Mixed color type. Color types of appearance. Selection of clothes by color type

Each person has a unique appearance and color corresponding to it. Based on this, there is such a thing as appearance color types, the characteristics of which we will learn about today.

Previously, all types of appearance were divided into four color types, but over time it came to the realization that there are many more of them and there are types that are middle options, that is, they combine the features of two other color types. That is why the types of appearance were divided into twelve types.

Twelve appearance color types were obtained due to the fact that the already existing four were distributed and dismantled, which acquired new colors. Thus, middle options appeared - among which there are warm, soft, bright, cold, light and dark colors.

In order to determine and recognize your appearance color type as accurately as possible, you need to focus on the natural hair color (without coloring), skin tone, as well as its undertone, which can be both warm and cold, as well as eye color. For the most accurate determination of the color type, it is necessary to analyze your appearance with the most natural and natural lighting.

In addition, there should not be any cosmetics on the face. You also need to pay attention to the hair, they must be dry and clean, even hairspray or foam can change the natural shade.

Defining your type

Step 1

Hands: to begin with, make a fist with your hand and look at the color of the knuckles, whether it has a yellowish tint or is closer to a bluish pinkish color. Take a look at the color of your veins and note what color they are. There are usually 2 shades of veins - these are blue and green.

If you have identified pinkish and blue shades in yourself, then most likely your appearance is of a cold type, and if the yellow colors and vein color tend to be green, then welcome to the warm color club.

Face: look at your face with daytime color and without makeup, if the complexion has a peach tint, this is a warm color, if it is pink, then cool.

Hair: let's find out what your natural hair color is - ash blond, grayish blond, cold brown or black - cold type, your natural hair shade has red tints, honey, blond, warm shades - warm color type.

Eyes: the presence of coolness indicates a cool appearance - gray, blue, blue. Brown tones, nutty tones, greens indicate a warm type.

Step 2

When you have decided according to these signs which color range you wear to warm or cold, we can determine which of the seasons of nature you can relate to.

So, if your light colored hair, then the color type Spring or Summer the most suitable types for you. If your by nature dark shades then you most likely approach the color according to the characteristics Winter or Autumn.

Step 3

To further decide, take clothes from the closet in which warm colors and clothes with cool colors predominate, as well as something very bright and colorful, and we will alternately try on or apply these things to ourselves to determine what suits us best and harmonizes with appearance to reveal its season, which corresponds to the seasons.

Spring- Warm and light shades suit you.

Summer You look best in light and cool colors.

Autumn- dark tones emphasize your appearance in the most advantageous way.

Winter- contrasting, dark somewhere bold colors that emphasize your spectacular appearance.

Characteristics of the WINTER color type

Signs in appearance: A distinctive feature of this color is contrast. Girls with the type of appearance Winter look very impressive and unusual. They clearly show the contrast of the tone of the face with the color of the hair. Contrast is the key.

Suitable colors: winter refers to the most contrasting color, as a rule, the colors of Winter are dark and deep, blue, gray, black. Mustard, yellow, and muted shades should be avoided.

This color is divided into three types for dark, cold and bright Winter.


The Dark Winter is characterized by the presence of dark hair and dark eyes, while the skin should be quite light, as if porcelain.

Basically, a certain coolness in shades can be considered typical characteristics of this color, and one of the components of the character type can have a warm undertone - eyes or hair.

Quite often there are girls with a dark Winter color type, but at the same time they have naturally tanned skin with a correspondingly warm undertone, this is what confuses many when determining the color type.


The color of the Cold Winter is characterized mainly by porcelain skin, or skin with a distinctly pinkish sheen. The coldness of this type can be traced in the color range of the eyes, which emphasizes the cool skin tone and darker hair, also with a cold tint.


The most spectacular type of appearance, as it has the highest contrast between the components of the appearance. Brightness is the main reference. Cold can be traced in everything, while particles of heat in this case are extremely rare, because they are completely unusual for this color type.

Characteristics of the SPRING color type

Signs in appearance: for the color of Spring, a characteristic feature is the purity of shades and colors, while Spring has more vivid data than, for example, Autumn. This color type is characterized by light tones, which can have warm shades.

What color of clothes does not fit: colors that are not suitable for you are gray, featureless and colorless, cool and black. Cream color is a good alternative to white color for your type.

This color type is divided into bright, warm and light Spring.


A completely uncharacteristic feature of this color type is cold tones. All colors and shades are soft and warm. There is a contrast between hair color and skin tone, which can have varying degrees of sharpness. Bright Spring is characterized by pure and bright colors, without any turbidity and complex undertones.


Cold shades in any of their manifestations are completely absent. This color type includes owners of light skin tones, hair and eyes. The eyes should have a uniform light color without any shades, overflows or inclusions. As for the color scheme of hair shades, in this case, a yellow warm undertone is noteworthy, a sandy undertone is less common, but it has a place to be.

bright spring

A distinctive feature of this color type is light or even pale skin, possibly the presence of freckles. In Bright Spring, a characteristic feature is the presence of light shades in appearance. The most common shades of hair are blond, but hair can also have sandy and reddish hues.

Characteristics of the SUMMER color type

Appearance: a characteristic feature is a light, cold color palette. In this case, due to the breadth of colors, representatives of this type can be very different from each other in terms of appearance. Characteristic is a cold undertone in all components of the appearance, while the colors can vary significantly from the lightest to medium dark.

Cloth: for Summer, it is best to avoid warm oranges, yellows and beiges, and opt for cooler colors like blues instead.

This color type is divided into light, soft and cold Summer.


It has contrast, but it is almost imperceptible, that is, it does not have a bright manifestation. As for the hair color, it appears in all light blond and blond cold shades. In the color of hair, eyes and skin, there may be a slight, almost imperceptible shade of gray.


This color is characterized by contrast in the color of the eyes, which cannot be said about the hair and skin tone, they usually come in grayish-pale shades. A warm shade for the skin is completely uncharacteristic of this color. Cold notes prevail in appearance.


All colors are soft and cold, there are contrasts, but they do not differ in brightness. In almost all cases, olive shades are present in appearance. There are light warm notes that can be simultaneously present in the entire female appearance.

Characteristics of the Autumn color type

Appearance: a very warm color type, for which cold tones and shades are completely uncharacteristic. Among the representatives of this color type, quite spectacular women and girls are often found.

Tips for choosing clothing colors: it is better to avoid black, red and blue colors in clothes and make-up. For makeup, do not use blue and white eye shadow, because. they will make you look pale. A warm and deep color palette is a great option for you.

This color type is divided into soft, warm and dark Autumn.


It is a combination of Cold Summer and Warm Autumn. That is, both warm and cold shades and tones can be present on an equal footing. The contrasts in this case are uncharacteristic, which is why the appearance is calm and even.


It has dark hair and dark eyes. Cold colors and tones are practically not found, warm shades are much more common.


All components of the exterior have a warm tint. A characteristic feature is dark skin and dark hair. The skin can be quite light, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

All color types differ in one way or another, they are as different as women, but each of them is beautiful in its own way and has individual advantages and zest.

Having learned your color type, it is much easier and faster to create makeup from the most suitable shades that will emphasize the color of the skin, hair and eyes, and not be discordant with the image. ELLE will help you determine your color type.

The color type is the color of the appearance. It does not depend on lighting, date of birth, horoscope and other personal information. The color type is determined only by a combination of external natural data: hair color, eyebrows, eyes, skin tone and even lips. A harmonious image is made up of many details, and most women do a good job of this task on an intuitive level.

If you want to most accurately select clothes and make-up color palette, you need to thoroughly study the appearance color types and choose your own. This information will be incredibly useful during subsequent shopping, when you no longer have to rack your brains in the store, which blouse to combine with a new skirt, what color to choose shoes and accessories. The color type cuts off all unnecessary shades, leaving only those that most favorably emphasize your appearance. Stylists use this technique all the time to create a personalized lookbook for their clients.

How to find out your appearance color type

If you are wondering how to determine your appearance color type, then go to the mirror in the daytime. Good soft lighting that does not knock out the texture of the color will help you find out your color type. There is a popular classification by analogy with the seasons: cold color types are “Summer” and “Winter”, warm ones are “Spring” and “Autumn”. For the most accurate determination of the appearance color type, remove makeup, loosen your hair. It is important to consider your natural hair color, so if they are dyed, then do not focus on a new shade, but take your natural color as a basis.

Apply fabrics of warm peach and cool pink shades to your face, choosing which one suits you best. It is important to understand which color most favorably emphasizes the color of the skin, and which makes it dull and faded. If peach color suits you, then you belong to the “Autumn” or “Spring” color type, if pink, then you have a cold “Summer” or “Winter” color type. Appearance color types and their description can be clearly studied using the example of stars.

Color type "Spring"

Gwyneth Paltrow

One of the brightest representatives of the Spring color type is Gwyneth Paltrow. The characteristic features of the "spring" girls are thin, almost transparent light skin. The natural hair color is predominantly warm shades of blond and light blond - wheat, honey, golden. Eyes of light shades: light blue and gray, light brown, light green. They are framed by light eyebrows and eyelashes. Girls of this color type are characterized by a childish light blush and delicate pink lips.

People with the "Spring" color type quickly burn out in the sun, in the summer they have light freckles.

Palette: soft ocher, warm beige, chocolate, salmon, peach, yellow, apricot, azure, light blue, green apple (green apple), popular this season, warm orange.

Color type "Summer"

Keith Hudson

Kate Hudson is fully consistent with his place of birth. The blonde actress from Los Angeles is the most obvious example of the Summer color type. Girls of this color type are not afraid of the sun, their skin tolerates tanning well and quickly becomes bronze. Natural skin tone from light pink to light gray, hair of light blond and cold ashy shades. The eyes can be gray, gray-blue, gray-green, dark brown and even brown. Pale pink lips. This color type is more suitable for a cold palette of shades.

Palette: the range of cold blue and blue shades, white, eggshell color, pearl, all shades of cold and dusty pink, lilac, lemon yellow are ideal.

Color type "Autumn"

Julia Roberts

Of course, Julia Roberts. The ideal embodiment of “warm autumn” is golden-hued skin, copper-colored hair from golden to bright red and even red, warm eyes (amber, hazel). Girls of the autumn color type do not tolerate tanning well, but a light bronze tint emphasizes their beauty even more.

Palette: emerald, carmine, red pumpkin, tomato red, all warm brown shades, olive, gray.

Color type "Winter"

The winter color type is most accurately personified by Eva Green and Monica Bellucci. This expressive cold color type is characterized by contrasts in appearance: black or dark brown hair, porcelain skin and dark brown, green or blue eyes. The skin is very light, almost white, extremely fastidious to tan.

Palette: rich shades of cobalt, red, purple, emerald.

There is also a more detailed classification, consisting of 12 appearance color types. So, each color type can be divided into two more types: contrasting and non-contrasting. For example, Dita Von Teese (thin snow-white skin against the background of resin-colored hair) and “Non-contrasting winter” - Jennifer Lopez (brunette and olive skin) are suitable for the Contrasting Winter color type.

Each person by nature has an individual color scheme that does not change throughout life, despite what external changes we try to make with ourselves: dye our hair, remove freckles, wear colored lenses or whiten our face with special lotions. The color scheme greatly affects not only our appearance, but also our mood, well-being, even work and career. Indeed, surrounded by “foreign” colors that do not suit you, living your whole life can be very uncomfortable. Ignorance of your color type makes you doubt the choice of clothes for a long time, make unsuccessful attempts to create a successful make-up, make mistakes in choosing shades for a basic wardrobe, think for a long time whether to dye your hair and what color. As a result, we do not know how to dress and look stylish, correctly, effectively stand out from the crowd, emphasizing our advantages and not highlighting our shortcomings.

Many of you know about the existence of appearance color types, which, thanks to artists, are conditionally divided into seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. They know something, but few have taken the trouble to determine their color type and successfully use their knowledge in choosing the color scheme of clothes and makeup palettes. Knowing your color type, you will know for sure even without trying on whether this thing suits you or not. Using "your" colors, you will look stylish and attractive, and your appearance will only benefit from this.

There are four color types, and each person belongs to one of them. Fortunately, there are no mixed color types, so you will only need to choose your color type from 4 categories: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Therefore, let's get down to the fact that we will absolutely unambiguously determine our appearance color type.

How to determine your color type?
There are several rules and recommendations that will help determine your color type:

1. Do not try to determine your color type alone, evaluating yourself in the mirror is difficult to be objective. Inevitably, there comes a time when we begin to confuse the colors that really suit us with those that we just like. Therefore, it is better to evaluate your own appearance in a circle of friends who have a sense of style.
2. It is more difficult to determine the color type in the evening hours under artificial lighting, which distorts colors and shades. It is better to test the color type during the day in good natural light and look at the same time in a large mirror.
3. Before testing yourself, wash your face, completely clean your face of cosmetics and make-up.
4. If you dye your hair, then hide your hair under a white or neutral light-colored scarf or bandage.
5. Take a closer look at yourself and try to objectively evaluate the natural color of your face and lip color, eye shade and hair color. Answer yourself these questions:
Are your natural colors warm or cool?
-What shade of skin does it have: yellowish, pale blue, soft pink, peach or olive?
What color is the hair in the light? Maybe they have a reddish sheen? Or give a little blue? Or maybe it's ash or taupe?
- Do you have freckles or age spots? What color are they?

6. Prepare pieces of fabric, scarves or cuts in different colors. They will help you determine your color type.
7. Examine yourself in the mirror, and in turn attach a warm peach fabric to yourself, and then a cold pink one. Step back from personal preference and don't try to judge which color you like best. Better determine which of the two shades favorably emphasizes your natural colors and facial features. If the peach color suits you better, then your colors are the warm shades of Spring and Autumn. If you are simply irresistible surrounded by a cold pink range, then your colors are the cold shades of Winter and Summer. If you do not have clothes or fabrics in the suggested colors, choose two colors that are close to each other, but let one of them be warm and the other cold.
8. If you have decided that your color scheme, for example, is warm, now you need to find out who you are - Spring or Autumn. To do this, you will also need pieces of fabric in different colors. Spring should be to face - grassy green, lemon, electric (bright blue). But Autumn will do - olive, ocher, dark blue. In winter, bright colors go - bright pink, bright yellow, black, but Letu - calm pink, bluish-steel, burgundy. Alternately apply these colors to yourself and see what is closer to you.

To be sure of the correct interpretation of the test results, it will not hurt you to also know the features of appearance that relate to a particular season, that is, the color of the skin, eyes, hair. Regarding the appearance of a person, colors are divided into 4 groups:

Warm and bright - spring color type
cold and muted - Summer color type
warm and muted - Autumn color type
cold and bright - winter color type

In determining the right color for you, it is important to find the right shade. Let's take brown for example. They say that this color suits everyone. But everything depends on the shade of the color, and if you mix it up and put on the wrong shade, you can spoil the beauty of the color. Golden brown for spring, yellow-brown with an ocher touch for autumn, cool pink or taupe for summer, and bright black-brown for winter.

Let's take a closer look at all the color types of appearance.

The girl-Autumn has light, peach skin with a golden hue. Such skin tans badly, often turns red and is prone to the appearance of age spots. There can be many moles and freckles on the body, many of them are red.
Autumn's hair tends to be light brown, chestnut, chestnut golden, reddish brown, or red.
The eyes are characterized by pure colors: green, blue, brown. The iris may be mottled.
"Autumn" girls need to choose bright, rich, warm colors. Yellow-red, chocolate, brown-yellow, golden, yellow-orange, ocher, red, deep blue and olive shades are very suitable. The purer and brighter the color, the more effective and expressive your image will be.
For eye makeup, you should use brown, sandy colors, all shades of red and yellow, green and orange shadows. Gold, eggplant, turquoise, bronze and warm pink colors will also suit you.
For lips and cheeks, use light pink warm colors, coffee and caramel browns, peach, shades of red, copper and red-brown. Brick red lipstick is the perfect choice that you can't go wrong with.

Cool muted colors go to fly. The appearance of the girl of Summer has the same colors.
The skin is usually pale with a cold tint and a soft blush, it can also be light olive. When sunbathing, it becomes beautiful with a golden tint, but it quickly burns out.
The eyes are watery, as if powdered, the whites are opaque, the iris is mixed colors, gray-blue, dark gray, light gray-green or light brown. On the iris of the eye there may be spots or specks of hazel color.
Hair of light but indeterminate colors - from very light and almost white to dark blond.
In general, the image of a “summer” girl gives the impression of a translucent grayish veil, which makes all colors a little muted, dull. The look is fuzzy, but somehow blurry. About such eyes they say - "eyes with a veil."
Many girls of the summer color type, trying to make their appearance more vivid and expressive, begin to dye their hair in bright blond, red or ashy shades.
Clothes of cold, soft colors are suitable for summer: calm pink, lilac, gray-blue and silver, burgundy, pink-brown, dark blue, cherry, plum.
In eye makeup, use purple-pink-lilac colors, gray-blue tones, silver and metallic.
Blush and lipstick, too, choose from the purple-pink-lilac range.

The "winter" type has two contrasting opposites with regard to the skin. Winter also includes white-skinned girls with an olive blush and, conversely, swarthy girls with a brownish blush. Both eyelashes and eyebrows are very dark in both cases. The eyes are bright saturated tones: blue, bright blue, dark or black-brown, the color of ripe cherries.
Hair can be not only dark or black. These are also ashy shades: from light blond to dark blond and ash gray, as well as dark chestnut, blue-black. Known to all, Snow White with bright blue eyes and white skin belongs to the first winter type. The same appearance has, for example, Elizabeth Taylor.
A "winter" girl should not dye her hair and do makeup in warm shades. Her gamma is cold.
In clothes, you should choose bright and cold colors: black, black-brown, snow-white, hot pink, bright yellow, rich purple, scarlet, etc.
In makeup, prefer the colors of snow-white, blue, cold pink, black, emerald shades, blue and gray tones. Cold shades of lipstick are suitable for you: red, pink, raspberry. And the blush is a cool pink color.

The Spring girl is often confused with the summer type of appearance, but in fact they are very different. In the spring appearance, the color of the skin, hair and eyes is clear, bright, saturated. The hair does not have a muted gray, but a warm golden or honey hue, even if it is dark. The skin is light, marbled white, peach with a warm golden or golden brown tint. Sometimes there are freckles on the skin or age spots appear. "Spring" skin tans quickly and easily, and the tan lasts for a long time. The eyes of Spring are of light shades: gray, gray-blue, blue, gray-green, light brown (hazelnut) or a rare yellow-brown color, which is characteristic of the spring color type.
Hair: from very light to dark blond and chestnut, but certainly with honey, golden and reddish hues.
Clothes for warm Spring should also be chosen according to skin tone, eye and hair color. All warm pastel colors, shades of apricot, peach, beige, cream, golden orange will suit you. The main colors for a basic wardrobe can be: black, warm golden brown, blue, cream, beige, peach, aqua, anthracite, red.
Makeup should be based on bright contrasts, while the emphasis should be on either the eyes or the lips.
For makeup, use sky blue, peach, yellow gold and orange, green and turquoise, soft pink and light blue, gray, beige and apricot shades, depending on the color of your eyes. Lipstick can be peach, soft pink or muted red.

Try to determine your color type, the results will surprise you and allow you to correct most of the style mistakes in your wardrobe. Wear your colors and life will seem brighter to you!

What color type are you?

Especially for you, we have done a lot of work on what types of appearance are, how to determine your color type of appearance according to the seasons. The text turned out to be voluminous, but very informative. In addition to theory, we have added several checklists that will help you determine your type of appearance by colors and seasons.

Cognition of appearance through colors and nature: spring, summer, autumn, winter

Take a look around, what do you see? From all sides we are surrounded by a variety of colors. They complement our lives and adjust our mood. Colors affect us in the same way as our surroundings, they decorate us in clothes, makeup or a new shade of hair.

However, the same colors are not relevant for everyone. In some we look very fresh and joyful, in others we look pale and dull. And it is the color that plays a decisive role when choosing clothes and cosmetics. Therefore, nature and the seasons were taken as a criterion for determining the color type of a person.

As you might have guessed, there are 4 types of appearance according to the seasons:

  • spring;
  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • winter;

Spring and summer are classified as warm types, while autumn and winter are classified as cold. Let's decide together what type you are. Go to the mirror and carefully examine your skin, hair and eyes. You can keep small notes in a notebook, as it will be very difficult to decide at the very beginning.


Type of appearance - spring

I would like to start studying the types of appearance in the spring. The appearance of the owners of this type is characterized by the following properties: a fresh natural pink complexion, the skin is predominantly light. Regardless of this, girls of this type can tan to a beautiful bronze hue. Hair color is most often light, golden or honey blond. The eyes are mostly deep blue, clear green, olive or turquoise.

Delicacy, serenity and radiance - these words can describe girls of this type. For them, outfits made of natural materials of one tone, discreet with a simple cut, are best suited.

Girls with a similar appearance will ideally look in joyful, warm colors associated with spring and awakening. If the above description suits you, then immediately make a note to yourself and decide on the color of the clothes. And so, what colors should be in the wardrobe if you are Spring?

spring colors

  • white: dull, creamy, eggshell color;
  • brown: light, delicate shades of brown, light chocolate, caramel, honey, coffee with milk;
  • beige: cream with a yellow or golden sheen, unsuitable is beige with a gray or celestial tint;
  • gold: for girls like spring, golden is very to the face;
  • yellow: sunny yellow, pastel vanilla;
  • pink: delicate pink, pastel pink, coral;
  • orange: intense orange, peach;
  • red: poppy red, orange hue and fiery red, tomato color, red with golden sheen;
  • violet: delicate, light lily;
  • blue: shades with yellow sheen, marine, pure garnet, cobalt, turquoise;
  • green: refreshing, spring green, apple green, light tones with yellow sheen;

spring makeup

As for makeup, we use foundation in more natural skin colors: beige, golden beige, ivory, peach, porcelain. After applying it, the face is covered with powder in a yellow-beige shade.

Eyes are best accentuated with shades of the following colors: gold, yellow, honey, peach, turquoise and mango. The Spring woman should always remember that her choice is light and medium tones.

The ideal color for eyebrows is gray, beige or matte brown. During the day it is better to use dark brown mascara, in the evening - black, intense green or blue. Spring eyes can be further emphasized with a turquoise, brown or light green pencil.

We paint lips only in light and delicate colors. If you use a lip liner, it must be the same color as the lipstick. And regarding nail polish - spring colors are suitable, the main thing is that it is combined with your image. Spring is associated with flowers and awakening. Therefore, floral and citrus aromas will suit you!


Type of appearance - summer

The second warm type of appearance is Summer. So what are the distinguishing features of this type? If you have light skin with a cold sky tone or pale, but always with a blush, regardless of the weather, feel free to classify yourself as a Summer type. But even with the palest skin, a summer girl can tan to an even bronze hue.

The hair is light, dark brown, or blond in its various variants, most often with an ashy tint. The eyes are predominantly gray, gray-green, brown or blue, as well as in intermediate tones.

Summer-type girls and their appearance are always associated with femininity, elegance and aristocracy. It is important to take this into account in the selection of clothes. It should look more restrained and elegant, so a classic cut is the right decision.

For you, summer ladies, light fabrics, romantic-style outfits and small, simple accessories that emphasize aristocracy are ideal. A summer girl will look win-win in pastel delicate colors, which will also emphasize the complexion.

A common mistake is to complement your outfit with huge bags and, in addition, lulled with numerous sparkles that cross out all the chic of the image.

If you consider yourself to be this type of appearance and this season, then immediately check your wardrobe for the presence of the following colors and shades.

summer colors

  • white: muted white;
  • yellow: light lemon, vanilla, pastel shades of yellow;
  • pink: delicate pink, shades of powder, muted pink, pink with a touch of gray;
  • red: dark red, with a celestial tint, red turning into crimson, fuchsia, cherry, avoid orange shades;
  • blue: green or bluish-steel, smoky blue, sky blue;
  • green: mint, pistachio, sea green, green-blue, turquoise;
  • violet: all light and dark shades, such as light lavender, eggplant, purple with a touch of gray;
  • beige: light shades are suitable, for example pink or ash beige;
  • brown: light colors and an admixture of blue, gray and pink;
  • grey: can be used in all shades;
  • silver: great as jewelry;

summer makeup

For makeup, we use tonal products in medium and light colors. Powder pink-beige. The eyes will become brighter if they are emphasized with gray-beige, steel blue, medium gray, gray and beige-purple, pink, mint, or pastel shades of shadows. It is important to avoid bright and sharp combinations.

Eyebrows will delicately complement: beige, gray or matte brown pencil, or eyebrow shadows, in the same combinations. Thanks to black mascara, the eyes will look more impressive. In addition to black, blue, gray and purple are suitable. As for the eyeliner, we choose in medium or dark blue, medium gray, gray-violet.

And do not forget about the cheekbones, since in our time it is very fashionable to emphasize them, we use cold, pastel shades of pink or beige-pink. But if you are the owner of a pink complexion, it is better to bypass this color, with its excess, the skin looks patchy. In this case, beige is your color!

Lips look seductive in a cold pink or dark, red shade. Nail polish in summer colors, the main thing is that it should be an addition to your look.

Summer is associated with the sea, flowers, sand and sun. Therefore, cool marine and floral aromas are for you!


Warm, golden sheen is a hallmark of the autumn type of appearance. They are associated with comfort and coziness. Autumn beauties can be seen on advertising posters, in a warm blanket and sweater, holding a mug of hot coffee or rejoicing in yellow falling leaves and red mountain ash, conveying to others a feeling of warmth and home comfort.

Girls like Autumn look perfect in clothes of both simple and complex cut, plain and with patterns. Fabrics of a denser, warmer, autumn texture will do.

Autumn's skin is very light, sometimes with a slight bronze or warm, yellow-gold hue, often with freckles. In the sun, she reacts with significant redness, so autumn girls often avoid strong tanning.

As for hair, Autumn always prefers the following tones: dark blond, medium and dark brown with a copper sheen, turning into intense red. In girls of this type, the eyes are most often in a warm olive color or green-brown. Owners of the so-called beer eyes often have a gold or greenish rim on the iris. Autumn gamma combines warm, rich colors of the earth.

autumn colors

  • white: ivory and champagne;
  • beige: warm or cinnamon, yellow-golden beige;
  • yellow: yellow-golden, mustard, shades of curry and corn, as well as more delicate, turning into green, brown or orange;
  • red: warm shades, such as brick or red with an admixture of rust, red-brown, garnet, coral, red pepper color;
  • orange: Intense orange or more subtle options, such as rusty or brown-orange;
  • gold
  • brown: warm, rich brown, brown with an admixture of gold or yellowness, dark cocoa, coffee with milk, ocher;
  • purple: shades of dark eggplant and plum;
  • blue: exclusively shades with a yellowish-golden admixture, such as jade;
  • green: moss, delicate, spring greens, olive, persimmon, dark greens;
  • grey: only in warm shades, with an admixture of brown or green, graphite;

Autumn makeup

For Autumn, a tonal remedy in an average, beige-gold hue, as well as peach and ivory, is suitable. The powder is beige-yellow. Bright Autumn is characterized by the presence of freckles, and if you want to disguise them, a corrector in skin color or a tone lighter is perfect.

Earthy brown, gold, various shades of beige, green-gold, dark brown, olive, copper or bronze, yellowish blue are ideal eyeshadow colors that will accentuate the eyes

Properly selected mascara will also decorate them: for a light skin tone, medium and dark brown mascara will be suitable. As for the eyebrows, we emphasize them with a taupe, beige or matte brown pencil.

We choose blush in warm saturated shades, like terracotta or brown red: you need to apply it very carefully so as not to overdo it, or choose a blush of a light orange hue.

Lip color in Autumn: rusty, copper, brick, fiery red, orange red. Lips in brown tones look very neat. Bright nails are not for you! Beige or colorless varnish would be more suitable.

Autumn is associated with red rowan, fallen leaves. Therefore, sweet aromas and aromas of the earth are for you.


Strong and full of energy - this is how girls of this type of appearance can be characterized. They are distinguished by very bright features, especially expressive eyes are always saturated colors: green, gray, dark blue, brown, brown-black.

The skin can be very light, almost pale, or pale. Only slight sunburn is possible. But there are girls with olive skin, who tan very easily and quickly. The owner of the Winter type is characterized by medium and dark brown or black hair.

The Winter Girl is the only type that black is perfect for. Therefore, feel free to use it both everyday and in the form of evening dresses. This type of appearance is characterized by the predominance of pure expressive colors. And this means that there is an opportunity to experiment with the cut.

When it comes to accessories, sterling silver or white gold pieces are ideal to add grace and sparkle. If all this is about you, be sure to stock up on clothes in the following range.

winter colors

  • white A: The best option is pure white, snow white;
  • black: pure, rich black;
  • grey: ice gray, silver, anthracite;
  • red: cold, sky red, red wine, purple, ruby;
  • pink: bright pink, ice pink;
  • violet: purple ice, lilac with an admixture of black or blue, dark purple;
  • yellow: yellow ice, lemon, intense shades of yellow;
  • green: shades with a strong admixture of blue, dark green, turquoise, emerald green, spruce green, ice green;
  • brown: dark brown;
  • silver: perfect color for jewelry;

When it comes to the “Winter” type of appearance, makeup artists know for sure that big beautiful eyes are the most striking part of their image. Painting Winter is a pleasure! Foundations in light to medium beige shades are recommended. With olive skin, tonal can be mixed by adding a little yellowness. Powder only neutral or beige.

To make your eyes look more impressive, use the following shades of shadows: silver, light gray, icy or a more intense shade of pink. They will look perfect in combination with dark green, dark purple or pomegranate.

Most Winter girls have very expressive eyebrows that rarely need to be emphasized, but if such a need exists, colors from brown to black will do, depending on the color of the hair.

Black mascara will emphasize the beauty of the eyes and allow them to shimmer with natural beauty. But besides black, dark shades of green, blue and pomegranate also look perfect.

Blush in cold tones: burgundy, rich pink, cold brown-red. In addition to the eyes, lips can also be emphasized: intense pink, red blackberry, dark purple. Colorless nail polish looks elegant, as well as red and black.

Winter is associated with snow, ice, fresh cold mornings. Therefore, strong and cold aromas are suitable for you.

In conclusion, I want to say that determining your type of appearance by color and season will allow you to harmoniously select the colors of your images, which will give you additional confidence. From the experience of famous models and from the success stories of famous women, we know that it is self-confidence that attracts people, fascinates and stops their eyes. Only a confident woman is doomed to happiness. Therefore, improve and live in harmony of soul and body. In the comments to this article, I will be happy to answer your questions.

Appearance color types- this is one of those parameters that makes us unique, because our world is beautiful in its diversity. No one could appreciate the beauty of the summer green landscape of the eyes, which have never seen the winter frosty charms, snowdrifts under the window and frost-covered trees. And spring flowering would not cause a romantic mood, the awakening of the body from winter slumber. And what would happen if we did not enjoy the autumn golden crimson colors of nature, the air of which seems to be the lightest cobweb ...

Similarly, it is impossible to find two people who have identical appearance. We all differ in eye and hair color, skin tone, body structure, character and opinion on the same things. What is the reason for such a huge difference in the appearance of people who live on our planet?

The characteristic features of a person's appearance are formed under the influence of the place, nation and region in which he is born. They are inherited from their ancestors, while mixing features from mom and dad. And that means from all the ancestors on both sides, which sometimes gives quite unusual combinations. So, for example, here is how some physiological traits are formed:

  • The skin tone of each nation becomes exactly this due to the amount of sun. Therefore, there are many black and dark-skinned people in Africa, their bodies in historical epochs got used to producing a large amount of melanin to protect against ultraviolet radiation.
  • The section of the eyes of oriental people is of an interesting shape, slanting. And this is not just so, because strong winds have long been blowing in the places of their life, and the hanging eyelid and a small distance between the eyelids made it possible to protect the mucous membrane of the eye from dust, sand and dirt.
  • Hair will also be different in all nations due to many reasons. This will be the amount of sun in the area where the ancestors come from and many other conditions. Hair will differ not only in color, but also in density, density, texture and many other characteristics.

But at the same time, people will still have common features, which, of course, is associated with crossing different types of appearance. The main, most striking features by which certain groups can be combined are the colors and shades that are present in the appearance of a person. Therefore, in cosmetology, the art of makeup can be divided into four groups of people, which, by analogy with nature, were named after the four seasons:

  • color type winter;
  • bloom spring;
  • color type summer;
  • color type autumn.

Each color type is distinguished by its characteristic features, such as hair color and shade, skin tone, eye shade, and many others, which together give a certain commonality.

How to determine your color type?

Determining your color type correctly and correctly is extremely important for every girl, because almost every one of us uses makeup, at least sometimes. What is the purpose of applying any makeup? Make yourself even more beautiful, skillfully emphasize all your virtues, modestly hiding some imperfections. And this must be done with the condition of knowing your color type, because only certain color and texture combinations are suitable for each type of appearance. This, moreover, concerns not only the selection and application of makeup, but also the choice of hair color and the selection of your own wardrobe.

How to determine your type of appearance? To do this, it is enough just to carefully examine yourself in the mirror and know some of the features of your body, for example, the degree of your tan and the speed of its acquisition. Therefore, consider in detail what characteristics are inherent in each category in order to know your version of the color type.

Winter- This is a pure cold version of the color type. It is very easily determined by the fact that the color of the hair contrasts sharply with the color of the skin, because the winter girl is a luxurious brunette with a shade of hair from blue-black to dark blond. At the same time, eye shades are most often green, olive, black, blue, hazel, violet or brown with various variations. Such a girl is a happy owner of a luxurious porcelain skin structure with transparency inherent in this material, with pink or blue streaks clearly visible. But what is interesting, with this aristocratic pallor, winter girls tan very easily, acquiring a light olive tint. Cold metals such as silver, platinum or white gold look best with this type of appearance.

Spring- the rarest among the color types inherent in our region. So the spring girl has soft features, a warm honey note slips through her whole appearance.

Most often, spring is blonde or light brown-haired with warm strands, there are also options for the spring type, which have light brown, straw and reddish hair. Quite often, a hallmark of a spring girl is freckles, both occasionally appearing under the warm rays of the sun, and in bulk covering her face and body even in winter cold. The skin tone of the spring color type also tends to be transparent, but at the same time it is devoid of excessive pallor, like in winter. It can be golden undertones with peach notes, or ivory with pinkish streaks. Spring sunbaths wonderfully, easily and evenly covered with delicate golden “robes”. The eyes are found in this type of blue, gray, cornflower blue and green with various options. A distinctive feature of the eyes of spring are irreplaceable golden sparks hidden in the color pigment.

Summer- the most common variant of appearance in our lands, belonging to the cold type. A common characteristic feature is the muffledness of any shades inherent in the appearance. In fact, there can be a great variety of color options for summer, but it is the softness of the undertones and the excellent compatibility of colors that perfectly smooth out any “roughnesses”. The skin in these combinations is even, grayish beige, does not tan very well, burns quickly and turns red, after which it darkens and can get a grayish tan. Hair color is unsaturated, light brown, chestnut, blond, most often there are ashy or gray notes. The eyes can also be of any variation, while they will not stand out brightly on the face, because they will be, as it were, covered with a haze. There are gray, blue, green and brown eyes.

Autumn- a rich, luxurious type in saturation of the color palette, which is ideally emphasized by the nobility of gold jewelry and accessories. But, unfortunately, and quite rare in our open spaces.

Refers to a clean warm option, and at first glance immediately evokes associations with luxury and wealth. Skin tones are always very warm and soft, from the lightest tones like ivory and cream to rich southern ones like olive and milk chocolate. In this case, saturated orange freckles often appear. A distinctive feature of this type is the almost complete absence of a natural blush, because the skin is clearly not prone to redness, has a dense texture and deeply located blood vessels. At the same time, she tans very easily and becomes a real “dark-skinned woman”. Fall hair colors are rich tones, always having rich copper and bronze sparks. So they can be from golden chestnut colors to a shade of dark chocolate. The texture of the hair is very dense, and strongly curly curls, curled by nature, are often found.

Of course, it is impossible to meet absolutely pure color types, because all people are different, which means that they will have different features. It is difficult to imagine that the seven billion people of our planet can be adjusted to certain standards of the four options. But, nevertheless, the prevailing option will still be present, which means you will know what to build on when using cosmetics and selecting makeup tools.

Makeup for fall type

Makeup for the autumn type should be selected very carefully in order to emphasize the luxury and richness of natural shades:

Women of this type will look harmonious with any, even the most intense and bright make-up. But it is important to maintain harmony, and focus on one part of your face. So bright eyes with purple shadows and a rich frame of black arrows and resin eyelashes will only tolerate nude, beige lipsticks near them. And she also loves the autumn type of such a technique as sculpting, in particular, brightly highlighted cheekbones.

Makeup for summer type of appearance

Summer is the most common type of appearance. But, unfortunately, many girls in this category consider themselves undeservedly gray, nondescript mice. And they begin to compensate for this with the help of bright, obviously unnatural colors of clothes, makeup and hair color. But this does not work well, so most often these attempts are crowned with the fact that the girl is simply lost among all these colors, her individuality is completely overwritten and turns into a standard template. But this is easy to avoid if you know what exactly to use as a makeup base for the “summer” color type:

You should not be upset about inexpressive facial features, they can play into your hands. No wonder all the world's stylists and makeup artists prefer summer women. After all, they can become an ideal blank canvas for a real work of visual art.

Makeup for winter type

Imagine this picture: a winter landscape with a rich, dark horizon contrasting with snow-white snow and bright spots of blue sky. It is this that best reflects the contrast of the appearance of a winter girl. In addition, "Winter" is the most pronounced, cold type of appearance. And in makeup, this must be emphasized and emphasized on this.

The winter color type was wonderfully used in creating the now classic image of Snow White. Therefore, you can also very easily become a fairy tale heroine, whom when creating makeup, almost everything is allowed.

Make-up principles for the spring type

The “spring” color type is the most rare type of appearance in our latitudes, which immediately gives the impression of fragility and femininity. Girls and women of the spring color type are like a gentle ray of sunshine that accidentally broke into a flower meadow. That's why make-up for spring should be moderate so as not to spoil this feeling of naturalness and naturalness:

Remember, your aura of softness, tenderness and femininity will not tolerate harsh lines in makeup. That's why use soft transparent textures and slightly blurred outlines.