The dog vomits after the grass. The dog vomits white foam: possible causes. Dog diseases

Vomiting in dogs is not at all a sign of a deadly disease, as many people think. In these animals (as in cats) the gag reflex is well developed. This is largely due to the nature of the diet of dogs. By their nature, they are predators that do not disdain carrion. If the animal has eaten something absolutely "fragrant", the protective mechanisms expressed in vomiting turn on. In a word, this is a normal physiological reflex.

But this is not always the case. When a dog vomits bile, it is always a good reason to visit the veterinary clinic.

This is the most important endogenous secret, designed to improve the digestion of fats. It is synthesized in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. After eating, it enters the small gastrointestinal tract (through the bile ducts), contributing to the emulsification of lipids and their subsequent absorption by the body.

Thus, vomiting of bile in dogs occurs when this secretion enters the stomach from the intestines, causing irritation and provoking a gag reflex. How to determine its presence in the contents of the stomach? It becomes greenish-yellowish. By the way, vomiting in this case is a very good option. Sometimes there is a situation when the dog does not develop a gag reflex, as a result of which bile remains in the cavity of the organ. All this can easily lead not only to an ulcer, but even to perforation of the stomach. Bile is an aggressive secret.

Vomiting is characteristic of early morning or late evening. The latter is especially characteristic of those dogs who receive their ration only once a day. In addition, this can happen in any case when the intervals between meals are too long, or in diseases of the stomach, causing atony of the latter.

The latter is especially common in older dogs, but such cases are not uncommon even in puppies. Dogs of all breeds get sick, no gender predisposition has been identified.

Symptoms and types

In general, it is not necessary to deal with the symptoms for a long time: if the dog vomits bile in the mornings and evenings, then the clinical signs are already evident. But in order to make it easier for the veterinarian to later establish what exactly caused this pathology, the owners need to pay attention to the following:

  • Chronic unsteady vomiting containing bile.
  • Like we said happens in the morning or late in the evening/at night. The dog refuses to eat.
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort, which manifests itself in the inappropriate behavior of the dog: it whines, growls, and may even howl in pain.
  • Nausea: the dog tenses up from time to time, looks “somewhere into the distance”, while the animal grunts, due to specific movements it seems that it is about to vomit.
  • Very often seen caused by a serious violation of the digestive process.
  • Because in severe cases dog won't eat anything, she quickly develops symptoms of exhaustion: weight loss, sunken eyes, pallor of all visible mucous membranes. The coat becomes thin and brittle.

Read also: Allergy to food in dogs

Important! If you notice a “passion” for eating grass in your pet (and after that the animal is guaranteed to vomit), then know that in this way he gets rid of the “garbage” accumulated in the stomach. It doesn't hurt to take him to the vet.

Read also: Hypothyroidism in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment


The owner must inform the veterinarian of all symptoms observed by him. You need to remember if your pet has been sick with at least some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also if he has eaten something “wrong” lately (chicken bones, for example). It is very important to remember when exactly the vomiting appeared, and after what exactly this happened.

The veterinarian will perform a complete examination of your pet. Full urine is also required, since the data obtained at the same time help to identify severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

As a rule, vomiting often accompanies many infectious diseases, which are quite accurately determined in the course of the above tests. If nothing can be reliably determined, the veterinarian resorts to radiographic and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity of a sick animal. It is important to note that before an x-ray examination, it is imperative to feed the dog with barium slurry: it is so easy to identify cases of obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, atony of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. In addition, gastroendoscopy is indicated.

Therapeutic methods

In the case when the root cause has not been determined, the specialist will carry out symptomatic treatment. If the case is in hyperacid gastritis, drugs are prescribed to lower the level of acidity. Medicines that relieve spasms of smooth muscles are also prescribed. H and at first, the dog may be shown drugs like ordinary activated charcoal or Smecta, which minimize the damage caused to the mucous membrane of the organ by bile coming from the small intestine.

In most cases, dogs respond well to treatment. It is only important to remember that your pet will need a fairly long therapy, which does not need to be interrupted. The decision on the duration of the course of treatment should be made only by a veterinarian. Note that in many cases, vomiting in dogs is due to the fact that they are given a very large amount of food once on an empty stomach. It is because of this that many experienced breeders strongly advise against feeding working dogs once a day.

Vomiting in a puppy can scare any dog ​​owner, especially if the urge to vomit is strong and frequent. To understand why a puppy vomits, you can only carefully observe your four-legged friend. If vomiting is single and occurs no more than 1-2 times a week, there is no reason to worry, but when the baby vomits every day, you need the help of a veterinarian, otherwise there is a high risk of death of the pet.

general information

Vomiting is understood as a natural reaction of the body to the action of irritating factors. Various poisons, toxins or foreign objects that enter the body can cause the puppy to vomit, causing the food in the stomach to be erupted through the mouth. Thus, the pet's body tries to cleanse itself of harmful substances.

Vomiting, which occurs in rare cases, does not cause a threat to the life of the baby, but if gag reflexes occur more often and are accompanied by additional symptoms (impurities of blood, bile, etc.), the dog is urgently shown to the doctor. The puppy's body is not yet strong enough, and frequent vomiting will quickly lead to dehydration, and then the death of the crumbs.

Causes of Vomiting in Puppies

Numerous factors contribute to the occurrence of nausea. The most common reasons why a puppy vomited are considered to be:

  • overfeeding the dog
  • long stay of the animal in a stuffy room or in the sun;
  • diseases of an infectious nature, accompanied by high body temperature and general intoxication of the body;
  • the presence of helminths in the body;
  • stress associated with the transition to another type of food, weaning a puppy from its mother;
  • poisoning with spoiled food, drugs, chemicals;
  • allergy;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • entry of foreign objects into the body.

Info! If the dog vomited, and foreign impurities (blood, feces, bile, vomiting of the puppy with worms) are visible in the vomit, then this condition is pathological and an urgent examination by a veterinarian is necessary.

Pathological vomiting

The very state of vomiting is not considered a disease, but is a symptom of a pathology occurring in the body, both completely harmless to the health of a four-legged friend, and carrying a mortal threat to life.

Vomiting with blood

Blood blotches in the vomit is a very dangerous symptom for the life of the crumbs, because the appearance of liquid and bright red blood in the vomit indicates bleeding in the larynx, mouth or esophagus. Brown masses can signal kidney failure, liver pathology, stomach injuries from bone fragments or sharp foreign objects swallowed by the baby.

In addition, vomiting with blood in a puppy is considered a consequence of intoxication with zoocoumarins, heavy metals. It can also vomit with blood due to severe infections, such as enteritis, leptospirosis, hepatitis of a viral nature.

Vomit with bile

It is impossible to independently diagnose why a puppy is vomiting bile, because yellow vomit is a symptom of most diseases or disorders that occur in the body of a four-legged friend. Vomiting bile in a puppy is a sign of:

  • helminthic invasion;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach (ulcers, gastritis);
  • severe liver infections;
  • the result of overfeeding the dog.

Attention! The most severe pathologies are stomach ulcers and liver diseases. Only after an accurate diagnosis can treatment be started, otherwise self-prescribed drugs can harm the dog even more.

Vomiting and diarrhea

Often, vomiting occurs along with intestinal upset (diarrhea) and is accompanied by increased body temperature, severe dehydration. Such signs indicate severe poisoning or infection with dangerous infections. In no case should the owner of the animal hesitate and wait for the problem to be resolved independently. It should be remembered that vomiting and diarrhea in a puppy quickly dehydrates the body, resulting in a fatal outcome.

Vomiting, diarrhea and refusal to eat

When the puppy does not eat, diarrhea and vomiting do not stop for a long time, and the body temperature also rises, this may be the result of poisoning or infection with an infectious disease. In this state, force-feeding a pet is prohibited. The animal is closely monitored, and if the next day the puppy does not eat, vomiting does not stop, the pet is urgently taken to the veterinary clinic.

Vomiting after vaccination

It is not uncommon for a puppy to vomit suddenly after vaccination. The owner should observe the condition of the pet, and if the vomiting does not stop the next day, consult a doctor.

reflex vomiting

Nausea is not always a sign of any disease or disorder. In order to distinguish reflex vomiting from pathological one, you should carefully observe the condition of the pet: pay attention to the nature and frequency of vomiting, find out the causes of vomiting in puppies, and additional symptoms.

Vomiting with foam

When a puppy vomits foam, the owners begin to panic and worry a lot about the health of their four-legged pet. Most of the time, this is completely normal in dogs. If a puppy has white vomit, this is mucus that covers the walls of the stomach and protects the muscular organ from exposure. When interacting with oxygen, the mucus turns into foam and can sometimes leave the stomach through the oral cavity (most often this phenomenon is observed in the morning when the animal is hungry).

Doctor's advice! If a puppy vomits white foam occasionally, this does not pose a threat to the life of the dog and does not require medical intervention, but if the animal vomits regularly, the pet should be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Vomiting when eating grass

When walking a pet, you can notice that sometimes he reaches out to chew grass, after which the four-legged pet begins to feel sick. You should not be afraid of this, because in this way the animal cleanses the stomach of harmful substances, but if a furry friend eats grass more often than it should, then he experiences an uncomfortable state. The reason for regularly eating grass can be poisoning, poor quality food, or the presence of helminths in the body. This problem can be solved with the help of simple actions: treatment is carried out against worms, and in case of feeding with low-quality products, the pet is transferred to a dietary and balanced diet. .

Vomiting after eating

Vomiting after eating in a puppy is not uncommon, because a small pet is often in a hurry to quickly swallow food. As a result, poorly chewed food can be regurgitated by the stomach. To avoid this situation, the baby should be fed soft food or special puppy food, available in the form of small granules. If an adult dog is vomiting, read

Symptoms of poisoning

Severe vomiting in a Spitz puppy is always observed when poisoned by any toxic substances or low-quality food. In addition to vomiting, the following signs indicate intoxication:

  • lethargy and weakness of the animal;
  • the puppy vomits, does not eat anything;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • painful condition in the abdomen;
  • cramps of the limbs;
  • discharge of blood from the anus, eyes or nose;

Bloody diarrhea and vomiting observed in a puppy can be symptoms of acute intoxication. But some types of poisoning are difficult to distinguish from infectious processes, so veterinary diagnostics will be required to prescribe the right treatment.

First aid for a puppy with vomiting

Vomiting is an uncontrolled natural process of cleansing the body, therefore, in no case should you scold a pet for throwing up. For the same reason, you should not stop the urge on your own, otherwise harmful substances (poisons and toxins) cannot completely leave the baby's body. What to do if a puppy vomits? You can help in the following ways:

  1. If nausea in a shepherd puppy was provoked by a sharp transition from one food to another, you need to return to your usual diet. New food should be introduced gradually and not earlier than a week later the baby can be completely transferred to a new type of food.
  2. During the day, maintain a starvation diet. Water is also not recommended. To avoid dehydration, every 2 hours the puppy is fed 2 teaspoons of water per 1 kg of pet weight. After the baby has stopped vomiting, the pet can be given some wet food. It is allowed to return to the usual diet no earlier than after 2 days.
  3. If vomiting and fever in a puppy do not stop within a few days, self-medication should not be done. The animal must be examined by a specialist.

What should I do if my puppy has diarrhea and vomiting? In such cases, the animal must be urgently delivered to the veterinarian, because this condition often indicates the development of serious infectious diseases.


Only a veterinarian should prescribe treatment for vomiting in a puppy. Based on the cause, the doctor selects the following drugs:

  • No-shpa - to relieve pain and cramps in the stomach;
  • Smecta - removes poisons and toxins from the baby's body;
  • Metoclopramide - affects the vomiting center of the brain;
  • Omez - reduces the production of hydrochloric acid.

Intravenous drips (glucose 40%, sodium chloride, ringer lock) help restore fluid loss during severe dehydration.

It is unacceptable to treat with prescriptions of alternative medicine, as well as to independently prescribe medications and calculate the dosage, this will lead to severe complications and even death of a four-legged friend.


It is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of nausea, but by following simple rules, you can reduce the risk of its occurrence. First of all, you need to pay attention to feeding the pet. The puppy should be fed only with high-quality and balanced food, do not give spicy, sweet and smoked foods. In addition, it is recommended to minimize the occurrence of stressful situations.

To prevent infection with infectious diseases and helminthic infestations, the animal must be regularly vaccinated and dewormed. To avoid poisoning with toxic substances, try to carefully monitor the pet (do not allow food to be picked up on the street, hide medicines and household chemicals).

The sudden onset of vomiting does not always indicate pathological processes in the pet's body. But if the urge continues for a long time and is accompanied by additional symptoms, the animal in most cases needs the help of a veterinarian.

Sudden vomiting in a dog can frighten the owner and bring discomfort to the animal. The causes of vomiting in a pet can be different. Vomiting is a reflex reaction that protects the body from poisons, toxins, inedible objects and substances.

Find out the cause of the dog's vomiting.

Vomiting can be physiological or pathological.

An example of physiological vomiting is regurgitation in puppies who have overeaten their mother's milk. Some foods can overstimulate the taste buds and cause vomiting. The physiological type of vomiting does not require correction and treatment, it usually goes away on its own. But pathological vomiting requires clarification of the causes and appropriate treatment.


Poor quality food can cause poisoning in a dog.

The dog may have health problems, certain organs, so vomiting will vary. Among the main reasons that cause the gag reflex, there are several of the most common:

In street water and ponds, a dog can easily become infected with worms.

Causes and signs of pathological vomiting

Vomiting is provoked by the presence of internal diseases. However, additional symptoms may indicate a cause. Consider some types of vomiting that have characteristic signs.

There are cases of vomiting due to internal diseases.

Vomiting blood

Bloody vomiting always carries a health hazard, because blood indicates gastric bleeding.

If you vomit blood, you should definitely go to the veterinarian.

To help the pet, you need to visit the veterinarian as soon as possible and undergo the prescribed diagnostics. Blood can be caused by damage to the stomach walls. Perhaps the dog swallowed an inedible and sharp object that damaged the stomach. If bones are present in the diet of dogs (especially tubular chicken bones), then the walls of the stomach can be damaged by the sharp edges of the bones.

Bloody discharge in vomit may be or. Sometimes bloody vomiting occurs at the stage of destruction of the internal tumor.

Vomiting blood is not necessarily red.. Mild blood loss will appear brownish in the vomit. If vomiting occurs some time after bleeding, then the color of the vomiting will be brown, and sometimes black.

stomach ulcer

Frequent vomiting of blood may indicate an open stomach ulcer.

Bone waste can provoke a stomach ulcer.

This disease occurs when a pet is fed meat and bone waste, bones and other traumatic products. Vomiting disappears with scarring of the ulcer.

Foam and mucus vomit

Foam during vomiting is not a sign of a serious illness.

  1. After eating, after a while the stomach is empty, and the food passes on.
  2. Mucus and bile appear in the stomach.
  3. Mucus prevents self-digestion of the stomach walls.
  4. The mucous contents are whipped into a foamy mass, therefore, when vomiting, the foamy-mucous contents of the stomach appear.

Usually this is not a sign of a serious pathology and indicates that the dog's stomach is empty.. Isolated cases of such vomiting are acceptable, but repeated ones should constantly alert the owner. The dog must be taken to the veterinarian to determine the cause of the vomiting.

yellow vomit

Worms can cause yellow vomit in a dog.

Vomit with bile is very scary for dog owners. How to help a pet? First you need to deal with the reasons that caused vomiting:

Vomiting with diarrhea is a sign of infection.

  • The vomit smells like ammonia - the dog may have liver failure.
  • The sweetish smell of vomit signals about.
  • A putrid odor occurs with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.
  • In diseases of the stomach, vomiting usually occurs some time after eating.
  • Vomiting with diarrhea, high fever and refusal to eat is a sign of infection or poisoning.
  • If a dog on a walk tries to find green grass and chew it, it may have stomach problems, and the grass helps to clear it of excess contents. If such cleaning is not a systematic phenomenon, then there should be no worries about health. This is a natural stomach cleansing process for animals.
  • Vomiting yellow frothy contents in the morning indicates indigestion. Perhaps it .

The main symptoms of poisoning

Weakness is the main symptom of poisoning.

Signs indicating pet poisoning:

  1. Salivation, licking of the muzzle.
  2. Vomiting with diarrhea.
  3. Pain in the abdomen, which is detected by palpation. The animal tries to dodge the touch and squeals in pain.
  4. Weakness, loss of coordination, unsteady gait.
  5. or paralysis.
  6. With severe intoxication, the animal may lose consciousness or fall into a coma.
  7. Pesticide poisoning can be diagnosed by dilated pupils. In some cases, blindness is possible.
  8. The rhythm of the heart changes, breathing quickens or becomes rare.

How to stop vomiting in a dog?

If the dog has incessant vomiting, combined, it is necessary to get to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Very dangerous state of dehydration for small puppies. They may die literally within 24 hours.

What to do until the dog has been examined by a veterinarian? Stop feeding your dog. Regarding the intake of water: if after drinking the dog immediately vomits, then it is better not to give it anything to eat or drink. You can offer frozen ice instead, it will help to eliminate nausea a little. If your dog is thirsty, offer him plenty of clean drinking water. You can make chamomile tea. It is advisable to give the dog sorbents that are sold in a regular pharmacy: coal, enterosgel.

Chamomile tea can help a dog cope with vomiting.

In a veterinary clinic, to stop vomiting, they can inject cerucal (an antiemetic drug) and put in a system to eliminate dehydration.

Pain and spasms

No-shpa or Papaverine will help reduce pain and spasms. Omez will lower the acidity of the stomach with gastritis.

No-shpa will relieve pain in a dog.

When the urge to vomit was stopped, the dog gradually began to be fed and watered. This should be done in small portions, food should be dietary. A sparing diet should last at least a week. It all depends on the diagnosis, you may have to stick to a diet much more if the problem is in the disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

First aid for poisoning at home

If it is reliably known that, it is urgent to call a veterinarian or take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Scheme of actions before the arrival of the doctor:

  • stop contact of the pet with the toxic substance.
  • If the poison has been swallowed, induce vomiting. To do this, you can dilute salt or soda in warm water and pour it into the dog's mouth. For 250 ml of water - 1 tablespoon of salt. It is best to do gastric lavage using a probe. In case of poisoning with acids and alkalis, it is absolutely not recommended to cause vomiting, since the repeated passage of these substances through the organs of the digestive tract can lead to a chemical burn. Thawing with milk is possible only in cases of mercury or lead poisoning; in other cases, milk is not used.
  • If the poison gets on the skin, it is recommended to wash it off the pet using baby soap or just clean warm water.
  • If the animal was transported in a car, and it inhaled gasoline vapors or exhaust gases, it is necessary to take the dog to fresh air. Carbon monoxide can be neutralized by copious washing of the mouth and eyes with a weak solution of soda (3%).
  • To remove poison from the stomach, a sorbent is used: activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight.
  • 30 minutes after taking coal, it is recommended to give the pet a mild laxative so that the body naturally cleanses itself of poisons.

Activated charcoal will help remove poison from the stomach.

What to do after the cessation of vomiting symptoms?

The first days after incessant vomiting, the dog is transferred to a diet. Food should be low-calorie and feed the animal in small portions. You can give the following products:

  • skim cheese;
  • boiled rice or rice soup;
  • poultry meat or beef should also be boiled;
  • oatmeal;
  • curdled milk.

After the vomiting symptoms stop, you can give the dog fat-free cottage cheese.

Clean water should be near the pet at all times so that the animal can drink, even if no one is around.

dog vomiting video

Vomiting in your dog is a symptom that requires special attention in dogs. In this article, we will talk about it.

Unfortunately, dogs vomit frequently. Vomiting in dogs occurs for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, such an unpleasant symptom does not always indicate the danger of the disease. But this phenomenon is often unpredictable and not entirely understood.

Especially vomiting with foam. It is always best to consult with a specialist veterinarian, and begin timely treatment. When a dog vomits, a defense mechanism appears due to the ingress of poisonous, toxic substances.

Sometimes the owners, who do not understand what to do, begin treatment with various methods of vomiting itself, and its causes are eliminated. But this is most often a pathological phenomenon and its treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Therefore, after the occurrence of vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of vomiting

Your dog often vomits blood because of the ingestion of harmful substances into the body. But sometimes it happens that this reflex process is just a symptom of a very dangerous viral disease.

Your dog may vomit for the following reasons:

  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • food poisoning;
  • poisoning with very dangerous substances;
  • chronic diseases;
  • worms;
  • intolerance to certain products;
  • overheating of the body;
  • binge eating;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

In most cases, the dog is sick due to a disruption in the gastrointestinal tract. Or, for example, the causes that caused this disease are chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines. If your dog vomits more often in the morning and before meals, this may be a symptom of gastritis.

And if a dog vomits a couple of hours after eating, perhaps the reasons should be sought in the ingestion of a foreign body. Chronic yellow vomiting may indicate diseases of the liver and duodenum. Do not confuse vomiting in an animal with regurgitation in puppies, mucus on an empty stomach or after eating undigested food.

Some time after eating, everything that is called undigested food moves along the intestinal tract. A small amount of digestive juice remains in the stomach, and the surface of the stomach is coated with mucus for protection. Mucus contains proteins and enzymes.

If your pet vomits white foam or vomits mucus, then this means that vomiting is caused by an empty stomach and this is not a problem.
If vomiting of white foam or mucus happened once, then there is nothing to worry about.

But if such vomiting of a white mass happens regularly or several times a day, then you need to take the dog to the veterinarian. Yellow vomit indicates problems with the gastric and biliary system. The yellow mass is bile along with enzyme juice.

What is pathological vomiting?

Vomiting can be both pathological and physiological. Sometimes this ailment occurs in small puppies, after eating. There is no need to be afraid of such a process, this is a natural reaction of the body, treatment in this case is not required.

Vomiting that occurs in an animal against the background of a disease or poisoning is called pathological. Often, vomiting that occurs during the illness is not relieving, but only aggravates the condition of the animal.

Therefore, pathological requires immediate medical attention. Pathological can be accompanied by the most dangerous condition in a dog - dehydration and impaired water and electrolyte metabolism, which, if not properly treated, can lead to the death of a pet.
Pathological prevents the dog from absorbing all the necessary minerals and delays the course of the disease. It is especially dangerous when the puppy is vomiting.

Treatment of the disease

How to treat vomiting and what to do if the dog is sick? How to treat if a dog vomits bile, blood or white foam?

Before the arrival of the veterinarian and after the examination, the owner of the dog should know what to do in cases of vomiting and how to alleviate the condition of his pet as much as possible:

  1. You need to cleanse the body. Try not to let your dog eat. Limit your water intake for the day. You can let the animal lick small ice cubes.
  2. If the condition of the pet has improved the next day, you can give small portions of liquid food. For example, chicken broth or rice. It is advisable to water the dog fractionally, in small portions.
  3. On the third day, the animal can be given grated puree, only if the pet's condition has improved.
  4. If this process is strong, you need to urgently consult a doctor and take a blood test. Such a process may be a sign of impaired liver and kidney function, diabetes mellitus, or a foreign body.
  5. If you notice the appearance of bright white foam or blood in the vomit, call your doctor immediately. Abundant vomiting of foam is a symptom of a severe course of the disease due to the ingress of a foreign body or a severe viral disease. Do not hesitate to call the doctor if you see that in addition to foam, your dog is shaking very badly. This may be a symptom of a disease such as.

What are the medications for vomiting? Before the doctor arrives, you can give your pet an antiemetic.

Drugs aimed at eliminating vomiting are divided into 2 types. The first increase intestinal motility. The latter affect the vomiting center in the cerebral cortex. Such drugs are well suited when the dog shows signs of nausea.

The drugs of the second group act on the vomiting center in the brain and suppress vomiting attacks very quickly and effectively. Treatment with such drugs should be carried out very carefully. They can be given to a dog only under the guidance of a doctor. Such therapy is most often used during continuous vomiting or vomiting of foam very often, when there is a threat to the life of the dog.

Traditional Methods

Many dog ​​owners during this ailment, or if the dog is sick, choose to treat their pets with traditional therapies. At home, the most popular methods are tinctures and decoctions of herbs and vegetables. Such methods justify themselves because they do not harm the pet's body, unlike medications. And they help to restore the health of a pet after an illness as efficiently as possible.

Folk recipes

How to stop vomiting in a pet with folk methods? This disease leads to dehydration. Be sure to replenish the supply of fluid in the body. For this, decoctions of dried fruits are perfect. For example, a decoction of dried apricots, prunes, raisins is well suited.

Also use decoctions of carrots or potatoes. An excellent remedy that well eliminates this ailment is an infusion of peppermint. Essential substances that are part of it well relax the muscles of the stomach and reduce the gag reflex: 1 tablespoon of mint per glass of boiling water, set for 2 hours, the decoction should be given to the dog 3 times a day after meals.

A good remedy is mint tincture. Helps reduce the gag reflex: 10-15 drops of mint per 1 tablespoon of water.
Dill seeds are also often used during illness: 1 teaspoon per 200 gr. water.

Melissa officinalis also has a very good effect during vomiting and practically helps to eliminate it.
You can make a combined decoction and mix a spoonful of chamomile, mint and lemon balm.

Therapeutic diet and drink

On the second day, a decoction of tea or chamomile can be made for the dog to replenish fluid supplies. Some owners also advise giving your dog chamomile oil.

Most often, vomiting and regurgitation is a defense mechanism that allows the body to quickly and effectively get rid of toxic substances or foreign bodies. But sometimes these symptoms indicate the presence of serious diseases. That is why every owner should know what to do if the puppy has vomited or is constantly spitting up.

Puppy spitting up: causes of false vomiting. Actions of the owner when the pet burps

Regurgitation is understood as a reflex process, accompanied by the ejection of freshly eaten pieces of food. Reasons why a puppy burps include:

obstruction of the upper part of the intestine;

foreign body in the larynx;

Abnormal narrowing or protrusion of the esophagus

eating grass;

fast swallowing of food;

Entry of air into the esophagus

· binge eating;

the excited state of the puppy.

With rare regurgitation, the owner's strategy of behavior comes down to observing the pet. If the process is not complicated by alarming symptoms (fever, lethargy, lack of appetite), then changing the diet and limiting the baby's active actions after eating will be enough to stop it.

Constant passive pushing out of food indicates the presence of diseases and requires medical advice. If the puppy spit up blood, the reasons may lie in the presence of a foreign body in the body or damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and larynx. In this case, the owner should show the four-legged friend to the veterinarian.

Types and etiology of this vomiting. Clinical picture

The process of real vomiting is accompanied by contraction of the muscles of the abdominal cavity, diaphragm and chest. By its nature, vomiting is a protective reaction of the body, freeing the stomach from toxic contents. In addition, various diseases can become the cause.

Veterinarians distinguish between acute (up to two weeks) and chronic forms. Spontaneous (acute) vomiting is caused by:

change in food and improper diet;

consumption of poor-quality or spoiled food;

ingestion of foreign bodies;

· stress;


bowel obstruction;

eating grass;

thermal shock;

motion sickness in the car;

reaction to medications.

Chronic vomiting is provoked by:

enteritis, colitis;

gastritis, gastric ulcer;

gastrointestinal inflammation of various origins;

· pancreatitis;

endocrinological diseases;

pathology of the central nervous system, heart, kidneys and liver;


In some situations (poisoning, overeating, sunstroke), the ejection of vomit passes without a trace. But there are times when a dog needs emergency veterinary care. Prolonged involuntary "cleansing of the stomach" is always accompanied by dehydration.

The puppy vomited - what should the owner do. First aid and self-treatment

When nausea and vomiting occur in a puppy, the owner should first assess the condition of the four-legged friend. In the absence of apathy, refusal to eat, bloating, cramps, fever, prolonged diarrhea, foam and blood in the vomit, one can speak of a simple indigestion. In this case, the following methods and medicines help well:

1. Adsorbents: enterosgel, microcel, activated charcoal.

2. Starvation diet during the day. Fresh water should be available to the animal at all times. To replenish the lost fluid, it is good to add drinking electrolytes to the water. On the second day, the dog is allowed to give easily digestible food in small portions: boiled turkey, veal, chicken breast, boiled rice or buckwheat porridge, fat-free cottage cheese.

3. Antiemetic drugs: furazolidone, cerucal, nifuroxazide, domperidone.

4. Antispasmodic drugs that relieve pain: papaverine, spasmol, trigan, riabal, buscopan, no-shpa.

5. Gastroprotectors. In order to protect the gastric mucosa from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and aggressive factors, experts advise taking a course of film-forming agents: de-nol, omez, ancrusal, smecta, mucogen.

By following these simple recommendations, the owner will help the pet get rid of unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible. But what if the puppy has vomited many times and his condition is noticeably worsening? In this case, the only correct solution is an urgent visit to the veterinarian.

Medical diagnostics

Vomiting and nausea can be symptoms not only of gastrointestinal problems, but also ominous signs of serious diseases: leptospirosis, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, pancreatitis, meningitis, heart failure and neoplasms (benign and malignant). If, despite the measures taken to stop vomiting, the dog continues to feel sick, she needs medical help. For a correct medical conclusion, veterinarians practice research:

· Clinical examination. Includes weighing, behavioral assessment, checking the condition of the skin, coat and mucous membranes, palpation, listening to breathing, measuring temperature and heart rate.

General and biochemical analysis of blood.

Analysis of urine and faeces.

X-ray of the abdominal cavity, endoscopy, ultrasound of the digestive tract.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor makes a final diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate treatment.