, it is impossible to avoid this.

Karma is very tightly connected with fate, because it is on these two concepts that the life of a particular person depends. Naturally, many are interested in how to find out their karma, influence events and change fate for the better, correct past mistakes. Each person can independently find out karma by date of birth.

Karma calculations

By date of birth, a person learns his own fate and understands his destiny. To do this, you need to add all the numbers together. If a person was born on November 27, 1984, then it is worth adding them as follows:

The number 60 is the individual number of karma. This turned out to be a karmic period, which shows a certain time for very important events and changes to occur in life. This means that at the age of 60, global changes will occur with a person.

If the individual number is:

10 - 19 offers to develop spiritually, improve physically, direct all forces to this.
20 - 29 means that in order to purify karma, they will use the experience of their ancestors, develop the ability to intuition, listen to their inner self, and strive to master the subconscious.
30 - 39 says that one should teach the basic laws of life to others, delve into the philosophical sciences, teach people this, but first figure it out for yourself.
40 - 49 means that it is worth knowing oneself as a person, feeling one's destiny in life, devoting oneself to studying the basic laws of the Universe.
More 50 shows that they are constantly engaged in self-improvement.
When calculating karma, they clearly understand why exactly a person came into this life and what is required of him.

family karma

In past lives, all family members were united and interacted with each other with the help of karma. If a relative has committed a wrong action, then, quite possibly, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have to pay for it. Ancestral karma greatly affects the physical condition and health of a person, well-being and life. A person who has bad family karma works all his life for his relative, it is very hard for him, misfortunes literally fall on him, attracts only failures.

Undoubtedly, the same is said about good karma, which also applies to the entire future generation. In such families there is love and well-being, a good and friendly attitude.

The mechanism of karma

At the present time, each person is reaping the fruits of his past deeds. It is at this time that the ground for future karma is created. Don't expect the consequences of what you did today to manifest tomorrow. This will happen in many years or in future incarnations. It is for this reason that many people are perplexed why they suddenly have misfortunes, how they deserved such an unfavorable fate. Usually they think that some kind of misfortune happened by pure chance, but karma does not imply a game of chance and a certain set of circumstances.

Everything happens in fairness and nothing else. If something happened, then it can only be interpreted by the fact that there was a reason for it. Karma brings in life both positive and negative. All bad deeds will manifest themselves in diseases and ailments, misfortunes and emotional experiences. And all good things will bring good luck, love, change fate for the better. It is impossible to get rid of the law of cause and effect. If people understood how the mechanism of karma works, they would think about their actions and try to live in justice so as not to bring trouble on themselves.

Varieties of Karma

Karma happens:

  • manifest;
  • not shown.

Manifested karma implies the expression of consequences in the present destiny of a person. It can be a physical state, the material world, environment and place of residence. It is very, very difficult to change such karma, often people endure it throughout their lives, they cannot change anything in their fate. However, karma does not always manifest itself in life now.

A huge number of actions and deeds committed in the past, incomprehensible lessons of fate, unresolved tasks are just waiting for their time. They will inevitably come true, but for now, information about this is stored in the karmic body. This is what is called unmanifested karma. However, it is worth knowing that a person is able to change unmanifested karma. But for this you will have to reach a high level of your own consciousness, when actions and mistakes are clearly recognized and corrected. No one is able to rid a person of bad karma, only the person himself can do it. After all, it was he who created his destiny and karma.

Impact on karma

Almost every person who is interested in karma and found out the answers to their questions despairs. After all, change the information. Which is stored in the subtle body is not possible. In any case, you will have to answer for all actions, without this in any way. Yes, and astrologers advise only to accept and be prepared for failures and problems. However, there is no need to become discouraged, because karma always gives a person strength and opportunity to solve the most difficult problems and correct mistakes. This needs to be clearly understood and understood.

Nowadays people are convinced that man is a dependent and weak being. That is why many simply do not feel the strength and ability to correct the situation and work off karma. But it is important to realize the full power of your personality and freedom to change something. You need to fight for your own existence, and not sit in a corner.

How to work with karma

A large number of people are interested in this question, although no one will definitely answer it. Karma will be corrected only by a purposeful person and ready for certain difficulties, and this will require a lot of strength and patience.

To make global changes in karma, you first need to know it. Astrology will help with this. They also use other methods of realizing their own karma. You can do hypnosis or try to see your destiny through lucid dreams.

Some individuals want to understand exactly why fate sends them certain tests. They're just wasting time. It's time to understand how you can get rid of the problem.

Also, people dream of solving the problems that have arisen immediately, changing karma in one second. But it is not possible to do this, because no one is able to return to the past and correct all the mistakes in the blink of an eye. Even if a person is clearly aware of his own mistake, it will not be possible to correct it immediately. You should carefully consider your past actions, digest the information in your soul, sincerely repent in the present tense, and then hope for forgiveness and a change in the situation.

The purification of karma is carried out if they are fully aware of their soul, and not by shifting responsibility to others, the Creator, the Cosmos and the Universe. It is important to accurately comprehend your own guilt for misconduct, and then ask for forgiveness.

Laughter is a gift from above

People are afraid of the concept of karma, they are not fully aware of it, because this phenomenon is very mysterious and inexplicable. Fear is also a sin, from which it is difficult to free oneself. If you know karma partially, then it will not be cleared, and the situation will only get worse.
Let us recall the sayings of ancient thinkers who took karma for something integral.

Theory cannot exist without practice. If karma is a mechanism, then it is necessary and possible to work with it. If a person decides to realize his karma, then they do it to the end. They do not perceive it as a disaster.

For example, a small child strives to constantly assemble a mosaic, but he does not succeed. He falls into despair, disappointed in himself. But if this does not happen, then over time the baby will learn to play a complex toy. Likewise with karma, you have to challenge yourself and accept it.

Karma is not so hard to work with if you do the right things. They perceive difficulties with humor, having endurance and patience for passing the trials of fate. Only then do they understand that it is easy to work with them. Positive thoughts can completely change life, bring bright colors into it.

The purpose of karma

All people, without exception, come into this life in order to develop and learn. They live according to a certain scenario that fate has prepared for them. Throughout life, they learn many important lessons, and for this they inexorably develop their soul.

Karma helps the soul to become more perfect, to rise to a high level of spiritual development. It is because of karma that a person experiences certain situations in life, experiences emotions and emotional experiences, feels and realizes himself, in the end, only a part of the vast Universe.

The concept of karmic working off

Working off karma is a mechanism that allows you to understand your own actions and their consequences.
When cleaning karma, it is determined what exactly was violated:

  • Job;
  • family life;
  • physical state.

Without fail, they remember in relation to whom the deceit, betrayal, ugly act was committed. It doesn't matter when exactly it happened, maybe many years ago. After that, they move on to cleansing.

Meditation clears the mind of a person, eliminates negativity. You should sit as comfortably as possible and turn on relaxing music. Next, they close their eyes, focus on the problem or ugly situation, and return to the moment when it happened. Mentally imagine how it was necessary to behave in order not to commit an unseemly act.

Meditation helps to work off karma incompletely. After all, it’s not enough to correct yourself inside, it’s right to change something in life. You should treat your work diligently, treat your loved ones with love and care, respect the elderly, try to understand the little ones, and you should judge yourself to the fullest extent.

In this case, a person will soon be able to see significant changes in fate, troubles will recede a little, karma will be gradually cleared.

Sometimes this method does not bring satisfaction and help. In this case, the clan was the cause of bad karma. Once upon a time, one of the family members did a bad deed. And a person has to work it out. This is valuable for finding balance and balance.
It is not at all difficult to correct such a situation. You need to ask for forgiveness from your parents, and ask for blessings. It's great if a person takes an abandoned child to raise, does charity work. They certainly work out their own karma so that later grandchildren and great-grandchildren do not have to pay for it.

Mantras for cleansing

Mantras are considered sacred texts. They are sometimes compared to prayers or conspiracies. Some magic phrases are used to cleanse karma:
to bring all spheres of life into harmony, use the text

"Om Nama Shivaya Ma";

good for removing negativity

"Om mane pad me hum";

words are great for clearing the mind

"Oi tribayakam sungathim pushti urvarakamiva bandhana mriitiyor."

Is it possible to change destiny?

The soul constantly goes through incarnations, in each life it accumulates a huge amount of negativity. A person can commit violent crimes, offend others, betray them and do much more. However, everything in life has to be returned so that justice reigns in the Universe. Due to unseemly deeds, people are born with serious physical disabilities or deviations, they experience hard and difficult lives, they cannot cope with the load of problems. They are obliged to pay bills, pay off debts from real life and previous incarnations that they don’t even remember.

That is why people themselves suffer, experience their perfect deeds on themselves and experience the same thing that others experienced before. Only in this case a person realizes his mistakes and pays for them. You must begin to develop your spirituality, eliminate negative qualities, stop succumbing to vices, and act for the good of others. Only then will it be possible to clear karma.

It is impossible to commit sins and terrible deeds, and then be sure that happiness and a cloudless life await you ahead. It is supposed to change internally and develop one's spirituality, improve, learn to love and compassion, only then life will change for the better.

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Hindu philosophy can be found in many beliefs, cults and myths. Hinduism is based on the concept of the immortality of the human soul. The body dies, and the spirit has the opportunity to move into a new body. According to the dogma, a person is born and dies an infinite number of times, and his soul continues to receive invaluable experience.

There is no chaos in the world. On the contrary, there is a universal cosmic order, and everything on Earth obeys it. According to the law of karma, all actions performed by living beings further determine the quality of his life. His new life.

In the Hindu religion, people are divided into estates or castes. Three estates are considered noble: priests, rulers and workers. The workers include farmers and artisans. They dream of becoming rulers in their next life, who in turn strive to become priests. The fourth and last caste are servants. They have the most difficult life.

Each class has certain rules and norms of behavior. If you follow the necessary instructions, then a person gets the opportunity to move to a higher level, or rather the status of rebirth.

law of karma

The law of karma says that the fate of a person is predetermined and is the result of deeds. All good and bad deeds, sooner or later, but will certainly return to everyone. The Russian proverb “as you sow, so shall you reap” accurately describes the karmic law.

The ancient Hindu scriptures say that a person, having gone through many lives and having experienced both good and bad in his destinies, will eventually draw conclusions. His experience will teach him to do only the right things, and he can become a sage.

In Sanskrit, karma means action. Buddhism adopted from Hinduism the concept of rebirth, the idea of ​​retribution and the righteous path. Karma - punishments for the actions of the past, which, with the right behavior and attitude towards people, can be redeemed over time.
Buddhists call karma cause and effect. Everything in the universe is interconnected, and nothing is left without. Every action is followed by a consequence.

According to the law of karma, the quality of your present life directly depends on your actions in the past. If you want a better fate in your next life, take care of it now.

Karma - what is it? A mysterious entity that mercilessly decides our destinies? Or a cosmic force that rewards everyone according to their deserts? Let's find out more about this interesting phenomenon.

What is the law of karma?

Have you ever asked yourself why some people are born healthy and happy, they are lucky in life, they are surrounded by loving and benevolent people. And others are physically handicapped, their life is full of difficulties and failures, they suffer from loneliness and suffer defeat. Could this be a consequence of actions that were committed by a person in the distant past, or even in his previous incarnations?

The word karma is translated from Sanskrit as "action". This concept also includes words, thoughts, feelings and experiences of a person. We can say that any act or thought, even the most insignificant, leads to certain consequences in the future. These consequences may happen tomorrow or in a few lifetimes, but they will definitely happen.

The law of karma is best expressed by the Russian proverb: "What you sow, you will reap." This is the universal universal law of cause and effect. Everything in the world is subject to him, regardless of whether a particular person recognizes him. After all, ignorance of the law does not save from responsibility.

Karma is not an entity, it is a certain force or energy that regulates the consequences of what is done by all the actors of this Universe. It is not a punitive force that executes a sentence. Karma simply traces the cause and effect relationship of what is happening. In cases where a problem is not resolved in a timely manner, information about it is stored and transmitted to the future.

Each action can have three types of consequences:

  1. Visible, gross consequence of an act. It manifests itself on the physical level during the current life.
  2. A consequence that left an emotional mark on the human soul. Its strength will depend on how strong the experiences were.
  3. Distant consequences that will prove fatal in future births.

Whether an act becomes fatal depends on how significant it is for the person and others. The more serious the act, the more likely it will become fatal and significant in future lives.

The law of karma does not only apply to a specific person. There is also the karma of the clan, people, city, country, planetary. All of them are closely related and intertwined.

The mechanism of karma

At this moment we are reaping the fruits of what we have done or said in the past. And at this moment we create the ground for our future karma. It is not necessary that the consequences of our actions today will manifest themselves very quickly. Perhaps this will happen in many years. That is why most people fail to trace a causal relationship between actions. At that moment, we will think that some event happened by chance.

But karma does not have a game of chance, surprises and a fortunate combination of circumstances. The whole world exists thanks to the law of justice. If something happened, then there was a reason for it.

The law of karma applies to any of our deeds: both negative and positive. All unseemly deeds will return to us with problems, illnesses and emotional experiences. And everything bright and good that we have done will bring good luck, health, love and predetermine our future destiny.

If we thought about how the mechanism of karma works, we would be more prudent in our actions.

Types of karma

Karma can be manifested and unmanifested. Manifested karma is everything that has manifested in our destiny at the moment. This is our physical condition, financial situation, place of residence, people around us. This type of karma is very difficult to change, it often has to be endured for a lifetime, without being able to do anything.

But not all seeds of karma could germinate in a person's life at the moment. Many unresolved problems and unlearned lessons await their implementation. In the meantime, they are in our subtle karmic body. This is unmanifested karma.

Fortunately, a person has the ability to change unmanifested karma. But for this it is necessary to reach a very high level of consciousness, when we can realize and analyze our actions, correct mistakes. No healer or spiritual teacher can save you from negative karma. This can only be done by the soul that created the karma.

Why does a person need karma?

Every person comes into this world in order to learn and develop. He has a certain scenario of life - destiny, as well as many lessons that he must learn in this life. All people have different levels of soul development, but everyone has one common goal - spiritual evolution.

And the law of karma helps the soul to improve and rise to a new level of spiritual development. Thanks to karma, we can experience various life situations, experience all kinds of feelings and emotions, until we finally realize ourselves as a divine and immortal part of the Universe.

Can karma be cleansed?

The soul in the process of endless reincarnations accumulates a huge amount of dirt in its karmic shell. These are serious crimes, and various misdemeanors, and broken promises, and debts that have not been returned. Words and deeds for which we should be ashamed. All this places a heavy burden on the shoulders of people in their subsequent incarnations in the form of various diseases and physical disabilities, experiences and mental disorders, material difficulties and obstacles.

A person cannot avoid responsibility for what he has done until he realizes that he was wrong. And the best way to realize guilt is to feel the situation on your own “skin”. That is why people experience pain, suffering, suffer defeats and failures, face meanness and betrayal, try to break through the wall of difficulties and obstacles. This continues until the soul finally realizes its mistakes.

In order to correct his karma, a person first of all needs to embark on the path of spiritual development. He needs to free himself from vices and negative qualities, learn to love and understand others and act for the common good, and not just for the sake of his own interests.

Only in this case it becomes possible to purify karma. Having revealed the best qualities of his soul and eliminated all weaknesses and vices, a person becomes invulnerable to any evil.

In order to completely clear karma, it is necessary to actively work on oneself for several lifetimes. This is also facilitated by certain esoteric practices that help to lift the veil of secrecy over previous incarnations. Unfortunately, this knowledge is currently not available to most people.

It is also often difficult to distinguish real practices from charlatanism. For example, today many "spiritual mentors" offer to quickly cleanse karma by reading a magic mantra or perform a ritual of burning bad karma. A lot of money is paid for such rituals, but, unfortunately, there is no result.

It is impossible to commit many sins and misdeeds, cause irreparable harm to other people and hope that all this will be forgiven after performing the ritual and reading the prayer.

This requires, first of all, the internal change and development of a person, a high level of consciousness, love and compassion for all the inhabitants of the planet.

The video material will help you learn more about a person’s karma:

Karma means fate in another way, and I strongly believe that such a concept exists. There are karmic seven-year stages of life by age, I am between 28 and 35 years old, when I know what I want, who I want to be, and the main thing now is family and children. In addition to karma, there are also agreements, a person himself decides to attribute his failures to fate or defeat his laziness and move in the right direction.

I don’t even know what karma or laziness is on me. I am 28 and I am completely drooping and do not know how to develop in the robot. And there is no family.

The thirst for justice makes us believe in the inevitability of a response to every action. This may partly explain what karma is, but the concept itself is much broader. It came from Hinduism, a system of philosophical and religious explanations of the world order, so for understanding it will be necessary to go beyond standard ideas.

What is human karma?

In the Hindu tradition, life is seen as a series of continuous incarnations through which it passes. No step is left without consequences. To better understand what karma is, consider its different types.

  1. Sanchita. Consists of completed actions.
  2. Prarabdha. Incidents that are destined to happen in the current incarnation. It is the result of past actions.
  3. Kriyamana. The possible result of current activity implies relative freedom from the past and the possibility of choice.
  4. Agama. Consists of plans for the future.

Karma in Buddhism

In the Vedic tradition, what karma is was explained by the relationship of cause and effect, which implies the influence of individual actions of a person on his further existence. Buddhism borrowed this concept and expanded it, giving meaning to any influence, not just ritual. Everything matters: actions, words and thoughts. Karma and destiny in Buddhism are not synonymous. The first word in Sanskrit means "action", that is, it is not something predetermined from above.

How do we earn karma?

The common expression "plus to karma" has a completely logical explanation, during life there is a real chance to improve one's situation or make it worse. Understanding what human karma is eliminates questions regarding inequality of origin. Buddhism explains this by the totality of actions in past incarnations. It determines everything: from the country of origin to physical parameters and talents. Actions performed in the new life lead to the next incarnation. Such a cycle is called.

The goal of a person is considered to be development to a special state - enlightenment, which frees one from a continuous series of incarnations. To achieve it, you need to accumulate positive energy. Buddhists believe that one life is not enough for this, so one must constantly make a reasonable choice in the direction of positive influences. Mindfulness is important, positive actions performed only because it is impossible to do otherwise will not bring the necessary energy.

Laws of Karma

The easiest way to understand what the law of karma is is for lovers of physics. Here, too, the rule of reverse action applies: the information sent to the world will come back. The problem is that a person does not remember his previous incarnations and does not know what he is paying for in his current life. Therefore, the pursuit of Enlightenment is the main goal. All this is described by four laws:

  • predetermined existence leads to suffering;
  • troubles have a cause;
  • when it is removed, suffering will also disappear;
  • the only way to get rid of pain is to come to awareness.

Karmic debt

Not always the sum of actions of a past life gives a positive result, in this case they say that bad karma prevents a person from developing. It can be overcome, but only by coming to the realization of one's own responsibility in everything that happens. Not every action is predetermined, but only key points, so with the help of hard work there is an opportunity to correct the situation. If the degree of negative deeds is too high, then working off karmic debts will take more than one incarnation.

Karmic relationship

Every interaction with other beings creates a bond that runs through all incarnations. The closer the communication was, the stronger this thread. between a man and a woman are a demonstration of such an attachment. It is believed that with its sufficient strength, people in each incarnation will look for each other. The karma of loneliness can be explained by the inability to meet such a connected person in the current incarnation or by negative energy earned in a past life.

The connections formed do not always have a positive color, the threads connecting the enemy and the victim are especially strong. And until the conflict is resolved, such individuals will be attracted in every rebirth. It happens that karmic opponents are found within the same family, these may be the closest relatives. The more serious the conflict, the closer the connection between its participants.

Karmic marriage

You can determine a partner who came from a past life by the amazing ease of communication at the beginning of an acquaintance. Such attitudes pass into each incarnation so that a person can deal with the existing contradictions. A karmic connection between a woman and a woman is also possible, gender is not a constant. Former lovers may come into the next life in the bodies of the same sex due to the wrong deeds of the past incarnation.

Karmic causes of illness

The appearance of some diseases is difficult to explain from the point of view of science; in this case, Christians perceive them as a test sent by the creator. Another explanation is karmic illnesses. This means that a person is not a toy in the hands of higher powers, but pays for his own deeds committed in the past and this life. The karma of the family also has an influence - the totality of family actions over several generations. The table below will help to better understand karmic diseases and their causes.




Feeling of weakness, neglect of one's own abilities.

Bad principles and beliefs.


Feelings of vulnerability, desire for protection, high anxiety.

Colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections

Unreasonable anger and annoyance.

Caries, pulpitis, other dental problems

Unwillingness to take responsibility for your life.

gastritis, ulcer

Fear of the future, stinginess, envy.

Bronchitis and other lung diseases

Tightness, dependence on the opinions of others, the desire to please everyone.

Colitis, enterocolitis, other diseases of the colon

Internal stagnation, avoidance of any events, fear of strong feelings, excessive conservatism.

Pathology of the small intestine

Lack of initiative, desire to obey the will of others.

Diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, pancreatic diseases

Resentment, excessive authority, the desire to control any little thing.

cystitis; infections and other diseases of the genitourinary system

Tightness in the intimate sphere, prejudices, observance of prohibitions on sexual relations.

Heart attacks, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, other cardiovascular pathologies

Lack of joy, fear of manifestation and love for another person.

Nephrites, nephrolithiasis, other renal pathologies

Negative attitude towards others, desire to redo everything, fear of strong emotions.

Cholelithiasis, gallstone disease, other diseases of the biliary tract

Old resentment, inability to forgive.

Chest pain

Fear of love and intimacy.

Mental and CNS disorders

Movement against the laws of the universe, unwillingness to work on their mistakes, acts of "spite".

Hepatitis, cirrhosis, other liver pathologies

Cruelty and malice masquerading as good deeds. Lack of understanding of the evil being committed and resentment for retaliatory actions.

Malignant tumors

Intense anger, frustration, fear and helplessness.

How to know your karma?

In each new incarnation, a person comes without knowledge of the past life. You can get information about it when you achieve Enlightenment or with the help of other people who have already reached this stage. Diagnosis of karma cannot be carried out remotely or with the help of mathematical calculations, general laws do not apply here, a deep assessment of the situation of each individual person is required. Therefore, it is recommended not to rush to discover past incarnations, but to follow the path of self-development, in which they will gradually begin to manifest themselves.

How to improve karma?

Coming into a new life with negative baggage gives rise to the need to work it out in a new incarnation. There is only one way – bringing exclusively positive vibrations into the world. If in this life it does not work out to correct its shortcomings, then the next reincarnation will be even more difficult. Each lesson will have to be learned, running away from the lecture and bribing the examiner will not work.

Karmic buyout

Sometimes the healing of karma takes bizarre forms: people begin to bless their ill-wishers, become childishly naive, show respect for parents who were considered unworthy of this role. This happens because of the understanding that any suffering is deserved, so you can get rid of it only with the help of a deep study of your own shortcomings. they can talk about unresolved problems with their parents, but they can be resolved by sacrificing pride, that is, paying off.

How to clear karma?

Not a single shaman and magician can cleanse karma, because this expression is fundamentally wrong. It is impossible to eliminate the events of the past, and the future depends only on the person himself, so the desire to cleanse oneself looks absurd.

  1. It is possible to improve your current existence and lay a good foundation for the next incarnation, but this is done through prolonged self-contemplation and rethinking of your life.
  2. It is not enough to admit one's own mistakes, it is necessary to take actions that will help to avoid them in the future.