Poems for Easter for children: what to learn with a child for the brightest holiday. Beautiful children's Christian verses for Easter Salvation light! Christ is risen

The perfect addition to the holiday! Learn Easter poems with your children and please grandparents.

Easter poems for children can be useful for a matinee in the garden or for a thematic lesson at school, for congratulations on Easter, or just to read them in the family circle.

Easter Poems for Children

Easter Poems for Children
Easter Annunciation
Sergey Yesenin

Easter Annunciation
Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.

Blows rushed
To blue skies
loudly heard
Voice through the woods.

Hid behind the river
White moon,
ran loudly
Rough wave.

Silent Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere across the road
The call fades.

Poems for Easter
Alexander Blok

Boys yes girls
Candles and willows
They carried it home.
The flames are glowing
Passers-by are baptized
And it smells like spring.
The wind is distant
Rain, little rain
Don't blow out the fire.
Palm Sunday
I'll be the first to get up tomorrow
For a holy day.

Easter verse
K. Balmont

Willows are fanned
heated by the wind,
tenderly cherished
Morning light.
easter branches,
tenderly sad,
They look cheerful
Whispering with bees.
Peaceful cemetery
dazzles with flowers,
Clear singing
It flows in waves.
Light sad
Easter songs,
cherished by the heart,
Eternal fanned.

Poems for Easter
Alexander Pushkin

In a foreign land I sacredly observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I release the bird
At the bright holiday of spring.

I became available for consolation;
Why should I grumble at God,
When at least one creature
I could give freedom!

Children's Christian poems for Easter
Christ is risen!
A. Maykov

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Easter poems for kids
Drops drip loudly
K. Fofanov

Drops drip loudly
In front of our window.
The birds sang merrily
Easter has come to visit us.

Who has not heard it, let him hear
Sanin E. G.

Who has not heard it, let him hear it,
As on Easter day pure hearts,
And everything that walks, swims and breathes -
Tirelessly greets the Creator.

"Christ is Risen!" the mountains exclaim.
"Christ is Risen!" - the fields echo them.
"Christ is Risen!" - forgetting strife,
Embracing the sky, the earth is spinning.

In the dense forest, each leaf sings,
Rivers, villages, cities rejoice...
I heard it, but only once
But, thank God, once and for all.

Easter verses
On a bright night
I. B.

It is a sin to sleep on this night;
Look out the window
Light is everywhere, people are waiting
They will go to church soon.

At midnight the ringing will hum
Will fly to heaven
And wake up with a wave
He is heaven with earth.

It's a sin to sleep tonight.
It's almost midnight... it's dark...
To those who are awake and waiting
A bright holiday is coming!

Easter poems for kids

B. Khrushchev

The bunny says to her sister:
Look: different testicles
I have prepared a lot
Gold, colored, diamond.
Hurry up and put your apron on
You will carry them to dear children.
All diligent, kind crumbs
We will plan with you now.
On a holy night under the pillow
(Don't yawn, look, little sister)
Quietly put to everyone
You are a wonderful egg.

Easter Poems for Children
M. Kuzmin

The fields are black and flat
Again I am God's and nobody's!
Tomorrow is Easter, the smell of wax,
The smell of warm cookies.

Before my life flowed like this
A bright change of exact days,
And now the rest
Somehow more joyfully.

After all, winter, spring and summer,
Easter, Lent and Christmas,
If you can get into it
In a small drop - Deity.

Let it be petty, let it be stupid,
May we be proud
But in a sip of mushroom soup -
The joy of the same sequence.

What I remember with a sweet heart,
Let's not disgrace that.
Sweeter for us is a dull post
Sweet poison of spring dawns.

Will be trembling and vigilant
Run couples on the dew
And on Red, Red Hill
They get married like everyone else.

birthday pies,
Children, the sun ... live peacefully,
To the domina boards
The body is cute to lay down.

In this life, God's grace
Like embroidery is visible
And now you, Easter, Easter,
We are left with one.

You won't forget her
How smart you are.
Cool your warm heart -
The bells will warm up.

And they sing, bright, not strict:
Dili-bom, dili-bom bom!
You got lost on the road
So return to your home.

Easter verse for children
What a joyful miracle
Tikhonin Sergey

What a joyful miracle
My brother tells me.
Can they buy me a present?
Maybe something will be given?
This miracle is not simple,
Impossible to touch.
But, about this miracle, you can
To tell in our church.
Early in the morning at dawn
Jesus Christ is Risen!
Praise adults and children
Praise, angels from heaven!
Praise, all fields and mountains,
Oceans and seas!
Everyone praises today
Resurrection of the king!

Easter poems for children
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - it's time for miracles,
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no words brighter in the world -
“Truly, Christ is risen!”

Poems for Easter
Christ is risen!

V. Ladyzhensky

Christ is risen! The starlings sing
And, waking up, the steppes rejoice.
In the snow, murmuring, streams run
And with a ringing laugh they quickly tear
In winter, shackled chains.
Still thoughtful dark forest,
Not believing the happiness of awakening.
Wake up! Sing the Sunday song
Christ is risen!

Easter Poems for Children
Today is the best holiday in the world

Today is the best holiday in the world
And the brightest day of the year.
There is joy in everyone's heart today
Entirely dedicated to Christ.

Today songs and fun are everywhere,
The whole world sings in different languages
About the celebration of Christ's Sunday
And give honor and glory to God!

Christ is risen! - floats above the ground
A multi-voiced echo to heaven.
And the greeting sounds holy
One answer: Truly risen!

Poems for Easter Christian
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! - the tit calls.
The breeze whispers about the same.
- Christ is risen! - gurgling water
And the moth announces.
Today the air is clean, transparent,
Warmth and light come from heaven.
- Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Every sheep rejoices:
- Christ saved the whole world from death!
I hear my heart
Welcomes me now.
It can sing like people:
- Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Christ is risen!
Today everyone is talking about a miracle,
That the darkness has disappeared forever.
The light of heaven remained in the world.
No gunshots or thunderstorms are heard.
And rejoicing everywhere:
- Christ is truly risen!

Easter Poems for Children
Easter holiday

Irina Evdokimova

Like bright coloring
Easter has come to our house.
Brought in her basket,
Eggs, buns, cakes,
Cakes, pancakes and tea.
Happy Easter!

Galina Antipina

Easter. Festive all around.
The house is sparkling clean.
Willows on the table and Easter...
So light and so beautiful!
Dyed eggs everywhere
And the cake is on a platter...
Mom in a cotton apron
Invites everyone to sit down
And eat a treat
In honor of Christ's resurrection.

Christ Sunday
Evgeny Shchelkonogov

On the bright Sunday of Christ
Let your heart be pure and light!
It will be a hospitable treat,
The sun brings joy and warmth!

For Easter
Shalamonova Elena

The sun sparkles in the puddles
The willow blossomed,
"Alive, live!" - birds chirp
And the bells are singing.

On the table fragrant Easter cake,
A pile of colored eggs.
This holiday is bright, clean
You will not see gloomy faces.

They say: "Christ is risen!",
“Yes, he has truly risen!”
Breaking the veil of darkness
He came down to people from heaven.

Christ lives and people believe:
If we part with evil,
Life will go on. Will be eternal
Peace with love and kindness!

I love this spring day

I love this spring day
April wonderful day.
christ jesus resurrection
I'm not too lazy to celebrate.
After all, he, destroying all barriers,
Resurrection for me too!
With Jesus I will be forever happy,
And my whole family.


Today the whole earth rejoices.
Today the sky is triumphant.
The gospel message sounds.

Today the world sings hosanna
And the song rises to heaven.
Great King, all glory to You!
Praise Christ! Christ is risen!

Smile and joy

Smiles and joy
Joy on the faces.
We came to the holiday
Sunday Christ.
On this holiday
We wish you happiness.
We open our hearts to Jesus the King.
Let the light of Sunday.
Let it come to hearts.
To know God
All sinful people.

I know for sure - he is risen

I know for sure - He is risen!
And I know firsthand.
I read in one wonderful book,
In which there are many miracles.
But it's a miracle, I'll tell you
Under the power of God alone.
After all, only God Jesus Christ
He suffered for us and suffered death.
But having shown the teachings of love,
Christ is risen! And Sunday -
This is the miracle of miracles.
I know for sure He is risen!

Listen all people

Listen, all people
one story
Oh Sunday of God.
Praise be to him forever!
Because He rose from the dead
And He is always with us.
Will no longer be crucified
He never again.
Our great God is risen
He rose from the grave
Sunday hope
He gave us all.

And what Easter poems for children do you know, and what Easter children's poems did you like, share in the comments.

Everyone loves the bright spring holiday Easter! How joyfully the children are preparing for this event, because there is where their fantasies can roam. Paint Easter eggs to decorate Easter cakes and other sweets. Help mom prepare the main dish - Easter. And get ready to meet the guests! And in the morning on the holiday itself, during the first meal, a competition begins, which is called "whose krashenka is stronger." And, of course, the cunning dad will win, who will beat with a wooden, pre-prepared, testicle) And then his secret will be revealed and everyone will have fun and feel good from the good atmosphere that always accompanies this holiday. And to decorate this day even more, ask your child to recite poems for Easter.

Christ is risen!

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And greener nearby forest...

The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Easter. Festive all around.
The house is sparkling clean.
Willows on the table and Easter...
So light and so beautiful!
Dyed eggs everywhere
And the cake is on a platter...
Mom in a cotton apron
Invites everyone to sit down
And eat a treat
In honor of Christ's resurrection.

Easter Annunciation

Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.

Blows rushed
To blue skies
loudly heard
Voice through the woods.

Hiding behind the river
pale moon,
ran loudly
Rough wave.

Silent Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere across the road
The call fades.

For the glory of life gave the Creator
Holy grace happen,
To descend from heaven into every house
Salvation world! Christ is risen!

Easter holiday

Like bright coloring
Easter has come to our house.
Brought in her basket,
Eggs, buns, cakes,
Cakes, pancakes and tea.
Happy Easter!

Easter Egg

Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
Here is an egg, but not a simple one:
golden painted,

Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave the answer to everyone:
- Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know
Symbol of life on earth!

The bright holiday of Easter descends on the earth,
More magical than any fairy tale,
More wonderful than any earthly miracles:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!
Easter ringing, and eggs with Easter cakes.
The birches stood up as white candles.
And over the earth the blasphemy rushes:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!
And willow in honor of the Holy Resurrection
Spring wear jewelry...
And like a temple, the forest is filled with singing:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!

Holy Easter

Ringing, singing bells!
Spring warms everyone with rays.
The whole sky is blue like the sea
And willow in white all attire.

Spring has put on decorations,
And in honor of Holy Sunday.
The whole forest is filled with the singing of birds,
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Spring has come with the warmth of the rays,
Kulich brought Easter.
Beautifully painted eggs
And glorified God with us!

And people rejoice at Easter!
Children's eyes sparkle with happiness.
Spring blooms, full of wonders,
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

For Easter

The sun sparkles in the puddles
The willow blossomed,
"Alive, live!" - birds chirp
And the bells are singing.

On the table fragrant Easter cake,
A pile of colored eggs.
This holiday is bright, clean
You will not see gloomy faces.

They say: "Christ is risen!",
“Yes, he has truly risen!”
Breaking the veil of darkness
He came down to people from heaven.

Christ lives and people believe:
If we part with evil,
Life will go on. Will be eternal
Peace with love and kindness!

Christ Sunday

On the bright Sunday of Christ
Let your heart be pure and light!
It will be a hospitable treat,
The sun brings joy and warmth!
(Author: Evgeny Shchelkonogov)

Easter nursery rhymes:

T. Shemyakina

We paint eggs with bright paint,
For the feast of Christ Easter,
Together baked in the oven
Cupcakes, rolls, Easter cakes!

I. Darnina

Holiday Easter- bright, clean
The day Christ was resurrected...
Joy in the radiant sun
Smiling from heaven.

I. Evdokimova

Like bright coloring
Easter has come to our house.
Brought in her basket,
Eggs, buns, cakes,
Cakes, pancakes and tea.
Easter have fun meet!

G. Antipina

Easter. Festive all around.
The house is sparkling clean.
Willows on the table and Easter...
So light and so beautiful!
Dyed eggs everywhere
And the cake is on a platter...
Mom in a cotton apron
Invites everyone to sit down
And eat a treat
In honor of Christ's resurrection.

N. Zhuravleva

We are in front Easter my windows,
Let's make sure the dough rises
And colorful eggs
We put it on a glass shelf.
Granny hides them from the cat:
She loves to play!
And in the morning we put them in a basket
And we will consecrate in the temple.
I painted flowers on them
All day, non-stop.
But I'm afraid it won't be enough
For everyone I love, a hundred pieces!

T. Lavrova

Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
Here is an egg, but not a simple one:
golden painted,
Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.
What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave the answer to everyone:
- Easter- the brightest holiday!
And the egg, I know
Symbol of life on earth!

E. Shalamonova

The birds sang happily
Spring is coming again!
Before Easter, during the week,
The first willow blossoms.
The world is filled with fun
The sun is shining, it's warm.
Easter Sunday,
How bright it is outside!
And grandmother Natasha
Easter cakes beautiful - a row
Yes, the egg tray is painted
For children and grandchildren.
Easter tender with raisins
And a plate of pies!
We ate quietly, without noise,
It was delicious to us without words ...

How I love holidays Easter!
Getting ready for Thursday
Grandma paints eggs
I will help her too.
On a fragile, thin shell
For people, for beauty
I paint with a brush quietly
Cross, sun, flowers.
On the bright holiday of Sunday
I will give to my friends
By the testicle, congratulations
And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”

G. Taravkova

Today is a holiday of light easter,
Easter cakes, paint on eggs,
Guests, festive dinner
And there is no sadness in the house.
The holiday is bright and big,
Such a wonderful one.
The post has passed, it is gone,
It's time to eat eggs.

D. Kim

bright colors-
The testicles are dyed
Baked Easter cakes
And decorated with millet
Easter! Easter is coming!
All the people rejoice
Everyone is dancing, dancing
Music include,
All food for easter
Collected together
And then the testicle
Everyone feeds.
Eat all eggs
In the house, at the table
Easter, this holiday of happiness
Every year comes to the house

E. Egorova

Today is a special day - Easter,
Sunday of God the Savior.
Heard from all sides
Bell chime:
Bom-bom! Bom-bom!
We have fun at home!
We painted the testicles
Yellow, blue, red.
Mom baked a cake
It's with raisins and butter.
What a deliciousness!
What a beauty!
Bright holiday - Easter!

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
Bell ringing
Heard from all sides
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong...
This Easter came to us
Sunday brought
Life is bright and big.
Holidays are celebrated in the spring
With willow and Easter cakes,
fragrant candles,
Painted eggs
Under the icons of saints.
We celebrate the rebirth of life
And Christ's resurrection.
We all want to be in the world
Forgive everyone and love everyone.
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
Forgiving Bow
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
From time immemorial
In the ringing of a bell
Joyful, exuberant...

Greetings to all! Many of us read children's Christian poems to children at Easter. I made a selection of the best of them for my son, and I am happy to share them with you, dear readers.

Caring parents understand that the development of our children should be directed not only to learning, but also to spiritual values. When children are small, it is not necessary to tell them about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, you just need to create an atmosphere of celebration, peace of mind and joy. If your family traditions include going to church, lighting food and other attributes of the celebration, there will definitely come a time when the children themselves will ask about their meaning.

On April 2, the world will celebrate International Children's Book Day. And I can not leave without attention a beautiful collection stories and poems of Russian writers and poets, which is approved for distribution by the publishing council of the Russian Orthodox Church. In my opinion, the book will decorate any home library and create a wonderful atmosphere for a conversation with a child. What it contains is beautifully shown in this video:

And now let's go directly to these beautiful verses about the Easter of Christ. You can just read them in the family circle, and even better if you learn the short and most liked ones with your child.

Short children's christian verses for Easter

Easter holiday - bright, clean,
The day Christ was resurrected...
Joy in the radiant sun
Smiling from heaven.

(I. Darnina)

Easter. Festive all around.
The house is sparkling clean.
Willows on the table and Easter...
So light and so beautiful!
Dyed eggs everywhere
And the cake is on a platter ...
Mom in a cotton apron
Invites everyone to sit down
And eat a treat
In honor of Christ's resurrection.

(G. Antipina)

We paint eggs with bright paint,
For the feast of Christ's Easter,
Together baked in the oven
Cupcakes, rolls, Easter cakes!

(T. Shemyakina)

Today is Easter,
Easter cakes, paint on the eggs,
Guests, festive dinner
And there is no sadness in the house.
The holiday is bright and big,
Such a wonderful one.
The post has passed, it is gone,
It's time to eat eggs.

(G. Taravkova)

Christ is risen! - just two words
But how much grace is in them!
We are unearthly bliss again
Illuminated in your hearts.
Sorrow and suffering are forgotten
Forgotten grief and need
Silent groans and murmurs,
Envy and enmity are gone...

(Pavel Potekhin)

Christ is risen! In the rays of love
Sorrow gloomy cold will disappear,
Let joy reign in the hearts
Both those who are old and those who are young!
Covenant of blessed Heaven
Sounds to us the song of Sunday, -
Christ is risen!

(Vladimir Ladyzhensky)

Only on Easter the sun shines like that!
The bells carry the good news.
Let everyone, young and old, know:
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Longer Easter Poems for Children

How I love Easter!
Getting ready for Thursday
Grandma paints eggs
I will help her too.
On a fragile, thin shell
For people, for beauty
I paint with a brush quietly
Cross, sun, flowers.
On the bright holiday of Sunday
I will give to my friends
By the testicle, congratulations
And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”

Like bright coloring
Easter has come to our house.
Brought in her basket,
Eggs, buns, cakes,
Cakes, pancakes and tea.
Happy Easter!

(I. Evdokimova)

We wash our windows before Easter,
Let's make sure the dough rises
And colorful eggs
We put it on a glass shelf.
Granny hides them from the cat:
She loves to play!
And in the morning we put them in a basket
And we will consecrate in the temple.
I painted flowers on them
All day, non-stop.
But I'm afraid it won't be enough
For everyone I love, a hundred pieces!

(N. Zhuravleva)

Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
Here is an egg, but not a simple one:
golden painted,
Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.
What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave the answer to everyone:
- Easter is the brightest holiday!
And the egg, I know
Symbol of life on earth!

(T. Lavrova)

The birds sang happily
Spring is coming again!
Before Easter, a week before
The first willow blossoms.
The world is filled with fun
The sun is shining, it's warm.
Easter Sunday,
How bright it is outside!
And grandmother Natasha
Easter cakes beautiful - a row
Yes, the egg tray is painted
For children and grandchildren.
Easter tender with raisins
And a plate of pies!
We ate quietly, without noise,
It was delicious to us without words ...

(E. Shalamonova)

bright colors-
The testicles are dyed
Baked Easter cakes
And decorated with millet
Easter! Easter is coming!
All the people rejoice
Everyone is dancing, dancing
Music include,
All food for Easter
Collected together
And then the testicle
Everyone feeds.
Eat all eggs
In the house, at the table -
Easter, this holiday of happiness
Comes to the house every year.

Today is a special day - Easter,
Sunday of God the Savior.
Heard from all sides
Bell chime:
Bom-bom! Bom-bom!
We have fun at home!
We painted the testicles
Yellow, blue, red.
Mom baked a cake
It's with raisins and butter.
What a deliciousness!
What a beauty!
Bright holiday - Easter!

(E. Egorova)

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
Bell chime
Heard from all sides
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong...
This Easter has come to us
Sunday brought
Life is bright and big.
Holidays are celebrated in the spring
With willow and Easter cakes,
fragrant candles,
Painted eggs
Under the icons of saints.
We celebrate the rebirth of life
And Christ's resurrection.
We all want to be in the world
Forgive everyone and love everyone.
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
Forgiving Bow
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
From time immemorial
In the ringing of a bell
Joyful, exuberant…

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest is greener ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

(A. Maikov)

On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And in the blue sky, disappearing,
He sang the song of resurrection.
And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth," they said,
Wake up: Your King, your God is risen!
Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers,
Praise the Lord from Heaven.
He conquered death forever -
Wake up and you, green forest.
Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn
To the one whose commandment is love.”

(E. Gorchakova)

Christ is risen! Again with the dawn
The shadow of the long night thins,
Again lit up above the ground
For a new life, a new day.
Thickets of boron are still blackening;
Still in the shade of his damp,
Like mirrors, lakes stand
And breathe the freshness of the night;
Still in the blue valleys
Fogs are floating ... But look:
Already burning on mountain ice floes
Rays of fiery dawn!
They are still shining in the sky.
Unattainable like a dream
Where the voices of the earth are silent
And immaculate beauty.
But, getting closer every hour
Because of the crimson peaks,
They will sparkle, flaring up,
And into the darkness of the forests, and into the depths of the valleys;
They will ascend in the beauty of the desired
And they will announce from the heights of heaven,
That the promised day has come
That God is truly risen!

(I. A. Bunin)

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!
In the smile of blue
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!
The enmity is gone
And the fear is gone.
No more malice
Christ is risen!
How wonderful the sounds
holy words,
in which you hear:
Christ is risen!
Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!

(Lydia Charskaya)


Dear readers, I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holy holiday! I hope you enjoyed children's Christian poems for Easter. Please share with me in the comments what books on the topic do you read to your children? And I say goodbye to you until the next articles on the blog.

Easter has come today
And joy pours down to us from heaven.
Around all the people praise God
And they say: "Christ is risen."

What does Easter smell like?
Easter cakes and fresh air of spring.
All people should become kinder,
No wonder the covenants were given to us!

Today we are painting eggs.
And congratulate each other!
And this sacred holiday
Meet with an open mind.

The sun squints from the sky
Illuminates the earth
This holiday is for everyone
Happiness portends.

Like a miracle of miracles
Like in a wonderful fairy tale
Finally came
Golden Easter!

Easter is the most important holiday
Easter cakes light up
They paint eggs and wish
Only peace, kindness.

The most glorious day of the year
I am waiting for him with love
To hear in the sky:
- There is a miracle - Christ is Risen!

The Easter holiday has come
Gave us fun
We know that Christ is risen
So the world is now full of miracles!

Congratulations to everyone around
Let the circle of success grow
Joy is in the air
Kindness reigns in the hearts!

Easter has come.
Joy exalted all
Straight from holy heaven
“Rejoice! Christ is risen!"

Dye eggs in a basket
Easter cake odorous on the table.
Easter Day, like the old fashioned way,
We are celebrating as a big family.

And I want the people I love
Good, wish you good health.
May the Lord give a miracle to everyone
And life will be filled with grace!

I woke up and I see
Eggs on the table
Weird, bright...
Are you sure I'm not dreaming?

A bird is knocking on the window
Like an angel
And the sky is very clear
Like a new leaf.

Hooray, it's Easter today!
Hooray, Christ is Risen!
I wish everyone happiness
Health and miracles.

Congratulations on the Resurrection
I send my Easter greetings.
I wish everyone good health
Faith strong, for many years.

May the Lord protect
From sadness and misfortune.
I wish you all the best,
Let dreams come true.

The sun is shining bright
In the blue sky
We are together today
Let's go to the Holy Temple...

People are smiling
Hearing the call from heaven:
- Believe in the miraculous,
After all, Christ is Risen!

The Easter holiday has come
Gave joy to all of us
The bells will ring
It's time to sanctify Easter cakes.

Let's meet at the table
And share the good.
Because Jesus Christ is risen
He looks at us from heaven.

Easter is coming to us
Gives us love.
Because Jesus is risen today
We are talking again.

He gave us hope
Taught us how to live.
Kindness, care, tenderness
Keep in souls.

A bright holiday is coming
The sun shines from heaven
Everywhere you hear the crackling of testicles,
Happiness to you! Christ is risen!

I woke up early in the morning
And Christ is Risen.
And descended to me in the rays
Joyful angel from heaven.

The house smells of Easter cakes,
treats on the table,
Because the news is good
Scattered on the ground!

The sky brightens, the light pours,
It has come - the holy dawn:
And everything around will shine
And people will repeat:
- A miracle of miracles happened,
You see - Christ is Risen!