New Year's holiday scenario for the little ones. “Visiting a fairy tale” or New Year for the little ones Matinee script for the little ones

Anyone who works with very young children (2-3 years old) knows that creating a script for this age is not very easy. Especially on New Year's. Many kids, despite the fact that they are waiting for Santa Claus and gifts, are very afraid of him when they meet him. They are also afraid of other characters who participate in the New Year's fairy tale, especially if this character is negative.

The New Year, which I want to offer you, also has a negative character. But you don’t have to show it (not personify it) in any way. The presence of a negative character can be shown by some kind of “menacing” music (several chords), which you will select for the New Year’s scenario.

This New Year's scenario can be used not only in kindergarten, but also at home with your children.

It is not necessary to learn simple dance movements that are in the script. You simply dance with the children and tell them what movements they should make at the moment. Children need to learn 2 songs: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”

3-4 weeks before the New Year, tell the kids not only about the Christmas tree, the New Year and winter, but also that Santa Claus will come to visit them, that he is kind and good, that there is no need to be afraid of him. Be sure to show your children photographs of Santa Claus holding a child on his lap or hugging him. Talk about it almost every day. This technique helps to avoid stress when seeing Santa Claus at the holiday itself.

For this scenario, you will need an artificial tree no larger than 1m 80cm. This Christmas tree, even with toys, can be rearranged in different parts of the room.

The production of other attributes that are necessary for the holiday are described as the scenario progresses.

New Year's scenario for the little ones.

Leading: Children, New Year is coming, our room is decorated, but what is missing?

Children: Christmas trees!

Leading: Who will bring us the Christmas tree?

Children: (different opinions of children)

Leading: Of course, Santa Claus will bring us a Christmas tree. But how can we tell Santa Claus that we need a Christmas tree for the holiday? Maybe write him a letter? But you are little kids and don’t know how to write yet... Let’s all stick a Christmas tree on a piece of paper and decorate it. Santa Claus will immediately understand that we need a Christmas tree.

Collective Christmas tree applique (3 triangles + tree stump + multi-colored circles - toys + star on the top of the head)

Leading: It turned out very beautiful! But who will carry our Christmas tree and letter? Santa Claus lives far away, we won’t be able to get to his house ourselves. Let's build a snowman! He will help us and give the letter to Santa Claus. Children, what can you make a snowman from?

Children: From the snow.

Leading: For snow to appear, snowflakes need to come to us.

Dance of Snowflakes (only girls participate). We put it on girls' heads a wreath made of Christmas tree tinsel, in each hand the girls have a piece of tinsel (20 - 25 cm). Dance to the music of P. Tchaikovsky (from the ballet “The Nutcracker”) “Waltz of the Flowers”.

Dance movements: running on toes in a circle one after another; whirling; everyone goes to the center of the circle, combining tinsel into one bouquet; walk backwards, making a large circle; “swinging” - transferring body weight to one leg and then to the other; repeating all movements from the very beginning.

The appearance of the snowman. (Cut out picture on a stick)

Snowman: (the presenter may speak in a changed voice) Hello guys!

Children: Hello, Snowman!

Leading: Snowman, the children have prepared a letter for Santa Claus, asking him to bring a Christmas tree, because New Year is coming! Please take the letter to Santa Claus!

Snowman: Okay, I’ll take it, but to make it fun for me to go, sing me the song “The Little Christmas Tree Is Cold in Winter.”

Leading: Of course, we’ll sing!

Children stand in a circle, walk in a circle and sing a song.

The snowman leaves.

Leading: While the snowman is away, let's play in the snow!

Snowball game . Any fun music is playing. The presenter throws up the prepared snowballs, which fall on the children. Children throw snowballs.

(snowballs - a small bag made of wide pharmaceutical bandage, with cotton wool inside)

“Formidable” music sounds. Someone Evil Appears

(Any character, so that the children do not get scared, or no one appears, but the presenter informs the children that he has appeared. If no one appears, the words of the Evil One are spoken by someone in a menacing voice. The children do not see the speaker.)

Wicked: I am the most, the most evil! Your snowman will never reach Santa Claus's house, and you will not see either a Christmas tree or gifts! Ha-ha-ha!

Leading: Angry, we are not afraid of you! Our boys are very brave soldiers.

March of soldiers. (Only boys participate.) The boys march, waving their sabers, and then break into pairs and “fight” among themselves (crossing their sabers). All movements are repeated several times.

They put it on boys' heads hussar hats made of cardboard. In the hands of each soldier is a boy “saber”, which is decorated with tinsel. To make sabers, you can use sabers from ring throwing. We secure the tinsel with tape.

Music by P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker” “March”

To make a hat, cut out a rectangle from a large blue cardboard sheet. The length of the rectangle is equal to the volume of the child’s head, and the width is equal to the height of the hat (at your discretion). To decorate the hat, glue a red semi-oval in the central part of the rectangle, small foil ovals around the edges, and a large foil oval in the center, under which we insert a colored feather, and glue everything. Separately, cut out the visor for the hat and glue it with tape. We fold the ends of the rectangle into the shape of a hat and glue them with tape. To prevent the hat from falling off the child’s head, we attach an elastic band to it. To do this, we make a small hole on each side of the hat, tie an elastic band, which can consist of two cut and tied elastic bands.

New Year's party for the little ones

The hall is festively decorated. Magic music sounds

Parents and children come in, look at the Christmas tree, admire the toys, the decorations of the hall...

Presenter: Happy New Year, kids, and also their parents! Look: - “Our Christmas tree is standing, it doesn’t light up with lights, but the heels will stomp and the lights will come on” - (the children stomp, the tree will light up.)

Presenter:Now let's blow on the Christmas tree. (They blow, the tree goes out)

Presenter:“Our Christmas tree is standing, but there are no lights. Clap, clap, say - our Christmas tree is burning!” - (children repeat, the Christmas tree lights up.) Game "Lighting the lights"is carried out 2-3 times)

Presenter: Let's leave the lights on the tree lit, it's more fun with them, and Christmas trees can be high (children raise their hands up), they can be low (children crouch), they can be wide (spread their arms), they can be narrow (make their arms narrower) and let's dance "Stompers"

(children dance around the hall, at this time, the Hare walks towards the Christmas tree, trembling from the cold)

Hare - What a frost

How cold...

Presenter –Come in, Bunny, warm up a little

"Winter Dance" is performed

We'll warm up a little

we will clap our hands

clap - clap - clap, clap - clap

clap-clap-clap, clap-clap

We'll warm your feet too

We'll drown soon

Top-top-top, top-top

Top-top-top, top-top

We put on mittens

We are not afraid of blizzards

Jump-jump-jump, jump-jump

Jump-jump-jump, jump-jump

Frost and I became friends

How the snowflakes swirled

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Leading:Well, little bunny, have you warmed up?

Bunny– Nooo….maybe we can dance around the Christmas tree….

(Polka around the Christmas tree)( The bunny continues to tremble )

Leading: Maybe Santa Claus froze you too much?

Bunny:I haven’t seen Santa Claus...what is he like?

Leading:Now we will show you and the kids what Santa Claus is like

(song - game “You have Santa Claus” movements on the text )

You have Santa Claus with such a beard - 2 times

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, such a beard

You have Santa Claus eyebrows like this - 2 times

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha those are the eyebrows

You have Santa Claus with such a fur coat - 2 times

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, such a fur coat

You have Santa Claus with this hat - 2 times

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, that's a hat

You have Santa Claus these mittens - 2 times

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha these are the mittens

You have Santa Claus these boots - 2 times

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha these are the boots

Leading:Well, Bunny, have you seen this Santa Claus?

Bunny- No, I haven’t seen’s just Winter all around!

Winter appears with a box of snowballs...

Winter: I am Snowy Winter , I came to you for the holiday and brought snowballs, let's play - Bunny and warm up!
I'll throw snowballs high
Snowballs will fly far.
And the kids will collect snowballs,
And they will bring it to me in a box.
(The game is played 3 times.)

Bunny:And I'm already warmed up, thank you guys!
For the third time, Winter throws snowballs in the direction where the big lump lies

Winter:Look how big the snowball is!

Presenter: (raise the blanket) It turns out that this is not a simple ball of snow. Grandfather Frost is a wizard, so he prepared gifts for the children and put them under the Christmas tree. Look how many gifts it contains.

(Characters give gifts to children...)

Characters: -Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Parents and children still admire the Christmas tree and leave the hall)…

Elena Shevtsova

To the music, children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.


Hello, holiday tree!

We've been waiting for you all year.

We are at the Christmas tree New Year's,

We lead a friendly round dance.

1 child:

Christmas tree glows with lights.

It’s good for us to meet friends at the Christmas tree.

2 child:

Brighter, brighter let it sparkle tree with gold lights!

Happy New Year Congratulations your dear guests.

3 child:

Christmas tree - kind beauty.

We like to have fun at the Christmas tree!

Presenter: - It was Grandfather Frost who brought the Christmas tree to the children. Let's sing to our Christmas tree song.


When finished, sit on chairs.

Presenter: Our Christmas tree is not happy, it’s not lit with colorful lights... What should we do? Who knows?

Children: We need to light the lights.

Presenter: how do we light them?

Children: you need to call Santa Claus.

Presenter: And that’s true. Let's all call Santa Claus together now.

The children call Santa Claus.

Snowman runs in: (with suitcase)

Oh oh oh! Santa Claus won't come! (crying) Baba Yaga bewitched him! There will be no holiday! Oh oh oh!

Presenter: how so? How can it not? Snowman, dear, don’t cry, explain to us what happened.

Snowman: oh, trouble, trouble. We were coming to you holiday with Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka.

Everything around is white and white,

There was a lot of snow.

The birch trees and spruce trees were covered in snow,

Even a hare hole.

Suddenly, Yaga flies with a broom

And he casts spells on the go.

The snow sweeps everything away in the mortar,

Santa Claus doesn't let me in.

Snow swirling, blizzard

Lo and behold, there's a suitcase left. (shows suitcase)

You can't see anything around

The forest was covered with snow...

I barely got out of the snowdrift

And I found the way to you.

Help me, friends,

We can't live without grandpa.

Presenter: Snowman, what did you bring in your suitcase?

Snowman: I don’t know, let’s see together

Presenter: guys, let's see what the Snowman has in his suitcase?

Children: Yes!

Opening a suitcase (at this time Baba Yaga’s laughter is heard). and in it lie a figurine of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Snowman gasping: bewitched, as it is, bewitched.

Presenter: Wow, what a Baba Yaga! I wanted to ruin the holiday! We need to save Grandfather, we need to rescue Frost! Guys, can we help? YES! We will destroy any witchcraft with our fun!

Snowman: Well, I don’t know... it will work out or not.

At this time, the presenter places the figures under the Christmas tree, or on a chair next to the door.

Presenter: Now we’ll check.

Let's play the most winter game - Snowballs!


The game is played by the Snowman

Snowman: Somehow you can’t hear Santa Claus! Did not help…

Presenter: Snowman, let's ask the guys to sing a song about Santa Claus. Shall we ask?

Snowman: Guys, please help me disenchant Santa Claus.

SONG "HERINGROOM" music And seq. Veresokina.

Performed by children middle group

Snowman: (upset) eh, that doesn't help...

Presenter: Snowman, don’t be sad, now the girls are 2nd the younger group will dance joyfully, a magical dance, I think Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden will definitely like it.

DANCE OF THE DOLL (girls junior group)

Snowman: (looks at the figures) Eh, it’s not working again...

Presenter It's so early! We haven’t even danced the cheerful, playful Letka-Enka dance yet. He will definitely help!

SNOWMAN: we would like a mischievous dance, we could deal with Yaga in an instant

Presenter: And we have such a dance. Now girls middle group will dance"Letka-enka". Girls, come out.

DANCE "LETKA-ENKA" (girls middle group)

Girls sit on chairs

Magic music sounds

Snowman: It seems that witchcraft is starting to disappear! Guys, let's break the spell of Baba Yaga. We close our eyes, don’t peep….they stomp their feet loudly, stomp and stomp. Well done. Now everyone blew together... and the witchcraft spell is broken. And now, all together, in unison, we call Santa Claus. Father Frost. (at this moment the presenter quietly removes the figures, and the real Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear in the hall).

Father Frost: Here I am! Baba Yaga's spell has broken! Thank you for your help!

Hello, my darlings.

Hello, my beautiful ones!

Oh, how smart you are,

Everyone is rosy and okay.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus.

Your guest New Year.

Don't hide your nose from me,

I'm good today!

Why isn't your Christmas tree lit?

Presenter: Let's fix this!

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, help the guys light the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree is standing and there are no lights!

We'll clap our hands now. Let's say together: one two Three!

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

And now we're stamping our feet. Let's say together: one two Three!

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

Lighting up the Christmas tree

Father Frost: Well done! Light up the Christmas tree! Now you can play!


Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired of it! Oh, and it's hot!

Presenter: And you, Grandfather, sit down! And the guys read poetry to you.


Father Frost: Well done guys, you told so many good poems

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, our guys also prepared a dance especially for you. Now guys the younger group will perform a dance"Friendly guys"

DANCE "FRIENDLY GUYS" sl. and music L. Nekrasova (second junior group)

Father Frost: Well done, wonderful dance, did you like it, Snow Maiden? YES.

Presenter: And guys middle group We have prepared a gift for you, Grandfather Frost, and for your granddaughter, Snegurochka.


Ded Moroz: good, all your dances are good. And now, honest people, get into a round dance.


Father Frost: Thank you guys, we sang, danced, had fun. I really liked yours.

It's getting quieter in our room,

The time of miracles is melting away quickly

Goodbye, I'll say to the kids.

I'm returning to my fairytale forest.

Snow Maiden and Snowman: Grandfather Frost, you forgot something! Present!

Father Frost: Ah, gifts! Well, of course! Here they are! (shows a small bag)

Presenter: But this is a very small bag! It does not include gifts!

Father Frost:

You forgot the whole secret

The fact that I am a magical grandfather.

I hit with my staff, and behold -

Our gift will grow up.

Then he takes out from under the tree a bag of the same color with gifts.

Presentation of gifts.

Santa Claus, Snowman, Snow Maiden say goodbye and leave

Well, it's time for us

Go home.

Santa Claus will come to visit us again in a year!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the New Year's party for the second junior and middle groups (2017–2018 academic year) To the music, children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. Presenter: Hello, festive tree! We've been waiting for you all year. We are at the New Year's tree.

MBDOU No. 49 "Alyonushka" village. Ekaterinivka Scenario of a New Year's party for children of the second group of early age: “Hello, Christmas tree!” Compiled by:

Scenario of the New Year's party in the first junior group “Hello, New Year!” 2018 Children enter the hall to the music. Teacher 1: Guys.

New Year's party script for the second junior group “Hello, New Year!” Children enter the hall to the sound of New Year's music. Presenter: Happy New Year and with all our hearts we wish you Joy and health - both big and big.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "New Year's bell" for children of the first junior group

Author of the work: Shadrina Elena Yurievna, music director
Place of work: GBOU secondary school No. 1393, Moscow

New Year's holiday "New Year's bell" for children 2-3 years old
Create a joyful, festive mood in children
Develop children's emotional responsiveness,
Encourage active participation in the holiday
Presenter, Snow Maiden, Parsley, Fox, Snowman.
Celebration progress:
The presenter enters the hall.
Leading: New Year's holiday
There's a knock on our door,
Invites to the Christmas tree
Have fun everyone.
The sleigh is painted
Hurry up and sit down
And to meet winter
Rush with the wind.

Song-game “Sledge” music by Sauko

Leading: That's how beautiful the Christmas tree is
My eyes widen.
Come closer to the tree,
Look at all the toys.

Inspection of the Christmas tree

Leading: Happy New Year,
Let the fun come to us!
I wish you happiness and joy
To all the guys and guests.
Play the music louder -
Start your round dance

Round dance “Here's a Christmas tree” music by Petrova

The children take their seats. The presenter approaches the Christmas tree.
Leading: Look, kids
What weighs on the branch.
The leader removes the bell from the branch.
Leading: Let's ring the bell
We'll see what happens.
The presenter rings the bell.
Leading: Hear the snow crunching,
Someone is rushing here to join us.
The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Song "The Snow Maiden's Song"

Snow Maiden: Hello guys,
Girls and boys.
I love frosty frost
I can't live without cold.
Santa Claus chose my name.
What's my name, friends?
Children: Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden: I see you weren't lazy
And they did a great job
Your Christmas tree is simply amazing
So elegant and beautiful.
Leading: Only there are no lights on it.
Light them up quickly.
Snow Maiden: I'll tell you a big secret:
Repeat after me:
Clap, clap, say:
Our Christmas tree is on fire!
The children clap and the lights on the tree light up.
Snow Maiden: If you need to repay
Lights on the Christmas tree.
Then let's blow together
For pine needles.
Children blow, lights go out

Game "Game with lights".

Snow Maiden: To turn on the lights again
Let's say: “Christmas tree, burn!”
Leading: We're having a lot of fun
On your holiday
And a song about the Christmas tree
Now we will sing for you

Song "Christmas tree" music by Ivannikov

Snow Maiden: To make it more fun
We are expecting guests for the holiday
Let's ring the bell
And we will invite guests
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
Petrushka enters the hall.
Parsley: Hello! Here I am!
Happy New Year to you, friends!
I hastened to visit you.
I decided to put on the cap.
And in honor of the holiday
A gift from me to you.
Parsley hands out rattles to the children.
Parsley: Babies with a rattle
Dance your heart out

Dance “Dance with Rattles” music by Petrova

Parsley: And now it's time for me
Goodbye, kids.
Parsley leaves.
Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday
And invite guests.
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
Lisa enters the hall.
Fox: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you friends!
Today is the New Year holiday,
I won't cheat.
I'm with the forest hares
I'd rather play.
And in honor of the holiday
A gift from me to you.
The fox gives the children bunny hats.
Leading: There were guys here
And all the bunnies became.
Come on, bunnies, come out
And dance at the Christmas tree.

Dance-game “The Fox and the Hares” music by Filippenko

Fox: Don't be scared, bunnies,
I won't eat you
I'm kind today,
Quite kind.
You clap your hands
I'll dance a little.

Dance "Fox Dance" Russian folk melody

Fox: And now it's time for me
Goodbye, kids.
Lisa leaves.
Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday
And invite guests.
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
The Snowman enters the hall.
Snowman: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you friends!
I'm not an ordinary snowman
Curious, mischievous.
I want to know what guys
Do you exercise in winter?
Leading: One two three four five
We love to play snowballs
Snowman: To you in honor of the holiday
There is a gift from me.
This red bag
Full of little snowballs.
Come on guys, come over
Grab the snow quickly.
One two three four five.
We'll play in the snow.

Dance-game “Snowball Game” music by Vikhareva.

Snowman: One two Three
Collect snowballs in a bag.
Children put snowballs in a bag.
Snowman: Aren't you afraid of frost?
Children: No.
Leading: We are not afraid of threats.
And we are not afraid of frost.
If it's cold to walk.
Let's dance merrily.
We'll warm your hands and feet.
So we will become warmer.

Dance “We are not afraid of frost” music by Smirnova

Snowman: That's how nicely we danced,
Oh, I'm afraid I'll melt now.
Apparently it's time for me
Goodbye, kids!
The snowman leaves.
Snow Maiden: We had a blast
And for this Santa Claus
A lot of gifts have been sent to you.
The presenter opens the curtain, and there is a sleigh with boxes.
Snow Maiden: We'll look into the boxes
And we'll get the gifts
Distribution of gifts.

Here comes the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish.
Snow Maiden:
We wish you good health
We wish it, kids.
Leading: Don't be sick, smile
Always listen to your mother.
Snow Maiden: And so cheerful
Stay forever.
Together: Happy New Year!

Children run into the hall to the music and stop near the chairs.

Happy New Year
Both big and small.
We wish everyone happiness and good luck
And frosty clear days!
Let it sound in the hall today
Your cheerful, ringing laugh.
Happy New Year
With new happiness
Everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

What is our Christmas tree?

Fluffy, fluffy!

And what else?

Fragrant, fragrant!
Our tree to the top
They dressed everything up.
Here are the toys and firecrackers,
Here are the balls hanging on it.
Hello, dear guest!
You are elegant and bright,
We've been waiting for you all year,
Finally, you have arrived!
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again.
Song about the Christmas tree.

Look, he's inviting
Christmas tree for us.
Under the green branches
We'll spin now.
We have fun
at the New Year tree
Around the green Christmas tree
We are doing a round dance.
Round dance around the Christmas tree

On the holiday of the New Year's tree, the fairy tale does not end,
And under the Christmas tree today the fairy tale begins
The Snow Maiden enters and dances.

Snow Maiden

Hello guys, hello animals!
I am the Snow Maiden, all people have been friends with me for a long time.
I love frost, and wind, and snowstorms in winter.
Happy New Year, I wish you a lot of joy.
Sings a song with the children.
The fox tries to approach the tree, but the host pulls her back.

I'm telling you, miss it
Let me go to the Christmas tree.
How's the ball going without me?
I prepared for three days:
I sewed a fashionable dress,
I even bought shoes.
Sings a song.

Snow Maiden

Okay, Liska, come in and sit quietly, just don’t harm us!

Well, of course, what are you, what are you!
I’ll sit quietly and look at the Christmas tree.
Your tree is a sight to behold and the gifts are delicious!
By the way, I have a question:
Has Santa Claus come?

Snow Maiden

No, but he should come.
He was delayed on the way.
Let's call together
Grandfather Frost.

Father Frost!!!
Santa Claus enters

Song. Greetings. Round dances. Games with children. Sits down to rest
puts the bag in front of him.

Grandfather, what do you have in your bag?

Father Frost

Fi, fairy tales! Is there anything tasty to eat? Well, for example, a hare or a chicken?

Father Frost

There is no chicken, but there is Kolobok!
Children sing the song "Kolobok" and perform the movements.

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I didn’t get caught, that’s what Kolobok I am!

He boasted and boasted to everyone - to you and to me, Fox.
Well, after that, everyone knows what he has come to.
The Fox wants to eat him, Kolobok runs, the Fox follows him.

Father Frost

On the Christmas tree holiday, the New Year's fairy tale does not end. On the Christmas tree holiday, New Year's koloboks meet.
All the koloboks run out. Dance of Koloboks

I don't understand anything! I'll catch you all now!
All the buns run away, only the hedgehog remains

Oh, how many hares there are here
Oh, I see hares!

Kolobok, Kolobok! Come out, I'll eat you!

I have a thousand needles sticking out all around me
I don’t have a long conversation with any enemy!
Hey, I shout to the fox, I’m not afraid of the wolf!
I'm telling you: do you want to eat a needle?
Grabs a fox by the tail

No, Kolobok, I'm full! Get off my tail!
Runs away, but comes out on the other side of the tree

I'm Lisa, I'm angry today
I'll complain to the Snow Queen!
The lights go out, the children fall asleep

Snow Maiden

Oh, Frost! Trouble! The children were cold and fell asleep. It was the Snow Queen who cast her spell on them, and the Fox persuaded her. We forgot about her and didn’t invite her to the Christmas tree.

Father Frost

Trouble, Snow Maiden! Hey you, carved sleighs, Hey you, dashing horses! To the North of us
take you to the kingdom of the Snow Queen

There is music, a song. Big and small snowmen are dancing.


Guys, I'm the Snowman.
I'm used to the frost, the cold
In this kingdom of ice
We've been sweeping snow all day.
And snowflakes fly, fly,

Like white fluff.

Snowflakes dance, they squat on one knee.


Is everything okay in the kingdom? Is everything calm in the palace?


You will be satisfied with us. Everything is calm in the palace.
Noise is heard


Who is making noise in my chambers? Who's bothering me here?

Father Frost

Stop, Snow Queen!
Listen to us without anger
Don't be angry with us, don't be angry!
Better come to our ball!
Light the Christmas tree for us again
And wake up all the children.


It's strange to hear these speeches! But I agree, I’ll come, and bring Snowmen with me
I'll bring it.

Melody "Sleigh", ringing bells. Snowmen come out from behind the Christmas tree,
Santa Claus and the Snow Queen.


What about Santa Claus!
At the right moment you brought me here
I forgive everyone today.
I turn on the lights on the Christmas tree.
That's it, guys, wake up and start a merry dance!
Round dance. A game

Father Frost

There are some beads left in my bag, come out and have some fun for us all!
Dance of beads, game with beads
Playing with piglets

Father Frost

Well, you are funny people!
It's our turn to play.
Granddaughter, where is my bag?

Snow Maiden

So this is where he stood.

Father Frost

Oops, I lost my gifts!

Snow Maiden

The squirrels just told me that it was all the foxes' tricks.
The fox comes out with an empty bag, has eaten too much and hiccups.

Father Frost

Oh, you red-haired cheat, you acted very cleverly! Where are you going with the gifts?

Imagine, I ate them all!

Snow Maiden

All? Oh! Oh! Oh! We need to call the doctor! We need to save the fox!

Father Frost

I’ll fly Lisa myself and I’ll teach her a lesson!
Come on, play the music!
Start dancing, you little cheat!

I won't! But when the music starts, he dances and asks: Queen,
help out, save the poor fox!


From a fairyland
From the northern region
Appear before me, block of ice!
Snowmen carry a block on a sleigh.
The Queen breaks it down:

Become, fragments, gifts from the Christmas tree!