Is it difficult to raise a child after 40 years? Monologues of women who gave birth after forty. Complications during pregnancy

You got pregnant. Well, it seems like you should be happy, but for some reason there are only questions in your head “maybe it’s too late?”, “will I be able to give birth to a healthy child?”, and all because you are no longer a girl, and your age has exceeded your fourth decade. Do you think that child after 40 cannot be born healthy, because this period is the most dangerous for childbearing?
Throw all doubts and nonsense out of your head. Start enjoying the fact that you will soon become a mother, and believe that your pregnancy will be without complications. Of course, doctors will tell you that giving birth at this age is dangerous, and the pregnancy itself will be difficult.

If you have definitely decided for yourself that you are ready to become a mother, do not back down. By the way, after 40 world stars gave birth to their children, such as Madonna, Iman, Annette Bening, Cherie Blair, Susan Saradon and Jerry Hall.

We propose to consider the most popular questions that arise among those who are planning to give birth to a child after 40 years.

At what age is a woman considered a late childbearer?

In the early 80s, “late” mothers were considered those who gave birth to children after 28 years of age, and in the 90s, those women whose age was over 35 began to be called “old mothers”. Nowadays most often “late” women in labor include women over 37 years of age.

What are the chances of having a baby after 40?

As a woman ages, her chances of becoming pregnant steadily decrease. After 30 years they fall by 20%, from 35 years - by 45-50%, and from 40 years - by about 90%. Of course, these numbers in no way mean that having a child after 40 is an unfulfilled dream.

It is possible to give birth, and this was confirmed by North Carolina scientists who conducted observation for two years for 782 pairs old age. The results showed that only 70 couples failed to conceive a child after having sex without condoms for two years. Chief researcher David Dunson believes that couples who want to have a child after 40 should have patience and wait, while not forgetting about maintaining a constant sex life. As a result, the intervention of modern reproductive technology can be avoided, unless there are compelling reasons for doing so.

Why do women give birth so late?

If you compare how forty-year-old women lived 10-30 years ago and how they live now, you can observe a high improving quality of life. Today, such women have good health, can take care of themselves by visiting fitness centers and spa centers, and modern medicine can work real miracles. Dr Julia Berryman believes that Women over 40 are more ready for pregnancy, since they have already taken place in life, have a good job and all other benefits.

What percentage are mature women in labor?

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of women giving birth in adulthood. Today, a child after 40 is born to 2% of pregnant women. Recent studies indicate that out of seven pregnant women, one pregnant woman is over 35 years old.

Does a man's age affect pregnancy after 40?

Scientists at the University of Bristol conducted a study which showed that Mature women have to wait longer to become pregnant if their partner is the same age.

Thus, it has been proven that a woman who is 3-5 years younger than a man is less likely to get pregnant after 40 than a woman whose man is her same age or 2-3 years younger. British researchers confirmed this fact. They interviewed several women who indicated that their child after 40 was born from men who were several years younger than them.

What else can interfere with pregnancy after 40?

The following can prevent you from conceiving a child:

  • Incorrect nutrition.
  • Excessive use coffee. If you drink more than two cups a day, your ability to conceive decreases, and the risk of miscarriage also increases.
  • Use alcohol.
  • Smoking after 35 years, there is a risk of congenital deformity of the fetus and the birth of a low-weight child.
  • Thinness and fatness also negatively affects the birth of children in adulthood.
  • Stress. The more nervous and worried a woman is, the less chance she has of having a baby after 40.
Should you seek help from doctors?

In adulthood, when she has already exceeded 35, a woman begins perimenopause, When it is very difficult to catch the days of ovulation. That is why it is best to seek help from a doctor who will determine what can be done. Most likely, he will develop a special diet and prescribe vitamins. Some doctors advise their patients to undergo acupuncture, which has a positive effect on the development of ovulation.

What effect does age have on pregnancy?

The older a person gets, the more likely he is to develop any diseases. As a rule, closer to 40, many women experience chronic disorders, including diabetes. In addition, blood pressure may increase, and the risk of malignant tumors is very high. Of course, such violations negatively affect the birth of children after 40.

And even if a woman does not have any diseases, hypertension, diabetes and bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy.

Postpartum complications increase already at the age of 20-29, but most often, and this is 20%, they appear at the age of 35-40 years. As a rule, with the development of modern medicine, any pregnancy disorders are recognized already in the early stages, therefore, there is a greater chance that a child after 40 years will be born healthy.

How is childbirth in adulthood?

Often, in order to give birth after 40, women have to stimulate labor, do epidural anesthesia. Many women in labor cannot give birth on their own, so they are given C-section.

Some studies show that a lot depends from the mood of the women in labor themselves. Those who understand everything more clearly are more likely to comply with doctors’ requests and agree to a caesarean section.

Does the risk of having a caesarean section increase as you get older?

So far such dependence not installed. Surgical intervention has the same percentage both at 30 and at forty years.

Can the age of the mother affect the development of the child?

High probability that a child will be born after 40 unhealthy or developmentally disabled. There is a high risk of having a child with a disease such as Down syndrome.

According to recent studies, after 30 years, one child in 400 is born with Down, and after 40, one in 32. In addition, late births can end ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and stillbirth. It has not yet been possible to establish the cause of stillbirth in older pregnant women, while out of 440 babies today one is born dead.

What is the percentage of miscarriages in mature women?

Miscarriages have become a frequent occurrence in our lives. Compared to young women in labor, The risk of miscarriage in mature women is approximately 50% higher. Childbirth after 40 most often has this outcome.

Here, by the way, obstetric and genealogical history plays a role. It is not difficult to understand that women who have never had a miscarriage have a lower risk of miscarriage at the age of 40 than those who have experienced such a pregnancy outcome at least once in their lives.

How often does preterm birth occur?

A child after 40 years of age can be born prematurely, but only if the woman gives birth not my first child. Those expecting their first child most often give birth on time.

Does the risk of having twins or triplets increase with age?

The older the woman, the greater the likelihood that she will give birth to more than one child. But there is a greater chance of fertility fraternal twins.

There is an opinion that older children are more prone to diabetes. Is it so?

Yes, whether late children develop type 1 diabetes depends on how old the mother was at the time of birth. At the age of 35 it is about 25%, after forty 30% or more.

For example, a woman can give birth to a child after 40, who will develop diabetes in adolescence, and the likelihood is 3 times higher than for children born to young mothers.

Should a pregnant woman be under increased medical supervision?

Yes, a pregnant woman should most often go to the doctor, get tested and undergo various studies.

What is the probability that the doctor will prescribe surgery?

Yes, Doctors today tend to play it safe, prescribing a cesarean section to women in labor instead of a normal birth. But today, all over the world, based on practice, doctors are trying to avoid such actions, increasingly directing mothers to natural childbirth.

Maybe it's better to refuse to have a child?

There is a certain risk of having a child after 40 years of age, but this is not a reason to refuse pregnancy. After all a healthy woman and at that age can give birth to a completely healthy child.

What types of tests are used to diagnose pregnancy in “late” mothers?

There are two types of tests used in the process of monitoring a pregnant woman. This scanning and diagnostics. Scanning tests provide only preliminary conclusions about the likely presence of deviations:

Study of hormonal levels in the blood. Used to identify the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, including Down syndrome. Duration: 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasonography also used to detect various abnormalities, including Down syndrome and various genetic disorders. A child over 40 is examined at 10-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests provide more accurate and reliable information:

Chorionic test (CVS)- uterine cells are taken for research, during the diagnosis of which the presence or absence of Down syndrome, as well as some other genetic disorders, is revealed. The test is carried out at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, the accuracy of the study is 99.9%.

Amniosentesis used to study amniotic fluid, during which the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy, Down syndrome and many other genetic disorders occurs. The data obtained is 99.9% accurate. Dates: 16-19 weeks of pregnancy.

Alpha fetoprotein- blood test, which is carried out at 15-18 weeks. Used to identify Down syndrome and nervous system defects.

Cordocentesis is a fetal blood test that helps detect rubella, toxoplasmosis and Down syndrome. Performed at 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Are the tests dangerous for mother and baby?

All tests do not pose a danger to the pregnant woman and her fetus, with the exception of amniosentesis, chorionic test and cordosenthesis. When taking uterine cells for research, there is risk of miscarriage, and this can happen in one out of 100 cases. The risk of miscarriage during cordocentesis and chorionic test is 1-2%.

Should every woman do these tests?

No, not necessarily. Usually, every fifth woman, planning to give birth to a child after 40 years, refuses from passing such tests. This is their right, but it should be remembered that in some cases, doing this or that test is simply necessary from a medical point of view.

Is it true that mature women cope better with their children?

Research shows that “mature” mothers are calmer, more balanced and, as a rule, spend more time with their child. Life experience, accumulated over many years, makes itself felt precisely during the period of raising children. As a rule, they better understanding of purchases. By the way, according to statistics, children of “late” mothers are more well-mannered and have improved performance at school.

Can the birth of a child be a shock for the mother?

Undoubtedly, before this, the woman devoted her entire life to herself, and now she needs to be near the baby 24 hours a day. Fatigue, which is inherent in young mothers, does not leave those who gave birth to a child after 40.

There is an opinion that mature mothers live longer

Research conducted by scientists at the University of Manchester showed that Women who give birth at the age of 35-40 have a greater chance of living to 80-90 years. It was not possible to establish the reasons for this, but there is an assumption that the increase in the life span of old-time mothers is associated with delaying menopause to a later date.

They gave birth to late children
  • Geena Davis gave birth to a daughter, Alize Keshvar, at the age of 46. Two years later, twins appeared in the family.
  • Kim Basinger gave birth to a daughter, Ireland, at 42.
  • Beverly D, Angelo At the age of 46, she gave birth to twins using artificial insemination.
  • Great Madonna She gave birth to her first child, daughter Lourdes, at the age of 40, and 2 years later her son Rocco was born. Hearing rumors that she was supposedly going to adopt a baby, the great star threatened to sue, as she was actually accused of not being able to have any more children. Most likely, the pop diva will decide to give birth to her third child in the near future.

The birth of a baby is a happy moment, and it doesn’t matter how old the mother is. I would like to once again wish future “late” mothers patience and good mood. You will definitely be fine. So be prepared for the fact that all your time will be spent on the little creature. Isn't this a woman's happiness?

The world has been swept by a wave of births “after 40.” Examples of Hollywood stars are inspiring: Halle Berry gave birth to her first daughter, Nala, at 41. Stunning beauty Kim Basinger gave birth to her daughter Island, also at 41, with Alec Baldwin. Celine Dion, after numerous attempts to get pregnant using IVF and an unsuccessful attempt to carry a child, was nevertheless rewarded for her efforts and faith - at the age of 42, the singer gives birth to two charming twins - Eddie and Nelson. Nicole Kidman (gave birth at 40), Mariah Kerry (at 42, twin daughter Monroe and son Moroccan). Meanwhile, in Russia, the neighbors stopped saying hello to one of my friends when she gave birth at the age of 40 - they say, at your age! There, in the West, this is already a common thing, but here it is rather an exception, a feat, a shock for loved ones.

But while I was writing this article, I unexpectedly came to the conclusion: the birth of a child defies any standards, expectations or predictions! And at 47 years old, you can successfully overcome all difficulties, and at 20, on the contrary, with an absolutely healthy body and an ideal set of genes, you can go through all seven circles of maternity hell. And the brightest and best example of this is the women of Petrozavodsk, who, despite all the prohibitions and conventions, gave birth to their first children after 40 years. So, get acquainted.

Olga Tarasyuk, gave birth for the first time at 46 years old

“I went towards this consciously, through obedience: I washed the floors in the temple. And when pride left and humility set in, Masha appeared. The first feeling from a pregnancy test is disbelief! To be sure, I even did a blood test for hCG. Then came boundless joy. It's like New Year's - you wait for a long-awaited gift, you know that there will definitely be a gift, and finally you receive it!

Everything that happened after was as if you were walking along an unknown path, constantly meeting something new and examining it. They say exactly: until you go through it yourself, you won’t understand. All the stories about children are NOTHING compared to what you feel in the end.

By the way, I had a dream, even “before the delay.” A little boy looked down at me from the sky, such a sweet childish face. I also thought: what an interesting dream... And although I had a girl, at first she really looked very much like a boy. It seems to me that children are given to us “from above.” Perhaps it is also true that children choose us for themselves. Who knows... Humanity has existed for so many centuries, but we have come here for a short time and are trying to draw conclusions...

But I became a believer, so to speak, by coincidence, when I was closer to forty years old, after the death of my grandmother. At first I just went to church - hand in notes, etc. Then a neighbor offered to work in a shop as a candle maker - to replace a woman with a heart attack. I was an entrepreneur then – I rented out a store. There is a lot of free time (everything is debugged, I just have to submit reports and resolve current issues), I am a free bird, why not help? It’s not work every day, and there’s a lot of time for reading. And there, knowing about my desire to have a child, they said: “Clean the floors! God will write off our sins." So I started washing. At first I did it as a practice - the pride was strong inside. I wanted to read books, but here it was... But the grandmothers made me wash with pleasure, from the heart. And I began to do it meaningfully. And I washed for almost a year and a half before I found out that I was pregnant.

Of course, there were fears. In gynecology, Lunacharsky has seen enough stories like this... It’s hard to see other people’s tragedies. Frozen pregnancies, very young girls... This almost never happened before. It seems to have something to do with the environment. I didn’t even think that this could happen... This is how spouses can’t wait to give birth, and here it is...

But what I was definitely not ready for was that I didn’t know that I wouldn’t get enough sleep. Nobody told me about this. But the issue was resolved by itself - Masha is still sleeping with me, for four years now. Although these are all, of course, trifles, just like the total chaos in the apartment. Humility came here too. After all, in the end I am a mother, and this is a great happiness!

Therefore, I want to say: give birth, mommies, don’t be afraid of anything and be happy! You still won’t feel the emotions that await you in advance. All people are different. Two people will go the same way - and there will be two completely different versions of events.

Evgenia Burilova, she turned 41 in the maternity hospital

There she celebrated her birthday with the girls in the ward: a glass of kefir and buns.

— There were no doubts about whether or not to give birth, that’s for sure. And of course there were fears. And the biggest one is the financial issue. And this fear remains to this day. I remember my state at that moment thoroughly. I did the test by accident, for fun. When I saw two stripes, I felt a flurry of emotions: I laugh and cry at the same time. I didn’t sleep all night and went to my mother with the news.

Did expectation and reality coincide? Yes and no... The biggest disappointment was pregnancy. Even I, knowing the course of this process due to my education (Evgenia - a doctor - approx. auto.), was not prepared for what would follow. Toxicosis lasted 9 months, and at the end I could no longer eat, sleep, or breathe. The only saving grace was the pool. I was really preparing to die and giving orders to my relatives and husband what to do with my daughter... And another subsequent disappointment - what has now become of my apartment! The once incredibly cozy nest, which everyone was delighted with, with the advent of her daughter turned into chaos, where EVERYTHING was scattered, pulled out and torn.

I was pleasantly surprised by the first maternity hospital and staff. I am very glad that I had a Caesarean there. If God willing, I will go there again. And I surprised myself that I turned out to be so sentimental! I cry at any daughter’s achievement: when I sit down, I cry, when I go, I cry. The first time I consciously said “mom” and “dad” - I ran into the room sobbing! And, in fact, she’s shocked by her husband - he’s just a crazy dad! He just can’t tear himself away from Sofochka. And he washes my butt, and feeds me, and even lets me go to the hairdresser for three hours.

There were many discoveries with the birth of my daughter. Firstly, I didn’t think that I could sleep 40 minutes to an hour for a whole year. For now, my “blue dream” is to sleep for three hours without waking up. The relationship with my husband has changed dramatically. It was as if we had grown into each other with the birth of Sophia, and became one solid monolith. And it's so great! The image has changed: now I am “a la sport”))) But I think this will not last long. I also have problems with my memory, but I hope it’s just from lack of sleep.

If you had a choice - to give birth at 20 or now... This is a philosophical question. I gave birth when God gave. I had no choice. I just lived in hope that someday I would have a child. And my deep conviction is that a woman can give birth at any age!!! Before her physiological clock expires, she must give birth! But 40 or 45 years is nonsense! And at 20, and at 30, and at 40, and at 45, motherhood is equally difficult and wonderful! There is no need to be afraid and label “I’m already old”! It’s so wonderful to become a mother! And becoming a mother after forty is doubly great!!! Someone is already a grandmother, and you just gave birth... Yes, parties, dances, parties are left behind. But you have life experience and a certain amount of knowledge that you can pass on to your child. And in adulthood, you simply dissolve in motherhood, without being distracted by anything.

— In a short period of time, the number of women who became mothers for the first time after 40 years of age increased by almost 50%. Conversely, the number of early births “before the age of 20” in all civilized countries is steadily falling. Russia, however, is an exception... The number of women who gave birth to their first child between 30 and 40 has almost tripled over the past 20 years. Three years ago, a 47-year-old woman gave birth to our first child - and everything went easily and calmly.

My personal opinion is that giving birth after 40 is wonderful! It’s just that someone is already a mother at 20 years old, and someone at 40. How God gave! And we should be happy, and not tormented by questions: “Maybe it’s too late?”, “Will I be able to give birth to a healthy child?” Do you think that a child after 40 cannot be born healthy? Throw all doubts and nonsense out of your head! Start to rejoice in the fact that you will soon become a mother and believe that your pregnancy will pass without complications! You will give birth to a healthy, strong baby, who will soon need a crib, stroller, car seat for newborns 0-13 kg and much more. Isn't this a woman's happiness?

By the way, the offensive word “old-born” has gradually disappeared from the lexicon, and childbirth in adulthood is no longer considered something out of the ordinary. For a middle-aged woman who has devoted all her young years to her career, pregnancy is an opportunity to try herself in a completely new capacity. In addition, she has a better chance of finding support from her husband. After all, a mature man turns out to be psychologically more prepared for the role of a father than a young man.

One more point: psychological readiness for motherhood occurs much later than biological readiness. According to psychologists, pregnancy in adulthood is much more favorable than in early youth. A woman perceives her condition more calmly, is less susceptible to stress, and experiences internal conflicts less often. She is more disciplined and lives in harmony with herself.

So today a woman has the opportunity to choose for herself at what stage of her life to devote herself to a child. And if nature gives you a chance to experience the happiness of motherhood in adulthood, is it worth refusing it? After all, being a mother at any age is such HAPPINESS!

From the author: I myself became a mother for the first time at 41 years old. I couldn’t think of a better time for such an event! Finally, the mortgage was paid off and there was a place to live... A year before pregnancy, I started jogging every morning - my soul and body came into harmony... Right now there is wisdom to study dozens of books and webinars on child psychology, and not limit yourself only to food, sleep and baby diapers. By the way, we have already inspired several couples to have a baby!)

Olga Blok

Nowadays, many women are starting a family late. Some - because they get an education and make a career. Others - because they have been looking for a suitable partner for a long time. But it happens that by the time a woman gets a good position and finds the man of her dreams, she will already be 40 years old. And then she begins to worry, is it too late to have a baby now?

There is great news! Pregnancy after 40 is definitely possible. It can be smart and safe. Although the likelihood of conceiving decreases with age, many women these days prefer to become pregnant not only at 40, but after and even closer to 50. Perhaps this is your situation. However, you should be aware of the possible problems of pregnancy after 40 years of age, and how to deal with them in order to get pregnant faster.

What are the chances of a successful pregnancy after 40 years of age?

It is important to understand the real chances of conceiving a child after 40 years. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine says women at this age have less than a 5% chance of conceiving naturally (without fertility treatment). According to the American Pregnancy Association, the use of in vitro fertilization for women over 40 years of age has a success rate of 6-10% of cases.

These numbers don't look good, but keep in mind that for most women, reproductive capacity peaks in their 20s and declines gradually thereafter. In fact, by the time you reach 30, your chances of getting pregnant naturally are about 20%. And after 35 years, the body’s fertility is already at a low level.

According to one of America's leading experts and author of 4 best-selling fertility books, Sherman Silber, at age 40, your chance of conceiving within a year is 40 to 50 percent, compared to a woman in her mid-30s who has 75 percent chance. At age 43, a woman's chance of pregnancy drops to 1 or 2 percent. This is explained by the number of eggs that remain in the woman’s body by this period. At the point of reproductive age there are 300-500 thousand of them, and after that you lose about 13 thousand per year. Over the years, this steady decline gives you about 25,000 eggs by age 37, an age that also coincides with a sharp decline in fertility.

A study in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility confirms this. Scientists found that 40-year-old women treated for infertility had a 25 percent chance of becoming pregnant using their eggs. But by age 43, this number drops to 10%, and by age 44, to 1.6%. In other words, every year the probability of getting pregnant, especially with your own eggs, drops significantly and, for example, at the age of 41 it is much higher than at 43.

How to increase your success rate?

First, you should try unprotected sex two to three times a week for three months. If pregnancy does not occur after this, you should consult a doctor. You may want to have some blood tests done to rule out potential problems that may be preventing you from conceiving.

If these tests are good, you need to keep trying. Here are a few factors that can increase your chances of getting pregnant:

1. Observation by a good doctor

It is very important to find a good obstetrician-gynecologist whose main profile is the treatment of infertility and management of pregnancies with pathologies. A good specialist will determine the need for treatment and tell you about methods that can increase the likelihood of conception. Communication with such a doctor should be convenient (therefore, it is advisable that he is nearby), since it may take a long time before receiving a positive pregnancy test result.

2. Treatment of chronic diseases

All health problems should be resolved before pregnancy. Lose weight or gain some weight if necessary. Get treatment for existing chronic diseases, such as hypertension. It should be remembered that some diseases are sometimes asymptomatic. For example, thyroid problems or some sexually transmitted diseases. But they affect the ability to conceive. This is why a good doctor who will do all the necessary research is so important.

3. Healthy lifestyle

To increase the likelihood of conception, sometimes you need to adjust your lifestyle. You should avoid drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages. The same goes for smoking - you need to quit smoking. It is necessary to exclude everything that poses a danger to life and health. It is also desirable to reduce emotional stress. Eat and sleep as if you were already pregnant.

4. Proper nutrition

What about eating habits? Now the main rule is to eat as if conception has already occurred. Eat whole grain breads, cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits that contain folic acid: citrus fruits and leafy greens. Protein sources should include lean meat and fatty fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products. Reduce sugar in your diet, avoid unhealthy foods: smoked, fried, canned foods. Taking prenatal vitamins is a very good idea.

5. Donor egg option

You may be able to get pregnant naturally. But statistics say that there is very little chance of this. This is why you should consider donor eggs if you really want to have a child. For a woman over 40 years of age, pregnancy with viable donor eggs is preferable to natural conception. In this case, they are fertilized “in vitro”, and then after the first stages of embryo development, it is transferred to the uterus for further development and gestation.

You can also think about surrogacy. In recent years, this option has become increasingly popular. Although this procedure is the most expensive among all assisted reproductive technologies. It never hurts to discuss this possibility if it is acceptable to you and your partner.

What are the risks of pregnancy after 40 years of age?

Many women have good reasons to delay pregnancy. After 40 years, it is safe to assume that you already have a more stable financial situation, a stable relationship with your partner, have become more tolerant and are at an age when you can really cope with maternal responsibilities.

But pregnancy at this age has additional pathological risks, and women need an honest assessment of the chances of conceiving and having a healthy child. These include the development of diseases such as pregnancy diabetes, hypertension, as well as placental abruption, low birth weight of the child, and the need for cesarean section. In addition, women may encounter genetic abnormalities in the child, including Down syndrome. If the mother's body feels that this pregnancy is “wrong”, there is a possibility of miscarriage. Indeed, women over 40 have a 50% chance, due to health conditions.

1. Genetic abnormalities

The eggs of women over the age of 35 are less likely to divide, which can cause genetic abnormalities. Women who become pregnant at 40 run the risk of giving birth to a child with a genetic disorder. The most common genetic disorder is Down syndrome. The older the woman, the higher the risk of having such a child. At age 40, your chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome is one in 100; at age 45, your chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome is one in 30.

2. Miscarriage

Women who become pregnant at age 40 or later have an increased risk of miscarriage. After forty, the risk of miscarriage is significantly higher than when a woman gives birth between 20 and 30. The reason is the development of chromosomal abnormalities.

The data is based on a study in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility.

3. Complications during pregnancy

Many women after 40 years old suffer from diseases such as. Health problems can become even more serious during pregnancy and can lead to complications. In addition, the risk of placental bleeding in pregnant women over 40 years of age is much higher than in younger women.

4. Preeclampsia

Women who become pregnant after age 40 are at high risk of developing preeclampsia. This is an increase in blood pressure to a level that poses a threat to the life of the mother and child. This condition can lead to pathology of the nervous system, stroke and paralysis. Hypertension and diabetes before pregnancy are one of the causes of this pathology.

5. Problems of bearing a child

Women having their first child after forty may face other challenges. These problems include stillbirth or longer labor than in younger women.

Childbirth at this age requires more physical effort from a woman. Sometimes a vacuum pump is used to help a woman in labor. In most cases, a caesarean section is recommended.

Women over 40 usually give birth prematurely. Newborns tend to be low weight.

How to reduce the risk of complications?

To reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, women over forty should take very good care of their health.

Healthy diet. You should eat well, eat enough vegetables and fruits. To give birth to a healthy baby and maintain your own health, you need to include everything in your diet.

Health care. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, regular visits to your doctor are a must. Consult your doctor about acceptable weight gain during pregnancy, as proper weight reduces the risk. You should also learn more about other possible complications of pregnancy, such as high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, etc.

Over the past decade, the number of women deciding to give birth after forty has more than doubled. Despite the fact that it is at this age that most representatives of the fair sex are at the peak of their physical fitness, late childbirth is associated with certain risks. That is why the decision to be born after forty should be made carefully and thoughtfully.

What are the dangers of childbirth after 40 years?

According to the World Health Organization, ages 20 to 45 are considered young. All over the world, women over 40 who care about their health do not look much different from their younger friends. In addition, by the age of forty, they gain financial independence and stability and realize their career ambitions. It would seem that this is the new ideal age for having a child! But not everything is so simple: pregnancy after 40 has a number of pitfalls.

Giving birth after forty is a serious step that requires informed decisions.

Even if a woman looks great and feels great, time inexorably works against her: after 35 years, reproductive potential begins to decline. The ovarian reserve, that is, the supply of viable eggs, decreases. Consequently, the possibility of conceiving is reduced, and IVF in this case will not be a panacea, since it also requires a full-fledged viable egg.

With age, the number of genetic mutations in cells increases, reaching its critical mass by 40-45 years.

The opinion of doctors is disappointing: at this age, the risk of having a child with genetic pathologies, such as Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, Edwards syndrome and others, increases sharply. If a 20-year-old mother has a risk of having a child with pathologies of approximately 1 in 1000, then by the age of 45 the ratio changes to 1 in 30.

Chronic diseases that appear by this age can also complicate the bearing and birth of a child: osteochondrosis, hypertension, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins and a number of others. In addition, chronic illnesses tend to worsen during pregnancy, undermining the health so necessary for the mother in order to put the child on her feet, literally and figuratively.

Difficulties of childbirth after forty: psychological aspect

In addition to possible health problems, the birth of a child after 40 also has its own psychological nuances, especially if this is the first birth. By this age, a person builds his own comfortable lifestyle and reacts heavily if his usual way of life has to be changed.

Natural childbirth after 40 requires special attention from doctors

A woman who decides to become a mother must understand that her life will change dramatically in the coming years. Habits, daily routine - all this will have to be adjusted to the needs of the small family member. And if at 20 years old the ability to adapt to the situation is still very high, closer to 40 such changes can be perceived quite painfully.

But even if this is the second or third birth, at this age the recovery processes slow down, fatigue occurs faster, and lack of sleep affects well-being much more strongly. The general condition, together with natural changes in hormonal levels, become fertile ground for the development of postpartum depression.

Motherhood after 40: pros and cons

Despite all the negative aspects, possible risks and difficulties, motherhood at this age also has advantages. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the first, second, or subsequent births, 40-year-olds most often approach the birth of a child thoughtfully, and not impulsively.

By this age, the majority already have a certain material base that allows them to raise a child in more comfortable conditions: their own housing, financial resources, the opportunity to hire an au pair and a nanny.

What a woman who has decided on late motherhood needs to know

In order to carry and give birth to a child without complications, a woman after 40 should definitely keep some aspects in mind. First of all, you need to carefully prepare for pregnancy. It is necessary to undergo a full examination of the body for hidden chronic diseases, to assess the reproductive potential of the body.

Those who decide on late motherhood need to take into account the opinion of doctors

What else you need to pay attention to if you are planning a pregnancy after forty:

  • During pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo all required screenings - examinations, during which possible signs of genetic and physical abnormalities are identified. If you suspect a genetic abnormality in the fetus, you will have to undergo an amniocentesis procedure - sampling amniotic fluid for an accurate chromosomal study of embryonic cells.
  • You should approach the choice of a clinic responsibly. You should choose large perinatal centers that can not only competently support natural childbirth, but also provide appropriate equipment and conditions for cases where health problems may arise in the mother or child. Reviews from former patients can help you choose.
  • After the birth of a child, you need to pay maximum attention not only to the baby, but also to your own health, if possible delegating household chores to loved ones or hired workers.

Motherhood after 40 requires special preparation and close attention from specialists. The birth of a child is a wonderful event in the life of a woman at any age, and the decision to become a mother must be approached carefully and thoughtfully.