Print paper plane template. How to make a paper airplane - instructions for creating different types of airplanes and an overview of interesting models (85 photos). Paper airplane Swift

Probably every adult in our country knows how to make an airplane out of paper. After all, this unpretentious toy, originally from childhood, invariably delights and delights with its ability to fly. Before the dominance of tablets and other gadgets, it was ordinary paper airplanes that pleased boys of all ages at recess.

And how many schemes for collecting this toy do you know? Did you know that from an ordinary sheet of A4 paper, you can fold many different types of aircraft, including long and far flying, as well as military models?

Are you already intrigued? You can start folding airplanes right now. After all, for this you need only paper, desire, a little patience and our schemes. Let's fly!

The simplest schemes of the basic aircraft model

Before proceeding to complex models, let's brush up on the basics of aircraft construction. We bring to your attention 2 of the easiest ways to fold an airplane.

Using the first scheme, it is easy to get a universal aircraft familiar from childhood. It does not differ in special takeoff and landing characteristics, but it will not be difficult even for a child to fold it. And an adult will cope with the assembly in just a minute.

Even if the first scheme seemed too complicated for you, use the simplified method. It allows you to get the desired result as quickly as possible.

He's on the video:

A plane that flies for a long time

The dream of any child is a long-flying airplane. And now we will help you make it a reality. According to the diagram provided, you can fold the model, which is distinguished by the duration of the flight.

Remember that flight performance is affected by the dimensions of your aircraft.

Excess weight, which means the length of the wings, prevents the aircraft from flying. That is, a glider aircraft must have short, wide wings. Another friend of planning is the absolute symmetry of the model.

You need to throw it not forward, but up. In this case, it will stay in the sky for a long time, smoothly descending from a height.

Look for answers to the remaining questions and all the subtleties of folding a paper glider in a step-by-step video tutorial.

Plans for fast flight

Interested in participating in a model aircraft competition? They are easy to arrange at home. Just fold high-speed planes out of paper - and you can set your own records.

Step-by-step following our photo instructions is the key to success. A number of general recommendations will also help novice paper aviation enthusiasts.

  1. To improve flight performance, use only a completely flat sheet of paper. Ideal for ordinary office printers. Any bruises and folds repeatedly worsen the aerodynamic properties of the model.
  2. Iron all the folds with a ruler to make them clearer.
  3. Pointy aircraft nose increases his speed, but at the same time range decreases flight.

Ready-made crafts can be painted with children. This exciting activity will allow you to turn a folded piece of paper into a real attack aircraft or an unusual fighter.

Approach building your models like a science experiment. The speed and ease of assembly of origami airplanes allow you to analyze their flight and make the necessary changes to the design.

Be sure to check out the video master classes for creating fast paper planes to avoid annoying mistakes and learn from someone else's experience.

Paper long-range fighter

Describing this model aircraft, many enthusiastically promise that it will be able to fly 100 meters, and call it a super-aircraft. At the same time, they are absolutely not embarrassed that the officially registered record for the flight range of a paper airplane is only 69 m 14 cm.

However, doubts are gone. In any case, such a cool handsome man is worthy of your efforts to create it. For this craft, stock up on a sheet of A4 paper (you can take thick colored paper to make the airplane as beautiful as possible), unlimited patience and accuracy. If your goal is a realistic fighter, assemble it slowly and follow the photo instructions step by step.

Also at your service is a video from which you will learn how to correctly assemble a paper fighter plane that stays in the air for a long time.

A model with stable flight

A paper airplane takes off and immediately starts to fall, or instead of a straight trajectory, it writes out arcs. Are you familiar with this?

Even this children's toy has certain aerodynamic properties. This means that it is the duty of all novice aircraft builders to approach the design of a paper model with full responsibility.

We suggest you fold another cool airplane. Thanks to the blunt nose and wide deltoid wings, it will not go into a tailspin, but will please you with a beautiful flight.

Do you want to master all the subtleties of building this glider? Check out the detailed and accessible video tutorial. After a powerful charge of inspiration, you will definitely want to fold an airplane with your own hands, which will flutter like a bird.

Cornflower plane - an original craft for young aircraft modellers

Do you have a boy growing up who already loves to craft, glue and cut something? Give him a little time - and together you can make a small mock-up of a corn plane. It will surely bring a lot of joy: first from joint creativity, and then from fun with a toy made by oneself.

For work, you will need the following improvised materials:

  • colored paper;
  • double-sided colored cardboard;
  • Matchbox;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.
The process of creating a toy is as simple as possible: forget about exact drawings and the need to first download and then print a complex template. Under your guidance, even a small child will be able to build his first plane.

First of all, glue the matchbox with colored or white paper. Cut a strip of cardboard 3 cm wide. Half of its length will correspond to the length of the aircraft fuselage. Fold the strip in half and glue it to the box.

Cut out two identical rounded wings, their width should be slightly larger than the width of the box.

Glue the wings to the plane. This can be entrusted to a little helper, he will be happy with such an important mission and will do everything well and carefully. Cut and glue a rectangle on the front to hide the box.

Cut out two elongated ovals for the tail of the plane and a strip for the vertical piece. It needs to be folded as shown in the photo.

Glue the blanks to the tail of the maize. The resulting cardboard masterpiece remains to be decorated according to your desire. You can glue stars or small pictures to it. A good addition would be a propeller made of thin strips of paper.

Such a wonderful plane can be taken to the kindergarten as a craft or please dad on February 23.

Video bonuses

Do you want to get a plane that can not only take off high, but also return back to your hands? Think it can't be? And here you are wrong.

Tireless craftsmen-experimenters have developed a scheme for an amazing aircraft - boomerang.

With it, you can show your friends a stunning trick: a launched airplane will obediently fall right into your hands every time. To be known as the master of paper planes, check out our video - you will definitely succeed.

It would seem that all samples of paper planes have already been reviewed and tested in practice, but we still have something to surprise you with. We invite you to watch a video tutorial on creating a realistic glider.

You don't even need origami folding skills, you just cut out the outline from paper. This model has excellent flight characteristics, and the whole secret lies in ... ordinary plasticine. Watch the video, be surprised and surprise.

Creating various paper planes is not only a wonderful activity that allows you to drive away boredom and put off the ubiquitous gadgets. It develops intelligence, accuracy and fine motor skills of hands. That is why it is so useful to include this type of activity in the program of joint leisure with children.

Perhaps the first unsightly model will be your child's first step towards a serious passion for aircraft modeling. And it is in your family that a brilliant designer of passenger liners or new jet fighters will grow up. Everything can be. It makes no sense to look far into the future, but devoting an hour or two to folding paper airplanes is definitely worth it.

Most adults know how to make a paper airplane and it's quite a useful skill in raising a child, but not everyone has the knowledge to create multiple types of airplanes. I think it's not a secret for anyone that children at an early age are very fond of doing something with their own hands and entertainment with origami will allow you to keep your child busy for a long time.

Moreover, the cost of origami classes is completely miserable - any paper, wallpaper or even thick cardboard is suitable for assembling your aircraft.

Airplanes are free

Considering that there are always old notebooks in the house, paper damaged in the printer, old wallpaper rolls, newspapers, magazines or something like that, you will always have a free opportunity to keep your child busy with interesting things. Actually, this is the first advantage of creating paper airplanes - you do not spend money on making your child happy with an interesting activity, entertainment that brings joy and benefit.

In comparison with the development of an airplane out of paper, buying a designer for the same purposes looks like an incredibly expensive undertaking, you must agree.

The benefits of origami

In addition to the cheapness of this lesson, it is also worth understanding that working with your hands has a very positive effect on the development of the child - he begins to think better logically, improves visual memory, begins to think figuratively, remembers volumes and instructions.

This is a chic practice for a child, which allows at home, with little or no additional control, to give the younger generation the opportunity to train their memory and visual images. this is especially useful at the age of 4 to 9 years, when the child is still interested and can already independently think through the steps, work with visual images, come up with their own versions of the model and work with ready-made instructions from the net or needlework magazines.

Plus, the child will develop a desire to do everything perfectly - if you tell a child how to make a flying plane out of paper in sufficient detail, he will try and make his own model.

It may not turn out to be very successful, in this situation it is worth encouraging the future engineer and let the child try again, having previously thought through the mistakes that he made when modeling the previous version.

Maybe the paper at the joints was not thick enough, maybe the nose or wings of the aircraft were not well thought out and air resistance prevented the aircraft from moving as far as possible. All these points can be thought through together, making it clear what problems there are and what options for solving them in origami, for example, can be used.

Illustrative examples of airplanes

Although in childhood we all made airplanes of various types and shapes, not everything remains in your memory and certain areas of the design have long been erased from your subconscious, plus most of the models, I am sure, you have never seen and do not know how to build them. To do this, you can find a photo of a paper airplane on the Internet and choose some interesting options that may suit you.

It should be understood that if you have just started doing this, then there will be certain difficulties in understanding the process of working with paper, that is, you must first choose the simplest models - a classic airplane, for example, which is assembled in a minute.

After working with this model for a long time and improving it, you can move on to more complex models - there is an airplane called "Arrow" or "Jet" that allows you to complicate your task and get a more interesting model with a longer flight duration.

paper airplane competition

You will be surprised, but in the world there really are competitions for launching paper airplanes into the air - they are held on an ongoing basis with cash prizes and television coverage, so there is a real motivation to do this and the process itself can be called serious, because adults also play in the competitions with a fairly decent experience of working on the launch of airplanes.

Of course, no one tells you to take a child and prepare him for a competition right now, maybe you don’t need it at all, but you can arrange competitions among yourself, in a family or between families if you find yourself partners for the battle.

For example, we take the classic instructions for assembling an aircraft - we take a sheet of A4 paper, preferably more or less dense, bend it in half along the long side, then bend the upper corners to the middle of the sheet, the sharp ends need to be bent, again, in half and bend the whole structure along in the middle, then it remains only to clearly highlight the wings and you can launch the airplane into battle.

Try to hold competitions among yourself on this model of the aircraft, see how it flies, what subtleties of the design you noticed, then take a more complex model and work on it

colored airplanes

An airplane made of white paper looks solid, but if you are already a pro and want to get even more pleasure from flying, then be sure to buy colored paper or just take magazines with color pictures and collect airplanes from this paper, then you will have more vivid emotions and joy from process.

And, of course, there is always something to grow - there are dozens of aircraft assembly instructions on the Internet, you can try them all and evaluate your design capabilities. Good luck, I think you will definitely enjoy this activity!

Oksana Lobasova

For the manufacture of crafts you will need: a plastic bottle with a narrowed neck, a volume of 0.6 liters, cocktail tubes (a tube from a balloon, corks for making a chassis, cardboard, newspaper, scissors, PVA glue, glue gun, brush, gouache. If desired, you can varnish.


We take a plastic bottle, glue it with scraps of newspaper using PVA glue. When the whole bottle is covered with newspaper, leave it to dry.

Cut out wings, tail and screw from cardboard. We glue the wings and the screw in the same way as the bottle (with scraps of newspaper and PVA glue). You must wait until the glue dries.

While everything dries, we make the chassis. Grab a cocktail tube (you can use a straw from a balloon). Using a glue gun, glue the corks with a tube.

Then glue the wings and tail with a glue gun.

We glue the chassis, glue the cork to the bottom of the bottle, and the screw to the cork.

Glue cocktail tubes crosswise between the upper and lower wings on each side using a glue gun. The tail is also glued with scraps of newspaper. You need to wait until the tail dries aircraft.

Then the craft is painted: use green, yellow and black gouache.

Draw red stars on the wings aircraft. Craft is ready.

I covered under the tree lacquered for longer life.

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I made this craft with children of four or five years old. They already have some scissor skills. For crafts you need: - paper.

I bring to your attention to see how you can make a ship from old used magazines and improvised material. For work.

MASTER CLASS "NEW YEAR CRAFTS" It became cold outside. Frost tingles on the cheeks. There is snow everywhere; on trees, bushes, houses and the ground.

February 23 is approaching - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. How nice, for a child, to make a gift with your own hands, for your beloved daddy, to this.

Master Class. Gift for dad. Application "Airplane in the clouds". (middle group) Dear colleagues! I present to your attention a photo report of mine.

Craft-application for February 23 "For beloved dad" For crafts you will need: white paper, blue, purple, red, light green, felt-tip pens,.

The sun is golden in the sky A big bird is flying high Closing the sun in the blue sky with its wing This bird is a plane He set off to fly.

A variety of toys and crafts can be created with your own hands. Many of them will take 3-5 minutes to create a beautiful thing or a cute trinket that kids can play with. A paper plane is one of the options for such items. In this case, you can use your imagination to create not just a semblance of an aircraft, but a full-fledged layout. To do this, you will need paints, felt-tip pens or pencils.

A variety of toys and crafts you can create with your own hands

Origami is not just a way to create cute crafts and funny paper toys, but a full-fledged art direction. The classic version of the creation assumes that the airplane will be folded from a single sheet of special paper (you don’t have to glue or cut anything). The creation scheme is simple: you need a rectangular sheet that will be transformed into a nose (the front of the future airplane), its body, wings and a tail will also be present.

Stages of work:

  1. Put a sheet of origami - paper on the table, fold it vertically in half;
  2. Then the sheet will need to be expanded;
  3. After that, you need to fold the two upper edges to the center of the sheet (do not expand);
  4. Fold the same corners again so that they connect, but do not intersect on the center line (do not unfold);
  5. Bend the upper sides down to the right and left;
  6. Raise the left and right sides to form the wings.

The plane is ready to fly.

Gallery: paper plane (25 photos)

Paper plane (video)

Big paper plane

You can create a large fighter plane from A4 paper. For children, it will become an interesting toy, for adults - a way to relax, show imagination. You will need to start work by preparing the place and paper (it can be plain white or color, light office or cardboard).

Stages of creation:

  1. Bend the sheet in half lengthwise;
  2. Then bend in half horizontally again;
  3. Fold the corners so that they meet in the center;
  4. Bend them up;
  5. Starting from the middle of the fold, fold the side corners;
  6. Unfold the folded paper at the top;
  7. Then expand all corners;
  8. After that, fold the upper part of the triangles in half, starting work from the lower corners;
  9. The sides of the paper should be folded slightly towards the center;
  10. After that, fold the sides to the middle of the sheet;
  11. The side parts of the resulting rhombuses must be tucked so that a triangle is obtained;
  12. Then it should be folded in half vertically;
  13. Tilt the craft to the left, bend a parallel line, stepping back 1-2 cm;
  14. The resulting wing is bent down (right and left);
  15. Then the moving part of the wing will need to be folded in the middle on each side.

You can create a large fighter plane from A4 paper

Such a toy will fly quickly and smoothly. An unusual option will allow you to come up with various situations and game moments for tricks.

How to fold a flying plane: a simple diagram for children

It will be very interesting to fold your own paper toy for a child. That is why it is important to choose an assembly scheme that he can easily reproduce. Flying models of a paper airplane will help him not only develop his creative abilities, but also develop fine and gross motor skills.

It will be very interesting to fold your own paper toy for a child.

In order to assemble your first aircraft, you will need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Take plain paper (you can use a notebook sheet);
  2. Make a square out of it (fold the lower part and tear off along the line);
  3. Fold the resulting sheet in half;
  4. Bend the upper edges to the center of the sheet;
  5. Bend the resulting paper triangle;
  6. The edges of the workpiece are again bent towards the middle;
  7. Then the sheet is bent in half and the corners are bent, forming wings.

Such a sharp-nosed aircraft will fly very fast.

How to make a paper swallow

If the creation of a paper plane does not interest the child, then you can offer him to fold the birds. Swallow is an easy version of such a craft.

To create it, do the following:

  1. Take a regular sheet from a notebook;
  2. Bend the upper left corner to the right to the middle;
  3. The rectangular part of the sheet formed below must be carefully torn off, but not thrown away, since this part will still be needed in the work;
  4. Fold a square sheet diagonally (you should get 2 lines intersecting in the center;
  5. The resulting paper pyramid should be folded in half so that a triangle is obtained;
  6. Its left corner must be bent up;
  7. Do the same with the right corner;
  8. The left side then needs to be bent down;
  9. Repeat the operation with the right side;
  10. The rectangular part should be folded vertically in half (this is the tail);
  11. Bend the upper left corner to the center;
  12. Repeat the action with the right corner;
  13. Insert the part in the middle of the main part of the craft.

If the creation of a paper plane does not interest the child, then you can offer him to fold the birds

Bend the nose of the swallow.

Cool do-it-yourself paper plane

Cool military models of flying vehicles can be created not only from plastic or wood, but also from such affordable materials as plasticine or paper.

You can easily make any kind of aircraft:

  • Bomber;
  • Fighter;
  • Space;
  • Supersonic.

Cool military models of flying vehicles can be created not only from plastic or wood

In order to make the figurines as realistic as possible, you will need to use several colors of paper or felt-tip pens to color them.

For the bomber you will need:

  1. Rectangular sheet of paper (A 4);
  2. Its upper corners must be bent to the center;
  3. Then unbend them, mark a line next to them to bend the corners to them;
  4. After that, bend and unbend the corners on both sides;
  5. Fold the resulting figure in half;
  6. Draw a line from the side in the center, bend the edge to it (on each side);
  7. Bend part of the corner on each side;
  8. Bend up also on each side;
  9. Turn the workpiece over, then bend the edges to the center on each side.

Bend the corners and fold in half. Bend the wings of the aircraft in front and behind.

How to make an airplane out of paper

To create a paper airplane, you will need colored or white paper. It is important to choose one that is not too heavy for work, since in this case the craft will be able to fly quite smoothly and quickly. For even greater realism, you can draw certain details of the airplane.

For work you will need:

  1. Take a sheet of paper, medium in density;
  2. Fold it in half, then unfold;
  3. Bend the corner towards the center to form a square;
  4. Tear off (carefully) the bottom of the sheet - do not throw away;
  5. Bend the top corner in half (you get a triangle);
  6. Expand the resulting figure and bend the bottom corner up (one);
  7. Bend the upper corner to the center of the craft so that it goes beyond it .;
  8. Then fold part of the corner (side) in half;
  9. After that, bend the corner up and to the side;
  10. Also do with the second corner of the future airplane;
  11. Expand the figure, bend the upper corner inward (nose);
  12. After that, bend outward its uppermost part;
  13. Expand wings.

The airplane is ready to fly. You can supplement the model by gluing to it in the middle the torn part of the sheet folded in three in half.

Aircraft with a catapult (video)

Thus, paper planes are not limited to simple models. Existing schemes, supplemented by fantasy, will allow you to create a real fleet of paper. Bright and varied models are obtained from colored paper, crafts designed to decorate the interior, for example, in a nursery - from cardboard.

Everyone folds paper planes. Only they fly close and not for long. More often they nod off and this inglorious flight does not cause anyone delight in the children. How to make a paper airplane (step by step instructions) that really flies?

Believe me, it's not difficult at all. The main thing is to know how and in what sequence to do it. Your paper airplane, one of three or all three, will fly beautifully and far, to everyone's delight.

There are many things a father has to teach a child. And one of them is how to make a paper airplane that will definitely fly. And laugh all together and cheerfully jump for joy. With dad, everything is more interesting. Step-by-step instructions for an airplane that really flies, and does not poke a paper nose on the floor immediately after launch.

Far flying crafts will bring pleasure to the child. If you don't know how to make such airplanes yet, you have a great chance to learn this together with your children. It's exciting and useful. The moments of joint creativity will be remembered by the children for a lifetime. They, in due time, will be able to teach how to fold far-flying paper planes to their children, and those to theirs.

Airplane Bulldog

Apparently, he received such a name for the cut-off shape of the nose, and, indeed, it looks like a bulldog muzzle. This is the simplest paper plane. And you need to make paper airplanes from it, if you don’t already know how. If you do everything right, you will get real pleasure from his flight and an incentive to make the next two, more difficult ones.

Step-by-step photos - the initial level of difficulty

Description of work

  1. Fold paper in half. This is the first fold.
  2. In the classic way, like all paper airplanes, fold the corners towards each other.
  3. Turn the paper over and fold the corners again, as shown, towards the center of the fold.
  4. The view after you folded both corners.
  5. Then bend the upper corner, as shown in Figure 5, so that all the corners meet at one point.
  6. Fold everything in half so that the side of our plane looks like its name: an airplane with a snub-nosed nose, like a bulldog's.
  7. We bend the wings. Smoothly, like a ruler.
  8. That's it. Our plane is ready for its first flight.

This airplane is the easiest, so parents can teach little kids how to make a paper airplane called Bulldog.

You need to start it not with sharp, strong movements, but with smooth and soft ones. He must catch the air currents under his paper wings and fly a sufficiently large distance. If a paper airplane like Bulldog turns out to be successful, you will definitely want to make another, more difficult one.

Airplane Eaglet

Step-by-step instructions for a paper airplane with a stabilizing triangle. Its design is more intricate, but not so much that it turned out to be too difficult. Do exactly as described, make sure that the folds are accurate, that's the whole secret.

Paper Airplane Step by Step Photos - Intermediate Difficulty


  1. The first two operations are exactly the same as when adding up the Bulldog airplane. As there, the first fold line is needed only in order to correctly do the following.
  2. Fold everything from top to bottom so that the sheet begins to resemble an envelope. Make sure you leave about a centimeter or so at the bottom. The sharp corner of the envelope should not line up with the edge of the paper.
  3. Fold the top corners so that they meet in the middle. There should be a small triangle of stabilizer under the tail of the paper airplane.
  4. Lay a small triangle so that it holds all the other folds. And bend everything in half, so that the small triangle is outward.
  5. Fold the wing down very evenly. Repeat on the other side. Ready. You can launch your paper airplane. If everything is done carefully, then it will stay in the air confidently and fly for a long time.

Paper airplane Swift

This paper airplane has many more lines of folds and folds. Therefore, it is more sophisticated than the first two. Rather, this is an ideal version of an airplane of good flight qualities, of medium complexity. That doesn't stop you from doing it with your kids.

Practice alone first. Children are interested in the result, only after it there is a desire to make the same, well-flying, airplane. All draft and unsuccessful options should remain behind the scenes. You will definitely succeed. This is more of a paper airplane model than a simple paper airplane.

Step-by-step photo of a flying paper airplane model

  1. The beginning is a little different than the previous two airplanes. Bend two corners towards each other. This will be the guide fold.
  2. Then crosswise we make two other folds. It looks like the letter X.
  3. Now fold the top right corner down so that its edge meets the fold that goes from the top left corner to the bottom right.
  4. Do the same with the left corner. The upper left point must exactly correspond to the diagonal of the right edge of the aircraft.
  5. Fold the plane in half on itself, and then unfold. You will use this middle crease as a guide.
  6. After you have completed the previous step, fold from top to bottom so that its edge meets the bottom edge.
  7. Bend the top corners down so that their points meet at the middle crease.
  8. Open sheet. As with many steps in the creation of this aircraft, these folds are indicative only.
  9. Now take what was the top edge that you previously folded down (3 pics) back and fold it back up at the point where its edge matches the crease from the previous step.
  10. Connect the corners again so that their edge matches the edge of the top flap and a two-step back fold.
  11. Both corners fold in to meet the top flap and the previously made creases. This is the wings.
  12. Fold the wings one more time, this time just folding along the fold, as you already did. After this step, your plane should have straight lines down from top to bottom.
  13. We fold both wings again; straight edges from top to bottom.
  14. Fold from top to bottom from where it meets the top of the flaps you created in the previous step.
  15. Fold it all in half. You must make all the wings on the outside of the airplane. Folding will be a bit tricky at this point due to the thickness of the paper, so take extra care to get nice, clean folds.
  16. Fold the wings down so that their edge meets the bottom edge of the plane. It turns out a small upturned nose. It has to be tough, so be precise and take your time.
  17. Ready. This paper airplane will fly easily and far, just like a thought or a dream.

Do not spare precious time, practice and you will be rewarded with joy in the eyes of a child or delight in the company of children. Joint creativity brings together. You can consider that a paper airplane, according to our step-by-step photos and descriptions, will be the first step towards great friendship and mutual understanding.