Types of appearance: seasonality with geography. Oriental type of face. Characteristic

I decided to try myself as an actress. Thankfully there is talent. I started to write a resume. By the way, in the next topic - a resume template for models / actors. But I ran into one problem - the question "type of appearance" made me think ... How is it? And what does it matter for my image ... I started scouring the Internet in search of useful information and came to the following conclusions:
- initially, in the column type of appearance, you need to indicate belonging to a particular race.

There are 3 main races, which are divided into many subspecies (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Races ):




(As a separate subspecies - mestizos)

We belong to the Western race, more precisely, its subspecies - the Caucasoid race.

In its turn, European race is divided into types of appearance, which, we can easily choose an image for ourselves;)

Northern (Scandinavian) type. This type corresponds to blue, gray, blue, gray-green eyes and very blond hair. For this type, it is best to choose cool colors of clothes - blue, light blue, gray. For hair, highlights with a bias in silver tones are best suited. Well, if you are a fan of warm colors, such as pink, orange, light green, then it would be better for you to change your hair color with highlights with a pinkish tint or you can use a tint shampoo, which of course will cost you less and easier.

Naturally, no one can deny you the opportunity to change your hair color to dark, but you must admit that there is hardly at least one woman who would voluntarily give up such a bright appearance. Moreover, the Scandinavian type of women is more like men. Try to imagine blondes like Michelle Pfeiffer or Cameron Diaz as brunettes and realize that they will lose the lion's share of their charm. True, we can dream up that you nevertheless decided to take such a step as changing your hair color dramatically, for some very serious reason. Then with your amazing blue eyes, blue things of a very saturated color or blue, almost black tones will look perfect.

Southern type of appearance. This type corresponds to black or dark brown hair and brown, dark green, blue eyes. If you recognize yourself, then bright, catchy clothes will suit you. The colors of your clothes are all shades of red, blue, orange, bright green. And one more tip: choose clothes according to the color of your eyes. True, this is not a law and you can choose options.

Women with a southern type of appearance can easily lighten their hair to the Central Russian or Scandinavian type. But at the same time, cosmetologists do not advise such women to experiment until their hair is lightened too much, since eyebrows, and they are usually radically black, will have to be dyed. And of course change your wardrobe, while thoroughly. Your bright clothes will immediately start to overwhelm your hair color. Try to pick up clothes of delicate colors in your wardrobe: blue, pink, orange or light green.

While searching for yourself, you may well emphasize the type of appearance that is close to you, or you can fundamentally change it

Central Russian or European type, which has another name - autumn. This type corresponds to red, blond, light brown hair, and the color of the eyes is green, gray-green, less often blue. Any stylist will recommend you clothes in pastel colors, and in no case anything bright, flashy. All bright colors will suppress your personality very much. This can only be used if you want to draw attention away from your face. Although, of course, in this case, options are possible.

You can easily lighten your hair to the Scandinavian type or become a dark-haired beauty with a chestnut tint. Therefore, forget about the existence of your dull pastel-colored wardrobe and go to the store for bright things to emphasize that you are beautiful and you have a personality, a highlight.

Of course, no one can argue that there are clear boundaries between the types of appearance. Just by knowing the characteristics of the types of appearance, you can find out which one is closest to you and corresponds to you at the moment. And in order to become irresistible, individual, then choose the type that you would most like to match. And further ahead, start emphasizing it, just don't forget our tips. (Based on materials

Statistics confirm: Asian women undergo plastic surgery much more often than European women. What exactly they correct and how they look after plastic surgery - see our selection.

Europeanization of the century

Ever wondered why Japanese cartoon characters have such big and expressive eyes? The answer is on the surface: it is precisely such wide-open eyes that Asians dream of. And all because a distinctive feature of the structure of their eyes is a fold of skin on the upper eyelid, scientifically - the epicanthus. Removal of this very crease is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in Asia.

As a student, Liu was terribly complex because of her natural eye shape, flat nose and narrow forehead. But an experienced plastic surgeon returned the girl's self-confidence: with the help of an implant, the doctor changed the shape of Liu's chin, performed two eyelid correction surgeries and rhinoplasty.



The second most popular plastic surgery in Asia is rhinoplasty. The main reasons why girls come to a plastic surgeon: a short tip, too wide wings and a “saddle” nose (with a strongly falling back). Experienced surgeons solve all these problems once or twice: the sunken part of the nose is filled with an implant, and the shape is narrowed with small incisions.

The aspiring singer Zhang Sher was sure that only a new appearance would help her achieve recognition and love from the public. With the help of a plastic surgeon, the girl got rid of the hump on her nose, changed the shape of her eyes and enlarged her cheekbones. But whether the career went uphill after that - history is silent.

Cheekbone reduction

Another specific feature of the Asian appearance is large “heavy” cheekbones. That is why the operation to reduce the cheekbones is very popular among Asian girls. The procedure is quite complicated, as it requires grinding of bone tissue and affects the jaw, and recovery after it lasts about six months. But Eastern girls are not afraid of this, along with a decrease in cheekbones, they often even ask the surgeon to align the upper and lower jaws at the same time.

This young girl got a job as a real estate manager, but her career didn't work out. Then she decided to change her appearance: the plastic surgeon reduced her cheekbones, performed rhinoplasty and corrected the shape of her chin. What happened next - history is silent.


Another common aesthetic problem that Asian girls turn to plastic surgeons with is the curvature of the legs, which is characterized by an O-shaped or X-shaped structure of the legs. Cruroplasty solves this problem: the surgeon makes an incision in the popliteal fold, after which a silicone implant is placed under the connective sheath of muscles.

The vast majority of women are not satisfied with their appearance. Some complain about the angularity of the figure, others, on the contrary, about its excessive roundness. Those who are quite satisfied with their own physique are dissatisfied with individual facial features, skin or hair features.

But in the guise of famous actresses, singers, TV presenters, many do not notice any shortcomings. In fact, nature has awarded the unique beauty of everyone. However, not everyone knows how to emphasize their own attractiveness. To learn this art, you must first determine your type of appearance.

Appearance color type

The most famous and simple method for determining the type of appearance is a breakdown into 4 groups, each of which corresponds to a certain time of the year. This takes into account the color of the skin, eyes and hair of a woman. All shades are divided into light or dark, warm or cold.

Cold type of appearance: ashy shade of hair, light skin with a peach or blue tint, gray or blue eyes. Warm type: brown or red hair, hazel, green eyes, bronze skin tone.

Light type: natural blondes with a blurry contour of the lips and iris. Dark type: brown or black hair, well-defined lips and iris.

Type of appearance by season

Having determined your belonging to a particular season, it becomes easier to choose the right wardrobe and makeup. There are special tables in which all colors are divided into 4 groups listed below. Among them, you need to choose your range of shades and be guided by it when buying cosmetics and clothes.

    summer - light, cold;

    winter - dark, cold;

    spring - light, warm;

    autumn - dark, warm.

Types of appearance according to Kibby

At the end of the last century, the American David Kibby proposed his method of classifying the appearance of women. He developed a system that takes into account height, limb length, structural features of the skull and skeleton.

David Kibby singled out purely feminine (yin) and purely masculine (yang) features of appearance. Depending on the ratio in which they are present in one or another representative of the fair sex, her belonging to one of the 5 main types is determined.

The methodology is described in detail in a book called "Metamorphoses". This work has become a guide for many stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers and other professionals in the beauty industry.

In short, each type has the following features:


Women of short stature, with large eyes, rounded features, narrow hips and shoulders. They are more like teenagers. They suit short, mischievous haircuts, modest makeup, thick eyebrows with perfect contours. Clothing may contain a cage, stripes, floral motifs.


They have a purely feminine figure - wide hips and a thin waist. Full and soft oval of the face, delicate skin. The romantic type is characterized by medium height and blurring of contours. Such women are recommended tight-fitting clothes with an accentuated shoulder line, voluminous hairstyles and massive jewelry.

natural type

He is characterized by a squat, muscular figure, large palms and feet, straight lips, wide-set eyes. Representatives of this group should choose clothes with a straight T-shape silhouette, natural, slightly tousled hairstyles.

Classic type

Differs in regular, symmetrical and proportionate facial features. The lines of the figure are straight and slightly rounded. For women of this type, discreet makeup, strict hairstyles are suitable. Clothing should not contain bright details. Simply put, the image of a teacher or a lady is needed here, the other will look vulgar.

dramatic type

Tall, thin women, with sculpted features, thin noses and large mouths, angular and sharp. Romantic outfits and hair highlights are contraindicated for them. Clothing should have bright colors and sharp lines. Hairstyles are smooth with clear straight lines.

In addition to the main traits, there are subtypes. It is quite difficult to classify appearance according to this technique, without a certain experience. However, you can always turn to specialists. They will not only help determine belonging to a particular group, but also tell you how to choose the color of clothes and makeup according to the type of appearance.

Ethnic types of appearance

Representatives of various ethnic groups have their own characteristic features of appearance. The most significant elements of appearance, indicating belonging to one or another of them, are height, physique, face shape, eye shape and shade, skin and hair color. According to ethnic characteristics, most often determine the type of appearance of men.

The European people can be divided into the following subtypes:


Medium or narrow nose, protruding chin, prominent nape, blond hair and eyes, thin lips, narrow jaw, average height sometimes high.


Lowered outer corners of the eyes, wide jaw, dark hair and eyes, easily tanned skin, tall stature.


Almond-shaped eyes, dark brown or black hair, dark eyes, swarthy skin, full lips.


Slightly inverted lower lip, straight or wavy chestnut hair, tall.


The Asian type of appearance is distinguished by a triangular, slightly rounded face with prominent cheekbones, a narrow slit of the eyes, small puffy lips, and straight black hair. The skin is predominantly olive in color, but can also be milky white.


The Caucasian type is characterized by a large nose, often with a hump, wide, often fused eyebrows, dark hair color and their rapid growth throughout the body.

Slavic (Scandinavian)

The Slavic type of appearance or Scandinavian is the same Nordic. Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Bulgarians, Serbs have a Slavic appearance. Scandinavian - Norwegians, Swedes, Finns, Danes.

It was the ethnic features of appearance that became the fundamental factor in choosing the colors and styles of national costumes. No wonder even modern designers take them into account when creating modern outfits.

Walking the streets of China, you will immediately notice special attention to your person, European appearance is very attractive to local girls, many will even ask you to take a picture with them, do not be afraid, this is normal.

In restaurants and other places of public catering

In catering places, the attendants will be especially attentive to you, this is due to the fact that it is very prestigious for them if Europeans are present in their establishments, this is, so to speak, an indicator of quality for other visitors, and they have quite a lot of competition in the restaurant business. In some cases, foreigners are invited to work in high-end restaurants. They can offer various vacancies: a waiter, a doorman, a manager, and the like. You yourself decide to agree to this or that position, it all depends on your ambitions and the need for such earnings.

Photo: Foreign children making Chinese dumplings

Acquaintance with Chinese women, but is it worth it?

Local girls are deprived of the attention of men, perhaps this is due to the fact that there are much more males in China than females. If you suddenly want to get acquainted with a pretty Chinese woman, then it will be enough for you to smile at her, and by preparing a salad for her on a date, you will become the best man in her eyes. In no case do not speak badly about her acquaintances, this can greatly offend your interlocutor.

But I would not advise building a serious relationship with Chinese girls. Very different mentality, attitude to life and other important things. For example, their family relationship seems strange to me. For Chinese girls, it is completely normal if the husband works a week in another city, and at best, he comes for profitable ones. Unfortunately this is very common.

I know a Russian who almost married a Chinese woman. The only thing that stopped her was that she frankly told him: - "You buy me an apartment in Shenzhen, I will live there with my mother and raise a child, and you can come from Hong Kong on Sundays" (he works in Hong Kong). And this attitude towards marriage is very common in China. So draw your own conclusions...

Stores and other points of sale

When you go shopping, be prepared for the fact that sellers will be very persistent in offering you goods, but at the same time, prices for you will be higher than for others, do not be afraid to bargain, take a walk, look at more stores, do not immediately rush at the goods that you like, from Europeans they just waiting. How to bargain correctly and what to avoid when bargaining, this post will help. Read. But in general, the Chinese are hospitable, but very cunning people :)

Working with a European appearance

About working in China. If you have a higher education, and at the same time you know Chinese and plus you are also a European, you are just a treasure for employers, believe me, you can learn Chinese, it is not as difficult as it seems. I will give an example of my friend, somehow he went to China and just fell in love with him, in general, he decided that he wanted to live in it, he was all worried about work, but nothing, he learned Chinese in a year and a half, and when he went there, there were problems with a job, he was not at all welcome everywhere, he sat and chose later, of course, his qualifications also helped him, but believe me, if he were not a European, he would probably have been looking for a good job there for a long time, because. there are enough talents out there. When his boss held meetings with other companies, he always introduced him to everyone, they say, look at what people work for me.

The European type of appearance is the idol of beauty in the modern world. People of European appearance are most in demand in cinema and gloss, in advertising and at fashion shows. And if you want to live in a world without borders, you need to become your own in this celebration of life. Therefore, people with a different type of appearance often secretly or openly strive to make their face at least a little more European.

Are you sure that your face tells others about your virtues?

In ancient times, there was an amazing science - physiognomy, the science of interpreting facial features, based on the subjective perception of the observer. Aristotle was one of its first explorers. In his opinion, “a thick nose, like a bull’s, means laziness, a wide nose with large nostrils, like a pig’s, is stupidity, a sharp one, like a dog’s, a nose is a sign of choleric temperament, an aquiline nose means courage, hooked like a crow, - alertness. And the founder of criminal anthropology, Johann Caspar Lavater, believed that the structure and outlines of the skull and forehead reflect the mental life of a person; the contours of the nose and cheeks reflect the moral and emotional life; and the fold of the mouth and the line of the chin speak of sensual, animal qualities.

Expert comment:

“The laws of physiognomy operate in both directions. Over many years of practice, I have repeatedly convinced myself that not only character affects appearance, but also appearance affects character. For example, a girl makes a European cut of her eyes and thereby opens them wide to the world, literally and figuratively. And the acquisition of a narrow chin makes its mistress fragile and tender.

The European appearance of a man with a strong-willed chin creates an aura of confidence and masculinity around his master - and gives these properties to him.

In your quest for a new face, you should not simply “reshape” yourself. Contact a surgeon who, like a good stylist, will create an IMAGE.

Others increase the central part of the cheek in front, give thin and very flat faces volume in the area under the eyes. They not only create relief. Such implants perfectly eliminate the lacrimal trough and bruising under the eyes. After installing them, you will forget about the concealer, even if you have been using it since school.

Expert comment:

With a flattening of the face, many are faced with age, after about 45 years. Implants in this case serve not only to harmonize features. By holding the high position of the tissues of the face, they perfectly prevent the appearance of jowls and nasolabial folds.

Stretching the oval of the face with Porex chin and jaw implants. Depending on the implant, the result may be a strong-willed or, on the contrary, a delicate and narrow chin, which speaks of the sophistication of its owner. But regardless of the shape, a well-defined chin “stretches” the face, makes it more attractive and visually lengthens the neck.

Emphasis on the angles of the lower jaw. Well-defined angles of the lower jaw make the face sculptural, and at the same time naturally remove premature jowls, nasolabial folds and the second chin without lifting procedures.

Often the Slavic type of face does not have a clear jaw line, it is blurred, and the face seems flat. Correction of the lower jaw gives the face texture and clear, attractive outlines.

Europeanizing blepharoplasty. The creation of European eyes is a three-stage step: the formation of a crease on the upper eyelid, the removal of the skin (epicanthus) that hides the inner corner of the eye, and the removal of excess fat from the upper eyelid.

The operation is often complicated: the incision of the eyes is enlarged and a Hollywood incision is formed - a raised outer corner of the eye and an elongated almond-shaped shape.

You don't need to see a plastic surgeon if...

... if you are led to it by a simple desire to "make yourself a European appearance." Are you sure that your "Europeanization" will be successful and your face will create the image you need for your professional activities and personality?

Look at the thousands of "Barbie dolls" coming out of cosmetology clinics! The situation is catastrophic, akin to a children's game of "spot the difference". Each of them has the face of a European woman - beautiful, but not alive, as if different elements of the puzzle were unsuccessfully combined with each other. If we are to make a European face, then we need to pay special attention to harmonizing the appearance, bringing the external in line with the real or desired internal. Save YOUR, unique face, but with Europeanized features!

Only a good surgeon can subtly change the “weight distribution” of features and change accents in such a way that you remain yourself, but your appearance is perceived more harmoniously and in a European way “your own”.