Anti-cellulite brush with natural bristles reviews. How to use a cellulite massage brush. Wet massage with anti-cellulite brush

Every woman wants to have a beautiful body and a toned figure, and some manage to maintain beauty until old age. Many women develop an unpleasant “orange peel” look and feel with age. In other words, cellulite appears. This problem has been dealt with for a long time. The main and most accessible method is rubbing, using a special massage brush.

A massage brush can help get rid of cellulite, regardless of the stage of development, localization. Moreover, the procedure is absolutely painless, does not leave any marks or bruises on the body.

Everyone knows that cellulite is a change in the structure of subcutaneous fat. Lumps, depressions that form under the skin can be eliminated with massage. Professional cellulite massage is an expensive pleasure, and self-massage with a special brush is affordable and just as effective.

The procedure stimulates metabolic processes in all layers of the epidermis, activates blood circulation, and with it the supply of nutrients to the subcutaneous fat. Metabolic processes allow you to remove excess fluid, improve the condition of the epidermis.

Rubbing at home with a brush contributes to irritation of the nerve endings. As a result, the general condition of the body improves.

If you want to carry out the procedure at home, you need a dry massage brush, the same dry skin surface. Manipulations are carried out with rubbing movements before taking a bath or shower.

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on its duration: each session should last at least 20 minutes. Dry rubbing is carried out daily in the first 2-3 months. After the expiration of this period, sessions can be carried out every other day until the result appears, the “orange peel” disappears or becomes less noticeable.

When the desired result is achieved, rubbing can be carried out 2-3 times a week to maintain the effect.


The benefit of manipulations is that, thanks to a special pattern of movements, we achieve an acceleration of the outflow of lymph, blood from problem areas, accelerate metabolic processes, and remove excess fluid from cells.

The scheme of movements during the procedure is as follows:

  • from feet to knees: linear movements from feet to knees;
  • on the thighs and buttocks: circular movements;
  • abdomen and chest area: circular movements.

Thus, during the procedure, we affect all problem areas, affect the whole body.

Contraindications for use

This procedure is painless, but there are still contraindications: wounds, damage to the skin - bruises, scratches, abrasions and varicose veins, because the activation of blood flow can cause damage to blood vessels that are stretched and weak.

If varicose veins have a pronounced localization, you can simply bypass these places by massaging healthy areas of the body. Also on our website there is a separate article on the fight against cellulite in varicose veins.

Such self-massage has contraindications, so read them before the procedure.

What is the best tool to use

The effectiveness of the procedure does not depend on the means that you use, but on the quality of the instrument. The brush can be made of different materials, have or not have different massage rollers. How to figure out which is better and find the best option? We will tell you further.

So, all tools can be divided into models with natural bristles or wooden teeth, silicone or rubber counterparts. All of them have different degrees of hardness. The design may vary, including handles, slots or other holders.

With natural bristles

More rigid, but effective in removing cellulite is a brush with natural boar bristles, wooden teeth. Rubbing can be done on both sides.

From cellulite wooden

Wooden brushes are just as popular as natural bristle brushes.

Because such material is not capable of causing allergies, is environmentally friendly, durable, rubbing with tools with wooden pimples is as effective as natural pile.


The silicone one-sided brush to eliminate the "orange peel" is moderately hard, and the teeth do not injure the skin so much during dry massage. It will be a great option for owners of sensitive, thin skin.

The teeth on it are located in different directions and have a rounded shape on one side.


Dry brushing is the most popular among women. Thanks to this massage, the pores are cleansed, the skin is toned, while not losing its protective oil layer.

With the help of the procedure, the effect is noticeable not only externally, the digestion process, blood circulation, kidney function, and cell renewal are improved. But you should not choose too rigid a device, as you can injure the epidermis.

Today, one-sided brushes can be found on sale. The tool has a slot for a hand, plastic or wooden teeth on the other side. One-sided devices include models that are equipped with rotating rollers. They are made of durable plastic, equipped with a handle on the other.

With strong pressure, the rollers massage the deep layers of subcutaneous fat. Manufacturers of such models claim that they are analogous to a roller massage apparatus for cellulite.

Thus, the choice of brush must be made based on the type of skin and the desired result. At the same time, remember that removing the orange peel is a complex and lengthy process. In this case, perseverance and work will certainly bring results in the form of a beautiful figure.

Anticellulite massage

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to know how to properly perform the procedure, follow the rules and be guided by the principles. If you perform the massage correctly, a good result is guaranteed to you.

How to do it right? Technique and principle of carrying out

This procedure must be performed in the morning or afternoon, as it perfectly invigorates. But many women spend it watching their favorite TV shows. This is certainly possible, but only after mastering the massage technique to perfection.

Start the procedure from the fingertips, gradually moving the massage tool to the area of ​​the heart. The movements should be light, smooth, only after the parts of the body are warmed up, it will be possible to increase the intensity of the pressure.

Feet, shins are massaged with straight long movements, and thighs, buttocks - with circular movements. It is better to perform them counterclockwise. After that, you can move on to the stomach, back. The main thing here is not to overdo it, as serious problems can arise, for example, uterine prolapse.

After that, you can move on to the shoulders, arms, upper back and chest. The movements on the hands should be circular, and on the shoulders “sweeping”.

Rules for effective massage

During the procedure, the following rules must be observed:

  • After the massage, the body should be slightly ruddy. Keep track of your skin. If it is lit, the manipulations were carried out incorrectly.
  • Movements should only be circular, straight and top-down.
  • The procedure is carried out in the morning or 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not speed up the process by rubbing the skin more strongly or pressing on them. There will be no benefit from this.
  • You can not combine tanning and massage. Do not brush papillomas, moles.

Types of massage at home

Today, at home, you can easily carry out both wet and dry massage. You just need to know the rules and procedures.

Wet skin treatment

So, wet procedure.

If you have chosen this type of massage, you must first soak the massage brush, and apply shower gel or body scrub to the skin.

Now you can massage the body from the feet to the knees, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest area.

Sliding movements need to rub the skin from the bottom up. Hands are massaged from wrist to shoulder. During the procedure, it is necessary to devote 10-15 minutes to each problem area. Next, you can take a contrast shower.

It is best to finish the massage with moisturizing. This can be done with grape seed oil (learn more about using organic oils for cellulite) or other cosmetic products.

Treatment for dry skin

Dry massage or dry cleaning of the skin is carried out on dry skin. Cosmetologists and other experts say that this type is more effective, as it involves muscle and connective tissue.

The principle of this massage is the same as the previous one: all movements are directed from the feet towards the heart. After the procedure, it is necessary to take a shower, wash off dead skin particles with shower gel.

Both types of massage are effective, after each of them a slight tingling sensation should be felt. Dry anti-cellulite massage with a brush should be done daily for 10 minutes.

Video brush massage from DreamBodyClub

Today, the fight against cellulite brings its own rules to the production of cosmetics, so on the shelves of stores you can find creams, cellulite gels that activate metabolic processes in the skin, tightening it. The price of such funds is sometimes frightening.

Many women resort to the production of cosmetics at home. They need products that are in every kitchen, are inexpensive. For example, honey, coffee, cocoa, salt, soda, essential oils, herbs can be purchased at any store or pharmacy.

They can be used on their own, rubbing problem areas with coffee grounds, for example, or you can make scrubs based on low-fat kefir or honey. Anti-cellulite massage with the help of such products will not only improve metabolic processes in the skin, but also enrich them with vitamins and microelements.

All means allow you to find the answer to the question of how to get rid of cellulite in 1 month, looking great at any age.

According to statistics, eight out of ten women have signs of lipodystrophy on their bodies. An anti-cellulite brush is a budget alternative to salon massage that can reduce even a pronounced flaw. Home sessions rehabilitate the female body without any extra financial costs.

After all, a cellulite massage brush is in capable hands:

Stimulates the cellular metabolism of the dermis;

Accelerates blood flow, which supplies oxygen and nutrition to tissues;

Eliminates fluid stagnation;

Irritates the nerve endings, improving the overall well-being of the body;

Softens fat adhesions under the skin;

Removes dead epithelium, cleanses pores, removes toxins;

Rubbing with a brush from cellulite is carried out according to a special scheme on dry skin before bathing in the bathroom. If your goal is smooth thighs and elastic buttocks, then daily for three months, perform a dry brush massage against cellulite. The result will exceed all expectations. The body will become toned, the covers elastic, well-groomed.

To prevent and maintain the result, a dry cellulite brush is used three times a week. The duration of the session is a quarter of an hour. This frequency is indicated not only for the prevention of a cosmetic defect, but also in the treatment of women with thin sensitive skin.

Anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush, rules for conducting

Cosmetologists consider the dry method to be effective, capable of affecting connective and muscle tissue.

Can an anti-cellulite brush help everyone? How to use the item so as not to harm the health of the skin?

1 . Morning or afternoon is the best time for a therapeutic session. Anti-cellulite body brush actively tones the skin, invigorates the body. Evening rubbing can cause insomnia.

2 . The first principle of action is that a cellulite massage brush always moves over dry skin from the periphery to the heart: from the feet to the shins, knees, and thighs. From the tips of the fingers on the hands to the elbows, shoulders. Wet manipulations can stretch the covers, cause irritation.

3 . Graduality is the second principle of the dry cosmetic method. At the beginning of the session, the anti-cellulite massage brush moves smoothly along the lines of the scheme. Only after warming up does the pressing intensity increase.

If the anti-cellulite massage brush left behind a warm pink body, then the treatment procedure will be beneficial. Burning red covers signal that you overdo it and injure the epithelium. It is not right.

4 . After the session, wash off the keratinized particles from the body, which are actively exfoliated during rubbing.

How to use the brush on different parts of the body, movement pattern:

The shin to the knees and the foot are processed with long, straight movements;

Manipulations on the buttocks and thighs, hands are carried out in a circle counterclockwise;

The abdomen is rubbed gently in a circular motion in the direction of the clock;

Shoulders are processed by "sweeping" swings;

The groin area, inner thigh, armpit and popliteal cavities are not massaged with a brush;


1 . The anti-cellulite massage brush is contraindicated for use in places where there are papillomas, convex moles, abrasions, erosions.

2 . Do not rub your skin after sun exposure.

3 . Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis do not allow additional stretching of the vascular walls.

4 . Exacerbation of chronic ailments, SARS, fever loads the heart. Do not increase the load with a brush massage, which activates blood flow.

5 . Allergic rashes and pustules will become a direct contraindication to dry rubbing. Mechanical manipulation will lead to the spread of a bacterial infection throughout the body.

6 . Pregnancy and lactation. Active movements with a brush can provoke uterine tone, which will create a risk of abortion. Rubbing reduces the production of breast milk.

Choosing a brush for dry anti-cellulite massage

  • Hard brush

The fibers of the massager are fundamental. Hard bristles injure the epithelium, soft bristles will not bring any benefit. For treatment, medium-hard fibers of natural or artificial (hypoallergenic) pile are best suited.

The ideal instrument has tufts four millimeters thick and two centimeters long. Pile in contact with the skin does not cause severe discomfort. After five slips, a pronounced rush of blood appears on the body.

If the fibers of the new brush are stiff, soak it in hot water for a couple of hours. The bristles will become softer.

A stiff brush against cellulite is contraindicated at the beginning of treatment. The principle of gradualness provides for the body getting used to rubbing. Experts recommend starting treatment with soft fibers, or bristles of medium hardness. And only in the second half of the course to move on to more active manipulations with a hard pile.

  • Wooden and rubber brush for cellulite

rubber massager indicated for women with sensitive thin skin. Soft spikes of rounded shape delicately affect the epithelium.

The double-sided version of the rubber structure, in addition to the spikes, is equipped with movable rollers or plastic teeth. With intense pressure, the double-sided rubber model is able to act on the deep layers of fat under the skin.

wooden brush from cellulite is available in different versions. Single-sided models made of wood are more often represented:

  • from natural boar hair,
  • less often with cactus fibers,
  • with rounded wooden spikes.

The double-sided design is equipped with bristles and massage teeth on the opposite side.

Combined massagers combine bristles and additional tubercles made of wood or plastic on one surface. The therapeutic procedure in their performance of the combo device is more complex, with a pronounced draining effect. Users will need more effort to master this technique.

Eco-friendly durable device made of natural wood has many modifications and shapes. A wooden brush, immersed in the palm of your hand, on a long handle, on a strap - the consumer will be able to choose a model that is convenient for him. The compact design that fits in your hand allows you to control the intensity of pressing when performing a dry massage.

Availability, versatility, easy maintenance are the main advantages of a rubber model. A rubber representative is cheaper than a thing made of natural material. Suitable for dry and wet rubbing of the body. Natural pile with regular wetting loses its elasticity, the fibers become thinner, fall out.

A massage brush made of wood or rubber is an individual thing that requires weekly cleaning with soap and water. Natural material needs to be thoroughly dried. Wet wood and bristles are a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

Anti-cellulite massage glove Bath Mitt

If you have a Bath Mitt mitt, you will never have cellulite on your body. According to consumers, the advertising slogan of the company is not disingenuous. Already after six sessions, the bath mitt anti-cellulite massage mitt gives a pronounced positive result.

The bath mitt anti-cellulite mitt is a high-quality inexpensive (average 300 rubles) massager that can be purchased in an online store or TV shop.

Massage mitt from cellulite bilateral. One side is softer, designed for body exfoliation and wet massage in the bath. The surface with balls is used for dry rubbing.

The basis of the model is made of high-quality hypoallergenic plastic. Steel balls. There are no contraindications for the bath mitt home cosmetic device. It is compact, efficient, multifunctional (peeling, anti-cellulite massage), easy to maintain.

Hello to all beauties!**

The fight against cellulite in our time has become just a mania.

Girls buy a huge amount of expensive and cheap creams from the hated bumps on the skin, but do not get the desired result.

I was that kind of girl too.

When I gained weight from 52 to 59 kilograms, then I decided to smear with creams in order to somehow improve the condition of my skin.

You can read more about my struggle with excess weight and how I lost 7.5 kg in 2 months without diets.

Naturally, there was no result from the creams I used. After all the fight against cellulite is a comprehensive strategy.


Therefore, as an experienced person in losing weight and fighting for a slim body, I can now tell you about an amazing budget tool that helps me in the fight against cellulite - about dry brushing.

The effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush is as follows:

Separately, I want to dwell on contraindications to the procedure.

Massage is prohibited:


Well, now about my massage with a dry brush in more detail.

I have this double sided brush.

I like that I can massage the skin like a bristle

and these interesting things

I chose immediately on a long handle- so it is more convenient to reach the lower surface of the thighs without bending over

Professional massage from cellulite in the salon will cost a pretty penny, Therefore, we will use such a budget tool that has an excellent result.

brush price was 250r in Auchan. Bought a couple of years ago.

This is my second brush. The first one was shorthand. Personally, I like the long brush better.

Anti-cellulite massage at home with a brush helps to irritate the nerve endings. As a result, the general condition of the body improves.


I will describe a few points that I have identified for myself and that you should pay attention to when choosing a brush and using it:

  1. The brush must be natural bristle.

Do not buy brushes with synthetic bristles - they are not durable and will not bring the desired result.

Brushes are:

With synthetic bristles

With natural bristles (the best from Australian cactus or horsehair)

It is better to buy a brush on a wooden handle and only with natural bristles. I have exactly this.


2. Take a shower half an hour before the massage.

Personally, I like to take a shower with some kind of scrub.

I carefully prepare the skin for the massage, so I scrub it so that the dead particles are removed and the massage is more effective


3. For massage, the skin must be dry.

Also, do not apply any creams or oils before the massage.


4. Regular massage is the key to success.

We are all human and often lazy to do massage.

I myself am like that.

But if you want to succeed and get the body of your dreams, then you need to overcome your laziness.

Having done a massage every evening for at least 5 days - you will already feel improvements - CHECKED!


5. We always carry out massage from the BOTTOM UP!

Brush massage is done in the direction of lymph flow in our body, and it moves up to the heart.

From the bottom up and nothing else. If you massage in a circular motion, then also in the direction from the bottom up

I want to note that in my review I am talking specifically about the massage of the thighs and buttocks.

Massage of other parts of the body has its own characteristics:

Places with lymph nodes should be treated very carefully (groin, armpits)

Gently treat the neck and décolleté

NEVER MASSAGE YOUR FACE! For facial massage, completely different brushes are used - specially designed for this area.

6. Massage thoroughly and gently

Try to focus on efficiency rather than speed or maximum pressing power.

Move at an average speed, pressing moderately, but at the same time avoid damaging the skin.

I saw on the Internet how girls rubbed themselves to such an extent that the skin looked like boiled cancer - this is fundamentally not true!

The main thing here is regularity, and not the maximum redness of the skin.


7. How long to massage?

I massage each leg for 5 minutes - that's enough.

For starters, it is advised on the Internet to start massage from 3 minutes. and gradually increase the time.

But what they won’t write on the Internet, but I’ll tell you, so this is that in 5 minutes of massaging the thighs and buttocks with one hand - she gets so tired that it seems that I went to the gym.

Therefore, for me personally, 5 minutes is enough, and someone who can massage with one hand for 10 minutes- it's just zombies

8. Drink water immediately after the massage.

As soon as you finish the massage - drink a glass of water. It will help remove toxins from the body.

It is allowed to drink green tea or water with lemon.


9. Strange itching…

After the massage, it may seem that the skin itches or burns a little, DO NOT WORRY - this is a normal reaction that will pass in 5-10 minutes.

However, if itching doesn't go away, then you overdo it with pressure on the brush. Solution - apply a soothing cream and do not touch the skin with washcloths and scrubs for several days.


10. At the end of the massage, apply your favorite anti-cellulite cream.

At this stage, the skin is ready to receive the active components of the cream, as blood circulation has improved.

I just love this cream from Arabia. He is perfect for me

I have other remedies, but they are more warming.

After a warming massage with a brush, you want to cool the skin and cream Arabia with this perfectly copes.

Cellulite is a normal phenomenon for the female body. It turns into a problem in the later stages, and in the early stages everyone has it, and if you do prevention in a timely manner, you can not be afraid for your shape. Slender hips, a toned belly and elastic buttocks, even after the birth of a child, are preserved by women who find time for massage, the use of an anti-cellulite brush, sports and normal nutrition.

What is cellulite - a disease or a norm

Doctors say that this is a completely normal phenomenon for the female body, caused by the growth of fat cells. In the composition of the dermis, between the layer of dense fibrous connective tissue and the epidermis, there is a loose fibrous connective tissue, and deeper than the dense fibrous tissue is adipose tissue, the hypodermis. It is formed by adipocyte cells that form fat lobules. As adipocytes grow, the connective tissue fibers of collagen lose their elasticity. The resulting strands separate the fat cells, as if "locking" them. In such areas, blood supply, metabolism and the removal of toxins are disturbed.

Cellulite is caused by growing fat cells

Metabolic products accumulate in accumulations of fat cells. With progressive cellulite, nerve endings are pinched. Skin sensitivity decreases, vascular tone is lost, edema appears.

An enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is responsible for storing fat and is distributed on the walls of blood vessels throughout the body. The function of this enzyme is to distribute fat in the body. Due to the high concentration of the enzyme in the thighs and buttocks, fat deposits and cellulite occur in these areas.

Why cellulite is not considered a disease - video

What is a massage anti-cellulite brush and where to buy it

Anti-cellulite massage is performed with a body brush, on which, in addition to bristles, there can be wooden (plastic, silicone) nozzles. With the help of such a device, you can warm up the tissues, cause blood flow to problem areas, and remove dead cells. For medicinal purposes, self-massage is carried out daily, in the morning, before taking a bath or shower. In preventive - 3-4 times a week. You can buy such a brush in cosmetics stores and on manufacturers' websites.

Anti-cellulite massage can be done with both bristles and massage balls or fingers - brushes are often made double-sided

How brushing affects cellulite

Brush massage helps with cellulite in the initial stages, when changes in tissue structure are not yet very noticeable. There are no visible signs, so the onset of the disease can be noticed only if the skin on the abdomen, thighs or buttocks is strongly compressed. At stage 1, interstitial fluid accumulates in the tissues, microcirculation worsens, tissue edema appears. The only sign of incipient cellulite can be considered longer than usual healing of scratches and bruises, the appearance of bruises from the slightest blows.

At stage 2, edema develops in the tissues, which begins to compress the blood and lymphatic vessels. The blood flow is difficult, and this leads to increased edema and the accumulation of toxins in the tissues. Inflammatory processes in the middle layers of the skin are not excluded. Visible so far are visible only on pale and slightly less elastic skin, bumps and seals are noticeable only when the skin is captured in a fold.

Cellulite is treated with massage only in the initial stages

Massage of problem areas, if done regularly, helps to achieve the following results:

  • Exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, accelerates cell renewal, makes the skin smooth.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, causes blood flow to problem areas, restores skin tone and elasticity.
  • It normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system and metabolic processes, helps to eliminate toxins from the body that cause densification of fat cells in the connective tissue.

Massage with a cellulite brush is recommended to be performed in the morning, before taking a shower - it will invigorate, warm and cheer you up. If you do it in the evening, then you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time. Do not try to speed up the result by making the massage more intense, as this will only harm the skin. Manipulations are required to be carried out daily for at least a month, and then gradually reduce the number of procedures, but even after the final elimination of the external manifestations of cellulite, massage should still be repeated at least once a week as a preventive measure.

The fight against cellulite - methods for solving the problem - video

How to use against cellulite

The first and most important rule is that during the massage you should not feel discomfort. Therefore, be careful when choosing an anti-cellulite brush: do not save money, prefer natural materials to cheap synthetics, find a model with a long handle to reach all hard-to-reach areas (back, buttocks). Massage regularly, if possible - in the morning. Massage the skin until you feel warmth throughout the body and cause slight redness. Diligence is good in moderation: the body after the massage should not “burn with fire” and hurt. Perform movements according to the proven technique: in a circle counterclockwise or in a straight line from bottom to top. Movement from top to bottom is not recommended, and in both directions is strictly prohibited. Do not touch sensitive areas - inner thighs, knees, armpits.

For a fresh tan, inflammation, rashes, injuries, you do not need to do an anti-cellulite massage - wait until the skin heals, do not injure yourself once again. After each procedure, rinse the brush with hot water so as not to create a pathogenic environment - dead cells, sebum, shower gel residues accumulate in the villi, with high humidity in the bathroom, the brush will quickly become a source of unpleasant odor.

The brush for massage should be made of natural materials, you should not save on it

The brush should not be too rough - scratching and pricking the skin, however, there will be no healing effect from too soft bristles. If suddenly the brush you bought turned out to be harder than you wanted, then the following advice: Soak it for 4 hours in water. Then dry. The bristles should soften a little.

Svetlana Koryakova

Dry massage

Dry massage is not as tactilely pleasant as wet massage, but there are more benefits from it. - even in those "neglected" cases, when the orange peel is not only palpable, but already visible on the hips, buttocks, less often on the hands. For people with sensitive skin, this procedure is contraindicated.

Massage is performed with a dry brush, it does not even need to be pre-soaked in the bathroom - and on dry skin, without cosmetics. The procedure itself will be quite “tough”, so try not to overdo it during rubbing and not tear off the skin. For the first massage, 10 minutes is enough: move from the bottom up, from the feet to the shins, thighs and chest. Movements should be sliding, without pressure. As you get used to, the time can be gradually increased - up to 15 minutes for each problem area. After the procedure, take a shower with gel, dry the skin and apply an anti-cellulite cream.

Dry massage rubbing with a brush - video

Wet massage technique

Wet massage is indicated for the prevention of cellulite and the treatment of the initial stage, when the problem is still invisible:

  1. Soak the brush in hot water about 15 minutes before massaging.
  2. Apply shower gel to the body, rub until foam forms.
  3. Take the brush and start massaging the body from the feet, gradually rising to the hips, buttocks, stomach and back.
  4. Work on each problem area for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Lastly, massage your hands - from the wrist to the shoulder.
  6. When finished, take a contrast shower and apply an anti-cellulite cream.

Dry and wet massage are performed in the same way, only in wet skin can be softened with cosmetics, and the brush can be soaked in hot water

Step by step massage

How to do:

  1. Rub your feet with a brush, then your ankles, gradually rising to your knees. You need to massage the skin in circular motions or strokes from the bottom up, you do not need to press hard and rub. Movements should be smooth and sliding.
  2. Areas with sensitive skin - the inner thighs, groin area, skin under the armpits and under the knees - it is better not to massage.
  3. When you go over the shins, lightly massage the back of the knees with the brush and move on to the thighs. When the skin warms up, increase the pressure and rub the right and left legs alternately, first in a counterclockwise circular motion, then with strokes from the bottom up.
  4. In the abdomen, massage in a circular motion, without pressure, clockwise.
  5. Rub the sides from the bottom up, one side, then the other.
  6. Move to the back. Rub first the lower part, moving the brush from the bottom up, then the upper part - massaging from top to bottom.
  7. Now rub your hands: first the back of your hands, then your wrists and then move up to your shoulders.

On the legs and arms, rubbing with a brush should be done from the bottom up, on the back, abdomen and buttocks - in a circular motion.

For convenience, you can use two small brushes at once, which fit in the palm of your hand, or one, but with a long handle, to reach the most inaccessible parts of the body. If, after rubbing, the skin turns red and slight tingling is felt, do not be alarmed, it should be so - but there should not be a feeling of heat. If it appears, then something was done wrong. No need to rub the body too hard, the skin is very easily injured and stretched. Unthinking efforts can only exacerbate the problem.

When you're done, drink a glass of water and take a shower. At the same time, rinse the massage brush well. Dry off and apply natural oil or anti-cellulite cream to the skin. Perform massage daily: first for 10–20 minutes, then longer, up to 30 minutes, massaging each problem area. The course lasts 2-2.5 months, then you can perform the procedure less often - 2-3 times a week or every day, but reduce the time to 5 minutes. In the morning, such a massage will help to cheer up better than a cup of coffee.

How to remove cellulite with a massage brush - video

Overview of the highest quality and most efficient brushes

  • Opt for a wooden brush. It is more expensive than silicone, but also more durable.
  • Any bristle will do: the main thing is not to prick or scratch. For the first time, it is better to take a brush with a soft bristle, then, if desired, purchase another one with stiffer bristles or teeth.
  • The length of the pile should be no more than 2 cm and the bundles should be about 0.5 mm thick.
  • A brush with rotating rollers can be used to massage deep tissues.
  • Ideally, if the massager is with a long handle, then there will be no problems with massage of hard-to-reach areas - the back, for example.

Massage brushes are of two types: either with a handle, or the so-called "handhelds" that fit in the hand

Manufacturers of massage brushes - table

ManufacturerDescriptionmaterialsFlawsPriceRecommendations for use
Skin Brush Elemis
(Great Britain)
Massage brush with long handleBody - wood, bristles - cactusCustomers sometimes complain about bristle loss and brush “baldness”From 1800 rublesThe brush is designed for dry massage. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a week, including for preventive purposes. The recommended course of treatment is 2–3 months.
Helen Gold DRY BRUSH
Drainage brush for dry massage with a long handle (40 cm)Body - bamboo, natural boar bristleFor sensitive skin, the bristles may feel stiff1390 rublesThe brush is recommended for dry skin massage and scrubbing, suitable for people with allergies to body cosmetics.
Drainage brush for dry massage (40 cm)Body - beech wood, bristles - Mexican cactus fibersBuyers note the stiffness of the bristles. If you do a wet massage, the wooden case may crack.From 1300 rublesThe manufacturer advises using the drainage brush before showering, on dry skin, and for maximum effect, use the Riche line of body care products. Massage is performed 3-4 times a week.
body shop
Drainage brush for dry massage, available in two configurations: round brush and brush with a long handleBody - wood, bristles - synthetics for a round brush, bristles from a cactus for a brush with a long handleNot suitable for wet massage890 rublesPerform rubbing on dry skin, in smooth circular motions from the wrists to the shoulders, from the shins to the thighs. It is enough to rub for 2-5 minutes, then you need to take a shower.
Earth Therapeutics
Double-sided brush with roller massagerBody - wood, rubber; balls - wood, pile - natural bristleInsufficient length of the handle, it is inconvenient to rub the back and buttocksFrom 570 rublesThe bristles are used to scrub the skin, exfoliate dead cells. Massage with wooden balls tones the tissues, helps to relax. The brush is suitable for dry and wet massage.
Best Trans Service
Double-sided brush with long handleBody - wood, rubber;
bristles - synthetic, teeth - wood
The bristles are soft and rubbing may feel weakFrom 360 rublesThe brush is designed for dry massage. It is recommended to rub the body first with wooden teeth, then with bristles.
Lito LitoA brush for dry and wet massage, which has both bristles and wooden massage “fingers” on one side. The brush can be with or without a handle.Body - wood, massager - wood, pile - natural bristleWith frequent use, the body slightly darkensFrom 150 rublesThe brush is not double-sided: both the pile and the massage balls are attached on one side, providing a comprehensive massage and complete relaxation for the skin.

Brushing has long been known as an effective way to combat "orange peel". It has several undeniable advantages: it helps to quickly get rid of cellulite, has a healing effect on the entire body and practically does not require costs. The massage brush is quite inexpensive, and you can easily carry out the procedure at home. You can rub the body while taking a shower. Such a massage will be an excellent prevention of the appearance of cellulite and make the skin smooth. If the tubercles on the thighs and buttocks are clearly expressed, it is worth giving preference to rubbing with a dry brush. This type of massage is more painful, but it will be much faster to defeat cellulite.

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    Types of massage brushes

    Now there are many different brushes for anti-cellulite massage. To choose the right one, you need to take into account several criteria: the material of the brush and bristles, the length of the handle and the principle of operation.

    It is advisable to choose brushes made of wood. They will last longer. In addition, the effectiveness of procedures using wooden brushes is higher. Usually they are used for dry rubbing.

    Wooden massage brush

    Silicone brushes are more often used for wet massage. They cost less, but they also wear out faster.

    Silicone massage mitt

    The bristles are made from natural or artificial pile. In addition, the working surface is sometimes represented by cloves. The main thing is that the material is hypoallergenic. It is necessary to take into account the stiffness of the bristles. The choice will depend on the sensitivity of the skin in the problem area. Too stiff bristles will scratch the skin, and too soft bristles will be ineffective in the fight against cellulite.

    Some brushes come with a long handle that makes it easy to reach your back, hamstrings, and other remote areas.

    Long handle massager

    Other massagers do not have a handle at all and fit in the palm of your hand. You need to choose a brush according to this criterion based on your own preferences.

    Massager without handle

    The brush can be manual and roller. The massage roller is a small device with rotating teeth made of silicone or other material. When moving, such a roller glides over the skin, kneading lumps of fat. It can be used for both dry and wet massage.

    massage roller

    Now in stores you can find electric massage brushes. They are much more expensive, but for many it is more convenient to use them due to the presence of several modes.

    Electric massager

    When choosing a massage brush for cellulite, you need to pay attention to its quality. The villi should not come out and stick out, and the brush body itself should be strong.

    Application methods

    The brush can be used for different types of anti-cellulite massage:

    1. 1. Dry. In this case, it is recommended to use a wooden brush with natural bristles. You need to rub the body before taking a shower or bath. In the process, it is important not to overdo it and not damage the skin.
    2. 2. Wet. It involves the treatment of problem areas directly in the shower or bath. After a shower, you can use a vacuum massager for the body, but only on days when a brush massage is not performed.

    Injury and soreness of wet massage is lower than dry rubbing. But the effectiveness of the second in the fight against cellulite is higher.

    The brush cannot be used if the body has manifestations of varicose veins and fresh scars. Small wounds should be carefully skipped during the massage.

    Massage technique

    Massage with a brush from cellulite can be done at home. This will require almost no additional funds.

    The massage technique will differ depending on the type - dry or wet rubbing. In any case, the procedure will take no more than 15-25 minutes.


    Massage with a brush during the shower is called wet. It is advised to use it as a prevention of the appearance of cellulite, as it acts quite gently.

    Procedure steps:

    1. 1. 10-15 minutes before the massage, it is advisable to soak the brush in hot water. This will make the bristles softer.
    2. 2. Before starting rubbing, you need to take a shower to steam out the skin. Then the body should be smeared with shower gel to ensure glide during the massage.
    3. 3. After that, you can take a massager and start rubbing. Movements must be confident and thoughtful. You should start with the feet, gradually rising up the legs to the buttocks, back and arms. You can brush your legs only from the bottom up. The ass can be massaged in a circular motion. The abdomen and back are kneaded with softer movements. Hands are processed from the wrists to the shoulders.
    4. 4. Each problem area should be massaged for 5-10 minutes. You can spend less time on other areas.
    5. 5. After completing the massage, you need to take a shower. Then pat your body dry with a towel and apply a moisturizer. You can use anti-cellulite cream.

    Movement directions

    It is worth carrying out such procedures 2-3 times a week. If you do a cellulite massage every day, you can erase the protective layer of the skin.

    Rubbing contributes to a surge of strength and vigor. Therefore, they are carried out in the morning. If this is not possible, then sleep should be at least 3 hours.


    The most effective type of cellulite massage is dry rubbing. Feelings in the process can be unpleasant, but it is worth a little patience. Gradually the skin will get used to it. If the discomfort is severe, it is necessary to stop the procedure and choose a brush with softer bristles.

    The technique of performing dry massage is practically no different from wet massage. Movements must be carried out in the same order and in the same directions.

    The only difference is that it is carried out before taking a shower or bath. You need to rub until a slight tingling of the skin. If it starts to burn and turns scarlet, it is worth reducing the pressure.

    After the procedure, you need to take a shower to wash off the keratinized layer of the skin. Then you should apply anti-cellulite cream and put on warm pants. You can drink a cup of herbal tea and lie under the covers for 10-15 minutes.

    After such a session, you can not sunbathe for 2 days. Otherwise, you can get a sunburn due to increased skin sensitivity.


    The massage brush is an effective tool in the fight against cellulite. In addition, rubbing is useful for the following reasons:

    • contribute to a surge of strength, relieve fatigue, improve mood;
    • reduce muscle pain;
    • improve brain activity and the work of the digestive tract;
    • accelerate blood circulation and metabolism;
    • make the skin smooth and silky, promote its renewal;
    • effective for weight loss.

    The result of anti-cellulite massage can be seen in a couple of weeks, but only with regular procedures in accordance with all the rules. If you alternate it with massage with vacuum cups, the effect will be even better.