Sports entertainment Junior group "Funny bunnies" outline of the lesson (younger group) on the topic. "Do not be sad, the hour will pass -

Elena Artyushenko


Develop emotional interest in motor activity, create a cheerful, children's cheerful mood.


1. Develop figurative thinking and imagination, independence when performing physical exercises and in outdoor games.

2. Increase interest in outdoor games with simple content, simple movements, exercise the ability to act in accordance with the words of the text.

3. To educate children in the ability to follow elementary rules in games.


Magic bag, rabbit ears (according to the number of children, magic chest, bell, house for hare(parachute, track "footprints", stump (module, toy hare.

Children go to the gym, where they are met by Mom- hare.

Mother hare:

Hello! I am very glad to see you, how good and beautiful you are.

This morning I saw magic ears on the table (puts on ears). I put them on... and who do I look like? (on bunny) What color are my ears? (white) That's right, white ears. Because we still have winter, and in winter we have a fur coat bunnies white. Do you want to be mine hares? (we put on the ears for children)

Do you want to be strong, brave hares. Let's warm up and stretch our paws to become dexterous, bold and fast. bunnies.

Mother hare:

On the path we will go .

AND we will find a bunny(walking one after another on toes, on heels).

We jump like bunnies (jump on toes moving forward).

And again we will go along the path (walking one after another with a marching step).

Run across the lawn (run after each other).

And again we will go along the path (walking at normal pace).

Take a deep breath through the nose (breathing exercises).

Mother hare:

Here are some good fellows

Were getting stronger

And blush, healthier.

To find a bunny,

Gotta follow the trail (walking health paths)

Mother hare:

Here we come to a marvelous forest.

How many miracles are around here!

Bunny sitting on a stump

And there is a chest next to it,

What lies in it? (colorful house for hare)

Mother hare:

Wow, what a beautiful colorful house. Every hare can choose your favorite color in the house. I choose red. You, too, choose which color you like. Well done! hare, look what a wonderful day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the bells are ringing. So I want to run in the meadow. Did you run?

P / s "Find your home"

Children run to the sound of bells, on a signal "fox" run away to the house. A game repeats 3 times.

Mother hare:

Well done hares! Which funny, fast, dexterous. Did the fox catch anyone? Look at each other, are all the bunnies here?

P / s "White Bunny sits"

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

Children move their hands

lifting them up to your head.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

From the word "clap" to the end of the phrase, the children clap their hands.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

From the words "skok-skok" to the end of the phrase, the children bounce on both legs moving forward.

Someone scared the bunny (clap,

Bunny jump. and jumped off.

A game repeats 2 times.

Oh, hares and what does it smell like? (breathing exercises are performed inhalation through the nose, exhalation through the mouth) Smell-smell. We inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. It smells of fresh air, primroses, because spring will come soon, and bunnies change their white coat for a gray one.

And we will take off the magic ears, and become children.

Children, did you enjoy being hares? And I also really enjoyed playing with you. But we have to go, goodbye, kids.

Related publications:

Summer is over, the daylight hours are getting shorter every day, and the weather is increasingly unhappy with us. But, as before, I want to spend time interestingly.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the early age group "Funny Bunnies""Funny Bunnies" Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive - Objectives: to acquaint children with the names of the nearest objects.

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Program content:

1. To consolidate the formation of children's ideas about the inhabitants of the forest - a hare, its appearance, habitat, nutrition, lifestyle features;

2. Continue to teach children to distinguish and name primary colors, to find objects.

3. Fix the correct use of words in children's speech: big - small, one - many, long - short; to activate the speech of children, prompting them to answer questions.

4. Exercise in folding plasticine between the palms in a circular motion, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

5. To cultivate responsiveness, goodwill, love and interest in the living world.

preliminary work:

Examining illustrations depicting a hare and its habitat, examining illustrations of sparrow birds, crows, reading thin. literature, work on sensorics.

Equipment :

A phonogram with a recording of crying, soft toys of bunnies according to the number of children, colored tracks (red, green), red and blue plates, “Wonderful bag”, fake plasticine cake, planks, napkins, treats for children.

Course progress.

Children enter the group, greet the guests.

The teacher introduces the guests to the children.

There are 12 guys in our group

Lots of little kids

Everyone wants to play

And Lera, and Katya, and Angelina, and Danil.

Lots of little kids

They all want to play

At this time, the phonogram of children's crying is turned on.

Educator: Are the children crying?

Don't you cry?

Children: No!

Teacher: Who cares? Let's eat.

All together they are looking for, finding little bunnies, examining bunnies.

Teacher: What do they have?

Children: Eyes, ears, tail.

Educator: And how big or small are they?

Children: The eyes are small, round.

Teacher: What are their ears?

Children: Hares have long ears (show).

Teacher: What is their coat like?

Children: Showing warm, soft.

Educator: What paws do they have?

Children: Their paws are small, soft.

Educator: What is their tail?

Children: They have a fluffy, short, white tail.

Educator: Guys, hug the bunnies to you, breathe on them, warm them, love them .

Educator: Probably, the hares are hungry.

Guys, come to the table. There are two plates and a Miraculous Pouch here.

What do they like to eat?

Educator: Guys, you need to get vegetables and fruits from the “Wonderful Bag”, call them what bunnies like to eat, put in a blue plate, and put what they don’t eat in a red plate.

Children: They like to eat carrots, cabbage, grass.

Educator: Guys, what is it with bunnies on the neck?

Children: They have bows around their necks.

Teacher: What color are they?

Children: Yellow bow, red bow, green bow.

Educator: The guys in front of us are two paths, you need to go through these paths, who has what color of the bow on the bunny's neck, you must go along that path. Bunnies want to jump.

Educator: We jumped so much that we came to a forest clearing.

Guys, let's play the game "Bunny".

Bunny gray sits

And he moves his ears (they sit and play with their hands above their heads)

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Gotta warm up the paws

Like this, like this

Gotta warm up the paws!

It’s cold for a bunny to stand, (they hug themselves with their arms)

Bunny needs to jump

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump! (jumping on toes moving forward)

The wolf scared the bunny

The bunny immediately ran away. (running away behind mock trees)

Educator: Guys, who is this sitting on a tree?

Children: Crow, sparrow.

Educator: The sparrow is small or large, and the crow?

Children: The crow is big, and the sparrow is small.

Educator: How do they scream?

Children: Kar-kar-kar, chik-chik-chirik.

Educator: Guys, let's play the game "Bird".

“A bird sat on the window, sit with us for a while,

Sit, don't fly away, fly away - AY!"

Are our bunnies scared?

We need to calm them down, let's play the game "Name the bunny affectionately"

Children: Fluffy, soft, kind, eared.


Guys who said "Aw!"

(a big bunny sits on a stump)

Who is sitting on a stump and waiting for us.

Children: Hare - mother.

Hare - mother: - “Here you are, pranksters, and I'm looking for you, I baked a cake, because today you are birthday. I just wanted to decorate the cake with cherries,

I called the lumber shop, but there were no cherries there”

Educator: Guys, let's help mom hare decorate the cake.

Educator: Children, come to the table, we will help decorate the bunny cake.

Take plasticine and we will sculpt cherries, in a circular motion of the hands, roll out the plasticine, make round cherries and decorate the cake.

Educator: Cherries, what color?

Children: Cherries are red.

Teacher: What form?

Children: Round

Educator: Guys, let's congratulate our bunnies on their birthday?

The game "Karavai".

Children: Like a rabbit for a birthday, we baked a loaf

Such a width, such a height, such suppers.

Play: Guys, the hare mother has two baskets, she will give one basket to our bunnies, and she will give the other to you.

Natalia Mezina
Synopsis of the integrated lesson "We are funny bunnies" (second junior group)

Synopsis of the integrated lesson "We are funny bunnies"

2 junior group.


1. To form an active interest in the game, to use all the surrounding space.

2. Encourage children to actively communicate, the ability to build a dialogue.

3. Develop fine motor skills of hands in combination with speech.

4. Consolidate children's knowledge about hares: appearance, how they move and what they eat.

5. Teach the child to enter the image of an animal, for the further application of this transformation in games.

6. To form interest and respect for nature.

7. Arouse interest in productive activities: drawing a fence.

Educator: Let's play, I'm a hare mother. And who are you?

Children: bunnies!

Educator: That's right, rabbits! We will go to visit the mischievous sisters! Oh, how many bunnies I have! Let's smooth the fur, brush off the tails (imitate movement) Well done! Now let's prick up our ears to hear the fox sneaking around. And I will take a basket with me, on the way we will collect berries and mushrooms for the sisters. (music plays.)


Bunny, bunny spin around.

Bunny make friends with us.

Collection of berries.

Educator: What a beautiful forest, how many berries and mushrooms! Let's pick berries.

I take one berry

I look at the other

I note the third.

And I bite the fourth. (pick berries, put them in a basket)

Educator: What a delicious strawberry: small, sweet!

Jumping over a stream.

A fox appears behind a tree.

Educator: Are we afraid of foxes?

Children: no! (squat)

Educator: If necessary, we will fight!

Educator: Sisters live there, naughty girls.

The sisters come out and give the treat!

They offer their favorite delicacies (on a plate are small pieces of carrots, cabbage, fresh cucumbers) And also, the sisters ask for help.

Hare sisters, help us build a fence so that the wolf does not attack us.

Educator: each of you needs to draw a part of the fence, then we will collect all the parts and get one long fence.

Fence drawing.

Children draw with their fingers using paints a fence according to the model. Then the house is "enclosed" with this fence.


Educator: hares, you are great, you built a fence and the sisters are not afraid of the gray wolf!

Bunnies, tell the sisters how we walked through the forest, what we saw, what we collected, were not afraid, jumped through the stream, kept our ears sharp.

Children's answers.

Related publications:

Summer is over, the daylight hours are getting shorter every day, and the weather is increasingly unhappy with us. But, as before, I want to spend time interestingly.

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Synopsis of directly educational activities in the early age group "Funny Bunnies""Funny Bunnies" Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive - Objectives: to acquaint children with the names of the nearest objects.

Baryshnikova Ludmila Valentinovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MAOU secondary school No. 2 structural unit kindergarten No. 3
Locality: Seryshevo, Amur Region
Material name: abstract
Subject:"We are funny guys, because we are rabbits!"
Publication date: 25.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Joint gaming activities of parents and children of the second

early age groups

"We are funny guys,

Because we are bunnies!

Target: emotional rapprochement between parents and children through joint

gaming activity.

Tasks: introduce



aimed at improving the mental and physical health of children,



music therapy,










parents, children and teachers.

Equipment: toy bunny, massage balls, sticks, music.

accompaniment, yellow pencils, a painted sun without rays.

Game progress:

Hello moms! I am very glad to see you! Guys, we have

today is an unusual activity, you came here with your mothers. Let's teach

It's unusual to say hello to moms. Do you agree?

Greeting: communicative game "Hello, hands"

M. Kartushina

Hello palms! Look at the palms

Clap-clap-clap! Clap hands

Hello legs! Clap on the knees

Top, top, top! tributaries

Hello cheeks! Stroke cheeks with palms

Plop-plop-plop! Clap hands on cheeks

Chubby cheeks! Stroke cheeks with fists

Plop-plop-plop! Hit fists on the cheeks

Hello sponges! Shaking head left and right

Peck, peck, peck! lip smack 3 times

Hello my nose! Stroking the nose with fingers

Beep, beep, beep! 3 times press the nose with the index finger

Hello guests! Stretch your arms forward, palms up

Dear mothers, we are very glad to see you today! And now there is a task

let's check


(To the music, parents show parts of the child’s body - “Here is the nose, here

And now, our children will turn into funny bunnies. And mothers are in bunnies.

Do you agree?

And hares are very fond of playing with balls, and not with simple ones, but with prickly ones.

Look what prickly balls we have!

(The teacher shows and distributes su-jok balls)

And now our bunny mothers will help their baby bunnies to play with

these balls and roll them.

Ball (hand massage)

1. We roll the ball between two palms.

These are the balls our babies have!

(Moms roll balls on the child's palm)

2. Turned into a hedgehog - pricked with a needle,

Our left hand, very, very sharp!

(Moms take the ball in their right hand and carefully prick the left hand of the child)

3. We tickle the right palm with the ball,

How nice to tickle the ball a little!

(Moms take the ball in their left hand and tickle the child's right hand)

4. Our ball is tired, quickly went to bed,

Sleep well, little ball, it's sweet in the cradle!

(Put the ball in the palm of your hand, cover with the other palm and swing)

In my opinion,

crying (sounds


let's see who it is. Yes, there is another bunny here. (Educator

shows a bunny toy).

The hostess abandoned the bunny,

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

We need to cheer up the bunny. Let's do a fun dance for him. And mothers

they can dance with us too.

Dance "Become dancing"


to play.

let's teach him to play the game "The gray bunny is sitting"

The game "The gray bunny is sitting"

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears. (make ears on the head with handles and move them)

Like this, like this

And wiggles his ears. (2 lines 2 times)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws. (clap hands)

Like this, like this

We need to warm up the paws .. (2 lines 2 times)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump. (jump)

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump. (2 times)

The wolf scared the rabbit.

Bunny jumped and ran away.

And now it's time for us to say goodbye to the bunny and turn into children. Let's go on

we will give the memory of the bunny a drawing - the sun. (Children draw the sun

rays and say goodbye to the hare)

Round dance "Karavai"(Children and adults hold hands, sway

hands and the teacher says:

Goodbye, goodbye, come visit us again.

Goodbye, goodbye, let's have fun playing.")