Kissing technique with tongue for girls. How to learn to kiss passionately, or How to make your kiss unforgettable. Lessons for girls

Kissing is always nice. A French kiss, also known as a kiss with the tongue, gives a special pleasure. During it, two people experience feelings that an ordinary kiss on the lips or on the cheek will not give. Kissing with the tongue at first glance seems difficult, in fact, everything is easy and simple, just kiss once or twice. But many who have not yet kissed so deeply are afraid that they will not succeed and are embarrassed to kiss their partners like that, since kissing with the tongue is something out of the ordinary for them. But in vain! Throw all your fears and complexes aside! Below are a few tips on how to properly kiss on the lips with the tongue.

How to learn to kiss with tongue

  • If you've never kissed with your tongue before, then make your first kiss unforgettable. Let this happen on a romantic date with a person with whom you are in love or who you like very much. A kiss largely depends on the feelings for the person you are kissing. Believe me, a kiss out of interest and a kiss with the person you are in love with is like earth and sky. Feelings in the second case are much more pleasant.
  • Think about how you look. Kissing with the tongue is a rather intimate caress. Make sure your partner doesn't feel uncomfortable. You must be neat and tidy.
  • If you are still completely new and do not know how to kiss with your tongue correctly, remember something that will most likely be WRONG. So, you can’t: harsh and in large quantities perfume or cologne, greasy and bitter lipstick, a lot of makeup on your face, bad breath, dirty teeth and mouth.
  • What you need: clean neat clothes, a light pleasant smell of perfume, fresh breath.
  • Choose the right environment. Kissing with the tongue with a girl for the first time is better in private, in a quiet relaxing environment and with the confidence that no one and nothing can interfere with you.
  • So, how to kiss with the tongue. Relax. If you are tense, you will not be able to move your tongue naturally, and this is one of the main conditions. The first kiss should not be sluggish or forceful, too short or too long. Try to find a middle ground.
  • It is not always appropriate to tell your partner that you are going to kiss him, and even explain in what way. You definitely shouldn't say: "Turn to me, open your mouth, and I'll kiss you!" But talking about kissing is a good way to find out if your partner wants to be kissed by you. Try to ask the question in a light and cheerful tone. For example: "What if I kiss you?" or "Can I kiss you?". Remember that it all depends on the situation. The second question is better to ask directly in the eyes of a partner. By his reaction, even if you do not receive a direct answer, you will be able to understand whether the partner wants a kiss.
  • Don't try to hold your breath before kissing. People breathe calmly when they kiss.
  • Many people wonder how to hold their head during a kiss. So that the nose does not interfere, you should position your head at a slight angle to the partner's head.
  • Hug your partner while kissing. At the first kiss, you should not move on to exciting caresses. It is best for girls to hug a guy by the shoulders or neck. Young people during a kiss usually hug the girl by the waist. Stroke your partner on the back, neck, hair.

tongue kissing technique

Now more about the process of kissing.

  1. Again, we decided to use visual material to explain how to kiss with the tongue correctly. The pictures reflect the kissing technique quite well. You can find other pictures, there are many of them on the Internet. Visual material is always good to use if you are learning something. Pictures and photos of how to kiss with the tongue are useful material for beginners.
  2. Before kissing, look your partner in the eyes, expressing your feelings with your eyes. The gaze should be direct and open. Let your partner read a sincere desire in your eyes.
  3. Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  4. First, kiss your partner a little on the lips, then slightly open yours. This will let you know that you are ready for closer contact.
  5. Gently insert your tongue into your partner's mouth, touch his tongue and start stroking him. Remember that everything should happen naturally and naturally, so your tongue should not be too tense, but also sluggish.
  6. When kissing, the tongues move mutually and stroke each other. You can stroke the tongue along the back, under the root and along the edges. The main thing is to do it with feeling.
  7. During the kiss, the lips should touch and move. The movement of the lips during a kiss is associated with pressure on the partner's lips. You either lightly press on his lips, then relax, then open your lips wider, then close as much as your tongue allows. This happens throughout the kiss.
  8. The lips should not be in the same position as the partner's lips. While kissing, don't be afraid to kiss the skin around your lips.
  9. You can vary the depth, speed, and style of the kiss. You can make a kiss deep and passionate (as far as the length of the tongue allows) and not very deep, but gentle. You can kiss quickly (but the main thing is not to overdo it with speed) and slowly. You can also change the movements themselves when kissing. You can stroke the entire surface of the tongue or kiss only with the tips of the tongues. You can do any one movement longer (for example, caress the tip of the tongue for a long time). There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is that both partners have a desire to bring them to life!

And remember that perfect kissing can only be achieved through active practice. Happy kisses!

Dating & Pickup

How to kiss with tongue (sucking)

If ordinary kisses are already taken for granted, then kisses with the tongue or they are kisses "sucking" are already considered to be a transfer of relations to a new level. Therefore, you should definitely learn the technique of French kissing, from which not only the girl's lips become wet, but also something else!

So, translated from French, such wet kisses are called the “kiss of the soul”, which rather frankly hints at both physical and spiritual intimacy. However, without preparation, making a quality kiss with the tongue and “connecting your souls” is not so easy, so you should definitely read our article and watch the video.

What gives us a kiss. It is believed that by kissing, a girl can determine the mood of a guy and determine the future of their relationship: to meet or better to leave. Therefore, the kiss should be not only pleasant, but also flawless, so that the girl transfers this magical feeling to all future relationships. And this can be achieved.

Before the tongue kiss

Confidence. If you behave insecurely and shyly, then only “mommies” will want to kiss you and amuse their pride that they “helped” the guy take such an important step. The rest of the girls will frankly lose interest in you, and not only will they not kiss you, but they may even go to someone else. Therefore, forget about inner excitement and questions like: “Will she like it?”, “Will I succeed?”. Even if at first you will not do everything so clearly, you will feel confident: the girl will play along with you. And this is what we need!

Pleasant breath. If you forget to brush your teeth before kissing a girl, or if you don’t eat the freshest shawarma, then your chances of a normal tongue kiss will drop to zero. Girls will forgive you for a little carelessness in a kiss, but they will never forgive you for bad breath.

Therefore, make sure that this moment is carefully checked before meeting with a girl, and take a pack of mint records or chewing gum with you to the meeting. A really elementary thing, which, unfortunately, the guys forget.

Cozy place. Such frank kisses bring a lot of passion to the relationship, however, they are condemned by the adult generation. Therefore, in order not to incur troubles and law enforcement agencies caused by local grandmothers, it is better to choose a quieter place.

tongue kissing technique

We start right. A kiss with a tongue is included in the symphony of passion, so you should not just pounce on a girl with it. If you try to immediately stick your tongue into your girlfriend's mouth, then she will definitely not appreciate your act. Therefore, follow the instructions and do everything sequentially.

Embrace and body position. The ideal position of the hands can be called their location on her waist, but this should not be a static position, do not forget to gently caress the girl, lightly stroking her back, tummy and neck. The girls are turned on and they relax.

If your relationship is already close enough, then you can still give up if you expect subsequent sex. Of course, this is risky, but under passion, girls behave more freely.

You should tilt your head a little to the side to avoid embarrassment when your nose rests on her spout. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but it should be avoided.

From a simple kiss to a tongue kiss. To begin with, you need to warm up your girlfriend with ordinary kisses and tactile sensations (touches). After you feel that the girl is more and more “going into you” (leaning on you), you need to request permission to kiss. This is done by opening your mouth a little wider and touching the tip of your tongue to her lip. If this action did not embarrass the girl, then you received permission to kiss. Now you can carefully enter the tongue into the girl's mouth and touch her tongue. Such gentle touches bring great pleasure.

French Kiss. Now it's time for our long awaited kiss. You lightly press the girl to you with your hands and start a kiss: gently run your tongue first clockwise along her lips, and then go deeper into her mouth and also move clockwise. You need to play a little with her tongue and go down under the girl's tongue - there is a very sensitive place. Usually at this point the girls also start to play with you. You can even “bite” her tongue a little, but be careful - you can hurt the girl, since it is difficult to calculate your strength.

Finishing the French Kiss the french kiss doesn't end, but gradually gets slower and slower until you run your tongue over your girlfriend's lips again, then gently pull it out and continue kissing without your tongue. Thus, you give the girl a continuation that will turn her on even more. Often, after you yourself finish such a kiss, the girl again attacks you herself. If so, then you are handsome!

tongue kissing mistakes

Drooling. Of course, in candid films, we are shown abundant drooling and admiring faces of girls from what is happening, but in reality this has nothing to do with reality. Many girls do not feel very comfortable when you start licking them and drooling abundantly. So control this moment.

Depth. You shouldn't stick your tongue too deep into your girlfriend's mouth. This can cause discomfort and sometimes a gag reflex. We think you will agree that this is not the best outcome of a kiss!

About French kissing. Wet kissing is considered a great flair that you can bring to your relationship, but they should not become commonplace, so they should not be abused.

Proper french kissing

It is rare that someone can learn how to kiss with the tongue correctly the first time, but usually by 2-3 times everything becomes obvious and understandable. So if you want to learn tongue kissing, you need a girl and some confidence. Believe me, in a couple of days you will be able to do it perfectly!

Kissing is an ancient art that, like many things, comes with practice. A person who kisses for the first time does it timidly and uncertainly, because this phenomenon is new and unknown to him, this is something that he had only heard and observed before, but did not do it himself.

There is another reason why the first kiss is often timid and insecure. The fact is that if a kiss happens for love or falling in love, then the people who are going to kiss value each other very much and are afraid to do something wrong.

Therefore, the first kiss is always gentle, timid and insecure. Also, this kiss is short, not sucky, but reminiscent of the touch of lips to lips.

People kiss because nature is arranged in such a way that sympathy first appears between a man and a woman, then it develops into love, which involves the convergence of bodies. At first, it usually manifests itself in a kiss. If people trust each other and want to be closer, then they touch each other's lips.

This is an intimate place that, when touched, produces the hormone pheromone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

With a kiss, people of the opposite sex also get acquainted with their bodies. They sniff each other (yes, like animals!) and thus get used to it.

It may happen that after a kiss, people disperse, they realize that they are not suitable for each other. This process began millions of years ago with the advent of mankind. This is a natural action that serves people for procreation.

If after the process of acquaintance with lips and sniffing, people realized that they are suitable for each other, then their relationship develops into more intimate ones and they begin the process of procreation.

Not only in humans, but also in animals, kissing also takes place in life. However, each animal kiss occurs in its own way. Many animals simply sniff, some look closely, while others intuitively find a mate.

Kisses, if they occur between people who love each other, should bring pleasure from touch. Therefore, it is better for those who do not know how to kiss to learn this in order to further give the opportunity to enjoy kissing themselves and their partner (partner).

Features of kissing passionately

Suction kisses are considered deeper and more intimate kisses, characteristic of passionate love and attraction. It is considered indecent to engage in such activities in public. After all, a kiss is an intimate activity, unless of course it is symbolic and friendly.

Kissing passionately is an art that requires some preparation. After all, there is a technique for kissing passionately that allows it to be correct.

Since ancient times, girls have learned to kiss on tomatoes, as they are approximately similar in shape to lips. They are just as soft and rounded.

But it does not mean at all that if a girl or a guy has not trained to kiss on tomatoes, then he will not be able to do it beautifully with the opposite sex. Many people are born with the ability to kiss.

From how well a person knows how to kiss, his temperament depends. If a person is choleric or sanguine, then he does it skillfully, passionately and loves this process. And melancholic and phlegmatic people, as a rule, do not like to show their feelings and therefore kiss rarely and reluctantly.

You can kiss passionately in two ways:

  • with tongue;
  • without language.

Both of these options are correct.

The opinion that it is necessary to kiss passionately only with the tongue is erroneous. Often people confuse a passionate kiss with a French kiss.

Indeed, in a French kiss, there is a participation of both languages. However, if we talk about a kiss with a suction, then this means touching the lips tightly, sucking a little on each lip in turn and without sticking out the tongue.

In order not to be in an idiotic situation, a passionate kiss must follow some elementary rules. If you take them into account, then even any timid teenager will not fail, but will be able to kiss his partner with special pleasure, even if this is his first kiss in his life.

The rules of kissing passionately:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly;
  • use a mouth freshener or chewing gum;
  • relax completely;
  • throw all thoughts out of your head and concentrate on your partner;
  • do not overdo it with the suction of the lips, otherwise you can hurt your partner.

If the kiss is not the first in life, but the person has enough practice in this matter and by mutual agreement, the partners can experiment with a kiss in rather rougher tones, that is, with sucking the lips. In this case, they should be prepared for the fact that after such kisses traces may remain, for example, bruises or smudges.

Pain may also remain. After all, the area of ​​​​the lips is very delicate and therefore sudden movements can injure the skin.

For many people, no matter what age they are, passionate kissing, especially with the participation of the tongue, is generally considered taboo. Many religions forbid doing this, because it looks vulgar and ugly.

And for others, there is no sexual relationship without kissing with the participation of the tongue. Thus, all people are different in character and temperament, so each kissing technique has its own and there are no rules and restrictions here. For everything to go smoothly, you need to try and get to know yourself and your partner very carefully.

Kissing technique with tongue: rules and techniques

A kiss involving the tongue is a very serious step and it requires special preparation. You can’t do this thoughtlessly, because further relations with a partner may depend on how well the kiss is made.

How to kiss passionately with tongue:

This technique is most common among lovers of passionate kisses. If the partner takes the initiative, it will be easier to sort out this situation together, even if both partners have never kissed before.

After all, nature is arranged in such a way that the bodies, touching in a kiss, must themselves control the situation. And a person only has to help them with his mind a little, following simple rules.

The kissing technique depends on how ready the partners are for the kiss. Many facts depend on how passionate and protracted the kiss is:

  • mood;
  • the nature of the partners;
  • situation;
  • condition of the skin of the lips, personal hygiene.

For a kiss to be unforgettable, the partner must ensure that her lips are in perfect condition. Not only oral hygiene should be in order, but also lips. If it's cold outside, then the lips must be moisturized with a balm.

In no case should you try to kiss a partner if there is any cut on the lip or, for example, herpes.

This can cause discomfort or even scare the partner. It is better to wait until the wound heals and proceed with the first kiss with confidence.

How to learn to kiss passionately without a partner

The question of how to learn to kiss passionately worries every teenager, because sooner or later it will have to be done.

If a student did not have time to learn how to kiss at school, then entering adulthood, he usually becomes embarrassed at the moment when the time comes to kiss his partner, and this has never been done before. In order not to get into a mess, you need to properly prepare for a passionate kiss.

Rules for kissing without a partner:

  • learn to relax;
  • get rid of fear and stiffness;
  • lips should be soft and relaxed;
  • for the imitator of a partner, you can choose several options for objects: your own hand, a tomato, an apple, or something else that comes to hand.

An apple and a tomato are great for sucking kissing exercises.

  1. stand in front of a mirror;
  2. take an apple (tomato);
  3. slowly touch it with your mouth slightly open;
  4. gently suck the apple with your lips, grabbing it a little between your lips;
  5. imagine that in front of you is not an apple, but the lips of a partner;
  6. closing your eyes, gently move your lips over the apple, slowly tilting your head to the left, then to the right.

If you follow all the rules, then there should be nothing complicated in a kiss.

If people fit and like each other, then the process of the first kiss should go smoothly.

How to kiss on a first date

The first date is a quivering and very important event in the life of every person. To make it go smoothly and with pleasure, you need to remember a few rules:

The first date should leave some understatement to the partner so that he (she) can look forward to the next meeting and look forward to it.

At the first kiss, in principle, as with the second and third, you can not be tense, otherwise the lips will be hard and the kiss will not bring any pleasure. You can’t rush and be distracted by anything, otherwise the partner will see that his partner is not thinking about the kiss, but just kissing “for show”.

What Not to Do While Kissing

  • you can not bite and strongly suck the lips of a partner. This may result in injury. In addition, delivering pain to a partner, a kiss can be the last for both;
  • Do not eat garlic or onions before kissing. These insidious vegetables will turn breathing into a very unpleasant one, and when kissing, the partner will not feel pleasure, but rather, on the contrary, disgust;
  • you can’t use force and, without listening to the wishes of the partner, continue the kissing technique to your taste. You always need to listen to the desires of a partner, and listen - this is in a figurative sense. After all, a couple during a kiss does not talk and does not discuss the kiss itself. Therefore, with eyes and touches, you need to learn to understand each other's desires.

Whatever happens, whatever the situation, you need to follow the basic rules in kissing.

Partners can always help each other find an idyll and retire, bringing unforgettable pleasure from the touch of the lips.

And more information on the topic - in the next video.

Let's talk about "adult" kisses. Each person wants to appear before his beloved in the best light, to show that you are capable of much, sometimes you can even surprise. After all, if the Casanovas are trying to hone their skills, then what can we say about us, ordinary mortals who want affection and tenderness, or about those who still have not experienced the dizziness and sweetness of a kiss?

Few paid attention to the fact that he kisses a couple of times a day. From early childhood to the end of our lives, we kiss loved ones, children, our parents and even animals. With the help of a kiss, we are trying to express our gratitude, tenderness, affection, passion, love, declare a truce, express our consent, in general, all kinds of feelings.

People want to learn how to kiss properly to satisfy their natural needs. These needs are as important as love, drink, food, constant internet connection...

This need for the need to touch someone, in passion. Everyone wants to wrap their loved one in an embrace. The desire for contact with another person occurs at the behest of instinct, it cannot be explained, since it comes naturally. Despite all this, the kissing technique can be learned and improved. And everyone can do it.

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What needs to be done so that the first "adult" kiss leaves a perfect imprint on you and your chosen one?

  1. Just don't be shy. If this is your first time, it doesn't mean anything. The fact that your palms are sweaty, your knees are trembling and your head is spinning are just signs of your love. It's nothing compared to the physical and emotional pleasure you get from the kiss itself.
  2. If you can, make the setting more romantic and intimate. Dim lamps or candles will help you with this.
  3. Be mindful of your breath. Stale breath can discourage a guy or girl from kissing. If you forgot or did not have time to brush your teeth, a few sprigs of parsley, an apple or chewing gum will help you.
  4. When you start kissing, do not freeze in one position. Gently stroke your partner's back, shoulder, touch his ears, run your hand through his hair.
  5. You don't need to be silent. If you started kissing, this does not mean that you should be silent. Say something nice and tender to your beloved (beloved).
  6. Be relaxed, don't stress. If your lips are tense, this can only push your partner away, or he will think that you are unpleasant.
  7. Don't stop at just one kiss. Most men love the "French" kiss ("wet"). Believe me, gentle sucking and biting on the lips can add even more excitement.

How can you understand that a girl is ready for a kiss? In most cases, she herself burns with impatience and does not understand why her chosen one cannot dare to kiss her. Most often this happens when a guy cannot gather his courage, he puts himself in an invisible frame and creates uncomfortable situations. When a girl looks you straight in the eyes and does not look away, she is trying to let you know that she is ready, and you should not delay.

Girls, which is not always true, think that by kissing they can determine the character of a guy, how worthy he is and whether he is suitable for them. But never be afraid to show your feelings and go for it!

How to determine if you know how to kiss?

The most important thing is watch your partner's reaction. This applies more to guys than girls. When a girl takes herself to another world with satisfaction or groans softly, you can see it right away, and you will be able to understand that you are doing everything right. But when she looks like she is sitting on a pair - it is worth considering what you can do to make her wind up! To achieve the desired result, you need to trial and error. If the first time you could not show what you are capable of, then the second time you should take into account all the missteps and kiss her so that she explodes with pleasure ... Girls love to deceive and pretend, but when they start kissing, they forget about their abilities and cannot hide their feelings.

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Learn It recommends paying attention to "signs" that may tell you that it is worth learning how to kiss. Here, for example, if a girl tries to close her mouth, looks away, is distracted - then this is a clear sign that indicates that you are doing something wrong. If immediately after the kiss she asks about the political situation in the country or something else, this means that you did not hit. But do not be upset, turn on your imagination and go ahead - practice, practice and practice again.

Biggest Kissing Mistake

You forgot about your partner. You kiss for yourself, you get great pleasure, you think that since you like it, then your partner does too. But UchiIt reminds you that girls have their own feelings, expectations, preferences, and if you ignore them, you will do very wrong.

If you think that wide open mouth- it's sexy and attractive, then again you are mistaken. Of course, it’s not worth pinching your lips like a partisan. The partner will definitely tell you how she likes it more. Always reciprocate, and she will answer you.

The most important thing is training and practice. Everything will come with experience. Your fantasies can sometimes do such a thing that even you will not immediately understand that everything that happens is not reality, but only imagination.

So, relax, imagine your ideal in front of you. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through his (her) hair, how you begin to kiss. It is important to invest more feelings and emotions.

And, in the end, Teach It to share with you one important point! It's not enough to just learn how to kiss on the lips. The weaker sex has a lot of erogenous points. Thanks to sociological researchers, we know that 97% of girls are instantly turned on by kisses on the neck. All it costs is to hug your beloved tightly from behind, toss her hair back and kiss her passionately. When she feels hot male breath on her neck, kisses and light bites - she will be ready to dissolve in your arms!

A kiss is when the souls of two people in love unite. You don't have to be afraid to experiment. Kiss your beloved (beloved) as your heart tells you. You will always remember memories of such kisses in your memory.

Video lessons

First, how NOT to kiss. The video is in English, but everything is clear and without words!

Demonstration of ordinary gentle kisses and passionate kisses passionately:

One day, any growing girl has a moment when she begins to think about how to kiss a guy correctly, but how to learn this is not known. A kiss is an intimate thing that conveys warmth and feelings, and it is extremely important to convey them correctly at this moment.

It is not necessary to practice on someone, because today there are special lessons and video tutorials that make it possible to learn this without resorting to the help of strangers.

In contact with

Before you start merging lips in a kiss, you need to understand how to correctly build your behavior with a guy so that this process goes smoothly. Maintaining a calm atmosphere and showing sympathy, you should sit close to your partner - this way the girl will hint that she has nothing against the intention of kissing. When no one does this, the kiss may not happen, because not all male passions are self-confident and courageous.

This article will teach, with the language with a guy and, based on the lessons on the technique of performing a kiss, it will be possible to make it a reality with confidence. So how do you hint to a guy that a girl is ready?

Let's go through the steps:

  • first of all, you should not be nervous, because this tension can be transferred to your loved one and he will never decide on this act;
  • no need to be closed, let him hug you and hold your hand, as the feeling of warmth brings each other closer;
  • you should look into the eyes, because that is how the girl will be able to give a hint that she is ready.

We also highlight the actions that it is desirable to avoid:

  • you don’t need to act like a touchy person, but also don’t be too accessible;
  • you should not chat tirelessly, because this will not give a chance for a pause, which precedes the kiss;
  • do not turn away, even if there is an awkward pause and no one knows how to proceed.

Remember! Much of it depends on behavior. The guy can also feel awkward and this is normal, so the girl should help him with a hint.

First kiss

A kiss is an expression of feelings for a person. In a relationship, it is one of the most important, as it acts as a catalyst for subsequent relationships.

It is a passionate and immortal gesture of romantic affection. This should not be taken lightly, and the desire to learn how to kiss a guy correctly is the motivation to master this process.

Worth remembering! Before you take this action, you need a little preparation, both moral and physical!

Moral preparation consists in the belief that the girl is ready for this step. She should be extremely calm and disposed towards a person whom she will allow to touch her lips.

To make the kiss as pleasant as possible, physical preparation is necessary, which involves taking care of your lips and oral cavity. To do this, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. The breath should be fresh and the mouth cleared of food debris. If a girl has been brushing her teeth in the morning or has recently eaten, she should use chewing gum, and before everything happens, spit it into the bin!
  2. Lips should not be dry and chapped. Use a lip scrub and moisturizing lip balm or glitter just before your appointment;
  3. If you have lipstick on your lips, you need to discreetly remove it before the moment that precedes the kiss!
  4. It is necessary to monitor the health of the lips and oral cavity. You should postpone the intimate moment until the ailments in the form of herpes or cough go away.

When it comes to the first kiss with a guy, how to kiss properly is secondary and does not play a big role. It is necessary to create a romantic atmosphere, and let no one be around, because the excitement is already present, why are witnesses needed.

Can you take the initiative yourself?

Girls are often modest and shy creatures, so they expect the guy to take the initiative. But how to behave when he is also shy and afraid to take the first step? Of course ! You have to get past the barrier of awkwardness and make sure he wants it the same way.

To do this, you can: look into each other's eyes, smile, hold hands or stroke his hair, hug and make sure that the face is as close to his face as possible. If at this moment he does not turn away, but is still afraid to touch, you can first kiss on the cheek, and then look at him and touch him gently with your lips, then deviate and, if everything is in order and he does not mind, continue what you started!

Both partners should try to keep their eyes closed and do everything gently, slowly, breathing calmly!

How to kiss a guy on the lips?

It is worth noting that it is better that the first kiss be without a tongue. In order to understand how to kiss a guy for the first time, several kissing techniques are offered:

  • light - consists in having your lips suck his lower lip without any pressure;
  • soft - involves touching his tongue with his tip to his teeth and tongue;
  • romantic - can contain licking the lips of a loved one with your tongue.

For the second time, you can already use tips and techniques that will teach you how to kiss a guy with a tongue.

Tongue kiss technique for girls

In order to prepare as much as possible and leave vivid impressions, the following are detailed tips on how to perform a kiss with a tongue using the technique for girls:

  1. Do not be afraid of tactile sensations. This will help defuse the situation and allow him to get used to her touch. The neck, arms and back are very sensitive to them, this should intensify the feelings.
  2. Smile. The first kiss is often accompanied by excitement, but the girl should not worry too much. Passion will be pleased that his half feels happy next to him.
  3. Tilt your head slightly to the side. You should turn your head in a position towards each other, avoiding a collision with your noses.
  4. Close eyes. Kissing with open eyes tends to look insincere, while closed eyes help you focus and enjoy the moment to the fullest.

Instructions on how to kiss passionately

If there is a desire to continue kissing, but already with the tongue, and the initiative on the part of the girl, then you should know how to kiss a guy passionately in order to avoid common mistakes.

  1. - This is a logical continuation of light kisses with closed lips, so it is advisable to start with them.
  2. Then the girl can run her tongue along the closed gap between the guy's lips, during which he must open them.
  3. If this did not happen, then it is worth sticking your tongue between his lips, but not deep (to the teeth).
  4. If the guy allowed to penetrate into his mouth, you can touch the tongue of his tongue, thereby stroking, but not completely thrust.

Important! If during the first two paragraphs, the guy did not respond to your attempts, it is better to stop and not try to forcibly penetrate through his closed teeth!

Useful video


- in fact, the main point in the guy's desire to kiss her. Don't be closed off and overly talkative, be gentle, smile and try to maintain a calm, romantic atmosphere.

It is worth remembering that the readiness for the first kiss is not only in the morale, but it is also important to observe oral hygiene so as not to cause discomfort in the guy.

Guys, like girls, can be shy: do not be afraid to take the initiative in your own hands, help him with hints and try to take the first step. If the initiative to kiss a guy comes from you, you should start with light kisses without a tongue and only then move on to a hickey with a tongue, if your loved one does not mind.

In order to kiss a guy on the lips correctly, the scheme of actions is clear - this is the contact of the lips using the tongue, but do not forget that this action conveys feelings to a person. Do not be afraid that the first kiss was not perfect, it is important that the warmth that is experienced in relation to a loved one is transmitted.

This article is a conditional action plan, having studied it in detail, you can learn the theory of how to kiss a guy on the lips correctly. In practice, everything will be much more exciting, but do not be afraid, because following the advice of the article, you can avoid common mistakes.

Mastering the technique and rules of how to kiss with the tongue with a guy in the instructions may seem easy, but in practice it will be more difficult. The main thing is to be open to a partner, to try and gain experience. Also, girls should not forget about the opportunity to communicate with a loved one about preferences or mistakes.