Secret marriage of a Chechen and a Russian. Russian women should marry Chechens urgently

Wedding of a Chechen and a Russian girl. What awaits the Russian beauty?

    what's the difference a Chechen or someone else, answered correctly here, everything depends only on people and their desire

    how sad it is sometimes that religion separates people .... I have the same problem, my is a Turk, living in Moscow, Russified, his parents really like me, they are modern people, they respect my faith ..... But I I have to hide this relationship from my father, he is a terrible patriot .... and if he finds out, then piiiiiiiiiiiii ....... So I don’t know what to do ... Of course, sometimes you need to face the truth, I had a Chechen friend, he has Russian friends, lives among Russians, but one day he drank ..... and the whole truth came out, in his words I heard about Russians how he once drenched them in Grozny ..... And a lot and not pleasant, I stopped talking to him...

    I can only say one thing, when God handed out brains, he missed the girl. I feel sorry for her, this girl confirms the theory (if according to the bible) that a woman was created from a rib.

    Something not really like a Russian girl. I don’t understand Russian girls at all who marry Chechens, Dagestanis, etc. Basically, she is turned into a slave, they are forced to put on a veil and accept their faith. Sun, a woman is no longer a person! Even today she smiled, but tomorrow the thing, the property of a man, suffers beatings and humiliation. (I do not speak for everyone, but most of these cases) I am seized by rage, anger, indignation. When you see a very young Russian girl walking in a veil, her eyes downcast. I regret it and despise it. What she fought for and ran into ... his family will not accept a Christian woman if she does not submit and ruin herself as a person, as a person.

    Yes, yes, you can challenge me as much as you like, but this is my opinion!

    I am dating a Kabardian, she is Russian. We already have plans for the future, we want to get married and have children. He told me everything in detail, about their traditions, about the traditions that his family specifically observes. I understood and accepted everything, because I love him crazy and I don’t need anything that was in my life before him. These are clubs, partying, short dresses, bright makeup, gatherings with girlfriends ... All my time I want to shine only on him, live only for him and do everything to make him happy!

    If a girl married a Chechen or another nation of a person, then she knew what she had to sacrifice, what to give up .. For the sake of love, you can change your life, the most important thing is not to regret it later ...

    Happiness is waiting. Chechens at least don't drink. And as for the suppression of the will, many are ready not to give up for the sake of peace and stability.

    What is wrong here. A Russian girl fell in love with a Chechen guy Advice and Love. I think every person has the right to happiness. The fact that he doesn’t speak Chechens yet. a black man, at least a Ukrainian, doesn’t matter. You don’t need to hang a stigma on a person just because he is of a different nationality. After all, if she decided to marry him, then he is not a good one and beloved for him, which is very important. they will be fine. Judging by the video, they are quite a happy couple, I don’t see that the bride was preoccupied or upset with something. I think everything will be fine with them.

    Hell awaits! First during life, then after death. In life - the eternal shame and the stigma of the INK!!! I hope her wedding day was the last day of her happy life. I wish you eternal torment and sick monkey children!

    In any case, the girl will have to change her mentality, since the outlook on life is still probably different. Although this happens in other families too, everyone rubs against each other. But probably in such mixed marriages grinding can be more acute.

    Unfortunately, these peoples are mostly cruel to their wives! it is considered right for them to beat their wife, the stronger the better! Well, there are good people among the Chechens! Let's hope this beauty is in good hands! Advice to them and love!

    Let's wait and see (God forbid, not in the releases of criminal news).

    But in general - a strange wedding: a mixture of Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic and pagan traditions - and all in one bottle .... Directly cruel tin ... Well, as they say, to each his own.

    This bride has a risk of being left without children, because. in Chechen (Ossetian, etc.) families, children belong to the father. If he wants to break up with her, there is nothing she can do to keep the children for herself.

    Let's hope that this is a modern family without any clan problems and they will be happy.

    I met a Chechen, though for a short time, but fell in love with him at first sight, everything was fine at first, he sang fairy tales to me that he could stay in my city and that he could marry a Russian girl, and that he himself chooses a girl for his life, and his friends hung noodles on me like I have to try, learn their traditions and then he definitely won’t be able to leave me, but as soon as the relationship took on a close character, he just left me .. he explained this by the fact that he began to fall in love with me, and this he didn’t want to, then it would be difficult to leave ... he didn’t tell me anything about the fact that we couldn’t be together .. I was very worried about the breakup, but now I understand that it’s not destiny to be together no matter how much we love each other , just not fate .. although he did not show any cruelty towards me, but nevertheless I felt in some of his actions and words some kind of firmness and obligation to do something in relation to him, I’m just now afraid to imagine where it would go and what resulted ((I don’t know if I could come to terms with such a slave life as it is destined for a woman. and yet the heart reaches out to him and looks for his likes in the crowd, I feel he is also very worried and bored, that girl was lucky after all in the video, she was able to be with her beloved ...

    Guys why do you have such a bad opinion. Why do you think that the Chechens are such monsters??????They are the same as we Russians! there are cruel Russians who, because of one not absurd word, make a pear out of a Russian, the same is true of Chechens and foreigners and others .... It all depends on a person’s here ..... Whether he is evil or kind, well, it doesn’t depend on how from nationality ........ I will say more they are kind, at least I came across such ....... And there is not any veil ..... These are all just fairy tales .... I am very happy and I still wear short dresses and let my hair down, and they have never told me against the word for this, although my Nokhchi (Chechchen) is a native .... And everything is megar du (everything is fine).

    It feels like it's just a music video for a song. I myself am a Muslim and have seen different weddings. There are many different blended families in my region and in the city. My sister and girlfriend, for example, are married to Russian guys and they are very beautiful couples and they have wonderful children, many Russian girls I know are married to nationals and everything is fine there too, they have been living happily for many years. The customs of my people are not as strict as those of the Chechens, but they are already making progress with this. The main thing is that young people love each other, respect and appreciate.

    Since she married a Chechen, it means that she did not have a chance to meet a good Russian guy, but what a pity! HER children will no longer be Russian!

    Every nation must hold on to its nation. We are all very different, though.

    A Chechen, Russian or someone else is not at all the main thing in a relationship, if a person is good, then whoever he is, life with him will be a fairy tale, another thing is to adhere to their laws, respect national values, do not violate traditions and laws.

    What she will achieve with her love and affection.

    What she deserves with her character and ability to find compromises.

    What is written to her by fate.

    In general, a wedding is a lottery, it seems that everyone is in a positive mood, but there are so many surprises 🙂

    I am not a supporter of marriages between different nations. Not because I have something against other nations. But not knowing other people's customs and traditions, it is difficult for people, especially a woman, especially at the beginning. And some people cannot get used to the new realities of life all their lives. It is difficult for a person to change, long-term habits have entered the bloodstream. Well, if all the same there was love, then what can you do? Nothing terrible happened. Advice to them and love. By the way, I know many Chechens who married a Russian girl and have lived and are living perfectly.

    Where is the Chechen clear. And where is the beauty? I saw only a bitchi-stupid expression on his face.

    I think that traditions in Chechen families, one way or another, are still observed. Only in a village will a Chechen wife have more conventions and obligations than in a city. In addition, if the family lives with their parents or next to their husband's relatives, then the Russian daughter-in-law will have to adapt a lot to someone else's way of life. And also, from my own experience, I can say that Caucasians living with Russian wives in central Russia are very different from their fellow tribesmen living in the homeland of their ancestors. The farther from the Caucasus Mountains such an international family lives, the easier it will be for both of them to get used to each other and establish their own way of life, where both Caucasian and Russian traditions will be present ...

    I was at the wedding of a relative, she married a Chechen, after the lapse of years I can say for sure that they were waiting for a divorce, but my opinion all depends on people.

    What will happen? Finally, she will find her happiness, under the gnashing of dishes, cooking food does not climb out of the kitchen. Since they eat only fresh food, not warmed up. Smile at all his friends and endure grins. And to shine from the fact that now she can not work, she will now be a mother with a bunch of children, surrounded by colorful diapers.

    Well, if you're really lucky, but this happens extremely rarely with Russian girls in such marriages. And if this prince is not really in love, then who knows, he can and will reckon with her opinion. Although the woman there is not a member of the family. And a cook, a uterus, a producer and a razlekalovka all rolled into one.

    Unfortunately, almost always, little good awaits a Russian girl, not necessarily with a Chechen, it can be any Caucasian, Eastern nationality! that she is pretty, but not beautiful), I was surprised to find out that chamois do not have beautiful eyes, she is slender, like a gazelle, amazing, like a peri or houri, and so on! At first she laughed, then she liked it, became pregnant, began to live together. Immediately, instantly, everything changed dramatically, the husband and numerous, it is not clear where it came from, relatives popularly explained that its place is in the kitchen, and until the end of the century it will be one thing - to please the husband and his relatives! The story is long, I can only say that it was worth removing a lot of effort him from our life! I now know that in marriage with Russians among Eastern men, there are basically three lines of behavior - a very small part of them live happily together and raise children for a long time, others disappear, never remembering their former beloved and joint children, still others do everything to pick up the child and disappear with him forever! Moreover, this can happen even with rich, famous and influential ladies, for example, Kristina Orbakaite, and she got it in the face, and she almost lost her son. everything would be over!

    It all depends on the people how they will build their relationship. I often heard that when a Russian woman marries an oriental man, everything is fine with them (I don’t mean polygamy), they are very affectionate and gentle and their attitude towards their wife is not like some kind of cattle, but like the mother of their children, he just so it won't offend. If a young man from Chechnya, Syria, Turkey would woo me, I would not refuse)))

I read stories about interethnic love. I want to tell you a little ... My father is a Chechen, my mother is a Gagauz. Although I grew up not in Chechnya, I was brought up in Chechen, I am a Muslim ... while I was an exemplary girl - I studied, studied and studied again, even in my thoughts it was not close to hold the handle with someone. At first, my friends hovered in the clouds, praised their Vainakh guys, but then ... Basically, they abandoned all of them and left to marry Chechens. And the most common excuse was "Sorry, but I'm a Chechen, and I can ONLY take a Chechen as a wife.") This is the first excuse for a Chechen who does not want to marry a Russian girl. A Chechen can freely marry a girl of any nationality, a Chechen woman can also marry not a Chechen, but basically the marriage of a Chechen woman with a foreigner is not welcome, often the family of such a girl even refuses her, sometimes it comes to revenge ... But that's another story. Dear girls if your nohcho k1ant told you that he can only marry a girl of his nationality, then he simply does not love you, or, which happens less often, he is afraid of the reaction of the family. But again, is a loving person afraid to do something for the sake of his beloved? conclusions.

Let's move on ... One of my acquaintances met with a Chechen guy. She left with beatings. Now she fiercely hates all Caucasians. So, girls, you know, a Chechen (who respects the traditions of his people, knows and honors them) never in his life for anything he won’t hit a girl in the world (I’m generally silent about beating). According to Chechen adats, a man has no right to raise his hand to a woman, and indeed to an old man, child, underage teenager, baby. And those who raise their hand to a woman are just people , who do not respect themselves, their people, or religion. However, this rule is not included in the rite of revenge, because if they offended the family, then a person has the right to even kill a woman. A Chechen must protect his woman, and not only his own. Women are welcomed only standing, a man should be the first to greet them, among Chechens a woman is, first of all, someone's mother, sister, wife, daughter, or bride. , but any Chechen who sees this will certainly intervene. Shame on a Chechen who raised his hand to a girl. For an insult inflicted on his wife, the husband can kill the offender. hit? Get your feet up before it's too late.

I often hear that Chechens are often not restrained, quick-tempered. But according to adats (I forgot to say, these are not written rules), a Chechen must be restrained. He has no right to show his emotions, even smile at his wife in front of strangers (especially when elders) is considered indecent (I am silent about screaming and public showdown) A Chechen must be patient, laconic, reasonable, consistent in his actions and decisions, a Chechen who respects himself will not throw words to the wind. If he said something, or swore , then he will definitely fulfill it, no matter what it costs him (even if he has to lay down his life).

Here are some other girls who speak of Chechens, as if they consider all Russians to be sorry for easy virtue. Complete nonsense. In fact, for a Chechen, it doesn’t matter what nationality the girl is, if she behaves inappropriately, then the attitude towards her is appropriate. Chechen girls are very modest , it will seem savagery to some, but earlier, even for the fact that a Chechen would take a girl by the hand (who is not married to him), they killed him. Now, of course, this is not the case, but the girl’s honor is still inviolable. If a Chechen dishonored a girl, then the family of that Chechen woman can punish with blood, but more often they try to marry such girls.

One of my friends married a Chechen. He forced her to wear a headscarf. In fact, the girl must decide for herself whether she wants to wear a headscarf. This is a state of mind. meaning? Chechen women mostly wear a scarf as they wish, as they honor adats. Previously, if two men fought on the street, a woman who passed by to separate them ran up, and, removing the scarf from her head, threw it between them. They were obliged to stop the fight. Nobody can force you to wear a scarf. It all comes from the heart. For example, no one forced me to cover my head, but when I turned 14, I myself came to this decision and tied a scarf. , she walks in a hijab, prays 5 times a day, and she sits and swears on a dating site (by the way, it is unacceptable for a Chechen woman to use obscene language). This is how it happens.

Let's move on ... Bride stealing). Often our guys like to joke "I saw you today when you went to the store, I'll steal you tomorrow!" But this, as a rule, has nothing to do with the truth). I was often told earlier that they would steal, etc., but these are jokes. In fact, they plan the theft in advance. And most often the bride is not warned about this (the bride can tell her brother or father, then she is guaranteed complete safety, since they they won’t leave one, and stealing in the presence of brothers is very difficult, almost unrealistic). Bride kidnapping most often occurs for such reasons 1) the girl’s relatives are against her marriage, but she cannot go against their will, although she loves that young man. 2) the girl does not love him, but he wants to marry her, but he can’t get her consent to marriage in any way. 3) they love each other and the girl herself asks “steal me, otherwise they will give me for another.” and finally 4) just observing a beautiful tradition .Sometimes it happens that the groom dishonors his beloved when he stole, and she has no other choice but to marry him. Most often, stolen girls marry their kidnappers. jokes. If you are nevertheless stolen, then again the decision is yours, you can refuse and return home. But the guarantee that if you return, and your horseman will not steal you again, is small. My cousin is the bride 4 times stole until she agreed)

Girls, if you are going to marry a Chechen, then I hope these couple of tips will help you.

1) respect the traditions of his people.

2) when meeting his parents, in no case do not hug him, do not hold hands, do not kiss, and do not even smile at him, come in modest clothes. It is advisable to wear a skirt below the knees, a spacious sweater. It is better to collect your hair in a pigtail, light make-up is also acceptable, but by no means vulgar, a little bit. it is advisable to come with your parents. insist on your help if you are told that you do not need it. you should behave modestly, if you made a compliment, thank you. You can also say a couple of compliments, but do not fall asleep with them.

3) in marriage, you should be patient, complaisant, laborious. You should be restrained, calm, keep the house clean and naturally you will cook.)

And so, good luck to you, girls! I hope that my note will help you a little and at least destroy the stereotypes that all Chechens are animals.

ZY I'm getting married soon.)

“For me, even a glass of champagne is taboo”

- Aset, do you know that you are the most popular person in Chechnya today?

I guess.

- Pleasant, perhaps?

Certainly. Especially since I don't go there very often. The last time was last year. Immediately after the May 9th attack. Gref just arrived there. According to the general mood, everything was so terrible that I could not stand it for more than two days.

- Have you been living in Moscow for a long time?

Since 1997. I had an idiot's dream - to study at Moscow State University, at the Faculty of Journalism. I managed to enter only in St. Petersburg, and after 2 years I got bored and transferred.

Was it difficult to get used to Moscow life?

Yes, it's very hard. I have only with work on NTV blissful life has come. In general, it is very difficult for Chechens in Moscow.

- It is not written on your forehead that you are a Chechen.

I beg you, it's written! If I now go outside without a car, the first cop will be mine. You can do an experiment.

- Come on!

I tell you exactly.

- There are many temptations in Moscow. And the Chechens have strict morals. What can you never afford?

There are a lot of such things. But what's the matter? I am not assimilated into Moscow life, into the crowd. I can easily do without nightclubs, drugs, cigarettes, booze. I don't need this for a hundred years. I grew up in a different world. Well, what do I want? The maximum is to go to rest, lie down under the sun. But I can do this subject to conditions. I can go with my mom. Or a man should be with me: father, husband, brother. With some maneuvers, a lot is possible.

- Can't you drink at all? Even a glass of champagne for your birthday?

No never. In principle, men should not drink. But with us, when they want, they allow themselves a lot.

“I feel like a Russian only abroad”

- Is life in Moscow very different from peaceful life in Grozny?

I recently had a rest in Kislovodsk. I look, elegant girls walk around, in skirts with ruffles. Seeds gnaw. I think: My God, it was the same in peaceful Grozny. Cafes and all.

- What about night clubs, discos?

I don't remember anything about clubs. Although there were dances at school. Excuse me, I lived in that Grozny, where there were 70 percent of Russians. Everything was.

- How do you feel about the fact that the Russians were expelled from Chechnya?

Just like the fact that the Jews, Armenians and many others were expelled - very bad.

- Did Russians in Grozny adapt to Chechen laws?

I wouldn't say so. Then the law was Soviet. And the Russians in Grozny, not all, but many, had the position that Chechnya was their conquered territory, and they behaved like...

- How are the hosts?

Yes. Like doing good for mountain backward people.

Any quarrel in the yard, for example, because of children, if one child is from a Russian family, the other from a Chechen one, led to the fact that the mother began to scream: Stalin sent you right, Khrushchev returned you wrong.

- Today, who do you feel like: a Muscovite, a Chechen, a Russian?

When I go abroad, I feel Russian. And no matter how difficult the relationship between Chechnya and Russia may be, you pass the cordon, that's all - you are Russian. And all the same grievances.

- What grievances?

I grew up, studied and work alongside Russians. I've been lucky in my life that I'm not only familiar with the "feds" who, having captured Grozny, defecated on my childhood photos, but with a bunch of smart and kind people. In the winter I was in America and often heard: “Oh! You have a very backward country, everyone drinks there.” They may be partly right, but I'm not happy about it. I and this country are one. And I feel bad for my friends here.

- So, you are a Russian abroad. And in Moscow?

Here I am 100% Chechen. I don't even have a Moscow residence permit.

- Why? Are you going to return to Chechnya?

One thing I know for sure: I don’t want to go home now, because it’s restless there.

“There are no longer those who fight for the idea in Chechnya”

- Do Chechens perceive Russian culture? Or recognize only their own morals?

In fact, one does not contradict the other. Chechens study in Russian schools, grow up on Russian culture. But they do not give up their nationality. It seems to me that this is a fairly harmonious combination.

- Is understanding between Russians and Chechens possible at all?

I am begging you. We are all human and we can understand each other very well.

Why are we fighting then?

This is how we fight! It's hard for me to believe that people are left in the forests fighting for a pure idea, the independence of Chechnya. It all started about 14 years ago, allegedly with this. But now people are fighting in Chechnya with a completely different motivation.

- What is it?

Money, weapons, business. Yes, we are different. So what? I now live in a collective where, apart from me, there is not a single Chechen. And I understand everyone.

- But you are not a typical Chechen.

Why? I am the most typical Chechen collective farmer.

“Our men don’t take out the trash”

- Are Russian and Chechen men very different?

It's true. Our small ethnic group still lives on its own verses - laws, according to which a man must be super brave, super noble. Our men are more active in life, very loving. Maybe they have more hormones. They love to be beautiful.

When I was a student, I got to the seminar “How to stop wars”. There were women from all over the CIS. And one says: “What have we become? You go outside and no one is looking at you! Earlier in Tbilisi, you walk along Rustaveli Avenue - one, two, three. It was the same in pre-war Grozny. And in Moscow, you can walk for years, and no one will look.

- What about the rights of a Chechen woman? Are they comparable to men?

From the beginning, no. And now, as you put yourself, so be it. The main thing is that everything is decent. Otherwise - horror.

- Can a Chechen woman shout at her husband?

What for? A Chechen woman should be smarter. She should not say: “So, go, throw out the garbage.” Otherwise, you will be kicked out. A Chechen man will never throw out garbage. It's taboo. He is a jigit.

- Or maybe a satrap, an oppressor?

Maybe from the outside it looks oppressive. But I can't say, "Take out the trash" either. And I do not need such a husband.

- And if he walks all night, in the morning he appears with friends and: “Come on, wife, swords on the table”?

Yes, there is such a bad thing. Arrived at 10pm, left at 8am. And it happens, you know how? Especially in Moscow. They do not sit overnight, but a day or two, a month. It's hard, of course. I have relatives who have to endure all this.

- And do not grumble?

They grumble. But they have a reputation for ideal wives. They are set as an example.

There is no sex in Chechnya

- Can Chechen women marry several times?

Certainly. Are we not human? It's even possible. With the mercy of our Almighty Allah.

- Did any Russian court you in Moscow?

The most interesting thing is that not a single Russian not only courted, but also did not try to get acquainted with such a goal. You can already be offended by this!

- And if someone decided, would you marry him? Or never?

Never say never". But I didn’t have such thoughts, no offense to Russian men. Muslim women can only marry Muslims.

- Is it a shame to marry a Russian?

Apparently yes. But if a Chechen man marries a Russian, this is not considered a disgrace.

- Are there many such examples besides Dzhokhar Dudayev?

Heap! I have one cousin uncle married to a Jewess, the other to a Moldavian.

- And what, their wives converted to Islam?

Certainly. By the way, when I was studying, I met a Russian woman. She was married to a Chechen. Her mother-in-law, having learned that her son had secretly married a Russian woman, fainted. 2 - 3 years passed, and this Russian became the most beloved daughter-in-law in the house. No step was taken without consulting her.

- So why is it still impossible for Chechens to marry Russians?

I think because we have a man - a super saint, on an unattainable bar. And no matter how he oppresses a woman, she is also in a privileged position. It is something protected and cherished. According to our laws, an offense inflicted on a woman is punished twice as much. In general, the woman is so holy that no one but a Chechen can touch her. And if she crosses the ban, it is considered a desecration.

- And then no one will give a decent Chechen girl for her brother?

This may happen as well. In Chechen society, a brother for a sister is the main guideline in life. And if there is no masculinity in the family or it is not strong, the family is not perceived. This is reflected in folklore: then a woman puts on men's clothes, takes a sword and goes to the mountains. He conquers a flock of sheep and sends them to his village. Everything, she is cool - like a man. But only through the struggle does she become at the level of a girl who has a brother or father. This is our morality.

- Why does the groom hide from his parents after the wedding?

Because the topic of personal relations between husband and wife is taboo among Chechens. We do not have this topic. That is, the relationship is so shy that it is embarrassing in front of your own parents. Among the Ingush, a man cannot appear at all in front of his wife's parents throughout his life. We are better with this. Although the etiquette is very heavy. Mark needs to be held up. To lose face in front of relatives is generally the last act for a man. Underneath it all is a great philosophy.

- Have you heard that there are Chechen prostitutes in Moscow now?

No. Wow! It would be strange if I knew about it. But it is better to ask this question to our men.

“I understand the logic of “shahids””

- Do you understand "shahidok"?

I understand the logic of a person who takes such an action when leaving Chechnya. I saw violence against a man who is innocent.

- Would you take such a step?

Lord, I am a settled, fulfilled, almost happy woman. I don't kill, I want to live. Such thoughts never come to mind. Yes, I endured 1994-1995, the beginning of the war, survived the capture of Grozny in 1996. But I'm extremely lucky. My brother, sister, mother are alive. Thanks to the war, my father is sick, but that's another story. I don’t know how I would behave when they came to my house at night, they shot everyone, and I accidentally remained alive. Don't know.

“I dream of a husband with the face of Brad Pitt”

- How is your life going today? I have a job, a family, a home. And what else?

Almost everything. And raising a son. He is almost three years old. I don't even cook right now. Mom does it.

- What does mom cook? In general, what can you eat and what can not?

ABOUT! Mom cooks everything and it is very tasty - it is impossible to lose weight with her! There is, if you don’t need to “sit down on the TV”, everything is possible. Religion forbids pork, and naturally we don't eat it. I would also ban flour and fat!

- What kind of car do you have?

Little French car with big 16-inch wheels! Citroen C2.

- Does your son's father take part in his upbringing?

- Why did you break up with him?

No comments...

- How do you imagine your future husband?

I don't show it yet! But in any case, this is a Chechen filling with the appearance of Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt. Hell of a mix, right?

- How many children do you want?

Well, if there is a Chechen "jonipitt", then no less!


Aset VATSUYEVA was born in 1977. Her father Abdulla is a prominent Chechen dissident, journalist and historian.

In 1995, Aset entered the Faculty of Journalism of Leningrad State University, but two years later she transferred to Moscow State University.

Since February 2003, together with Alexei Pivovarov, he has been presenting the evening news on the NTV channel.

I got on television by accident - thanks to Leonid Parfyonov, who was looking for a Chechen woman for the role of the host. And his familiar correspondent from the Daily Telegraph newspaper advised him to pay attention to Aset.

GQ columnists, Ksenia Sokolova, Ksenia Sobchak, visited Grozny to visit Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. Your attention is invited to an interview taken from the head of the republic

The interview touched upon such forbidden topics as the life of women in Chechnya, the ancient customs of the republic and sex...

Sobchak Hello Ramzan! It's a pleasure to be visiting you again.

Sokolova It was very kind of you to send a plane for us.

Sobchak Yes, a gesture of a real Caucasian man. This is exactly what we wanted to talk to you about. It seems to me that Russian women really lack the “Caucasian factor”. Since the time of the Soviet Union, a Caucasian man has been synonymous with generosity, beautiful courtship, bouquets, compliments ..

.Kadyrov Yes, you are giving me compliments.

Sobchak But how! You are our main Caucasian man. So tell me - how do you manage to fall in love with all women - both Chechen and Russian?

Kadyrov Don't know. I've been off topic for a long time. I am now more engaged in socio-economic issues. I am proud that I am Chechen. And in Chechnya it is customary to respect a woman. As one book says: a woman rules the world. For her sake, wars are waged, for her sake, men achieve power, commit feats and crimes. And if this is not done, the woman absently turns away and goes to another. She doesn't need you anymore, she looks at you and smiles like a sphinx.

Sobchak It seems to me, Ramzan, that you are being modest. You cannot fail with women.

Kadyrov I'm not talking about myself, but about the nation. I think that today the trouble with our women - from Chechnya and other republics - is that the most beautiful of them leave, rush to Moscow, and they are sold there for 500 rubles, on Tverskaya in clubs ...

Sokolova You're right. Everything but prices.

Kadyrov Because I've never done such nasty things. This is one problem. All sorts of diseases. I am against our girls going to Moscow, dressing vulgarly, going to expensive restaurants. Who will defend the honor, dignity, security of the state? Sokolova Are you in favor of women's conscription in the army? Kadyrov No! But we need patriots! And who gives birth to them, these patriots? Who will educate them? The one that sold itself for $100? This is Russia's problem.

Sobchak Would you let your daughter go to Moscow?

Kadyrov Never in my life! I am raising my daughter as a real Chechen girl.

Sokolova And how to raise a real Chechen girl?

Kadyrov Just like they were brought up by our parents, grandfathers, great-grandfathers.

Sokolova That is, in Islam?

Kadyrov Certainly! We Muslims value women. For a public insult, humiliation of a woman, we have a blood feud. A woman should appreciate all this and know her place. For example, in our family, not a single woman has worked and will not work.

Sokolova Why?

Kadyrov It will be difficult for you to understand this. You have a different lifestyle.

Sobchak We will try.

Kadyrov We have our own customs. Of course, now there are a lot of “Russified” people who have picked up your views. And I want to return everything that we had, that our ancestors left behind. I want us not to have prostitution, drug addiction, not to sell our girls. We have the fifth national project - patriotic education. The boy should grow up as a real Chechen, a Muslim, a citizen of Russia. And a woman - respected in the republic, should give birth to sons. If a woman does not know that tomorrow she must become a mother and raise children, her behavior will always interfere. Here is a brave brave patriot, hero. The wrong behavior of a woman will interfere with his life. Sokolova What if your daughter, for example, wants to work? Sobchak For example, decides to become a TV presenter? Kadyrov She shouldn't want it.

Sokolova And why should you want something, but she should not?

Kadyrov My eldest daughter already knows the Koran perfectly! She is an excellent student at school, setting an example ... Sobchak Well, what if she decides to marry a Russian?

Kadyrov It is Russian women who must marry Chechens urgently, so that we have mixed blood, so that our children are strong.

Sobchak Russian woman wants to work...

Kadyrov Won't want to! I have not yet seen a single woman who would like to get up early in the morning, stay up at night to work. If her husband gives her everything, why work?

Sobchak That is, do you think that if a young handsome Chechen offers, for example, to me (an unmarried girl) all the benefits - gold, diamonds - and says: you will give birth to children and run a house, will I agree?

Kadyrov No, you won't be able to. I can't convince you anymore. Although you are a strong, beautiful girl. And a good TV presenter. We turn on the TV when Sobchak is shown, and when it is not shown, we turn it off. But everything you do is strictly forbidden for our daughters and sisters. It is forbidden to even think about it!

Sokolova But can they watch TV?

Kadyrov Not all programs.

Sobchak And which ones can't?

Sobchak How are you talking to me? And in general, here you are scolding the Russian TV, but you yourself are very much even hosting the domestic show business. There are already legends about you! And about your generosity. Either Yana Rudkovskaya from Chechnya is leaving in a brand new Porsche Cayenne, or Sergey Zverev is wearing a watch with a tourbillon. You have a mecca of Russian show business! Do you invite foreign performers? Madonna would be called or Steve Tyler ...

Kadyrov And why should I call foreigners? Why are ours worse? Take Sabrina for example. Been here several times. Young Russian star...

Sobchak She's 16 years old I think...

Kadyrov More, 18. Adult already.

Sobchak It is most important!

Kadyrov Yes, I like her. I also like Katya Lel. Especially when he sings in Chechen.

Sokolova Did you learn it especially for you?

Kadyrov Not for me, but for the nation. I made the Chechen "Star Factory" for the people.

Sobchak And tell me, Ramzan, the question has been tormenting me for a long time - why was the Chechen "Star Factory" led by Sergei Zverev? This, I would say ... a somewhat unexpected choice ...

Kadyrov No, we had our own leaders. -Zverev only came to one program.

Sobchak Is it true that the “tourbillon” was removed from your hand and presented to Zverev?

Kadyrov Yes, I gave him my watch.

Sobchak So I wonder what is common between Sergei Zverev and Ramzan Kadyrov? You and him are like a rhinoceros and a raccoon - complete opposites! Take at least the appearance of Sergei - hair, lips ...

Kadyrov What's with the appearance? He has such a job, he is a stylist, he sings. He has a different outlook on life. And so the person is interesting, sociable.

Sokolova And they also say that Kadyrov is a hater of gay culture. Yes, you are a liberal!

Kadyrov No no no! What are you?! I'm against gay culture... categorically against it!

Sobchak But, Ramzan, you understand that Sergei Zverev, how should I put it ... does not sleep with women ..

.Kadyrov Did you see?! I asked him...

Sokolova And what is he?

Kadyrov He gave his word of honor that he was not gay!

Sobchak And you immediately believed him. That is, such a man Sergey Zverev came to you with silicone lips, a smart hairstyle and says: "I, honestly, am straight."

Sokolova And then: "Oh, Ramzan, what kind of watch do you have..."

Kadyrov No! Everything was wrong...

Sobchak But as?

Kadyrov I sat with the girls, with our girls.

Sokolova Aha, now back down!..

Kadyrov Dima Bilan finished the concert, then our guys danced lezginka. Then I began to give New Year's gifts to girls.

Sobchak And then unnoticed crept up ...

Kadyrov You put me in an awkward position! A Chechen shouldn't even talk about such things. He gave me his word!

Sobchak In my opinion, it's hard not to guess ... Laying ...

Kadyrov And I asked him: “Sergey, why is your hair so unpleasant?”

Sokolova Fact, unpleasant.

Kadyrov I told him: do it differently. Straighten up.

Sokolova Yes, you are right on all trades! Stylish advice to Sergey Zverev from Ramzan Kadyrov.

Sobchak From your story it follows that you are a gullible person. Ramzan, no matter how unpleasant it may be, I must reveal to you a terrible secret. I'm afraid no one will do it but me.

Kadyrov Let's!

Sobchak Sergei Zverev lied to you. Now he has your watch on his wrist. Do you have any idea what he can do with these hands?!

Kadyrov Listen, you have a lot of gays in Russia. They have watches, rings, shorts. Why should I have anything to do with this?! Zverev said that he was not blue, and I believed him. You have no right to slander a person! This is a very big sin! They also write about me: a cannibal, a murderer, a drug addict, kidnaps people. And this is absolutely not confirmed!

Sokolova We see.

Kadyrov Never in my life have I killed, kidnapped a person ... I have never tried a simple cigarette, neither alcohol nor drugs. I came to the club once in my life. Do you remember we were sitting there with you and Umar?

Sobchak Yes, it was First.

Sokolova And who is a regular customer at GQ Bar?

Kadyrov This is a restaurant.

Sokolova Ramzan, you make excuses as if we are accusing you of eating Christian babies. Giving a tourbillon to Sergei Zverev is not a crime.

Kadyrov For a Chechen, this is the most terrible insult - to say: I am friends with a gay! I shouldn't even say that word.

Sokolova This is the difference of cultures that you spoke about. In Russia, the word "gay" is not an insult.

Kadyrov That is why Russian women want to marry Caucasians.

Sobchak How did you take care of your wife?

Kadyrov She and I went to the same school. I spoke to her at the spring. Said I want to get married. Then the elders were sent to her house.

Sobchak That is, no bouquets, no sweets?

Kadyrov There were military actions. I didn't know if I would return home.

Sobchak I know that you have seven children.

Kadyrov Yes. Three sons and four daughters.

Sobchak And all from your wife?

Kadyrov Certainly!

Sokolova How old is she?

Kadyrov 28.

Sobchak(after a pause) And how...does she -feel?

Kadyrov Wonderful! Raises children.

Sokolova Your wife is a heroic woman. I gave birth to one and almost died of horror. Do you want more children?

Kadyrov Certainly!

Sokolova But it is unlikely that your wife will want to give birth to the eighth.

Kadyrov Why?

Sokolova It's just physically very hard.

Sobchak Ramzan, according to Sharia, as far as I understand, you have the right to have four wives. Are you going to exercise this right? With your financial resources, you can afford ...

Kadyrov I'm looking for a beautiful one. Haven't found it yet.

Sobchak Do you consider Russian girls?

Kadyrov Considered before. Not now.

Sokolova Why did they change their minds?

Kadyrov For political reasons. We have 30 percent more women in Chechnya than men. We need to help ours.

Sokolova And how would your wife react to the appearance of a couple more wives?

Kadyrov Probably, she would be against it, like any normal woman. But I would explain. I think we will find a common language.

Sobchak I have many acquaintances of Caucasian men in Moscow. Almost everyone has a wife and lovers. And I noticed a big difference in attitude: I respect my wife, she gives birth to children, and that's it. And they take care of their mistresses - they give flowers, diamonds. Why is that?

Kadyrov Don't know. I never had a mistress.

Sokolova So you never cheated on your wife? Kadyrov No. Never.

Sokolova This means that the enemies are again slandering. Well, isn't it boring just to respect a woman?

Kadyrov"Is not boring?"

Sokolova But you say that your wife was never courted. That a woman is needed only to run a house, give birth to children. So life is not boring?

Kadyrov I serve the people! I don't even have time to sleep, let alone anything. Maybe with time...

Sokolova What I like about our dialogue is that on very sensitive issues, if we do not find a common language, then at least we overcome the fatal difference of cultures. Let's keep getting closer. Tell us what things are an absolute taboo, a ban in a Chechen family?

Kadyrov Everything you do is banned.

Sobchak Give an example.

Kadyrov Your speech. You can't scold mom.

Sobchak Yes, we have never uttered a single swear word during the entire conversation with you!

Sokolova Although sometimes I wanted to.

Kadyrov(Sobchak) Last time you told me obscene jokes.

Sobchak So you loved it!!!

Kadyrov Well, I liked it. But this is not possible. And look how you sit! You can see your panties!

Sobchak This is my prettiest dress!

Sokolova Okay, let's not get personal! Are there any taboos in sex life?

Kadyrov This is not discussed in public.

Sobchak Can you use a condom?

Kadyrov Shut up!

Sokolova Is there sex in Chechnya at all?!

Kadyrov Satan take you! We don't have sex!

Sokolova Fine. You can't talk about sex, let's talk about politics. Why did you forbid Chechen women to marry in European wedding dresses?

Kadyrov Firstly, he did not forbid, but gave a recommendation. Secondly, you know what beautiful national dresses we have.

Sobchak Just better than Valentino?

Kadyrov And now I’ll ask the Minister of Culture to bring you a try on. (Calls the Minister.)

Sobchak Oh I'm right...

Kadyrov At least you look good...

Sobchak Ramzan, if we got to the dress. Let me suggest something to you. Take me as your second wife.

Kadyrov Satan!

Sobchak I think it will be an impressive patriotic and educational action. The fallen Russian TV presenter is being corrected under the ennobling influence of you and Sharia law.

Kadyrov An interesting proposal. But you will have to educate a lot. Punish.

Sobchak How? Will you beat? Or put it in a corner on peas?

Kadyrov No. But at home I will lock. On the key.

Sobchak That is, to the disco no-no? And I'm out the window on a rope ladder!

Kadyrov You have to use handcuffs.

Sokolova Oh, what a BDSM!

Sobchak Yep, role playing.

Kadyrov(sadly) I told you both of you were spoiled material. It's a pity.

Recently, there are more and more examples of interethnic marriages. But, in every nation, there are traditions and laws that can stand in the way of a wedding. Let's look at how Chechen women get married, whether they can choose a companion of a different nationality and what difficulties they may face.

Chechen family customs

Before talking about the wedding, it is important to know what features of family life are expected in order not to be disappointed in the end and to avoid disagreements and conflicts in time. The head of a Chechen family is a husband who has authority and is respected. A Chechen woman is obliged to do household chores and raise children.

Also, a Chechen man can have several wives. If a Chechen woman could not share her beloved with others and violated customs, then she was expelled from the family.

Husband's mother has a great influence on family relations. The daughter-in-law is obliged to respect her, obey, not enter into conflicting conversations, address only “mother” and wear a headscarf when meeting.

Wedding ceremony in the marriage of a Chechen woman

The wedding ceremony itself can only be in spring or autumn, but it is strictly forbidden to get married in April. There is a belief that this is the month of the cuckoo and the wife can, like a bird, leave her home.

According to the law, a Chechen woman is forbidden to marry a man of another nationality. But a Chechen can let a foreign woman into his house if she is ready to make serious internal changes.

A Chechen wedding consists of many rituals, starting from matchmaking and ending with post-wedding life. But all customs are aimed at one goal - the birth of healthy children. Consider the most common wedding ceremonies.

  • The groom must pay bride price for the bride, often its size is determined at the matchmaking.
  • The preparation and organization of the ceremony are carried out by the parents of the Chechen.
  • A lot of relatives, guests, friends are invited to the wedding.
  • The entire course of the event is carefully thought out, down to the location of the guests, the time for dancing, etc.
  • The mother-in-law is the first to meet the Chechen woman with candies and sweets, which she sprinkles on her daughter-in-law and puts in her mouth.
  • The ceremony should be fun with songs, dances and other details.
  • Shooting is used to drive away evil spirits from the newlyweds.
  • It is not allowed to drink a lot of alcohol, a drunk person at a wedding is a shame.
  • After the event, a Chechen woman comes to her husband's house and picks up a baby boy on the threshold.

These are not all the features of a Chechen wedding, to find out more, watch the video below.

How do Chechens treat women?

A Russian girl who has fallen into the Chechen people will feel awkward at first, and even a little scared. After all, they are two completely different cultures. Let's try to figure out what is the role of a woman in a Chechen family.

Firstly, the wife is a housewife, she must do all the housework, keep clean, cook food, look after the children, etc. If the husband gets into these obligations, then this case is considered a disgrace.

Secondly, unlike the neighboring Caucasian peoples, Chechen women are allowed to walk down the street without a headdress, but they must be put on in front of their husband's relatives.

A Chechen, according to the law, has no right to raise a hand against a woman. It is also forbidden to enter into conflict situations in the presence of his wife.

In case of betrayal, the Chechen has every right to expel the Chechen from the house.

If, for example, a Russian woman fell in love with a Chechen, then the law allows her to become his wife, subject to all the rules and traditions. But it is up to the woman to decide whether to marry a Chechen and accept their culture.

It is practically possible to build a strong family with a Chechen if you truly love and trust each other. Here are some guidelines for creating a happy cross-cultural marriage:

  • in order to avoid misunderstandings, study the customs of your chosen one and observe them;
  • in order not to fall in the eyes of friends, relatives of the husband, do not touch him when someone is nearby, kissing is also prohibited;
  • for meetings with the parents of a Chechen, dress modestly, a minimum of makeup and a collected hairstyle, vulgarity is not allowed;
  • modesty is a character trait that the Chechen people respect;
  • so that the parents of the husband are treated properly, help them;
  • always try to rejoice at the guests in the house;
  • be a support for your husband, support each other and avoid quarrels;
  • remember that the Chechen is the head of the family, listen to him and act wisely.

Chechen bride and Russian groom

As already mentioned, a Chechen can marry a Russian girl. But there are cases, of course there are not so many of them, when a Chechen woman loves a Russian and is ready for any actions for his sake. But can a Chechen woman marry a Russian? Proceeding from faith, laws, customs - it cannot. There are cases in history when Chechen women betrayed their country and married a Russian. But in this way, she renounced not only the faith, but also the family. Sometimes it is not easy to make a choice between love and family.