Hello Alice what to do if the wife is a fool. What to do if the girl is a fool. Give the girl good taste and thinking

The concept of "fool" is simply a stupid woman or girl. Such a concept can either be a subjective opinion, or a couple of people from any environment can think so. What to do if you or your girlfriend is a fool, let's try to figure it out further.

What if I'm stupid? - hmm ... if you ask this question to yourself and smile, then everything is fine. But, if this question is asked with sadness, then it is worth thinking about it. Is there any reason to really consider yourself a fool?

I think i'm a fool

I think that few people will be able to say - yes, I am like that for such and such a reason. So calm down - you're not stupid. What to do if this is so is a loose concept. You can ask yourself such a question if you have done some kind of stupidity and are worried about it. Believe me, fools do not bother about thinking about their "jambs". Another thing is if you constantly ask yourself this question. I know that I will write nonsense, but understand yourself, ask a close friend to talk about this topic. Believe me, you can see it from the side. A friend or friend will definitely help you.

My girlfriend is stupid what to do

Throw her away or explain your position to her, or you yourself are such that it may turn out to be true. Why is your girlfriend stupid? Maybe you yourself brought it to this?

Think. “My girlfriend is a fool, what should I do?” - it happens. The reason may be that she is just a beautiful, chic girl, but intellectually poor. Then she really is stupid, there is nothing to talk about with her, she can only dress beautifully and that's it. I always adhere to the opinion, the queen is with the king, the sheep is with the ram. “My girlfriend is a fool, what should I do?” - think about it. Maybe it really shouldn't hurt both sides. A negative opinion about someone rarely turns into a positive one.

What if the sister ....

I have my own brother. And I can't be sure he didn't google the question. Brother and sister are always skirmishes and dialogues - positive and negative. Your sister really can be a fool, it is not excluded.

A fool is not always a limited intellectual side of a girl's development. She can be a fool in just one situation. “What if, again, this is your subjective opinion, since the rest of your acquaintances may not consider it as such.

What if the wife ....

They saw the eyes that they chose ... the wife of a fool is a short-sightedness in resolving any conflict, a brake, this is also a lack of understanding of any question asked.

If your wife is a fool, you won't go anywhere. This is for life or divorce, which is very unpleasant. If you are surrounded by a wife and mother-in-law, then you are the central fool. “What to do, maybe she’s not like that???? Are you sure of this?

Maybe she's just smarter than you and that makes you angry? A kind, calm woman who is not a leader is not always stupid. Making mistakes and worrying about them is not a sign of a fool. Another question is that she cannot answer an elementary question, arranges scandals just like that, brings you to aggression, specifically causes conflict. Yes, it's stupid.

How to determine that a girl is a fool?

Everything is very simple.

She has these 15 signs.

1. A fool does not read anything more important than glossy magazines. For her, there is enough information about the stars and new fashion trends.

2. She has no hobbies. The fool has no hobbies. She is not interested in anything. It is not known what gives her spiritual pleasure.

3. The vocabulary of a fool is small. Just like a thong. Educated people have whole pantaloons! The fool hardly expresses his thoughts. She just doesn't have enough words to express herself.

4. A fool doesn't know multiplication tables. In reality, the schoolboy is even smarter than her. She multiplies single digit numbers with a calculator. That's right, there is nothing to overload the brain once again.

5. The blue dream of a fool is to hook up a rich man and live at his expense all his life. It is also desirable to have a baby. To receive lifetime dividends.

6. A fool only cares about her appearance. She doesn't care about what's going on in the world. The main thing is excellent manicure and timely painted over roots.

7. Fool's entertainment - gossip. She loves to discuss others (here she found a hobby!) She likes to delve into someone else's dirty laundry.

8. A fool does not shine with education. She doesn't want to get an education. He believes that beauty is enough for success in life. A fool does not care about her future and looks down on the nerds.

9. Reputation is not that important. The fool often sacrifices it for the sake of entertainment. She easily kisses passionately the first handsome man she comes across in the club, dances naked on the bar counter. And then she wonders why she is considered so accessible.

10. The fool does not know how to cook. Pathologically. And he doesn't study. Even for your own sake. The fool is waiting to be taken to an expensive restaurant. In the meantime, no one is willing, gobbles up instant noodles.

11. A fool has no principles. She goes with the flow, easily changes horses at the crossing and generally does not bother about anything. The fool is easily ready to sacrifice her views for the sake of an expensive gift.

12. Social media is replacing real life. The fool uploads thousands of his selfies, takes pictures of himself in all poses. In a word, it advertises itself beloved.

13. A fool takes offense over trifles. She herself is looking for a reason for the conflict. And it's all done for publicity. Hey, pay attention to me!

14. No thoughts about the future. The fool does not care what will be there tomorrow. The main thing is that today she is all so beautiful and young. What will happen in ten years is of little concern to her.

15. A fool has no real friends. A person attracts primarily with his charisma, intellect. Alas, the fool is not endowed with such tools. That's why she has no real friends. Only sworn friends.

These signs indicate that the girl does not shine with intellectual abilities. She is boring and self-centered. Like a parrot looking into a toy mirror.

What if my wife is a fool

Difficulties in relationships

What if my wife is a fool

"What if my wife is a fool?" - this question is the most common and rhetorical among men who meet with "brilliant" and unpredictable female logic. Indeed, any misunderstanding, disagreement, stupid decision or strange behavior of the wife can be described as "she is a fool." And it will be true.

Most men are also amazed that when they married their wives, they were not like that. But over time and age, they have changed, and their antics and behavior have become annoying and infuriating. “How did such a smart and charming girl turn out to be such a fool?” - this is how any man begins to think after several years of marriage.

What makes a girl stupid

Laziness and boredom. While a girl lives with her parents or communicates with friends at the institute, she shows some kind of social activity, she has a duty to her parents. She tries to look right and follows rules and regulations that she doesn't really need in the end. But after you marry her and she leaves parental care, her rules begin.

Her communication is reduced to conversations with the same "mundane" women, she practically does not want to understand anything, and she becomes, on the one hand, good, but, on the other hand, bored. And here she is trying to make up for the lack of her "spiritualized" communication with her husband. She doesn't care that he came home from work, that he has other things to do. She begins to tell him some nonsense, which, in her opinion, is of extreme importance.

Circle of friends. If your wife has been communicating only with naive and stupid women for 10 years, then it is difficult to expect other behavior from her. Stupidity has a habit of spreading, and women willingly accept it. However, this also has its advantages. It is much easier to convince your wife of the need for something when she believes in any tall tales and mysterious stories. This is a reason, but a very positive one.

She is too smart. A woman should be beautiful, loving, affectionate and cunning. And when we talk about cunning, we do not mean intelligence. Too high intelligence makes a girl behave provocatively, rudely, straightforwardly and completely stupid in relation to a man. If a guy wants to spend his time in the company of smart guys, he will meet his friends. From a woman he needs understanding and affection. And not reproaches that he does not understand anything, and in general he is a naive fool. Perhaps such women achieve something, but it is impossible to live with them.

She's just stupid. Some girls do not become fools, but they are born. No matter what you do, no matter what you want to get from her, she will still behave stubbornly, stupidly and confused. You can still say a lot about such women, but let's say this: “What can I take from a fool?”

The biggest problem girls have

A woman can be a fool for her husband at home - this is a common situation that any man faces. It is much worse when a fool shows her disagreement and argues with her husband in public. It hurts a man's reputation, hurts man's pride, and most importantly, self-esteem. No man almost ever forgives such behavior to his wife.

Therefore, if your wife behaves like this, then this is a reason to leave her at home, and have fun with friends yourself. No matter how stupid a woman is, she is obliged to support the opinion of her husband in public.

What to do with a fool

Talk to your wife about the situation when you are both calm and in a good mood. Start with something like this correct phrase: "I would like to discuss with you one issue that upsets me." She doesn’t need to say phrases like: “Wife, why are you such a fool?” Explain that you are a little tired of her antics, and you want a little peace and understanding. Say that you recognize and encourage her if she changes her behavior.

If the wife accepts your words, then everything is fine. If not, then you will most likely have to spend more time with your friends, taking a break from your wife's behavior. Let her understand that you will not tolerate her behavior.

This can cause big problems in a marriage, but if you are willing to put in the effort and time, it will pay off and make your life more predictable. The main thing to understand is that women's behavior has the ability to be influenced. So it is possible that among her friends or relatives there are those who inspire her with such behavior. Become a respected man and she will do whatever you want.

And to be honest, it is difficult to explain why women begin to behave this way, why they begin to limit a man and make him feel stupid. One thing pleases, even though women are fools, men still love them.

At consultations with psychologists, men often ask the question: "What if the wife is a fool?" An answer question arises: "And why did you decide that it was she who was a fool? How did you get married to a person who behaves inappropriately?" Today we will look at real cases of human stupidity and dispel some myths about spouses, so that if you hang the label “fool” on someone, then it is reasonable.

What if the wife is a fool?

So, go back in time and remember why you got married? There are several reasons for entering into a deliberately unsuccessful marriage: out of love, out of calculation, out of stupidity. To solve the problem of family relationships, look at how it all began.

Love marriages, or why is my wife such a fool?

The most pleasant reason to get married is love, however, during courtship, partners look at each other with their eyes in and do not pay attention to “cute” pranks and “character traits”. This is true for both men and women.

After several years of living, when children appear and everyday routine, the tail of the fairy tale subsides, and the “cute features” become an unbearable nightmare. That's when the question arises for the first time "what to do if the wife is a fool or the husband is a complete idiot." If in this situation you recognize yourself, then you can only sympathize, because you have to live the rest of your life with this person.

Someone decides to divorce, someone prefers to endure all his life, and someone gets lovers. In any case, your example can serve as a warning to posterity: before starting a serious relationship, think about whether you can put up with your partner’s shortcomings all your life. If such a preliminary analysis does not help, then there is nothing to complain about fate. You made your own choice!

Not only that, but I also got a fool's wife!

The second reason people get married is pure mathematics:

  1. It's time to get married, but there is no suitable candidate.
  2. Her parents are well connected.
  3. She will be a good wife and mother for children, and you can also love a mistress.

In this case, the wife can simply “fly off the coils”, because she got married with the hope of love “to the grave”, but it turned out that she was simply chosen, as in the catalog called “The Best of the Worst”. At first, while the memory of the wedding celebration is still fresh, it will be easier for you to create the appearance of family life, but then you will get tired of pretending, and the wife will begin to feel the catch.

After the truth is revealed that you will not succeed, the woman will begin to assert herself, which means “cutting” you. It is your choice to enter into a marriage of convenience or not, but are you ready for the consequences? The same goes for women! Do not create a family without love, so that later you do not bring your partner to your indifference.

Marriage out of stupidity, or What if the wife is a fool?

From the list of reasons why people get married for stupidity, you can make a whole hit parade of "The Stupidest Reasons to Get Married." However, the most absurd is when it comes

Due to the fact that the partners were improvident, and now a new person will be born, people decide to marry without love. The divorce rate for such couples is the highest - it exceeds the breakup of families that were created out of love or calculation, and all because it was an "accident" and not a conscious choice.

Because of such negligence, children suffer the most, because they not only grow up in a family where there is no love, but also constantly hear insults against their mother. If it's not too late, re-evaluate the pros and cons of marriage because of an unwanted pregnancy, because this will only give you a stamp in your passport, but will not save you from divorce.

What if the wife is a fool? There is no cure or good advice for this. As they say, do not complain about your wife and car. You chose! And take a closer look at yourself. If God gave you this person as a partner, then maybe you should learn to talk heart to heart with her and find a compromise?