Romania: public holidays, non-working days of banks, school holidays. Day of national unity of romania march 1 holiday in romania

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis signed a decree promulgating the Law amending paragraph 1 of Art. 139 of the Romanian Labor Code, according to

Thus Orthodox Romania joins the other 16 EU countries where Good Friday is a non-working day.

Friday of Holy Week is dedicated to the remembrance of the condemnation to death, suffering on the cross and the death of Jesus Christ, as well as the removal from the cross of His body and burial.

The law was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies at the end of February. The legislative proposal was submitted by the Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania.

Thus, the Romanian Labor Code establishes the following days as official public holidays: 1 and 2 January; January 24 (Day of the Union of the Romanian Principalities); Good Friday; the first and second Easter days; May 1, June 1 (Children's Day); the first and second days of Pentecost; August 15 (Assumption of the Virgin); November 30 (St. Andrew); December 1 (National Day of Romania); December 25 and 26 (first and second Christmas).

Romania has no official religion, however the vast majority of the population (87%) are Orthodox Christians.

Good Friday - day off

Good Friday is a day off in Protestant Sweden, Denmark and Finland, in Catholic Spain, Ireland, Germany, and the Netherlands. In addition, it is a public holiday in the UK, Norway, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

In 2014, Cuba declared Good Friday a national holiday. The government issued a directive according to which this day will be a holiday every year. After years of official atheism, Cuba recognized Good Friday as a holiday in 2012 in response to a special request made by Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to the island nation that same year. In 2013, Good Friday was declared a non-working day, and state television resumed broadcasting the festive service from the cathedral in Havana. In 2014, the government made Good Friday a public holiday.

In Austria, Good Friday is a public holiday for members of Protestant churches, Catholics and the Evangelical Methodist Church. Non-religious people and representatives of other religious communities have to work on this day.

Good Friday is not a public holiday in Russia.

Good Friday in Christianity

In the Catholic Church, this is the only day of the year when the Eucharist is not celebrated. During the day, the service of the Way of the Cross takes place, during which the priest and parishioners bypass the 14 "stands" located around the perimeter of each Catholic church of the Latin rite. In the evening, a special service of the Passion of the Lord takes place, which must necessarily begin after three o'clock in the afternoon (the time of the Savior's death on the cross). All covers, candles and the cross are removed from the altar. During the service, musical instruments and the ringing of bells are not used as a sign of sorrow for the Savior who died on the cross.

In Lutheranism, on Good Friday, the pastor wears a black robe. On this day, the Eucharist is not celebrated, the organ is silent, sermons are not delivered, the sacrament of confession is not performed. Candles are not lit on the altar. The color of the pulpit covers, the altar and the altar fence is black. The service consists of the singing of spiritual songs, alternating with the reading of gospel fragments dedicated to the execution of Jesus Christ. The conciliar prayer is said, the Our Father is sung.

In the Orthodox Church, in remembrance of the saving Passion of Christ, a special divine service has been established, called "Following the Holy and Saving Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ." It takes place on Thursday evening. This service arose from the tradition of the Jerusalem Church, to make a procession to places in Jerusalem associated with the Passion of Jesus Christ. During the procession, stops were made during which the relevant passages from the Gospel were read.

On Friday afternoon, the Shroud is taken out of the altars of Orthodox churches and placed in the middle of the church. During Good Friday and Great Saturday, believers venerate the Shroud.

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Sat 14 Feb
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Sun 1 March
In Romania, there is a wonderful spring custom: on the first of March, people give their loved ones, relatives and friends a small gift - Martisor. This is a red and white braided decoration that is worn on the chest throughout March, and in April it is tied to a flowering...

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Wed 1 April
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Sat 11 April
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Sun 12 April
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Sun 19 April
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Fri 1 May
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The First World War was a terrible disaster for the European peoples. Millions of people died and were maimed in a monstrous meat grinder, tens of millions became refugees. The countries along which the front lines passed suffered enormous destruction. Among...

Fri 25 Dec
Orthodox Romania celebrates Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar - along with Western Christians. On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - young people and children with a star on a pole go around the houses, carol, praise the owners, wish them good, health, ...

Traditionally, Easter is celebrated for three days, but only Sunday and Monday are non-working days. 1st of May Ziua muncii Labor Day December 1 Ziua naţională (Ziua unirii) Romanian Unification Day The day of the unification of Romania and Transylvania in the year is the foundation of modern Romania. /December 26 Crăciunul Christmas Christmas is celebrated in Romania for two days.

Other official holidays

date Romanian name Name Notes
June 26 Ziua Tricolorului Romanian Flag Day
July 29 Ziua Imnului national National Anthem Day The day on which the national anthem was first performed "Deşteaptă-te, române!"
December 8 Ziua Constituţiei Constitution day The day on which a referendum was held on the Romanian constitution.

Traditional holidays

date Romanian name Name Notes
March 1 Mărţisorul Martisor Spring Festival

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An excerpt characterizing the Holidays of Romania

Rostov kept thinking about this brilliant feat of his, which, to his surprise, bought him the St. George Cross and even made him a reputation as a brave man - and could not understand something. “So they are even more afraid of ours! he thought. “So that’s all there is, what is called heroism?” And did I do it for the fatherland? And what is he to blame for with his hole and blue eyes? And how scared he was! He thought I would kill him. Why should I kill him? My hand trembled. And they gave me the George Cross. I don't understand anything!"
But while Nikolai was processing these questions in himself and still did not give himself a clear account of what so embarrassed him, the wheel of happiness in the service, as often happens, turned in his favor. He was pushed forward after the Ostrovnensky case, they gave him a battalion of hussars, and when it was necessary to use a brave officer, they gave him instructions.

Having received the news of Natasha's illness, the countess, still not quite healthy and weak, came to Moscow with Petya and the whole house, and the entire Rostov family moved from Marya Dmitrievna to their house and completely settled in Moscow.
Natasha's illness was so serious that, to her happiness and to the happiness of her relatives, the thought of everything that had caused her illness, her act and the break with her fiancé passed into the background. She was so ill that it was impossible to think how much she was to blame for everything that happened, while she did not eat, did not sleep, noticeably lost weight, coughed and was, as the doctors made her feel, in danger. All he had to think about was helping her. Doctors went to Natasha both individually and in consultations, spoke a lot in French, German and Latin, condemned one another, prescribed the most diverse medicines for all diseases known to them; but not one of them came up with the simple thought that they could not be aware of the disease that Natasha suffered, just as no disease that a living person is obsessed with can be known: for every living person has his own characteristics and always has a special and his own new, complex, unknown disease to medicine, not a disease of the lungs, liver, skin, heart, nerves, etc., recorded in medicine, but a disease consisting of one of the innumerable compounds in the suffering of these organs. This simple thought could not come to doctors (just as the thought cannot come to a sorcerer that he cannot conjure) because their business of life was to heal, because they received money for that, and because they spent the best years of their lives on this business. But the main thing is that this thought could not come to the doctors because they saw that they were undoubtedly useful, and were really useful for all the Rostovs at home. They were useful not because they forced the patient to swallow mostly harmful substances (this harm was not very sensitive, because harmful substances were given in small quantities), but they were useful, necessary, inevitable (the reason is why there always are and will be imaginary healers, soothsayers, homeopaths and allopaths) because they satisfied the moral needs of the patient and people who love the patient. They satisfied that eternal human need of hope for relief, the need for sympathy and activity that a person experiences during suffering. They satisfied that eternal, human need, which is noticeable in a child in the most primitive form, to rub the place that is bruised. The child will kill himself and immediately run into the hands of the mother, the nanny in order to be kissed and rubbed on the sore spot, and it becomes easier for him when the sore spot is rubbed or kissed. The child does not believe that the strongest and wisest of him do not have the means to help his pain. And the hope for relief and the expression of sympathy while the mother rubs his bump consoles him. Doctors were useful for Natasha in that they kissed and rubbed the bobo, assuring that it would pass now if the coachman went to the Arbat pharmacy and took seven hryvnias of powders and pills in a pretty box for a ruble, and if these powders were sure to be taken in two hours, no more and no less, the patient would take in boiled water.