Early breastfeeding: meaning, benefits for mother and child. Attachment to the chest

Most women who have recently given birth are aware of the benefits of breastfeeding and want to breastfeed their baby. However, it is important not only to tune in to this process, but also to know how to set it up correctly. It would seem, what could be easier than putting the baby to the breast and letting him suck milk? But many mothers, especially primiparous, for the first time left alone with the baby and making an attempt to breastfeed him, face certain difficulties.

The basic principles for establishing good lactation and successful feeding are as follows:

    Early attachment of the baby to the breast.

    Breastfeeding experts say that in order to achieve good lactation, it is important to start feeding the baby immediately after birth, within the first 30-60 minutes. This is of great importance, since during this period of time the neuroendocrine mechanisms of lactation regulation in the woman who has given birth are triggered, i.e. Attaching the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth is a signal for the female body that increased milk production is now required.

    In addition, it is very important for a newborn to receive the first drops of colostrum, with the help of which the child’s gastrointestinal tract is populated with beneficial microflora, and protective antibodies appear in the baby.

    With the early attachment of the baby to the breast, a whole complex of psychophysiological contacts between mother and child is launched and begins to form, which become the basis of their further relationship. Thus, a close relationship is established: a woman better understands the needs of the crumbs and tunes in to prolonged breastfeeding.

  1. Feeding on demand, i.e. putting the baby to the breast as often as he asks, without limiting the duration of feeding. This principle is based on the fact that the amount of milk a mother has depends on the needs of the child - the more the baby sucks, the more milk the mammary glands produce. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the hormone prolactin is responsible for the secretion of milk in the body of a woman, and it is produced in response to the sucking of a child.
  1. Mandatory night feedings, since it is at night that the hormone prolactin, which stimulates lactation, is intensively produced.
  1. Refusal of additional drinking. Babies in their first months of life who are breastfed do not need additional fluids, since breast milk is both food and drink. However, if the house is hot and you think that the baby needs to be given water, use special ones with a nipple that repeats the shape of the nipple so that the baby does not refuse the breast.
  1. Avoiding formula supplementation. Some young inexperienced mothers think that there is no milk in the first days after childbirth, which means that the child needs to be supplemented with formula. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion. In the first few days after the birth of the baby, the mother secretes colostrum. It is really secreted a little - only 10-50 ml per day. However, it has an increased nutritional and energy value, so even 5 ml of colostrum per feeding is enough for a newborn baby.

    Colostrum plays an important role in the development of immunity in the baby, as it contains high concentrations of antibodies. That is why it is important that the newborn receives precious drops of colostrum in the first days after birth. Attach the baby to the breast on demand, and your body will respond to the "request" of the baby by actively producing milk.

  1. Correct attachment baby to breast. At the beginning of the formation of lactation, it is very important to avoid irritation and cracks on the nipples, which make the feeding process difficult.

Breastfeeding in the hospital

What basics of breastfeeding should a mother learn while she and her baby are in the hospital?

Proper attachment of the baby to the breast

This is an extremely important aspect of lactation. It depends on him how quickly the child learns to suckle the breast correctly. Proper attachment protects the nipples from injury, and high-quality emptying of the mammary gland is a good prevention of milk stagnation and mastitis. Unfortunately, the baby does not always take the breast as it is necessary, so the nurse of the children's department in the maternity hospital or the neonatologist must show and explain to the mother all the details of correct attachment.

The sooner a nursing woman masters the technique of breastfeeding, the better, as this will avoid unwanted problems.

Incorrect breast latch and "nipple sucking" are the main cause of nipple cracks, inflammation and lead to a restriction in the frequency of feeding, a violation of the outflow of milk.

The main thing that a nursing mother should remember is that breast sucking should not be accompanied by painful sensations. If there is pain, then the child takes the breast incorrectly.

The baby, with the right grip, should take not only the nipple, but also the areola - the dark area around the nipple. At the same time, the lower and upper lips of the child are turned out (and not pressed inward), the mouth is wide open, the nose and chin touch the chest. Only in this case, the sucking movements of the baby will be effective.

Poses while feeding

The comfort of a woman during breastfeeding is one of the important factors in maintaining lactation: it is very important that both the mother and the baby are comfortable at this moment. Properly chosen mother's position contributes to the correct capture of the breast by the baby.

Difficulties with a comfortable body position during feeding may occur in women after a caesarean section or episiotomy. In these cases, the most comfortable position is considered to be “lying on your side”.


For the formation of successful lactation, regular and complete emptying of the mammary glands is necessary. If this does not happen, there is a stagnation of milk (lactostasis) and a decrease in its production.

In the first days after childbirth, colostrum is released, and approximately on the third day, milk begins to be produced. In this case, the mammary glands increase, harden and become painful. During this period, in order to avoid stagnation of milk, you need to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible. If the baby is feeding “on demand”, then there is usually no need to express the breast. The mammary glands, responding to the needs and demands of the newborn, produce as much milk as he needs.

In what cases do you need to express?

  1. If you feel that there is more milk than you need, and your well-fed baby is calmly snoring, and your chest is hardening and filling with milk.
  2. The newborn sucks sluggishly and poorly captures the breast (premature babies, children with intrauterine malnutrition, children with lesions of the central nervous system).
  3. Mom and baby are separated and it is possible to feed the baby only according to the regimen.
  4. Painful cracks in the nipples do not allow the young mother to fully feed the child.

To avoid lactostasis, milk can be expressed using a delicate manual breast pump Dr.Brown's. It does not damage the nipples and prevents bacteria from entering the milk ducts.

breast care

Particular attention should be paid to breast care. Compliance with simple rules of hygiene allows you to avoid the problem of scuffs and cracks on the nipples, which make it difficult to feed the baby.

It is enough to wash the chest 1-2 times a day, taking a shower. It is not necessary to do this before each feeding of the child. The fact is that when washing the breast, especially with soap, the protective layer of fats is removed from the skin of the areola and nipple, which contains factors that prevent the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the skin of the breast. Frequent washing leads to overdrying of the skin and cracked nipples.

After feeding, a special anti-drying cream can be applied to the breasts and nipples, you can also lubricate the nipples with drops of breast (“hind”) milk and let them dry.

If there are cracks and inflammation of the nipples, they must be examined by a doctor, as they can be the “entrance gate” for infection and as a result mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) may develop. To heal nipple cracks, special products with panthenol or lanolin, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil are used.

How to eat for a nursing mother?

This is a very important question, because with natural feeding, the child's body directly depends on the mother's: the food that a nursing woman takes affects the quality of breast milk and, accordingly, the nutrition of the baby. A properly constructed diet during lactation allows you to achieve the optimal composition of breast milk. In order for the baby to grow and develop well, a nursing mother must receive daily a complete, balanced diet in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and calories.

Particular attention should be paid to foods that should not be consumed during breastfeeding, as they can harm the health of the baby. For example, chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, nuts can provoke an allergy in a baby. Legumes, grapes, cabbage often cause increased gas formation in the intestines and colic, etc. in infants.

In the drinking regimen of a nursing mother, there are also some features. On the 2-3rd day after childbirth, when there is a sharp increase in milk in the breast, fluid intake should be limited to 800 ml per day in order to avoid severe breast engorgement and milk stagnation. After the establishment of lactation, the volume of fluid consumed should be approximately 2 liters per day. Moreover, it is desirable that it be not only water or tea, but also compotes, kefir and other fermented milk products.

After the hospital

If the mother failed or did not have time to establish proper breastfeeding in the maternity hospital, or she still has unresolved issues, but the time has come for discharge, do not worry. For unanswered questions, you can contact the local pediatrician who will monitor the child at home after returning from the hospital or to breastfeeding consultants.

Every mother knows that the sooner a child tries breast milk, the better. We decided to find out why this is so important and how the process of putting a newborn to the breast actually goes.

Early application

Let's start from the beginning: the baby is born, utters the first cry, the doctor cuts his umbilical cord and puts him on the mother's chest closer to the nipple. After that, the midwife or pediatrician helps the baby grab the nipple, sometimes literally putting it in a small mouth, and squeezes a few drops of colostrum from the breast.

Why is this needed? Since a child is born absolutely sterile, it is important that the correct microflora populates his gastrointestinal tract. First, he "collects" it, passing through the mother's birth canal, and then receives it along with colostrum. As a result, maternal, and not hospital flora, enters his intestines.

On the other hand, colostrum contains immunoglobulins that protect the baby from environmental influences until he can resist it himself.

Attachment to the chest

So that the baby does not freeze, he is left on his mother's chest for no more than 1-2 minutes (sometimes they even cover him with a diaper so that he is not cold). Then the baby is transferred to the changing table, processed (lubricated, amniotic fluid is washed off) and dressed.

And when will the young mother be able to feed him again? Not earlier than two hours after childbirth: during this time, the placenta separates from the woman, she is examined by a doctor, in addition, the young mother needs time to recover.

Do I need to observe the intervals between feedings? Most experts advise young mothers to take breaks for 1.5-2 hours. While the volume of milk is small (about 5 ml per day), the newborn easily sucks it out in 5-6 feedings. If he demands and receives breasts constantly, this can lead to cracked nipples. As a result, when milk comes on the 3-4th day, the mother simply will not be able to feed the baby!

Are there situations when the baby is not applied to the breast? Attachment is not done only if, for health reasons, he can neither breathe nor suck. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

Breastfeeding for caesarean

And if a young mother had a caesarean section? Surprisingly, surgery is not a contraindication to attachment to the chest: even if the woman was given endotrachial anesthesia and she is sleeping! While midwives are busy with their work, the pediatrician simply brings the baby to the breast and helps him take the nipple.

If the young mother was given epidural anesthesia and after the birth of the child she is conscious, she must be shown the newborn and put it on her chest.

So that doctors can control the situation and understand in time whether the baby needs supplementary feeding, children are weighed twice a day. If weight loss is normal, physiological ( in the first days, the baby can lose up to 10% of the weight at birth), the little one is not fed up. If there is no colostrum at all, the baby cannot suckle and the weight decreases, he is given an adapted mixture.

It seemed that just yesterday it became known about the upcoming replenishment in the family, and now the pregnancy is coming to an end. Very little time will pass and an important stage in the life of a woman will come - the period of motherhood. From the very first days, the priority is the question of breastfeeding the baby. Every expectant mother needs to prepare as best as possible for this process, because the correct attachment of a newborn, especially for the first time, will help to avoid a lot of trouble.

The quality of breastfeeding is highly dependent on the correct attachment of the baby to the breast. Before starting feeding, the mother needs to decide on the position that is most suitable for her and the baby.

Negative points of improper attachment

Not every mother succeeds in putting the baby to the breast correctly the first time. Ignoring this problem in the early stages in the future can lead to serious health consequences:

  • inflammation of the mammary gland due to stagnation of milk inside the ducts (mastitis);
  • the appearance of cracks in the nipples, during which feeding becomes extremely painful (we recommend reading:);
  • a decrease in the amount of milk - with improper attachment, the baby sucks poorly and little;
  • coarsening of the nipples and mammary glands;
  • insufficient weight gain in a newborn due to constant malnutrition;
  • dissatisfaction with the sucking reflex in a baby - expressed in the form of anxiety, irritability and frequent crying.

As a result of improper application, lactation is disturbed, and in the absence of attention to this problem, breastfeeding has to be forgotten due to the complete refusal of the baby from the breast, or lack of milk. That is why it is very important to learn to apply the baby from the very first days correctly.

Proper latching is a solid foundation for breastfeeding

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The current issue is the position in which the mother will be during feeding. and allow you to relax as much as possible, while remembering that a newborn can suck for a long time.

When feeding while sitting:

  1. you need to sit on a chair or bed, put a pillow or a folded blanket under your elbow and lower back;
  2. the newborn must be picked up in such a way that he is turned to his mother with his head and body;
  3. for the most complete capture of the nipple of the mammary gland is sent to the baby's nose;
  4. then the areola or nipple should touch the baby's mouth, after which he will open it and take the breast;
  5. throughout the feeding, the baby must be kept so that the body is tightly pressed against the mother, and the legs are slightly below the level of the head.

When feeding lying down:

  1. mother should lie on her side, stretch her arm below forward;
  2. put the baby as close to you as possible and also on the side;
  3. with the lower hand, to prevent turning over, you need to support the back of the baby;
  4. then, with your free hand, release the breast and direct the nipple to the baby's nose, touch the mouth with the areola;
  5. for the comfort of the baby, the breast should be held during feeding.

The "sitting" position is suitable for feeding at any time, but at night the "lying" position will be more convenient when the process takes place in a half-asleep state. Of course, each mother chooses the most convenient option for herself, depending on her condition.

  • The baby's head is located slightly below the nipple, so he reaches for it himself. In this position, it is necessary to hold the nipple along the baby's upper lip. In response to this, the mouth opens even more.
  • We focus on the capture of the child's chin, and not the nose.
  • We put the far part of the areola on the lower lip and the tongue extended forward and “dress” the mouth on the nipple.

Photo instruction:

Criteria for proper attachment to the breast during feeding:

  • the newborn is turned to the mother;
  • in the mouth, the nipple should be located along with the areola;
  • the tongue is located between the areola and the lower gum, while tightly pressed against the latter;
  • the upper lip is slightly turned outward;
  • nose and chin touch the chest;
  • with the lower handle, the baby seems to grab the mother’s torso, with the upper one it randomly waves or puts it on the chest.

The importance of proper attachment for mom and baby

The benefits of breastfeeding are simply enormous for both the physical and psycho-emotional health of mother and child. The emergence of a close relationship allows the baby to feel under the mother's protection, and the mother brings a sense of calm and peace.

With proper attachment, the baby receives milk in sufficient quantities, which means that he will be full and calm. It has long been proven that with breastfeeding, a child develops strong immunity, and the foundation for good health is laid for the future.

Problems with the stomach most often worry those children who are not properly attached to the chest, because in such cases, along with milk, the baby swallows a fair amount of air. For this reason, flatulence, colic and belching of undigested milk may occur. If mom noticed such a problem, you need to try a different position.

It is not always possible to immediately attach the baby to the breast correctly, a video or photo of the process can be a huge help in this matter.

Positive aspects of breastfeeding

It has long been known that natural feeding is convenient for mothers and children. The duration and success of it depends not only on the application technique, but also on other factors:

  • Feeding at night. Nighttime applications have a positive effect on milk production, so it is undesirable to skip them.
  • Feeding at the request of the baby. Not so long ago, mothers practiced attachment strictly by the hour. Now experts recommend feeding the baby on demand. This approach allows you to increase lactation, which means that the child will always be full.
  • Sleep with the baby. Joint rest contributes, in addition to strengthening the bond between mother and baby, to increase the amount of breast milk.
  • Sucking reflex. Sometimes, when feeding, the mother notices that the baby seems to be sleeping and no longer makes sucking movements, but as soon as an attempt is made to remove the nipple from the mouth, he begins to suck again. In some cases, especially when the baby is full, the sucking process is interrupted, in order to then resume again. This is how the sucking reflex is expressed, which has a calming effect on the nervous system. Do not pull out the nipple, the baby will release it from the mouth.
  • Feed from one breast or both? If, after emptying one breast, there is a suspicion that the child has not eaten, you need to offer him the second one. In the future, feeding should be started from the breast that ended the previous feeding.

Benefits of early application

In the absence of contraindications from both the mother and the child, it is advisable to apply to the breast for the first time immediately after birth. The value of this process for the baby lies in the fact that primary milk (colostrum) enters the intestines, which contributes to the formation of beneficial microflora. In mom, this approach causes an earlier formation of real milk.

With natural feeding, there is no need to give the baby extra water. Mother's milk is conditionally divided into "front" and "back". In the first case, we mean a portion from the lower ducts, which is more liquid and easier to suck out, while in the second we are talking about fatty and nutritious milk from more distant parts of the mammary gland. It turns out that the baby receives both food and drink, so it does not need additional supplementation.

Nature provides that the best food for a child is his mother's milk - every effort must be made to provide your child with food for the longest possible time (see also:). A positive attitude and adherence to the above recommendations will help to maintain lactation.

Early attachment of the child to the breast is considered the logical conclusion of childbirth. It allows mother and newborn to establish a close psychological connection with each other for many years. True, until recently, the child was taken away from the mother immediately after birth, and the medical staff took care of it.

The newborn was brought in for feeding once every three hours and again taken to the box for babies, thus depriving both him and his mother of the most important minutes of communication in their lives. In recent years, it has become increasingly practiced to lay the newborn on the mother's stomach, and then attach it to the breast, when the mother helps him find the nipple.

Why is early breastfeeding important for a newborn?

It is obvious that at the time when the child was taken away from the mother after childbirth for medical manipulations - washing, weighing, measuring, etc., it was believed that it was too early to apply it to the breast, because there was no milk in the mammary glands yet, And the baby doesn't know how to suck.

Getting colostrum

Thus, the baby was deprived of colostrum - a kind of elixir that gives energy for his life (See ""). But colostrum is produced only during the first days after childbirth, and only then does breast milk appear.

But it is colostrum that prepares the newborn's body for existence outside the mother's body, and its digestive tract for the digestion of milk. The role of colostrum is difficult to overestimate. This thick, creamy yellow liquid contains a high concentration of proteins, vitamins, antibodies and at the same time is low in fat and sugar, making it very satiating but easy to digest.

Just a few drops of colostrum meet the nutritional needs of a newborn and protect the mucous membranes of his mouth and gastrointestinal tract from infection. Due to the content of immunoglobulins in colostrum, especially type A, early attachment to the breast is called passive immunization of the child. Colostrum helps to remove excess bilirubin from the body of the newborn, preventing the development of physiological jaundice, and acts as a mild laxative, helping the intestines to get rid of the original feces - meconium.

Psychological contact

Early attachment to the breast is also important for the newborn from a psychological point of view, because in the process of childbirth he experiences severe stress. In addition, he immediately finds himself in a completely alien, unfamiliar environment for him. But when the baby is placed on his mother's stomach, he hears her heartbeat, voice, feels her breathing, which he remembers from his intrauterine life, the warmth of her breasts, tastes colostrum, he calms down, because he feels that he is not alone and will be take care.

There is a term imprinting”, which comes from the English word “imprint”. It is thanks to putting the baby to the mother on the stomach and applying to her breast that the strongest psychological contact is established between them. They capture images of each other, looking eye to eye for the first time.

Is early breastfeeding important for a mother?

Equally important is early attachment to the breast for the mental and physiological state of the puerperal. After all, childbirth was also stressful for her, and her first desire was to make sure that they went well and the baby was born healthy. It is believed that early attachment of a newborn to the breast contributes to a better understanding of the mother's needs of the child and relieves unreasonable concerns about his health.

Uterus contraction

As for the physiology of a woman, nature is designed in such a way that at the time when the baby suckles the breast, the hormone oxytocin is released. Under its action, the uterus begins to contract intensively, which helps to avoid postpartum hemorrhage and contributes to the early return of the uterus to the prenatal state.

Start lactation

In addition, attachment to the breast in the first hours after childbirth triggers the mechanism for the release of breast milk and ensures the steady formation of milk - lactation.