The correct technique for expressing breast milk with your hands. "Maybe just pump it. Basic pumping tips and tricks

Rada Melnikova, Breastfeeding Consultant, Member of the CMPF,graduate of the ProGV Project Until now, you can sometimes hear advice to a young mother to express her breasts "dry" after each feeding. The arguments are very different: so that the milk does not disappear, so that there is no stagnation, “I did this, only thanks to this I fed!”. Indeed, in the middle of the last century there were such recommendations. There was a good reason for them: after all, then another recommendation was widespread - feeding on a schedule. The child was applied to the breast 6-7 times a day with a long night break. As a rule, one feeding - one breast, thus, the child was applied to each breast 3-4 times a day. Feeding in this rhythm is a critically insufficient stimulation of the breast to produce milk. Regular pumping in this case made it possible to somehow maintain lactation.

If the mother feeds the child on demand day and night, does not limit the duration of feedings, attachments to the breast for 12 days or more, the baby gains weight and develops according to age norms, then there is no need for additional pumping!

Milk production is the law of supply and demand: the more milk is removed from the breast, the more milk is produced, and vice versa. If a mother regularly pumps her breast, the body perceives this as a signal that the baby needs more milk than it actually sucks. This can easily lead to hyperlactation, and too much milk is no more pleasant than not enough milk, and can lead to congestion, inflammation in the mother, and digestive problems in the baby.


However, there are situations in which pumping can be very helpful. Here are the most typical ones.

1. Pumping in order to establish lactation and feeding a child who, for some reason, cannot yet breastfeed (a small, premature newborn, a child with anatomical structural features that make sucking difficult, other particular situations when it is difficult for a child to suck effectively).

2. Pumping to relieve severe fullness or breast engorgement, when it is difficult for a child to take a full breast.

3. Pumping to maintain lactation and feeding the child, if for some reason the child refuses or cannot temporarily breastfeed (refusal of the breast, illness of the child).

4. Expressing to increase the amount of milk when it is really needed.

5. Mom goes to work or she needs to be away from home (regularly or from time to time).

6. Pumping in case of stagnation of milk.

7. To maintain lactation, if the mother is forced to be separated from the child for some time.


Each situation is different and the best solution is to seek the help of a lactation consultant. The specialist will develop an individual pumping scheme, teach pumping techniques.

1. To establish lactation, if the child after childbirth for some reason cannot suckle, it is necessary to start pumping as soon as possible. Preferably within the first 6 hours after delivery. At first, it will be just a few drops of colostrum - the first milk that is in the breast of a woman immediately after childbirth.

Then you need to express approximately in the rhythm of applying the baby to the chest. At least once every 2-3 hours, including at night. Try to get at least 8 pumpings per day.

If nighttime pumping is difficult, one break of 4-5 hours is possible.

Night pumping is very important for sufficient milk production! Try to have at least 1-2 pumps between 2 and 8 in the morning.

Rare pumping or their absence in the early days, if the baby is not attached to the breast, can interfere with the normal development of lactation processes and provoke insufficient milk production in the future.

2. To maintain the amount of milk in the mother, if the baby is temporarily not attached to the breast, it is advisable to express at about the rhythm in which the baby sucked or a little more often, since no breast pump can stimulate the breast as effectively as the baby.

But not less than once every 3 hours for a child under 6 months.

3. No matter how much time has passed since the last pump, it is necessary to pump a little, until a feeling of relief, if the mother feels too full. Even if, according to the developed scheme, the pumping time has not yet come.

4. When working to increase the amount of milk or create a milk bank, everything is very individual and depends on the specific situation. Consult with a specialist!

5. If it is not possible to express as often and for as long as planned, it is important to remember that any breast stimulation is a “request” for the mother’s body to produce milk. Even 5 minutes of pumping is better than nothing. A child in the first months of life can be breastfed up to 20 or more times a day and suck from a few minutes to 1 hour or even longer. If you can't pump at a specific pace, just pump whenever you can.


Here, too, there is no single algorithm, much depends on the situation. The general principles are.

1. If the baby is attached to the breast, then you need to express immediately AFTER feeding or 30-40 minutes after it (that is, between feedings), and not before. There are situations when pumping before feeding is acceptable and even necessary, but these are special cases and a specialist should recommend them. In the vast majority of cases, it is advisable to express after the baby has eaten well from the breast.

2. It is very effective to express one breast while breastfeeding the second breast, as the baby stimulates the flow of milk in both breasts by sucking.

3. The most effective pumping regimen is “5 + 5 ... 1 + 1”: first, 5 minutes on one breast, then 5 minutes on the other, then 4 minutes on each breast, then 3, 2, and finally 1.

4. Simultaneous pumping of both breasts also stimulates milk secretion and milk production very well (this can be done both with a breast pump designed for simultaneous pumping, and manually, after some training).

5. Usually one pumping takes 15-20 minutes for each breast. If you are working on increasing the amount of milk, continue to pump for another 2-3 minutes after the milk has stopped flowing.

6. Sometimes mothers combine two types of pumping - first they express with a breast pump, and then a little more with their hands. Often this allows you to express more milk.

7. Don't think too hard about expressing a lot of milk. Practice shows that if a mother expresses herself without looking into the container and not counting milliliters, then she manages to express more milk.

IMPORTANT! The baby creates a stable vacuum and performs a whole range of movements (almost all facial muscles are involved in the sucking process) in order to get milk. When pumping with your hands or with a breast pump (even the best), it is impossible to achieve a complete imitation of the actions of the child. Pumping is a skill! The volume of expressed milk cannot be used to judge whether a mother has enough of it.


What to express?

What is the best way to express - with a breast pump or with your hands? Each option has its supporters. If you are expressing milk for the first time in your life, try doing it manually. It is easier to control the process with your hands and immediately stop if the sensations become painful. When expressing with your hands, you will be able to study the characteristics of your mammary gland, choose effective pumping movements, speed and force of compression.

A breast pump is usually easier to use when the breasts are full. It may be less effective with soft breasts.

Some mothers note that immediately after childbirth, expressing with their hands is much more effective than with a breast pump.

There are women who, due to the characteristics of their breasts, cannot express a single drop with a breast pump, but they do it perfectly with their hands. Try and find your option.

If you have to pump regularly, consider using an electric breast pump. The best of the electric breast pumps are clinical devices and those that pump both breasts at once.

Avoid using the simplest "pears" - breast pumps: they are easy to injure the chest, and the pumping efficiency is low.

Never use a breast pump if your nipples are cracked or swollen! This may make the situation worse.

Preparing for pumping.

When milk is expressed in the body, the same processes are triggered as when feeding a child, but weaker - after all, pumping is only an imitation of the feeding process. However, both breastfeeding and pumping increase levels of the hormone oxytocin, which helps milk flow from the breast, and prolactin, which is responsible for milk production during lactation.

To help milk flow more easily from the breast, before pumping, you can help build the "oxytocin reflex". Here are some activities that can help you relax, calm down, and thus help milk flow more easily from your breasts and pump more effectively.

1. Wash your hands before you start pumping and have everything you need ready during the process (pumping container, warm drink and snack, tissues, phone, book, etc.)

2. Sit comfortably, relax, you can turn on quiet calm music.

3. To stimulate the secretion of milk, you can use a light breast massage: “tapping” with your fingertips, stroking, fingering “like loto barrels in a bag”, you can “shake” the chest a little, leaning forward, easily run your fingers from the periphery to the nipples. It's a good idea to stimulate the nipples for a while by gently sipping or rolling them with your fingers (just be very careful!).

IMPORTANT! From any action you should not be hurt!

4. It is very good to drink some warm drink before pumping. What exactly is not important, you should be tasty :-).

5. If there is no temperature and inflammation, you can warm your chest for several minutes immediately before pumping - for example, put a towel moistened with warm water on it, or take a warm shower. You can warm your hands and feet in water.

6. If possible, have someone close to you massage your neck and back - this will help you relax.

7. If the child is nearby, skin-to-skin contact helps, look at the child, touch him, hold him in your arms.

8. If the child is not around, you can look at his photo or keep some of his clothes nearby. Give free rein to pleasant thoughts about the child.

9. Some mothers in the process of pumping imagine a running stream of water, waterfalls.

You may feel the milk ejection reflex kick in or see the milk flowing from your breast, but you may not feel anything. In order for you to produce milk, you do not need to know about this reflex or feel it.

Hand pumping.

1. Place your thumb above the areola (or about 2.5-3 cm from the nipple) and your index finger opposite your thumb under the areola. The remaining three fingers of the hand support the chest.

2. “Roll” your fingers a little, put them a little higher or lower, feel for “peas” under your fingers (they are located approximately on the outer border of the areola). It is precisely on them that you will need to act (they can not always be felt. If you don’t feel anything, don’t worry, just keep your fingers approximately on the outer border of the areola). There is no milk in the nipple! 🙂

3. Slightly squeeze your chest back with your thumb and forefinger, towards the chest, as if pushing your fingers a little inward.

4. Roll your fingers forward and when the milk is squeezed out, relax your fingers. Repeat everything again. Important: fingers should not move over the skin, they stand in one place. They do not move, namely, they “roll” over the chest!

5. For the first minute or two, until the milk release reflex starts, it can stand out very weakly (or not stand out at all), it is important not to stop rhythmic decanting movements.

6. When the milk has ceased to actively flow out, move your fingers a little along the border of the areola and continue to express. From time to time move your fingers in a circle so that all segments of the chest are emptied evenly (the exception is the targeted pumping of a certain proportion during milk stagnation).

7. Direct pumping movements are good to alternate with additional stimulation. If you see that the outflow of milk has slowed down after the end of the tide, you can:

  • attach the baby to the breast (if possible),
  • drink something warm
  • make a light chest massage, and then continue pumping.

If you feel the “tides” well, then you can focus on the fact that for 1 “tide” about 45% of milk comes out of the breast, 2nd tide - more than 75%, 3rd tide - more than 94%.

If not, then just focus on pumping time (about 15-20 minutes for each breast).

Expression with a breast pump.

1. Read the instructions carefully: is the pump assembled correctly, are the parts in contact with the breast and milk clean.

2. It is important to choose nozzles that are exactly the right diameter, otherwise milk can be expressed painfully or inefficiently, cracks or swelling of the nipples are possible.

3. If your breast pump has multiple power levels, start at the lowest setting to avoid injury to your nipples, and then gradually increase the power until it is comfortable but not painful.

4. Stop pumping immediately if you get sick! Further:

  • make sure that the nipple is exactly in the center of the nozzle and that it fits you,
  • reduce the power
  • Don't pump too long, take breaks.


Separately, you need to talk about the correct actions at the time of the arrival of milk (usually on the 3-5th day after childbirth). Even before giving birth, many mothers hear stories that “on the third day my milk came, my breasts became just stone, everything hurts, the baby does not suck, they barely drained! And what a pain!” And this very arrival of milk and decanting "to the stars in the eyes", mother begins to expect with fear. And, meanwhile, with the right actions after childbirth, you may not feel anything at all at the time of the arrival of milk, or the sensations will be quite comfortable and the breast will simply become more full. What should these actions be?

1. The most important thing to do is to ensure the removal of milk from the breast from the first hours after childbirth. This is done by applying the baby to the breast at least once every 2-2.5 hours or by pumping, as described above.

If the first milk, colostrum, is not removed from the breast before the arrival of a large amount of milk, then in the future it becomes literally a cork that prevents the outflow of milk from the breast (since it has a thicker consistency).

2. The key to removing milk from the breast is effective suckling. Make sure the baby is well latched onto the breast and sucking out the milk, and not just holding the breast in her mouth.

Here are the signs that all is well:

  • the baby's mouth is wide open (obtuse angle of 120 degrees or more),
  • both lips are turned outward,
  • the tongue covers the lower gum,
  • in the mouth, not only the nipple, but also most of the areola,
  • cheeks are round, not retracted,
  • the child's chin is pressed to the chest,
  • You do not hear any extraneous sounds when sucking,
  • You don't get hurt,
  • when the baby releases the breast, the nipple is round or slightly oval (not flattened, no creases and bevels).

3. Continue to apply the baby at least once every 2-2.5 hours or express (if it is not possible to attach the baby) after the arrival of milk.

4. If at first there is a lot of milk (and this is normal in the first days), and the chest is full to the point of discomfort, you can sometimes pump for 3-5 minutes, “to relief” between the main pumping, if the baby is not applied to the breast . Or apply the child more often, if possible.

5. Between pumping or feeding, you can apply a cool compress (for example, a diaper soaked in cool water). Well relieves discomfort and swelling.

IMPORTANT! With any manipulation of the chest, you should not be in pain! In no case should you aggressively massage, knead the seals, or painfully decant. These actions are not related to the exit of milk from the breast, but can lead to injuries of the mammary gland and the development of inflammation.

You can massage very gently and apply the baby to the breast more often or gently express it (if you don’t have the opportunity to attach the baby).

6. If you understand that the situation is out of control:

  • the chest is very full, painful and you cannot cope with it,
  • It hurts when the baby sucks
  • when expressing milk does not flow out, it hurts to express.

Seek qualified help!

You can call a free breastfeeding support hotline, for example here:

Also ask for help.

There are many myths and misconceptions around breast pumping. Now medical workers do not recommend getting involved in such a procedure, however, in some situations, a nursing woman cannot do without it.

The most accessible and most natural technique is hand pumping. That's why new parents need to know how to express breast milk with their hands and when to really do it.

Breastfeeding is certainly a natural process, so the composition of milk secretion and its volume adjusts to the needs of a particular newborn.

If a woman constantly puts her baby to her breast (especially at night with the maximum release of the hormone prolactin), the glands are emptied. But in certain cases, expressing milk will help normalize a woman's well-being.

Optional conditions

Before pumping the breast, the mother needs to consider whether she really needs this procedure. Breastfeeding experts are skeptical about the necessity of artificial stimulation of the mammary glands, considering the following reasons far-fetched.

Mandatory conditions

There are few cases in which it is permissible to express milk, but every new parent should remember them. This will eliminate unnecessary procedures and help you make the right choice.

In other situations, expressing milk with natural feeding is not necessary. If the child eats well, is not hungry, develops normally, the mother feels fine, unnecessary procedures will only harm.

Two main hormones are responsible for the process of formation and secretion of milk secretion. It is from their “work” that the course of lactogenesis depends, the woman’s nutrition or heavy drinking practically does not participate in lactation.

  • Oxytocin. This hormonal substance provokes the flow of milk under the action of certain "irritants". For example, oxytocin is activated when a newborn is attached to the chest, smelling a native baby, and stimulating the glands. If oxytocin is released, the milk flows on its own, without requiring any effort.
  • Prolactin. A similar hormonal substance is designed to control the volume of milk secretion. It "calculates" the amount of milk removed from the breast and returns the same volume. Due to this, the breast during lactation is practically not emptied.

Breast pumping will be effective if these hormones begin to act. To “turn them on” and cause the flow of milk to the glands, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.

It may include the following activities:

  • applying towels to the chest, previously soaked in warm water, or standing under the jets of a non-hot shower;
  • drinking warm weak tea or any other liquid (it is important that the drink is warm);
  • light and gentle massaging of the mammary glands;
  • stimulating the flow of milk, for example, by tilting down.

When performing these activities, the mother should think about her beloved newborn baby. The ideal option is to sit next to the baby in order to better feel it.

The influx of milk secretion will be more effective if one breast is offered to the baby, and the other is decanted. This technique is good because the milk, when sucked by the baby, will flow into two breasts at once.

Marmet and other pumping methods

How to express after childbirth and "get" milk with your own hands? To simplify the process of pumping, breastfeeding experts offer several methods, each of which has its own characteristics.

It is specially designed for breastfeeding mothers. Since this procedure is not entirely natural for the female breast, it is necessary to carefully study all the intricacies of the process and follow the following steps.

In addition to the Marmet technique, there are other techniques that help get milk from their mother's breasts. They are usually used if the previous method did not bring results.

The warm bottle method

A similar method is used if the nipple is in a tense state, and the mammary glands are inflamed. In such situations, it is extremely difficult to get milk, and it’s impossible to attach a baby.

A bottle is used to express milk with your hands or relax your chest to such an extent that the child can take the nipple in his mouth. This container with a neck width of at least 4 centimeters must be heated with boiling water, and the upper part should be cooled.

Then, the peripapillary area must be lubricated with petroleum jelly and a container should be applied to it. The papilla will begin to retract into the bottle and the milk will flow out. As soon as the jets become weak, the bottle is removed.

Nipple squeeze method

If the nipples begin to coarsen, and pain is felt when they are pressed, a special method will be required, which involves the primary secretion of milk.

To implement this method, it is necessary to place all the fingers directly on the nipple and press on it for three to four minutes. Such actions soften the mammary gland and make the pumping process less painful.

Possible errors

Expressing breast milk will be effective and painless only if you follow all the steps correctly. During the procedure, the following errors are possible.

To erroneous actions, experts on breastfeeding also include the refusal to decante, if during the very first procedure the woman felt pain or did not receive milk. It is necessary to try - to choose the right time, the best posture and a favorable mood. In this case, the return of the white product will not keep you waiting.

Before expressing milk secret, a woman should understand how to use it. This will help the recommendations of specialists in natural feeding of newborns.

Do not heat up expressed milk in the microwave. Such a product turns out to be unevenly heated, and this is fraught with the presence of excessively hot parts in the container and a burn of the oral mucosa.

Expressing milk by hand is a procedure that can only be mastered after some time. If a woman who is breastfeeding is unable to drain her breasts, a doctor or natural feeding expert should be consulted for advice. And although experts recommend not to get involved in such a procedure, pumping will allow the mother to stock up on a useful product and prolong breastfeeding as much as possible.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Not all breastfeeding women necessarily express milk - this can be decided individually. At least, this is what the specialists of La Leche League, an international public private organization created to support breastfeeding mothers, say. Pumping is supposedly supposed to increase lactation, but this process is quite natural, because nature has created a self-regulating mechanism: when feeding, as much milk enters the breast as the baby drank.

Normally, pumping is not necessary, as the mammary glands are filled with the amount of milk that the baby usually drinks.

When is pumping necessary?

Modern experts in the field of medicine distinguish 6 situations when it is necessary to express breast milk. In other cases, such a procedure is considered not only useless, but can even be harmful. The main reasons for pumping:

  1. Relief of full breasts. If milk enters the breast abundantly, you need to express it to cause a feeling of lightness. Excessive engorgement can cause microtrauma of the mammary glands, as well as pain in the nipples. You need to express a little, otherwise milk production will increase.
  2. Inability to feed naturally. If the child is weak or has lain in a ditch for a long time, he cannot suckle on his own. In this case, it is worth emptying the breast in order to feed mother's milk from a bottle at first to maintain the baby's immunity.
  3. Mother's illness. If a nursing mother has to take medications, it is worth removing milk from the breast, especially hind milk. While treatment is in progress, it should be poured out, but after breastfeeding can be continued.
  4. The development of lactation. Immediately after childbirth, milk production may be insufficient. In this case, stimulation of the mammary glands with pumping will help increase lactation.
  5. Prevention of lactose. If a nursing woman feels a seal in her breast, this may be a sign of lactostasis. Such stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands easily disappears if these areas are lightly massaged and a few drops are expressed.
  6. Prolonged absence of the mother. If a new mother goes to work, this should not be a reason to stop breastfeeding. Mom expresses milk in the morning, and in the afternoon, relatives continue to feed the child with mother's milk.

In other cases, the need for pumping disappears. When the baby grows and needs more food, lactation increases in proportion to his needs. If the baby sucks well, it means that there is enough milk and there is no need to further stimulate lactation.

Sometimes the need for pumping occurs in mothers who cannot feed the baby on their own due to pain or are forced to be absent from home. Milk is collected in a bottle and given to the baby as needed.

How to properly express breast milk?

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Despite the presence of a large number of different manufacturers in pharmacies, manual pumping is still the safest, but at the same time effective way. Be sure to know how to properly express breast milk. To prevent injury to the breast and increase the amount of milk, you must use the following rules:

  • to obtain a full-fledged milk, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for about 20 minutes;
  • if you want to get rid of the feeling of fullness in the chest, then express quite a bit so that the chest softens;
  • if the milk began to stand out in drops, do not interrupt the procedure - soon it will again pour in streams;
  • it is possible to secrete milk from one breast while the child sucks the second;
  • the manual pumping procedure is best done by alternating: first empty one breast, after 5 minutes the second, and return to the first again so as not to miss the last portion (back milk is much fatter);
  • the procedure is carried out once every 2-3 hours, which coincides with the interval between attachments to the baby's chest;
  • no need to squeeze and stretch the nipples - the milk ducts are damaged;
  • you can not squeeze the skin and slide on it;
  • it is better to collect milk in sterilized or boiled dishes and store in the refrigerator.

Every breastfeeding woman sooner or later asks the question: “How to express breast milk correctly?”. Modern business women cannot be with a child around the clock, but at the same time they want to develop immunity through breastfeeding.

What is the "Marmet technique"?

There are many ways to increase milk production, but the Marmet technique has been developed for a safe and efficient process. At first glance, it seems quite simple, but to master it, you need to make some efforts and know all the subtleties:

  • The breast "gives" milk effortlessly if the "oxytocin factor" is at the right level. The baby next to you will be the best stimulus, because the flow of milk is carried out in both breasts at the same time. If the baby is sucking on one breast, manually freeing the other from milk is not difficult.
  • With the help of pumping, you can not get a large amount of milk. It happens that a woman does not experience problems with feeding, but if she needs to go away and leave the child with milk, she cannot draw even spoons. It is possible to teach your breasts to "give" the product on demand only on the basis of personal practice.
  • There is no milk in the nipple, so there is no need to stimulate it. The nutrient fluid for the child is located in the milk ducts of the gland itself: you need to “push” it to the exit by acting on the peripapillary zone.
  • To increase milk production, you need to express little by little, but often. This approach is more effective than prolonged physical impact on the gland and squeezing "to the last drop."

The use of the technique is approved by doctors, so it is recommended for use. Following the recommendations will help make pumping comfortable and avoid discomfort in the chest.

How to perform the procedure

The process of expressing with the Marmet technique is similar to natural suckling. Outwardly, it is similar to sucking a child, but in reality such a process is unnatural for the body, so this procedure must be carried out correctly:

  • Wash your hands with soap and trim your nails if necessary. Wash your breasts thoroughly with baby soap.
  • Drink hot tea with milk, relax, attach a flannel diaper soaked in warm water to your chest. Warmth and relaxation will help the hormone oxytocin to ensure the flow of milk.
  • Place the container directly under your chest, holding it with your left hand. You can collect liquid directly into a feeding bottle, store in the refrigerator, and warm up before feeding.
  • Place the thumb of the right hand on top of the areola above the nipple: it should be located on the border of the nipple and skin. Place the middle finger together with the index finger under the thumb, but on the lower part of the nipple.
  • Lightly press your fingers on the mammary gland towards the chest, at the same time slightly stretching the nipple. After the milk is released, release the pressure, and then repeat the movements again.
  • Periodically move your fingers to other areas of the areola. This allows you to squeeze milk from all lobes of the mammary gland.

The fingers should not move very much over the delicate skin of the chest, otherwise you can cause irritation or rub the skin too much. No need to make great efforts - let the movements be soft and accurate.

Weak tea with milk remarkably increases lactation, so it is recommended to drink it before starting the pumping procedure.

If at first during feeding there is a painful engorgement of the nipple, then you can use Technique Jim Ketterman- An expert in breastfeeding. For the initial outflow of milk, she advises pressing on the nipples very gently: you need to collect all your fingers on the nipple and gently press for about 3 minutes. Such movements are best used for stagnation in the ducts: this will make the breast softer and pumping painless.

At the beginning of feeding, a young mother may develop such an unpleasant phenomenon as lactostasis, when stagnant milk clogs the milk ducts. If you want to properly empty your breasts with lactostasis, it is better to use the lessons on the video, because each woman copes with this difficult problem individually.

With stagnation in the ducts, a feeling of heaviness and even pain in the chest appears. When the temperature rises, it is better to measure it in both armpits: with a temperature difference, there really is stagnation.

With a significant complication, the breast turns red, swells and even hardens (this is clearly visible in the photo on the Internet): the baby does not take such a breast, because it will not be able to dissolve. With such symptoms, you should immediately contact a therapist or even call an ambulance. Sometimes it is easier to use a massage, but to use only manual exposure.

If you look, then everyone is right in their own way. Previously, the child was fed by the hour. In the first weeks, he did not eat everything. Therefore, if you do not express after feeding, food will not be enough for the growing baby.

How much milk should be expressed after feeding? - All that's left. Breastfeeding mothers have always needed a supply of milk, and they achieved this with the help of pumping.

Moms feed on demand these days. At the same time, milk begins to be produced according to needs - as much as the baby needs at the moment. Over time, the baby grows up, and the milk becomes insufficient. The child will ask for the breast more often - this is what increases the amount of milk produced.

Then the question arises, why express milk after feeding? Maybe a modern mother does not need to express? Not certainly in that way.

There are situations when you need to express breast milk.

  • With abundant filling of the breast with milk or engorgement, it is difficult for a child to take a filled breast - pumping will alleviate the condition.
  • In the event of lactostasis or in cases of blockage of the milk duct.
  • In situations where the baby cannot suckle on his own (premature babies, weakened by disease, etc.).
  • When the mother is ill, undergoing intensive, drug treatment, the use of antibiotics.
  • To leave food for the baby while the mother is away.

How to properly pump your breasts

There are simple rules for expressing breast milk , which do not require much effort, but give good results.

  1. You can start the procedure only a day after giving birth.
  2. It is not recommended to repeat the procedure more than three times a day.
  3. It is advisable to do this a couple of hours before feeding.
  4. Express breast milk manually should be until a feeling of relief - no need to squeeze everything to the drop.
  5. You can not express after 9 pm.


You can carry out the pumping procedure in one of two ways:

  • hand pumping;
  • using a breast pump.

Let us dwell in more detail on the first method - how to properly express breast milk with your hands.

In order for the milk to separate well, the breast should be warmed up a little - you can attach a hot towel to the breast or take a hot shower. After that, with soft circular movements, you need to gently massage the chest, rolling it between the palms.

Now take the breast near the nipple in such a way that the thumb grabs the areola from above, and the other four fingers will be from below. In general, the position of the fingers around the nipple should resemble the letter "C".

Fingers should be gently squeezed in the direction of the nipple. In this case, pressure should be on the areola, without squeezing the nipple, otherwise it will hurt you, and when you express, you will not get enough milk.

After a few squeezes, move on to another milk lobe. At first, a few drops will come out, and then the amount of liquid will increase. Proper pumping requires alternating milk lobes to avoid blockage of the ducts.

To collect the product, try to use sterilized utensils with a wide mouth.

Pros and cons of hand pumping

Compared to a breast pump, manual expression of breast milk has certain advantages and disadvantages.


  • an affordable way that does not require an investment of money;
  • skin-to-skin contact promotes milk production;
  • unlike a breast pump, a more pleasant procedure.


  • takes more time;
  • not every mommy succeeds in correctly and conveniently capturing the areola, which makes the process ineffective.

How to store milk

Storing breast milk after pumping is a very important point in the process of feeding a baby. This anti-infective, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral product is way better than any formula. Here are some helpful tips.

  1. Milk can be stored in special containers or clean glassware that must be hermetically sealed (for example, baby food jars).
  2. If the baby needs to drink the expressed product in a day, it can be kept without a refrigerator for up to eight hours. Milk will keep for a week in the refrigerator. Moreover, the container should not be placed on the door, but deep into the shelves.
  3. If necessary, keep the product for a longer time, freeze it. You can feed your baby with this milk even after three months. And if the product is placed in a deep freezer, then it can be stored for up to six months.
  4. After freezing, breast milk loses some of its nutrients, despite this, it is still better than ready-made mixtures.
  5. Before use, the bottle should be shaken well to ensure that the contents become homogeneous. The product contains a lot of fat, and this leads to delamination. Don't worry - this is normal. After mixing, it again becomes homogeneous.
  6. Be sure to smell and taste the product. After freezing, the taste may change somewhat, but this is normal. The main thing is that it should not be bitter.
  7. Do not heat milk in the microwave. It is better to lower the bottle for a couple of minutes in warm water.

What to do with stagnation

Sometimes a woman has milk stasis - this can be caused by lactostasis or blockage of the milk duct. A fair question arises: how to properly express milk during stagnation?

First of all, it is necessary to stimulate the production of oxytocin. To do this, it is recommended to take a warm shower, calm down. Well helps massage the back in the thoracic region along the spine. It will not be superfluous to warm tea or another warm drink, for example, rosehip broth.

Then you can start pumping, following the usual recommendations for expressing breast milk.


Thus, the ability to properly pump the breast will extend the time of natural feeding of the child and avoid breast problems. The main thing is to carry out this procedure with great patience, accuracy and with all seriousness.

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Modern mothers do not need to express milk several times a day, as doctors at maternity hospitals previously required without fail.

However, in special cases, women have to resort to this procedure. How to manually express breast milk? What are the advantages and nuances of this method?

When it is necessary?

Expressing breast milk becomes important in the following situations:

  • for feeding a premature or sick baby when he cannot suck on his own;
  • if the mother and child are in separate wards of the maternity hospital or children's hospital (for bottle feeding);
  • on the 3rd day after childbirth for the formation of lactation;
  • to maintain the volume of milk in the breast if the newborn sucks little and sluggishly;
    for the prevention of stagnation with excessive swelling of the breast;
  • with strong rushes of breast milk between feedings, when the child does not have time to suck it out on his own;
  • to maintain lactation when a woman takes medications that are prohibited during breastfeeding;
  • if, for medical reasons, the mother cannot feed directly from the breast;
    when a woman needs to be away from home for a period of feeding;
    if you need to prepare complementary foods in breast milk (cereals, mashed potatoes).

Benefits of hand pumping

There are 3 methods for expressing milk from the breast: with a breast pump, using a warm bottle, by hand. Doctors recommend using the third method, as it has a lot of advantages compared to the others. Manual pumping does not require the cost of special devices; this method is available under any conditions. Using your own hands when pumping is more enjoyable than using a breast pump. In addition, skin-to-skin contact greatly enhances lactation.

The disadvantages of manual pumping include that the procedure is time consuming and may seem difficult for inexperienced mothers. It takes practice to master the right technique. With incorrect hand movements, the method will be ineffective.


Breast milk is produced in groups of special cells called alveoli. From them, it enters the milky streams, which deliver it to the cavity under the areola. Stimulation of the alveoli leads to the production of even more milk, so it is important to activate this process before pumping.

There is no universal way to prepare for pumping that would be effective for any nursing mother. Every woman needs to find the right method for her.

For starters, you need to relax. You can lie down with your eyes closed to calm music, think about something pleasant, for example, about a baby. It is important that during the procedure a woman is not disturbed by bad thoughts.

Increased lactation contributes to a warm drink. You can use weak tea, compote, infusion of herbs allowed during breastfeeding, plain water. Drinks can even be hot.

For some mothers, the physical impact on the breast helps. You can massage this area yourself or ask relatives to help. No need to knead or squeeze the chest, it is enough to lightly pat it with the pads of your fingers. You can also massage the mammary glands with a warm shower, the effect will be maximum if, after water procedures, a heated towel is placed on the chest area. Pumping will be easier after massaging the neck and upper back.

Such a psychological technique is effective: you need to take the baby in your arms, play with him, and talk affectionately. When the baby is not around, you can look at his photo and think about him with tenderness, imagining his voice, smile, smell.

Correct technique

By acting in accordance with the step-by-step instructions and following the rules for expressing breast milk, you can achieve the maximum result of this difficult procedure. It is necessary to express as follows:

It is necessary to prepare sterile (washed and rinsed with boiling water) dishes with a wide neck. Hands must also be clean. Find a comfortable position, such as sitting in a chair or standing up against a wall. It is a mistake to assume that in an inclined position, the flow of milk will be stronger. This will not affect lactation in any way, and the back muscles will get very tired.

With one hand, you should grab the chest from below, and with the other, perform the necessary actions.
The thumb should be placed above the nipple, the index and middle finger below the nipple. The fingers should be about 3 cm apart, forming a "C".

First, it is necessary to make pushing movements with the fingertips towards the chest. After that, you should move your fingers to the nipple, lightly pressing on the chest. Milk ducts resembling peas should be felt under the fingers: you need to press on them. Sometimes it is necessary to change the positions of the fingers in order to extract milk from all the glands. Each breast can be pumped with both hands.
Movements should be rhythmic (pressed - released). If any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest hurts, you need to ease the pressure.

If a woman can breastfeed, but still needs some milk (for example, for the next feeding), it is best to get it directly when feeding the baby. One breast should be given to the newborn while decanting the other. After the baby is attached, the flow of milk will go much faster.

It is necessary to store the received breast milk in a sterile tightly closed container. If it will be used soon, you can leave it at room temperature for no more than 6 hours. In the refrigerator, expressed milk will not spoil in 2 days. For long-term storage, it can be frozen and kept in a freezer at -20 degrees for 6 months.

Actions in case of stagnation

Various causes can lead to painful congestion in the breast and disruption of the natural feeding process. If milk is not expressed immediately, mastitis may occur. It is best to do this manually.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to soften the chest under a warm shower or with a compress. If the body temperature is high, you should limit yourself to a preparatory massage. Then it is necessary to sequentially perform all the above steps, as in normal pumping.

Possible mistakes

Some inexperienced breastfeeding mothers do not act correctly during breast pumping. Strong squeezing of the mammary glands can lead to bruising. Pulling the nipples and the entire breast forward can injure tissues and stretch the milk ducts. As a result, milk will get inside the glands, which can lead to mastitis. No need to make sliding movements on the skin, so as not to hurt yourself.

A long procedure can get boring, and there will be a desire to go shopping for a breast pump. There is no need to do this. Using even an expensive automatic device does not guarantee proper pumping. Breast preparation will also be required before using the breast pump. In addition, the device acts less carefully, after its use, swelling of the mammary glands and an increase in the size of the areola are possible.

In order for the pumping of breast milk to be as effective as possible and not bring negative sensations to the woman, you should heed the valuable recommendations:

  • There is no need to stop when the milk is very weak during pumping. It is necessary to wait - soon it will run in trickles;
  • It will be possible to express all the milk from both mammary glands with your hands no earlier than after 20 minutes. If you stop the procedure before this time, you may not get to the most nutritionally “hind” breast milk;
  • If the last drops have ceased to stand out, you should switch to the second breast, and after 3-5 minutes, express the first one again;
  • To relieve discomfort after the procedure and to restore the shape of the breast, you need to apply a cold compress (wet towel) to it;
  • If your chest hurts while pumping, stop. To avoid injury, you need to consult a gynecologist or a breastfeeding specialist.

It can take a long time to learn how to express the required amount of breast milk with your hands. After mastering this skill, the process will be easier and faster than using a special device.