Scenario of the New Year's holiday for the women's group: “Legitimate New Year”. New Year's scenarios and competitions

The script will help brighten up any party. 10-15 people can take part. Interesting, fun competitions will give you a number of positive emotions and good memories. There are no time restrictions on the scenario. The scenario is suitable for both an office and a restaurant, the main thing is that the room is spacious. Between competitions and toasts, musical breaks can be announced.

Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus.

Props: gifts for competitions, several certificates, diplomas, balloons, thread, tape, markers, a large box, funny glasses, several hats, huge pants, false noses, wigs, a large brightly colored dress, family panties, gifts for the lottery and predictions, lottery tickets, bag, balls with numbers, coins, jar, ribbons, gifts in Santa Claus's bag.

Good evening all friends!
I'm glad to see you all,
A magical time awaits
There will be a celebration, loud laughter!
There will be gifts, treats,
I promise you a good evening,
I wish everyone good mood,
I'm starting our holiday!

(There is a knock. A slightly shabby-looking Santa Claus flies into the hall)

Father Frost :
Oops, where did this take me?

Hello. I hasten to inform you that you are at a very important event that is taking place at (__________ address).

Father Frost :
How so? Should I be in Paris, or where else do they like frogs? And where is my staff and bag? Who took my things?

Grandfather, you should probably sit down, okay? We have a corporate party, people want to celebrate, look how beautiful and elegant everyone is. And when the holiday is over, we will definitely help you find it.

Father Frost :
Baby, I have no time! You see, I still have to go to Tokyo, Milan, London, and somewhere else I need to go!

Unfortunately, I can’t help, everything is calculated to the minute!

Father Frost :
And at the end of the evening?

I'll see what we can do for you! In the meantime, I invite you to sit down at the festive table and immerse yourself in our festive atmosphere!

Father Frost :
No, I'll wander around a little for now,
Maybe I'll remember what's what,
The road is already waiting for me,
I will come to you all again!

(Santa Claus disappears behind the door)

Friends, my dears,
I suggest filling the glasses,
The year we are about to spend,
It's a little sad, but it's necessary.
I suggest you have a drink
For hopes, dreams,
And so that we do not lose values,
Raise your glasses together,
I wish you to let go of the past!

(Everyone raises their glasses and drinks to the passing year)

I am sure that you have many pleasant memories of the past year. I propose to list them. Just remember that it is important to name all the funniest, most interesting and curious incidents that happened to your team over the year. Whoever remembers the most will receive a wonderful prize, whoever cannot name anything is eliminated.

(The winner of the competition receives a certificate of honor or diploma)

So many interesting and amazing things have happened to you this year. It seems to me that you have become even closer and more friendly over all this time. Your team is one family that is becoming stronger every day. It is for your unity and originality that I propose to raise a glass!

I want to offer you an exciting activity that will once again prove your unity, brightness and creativity. So, pay attention to “Dance Boom”!

The presenter invites 3 couples. The task is simple - dance. But it shouldn’t just be a dance, couples dance to 4 different tunes: “tango”, “lady”, “gypsy”, “Lezginka”. Whoever dances the best will receive a prize. The winners are determined by the audience."

(There is a knock. Santa Claus flies in)

Father Frost :
Hello again! Well, why haven’t you seen my staff? And the bag?

(Everyone shakes their heads negatively. Santa Claus leaves)

He's strange. OK. My dears, we have smoothly moved on to the third toast, which means that we will raise our glasses to a wonderful feeling, repeatedly sung by poets, to love! I want each of you to feel the influence of love spells in the New Year. So that everyone has their own soul mate and soul mate who will warm you up on cold winter evenings. For love, my friends!

The time for congratulations has come,
Let good rule everywhere,
You don't skimp on your words,
Let everythnig will be alright!

(The competition for the best begins. The winner receives a symbolic prize)

As you have already noticed, our holiday is missing the Snow Maiden, apparently our absent-minded Santa Claus has lost her too, so I suggest our dear men make her!

(The competition “Blind Me” is announced. Two male teams are selected. The task of each of the balloons is to mold a female sculpture. The balloons can be inflated or not. The duration of the competition is 3 minutes. The winning team receives a prize. Competition details: balloons, threads, tape , markers)

What great fellows you all are, truly great sculptors! Friends, I propose to raise a glass to the talent of these wonderful men who gave us two Snow Maidens!

My dears, I ask everyone to stand around! I want to dress you all up a little! Of course, you all look great, but still something is missing.

(The “Clothes” competition begins. Various funny, absurd things are put into a large box. The music is turned on. The presenter hands the box to the participants. When the music stops abruptly, the one who has the box in his hands will have to take out any thing at random and put it on. Things cannot be removed for 20-30 minutes. If desired, you can choose another funny one. Contest details: a large box, funny glasses, several hats, huge pants, false noses, wigs, a large brightly colored dress, family panties, etc. quantity things must be equal to the number of participants)

How fashionable, bright, and interesting you all are now! I propose to dedicate this toast to your extraordinaryness, so that it manifests itself not only in clothes, but in your business ideas!

I have good news for you! At our amazing evening there is a win-win, magical lottery, the lots of which will bring you a lot of joy and happiness! Those who wish to participate must sing a New Year's song!

(Lottery lots can be small chocolates, notebooks, pens, a set of pencils, key rings. You can also buy several small puzzles. The main thing is to pack everything in identical boxes and write a New Year’s prediction for each. To participate in the lottery you will need to purchase a ticket, which it is advisable to sell in at the beginning of the evening. Then the presenter will take balls with numbers out of the bag. Whose number matches will win the prize)

I hope everyone was pleased with their gifts. And now, I suggest you test your accuracy!

Competition "Coin"
Two pairs of participants are selected. A pair of a man and a woman. Men tie a tin can (or a cut-off plastic bottle) to their belt. The woman is given 10 coins. The woman moves away a little and throws coins, the man’s task is to collect them in the jar. The pair that collects the most coins will win. Competition details: coins, cans, ribbons (cans will be attached to them).

You don’t have a team, but a complete find! And dexterous, and accurate, and talented! I want to wish you to always remain like this!

(There is a knock, Santa Claus flies in with a bag and a staff)

Father Frost :
I found all my goodness,
And I came to you for the holiday,
I'm ready to dance with you,
Raise toasts with you!
New Year is just around the corner,
Give you gifts!

Grandfather, take a seat at the table.

Father Frost :
Why are you granddaughter, I’ve already had enough, I want to dance! But I won’t dance alone, I could use assistants!

Assistants? For what?

Father Frost :
I want to put on a beautiful dance. Synchronous. Don't worry, I'll choose it myself!

(Several employees are selected. The music is turned on, the girls’ task is to repeat the movements of Santa Claus. The one who does it better will receive a prize)

Father Frost :
I danced and got drunk,
It's time to give me gifts,
And for all this to happen,
They should say congratulations to me!

(Employees take turns saying congratulations)

New Year is coming,
It's time for us all to meet him,
And we need to say goodbye to the past,
And open all doors to new things!
My dears, I invite you to step over the outgoing year and enter the New one!

(A ribbon is tied between two chairs. All corporate party participants must hold hands and step over the ribbon)

Our evening is coming to an end,
Good luck to everyone, I want to wish you happiness,
So that what you wish comes true,
This coming year!
May there be prosperity and patience,
Good luck to you in your future endeavors,
Creative inspiration, mood,
And don’t be afraid to get lost in your dreams!

Scenario for a New Year's corporate party for small teams

If your work team has only 2-5, 6 or maximum 7 people, then you can spend a great holiday in a cozy atmosphere in a close circle of employees.

New Year is a wonderful and cheerful holiday, and most importantly - fabulous. That's why everyone loves this holiday without exception. Therefore, we try to celebrate the New Year in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time, even if there are few people in your team. And a fabulous holiday will open up fabulous opportunities for us. And who knows, maybe by actively participating in a corporate event scenario, you will attract the attention of a demanding and strict boss and this will help you move up the career ladder as an energetic employee. It all depends on how you demonstrate your abilities as a mass entertainer. But this will require organizational skills. Well, if the holiday turns out to be fun and relaxed, you will be the idol of the whole team.

The scenario for a New Year's holiday in a small group assumes minimalism in treats: fruits, toasts, cakes, wine, champagne, cognac. Everything should be simple, fast and convenient. Complex dishes are inappropriate in the office. “Tabletop” decorations can diversify the official business tone of the treats.

Traditionally, the festive evening is opened by the head, but if your small team does not have one, then any employee. He will sum up the past year, talk about plans for the future, and note the merits of everyone present, because there are not many of you. The boss himself can try on a Santa Claus costume to present gifts to his subordinates.

After the official part there are competitions and drawings. There are a lot of options.

LIST OF COMPETITIONS for small teams

1. Competition: “Tidy on the table means tidy in the head”

You can organize a competition for the best workplace design, and give the winner a prize. The place should be perfectly tidy, you can decorate it with a Christmas tree, garlands, a calendar with the symbol of the year, and table souvenirs.

2. Competition “Cucumber Fun”

Call 2 participants. Each person has a cucumber circle stuck on their forehead. Task: without using your hands, lower the cucumber from your forehead to your mouth and eat it. Ingenuity will help!

3. Competition: “I want a banana!”

Who can eat a banana faster? Four volunteers are invited to the stage. The task is to peel and eat a banana without using your hands. This competition will cause a lot of positive emotions.

4. Competition: “Clothespins”

Attach three clothespins to the employee. Call three young people, blindfold them, and offer to find and unhook the clothespins on their own.

5. Competition “Sniffer”

You need to wrap different products in foil, each separately. Players take turns smelling the item and guessing what's inside? The winner is the best sniffer who has never made a mistake.

6. “Bottle” competition in a new way

Party participants stand in a circle. Take an empty bottle - a plastic one is ideal. The bottle is inserted between the knees and passed to the person standing next to you in a circle. Hands do not participate in the relay race. Whoever's bottle falls is out of the game. And so on. Whoever holds the bottle until the last one wins. He received a bottle of champagne as a gift. Very fun, but requires some skill.

7. Dance competition: “Dancing on plates”

Take two plastic or paper plates and place them on the floor. Also for the second player. The competitors dance to the music with their feet on their plates. The one who stays on the plate and dances better is the winner.

8. Competition: “Who is the Christmas tree?”

For this competition, count the jewelry on each of the women; the men are obviously losers. Whichever woman has the most decorations in quantitative terms will be recognized as the New Year tree in the team.

9. Competition: “Emoji”

One player depicts a positive emotion, and the second - a negative one. Other employees must guess these emotions. Whoever is best with facial expressions is the winner.

10. Competition: “Garland”

Everyone has a pile of paper clips in their office. For this competition, two players are given the same number of paper clips. At the signal, they should each start making their own garland. The one who uses all the paper clips first is the best master paperclipper)

A small team of workers can afford to have a good time.

Do you want to organize a corporate party in a narrow group of women? Then this scenario will help you run your corporate party with a bang, and you will be satisfied. Games, competitions and interesting questions will help you pass the time.

Women are flowers!
They are divine and tender!
Every woman has a mystery,
And each one needs its own answer!
We are women and we are proud of it!
After all, we are the best in the universe!

Dear ladies! We are starting our women's corporate event, which will be bright and beautiful. Today in our program: games and competitions, fun and laughter, alcohol and a great mood!

So we drank and ate,
And we’ve already partied a little.
And it's time to play
So that we don't get bored.

Competition - find the right thing.
Two ladies are called: the youngest and the most experienced. They are invited to put their hand into the bag, feel one thing there, take it with their hand, describe it in words, and then take it out. The winner is the one who can describe the things he gets more and more accurately.
And the things in the bag should be like this: hairspray, lipstick, a mirror, a pack of condoms, and other feminine things.

Do you want to answer questions?
Then prepare your knowledge!
Our questions are very simple,
Interesting and funny.

The presenter reads out the question, and the participants who know the answer blow the whistle and answer. Whoever answers the most wins.
If such rules are complex, then you can ask questions to each girl in turn.

Examples of questions:
1. In sex shops they are sold whole, they are only sold in parts.
(answer - rubber women are sold entirely, rubber parts of men are sold in parts)
2. A dog is a man's friend. Wolf comrade. Man descended from the monkey. And he's a goat!
(answer - husband)
3. Continue the series - is there life after death, is there life on other planets, is there life...
(answer - after marriage)
4. Continue the series - my phone stopped working, my car stopped working, my...
(answer - question)
5. If I don’t have a price, how can I insure my life?
(the answer is a rhetorical question, but if someone answers, then let them)

You can come up with your own questions and answers.

And now we propose to organize a race! But not just simple races, but in high heels.

Participants are given shoes with high and thin heels. They make a course with obstacles and start the competition. The track can be made from chairs that you need to run around, and from ropes that you need to step over and crawl under.

When you have played enough games and competitions, you can take photos as a souvenir. Everyone knows that in many cities there are such rooms where you can take photographs. That is, you go into this room and pose as you want. We suggest you make something like such a room and put a camera there. You can enter the room one, two or more women at a time. Posing, squirming and doing whatever you want.
But you can look at the photos at your next corporate party to immediately lift your spirits.

Let's start with the budget. And from the style of the event. Large companies don’t need to fool themselves - they booked an evening in a restaurant for the whole team in advance, invited artists and... The rest is up to you. Very often I had to take part in such corporate events. And even organize them yourself. It seemed like the artists did a good job and the tables were generous. But there remains an aftertaste of some kind of standardism, officialdom. There is no soul, or something... Therefore, the scenario for holding such events must be carefully thought out. Each competition and game should be very personal, written specifically for this team, taking into account the history of the company and the achievements of its employees.

Let me give you an example. In one large corporation, where I worked as the head of the sales department, we shot a film in advance on an amateur camera. Each employee participated in the interview. The questions were written together. They were cheerful and perky. The employees congratulated the team. Everything is different. Some in poems of their own composition, some thanked their department for the past year. Very personal, sincere. We did not reveal secrets and asked to say our warmest words of congratulations to the camera. The employees did not know that they would be screen stars at the corporate event.

The film was edited by our friends. They brought it to the big screen, added music and New Year's screensavers. And... it turned out to be a unique masterpiece! So many years have passed, but warm memories warm my heart. The reaction to such an unusual gift was amazing! Each congratulation from the screen was greeted with joyful laughter and long applause. Overall, the inexpensive gift turned out to be the highlight of the program.

For small companies with a more modest budget, corporate events in their own walls are interesting. They also need to be prepared in advance. Decorate your office festively. Pre-announce to all employees the date and time of the evening. Assign roles to everyone based on the theme of the event. The masquerade takes place in a very impressive and special way. And it is not at all necessary to sew special suits. Although, of course, this is not forbidden. It is enough to wear masks or add a characteristic detail of your hero to a formal costume. To conduct such a masquerade, a joint script is written in advance, all the achievements for the year, all the victories of the company are woven into it. This is a kind of conclusion. The process of writing a script itself gives an unforgettable drive and unites the team.

Typically, at such events, management sums up the results of the year's work and rewards the best. It is important not to leave anyone unattended, as this could ruin the entire event. Who likes to stay in the shadows? Therefore, the boss needs to think through this aspect.

The atmosphere is always memorable. A pompous restaurant, the most expensive in the city, a corporate trip abroad or to the nearest tourist center. Evening in the winter forest. At a personal dacha or in the red corner of the company. In someone's empty apartment. Wherever the holiday is planned, it is important to think through everything in detail. How many people take part in the event? Their gastronomic preferences. It is important to know in advance who will drink what from strong drinks. Based on this, prepare snacks and main courses. You cannot serve the same dishes with vodka as with champagne. The menu is thought out so that no one leaves hungry. And drunk...

The decoration of the hall and table should be themed. Where will the tree stand, if it is present at all? How to place gifts in an original way. The “Find the Prize” competition is going on interestingly. All prizes are laid out in advance in the hall so that they are not conspicuous, they are veiled and a plan is drawn for the New Year's treasure hunt. Such games are very fun and relaxed. Especially at the very beginning of the evening, when the degree of fun is not yet so high.

New Year is a long-awaited, magical holiday. Both adults and children are always waiting for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Who will play the role of these winter characters depends on the holiday budget. You can, of course, invite artists. Or you can “grow” them in your team. The brightest New Year in my life was remembered precisely by the creative “hosts” of the holiday. Our youngest participant in the corporate party was Father Frost, and Snegurochka was the oldest employee. We prepared costumes for them as a team. Unforgettable experience! We wrote a script with their exact exit and words for each. There were congratulations to everyone, each personally and the director separately. They were both sitting at the table with us and... suddenly disappeared unnoticed. They returned in new roles and new costumes. There was no limit to the delight! They couldn't start their speeches for about five minutes, because their appearance was drowned in applause. Their costumes were very comical. In addition, the Snow Maiden was already under the influence... The speech did not work according to the script, it was just one continuous impromptu, which caused a storm of applause. We filmed all this and published a colorful newspaper with photographs for Christmas. It was a long time ago, but the newspaper is still alive!

Corporate events are very lively and active there, where each employee prepares his own unique performance. It is one thing to sit and contemplate, to be an observer. Get up to dance occasionally. It is quite another to feel part of the whole. Feeling nervous before your performance. Think it through to the smallest detail. And hit your jackpot! This always strengthens the internal culture of the corporation. There is no need for any team building training!

The final chord is also important. Otherwise, the party may turn into a matinee. You need to be able to put a beautiful point. What and how it will happen again depends on the budget. You can end the New Year's Eve with a beautiful fireworks display, or you can share a heartfelt song together. You can take a photo of everyone together and loudly announce: “Thank you everyone! Happy New Year!". You can organize a competition for the cleanest workplace - if, of course, the evening took place in the office. From the restaurant, everyone can be invited outside and have a snowball fight. Remember your childhood.

A good tradition of the company - a joint holiday - will tell you much more about the company itself than a beautiful sign or a loud slogan. How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it!

NEW YEAR SCENARIO for the teaching staff.

Analysis of the work done.

Over the past year, school teachers:

    12 tons of paper were written on, 757 ballpoint pens, 111 gel pens, 444 pencils, 72 erasers were erased;

    935 sheets of white office paper were damaged;

    5 tons of garbage were removed from the school;

    Drank 230 packs of tea and 220 cans of coffee;

    214 kg of granulated sugar and a pound of salt were eaten;

    518 liters of beer, 519 liters of vodka;

    Smoked 3,789 packs of cigarettes during working hours;

    And 5,343 packs of cigarettes at lunchtime;

    “Kuzka’s mother” was mentioned 987,211 times, profanity (different words) was used 237,546 times;

    In total, school employees were late for work 245 hours, including 198 hours for unexcused reasons.

    989 SMS sent (on personal topics);

    145 hours spent on the phone with friends and 290 hours with girlfriends;

    Drank 300 headache pills and 578 hangover pills;

    270 kg of sausage and 178 loaves of bread were eaten;

    589 jokes were told, 588 of them were obscene;

    50 pairs of shoes are worn out;

    Employees were on sick leave for 290 days, of which 90 were feigning sick leave;

Phone call. The secretary runs into the hall and grabs the phone.

Secretary: Hello!

Leading: Food for thought: Galyusya. Secretary. He carries out all orders unquestioningly. Performer. The character is self-possessed. Soft. Believes that friendship is the most important thing in life.

Galina Dmitrievna, write down the instructions of the administration:

    Order Santa Claus

    Invite friends to a banquet

    Organize music.

If you have questions, the reference book is on the table.

Secretary: So, the first thing is to order Santa Claus(takes the reference book) . Firm "Herringbone", firm "Squirrel", Oh! Company "Koluchka"(dials number) . Hello! We would like to order Santa Claus. Write down the address: Karamzina, 18. I'm waiting.

A policeman enters.

Leading: Food for thought: Someone's freelance employee. He is precise about his work; if I interfere with him, he can sew him on.

Policeman: Hello! Senior Lieutenant Lebedinskaya! So, we're getting calls from residents around your school. Well, they’re complaining about you. Do you understand that you can’t behave like that, boorishly? People say: “It’s New Year, but you have silence, no music, no shouting, no fights, no drinking.” How is that possible? I don't understand. Are you ignoring the holiday? Stop this immediately! If you don't have enough, run to the store. In general, don’t break it! Happy New Year!

Secretary: So, I ordered Santa Claus. Next... invite your friends to a banquet... Whose? Mine? Or…

(Girlfriends, a vocal group, run into the hall)

Girlfriends: Did you call your friends?

Secretary: Whose are you?

Girlfriends: Are common!

Leading: Food for thought. Girlfriends. Regulars of local parties. When asked, they sing, when not, they dance. Everyone receives applause together, but salaries – separately.

Secretary: How do you ensure fun?

Girlfriends: “The carriage will move, the platform will stop...”

Secretary: So, next, organize the music. Hello, can I hear the music? Thank you.

Leading: Food for thought. Valentina Ivanovna is the director’s personal musician. Everyone dances to her tune. If necessary, he can play along and sing along with the boss. Always works from the spot. Claims that “Without a glass there is no vocal.”

Valentina Ivanovna:

We don’t get bored at the table,

Let's pour glasses quickly!

New Year is knocking on us,

We wish you happiness!

Valentina Ivanovna: Dear colleagues, yes, I understand, these are your reports:

- The matter must be dealt with seriously or not at all;

- Monitoring is serious and does not tolerate approximation;

- How can you use unverified data?

- What's the matter?

- Have you noticed that we regularly have problems with celebrating this or that celebration?

- This happens because you regularly rewrite calendar planning, check notebooks, participate in children's parties in autumn, winter, spring...

- Please redo it.

- Our discipline is lame.

- During work hours they go shopping.

Secretary: What distinguishes a businesswoman from a woman?

- Gait. How do you walk? It's mind boggling!

- There must be a mystery in a woman.

- The head is slightly raised.

- The eyes are slightly lowered.

- Everything is free here. Free plastic surgery from the hip.

- Well, get up and recover.

Valentina Ivanovna: “Oh, I can’t handle it”

Secretary: Nonsense, you can handle it.

Valentina Ivanovna: You flatter me.

Secretary: Everyone flatters you.

(Valentina Ivanovna leaves offended)

Secretary: Hello! Icicle company? Yes, we've been waiting for a long time.

Leading: Food for thought. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Founders of the Icicle charity foundation. Responsible for the distribution of humanitarian aid during the winter period. They are cold to the touch, but when heated they turn into a liquid phase. They love champagne and children

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:

She looks like a simple girl,
But put it by the fire,
Five minutes and I'll melt
Five minutes - and I’m gone!
That's why it will be short
Congratulatory speech:
In the cold - I'm fine
In the room - I can leak.
And tell me please,
Is that what I was striving for?
From our northern latitudes
Are you coming here for the New Year?
Oh...I think I'm melting
There's not a second to spare!
Happy New Year!
And to the street! Hello!

Valentina Ivanovna:

- Do you know why I was late?

I was in Donetsk City

Sometimes I can be harsh and rude.

My eyes would not have seen these Mondays.

I will always look forward to the New Year!

I wish my family

Don't get too crazy about fat!

Live more modestly, according to income,

Travel to nature more often!

Go shopping less often

Do more work!

Don't take a vacation every year

Increase your income!

Live without resentment and gossip,

Everyone, after all, is noticeable!

Always be healthy

Even if it's cold!

And let the New Year

May it bring you happiness!

Cheerful laughter and smiles,

And not to know the losses!

Leading: The New Year 2013 is approaching, the Year of the Snake according to the Eastern calendar. The snake is an ambiguous sign. For many people, it causes a feeling of anxiety, a sense of danger. But at the same time, since ancient times the snake has been a symbol of wisdom, the keeper of knowledge. In ancient China, it was believed that if there is a snake in the house, the family will never be in need. Do not be afraid of the Snake - the mistress of 2013. Celebrate the New Year with an open heart and don’t forget to send funny SMS and happy New Year greetings in verse to your loved ones.

The floor is givenTo the mistress of our house. . .


We are celebrating the New Year!

May the year of the Snake bring us

Happiness, joy and good luck,

Snake wisdom to boot,

Prosperity and peace for the family,

Let's drink to the Snake!

Congratulations from teachers

The Old Year is leaving. Let him take it with him
All the troubles and sorrows.

That love that is unanswered. Snow that falls in summer.

Cockroaches in the kitchen. The sparks that have already gone out.
The woodpeckers that are killing us. Let him take it with him...
After all, the Old Year is leaving. Well, to hell with it, let him go!

The new one is waiting for us at the gate. What will he bring with him?
Unfortunately, we don’t know now. But as before we wish,
In the New Year, we give ourselves a bright star from the sky,
(what warms you will not burn you).

Pleasure in everything - dark at night, bright during the day.
In relaxation, in work. Wherever we are, everywhere!
And big, huge love,
Bright, passionate, tender, languid,
Both ordinary and not so ordinary. Finish on time too...
Something that started a long time ago.

Go to the cinema many times.
Finally get some sleep. Break away from the routine
Make new friends. Achieve goals faster.
Safe adventures. Protect yourself in time.
Never get knocked up. But soar, fly, fly!

And find out what Happiness means,
Loyalty, Friendship and Participation,
Optimism, Enthusiasm, Wisdom, Glory and Orgasm...
In general, we don't need much. The main thing is that we feel better.
New Year, don't let me down. The door is open, come in!

Appears on stage Baba Yaga , who comes out, hobbling and carrying a bag of gifts.

Baba Yaga:

I'm a funny old lady
I've been living on Earth for a hundred years,
I love to sing you ditties
I love listening to them too.

Baba Yaga calls five girls and women onto the stage, hands them the words ditties and head scarves. To the music of the song “Ditties Babok Ezhek” from the Soviet cartoon “The Flying Ship,” women perform written lyrics. Baba Yaga begins.

1. Stretch your bellows, accordion!
Come on, beauties!
We'll sing ditties for you,
We know you'll like it!

2. New Year we all over the country
Let's celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
Let's drink to the holiday!

3. Hey, beautiful girls,
Well, let's not get bored!
Better ditties with grandma
Let's sing loudly!

4. Last New Year holiday
I celebrated with the goblin,
The forest people sang along -
I danced a striptease!

    I remember with the devil last year
    We kissed deliciously
    In the morning the forest people
    We were bullied!

    6. Sing, sing, merry fellows!
    Dance, drink.
    Here we sang ditties for you,
    Don't forget us!

The women leave the stage. Baba Yaga hands them gifts that he takes out of the bag.

What kind of holiday is it in Rus'?
Celebrate without songs?
Come on, grandma, start it up,
Let's all sing together!

Baba Yaga:
I came from afar
And you haven't even met
So that no tears fall,
I want them to sound
Lines to my glory are an honor!
Sing, don't be shy!
I have texts too!
Join us!

Baba Yaga distributes texts to everyone present. This song is performed to the music “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” by Raisa Kudasheva. The song has been redone, so it’s better to type out the lyrics in advance.

A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
They called this grandmother
It's simple - Baba Yaga!

The snowstorm sang a song to her,
The snow sang ditties to her,
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!

But the New Year came suddenly
And grandma is blooming
For our grandmother's holiday
Suddenly people were invited!
Now she's smart
She came to us for the holiday
And a lot of joy
She brought it to us!
We raise all our glasses,
Together we drink to Yaga,
Who can't eat salads?
Call me - I’ll help!

Baba Yaga:
I give everyone gifts
And I wish from the bottom of my heart,
Celebrate the New Year brightly
And good luck and love!
Live in peace
Friendly, simple,
But also for the feast
Invite us to visit!