Passionate kisses on the girl's neck. What do kisses mean in different places, parts of the body: the psychology and meaning of a male kiss. The meaning of kissing a guy, a man on the neck, right and left cheek, eyes, forehead, hand, nose, ear, head, shoulder, lips, deep with tongue, close

What can say more about our feelings than a kiss? He encourages us when we are sad. He calms us when we are anxious. He is able to awaken a volcano of passion when we do not even expect it. A kiss can be light and tender, it can be hot and sizzling. on the cheeks and eyes - this is a manifestation of the most tender feelings, a declaration of love without words. But the chest or stomach is designed to kindle passion and desire. They increase sensuality and remove all psychological barriers. The right kiss can turn off consciousness and transfer the partner to an unforgettable atmosphere of euphoria and pleasure. How to learn this difficult science? If desired, everything is possible.

How to kiss a guy on the neck

Kisses on a guy's neck can turn you on in seconds. It has been proven that guys like gentle and slow caresses more. Therefore, the girl should not rush and treat the kiss lightly.

For acuity, you can run the tip of your tongue along the guy’s neck, then gently press your lips in several places.

Make your partner feel your hot breath, it is incredibly exciting. Slowly explore every inch of your loved one's neck with your lips and tongue.

And only when you feel that he began to breathe rapidly and show signs of strong arousal, move on to more

How to kiss a girl on the neck

Girls, although they are considered the weak half, however, in kisses they prefer assertiveness and even aggression. Most girls are crazy about kissing with light biting and sucking. A man should move his tongue more actively, which will make a woman's heart beat faster. Kisses on the neck can drive a girl crazy, give unforgettable emotions and sensations. The most sensitive are the areas under the chin, near and on the dimple near the back of the head. Finding yourself with your lips in these places, you will immediately feel how your partner likes it. Start kissing her barely noticeable, every second adding confidence and assertiveness to the movements of your tongue and your lips. Carefully pinch the skin with your teeth, play with it. Using such techniques, you are guaranteed to bring your beloved to a "kissing" orgasm. Women often describe their feelings as an electric current running through the body.

Often people who have been married for a long period of time do not pay much attention to kissing. It's in vain! Kisses on the neck can bring back those feelings that were when the couple was just starting their relationship. Recall those moments of carefree and all-consuming sex that brought only joy and pleasure. Sometimes spontaneous, sometimes well-planned. Perhaps, if they hit the neck, you will feel young, energetic and passionate again. Once again surrender to feelings and finally forget about all everyday problems.

Kissing on the neck is a sure way to bliss, intimacy and trust between a man and a woman. Improve your listening to the desires of a partner and enjoy each other.

The relationship between a man and a woman is a complex and deep system that has many merging factors and features. When you start thinking about how, with whom to build this very “system”, a lot of nuances arise. As a rule, the man takes the first steps in love. He is bolder, and it is he who is the leader in the pair. And the wife is a slave, she needs to be conquered, admired, pampered and appreciated.

An important role in determining the degree of seriousness of the relationship is played by a kiss.

Moreover, they are determined according to where and how it was made. Psychologists determine about sixty by this criterion. Based on this, it is noticeable how important this is.

So, the most tender, sensual and most pleasant women are a kiss on the neck. According to the observations of psychologists, when a girl is kissed on the lips, this does not cause such an influx of sensations and an adrenaline rush, a neck. At the same time, the woman is thrown into the heat from the storm of experienced emotions. As you know, if a man is just friends with her and wants to maintain such a relationship, kissing her on the neck is not recommended. This will destroy friendly relations and transfer them to the rank of close and more intimate ones.

How intimate this kind of kissing is is evidenced by the fact that one sixteen-year-old American was given a life sentence just for kissing a woman on the neck. He liked her very much, and he did not see anything shameful in this. And, meanwhile, this kind of kiss is the first sign of sexual harassment.

A kiss on the neck, the meaning of which you have already understood, causes a strong excitement in the female. Remember that a man in the language of kisses says: "I want you!". According to statistics, women do not kiss the representatives of the stronger sex on the neck as often as they do beautiful ladies. This is due to the fact that only about 10% of men like this kiss. But on the other hand, they willingly kiss women, wanting to please them.

In the neck? To summarize: physical desire and passion. This means that your relationship is far from friendly and already completely romantic. Moreover, the man is already moving from words to action.

A kiss on the neck has a certain structure. A man cannot immediately pounce on you and start kissing your neck. First - then the gentleman gently descends onto the "territory" of your neck. To fix the effect, you need to return to the lips again. However, remember that women are different, and some may not like this kind of tenderness. You need to look your partner in the eyes: in them you will see what feelings and emotions your actions aroused in her.

There are expressions that clearly characterize the whole storm of passions that arise in such a situation. A kiss on the neck is something akin to an "electric discharge", just "goosebumps." A woman, if she is sensual and romantic, experiences just such sensations. The neck is an erogenous zone, and for everyone, the points of greatest excitation can be in different places: on the side, behind, in front. It happens that the entire neck area is an erogenous zone. In this case, you can kiss her for hours and give your beloved pleasure!

The greatest tenderness is manifested when a kiss on the neck is accompanied by a light bite. When blue or red marks remain after it, this is called a sign of strong sexual arousal. Therefore, wanting to express a call for intimacy, just kiss the woman you love on the neck! At the same time, you will see how ready she is for it at the moment.

All women enjoy this kiss. However, timid and insecure representatives of the weaker sex, as a rule, are cold to him. Therefore, if your caresses are rejected, do not rush to get upset. Try to find out the cause and eliminate it!

In order for a girl to deliver an unforgettable sensation from a kiss or even to excite a girl, you must be able to kiss her neck correctly.


First of all, a man needs to know that a woman's neck is a very erogenous zone, kissing which can not only bring pleasure to a girl, but also bring her to excitement. Therefore, it is not recommended to kiss a girl on the neck if you have a far from close relationship with her.


Start kissing the girl on the neck with the lightest kiss, in which you just touch her neck with your lips and make a light smack. Don't kiss the same spot on a girl's neck. With each kiss, you should be kissing a new spot on your neck. You can return to the previous place of the kiss, but first, having made three or four kisses in other places on the neck.


If you have already kissed the girl's neck with light kisses, start moving on to more serious kisses, in which you not only make a light kiss on the neck, but also suck on part of the woman's neck. If a light kiss on the neck is done quickly, then sucking on a part of the female neck can be done for a longer time, on average, twenty or thirty seconds are given to one kiss in this case.


This is perhaps the most passionate and sweet kiss on the neck for a girl, because it contains an element of biting a woman's neck with your teeth. The duration of the kiss can be exactly as long as the partners want. Use your teeth when kissing a woman's neck with great care, because even a little pain can completely remove the excitement and awaken her from your passionate kiss.

Kissing a woman's neck, you can use your tongue, which you will lick the skin on her neck, this is also a great pleasure for the girl.


Never rush and do not rush, because only a slow, neat kiss on a woman's neck will bring sweet and passionate sensations to your girlfriend.

Kissing a woman's neck, you need to remember one very important nuance, and your own that a kiss on the neck using teeth or strong sucking leads to the formation of bruises on the neck, which are called "Hickey". To put a hickey, you need a different intensity of sucking and biting, so for some it is enough to make a little effort, and the hickey appears, and for some you can bite and suck, but the hickey does not appear. Therefore, keep in mind that even light kisses on a girl's neck can cause her trouble in the form of hickeys.

If a woman offers you a neck for a kiss, then she trusts you and believes that you will not bite her. If you are going to bite - please, but keep in mind that someday she will answer the same, and not the fact that in the neck. Worse, you can even scare away her languid mood. In general, kiss gently, slowly, from the side.

Move here: Thyroid

Sounds medical, but don't overthink it. While kissing her on the side of the neck, very gently touch the pads of your fingers to her throat just below the protrusion of the larynx and stroke there. She will like it. And then kiss in the same place, because the thyroid gland is not only an important organ, but also an erogenous zone.

Then here: Hollow of the collarbone

Move lower and sideways, your goal is the depression that forms her most beautiful collarbone in the world. This is a very disturbing area: the skin here is thin, there is virtually no muscle tissue, so the nerve signal from your touch rushes to the right place without any interference. But don't stop, move on.

Finish here: Under the lobe

How long, how short, but now you have already reached the dimple, which is under the ear, below the lobe. This is a real minefield, where so many nerve endings have accumulated that even the back of the head cannot be compared with it. Everyone, you passed the quest. You can repeat, but you can already do business.

95% women consider kissing to be the most important part of the foreplay to sex - these are the results of a large study commissioned by Men's Health sexologist and relationship expert Debbie Herbenick. In second place - stroking and kissing the chest (86%) , on the third - stimulating the partner with his hands (74%) , on the fourth - cunnilingus (62%) .