Poems for the New Year for children. Poems about the New Year Poems for the New Year

» Poems about the New Year

Poems about the New Year

Time slips through your fingers like sand,
Weeks and years rush by in everyday life!
The winter holiday changes the usual way of life,
When there are Christmas trees, lights, bustle around!

So let the magic happen these days,
The magic of festive, joyful days!
And a fairy tale will knock on your door at that very moment,
Your wishes will come true soon!


Let it respond with a spark of warmth,
This holiday is glorious in everyone’s heart,
So that the soul blossoms with happiness,
And so that life may one day become a fairy tale!

He will make your cherished dreams come true,
The most beautiful and daring hopes,
And there will be more kindness in the world.
On this winter holiday, snow-white!


New year, new snow,
Like a blank page.
And on it a man draws his route.
Take a run,
And familiar faces
They will guide you on your way and will come to your aid.

Through frost and blizzard
I managed to get through
The experience of the past years was not a burden, but a benefit.
Like on white snow,
So that on a new page
You have written the story of your new victories!


When the sun rises tomorrow
And the snow will continue its flight,
Not just a new day will come,
The whole New Year is coming!

He will walk along the spruce branches,
Will touch the ice of lakes and rivers
And will overshadow us with new happiness,
To make a person smile

So that you go through life without hesitation,
He created and loved his neighbor,
So that the cold of all the treacherous pieces of ice
Melted with a warm heart!


For children 2-3 years old 🎄

Santa Claus brought us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there is snow on the branches.


The round dance began to spin,
The songs flow loudly
This means New Year!
This means a Christmas tree!


Santa Claus is coming to the holiday
In a red fur coat, felt boots,
He brings gifts with him
For little kids!


White - white snowfall
It's spinning in the yard.
It's a bright New Year
There's a knock on our door.


For children 3-4 years old 🎄

Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.
Green suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

📓 T. Volgina


They are in our box
Magic toys:
Silver stars,
garlands and firecrackers.
We decorated the Christmas tree.
I stood on a stool
And three crystal balls
I hung it on a branch myself.

📓 A. Usachev


There are candles and balls on the Christmas tree
Hanging out with mom
Snowflakes, tinsel rain,
And at the very top
A huge star is burning
Playing and sparkling!
And mom says quietly:
Oh, what beauty!

📓 R. Maskaeva


New Year's Day!
The snow is frosty and stinging.
The lights came on
On a fluffy Christmas tree.
The painted ball swayed,
The beads rang
Smells like forest freshness
From resinous spruce.


For children 5-6 years old 🎄

Everyone is waiting, of course, for the New Year,
And I feel sorry for the old one.
After all, he will completely leave us!
I even felt sad.
And I'm already used to it,
I became friends with him over the course of a year.
I became friends with him because
That I learned to swim,
That I saw the sea for the first time
And that my sister was born.
I really felt sad
That the year is passing Old.
And New Year,
As a new guest:
Of course, he is welcome
But to him,
For the whole year
Still need to get used to it!

📓 E. Grigorieva


Along the snow-white valley
Santa Claus is in a hurry, as before.
Along the road, along the country road,
To come to us in time for the Christmas tree,
Bring a bunch of surprises
Celebrate the best holiday!
And of course we all are again
Ready to meet him
Sing, dance, read poetry,
Celebrate the New Year together!


Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.
A fairy tale hides in the greenery:
The white swan is swimming
The bunny slides on a sled
The squirrel gnaws nuts.
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
We are all dancing for joy
On New Year's Day under it!

📓 E. Blaginina


Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.
Green suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

📓 T. Volgina


For children 6-7 years old 🎄

Artist painting
I painted all night
Worked conscientiously
I knew no peace.
And here on the windows
Already turned white
Tall pines,
Fluffy spruces.
Then we saw
There's a firmament there
Where are the cheerful stars
There was a round dance,
Snowflakes fluttered
One by one -
The windows are so frosty
Decorated it in winter.

📓 A. Melnikov


Santa Claus walked through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
I walked through the forest for eight days.
He walked through the forest -
I decorated the Christmas trees with beads.
On this New Year's night
He'll take them down for the boys.
There is silence in the clearings,
The yellow moon is shining.
All the trees are silver
Hares are dancing on the mountain,
The ice sparkles on the pond,
New Year is coming!

📓 Z. Alexandrova


The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are blue shadows underneath,
Spiny needles
It's like there's frost in the white.
She thawed in the warmth,
Straightened the needles
And with merry songs
We arrived at our Christmas tree.
Multi-colored toys
They hung it on it for us,
And we look at the Christmas tree,
And we have fun today.
The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Lights up everywhere
In all houses throughout the country
The guys are smiling.

📓 L. Nekrasova


What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!
What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Invisible springs -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

📓 M. Plyatskovsky


For children 9-10 years old 🎄

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort.
Don't be lazy, don't yawn,
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment.
They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
How can we not make a wish?
A modest wish -
Execute "excellently"
School assignments.
So that the students
Began to study
To get a deuce in the diaries
I couldn't get through!

📓 S. Mikhalkov


In December, in December
All trees are in silver.
Our river, like in a fairy tale,
The frost paved the way overnight,
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
In the morning I stopped crying,
She breathed and came to life.
Its needles tremble a little,
The lights lit up on the branches,
Like a ladder, like a Christmas tree
The lights shoot up.
Firecrackers glitter with gold,
I lit a star with silver
Reached the top of the head
The bravest light.
A year has passed like yesterday.
Above Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower is striking
Fireworks twelve times!

📓 S. Marshak


In a mysterious thicket
dense forests
The pendulum swings
Old watch.
The hammers are knocking
From morning to morning:
Minutes forge
Master blacksmiths.
winter comes
Here the old man
Brings with him
Empty chest.
He comes at night.
At twelve o'clock -
Creaks and rumbles
Iron bolt:
Clock keeper,
Seeing the old man
Loads minutes
To the bottom of the chest...
On white snow
An old man is coming
Around the world
Carrying a chest.
And people
When the year begins
Free gifts
He gives out his own.
But the one who has a moment
Save for yourself
And only to yourself
Treated lovingly
Never spent
Your minutes,
When did it come
Others are in trouble
He won't remember that
Nobody ever -
Will be erased forever
His name of the year.
But if for a moment
You didn't spend it in vain
And he lived, his kindness
Giving people
Then your name
Never again
They can't erase
No years.


It is not the wind that rages over the forest,
Streams did not run from the mountains,
Moroz the voivode on patrol
Walks around his possessions.
Looks to see if the snowstorm is good
The forest paths have been taken over,
And are there any cracks, crevices,
And is there any bare ground somewhere?
Are the tops of the pines fluffy?
Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?
And are the ice floes tightly bound?
In great and small waters?
He walks - walks through the trees,
Cracking on frozen water
And the bright sun plays
In his shaggy beard...

📓 N. Nekrasov


Poems for the New Year of the Rat (Mouse) 2020 🐀

Dragged away by the Mouse
Notable thief
From the library
A book with a horoscope.

I read the book
And I knew right away
What's in the coming year
Mouse - Symbol of the Year!

And the Mouse cried,
Getting a little sad:
What the book says
The cat doesn't read.


Somehow the Mouse decided to blame the cat:
- Don’t you dare chase me anymore, Cat!
It's no good for me to run away from you,
I am the Queen of the Year of the Mouse!

You must bow to the ground to me,
You must submit to my will,
Nowadays it is not for nothing that people say:
- Mouse – Queen of the Mouse Year!

The cat narrowed her sly eye:
- Mouse speeches are not a decree for me!
If you dare to be lazy and run away,
You will become my royal dinner, queen!


The children made the snow woman,
The mice saw the snow woman,
They gathered together and began to scream:
- Come on, let’s sculpt a snow mouse!

The little mice all got down to business together,
The snow mouse was molded as needed:
Spout - radish, potato ears -
The snow mouse is standing at the edge of the forest!

In the morning all the people around were surprised,
In the morning, all the people around were touched:
- This is necessary for the Year of the Mouse
A snow mouse was blinded to the people!


On New Year's night the Rat sat
Rat looked quietly out the window:
The snow was scattered there outside the window
A winter's tale with white polka dots!

Snowflakes floated elegantly in the sky,
The white landing party is all in order,
White fur coats and parachutes -
Minutes of happiness fell to the ground!

The Rat grabbed the white paint,
I doused myself all over with that paint.
And she jumped with a cute spring:
- I will also be a white snowflake!


Just beautiful poems about New Years 🎅

Snowflakes are circling in a round dance,
Frost paints on the windows,
And now the New Year is coming to us
What did he bring that midnight?

He brought us a beautiful fairy tale,
Where exactly good will win,
May the year be the most wonderful
Your wishes will come true!


There are many holidays in the year,
But at the end of December,
There is only one holiday, friends!
Everyone knows - both you and me!

People are waiting with a smile
This holiday is all year round,
It's called New Year,
And now he’s about to break into us!


The Christmas tree smells fragrant,
The most elegant
There is fluffy snow outside the window,
It falls on the eyelashes.

Let's decorate our Christmas tree
Multi-colored tinsel,
Our holiday will be wonderful
This fabulous winter!


Everything shimmers in silver,
Winter has fully come into its own,
After all, the holiday will be celebrated very soon,
And we will celebrate the New Year with a bang!

And this means that the bad will be forgotten,
It's time for new successes,
May every wish in him come true,
And only good deeds are done!


The New Year promises to be fun
After all, he is preparing a big surprise for us!
Everything will become unusual and new,
“Life is beautiful” is his motto!

Everything will turn out great, just like in a fairy tale,
He will only bring joy to everyone,
It will change our usual way of life,
Find the key to everyone's heart!

Everybody left. The cat purrs.
The dream comes again.
What is NEW YEAR -
Two magic words?
And the answer is already ready:
It's a pine smell
Silver moonlight
On spruce paws,
Weightless balls
With sugar sprinkle
And the twinkle of tinsel
Unsteady in a half-asleep.
This is apple pie
And a pile of gifts.
This is a fabulous threshold
Behind which is a Miracle.
(E. Yavetskaya)

2. What is New Year? Father Frost...

What is New Year?
Santa Claus has a long beard,
Explosions of laughter and firecrackers,
Happiness - a whole ship!

This is a bright masquerade
Music hit parade,
Mountains of juicy tangerines
And a big candy fall!

What is New Year?
Snow and delights of weather,
Travels through a Fairy Tale,
Adventure round dance!

This is reality and magic!
Conspiracies, witchcraft!
Just a miracle of transformation
Celebration of the Good Fairy!
(Dream Svetlana)

3. That's how it happens!

The New Year has come to visit us.
And on the entrance door there is a code!
And the New Year was unfamiliar
With a sophisticated combination lock.

Stuck under the door for an hour,
Knocked, knocked twelve times
And turned into another entrance,
He stays with them and eats buns!
(G. Dyadina)

4. Five minutes from the New Year

Having finished the pre-holiday run,
We'll freeze in anticipation,
And with the twelfth strike
Let's start the New Year with a bang.

The minutes will run by again
With fun, joy, laughter,
And the year born will give
Good luck and success to everyone!
(A. Voight)

5. The most wonderful holiday

The sky sparkles with stars and lights.
Adults are happy and so are children.
The New Year has descended on Earth again.
And he ran across the planet.

Raced through villages and towns,
Meeting winter and summer.
He'll come see us in a minute
We will be happy to meet him.

And he will give us a new dawn,
Having made a revolution around the planet.
There is no more generous holiday -
He is the most beautiful in the world!
(V. Gvozdev)

6. New Year's song - the gates open

The gates open
Blue January.
And around a new turn
Unfamiliar dawn.

There's something in the air
Ringing and screaming, bustle,
It's like life is starting to start
From a snow-white sheet.

Chocolate candies,
Silvery rains.
Spring and Summer will come again
Just wait a little.

Sparkles with a bright flame
Golden gimp,
Only Happiness promises
New Year's pipe.

Over the laid tables,
Over children's beds
New Year is flying over us
Full of bright, clear days.

And the minutes fly by,
Songs, laughter from all sides,
The world is in turmoil
We celebrate the change of times.

Best wishes! Best wishes!
Christmas tree in festive fire,
Wishes come true
In the ensuing silence.
(T. Frolova)

7. Where does the New Year come from?

Is New Year falling from the sky?
Or is it coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
New Year is coming out?

He probably lived like a snowflake
On some star
Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?
Frost in his beard...

Maybe he got into the refrigerator
Or to a squirrel in a hollow,
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve -
And from nowhere
New Year is coming to us!
(A. Usachev)

8. The girls stood in a circle.

The girls stood in a circle.
They stood up and fell silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a tall tree.

There's a star at the top
Beads in two rows.
Let the Christmas tree not go out,
Let it always burn!

9. Favorite holidays

We love holidays
We are looking forward to it.
Holidays bring us
Joy to every home.
It starts with a song
holiday day,
It lights up in the heart
Warm light.
It's a shame it's ending
But they are not forgotten
Never them.

What about the New Year
Do we wait every time?
We are waiting for it to come true
We have all the dreams.

We are waiting for joyful gifts,
Good news
And sunny smiles
From your friends.

We believe that it will bloom
White garden in spring
What's even more beautiful
It will become a native land.
(V. Stepanov)

10. End of December

Both adults and children are waiting
End of December
They rip off with pleasure
This calendar sheet.

The festival of masks is coming,
Tinsel and confetti
Among the reasons to have fun
You couldn't find more fun!
(V. Voight)

11. New Year!

New Year! New Year!
Will bring a lot of happiness:

For adults - all sorts of joys,
Children - various sweets.

Get terribly excited
Christmas trees - new outfits,

Courtyards - snowmen,
Ice - the cheerful creaking of skates,

The sky is a festive fireworks,
Santa Claus - medal for work!
(T. Shatskikh)

12. Happy New Year, my kindergarten!

With a ringing laugh, a good fairy tale
Today the day began -
Everyone put on masks together,
Dancing and singing are not lazy!

This holiday is the brightest!
It only happens in winter.
Santa Claus brings gifts
Happy New Year, my kindergarten!
(T. Dashkova)

13. New Year is trotting

The New Year is rushing at a trot,
He hurries into the house and knocks;
There is white ice on the lakes
The eye is blinding and sparkling.
The maple, hugging the alder, stands -
It's warmer together;
He says something quietly
To her, her bride.
The sun will fall soon
Fun over the hill;
He'll go wild and sing
The forest is ringing with a blizzard.
The snow will dance in a round dance,
Will spin like a whirlwind;
Soon, soon New Year!
Trotting to visit.
(K. Avdeenko)

14. Bear dream

Sympathizes with the bear
Forest people in winter.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate the New Year.

A barrel of honey for him
Santa Claus left
And he snores in the den,
Covering your nose with your palm.

But who will congratulate him?
You won't meet a daredevil.
Wake up the couch potato -
What if my sides get sore?
(A. Kostakov)

15. News

Everything is new today:
Garden bench,
New yard,
New cat
New janitor at the gate.
White fur on the Christmas tree -
Brand new, brand new!
The bullfinch sat on a twig -
Well, quite a newbie!
Isn’t this something new?
Is there a path through the yard?

I'll run along it to the gate,
I'll give people news:
- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness! - I say.
(Yu. Kushak)

16. Guest

Paving the way to the threshold,
Snow falls on the road
And with the beginning of winter days
Someone is rushing towards us along it.

He is carrying a wonderful bag.
What's hidden in it? Unknown.
Is the book new? A game?
Secrets of our yard?
Maybe ski trips
Or a funny breed of dog?
Maybe the clubs are making a loud noise
Or just a new friend?

...Snow is falling on the road.
How long can you wait, by God!
Maybe he won’t come at all?
Here he is! Hello New Year!
(N. Stozhkova)


17. New Year's days

New Year's Day!
The snow is frosty and stinging.
The lights came on
On a fluffy Christmas tree.

The painted ball swayed,
The beads rang
Smells like forest freshness
From resinous spruce.

18. New Year is coming soon

Soon, soon New Year.
It's snowing outside the window.
The sparrows are trembling under the roof,
Misha sleeps sweetly in his den,
The frost crackles at night,
Pinches the finches' noses.
Christmas trees lined up in a row
Change forest outfit.
Hats, snow coats
The garlands are gold.
Soon, soon New Year.
Laughter, round dance at the Christmas tree.
Santa Claus with a big bag
He walks through the forests.
The stars shine brightly for him,
He has gifts in his bag.
Tangerines, oranges
For the children of the country of Russia.
Waffles, apples, lemons
And millions of nuts.
Hurry up, New Year,
The kids are already waiting.
(M. Azariyants)

19. What is New Year? It's the other way around

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees are growing in the room,
Squirrels don’t gnaw cones,

Hares next to a wolf
On a prickly tree!
The rain is also not easy,
It's golden on New Year's Day,

It shines as much as it can,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
No one's nose stings.
(E. Mikhailova)

20. Japanese calendar

There is a Japanese belief -
A fairy tale, simply put:
One day the animals gathered
Choose your own king.
Gathered for the New Year
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
They rushed at full speed.

They began to howl, meow, bark,
Argument and shouting until dawn:
Everyone wants to rule each other
Everyone wants to become king.
We got into a fight on New Year's Eve
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
Wool flies and fluff!

But from heaven it is strictly
The Japanese god looked.
And he said: “It’s time, by God,
Stop the commotion!
Will rule every year
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
Each in his own turn!”

And they went to reign in a circle,
Keeping the calendar
Animals, birds - all to each other -
Friend, comrade, brother and king.
We got into a friendly round dance
Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat,
Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig,
Monkey and Snake,
Both the Dog and the Rooster -
Join the general circle!
(A. Usachev)

21. New Year with a fir branch

New Year
Spruce branch
Back to the fairy tale
Beckons us.
They'll be counting down soon
Your magic hour.

Father Frost
Gifts for everyone
Will definitely find
New Year
With new happiness
Soon soon
He will come to us!
(A. Voight)

22. New Year in the forest

On New Year's Day,
On New Year's Day
Lots of holiday troubles!

Hanging balloons together
Red foxes,
Ribbons of bright tinsel
Braided in pigtails.

The lights are burning all around,
All the animals are happy:
Jumping around in a lively dance
White hares.

Celebrate New Year
Gray wolves, -
They dance together in a circle
At the decorated Christmas tree.

The bells are ringing,
The cones are golden.
Only one sleeps in the den
Brown bears.
(A. Paroshin)

23. Between the future and the present

Between the passing year
And the coming ones - five minutes,
Arrows future with present
Closed in a magical circle.

In these very moments
Most believe in miracles -
New Year's Eve
Gives people magic!
(A. Voight)

24. Fortune telling

What will you be like, New Year?
What are you bringing to us? joy? grief?
You walk, and darkness is in your stern gaze,
But what is behind the darkness? flame? ice?

Who will unravel the omens,
Why are you whispering so indistinctly?
At the dark fatal line
In response to timid fortune-telling?

But no matter how dark the future is
And how misty all the roads are,
I'm on a mysterious threshold
One foreshadowing is given:

As soon as the heart beats true,
And all earthly storms are smoke,
Everything will be the way we want it
You just have to want it immensely.
(F. Sologub)

25. New Year - being afraid again

Afraid again
Oversleep him
I sat firmly on the chair,
He blinked and suddenly fell asleep.
I thought I overslept him
But in the morning I got up
And it has arrived!
(L. Yakovlev)

26. New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not make a wish?
A modest wish -
Execute "excellently"
School assignments,

So that the students
Began to study
To get a deuce in the diaries
I couldn't get through!
(S. Mikhalkov)

27. Birth of the New Year

I flew into the distance on a troika
Queen of the Snow.
And threw on a veil
Boundless fields.

The snow swirls behind the sleigh,
Fireworks reflections.
Today the New Year will be born
In a silvery scattering.

And the feather beds are shaking
Snow is floating over the city,
It spreads with white down.

Very good old year
He's coming down the street towards you,
He gives gifts to everyone,
Let the children admire it.

With a Christmas tree he summed it up
Last year's matter
Helped to ascend the throne
New Year's grandson.
(G. Rukosueva)

28. Waiting for the New Year

We have been waiting for the New Year for a long time,
We are waiting for gifts, a round dance,
Starry night magic
And Christmas.

Christmas tree, beads, tinsel...
Santa Claus will come. Hooray!
I'll tell him a poem
He will give me a bag of sweets.

And the Snow Maiden will come,
An angel will bring you a fairy tale.
Let's say together: One, two, three!
Our Christmas tree, burn!

A star and lights will flash,
How everyone likes them!
Everyone's dreams will come true.
Happiness, people, love to you!
(L. Firsova-Sapronova)

29. We celebrated the New Year

We celebrated the New Year -
Dad, mom, me and the cat.

I drank a festive compote,
Adults - champagne.
A terribly important cat
I devoured sour cream.
(P. Sinyavsky)


30. New Year's song: they know for sure

They know for sure, they know for sure
Even hares, even squirrels,
What when at twelve at night
The hands of the clock will converge,
It's from unknown where
He will come to us immediately
This is a fabulous miracle
Called New Year!

It smells like tangerines
And also chocolates,
Frosty splintered Christmas tree,
Homemade pie.
Favorite cartoons,
Pleasant gifts,
Long holidays
And happiness and warmth!

Absolutely no doubt
This holiday is the most important.
It's a holiday, let's be honest,
The best, the most glorious.
And him without delay
He will bring it to us today
This is a wonderful moment
Called New Year!

31. Frost is drawing outside the window

There's frost outside the window
Your own lace pattern,
White December swirled
New Year's chaos.

The house smells of fresh pine,
The house is clean and bright -
So it's New Year's holiday
The time has come for us to meet!
(A. Voight)

32. First snow

The first snow fell in the morning
White and cold
So he will come to us soon
New Year's holiday.
Lights on our Christmas tree
They will sparkle brightly!
And cheerful Santa Claus
Will bring gifts.
(A. Golyakin)

33. Ice sparkles on the river

Ice sparkles on the river,
The snow swirls gently.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's snowy!

Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We'll sing loudly.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's loud!

There is a huge cake on the table,
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's sweet!

Round dance around the Christmas tree,
Lights on the branches...
Glorious New Year holiday!
It's a pity, it happens rarely.
(A. Rumyantsev)

34. Happiness to you, PEOPLE!

Russians! Let's be healthy!
Let's forget about the problems
The year that was, scrapped,
Let's sit together at the table.
As usual, we'll set the table
And we'll open the champagne,
So that without grief and adversity
It was the coming New Year!
So that people, getting up in the morning,
Walked with smiles beaming,
So that everyone has a reason
And there was laughter everywhere!
To want to have fun!
May your faces shine!
More often heard ha-ha,
In the coming year of the rooster!
Congratulations to everyone
And with all my heart I wish,
So that the people are happy
Not just on New Year's!!!
(site visitor, December 21, 2016, Rostov-on-Don)

The year has flown by very quickly and now fluffy snowflakes are falling again, frolicking merrily in the light of neon lights. The windows of the houses glow in a special way, and the shop windows are decorated in New Year's style. Boxes of Christmas tree decorations are taken from the mezzanines, and kilometers of streamers, garlands, and tinsel are purchased. The smell of tangerines and the joyful New Year's bustle are everywhere.

This means that we will soon be meeting with! And we need to prepare seriously for this meeting! And be sure to learn poetry to please the Chief Wizard of the Country!

Even for small children - 2-3 years old - it is not difficult to learn short poems with the help of their mother.

Poems are suitable for memorization.

It would be good for younger schoolchildren to learn more complex poems - 3-6 syllables.

What about high school students? And even adults? Don't you believe in Santa Claus? But you want gifts! As known only to good people and only for a beautiful poem. However, a song or dance will do.

We have prepared for you a selection of beautiful poems about the New Year. Read, teach, tell. And receive gifts!

Poems for the New Year for children 2-3 years old

I love chocolates
And I love candy
At home everyone thinks I'm
I have a rare sweet tooth.
I know, I know what I brought
Good Grandfather Frost!

Santa Claus slept in bed,
He stood up, jingling his icicles,
Where are the blizzards, where are the blizzards,
Why don't you wake me up?
Mess in the yard
Mud and puddles in December.

Snow, snow is spinning,
The whole street is white!
We gathered in a circle,
They spun like a snowball.

Santa Claus came to us.
Let's have fun
We will sing and dance,
Spin around with music.

Santa Claus is dancing with us,
Makes everyone happy today
And under the tree they sound
Jokes, jokes, laughter!

Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Call us for a holiday,
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true!

There's a flock of snowflakes outside the window,
He also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.

The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year's at the gates
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.

Elephant on a green branch
Sleeps and sees
Sweet Dreams,
Like from Africa itself
He came to us in winter
And hung on a branch
About the candy.

Santa Claus is coming to the holiday.
In a red fur coat, felt boots,
He brings gifts with him
For little kids!

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands and firecrackers.
Nice gifts
The holiday will be bright!

T. Marshalova

Teddy bear cub
He washes his nose in the morning with his paw,
Today is New Year's Day
It's the first time to meet.

The hedgehog looks to the sky:
What kind of miracles are these?
Hedgehogs are flying in the sky
And if you take it in your palms, they melt.
White snowflakes.

Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest one.
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom will gasp immediately!

The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year's at the gates
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.

What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Invisible springs –
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

Bear, bear!
What happened to you?
Why do you sleep in winter?
Because snow and ice -
Not raspberries and not honey!

Snow everywhere,
Laughter everywhere,
Snow everywhere
And snowballs
Laughter everywhere
And laughs!
From high
On the guys
Like fluff
Not snowflakes
They're flying,
And the funny ones!

The sled slides down on its own,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races down the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.

Three on a snowy clearing
Me, Winter and sleigh.
Only snow will cover the ground -
The three of us are getting ready.
Having fun in the clearing -
Me, Winter and sleigh.

Children sledding in the snow
They rush down the hill like the wind.
Who is afraid of falling into the snow -
Let him not sit on the sled.

Snow was falling on the threshold,
The cat baked himself a pie.
In the meantime, I sculpted and baked -
The pie flowed away like a stream.
Bake your own pies
Not from snow - from flour.

Winter, winter, winter
Snow huts.
Brought us fun
Snowballs, rides.

We want to play in winter
Throw snowballs
Drive sleds down the mountain,
Smile a lot.

Hello, white winter,
Snow beauty.
Your gifts for us
I really, really like it.

We love winter for the snow,
Mittens and sleds,
For a hot pie
And bagels with tea.

Snowman, snowman
Let's have fun!
Let's be at mommy's window
Smile together!

Winter sparkles
Snowy silver.
Decorated with beauty
Our yard is outside the window.
I'll look outside
I'll catch the snow with my hand.
And I will tell the winter girl,
That I love her!

The snow crunches, snowflakes fly,
And we are on a sled down the mountain.
Long time ago with my friend Marinka
We were waiting for winter beauty.

Where does Santa Claus live?
Amazing question!
Not in the lamp, not in the alarm clock,
Let's look in the refrigerator!

Father Frost, Father Frost
Brought a Christmas tree from the forest
In the meantime, I went to the garden
Mom decorated the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus sits by the Christmas tree,
Hides his head in a bag.
Don't torment us too long -
Untie the bag quickly!

The round dance began to spin,
The songs flow loudly.
This means New Year,
This means a Christmas tree!

Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Invite us to the holiday!
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true!

Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas tree and winter holiday!
All my friends today
We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

Hello, holiday tree!
We've been waiting for you all year!
We are at the New Year's tree
Let's lead a friendly round dance!

What a miracle, a miracle tree
All the green needles
In beads and balls,
In yellow lanterns!

Fur coat, hat, mittens.
Tits are sitting on the nose.
Beard and red nose -
It's Santa Claus!

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny,
On New Year's Day, I'm in charge.

Short poems to Santa Claus for a matinee for children 3-4 years old

Winter is in a hurry, busy,
Wrapped in snow
All the bumps and stumps,
Benches and haystacks.
Long lasting and reliable
The river held the ice together.
You can walk along the river
Come join us, New Year!

Everything around is white and white,
Covered with pure snow.
Santa Claus is already in a hurry,
Celebrate the New Year!
Let sorrows and adversity
He will take the old year with him.
Round dances began to swirl...

Mom decorated the Christmas tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
And then the guests were invited
And they danced at the Christmas tree!

Spins and laughs
Blizzard on New Year's Eve.
The snow wants to fall
But the wind doesn’t give.
And the trees have fun,
And every bush,
Snowflakes are like little jokes,
They dance on the fly.

There are funny toys on our Christmas tree:
Funny hedgehogs and funny frogs,
Funny bears, funny deer,
Funny walruses and funny seals.

We are also a little funny in masks,
Santa Claus needs us to be funny,
So that it would be joyful, so that laughter could be heard,
After all, today is a happy holiday for everyone!

Our tree is tall
Our tree is big
Taller than mom, taller than dad,
Reaches to the ceiling.

New Year's days,
The snow is frosty and stinging.
The lights came on
On a fluffy Christmas tree.
The painted ball swayed,
The beads jingled.
Smells like forest freshness
From a fluffy spruce.

New Year has come! Hooray!
You are like white snow -
Holiday of peace and goodness
Divide it among everyone!
Dispel grief and sadness!..
Again until January
Fly quickly across the Earth,
Giving us happiness!

I've been waiting for the New Year for a long time,
Snowflakes blew through the window
A growing Christmas tree in the yard
Snow sprinkled the needles.
If Santa Claus knocks,
The Christmas tree's nose won't freeze.

Let him knock on the window
At midnight, good New Year,
Will help all dreams come true,
Happiness, joy will bring!

The hedgehog looks to the sky:
What kind of miracles are these?
Hedgehogs are flying in the sky
And if you take it in your palms, it melts.
White snowflakes.

Snow covered the tree in the forest,
I hid the Christmas tree from the guys.
At night the tree is quietly
I ran to the kindergarten.
And we have fun in the garden,
A noisy round dance is dancing.
Under a young spruce
We are celebrating the New Year!

It's snowing, it's snowing!
So, New Year is coming soon!
Santa Claus will come to us,
He will bring gifts to everyone!

Old Grandfather Frost
With a white beard
What did you bring to the kids?
For New Year's Eve?
I brought a big bag
It contains toys, books,
Let them meet - good
New Year kids!

This grandfather has many grandchildren,
The grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather pesters them,
He grabs your fingers and pulls your ears.
But a happy evening comes every year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
He brings gifts and is kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles.

Santa Claus, no matter how old,
But he plays pranks like a little one:
It stings your cheeks, it tickles your nose,
He wants to grab you by the ears.
Santa Claus, don't blow in my face,
Enough, do you hear?
Don't spoil!

Good Grandfather Frost
He brought me a puppy in a bag,
But some strange grandfather,
Dressed in my mother's fur coat,
And his eyes are big
Like dad's blue ones.
It's dad, I'm silent
I secretly want to laugh
Let him have fun
Maybe he will admit it himself.

The tree has stretched out its branches,
Smells like forest and winter.
Candies hung from the Christmas tree
And fringed crackers.
We clapped our hands
We stood together in a round dance...
Came so good
And Happy New Year!

There is a Christmas tree in the room
And, shining with toys, he speaks to us.
The Christmas tree sadly remembers the winter forest,
Full of sonorous songs, fairy tales and miracles.
Christmas tree, don’t be sad in vain, -
We are your cheerful, loyal friends.
So sparkle with a festive rainbow for us,
Be happy, Christmas tree, just like we are now!

The bunny washes himself
Going to the Christmas tree.
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and dried it.
I put on a bow,
He became a dandy.

Our tree is good
Everything shines from the fire -
Balloons, crackers,
Beautiful toys.
Santa Claus, come quickly
Light up our Christmas tree.
Let it burn with lights
In different colors.

Soon, soon New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
There's a Christmas tree behind me,
Fluffy needles.
He brings us gifts
And he asks us to read poetry.

Afraid again
Oversleep him
I sat firmly on the chair,
He blinked and suddenly fell asleep.
I thought I overslept him
But in the morning I got up
And it has arrived!

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

New Year's poems for children 4-5 years old

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind,
And the snowy forest,
And a faint smell of summer.

He probably lived like a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost in his beard.
He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get behind the glass?
But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve...
And from nowhere
New Year is coming to us!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
prickly needle
Where did you grow up?
- In the forest.
- What did you see?
- Fox.
- What's in the forest?
- Frost.
Bare birches,
Wolves and bears -
That's all the neighbors.
- And on New Year’s Eve
Everyone sings a song.

Why is it snowing?
Why is there ice on the river?
Winter has come to us -
There was a lot of snow.
Why are we visiting?
Christmas tree with bright lights?
because he's coming to us
Winter holiday - New Year!

The first snow fell in the morning
White and cold
So he will come to us soon
New Year's holiday.
Lights on our Christmas tree
They will sparkle brightly!
And cheerful Santa Claus
Will bring gifts.

There are candles and balls on the Christmas tree
Hanging out with mom
Snowflakes, tinsel rain,
And at the very top
A huge star is burning
Playing and sparkling!
And mom says quietly:
Oh, what beauty!

Nova smells like fresh tar,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!

At the end of December,
Knocking down snow with a stick,
Branches of silver fir trees,
Santa Claus is coming with a bag.

Through the mountains, through the forest,
Through the snowy edges
A million brings miracles:
Fireworks and toys,

Songs, fairy tales, round dance,
Christmas tree, holiday and fun,
So that under the New Year tree
Celebrated a housewarming party again!

Big ones fall
White snowflakes
To the beautiful Christmas tree
Right on the needles.

Come to the holiday
Christmas tree, rather:
We'll dress you up
We'll keep you warm.

He has gifts in his bag,
And on the fur coat there is a bright belt.
He lit the lights on the tree,
He's pushing the bunnies down the slide.
He brought us for the holiday
A whole cartload of new fairy tales!
Who is this? Father Frost!

T. Volgina

Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.

Green suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

At the Snow Maiden's
Since morning
New Year's affairs

It must be snowy
Decorate for her
Native forest,

For the animals
Bake a pie
And flashlights
Light it up

And then
On holiday
To the children
In gold

Mountains of snow wool,
Frost on the window.
We take shovels
We clean the paths.

Frost turns silver
And the ice sparkles.
Tit on a pine tree
Sings a song.

Cheerful snowman
I heard a song
And with a new panicle
He came out to help us.

The girls stood in a circle,
They stood up and fell silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a tall tree.
There's a star above
Beads in two rows –
Let the Christmas tree not go out,
May it always burn.

I. Chernitskaya

The most important of the guests
- Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired.
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

V. Nesterenko

Everyone knows what's at the Christmas tree
Very sharp needles.
But on New Year's Eve they
As a surprise for the kids, -
Softer, gentler, kinder.
And on branches for children
There are toys and balls.
And under the Christmas tree there are gifts.

S. Loseva

The tree burst into flames,
The tinsel sparkled
Beads, stars began to play,
The child screamed:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
And started dancing together
New Year's round dance.
It's fun time!

I'm so tired today!
I decorated the Christmas tree with my mom!
Dad walked nearby
He led us.
How many balls are there on the Christmas tree?
And painted toys!
The needles smell like a holiday
Coniferous forest branches.
The lights on it flicker,
It's like they're dancing in a circle,
Children know everything in the world:
The best holiday is New Year!

Poems for preschool children of the preparatory group 6-7 years old

L. Nekrasova

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are blue shadows underneath,
Spiny needles
It's like there's frost in the white.

She thawed in the warmth,
Straightened the needles
And with merry songs
We arrived at our Christmas tree.

Multi-colored toys
They hung it on it for us,
And we look at the Christmas tree,
And we have fun today.

The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Lights up everywhere
In every home, all over the country
The guys are smiling.

O. Chusovitina

Mom, is New Year coming soon?
Autumn, son, will pass,
Snowflakes will fly there,
The boys will begin to dress
In fur coats, hats and then
Winter beauty
He will come to us, and with her
The cold will come, a blizzard,
That's when it's New Year.
Santa Claus will come then.
We will decorate the Christmas tree,
We will invite the children to visit.
How long will you have to wait?
Go to bed, son.
Time will quickly fly by,
Look - tomorrow is New Year.

E. Tarakhovskaya

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
prickly needle,
Lanterns, lights,
Golden fireflies,
Firecracker cannons,
Turning mills,
Ducks, pipes,
Crucian carp and fishing rods,
Lollipops, bells,
Two goats, three sheep,
Nut most of all -
All nuts are nuts!
Music, dancing, fun, close.
What will go to whom is unknown!

K. Fofanov

Dressed up the Christmas tree in a festive dress:
In colorful garlands, in bright lights,
And the Christmas tree stands, sparkling, in a lush hall,
Remembering with sadness the old days.
The tree dreams of an evening, monthly and starry,
Snowy meadow, sad cry of wolves
And the neighboring pine trees, in a frosty mantle,
Everything is covered in diamond sparkles and snow fluff.
And the neighbors stand in gloomy sadness,
They dream and drop white snow from the branches...
They dream of a Christmas tree in a lit hall,
Laughter and stories of joyful children.

Beautiful toys for me
Will bring it for the New Year
White Santa Claus
Under the green Christmas tree.
There, under the winter tree
Fluffy, forest
They sleep covered with hats
Forest gnomes.
Let them have a crib
Soft and comfortable.
So that they can sleep sweetly,
I'll give them a nice cake

O. Vysotskaya

How beautiful the New Year tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Dress on a green Christmas tree,
Bright beads sparkle on the chest.
Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening it will all sparkle
The sparkle of lights, and snowflakes, and stars,
Like a peacock's tail opening!
Christmas tree in your gold pockets
Hid a lot of different sweets
And she extended thick branches towards us,
It's like a hostess greeting guests.
You won't find a better tree anywhere!
With a good Christmas tree, the holiday is good!


The wolves told the news,
The forty brought news,
What a tree in the dense forest
There is a decorated one!

The animals heard the news,
We ran through the forests.
Everyone wants to check for themselves
Look at the tree for yourself.

For whom, why, where
Did this miracle appear?
Who brought the Christmas tree here?
Isn't it Santa Claus himself?

Is there time to figure it out?
Who brought it, why did they take it away?
Ah, foxes, squirrels, hares,
Open a noisy ball!

A. Kostakov “Bear’s Dream”

Sympathizes with the bear
Forest people in winter.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate the New Year.

A barrel of honey for him
Santa Claus left
And he snores in the den,
Covering your nose with your palm.

But who will congratulate him?
You won't meet a daredevil.
Wake up the couch potato -
What if my sides get sore?

New Year's Day!
The snow is frosty and stinging.
The lights came on
On a fluffy Christmas tree.
The painted ball swayed,
The beads rang
Smells like forest freshness
From resinous spruce.

M. Klokova

Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up
Shine with lights.
We invited guests
Have fun with us.

Along the paths, in the snow,
Through the forest meadows
Came to visit us on holiday
Long-eared bunny.

And behind him - look, everyone! -
Red fox.
The fox also wanted
Have fun with us.

Clubfoot bear.
He brings honey as a gift
And a big shot.

Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up
Shine with lights.
So that the paws of animals
They danced themselves.

"Do not interrupt"

Santa Claus came to our garden.
Santa Claus called the guys.
The beard is as white as cotton wool
And a bag with gifts.
Santa Claus said: - Guys!

Come on, who will read the poem?
We learned poems in the garden:
I taught, and my brother taught.
We immediately jumped up -
I jumped up and he jumped up.

- They dropped the bear on the floor!
- One two three four five…
- They tore off the bear’s paw.
- The bunny went out for a walk.

- Suddenly the hunter runs out,
- I still won’t leave him,
- He shoots straight at the bunny,
- Because he is good!

And while we were reading
These sad poems
All the guys laughed:
- Ha-ha-ha and hee-hee-hee.

And grandpa is laughing
The beard fell off.
So he left us.
What nonsense!

Usachev Andrey. “Where does the New Year come from?”

Is New Year falling from the sky?
Or is it coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming to us?
He probably lived like a snowflake
On some star
Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?
Frost in his beard?
He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?
But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve...
And from nowhere
New Year is coming to us!

N. Naydenova

It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!

A. Barto “It Was in January”

It was in January
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.

Once upon a time
Sometimes at night,
When the forest is so quiet,
They meet a wolf under the mountain
Bunnies and hare.

Who's up for the New Year?
Fall into the clutches of the wolf!
The bunnies rushed forward
And they jumped onto the tree.

They flattened their ears
They hung like toys.
Ten little bunnies
They hang on the tree and are silent -

The wolf was deceived.
It was in January -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

The animals decorated the Christmas tree.
The hares entrusted the wolf
Hang a tinsel shawl,
Yes, bark toys!

Red fox nearby
Humming, fussing:
From ice icicles
Makes gnomes funny.

And the squirrels took the cones,
Tied into beads with a thread
And on the soft paws of the Christmas tree
Laid out like on a shelf!

Birds flew to the tree -
Yellow-breasted tits
On branches with bullfinches
They sat down in colorful balls.

A star fell from the sky,
It lit up at the top
The tree immediately came to life,
I started dancing with the animals!

I. Gurina

New Year is coming soon!
He's knocking at the gate
With a lush Christmas tree in hand
And with gifts in a bag.

Wolves decorate the Christmas tree,
The hedgehog dyes his needles,
The squirrels begin to dance,
And the wood grouse sings romances.

The foxes are waiting for this holiday.
Mice and hares are right there!
Raven put on his dress coat,
And the bullfinch is an elegant costume.
Without sorrows and worries
The animals lead a round dance.
The boars are having fun:
- Do you need dancers in the circle?

The horned elk came running,
Surprised: - What happened?
The mole answered from the hole:
- New Year is coming soon!

January walked through the snowdrifts,
The king of all winter frosts!

February caught up with him -
I lost my shawl in the blizzard.

March came running to replace him,
It rang: - Spring, let's start!

April sailed along the streams,
He carried some drops in his pocket.

The leaves of May rustled:
- Take off your warm jacket!

The dandelion carried June.
Do you want a miracle? Just blow!

And in July, and in July
We had a rest at the sea!

August was buzzing with bees,
Yes, he was sitting like a mushroom in the forest.

In golden September
We forgot about the heat!

The wind blew in October:
Let's pick up yellow leaves!

November froze us
The first snow fell to the ground.

Here December is coming to us,
Ending a long year!

"Santa Claus's Mail"

Behind the forests, behind the gardens,
Behind the snow and behind the ice,
Good Grandfather Frost
I collected a cartload of gifts.

The animals wrote to grandfather,
Letters were thrown into boxes:
And he read for a whole year
Who is waiting for what gift?

The little squirrel ordered a cup,
The gray wolf asked for a shirt
Mice wrote about the spinning top,
The boar needs pants.

They brought a telegram:
Moose asked to congratulate his mother.
And the fox wanted a hat,
Hamster - watch on his paw.

Santa Claus laughed in his mustache:
- I've been planning for a whole year!
I'll work in the forest -
I'll deliver gifts to everyone!

"New Year in the Forest"

The animals celebrated the New Year,
Together we decorated the Christmas tree.
Multi-colored balls
The beavers brought it with them.

The squirrel brought the beads
And she laid it out among the branches.
Brighter than a red ruby
These beads are made from rowan.

Two laughing magpies
They brought firecrackers with them.
What miracles these are!
Red fox dragging

Bright, shiny
A real garland!
Hares hang on branches
Chocolate candies,

And the titmouses, two girlfriends,
The spire was put on top.
The animals stood up in a round dance:
- Hello, hello, New Year!

"New Year's Masquerade"

The animals are having a ball,
New Year's carnival.
It’s night, but the forest has no time to sleep,
The full moon is shining.

The wind blew along the way
Star colored confetti.
In the clearing there is a masquerade:
Everyone made their own outfit.

The hare dressed up as a wolf,
He pretended to be a squirrel.
The wolf took the needles from the spruce tree,
Looked like a hedgehog.

And the fox dressed up as a bunny:
Ears, mask on nose.
Here, go and find out!
The elk dressed up as a fox.
Chorus of tits on a birch tree
And the icicles chime.
Animals dance in the cold,
The ball is thundering from all sides!

"Santa Claus and the Animals"

Santa Claus walked through the forest,
He carried gifts for the children.
He walked through the snowdrifts
And a little tired.

I sat down under the tree to rest,
Look at the map of the forest.
And a bag with gifts
He put it on the snowball.

Birds sang in the distance.
He sat on a stump,
He got up and hurried on,
But I forgot my bag!

Everything around is white and white,
And the gifts were swept away.
The good grandfather realized
Look, there’s no bag in your hands!

I began to call animals for help,
The animals began to search.
A bullfinch and a titmouse are digging snow,
Under a bush there is a beaver with a fox.

The little bunny dug up the snowdrift,
The snow was crushed by the little squirrel's tail,
And the hedgehog sighs loudly:
- How will you find him now?

The wolf, like a dog, followed the trail
And I found a bag in the snow.
The animals jumped, galloped,
They waved their paws at grandfather.

And then the forest people
Happy New Year!

N. Stozhkova

Santa Claus puts all the bunnies under the Christmas tree
For a soft toy - a fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play the one
Who brings terror to him in the forest.

And each fox gets a new comb
For fashionable, shiny and red hairstyles.
So that there is no time for the bunnies to offend -
You have to keep your hair in order.

What did Santa Claus have in store for the bear cub?
A basket of raspberries? Honey from a barrel?
Left under a huge forest spruce
An alarm clock that will wake up the bear in the spring.

"Father Frost"

Animals look to the sky:
What kind of miracles are these?
On magic horses
Santa Claus is flying in a sleigh!

Golden sun ray
Lost among the gray clouds.
The horses are hitting them with their hoofs,
The bells sing in an arc.

Making a circle in the winter sky,
The sleigh suddenly tilted!
And a bag with gifts
It fell right into the snow!

Santa Claus has disappeared in the distance
And the hedgehogs found the bag.
A wolf and a fox came running,
Bunny little oblique,

The bullfinches flew in,
Partridges, wood grouse.
They whisper quietly: What kind of miracle is this?
The dump truck sticks out from there,

Doll, blocks, horse
And a big chocolate bar!
Scooter, watches and stamps...
These are children's gifts!

The owl hooted sadly:
- My head is just spinning!
Are our children really
Will they celebrate the holiday without gifts?

The animals collected everything in a bag
And they ran after him.
A wolf rushes ahead,
A whole regiment of squirrels follows,

And behind them are partridges,
Foxes, hedgehogs, bunnies.
The white sleigh caught up
And they gave all the gifts.

Santa Claus shed a tear
He wiped his nose with a mitten,
Gave everyone some candy
And went on to the children!

"At the Christmas tree"

At the little Christmas tree
Green needles.
Fragrant, fluffy,
Silver from the snow!

For a cowardly bunny
A cone fell from the tree!
He runs along the path,
The tail and back flash.

A fox wanders nearby
And he is proud of his tail.
On a high snowy slope
Elk horned, as if wearing a crown!

On green branches,
Frosted bleached
Like scarlet beads
Small bullfinches.

The edge is flooded with sunshine,
Squirrel, red girlfriend,
I came to visit the Christmas tree,
Yes, I brought nuts.

"Faux Christmas tree"

How beautiful our Christmas tree is,
Although I didn’t grow up in the forest,
Although I didn’t see a wolf,
No bear, no fox!
We will hang stars, cones,
Beads, sweets, balls,
Children will come to visit us for fun and games.
Let's shine the lights brightly.
Soon Santa Claus will come,
He will bring a bag of gifts,
and the New Year will come!
… The clock is striking, the snow is spinning,
And it goes by day after day.
And when January flies by,
We'll put the tree away again,
But we won’t throw it in a landfill,
What a useless old piece of junk!
We feel sorry to part with the Christmas tree -
In a year he will return to us.
Meanwhile, the forest
Let the beauty grow
All green and alive
Let him celebrate the New Year!

Snowman climbed up
On the winter swing,
And at that very moment
The swing flew.

They are a snowman
They took off like in a rocket,
Where the clouds are
The wind is swinging in the sky.

With my carrot nose in the air,
He looked in surprise
To the light of magical stars
Either blue or green.

Below the skating rink glittered,
Someone's roofs were getting dark,
And the snowman was flying
Higher, higher, higher.

And so he said to himself,
Taking a star as a keepsake:
“I was in a fairy tale,
Now it’s not scary to melt..."

E. Mikhailova

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees are growing in the room,
Squirrels don’t gnaw cones,
Hares next to a wolf
On a prickly tree!
The rain is also not easy,
It's golden on New Year's Day,
It shines as much as it can,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
No one's nose stings.

M. Evensen

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
With a Christmas tree, with a song, with a round dance!
With new toys!
With beads and firecrackers!
We congratulate all the guys,
We wish all the guys
So that the firecrackers clap,
For your feet to stomp,
To make the nuts crack
Under the thick fir trees.

Long poems for children 8-9 years old

New Year is knocking on the door!
Open it to him quickly.
Red-cheeked toddler -
Your reliable friend now.

You will truly be friends,
Together you will grow
Gain strength, health,
All your illnesses will forget you.

Invite him into the house
Then the clock struck.
The clock strikes twelve times.
Happiness has come to you! Meet me!

The Christmas tree glows with lights,
A fairy tale is nearby... Here comes the sleigh
They creaked at the gate...
Who's there? It's Santa Claus!

I came to the holiday with my granddaughter,
He brings gifts with him.
And the toys that are on the Christmas tree,
Suddenly they came to life. Hares, gnomes,
Dolls, balls, kittens,
Birds, squirrels and foxes,
Bear cubs and hedgehogs...
The naughty girls started dancing.

Laughter, fun and fun...
Only the spruce branches bend.
It seems just right
The Christmas tree will start dancing here.

And Snegurochka, little girl,
Hands out toys to guests
Chocolates, oranges,
Apples and tangerines...

The aroma of pine needles is in the air,
Outside the window the moon is shining,
Wonderful blue light
All the trees are silver.

Snowflakes are circling in the air,
Ice floes sparkle merrily,
Everything around is white and white...
The New Year gives a fairy tale.

Bell - dili-don!
New Year's dream beckons.
This dream jumps through holes,
Hides gifts in the dark!

The bunny dreams of a box.
He will untie the ribbon timidly
And in a dream, jump with happiness!
There's a truck in the box!

Nimble squirrel in a hollow
Sleeps sweetly in the winter in warmth.
What is a New Year's dream?
Will he bring it to our squirrel?

Squirrel-squirrel, what are you waiting for?
She mutters in her sleep: - Brooch!
Squirrel on the palm
The dream will put down the brooch.

A gray wolf sleeps under a Christmas tree.
He uses his teeth in a dream - click!
The wolf is afraid to ask for a dream,
What is he dreaming about?

Only the wolf is not evil at all!
He whispers: “I won’t eat you!”
I dream about New Year's Eve
Huge cake and compote!

In a dark hole under a pine tree
A funny prickly hedgehog sleeps.
The bell rang:
- Hedgehog, what would you like?

The hedgehog smiled in his sleep:
- I dreamed about the New Year!
Good Grandfather Frost
Gave me a locomotive!

The cheerful fox is sleeping,
The fox dreams of fireworks.
The naughty little mice are sleeping,
They dream of gifts - books.

The dream went home
And by morning I fell asleep myself!
In New Year's silence
Smiled in a dream!

S. Mikhalkov

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn,
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not make a wish?
A modest wish -
Execute "excellently"
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to study
To get a deuce in the diaries
I couldn't get through!

S. Marshak “December”

In December, in December
All trees are in silver.
Our river, like in a fairy tale,
The frost paved the way overnight,
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
In the morning I stopped crying,
She breathed and came to life.
Its needles tremble a little,
The lights lit up on the branches.
Like a ladder, like a Christmas tree
The lights shoot up.
Firecrackers sparkle with gold.
I lit a star with silver
Reached the top of the head
The bravest light.
A year has passed like yesterday.
Above Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower is striking
Fireworks - twelve times.

Ovsey Driz "New Year's Tale"

Grandfather Frost has a snowflake on his nose.
Christmas trees were collected in the forest in the evening.
Sixty green, forty blue,
Sixty older, forty young.

Christmas trees and spruce trees began to spin together
And they sang a winter forest song:
- Fall, snowflakes, fall quickly,
Make a white road for the sleigh.

I like the song
- Santa Claus said
And he ordered snowflakes to fall from the sky.
Asterisks and stars flew from the sky,
And the road became white with snow.

The Christmas trees began to spin again and they ate
And they sang another winter song:
- Come to us, wind, without a needle and thread
Sew us, little tailor, white capes.

I like the song
- Santa Claus said
And he ordered the wind to fly quickly.
And the wind rushed, mischievous and dexterous,
Without a needle or thread, I instantly sewed new clothes.

The Christmas trees and spruces began to spin again
And they sang another song joyfully:
- We are now ready, we will go now!
We will go to the children for a fun holiday!

I like the song, - Santa Claus said
And he ordered the sleigh to be brought quickly.
The wolf drags a fur coat to Frost,
And the Fox has a big red hat.

The hares brought the mittens to the sleigh.
And the bag of gifts appeared on its own.
Seven hot horses like a whirlwind - downhill!
Grandfather Frost is on his way to the children.

V. Berestov

Simple toys through the crack
One day we saw a Christmas tree:
“Let's decorate the Christmas tree!
Let’s climb onto the branches and sit down!”

The toys climbed onto the Christmas tree.
The monkey is already at the top.
The branch bent under Mishka,
I swayed a little under the Bunny.
Chickens hang like lanterns
Matryoshka dolls are like colorful balls...

"Hey, Christmas decorations,
Snow Maidens, stars, firecrackers,
Twisted, cast glass,
Silver, gold!
While you were collecting dust on the shelf,
We all ended up on the Christmas tree!
Now let's make the kids happy!
Oh, fathers! We're falling! We're falling!"

B. Soloviev

Go to sleep baby, you're tired
He helped us all day,
Decorate the whole apartment
Decorate our Christmas tree.

You forgot about the toys,
He served balloons, firecrackers,
Even standing on dad's shoulders,
Lighted candles on the Christmas tree
And sparklers
(How funny they burn).

Decorated the branches with tinsel,
He put two candies down.
Santa Claus will come with his granddaughter
And he will bring gifts.
Even though we don’t see him,
When we treat you, we won’t offend you.

Putting cotton wool under the tree,
Helped cut salads
It seemed like he was successful everywhere:
He carried both forks and dishes.

Helped as best I could -
You are growing up nice, son!
He put his chair at the table,
He sat down and immediately fell asleep.

Sleep, son, in your bed,
The snowstorms sing along with me.
New Year comes to the house,
And the baby sleeps sweetly.

S. Mikhalkov

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green bangs,
One and a half meters.
An event occurred
One winter day:
The forester decided to cut it down! -
So it seemed to her.
She was noticed
Was surrounded...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.
What a strange feeling!
The fear has disappeared somewhere...
Glass lanterns
They burn in its branches.
Jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.
Not cut down! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!..
Who saved her, who undressed her?
Forester's son!

B. Soloviev

Toy car park
There was nowhere to go,
Maybe a whole store
Feel free to open your home.

I'll put them in a box
A three-story slide,
But when I leave
They are bored without a garage.

I didn't put it off
I pasted stamps on the envelope,
Santa Claus wrote,
That I dream about a gift.

“Good Grandfather Frost,
I only ask for one thing,
To bring it under the Christmas tree
A garage for me, a house for the cars.”

And under the tree on New Year's Day,
As a result of that trick,
Eat! A dream come true! And so -
A miracle in bright packaging.

Santa Claus is the best!
Only I didn’t understand
Why does mom ask?
To kiss dad?

K. Chukovsky

If only we were at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the path.

She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock

Would spin around on the Christmas tree
Toys -
Multi-colored lanterns,

Let's spin around the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver

We'd laugh at the Christmas tree
Matryoshka dolls
And they would clap for joy
In the palms.

At the gate
New Year!
New, new,
With a golden beard!


The arrows are ticking quietly,
Don't rush to move forward
And that's why it took so long
New Year doesn't come.

I'm in a musketeer costume
Near the Christmas tree, like in a dream...
I was told very soon
Santa Claus will come to see me.

I ask adults to answer
To one simple question -
He's coming to visit us today
The real Santa Claus?

Real! - dad jokes,
Real! - the grandfather jokes.
Should I laugh or cry?
Or believe in their answer...

The bell rang in the hallway -
Here he is - Grandfather Frost!
Soft, warm palm
He grabbed my nose...

How can we trust these adults?
I didn't understand at all -
Will Frost have them?
Warm palms?

Maria Pozharova “Winter is decorated”

Winter has brightened up:
The headdress has fringe
From transparent ice floes,
Snowflake stars.
All covered in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights,
The radiance is pouring around,
Whispers a spell:
- Lie down, soft snows,
To the forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky gossip.
You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Round dances of the backwaters,
Take off like a white whirlwind
Turning gray in the field!
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams:
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,
New dawn!

Alexey Pleshcheev “Christmas tree at school”

The school is noisy
The running and noise of children...
Know that they are not for learning
We gathered in it today.
No, Christmas tree
It is lit in her today;
The motley of its elegant
She makes the kids happy.
Toys beckon to a child's eye
Here are horses, there is a top,
Here's the railroad
Here is a hunting horn.
And the lanterns, and the stars,
That diamonds burn!
golden nuts!
Transparent grapes!
May you be blessed
You, whose kind hand
I chose this tree
For the little ones!..
Rarely, rarely illuminates
Joy is bright in their days,
And all year long they will dream
Christmas tree bright lights.

Daniil Kharms "Janitor Santa Claus"

In a fur coat, in a hat, in a shower jacket
The janitor was smoking a pipe,
And, sitting down on a bench,
The janitor said to the snow:
-Are you flying or melting?
You won't understand anything here!
You sweep, you sweep,
You're just pointlessly sweeping!
Why am I talking?
I'll sit and smoke.
The janitor smokes a pipe, smokes...
And the snow squints my eyes,
And sighs and yawns,
And suddenly he falls asleep.
“Look, Manya!” Vanya shouted.
You see, the scarecrow is sitting
And eyes like embers
He looks at his broom.
It's like a snow granny
Or just Santa Claus.
Come on, give him a hat
Yes, grab him by the nose!
And how it growls!
How his feet will knock!
How can he jump up from the bench?
Yes, he will shout in Russian:
- You will already be frosty -
How to grab me by the nose!

Lyubov Voronkova “Hello, Grandfather Frost”

Our windows are brushed white
Santa Claus painted.
He dressed the pole with snow,
The garden was covered in snow.
Shouldn't we get used to the snow?
Should we hide our nose in a fur coat?
As soon as we come out, we shout:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Let's ride and have fun!
Light sleds - take off!
Who will fly like a bird
Who will curl up right in the snow.
The snow is fluffy, softer than cotton wool,
Let's shake ourselves off and run.
We are funny guys
We don't shiver from the cold.

​This winter blog contains a selection of very beautiful poems about the New Year from various talented poets. I place these poetic pearls in a silver snowy scattering at the reader’s feet. Catch it in the palm of your hand, copy it, take it in armfuls)))

At the end of the article you can pass via links and also copy a lot of useful New Year’s material(SMS congratulations, skits, toasts)

New Year

The New Year approached unnoticed.
But you will see his signs
In the hum of markets and in the noise of train stations,
In the splendor of the streets and festive halls,

In the kindness of New Year's messages,
In the bustle of “lights” and festivities,
In congratulations, results, meetings,
In performances, concerts, dates;

In a couple of saunas and baths, in discos,
In clownery, merry fun,
In the weight of bags and in cute gifts,
In Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and sleighs,

In children's laughter, in troika skating,
In masquerades, pancakes and fortune telling...
But the most important thing is the Christmas trees!
After all, without them it’s like without hands, but not only:

There are no New Year's markets without them,
Where do we choose them, like horses,
And then, swaddled and hobbled,
We carry them to apartments as best we can.

And besides, where is Santa Claus?
Will he hide the “present” that he brought?
New Year! Think for yourself:
The fairy tale will be with us everywhere.

And when the chimes strike for us,
We'll have a fun fireworks display!
And let’s also wish for luck,
So that there is no bad weather in the world,

So that there is peace and prosperity in the family
And health to you and yourself,
So that children and grandchildren grow up,
And the parents aged less.

For men to love women,
So that there is no reason left for quarrels!

Happy New Year!

Natalia Kolotilina

Our blizzard
Sweeps so soulfully
The beauties are more beautiful
Not in the magical world.
Happy New Year
White fluffy snow
He's with the winter elite
Sparkles like a diamond.

Vitaly Batyuk


The queen lives in the old park -
Centenary grandmother El.
And, apparently, she often dreams
Hundred-year winter carousel.

Highness Staraya Yolka
Standing among his granddaughters.
Fluffy branches with needles
A coat of snow tends to the ground.

But the harmony in posture is still the same.
Royally arrogant and proud.
Her whole appearance is majestic,
But the years have not broken the spirit!

In winter it is torn by blizzards,
And the needles get wet in the rain.
But it turns green again in spring
And a stake! Don't expect mercy.

All the “daughters” and “granddaughters” and “mothers”
They stand at a distance in respect.
To a snowy song, like nannies,
They preserve her royal peace.

I step carefully under it,
I'm afraid to scare away the silence,
I drown in silent delight,
Leaning head on chest.

Natalya Kolotilina

Snow Maiden

When you woke up today,
I saw spring through the window.
And I smiled at this joke,
Forgiving slush and melancholy.

But you, Snow Maiden, as before,
Is it frost, rain or snow,
Sweet, caring and gentle.
You have no control over time, running.

Frost bashfully hides the blizzard -
Not that much strength! After all, years...
And soon he will appoint a grandson
Chill people and cities.

Natalia Kolotilina

New Year, garlands, Christmas trees

New Year! Garlands, Christmas trees,
Fluffy snow, Santa Claus.
The sheep are safe, the wolves are well fed,
A whole cartload of wishes.

Live beautifully and not gloomily
In the coming year.
Peace in the soul, culture in speeches,
Collect fruits in the garden.

What we sowed, what we grew,
Bad or good.
Last year we visited
But I don't want more.

Happy new year of the dog,
And they are friends for us.
Calm down, bullies,
That's what you and I wish.

Health to all, success to all,
Happiness, joy, silence,
And also smiles, laughter,
Blessings to all and from the heart.

Happy New Year! The chimes are striking
And a glass of champagne.
Happy New Year! Ladies, dandies,
Congratulations, it has arrived!
Victor Emrit

New Year is just around the corner

New Year is just around the corner.
He will come to us with a wild boar,
With snow-white fangs,
He will restore his own order.

And now at the house of life -
The tree is getting along to heaven,
The branches are fastened busily,
The forest has thinned out without branches.

With the beautiful Snow Maiden,
He will lead a round dance,
It will be greeted with fun and class.
The city is our New Year!
Valery Vaganov

Measuring the path around the light

Measuring the path around the light,
The earth is turning around
Having entrusted fate to the future,
We are celebrating the New Year again.

Let's leave all sorrows in the past,
Let's erase doubts and caustic fear,
So that happier days come,
Shining with joy in your eyes.

With a sincere, radiant smile
Let's enter the New Year with kindness,
No matter how thorny our path may be,
Work gives happiness - not peace.

When we will be in a common bond
Obstacles are easier to overcome
Joys will break through everyday life,
The soul will want to sing.
Yakov Sid

New Year's favorite holiday

New Year is my favorite holiday
For both adults and children!
The shine of a multi-colored garland,
Noise and din, glasses clinking.

On this holiday, we are all children!
And we want to play pranks.
Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Leshy
Gathered around the Christmas tree!

Everything is in mysterious motion,
The round dance is circling, circling,
The color of the lights and the sound of firecrackers
Loudly calling everyone to him!

And champagne flows like a river,
And fireworks from all sides!
Wishes, congratulations
They are flying to our phone!

Sincerely wishing you happiness,
We glorify the New Year!

Raya Easy

Dear good New Year

Dear, good New Year!
All the people love you.
Make it so that on the planet
All the children lived happily.

For children's ringing laughter.
He always made everyone happy.
So that your eyes sparkle with happiness
And we didn’t know bitter tears
To New Year's holiday
He just brought joy to everyone.

Angelina Lebedeva

New Year is coming

The New Year is upon us,
The glasses will sound in the night again!
We will run into it without looking back,
We won’t go back to the old year!

Let's drink to all the best with faith!
May our dreams come true
Let everyone grow wings,
Everyone will be happy on first name terms!

So ring louder, glasses!
Take you away from old troubles!
We are looking forward to seeing off the old
Celebrating the New 16th Year!


New Year on Mars

I heard it's hot all the time on Mars -
Sandstorms are everywhere...
Children live without a New Year
And a snowy winter miracle.

Big bags don't hide gifts
Under the local red spruce trees,
They play snowballs all year round
From a dusty, dusty snowstorm...

Then they race on a sled from a snowless mountain,
They build sand castles.
And there is no more fun than a Martian game:
Bungee jumping into the sandbox.

But somehow from blue-blue ice
A comet landed on Mars...
Look, look, a star has fallen,
Decorating both the spruce and the planet!

Everything here was covered with snow, sparkling all around -
The little ones are jumping for joy.
Diving into snowdrifts with crunchy snow
And they wrap their horns in hats.

Let's hang it on the tree quickly:
Candies, coins, toys,
Shoe laces, door locks,
Pants, alarm clocks, mugs...

How fun it is to celebrate a holiday with your family,
Chewing on Martian dishes.
And loudly “Marsurochka!” shout in unison
And wait for the New Year's miracle!

Let the kids find under the tree in the morning:
Icicles, whistles, sleds,
Gloves for the slide, skates for the soul
And new winter tales!

Ksenia Valakhanovich

But New Year is coming soon

Why is it only good there?
where aren't we today?
Where the sun caresses bodies
on the snow-white sand?
Where it's nice in warm water,
like in a tender embrace?
Where do they not know the frosts of the harsh Russian winter?

We will rush away, break through the gray gloom of clouds,
Let's enjoy the beauty and exoticism of the southern landscapes,
And then we'll get bored on hot tropical beaches,
And you will want to go back to the lands of our white snows,

Somewhere, just wait a little bit - and the New Year will come,
With Santa Claus, gifts, the striking of the Kremlin chimes...
With aspic, "Olivier" ... with the obligatory visit,
With reckless joy all night long!

Margarita Shushkova

Follow the links and pick up a bunch of New Year's greetings:

​Choose a topic and feel free to click on the link you like, copy everything you like. Get drunk with New Year's energy and in general... Be happy! Happy awesome New Year 2019!

Happy New Year

for the year of the Boar or Pig

Everyone loves this holiday
Everyone is waiting for this holiday
For children it is the most important
And it's called New Year!

Our Christmas tree will be bright,
In multi-colored tinsel,
Frost will bring gifts
And give it to the kids!

New Year is knocking on the door,
Santa Claus is rushing to visit us,
There are festive fireworks in the sky,
And the clock strikes twelve.

The lights sparkle brightly.
Candles, balloons, gifts.
Soon a fairy tale will come into the house,
New Year is coming soon!

Who is coming to visit us?
It's New Year's holiday!
The fairy tale begins
All dreams come true
The Christmas tree makes the kids happy
Lights are burning everywhere,
And the wizard Santa Claus
I brought gifts for everyone!

Why New Year
Are children very fond of it?
Because he carries
Joy to the whole planet!
Because miracles
They walk next to him,
That a dream will come true,
They help you believe!

New Year's fairy tale
There will be a knock on the door,
Santa Claus with gifts
He's flying to visit us...

It will be a lot of fun
Let's dance
Everyone is happy in the New Year,

Happy New Year!
I wish everyone kindness,
Only peace and victories,
And, of course, sweets.

May everything come true today
Let your dreams inspire you,
Let Santa Claus give
Whatever you wish for.

Let the sun shine brightly
The snow crunches underfoot.
Let the guests give gifts,
Happiness flies to your home.

I'm really looking forward to the New Year
And I’m sitting under the Christmas tree.
There I guard the gifts,
I protect them from everyone!

I eat sweets and tangerines
And I draw pictures.
I'm waiting for Grandfather Frost
I want a present!

New Year is coming,
What will he bring us?
Lots of sweets, warmth,
Happiness, joy in full!

He will give you a good story,
Makes everyone smile
He will bring Santa Claus,
He will light our Christmas tree...

Happy New Year.
Let everything go smoothly.
Happiness with joy let them be friends
And they serve you faithfully all year!

Father Frost,
Open the bag
I studied
A poem from spring.

I've been waiting for a long time
New Year,
Let the fairy tale
He will come to me.

Santa Claus is a good grandfather:
Dressed in a red fur coat,
He has a gray beard,
He is beautiful and big!

He's always with gifts
He never cries
He dances and laughs
He will smile at you too!

Hello fairy tale! Hello, Christmas tree!
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I'm not afraid of the wolf today -
I even pull my tail.

Suspiciously kind
Today Grandma Yaga,
The mouse hugs the cat
And the fox is a bun.

Even Koschey himself is harmful
Sings songs loudly,
Because the holiday is the best
Because it's New Year!

Everyone immediately became kinder,
Hold hands tightly
And smiles from under masks,
Like lanterns, they lit up.

White snow decorated the city,
New Year is about to come,
And under the tree very soon
Each one will find its own surprise.

And in a letter to Santa Claus
I ask for everyone, everyone, everyone:
Let no tears flow in the world,
And the sound of cheerful laughter!

Happy New Year, bunnies.
Happy New Year, squirrels.
Happy New Year, boys.
Happy New Year, girls.

Let rosy Santa Claus
He will bring a cartload of gifts.
Let's dance merrily
Celebrate the New Year together!

Happy New Year.
I wish you all the best,
So that in your life there will be
Lots of happiness and magic!

To Santa Claus
I brought you gifts.
So that all your sorrows
He took it with him in a bag!

The Christmas tree is shining brightly,
Everyone is waiting for the holiday.
Father Frost with Snow Maiden
They come to visit us.

We behaved all year
Very good.
Helped mom and dad
They were inquisitive.

We studied, had fun,
We've grown a lot in a year.
And, of course, they deserve it
We are our gifts.