Girl love test. Funny tests for girls. Tests for love - a group of tests that determine the real closeness of the relationship of partners

Passion, affection, passion - the most beautiful feeling has many facets and names. Psychological love tests for guys will help to understand their own feelings for those who are not used to analyzing thoughts, actions, and introspection. Compiled by experienced connoisseurs of human souls, questionnaires will reveal your hidden motives, subconscious aspirations and dispel the pink haze that often accompanies relationships.

Sincere answers on all points of tests about girls, about love, sex, relationships will help you understand yourself and your partner, reveal the true background of experiences, sensations, actions that you were prompted by acquaintance with the object of passion. It is not customary for us to turn to a psychologist even in a critical life situation, not to mention the beginning of a relationship. To a certain extent, the advice of an experienced psychologist can replace the result obtained after honest answers about the most personal, intimate. In addition, it is much easier to tell about your feelings to a soulless computer than to a friend and, especially, to a stranger.

Number of passed: 4836 806 39

For guys, a love test is perhaps the only quick way to determine the degree and intensity of feelings. Why are you together or do you want to be with her? A couple of minutes and a few answers will put everything in its place without unnecessary confessions and sentimental nonsense.

Number of passed: 6448 1075 52

A test about girls, about love and sincerity of feelings will show whether your chosen one really loves, trusts and respects you, or all her assurances are sewn with white threads. Remembering some features of her behavior, words and deeds, draw the right conclusions.

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Sometimes it is not easy to understand feelings and admit them even to yourself, not to mention the subject of passion. Tests for guys about love for a girl will resolve your doubts, the main thing is to answer questions honestly, without hesitation.

Number of passed: 4340 723 35

Having passed the test for love, for a guy from your inner circle, you can objectively assess the chances of developing a relationship. If a person is modest and does not show initiative, his body, eyes, gestures will give out thoughts and hidden desires.

Number of passed: 4588 765 37

Sometimes even living together under one roof or a long acquaintance is not a guarantee of mutual love. A simple but objective test of love for a person will help you find out if this is a real feeling or a habit of comfort, conveniences and other household goods.

Number of passed: 4092 682 33

A love test is a test that will help measure the depth, sincerity, reciprocity of your feelings. Loves or not? Are you loved? We don't see much of ourselves. Answer the questions sincerely, and the result of the test will open your eyes.

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Are you confident in your friendship, love to the grave, fidelity? Do you have anything to hide from your partner? Then take a couple love test for two. A strong relationship cannot be destroyed by tricky questions, but both of you will learn a lot of interesting things about each other.

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

Loving loved ones is not always easy, but habitual. It's just as natural to fall in love with the first person you meet. You can love animals, help children, the homeless, but it is much more difficult to have similar feelings for passers-by, neighbors, colleagues. The test of love for people will show how responsive and humane you are.

Number of passed: 4960 827 40

Are you open to new meetings, are you ready to fall in love, or is healthy egoism prevailing in you? A short love test will demonstrate whether you can recognize a flashed feeling or consider it another hobby unworthy of close attention.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

The best human feeling has hundreds of facets and definitions, someone considers love to be a synonym for devotion, mutual support, respect, others see insane passion. Choose your option by answering the questions of the test "What is love?".

Number of passed: 2356 393 19

Your work colleague constantly complains about his problems. How will you react to this?

Number of passed: 4092 682 33

When you remember your parental home, you are overcome by a joyful rather than sad feeling.

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

Do you give a special meaning to a gift?

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

Has anyone told you that you are a great kisser?

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

Do you have a feeling that a serious showdown is needed?

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

As a child, did you willingly let your uncles and aunts kiss you?

Number of passed: 5084 847 41

Number of passed: 5084 847 41

Does your friend (girlfriend) share their personal secrets with you?

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

Do you believe in the existence of an ideal man (woman)?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Number of passed: 1612 269 13

Do you feel good about who you are?

Number of passed: 1612 269 13

Is there someone who constantly dreams about you?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

When you meet someone for the first time, you are interested in:

Number of passed: 1736 289 14

He (She) asks you: do you love me?

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

Do you remember what your first love was?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

Do you have as much sex as you want?

Number of passed: 4712 785 38

Do you often wind up in the most inappropriate places?

Number of passed: 1736 289 14

He can't leave the house because he got this nasty flu from his younger brother and he looks so sick that it's scary to look at. You visited him and:

Number of passed: 1364 227 11

I think that talking about erotica and sex is a manifestation of perversion.

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

Number of passed: 4588 765 37

With a new girlfriend, would you rather be in bed:

Number of passed: 3100 517 25

How do you feel about your body?

Number of passed: 1860 310 15

Can an arranged marriage be happy?

Number of passed: 4836 806 39

How many erogenous zones are on your body?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

Most romantic movie ending

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

At dinner, he suddenly grimaces a little. What are you thinking at this moment?

All online tests about love, feelings, relationships and sex for free.

Test passed: 12,880 times

Are you glad that you married this particular person, or do you regret your decision to connect your life with him? And in general, what is a family for you - a safe haven where you can wait out the bad weather, or a field of eternal battles?

Test passed: 22,170 times

This test will help you better understand yourself and your sexual preferences, and in order to understand this, you just need to remember how you ... smile. Your manner of laughing betrays your secret inclinations, however much you may sometimes wish to hide or disguise them. An observant person, by your smile alone, will understand with whom he is dealing - with a shy or a voluptuous woman.

Test passed: 24,907 times

Test passed: 6,526 times

Test passed: 1,443 times

Test based on your dreams. No, this is not another dream book. From the content of a person's dreams, psychologists can learn a lot about his character. Learn about your longing for love.

Test passed: 2,360 times

Some believe that they love a person not because he has any wonderful qualities of character, but simply because he exists in the world at all. However, in practice it turns out quite differently. We love and respect those with whom we enjoy spending time, who can provide help and support, who share our interests, respect the decisions we make. However, those who act in a completely opposite way, we do not dare to call friends. Are you wondering what your friends value in you? Then quickly answer the questions of our test.

Test passed: 1,589 times

Almost every person dreams of great love. Are you able to boldly go towards her? Or is something holding you back, and because of this you miss your chance? Answer the test questions and find out the result.

Test passed: 6,058 times

Every day you meet him on the street, at school, at the institute and even in the library. You probably have your own opinion about any of them. I wonder what they think about you? Take the test and you will find out all the secret thoughts of the boys.

Family relationships are as different from romantic love as real football is from watching a match on TV. Almost all families face crises and many are not ready to overcome them. Difficulties are not the end of relationships, but the transition to their new level.

For women, love is the meaning of life - this is old news. Men's psychology is different from women's, and because of this, disagreements arise in relationships. You can become the director and the main character of your own happiness story, write the script of your own life.

It turns out that too active girls scare away young people - the guys themselves want to take the initiative and take care of the defenseless young lady. Hunters and victims are two extremes that you should not fall into, it is better to determine the golden mean and behave naturally.

When people fall in love, the world narrows down to one person for them. The condition is not quite normal, but no one would want to give it up. Later, falling in love will develop into true love or melt away, but someday it will become a very pleasant memory.

Trust in a relationship must be mandatory, otherwise communication turns into spy games or constant outbursts of jealousy. But doubts can disturb the girl's soul from time to time, and only a cold-blooded analysis will help dispel them.

The image of a romantic man has faded somewhat, but somewhere deep down, every woman would like her chosen one to be gallant, devoted, attentive and helpful. From these and other positive qualities, the character of romance is formed.

There are several legends about the origin of Valentine's Day. According to one of them, a young priest Valentine secretly married lovers, for which he was sentenced to death. In prison, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter and wrote a confession to her with the signature "Your Valentine" before his death.

It is necessary to correctly express not only indignation, resentment and claims, it is equally important to learn how to talk about joy, praise people, and sincerely thank. You have the right to any feelings, and no one knows better than you what exactly you are experiencing.

In the days of jousting tournaments, girlish happiness depended on the whims of the stronger sex. Girls could only respond to male signs of attention. A modern girl has two options for behavior - ignore a shy young man or gain courage and take the first step herself.

They talk about love, sing songs, compose poems and novels since the creation of the world. The topic is fully disclosed, but the phenomenon remains mysterious. Love is an irrational feeling, it does not lend itself to analysis, the mechanisms of origin are unclear. One thing is clear - this feeling exists and it is a synonym for happiness. Even unrequited, unhappy, short love gives life taste and color, fills it with meaning and aroma. People are so eager to experience love that they often mistake other "kindred" feelings for it. These younger "brothers and sisters" of love - love, passion, attachment, habit, even addiction - have the right to exist, but cannot replace love.

It is important to understand that love is a unique feeling and does not consist of their elements, even such valuable ones as respect, patience, care, fidelity, etc. These wonderful components can be the basis of a long and reliable relationship, families break up without them. Building a life together without mutual affection, the desire to understand and respect each other is pointless. But love differs from attachment in that it can neither be achieved, nor built, nor created. And love is what you experience, not "for you." Like everything natural, love is simple and it brings happiness - know yourself, do not be afraid of feelings, do not look for relationships without obligations, and you will definitely meet your love.

Tests have become one of these once psychological, but now simply comic tools. Dedicated to everything that is possible: from the choice of a profession to the shade of lipstick, they are waiting for us everywhere: in glossy magazines, brochures, newspaper spreads and, of course, on Internet sites. Love tests for girls are especially in demand among the public (although boys are not averse to peeking into them with one eye when no one sees). Young and not very young ladies are ready to answer questions for hours, in the hope of establishing how this or that representative of the stronger sex treats them.

So developers can sleep peacefully, love tests for girls can continue to be created in batches, they will be in demand by users for a very long time. Probably as long as there will be a desire of human hearts for heartfelt attachments and romance. We bring to your attention a selection of the most interesting games in Russian, made in the format of virtual love tests. You'll see, it'll be fun. Well, you will learn something interesting in the process.

Loves-does not love, spit-kiss...

All love test games for girls have the same format. They consist of a certain number of questions, for each of which there are several (usually four) possible answers. You will need to carefully re-read everything, and then choose the one that most fully characterizes your condition at the moment. Of course, this value is not constant, and, depending on the circumstances, mood and other factors, it will change, sometimes drastically.

That is why you should not count on love tests for girls in love as the ultimate truth. It is much more reasonable to perceive them as a hint-addition to today, which will completely lose its relevance tomorrow. So we advise you to simply bookmark this page of our site and open it every time you need outside help.

Of course, comic questionnaires that promise to establish the name of the guy of your dreams, a match by zodiac sign or eye color, should not be taken seriously. Also, don't rely on online surveys to make big decisions like whether you should leave your boyfriend or move on with the relationship. But the tests that determine the degree of your compatibility with the chosen one or the prospects for the development of relationships can be taken more closely. At the very least, they will help you look at what is happening to you from a different angle, determine how much your interests coincide, and what both of you expect from the beginning romance.

But let us remind you once again, no matter how you like and help you play love tests, you can really change the situation with your lover (and not only with him) only by yourself. Nobody else will do this for you. So train decisiveness and willpower - without them, there is nowhere to make important life decisions. And our cute tests will definitely help you with this. Moreover, if you don’t like the result, you can simply close the page with them, go about your other business, and after a while take the test again.

The stepmother poured a plate of millet into a plate of poppy seeds and told Cinderella to sort through everything overnight. It was one of the first tests for girls and girls (for accuracy and patience). Cinderella quickly dealt with him - however, with the help of her godmother.

We have completely different tests for girls - not tiring. No one claims that they are one hundred percent reliable, but still you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself from them.

For example, there are tests that will tell you which guy suits you, who you fall in love with, which flirting is closer to you.
Our love calculators will scrupulously, with an accuracy of one percent, calculate whether a suitor with such and such a name or zodiac sign suits you.
The "What to wear tonight" quiz will give you tips on what to wear without having to rack your brains. And not only about clothes - other tests will tell you what hairstyle is best for you to wear, what shoes, what handbag.

Tests for girls free online

Where else to find out the whole truth about yourself, if not in our tests for girls! Play and be surprised!