Do-it-yourself topiary: creative needlework. Do-it-yourself topiary: tips for beginners

Do-it-yourself topiary is gaining more and more popularity among decorators, interior designers and simple needlewomen.

Initially, a topiary was a garden with ornamental trimmed plants and sculptures created from artistically trimmed trees. Topiary art has a long history. So, even in ancient Egypt and Persia, the ability to give geometric shapes to bushes and trees was appreciated. And the most famous example of a topiary garden is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Babylon - one of the seven wonders of the world.

And now topiary (or European tree) is the name for small original trees, for the manufacture of which natural and artificial materials are used. The topiary is decorative in nature, and it depends only on the author's imagination what it will be made of. And the size of the topiary can be from 10-15 centimeters to half a meter.

Small paper flower topiary

Large artificial flower topiary (Author — Anna Assonova)

Topiary can be a wonderful gift for a wedding or housewarming.

What is topiary made of?

So, if you decide to make a topiary with your own hands, then you should know that the tree consists of several elements:

  • the basis
  • trunk
  • crown
  • pot or stand

Moreover, for each of these elements there are different forms and materials.

Topiary base

The base can be of different shapes. Most often, a ball is used in the manufacture of topiary.

Topiary in the form of a ball

But there are topiaries in the form of a heart, as well as in the form of various figures. Experienced needlewomen create blanks in the form of numbers (if the tree is intended as a gift for a birthday or memorable date), as well as in the form of letters.

Topiary - heart

As a basis for a ball or heart, you can use a foam blank, polyurethane foam or a papier-mâché ball. Curly bases are thick wire, foam or cardboard.

Topiary base - foam ball

Topiary trunk

The barrel can be a thick wire wrapped in twine, floral tape or plastered with plastic.

You can also use an ordinary wooden branch (for reliability, it is better to clean it from the bark and cover it with stain and varnish).

A short, straight trunk is obtained from several sushi sticks or wooden skewers connected together.

Topiary crown

Topiary crown is a huge scope for imagination. You can use absolutely everything: paper (paper napkins, cut out flowers, corrugated paper, quilling paper or folded origami - kusudama), cold porcelain or polymer clay flowers, satin and nylon ribbons, felt or cotton, buttons and beads, coffee, shells , dried leaves and other natural materials, and much, much more.

Topiary in the Kanzashi technique from the remnants of fabric (author - Tatyana Babikova)

Topiary made of corrugated paper and natural materials

Corrugated paper and organza topiary (author - Tatyana Kovaleva)

Topiary from natural materials (leaves, apples, acorns)

Topiary of flowers (origami - kusudama)

Topiary stand

Depending on the idea and size of the tree, an ordinary flower pot, an iron bucket (painted or decorated using decoupage technique), a beautiful flat stone or a shell can become a stand. You can decorate the stand with fabric or lace. Or maybe it will be a nice cup? You decide.

Shell topiary stand

Topiary stand decorated with fabric and cinnamon sticks

Topiary stands (left to right): flowerpot, crocheted jar, cloth-covered bowl

Stand for topiary from a ceramic mug

Preparation of the necessary materials

Before you start working on a topiary, carefully consider the idea and all the materials used. The idea will depend on the purpose of the tree and the hobbies of its future owner. Gather materials. Attach the elements of the crown to the workpiece. Decide what decorative items you will take.

Beads of different sizes and decorative dragonflies were used as decor for the topiary.

Beads, braid, sisal and a decorative watering can were used as decor for the topiary.

Making a trunk

The next step is to prepare the trunk. As already mentioned, depending on the material, it must be wrapped with twine or varnished.

We attach the base of the tree to one end of the trunk. The ball can be simply inserted, and it is better to fix some curly base with glue.

The other end of the barrel is inserted into the prepared vessel. Usually it is attached with foam, which is then poured with alabaster or cement.

The trunk of the topiary is glued to the foam

At first, it will be difficult to guess the consistency: if the solution is too liquid, then it will dry for a very long time. And if you make it thick, then it will not fill all the empty space between the pot and the foam.

Experienced needlewomen are advised to achieve the consistency of store-bought sour cream: not very liquid, but slipping off a spoon and easily changing shape.

Pour the solution into the prepared form, smooth the top and leave to dry completely.

We decorate the crown

While the base dries, you can make crown elements: leaves, flowers.

A small and original decorative element is a topiary. In another way, it is also called the tree of happiness, because according to Feng Shui it brings joy to every home. Are you wondering how to build such a craft with your own hands? Then take advantage of several master classes below.

How to make a do-it-yourself topiary

Topiary is a great creative gift for a wedding, housewarming or birthday. To build a tree of happiness with your own hands, you need several elements:

  1. The basis. A common option is a ball. Styrofoam or an unnecessary light ball is taken as the material for the base.
  2. Trunk. Made from wire or natural branches.
  3. Crown. For its design, coffee beans, cotton pads, napkins, decorative mesh, pasta, polymer clay or artificial flowers are used.
  4. Stand. A detail on which the tree of happiness itself will be held in the form of a stone, a pot or even a shell.
  5. Base. It is made from foam, floral sponge, gypsum, cement-sand mixture or polyurethane foam.

Topiary from coffee beans

A tree of happiness, made with your own hands from coffee beans, will turn out not only beautiful, but also fragrant. For such a souvenir you will need:

  • coffee beans;
  • mug;
  • threads;
  • strong dry branch;
  • old newspaper;
  • a couple of banknotes;
  • stick for glue;
  • pebbles;
  • leg-split;
  • plasticine;
  • brownish corrugated paper.

Step by step instructions include the following steps:

  1. From several sheets of newspaper, make a shape resembling a ball.
  2. Wrap the newspaper blank with threads, corrugated paper and again with threads.
  3. Wrap twine on a dry branch.
  4. Make a hole in the ball with a diameter according to the volume of the branch. Moisten the end of the latter with glue and insert into the hole.
  5. Lubricate the ball with glue with a stick.
  6. Cover the ball with coffee beans tightly to each other.
  7. Place the trunk of the tree in a mug, pour in the same pebbles.
  8. Stick plasticine on top around the trunk and put another layer of pebbles.
  9. Decorate the mug, for example, with cinnamon sticks and a couple of banknotes.

Master class on making napkins

A simpler version of the tree of happiness is made from ordinary paper napkins. In addition to them, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • newspaper;
  • glue;
  • threads;
  • cement-sand mixture;
  • stapler;
  • flower pot;
  • decorative stones;
  • scissors;
  • strong branch;
  • willow branches;
  • additional decorative elements.

The scheme for making a tree of happiness with your own hands is as follows:

  1. About 2/3 of the height of the pot, pour the cement-sand mixture, add a little water and mix.
  2. Wipe the edges of the pot from the cement, then insert a twig into the center, cover the mixture with pebbles on top.
  3. When the cement hardens, wrap the trunk of the tree with willow branches, the ends of which are secured with tape.
  4. The previous master class described, and newspapers, put it on the trunk.
  5. Fold the napkin in half, fasten in the center with a stapler, cut to a circle shape.
  6. Knead all layers of the napkin in different directions. To make a magnificent flower.
  7. Form flowers from all napkins.
  8. Paste the crown of the tree of happiness with the resulting flowers.
  9. Complete the composition with artificial leaves, beads or something else.
Watch another master class on how to make a tree of happiness out of paper.

Decorative tree made of satin ribbons

In the next topiary model, a tennis ball serves as the basis for the crown, and it will be decorated with satin ribbons. The list of required parts is as follows:

  • cup;
  • white satin ribbon 1 cm wide;
  • dry strong branch;
  • alabaster and water;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • other ribbons of any color, but already with a width of 2.5 cm;
  • beads, sequins and sequins;
  • green fabric for leaves or satin ribbon.
  1. Make a hole in the ball where you insert the end of the branch smeared with glue.
  2. In a glass, mix alabaster with water, insert a branch there. Hold it until the mixture sets.
  3. To make a rose from the ribbon, fold the end into a triangle.
  4. Then twist the tape until a small piece remains. Sew it to the base of the flower.
  5. Make the required number of roses.
  6. Make small balls from the synthetic winterizer, wrap them in squares of white tape, securing the base with threads.
  7. Use glue to attach roses and balls to the ball.

Corrugated paper

To decorate the festive table, you can make a topiary from corrugated paper of different colors. The following materials must be prepared:

  • yellow acrylic paint;
  • tassel;
  • scissors;
  • Styrofoam;
  • floral sponge;
  • paint in a can;
  • satin tape;
  • wooden stick;
  • flower pot;
  • decorative moss;
  • glue.

Here is an instruction on how to make a tree out of corrugated paper:

  1. Cut paper into strips. Width and length depend on what size flowers you want to make.
  2. Fold one end of the strip towards the center.
  3. First twist a little tighter, and then looser. This is necessary for realism.
  4. Make a lot of these roses.
  5. Turn a piece of foam into a ball, put it on a wooden stick, painted with a spray can.
  6. Put a sponge in the pot, stick an impromptu trunk into it.
  7. Cover the crown with paper roses.
  8. Decorate the trunk with a bow, and the sponge with moss.

From artificial flowers

For the next topiary you need:

  • bamboo stick;
  • artificial flowers and grass;
  • beads, ribbons, corrugated paper;
  • glue;
  • flower pot;
  • Styrofoam;
  • floral sponge.

The steps for making a tree of happiness are as follows:

  1. Give the sponge the size of a pot, glue it to the bottom.
  2. Wrap bamboo with tape of any color, fix the end with glue.
  3. Insert the glued end of the stick into the sponge.
  4. On the other end, put on the foam in the form of a ball.
  5. Glue the crown randomly with corrugated paper.
  6. Glue artificial flowers on the crown, decorate the places between them with beads.
  7. Decorate the pot itself with a bow, and cover the sponge with artificial grass.
Watch another master class on how to make a topiary with your own hands.

Tree of happiness from beads

The next version of the craft will be small, so you can even use a wine cork as a stand. You will also need beads, wire and needle nose pliers. The technique for making a tree is as follows:

  1. Cut the wire into pieces of the size you would like the twigs to be.
  2. Roll each one carefully. Do not bend - you should get rounded leaves.
  3. Put on 5-6 beads of any size and color on all pieces of wire.
  4. Hold the base of the future branch with some needle-nose pliers, and twist it with the other.
  5. Collect small branches in a group. Then twist them, separating them by the bead.
  6. Stick the trunk of the tree into the mold, and tilt the branches down.

Check out other ideas on how to create a .

From sweets

For the New Year, you can build a tree with sweets. For this you will need:

  • a bunch of beautiful lollipops;
  • pot;
  • Red ribbon;
  • glue rods and a gun for them;
  • stem stick;
  • decorative stones;
  • floral sponge.

The whole process includes several stages:

  1. Form a ball from one sponge, and glue the other to the bottom of the pot.
  2. Fix one end of the barrel in a sponge, put a ball on the other.
  3. Use a hot glue gun to glue the crown with red tape and candy.
  4. Use pebbles to mask the sponge in the pot.
  5. Tape the pot itself with red and striped tape.

You may also be interested in the bouquet option - see the detailed master class.

From gemstones

The most original version is a topiary using gemstones. It can be pearl, amethyst or even amber tree. Such options are talismans. To make a topiary, use the following instructions:

  1. Take a piece of marble or granite as a base.
  2. Find a fancy snag, wash it, remove excess twigs.
  3. Paint and varnish the future trunk, attach to the base.
  4. Glue each branch with the selected pebbles.

Sisal Topiary

An unusual tree of happiness will turn out, which is made using a coarse fiber called sisal. Here's what you need for this craft:

  • flower pot;
  • sisal of any color;
  • artificial flowers;
  • decor elements;
  • corrugated paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Styrofoam;
  • gun and glue sticks;
  • strong branch.

The workflow includes several steps:

  1. From foam, make a ball for the crown and a base for the trunk, taking into account the size of the pot.
  2. Put the ball on one end of the branch, smeared with glue.
  3. Place the second part of the foam in a jar, insert the other end of the branch into it.

In the interior, you can often find a do-it-yourself topiary or a tree of happiness, which attracts good luck, wealth and good mood.

Topiary in a mug

How to make a tree of happiness with your own hands? Everything is very simple. To do this, you need the following set of materials, namely:

Master class: do-it-yourself tree of happiness in a mug

Preparing necessary materials:

  • a blank of expanded polystyrene in the form of a ball;
  • a beautiful mug;
  • artificial flowers;
  • a wooden stick or a regular pencil;
  • decorative ribbons for winding the barrel;
  • ball. It should be the same diameter as the mug;
  • some artificial moss or grass.

We wrap pencil tape and insert it into the ball. Alternatively, you can fix it with mounting foam in a mug.

Next, in the workpiece in the form of a ball, you must insert and artificial flowers so that there are no empty spaces. After that, the finished crown is strung on the trunk. Decorative moss or grass is used as decoration. Also, in addition, an artificial butterfly can be planted on the edge of the mug.

Do-it-yourself photo of a tree of happiness from corrugated paper. Such a topiary is made according to the same principle as the topiary in a cup. Only for its decoration, instead of artificial flowers, you can use flowers from multi-colored corrugated paper.

How to make a coffee tree?

Topiaries made from aromatic plants are very popular. They serve not only to decorate the interior, but also to fill it with aroma. Trees of happiness made from coffee beans are very popular.

To make such a tree you will need the following materials:

  • roasted coffee beans - 100 gr.;
  • non-spill glass;
  • whitewash brush;
  • plastic ball shape. The optimal ball diameter is 8-9 cm;
  • scissors;
  • brown threads;
  • two rubber bands for money;
  • universal colorless glue;
  • sand, gypsum or cement - 200 gr.;
  • a branch or stick 20 cm long and 1.5-2 cm thick;
  • twine 50 cm.

Coffee Tree Making Guide

Using scissors, one hole must be made in the plastic blank.

Parsing whitewash brush on strands.

We attach strands to one end of the branch. For these purposes, we use an elastic band for money. We coat the future “trunk” with glue and spirally glue it threads. You can fix the thread at the other end of the stick with an elastic band.

Glue the blank in the form of a ball with brown threads. Also for these purposes, you can take fibers from the maklovitsa.

Using super glue, liquid nails or a glue gun, glue the ball with the first layer grains.

Tip: the grains are best glued in a chaotic manner. Glue must be applied directly to each grain and quickly glued to the workpiece. All work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

The second layer is done in the same way.

We create original pot for wood. To do this, you need strands from the brush. We smear the bottom of the container with universal glue and put it on the strands laid out on the table. Threads that protrude beyond the edges must be cut.

We cut the strands of the brush. They should be 3 cm longer than the height of the container. Next, you need to apply glue to the glass. Moreover, the glue is not applied to the entire surface. 2.5-3 cm should be left on top. Next, the container is pasted over with strands prepared in advance. After that, it is tied with twine from below, and the excess is cut off. It is also necessary to cut the strands from above. As a result of this, the threads should rise above the glass by two centimeters.

Pour into container filler. It can be sand or plaster. You can also use mounting foam for this purpose. Next, you need to move the strands at the top and put a funnel with a barrel on the container.

At the top of the container should be tied twine.

Finally, you can put a few coffee beans near the barrel. Also, moss can be laid at the base of the composition, and an insect can be seated on the crown.

Flat coffee topiary

To create such a flat coffee topiary with a magnet, you need to stock up on the following materials:

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing to do before starting work is to turn on thermal gun to warm it up.

While the heat gun is heating up, you can make blanks. To do this, draw a circle and a pot on cardboard and cut out these details with scissors.

We collect the details of the tree. crown and pot connect with a flat stick. To do this, insert the stick into the cardboard blank so that it is between two layers of paper.

We use glue to fix the parts together.

The workpiece must be glued burlap from two sides.

Tip: the burlap on one side should be equal to the diameter of the workpiece, and on the other side - a little more. In this way, you can hide the ends of the cardboard and the tree will look beautiful from behind.

impromptu pot decorate as well as the crown.

We glue on the back magnets.

We decorate the crown coffee beans. They are attached with glue along the edges of the workpiece. Moreover, the grains should be arranged with cuts downwards.

We glue the next row in such a way that the grains are arranged with cuts up. We alternate the subsequent rows by analogy with the first and second row.

To give the crown volume, it is necessary to glue several layers in its central part.

In conclusion, it will be necessary to glue decorative ribbons and lace.

Topiary - tree of happiness from boxwood

To make such an ornament, you will need the following materials:

  • boxwood branches. For topiary, both artificial and natural branches are suitable;
  • decorative container;
  • artificial flowers;
  • some moss;
  • filler. In our case, it will be gravel;
  • wire.

Step-by-step instructions for making a topiary - a tree of happiness

Inserted into the workpiece boxwood branches so that there are no gaps.

The branches that will act as the trunk must be tied wire.

A hole is made in a spherical blank and a ball is placed on the barrel.

A layer of moss must be laid on top of the gravel.

The crown can be decorated with artificial flowers.

Do-it-yourself money topiary

Topiary can also be made from artificial paper money. Such decoration can attract financial well-being to its owner. Making such a money topiary with your own hands is not difficult.

For the manufacture will need the following materials:

Step-by-step instruction

We decorate the pot. Colors the upper part, about one to two centimeters. For these purposes, it is best to use acrylic paint. Glue the rest of the pot with twine. For these purposes, we apply a thin layer of glue over the entire surface with a toothpick. The tip of the twine is securely fixed with glue.

Crown base we make from an old newspaper and threads. To do this, it is enough to simply crumple up newspaper sheets and wrap them with threads. In our case, the workpiece is obtained in a diameter of about 10-11 cm. In order for the ball to be strong, it must be coated with PVA glue. After the glue has dried, it is necessary to make a hole three to four centimeters deep in the workpiece.

12-15 skewers must be tied together. Their number depends on the diameter of the paper blank. We tie the skewers on both sides with threads. Using a hot glue gun, we pump hot glue into the hole and immediately insert the connected swords there. After the glue dries, you can start wrapping the trunk with twine. In the process of wrapping, we coat the trunk with glue. We fix the ends of the twine.

Napkins or newspapers should be torn into pieces. PVA glue is mixed one to one with water. Next, one or two layers of the adhesive mixture are applied to the blank from newspapers so that threads and newspapers are not visible.

Doing gypsum mortar and pour it into the pot. About one centimeter should remain to the top edge of the pot. The trunk must be installed in the center of the pot. If necessary, hold the barrel with the workpiece until the mixture hardens. This process takes about 15-20 minutes.

While the plaster hardens, you can make blanks from artificial bills. To do this, they must be cut in the shape of a circle. To make disks, you will need artificial money 15.5x6.5 cm in size. On average, 17-18 disks will be needed for our ball. Paper blanks must be folded in the form of an accordion with a width of about one centimeter. In the middle, we tie the resulting accordion with a ribbon, and glue its ends on both sides.

We glue the bills to the ball from the bottom up. For these purposes, hot glue is used. We close the gaps with coins.

From paper money we make elements of various shapes and attach them in a chaotic manner.

Gypsum can be decorated with sisal.

Under the tree we lay small burlap bags. To do this, we cut out a circle from the fabric, the diameter of which is about 9-10 cm. We take a needle with a strong thread and sew it around the entire circumference at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge. After that, we tighten the thread. We put a large coin inside the bag, and stuff it with cotton wool or padding polyester on top. We tighten the bag and fasten it with a few stitches.

Decorative details should be glued to the pot, and the crown can be decorated with coins.

Do-it-yourself ribbon topiary

Do-it-yourself topiary from ribbons looks very impressive. To make such an ornament you will need the following materials:

  • blank in the form of a ball of polystyrene foam;
  • stick or pencil;
  • ribbons;
  • glue;
  • decorative pot;
  • invisible.

The tape is cut into small strips and wound around the finger so that rings are obtained. Then, in turn, it is necessary to attach the formed rings to the workpiece. At the same time, they make sure that there are no empty spaces on the ball. On one side, the pencil is pushed into a ball with ribbons, and on the other, it is inserted into a pot filled with gravel. As a decoration, you can put decorative frost or decorate with trimmings from ribbons.

Topiary - a tree of happiness with your own hands from fresh flowers

Topiary can also be made from fresh flowers. For this you will need the following materials:

  • decorative container;
  • plastic bag;
  • sticks for eating food or branches;
  • putty;
  • floral sponge;
  • decorative ribbons and wire;
  • Natural flowers. In our case, 9 roses.

We wrap the inside of the pot with a bag and fill it with a putty solution so that 5-7 cm remain on top. Insert a stick into the solution and leave it overnight. After the putty has hardened, the remains of the package must be cut off.

Cut out a circle from a floral sponge and fill the pot with it to the very top. Next, wet the sponge and lay a layer of moss on top. In the central part of the sponge, you need to stick roses. You can fix them with decorative tapes with wooden rods. Bows can be used for decoration.

Do-it-yourself paper topiary

Do-it-yourself paper topiaries are very popular. They can be made according to any of the above instructions. For the base you will need a polystyrene foam ball, a decorative small vase, a pencil and paper flowers. For the manufacture of flowers, you can use both plain and corrugated paper. To revive the topiary, you can use ordinary moss, which is usually placed in a vase.

Candy topiary master class

To make such a topiary, you will need a standard set: a blank in the form of a ball, a pot, stems, ribbons and about 300 grams of colored candies. The manufacturing process of such a topiary is standard. The rod is inserted into the pot, the ball-shaped blank is pasted over with a red ribbon. Glue the lollipops on top with a glue gun. In order not to stain the sweets, it is better to take them with tweezers. The space around the trunk can be decorated with glass pebbles or large beads.

Chupa Chups Topiary

This decoration is easy to make with your own hands. On each lollipop, you need to stick on the drawn eye. Further, all the sweets are stuck with a blank in the form of a sphere of polystyrene foam.

Balloon Topiary

Topiary made of balloons looks beautiful. In order to make such an ornament, you will need the following materials:

  • polystyrene blanks in the form of a ball and a cube;
  • pencil or flat wooden stick;
  • multi-colored balloons of small sizes - 70 pcs.;
  • multi-colored balloons of large sizes - 70 pcs.;
  • small sawdust;
  • glue or putty;
  • decorative pot;
  • pins or paperclips.

The process of making such a tree is standard. Only balloons connected to each other are attached to the ball-shaped blank instead of flowers.

Do-it-yourself shell topiary

Another original idea is to make a topiary from shells with your own hands. Such a tree will long remind you of a summer vacation on the seashore. To create such a masterpiece, you need to stock up on the following materials:

To start we do tree crown. To do this, sisal and shells must be glued onto the foam ball using a heat gun.

Let's move on to the device. trunk. Our barrel will be made of wire, which must be wrapped with white thread and twisted. For our tree, two trunks will be made. Only the second will be wrapped with twine.

The next step is the production pot. To fix the tree, foam in the form of a cylinder will be used, which must be attached to the bottom of the pot with glue. The trunk is attached to the crown on one side, and stuck into the foam on the other. We use hot glue to fix it.

For strength, we fill the distance between the flowerpot and the foam with paper, glue it and close it with cardboard. Next, a beige sisal is placed in the container first, and then white. Shells of various sizes and shapes will also be used as decor.

To give bright accents, a webbing tape. The crown can also be decorated with beads on a fishing line.

The original version of the manufacture of topiary from sisal and fruit

To start, let's make crown. For these purposes, you can take a ready-made base ball, or you can make it yourself from newspapers and threads. In our case, the base was made from newspaper, which was crumpled into a ball with a diameter of 6-7 cm.

Let's start filling the pot plaster. After the solution is filled, it is necessary to insert the barrel there and leave to harden.

While the solution hardens, you can begin to make a decor for the crown. To do this, you need to cut off a small piece of sisal and make a ball out of it. In total, it will be necessary to make about 25-40 lumps.

To decorate the trunk, we use a lace or twine. We fix the sisal balls on the workpiece with glue. We decorate the space around the trunk with sisal, decorative ribbons, beads, etc.

Do-it-yourself felt topiary

The do-it-yourself topiary made of felt looks original. To make such an ornament, you need to prepare the following materials:

Manufacturing procedure

The hardest part of the job is flower making. All blanks are made from fabric circles of different sizes. A minimum of 30 such blanks will be needed for a topiary. In order to make a voluminous rose from a circle, they must be arbitrarily cut in a spiral. The rosette turns out to be more magnificent if it has many turns. Also, before each flower, small circles-bottoms are cut out, which are attached from below. For decoration, we attach a bead to the middle of the flower.

Trunk can be painted with acrylic paint.

Mint was used as a filler for the pot. paper filled with glue.

We put a piece of green around the trunk felt which will mimic grass.

We connect the trunk with a pot and crown.

We attach blanks of flowers and leaves to the crown.

We decorate the product with ribbons, ribbons and beads.

DIY New Year's Topiary

With the onset of cold weather, many are thinking about making a New Year's topiary with their own hands. To do this, prepare the following materials:

Manufacturing procedure

Using white acrylic paint, it is necessary to paint the pot from the inside and fill it with polyurethane foam. Until the foam has hardened, he inserts a branch there, which will be the trunk of the New Year tree.

We fix New Year's balls, sweets and cones on the crown with the help of wire, toothpicks and glue.

Cones can be painted in white and gold.

We decorate the topiary with New Year's tinsel.

A tree of happiness that you can make with your own hands. This is what the topiary is called, the photo of which adorns numerous Internet pages devoted to needlework and design. Each master class is interesting in its own way, the process can be peeped on the video and instructions with photos. But where to start? What to make the first topiary from? What needs to be prepared?

Topiary is a tree with a round crown. And the choice of the ball is not accidental. Since ancient times, the circle symbolizes infinity, movement, life. And people considered this happiness. Therefore, the tree was considered a symbol of happiness, a souvenir that could materialize a cherished desire.

Almost any master class says that the crown is based on the same ball. Today you can not do it yourself, ready-made foam balls are sold in needlework stores.

But if those are not available to you, how to make a ball? The easiest way is a wad of newspapers. You just take newspapers, crumple them until a tight lump forms. And then you tie this lump with threads until the surface is smoothed.

For the base ball can also be used:

  • Children's small rubber balls;
  • Tennis ball;
  • Papier-mâché ball;
  • Plastic ball from a set of children's blocks, etc.

Also, almost every tree has a trunk. In the photo and video, you can see that a variety of materials are used to create the trunk.

The simplest option is wire or aluminum cable. Such a trunk can be beautifully bent. In addition, the barrel can be made from sushi sticks, drumsticks, pencils and markers, paper towel tubes, etc.

What you need to do is decorate the base for the trunk. Most often, the master class offers to wrap it with braid, twine, twine, satin ribbon, etc.

Do-it-yourself express topiary: the basics for beginners (video)

Simple Topiary for Beginners: Marine Theme

Step-by-step instructions are a good helper for beginners. This can be disassembled using the example of a simple topiary. Such can be considered a topiary made of shells. On the shelf where there is a photo reminiscent of a sea holiday, such a thematic topiary may appear.

To make it, you need to prepare:

  • Shells;
  • Ball base;
  • Acrylic paint, brushes;
  • Flowerpot;
  • Blue and white tulle;
  • Decorative elements of the marine theme;
  • Thick pencil;
  • Blue satin ribbon.

The master class involves adjustments. You can change the topiary with your own hands, having additional decor and interesting ideas.

What should be done:

  • Paint the base ball with light acrylic paint to match the shells;
  • While the paint dries, cook the shells. They can be left in their natural form, or they can be slightly transformed. For example, varnish or silver spray.
  • In the base ball you need to make a hole for the barrel. The barrel itself, that is, a pencil, can be wrapped with a blue satin ribbon or a weave of white or blue tulle. As an option, light blue braid and a decorative white cord are also suitable. After the barrel is decorated, it needs to be fixed in the ball with hot glue.
  • Now the master class has reached the point, when can i make a crown. You just need to glue the shells in order, in rows, from top to bottom so that the gaps are minimal. Video and photo tips will help you understand the principle of gluing. You can't glue randomly! Only from top to bottom, in rows.
  • Of course, when the crown is ready, you can see that something is missing. If you want some decor in this part, you can glue a small souvenir starfish.
  • Next, with your own hands you have to make a pot. The pot should also somehow reflect the marine theme. It's great if you brought a cup from the sea with a photo of the places where you had a chance to relax. It will fit perfectly into the decor of a nostalgic tree. But there are other options as well. For example, a pot can be painted with acrylic paints, and to create a wave effect, you can use white paint, PVA glue and coarse sea salt.
  • You need to pour gypsum into the pot, where the tree is fixed. From above, the gypsum layer must also be decorated with your own hands. It can be white sea sand, pebbles or shells of a different structure. At the very trunk of the tree, you can put a large sea shell.

The master class, as you can see, is simple - a beginner can handle it, step-by-step instructions can be changed by you at will.

Topiary in a marine style (video master class)

Master class: topiary for beginners

And the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a topiary often comes to mind for those who love coffee and have at least once admired a miniature coffee tree. Moreover, it is not necessary to see it in front of you - it can be an inspiring photo or video.

To make such a tree, wind the following tips on your mustache:

  • Almost every master class suggests laying grains in two layers - small and uneven on the bottom, and large and beautiful on the top;
  • You can decorate such a tree with cinnamon sticks, especially if you are a cinnamon coffee lover - the aroma will be incredible;
  • You can make not only a spherical crown, with your own hands you can create a heart-shaped blank, and then such a coffee gift can be intended for your loved one;
  • Instead of a pot, take a coffee cup, it will be more natural.

The original turns out to be a craft - a floating cup. The frame instead of the trunk here will be a jet of coffee beans or flowers that flow from what seems to be a weightless cup. Of course, under this jet there is a frame in the form of a wire or a plug.

Do-it-yourself topiary: a floating cup (video)

Lessons: Topiary for Beginners

If you intend to create more than one souvenir tree with your own hands, listen to the advice of the masters.

Beginner Tips:

  • First, create a special folder on your computer, save in it all your favorite photos, briefings, every master class that interests you.
  • Second, stock up on materials. With your own hands, you can build almost everything, but there must be resources for this. A small piece of organza, and polymer clay, and old notes, and coins, and watermelon seeds, and beautiful spikelets will come in handy.
  • Thirdly, purchase or make several crown blanks at once. Save time, and such a blank is reliable, durable, and will not let you down.

Finally, experiment with themes. Beginners are often let down by the color scheme - either too much or a mismatch of colors. You can peep the perfect combination in nature - flowers, leaf color, nuances of landscapes. Use what you see in your work, repeat natural patterns with your own hands.

Lessons for beginners: Harmony Tree Topiary (video)

Topiary is a really interesting activity. The infinity of themes and variations, ideas are forced to take on new works. And if at first you repeat someone's idea, then soon other beginners can be inspired by your creativity.

Do-it-yourself topiary for beginners (photo)

Do-it-yourself topiary - an exclusive collection of master classes! Step-by-step photos of how to make a tree of happiness in 1 picture: flower, coffee, autumn, New Year and other types of topiary. Convenient master class format: step by step instructions in 1 picture!

The selection is updated every week: do not miss new releases, subscribe to or join us on your favorite social networks!

coffee topiary

Garden of Eden

Coffee tree of happiness with alder cones and artificial flowers.

✔ Detailed master class - tree "Garden of Eden" with photos and videos:.

coffee dreams

Small coffee bean topiary with foamiran roses and cinnamon sticks.

✔ Detailed master class - coffee dreams tree with photo and video:.

dew drops

Decorative tree with bronzing coffee crown and artificial fabric flowers.

✔ Full master class - do-it-yourself topiary "Dewdrops" with photos and videos:.

Spices of the East

Original coffee tree in a ceramic cup with bay leaves and a dried orange slice.

✔ A detailed step-by-step master class - do-it-yourself tree of happiness "Spices of the East" with photos and videos:.

Do-it-yourself topiary from flowers

Spring awakening

A motley tree with a variety of artificial flowers: from napkins, from felt, foamiran and fabric roses.

✔ Detailed master class - flower tree "Spring Awakening" with step by step photos and videos:.

Heavenly Harmony

The topiary is made on a do-it-yourself ball of roses from viscose napkins.

✔ A detailed master class step by step - a tree of flowers "Heavenly Harmony" with photos and videos:.

The scent of spring

A flower tree with a crown of apricot pits and homemade buds from egg cartons.

✔ Detailed master class - step by step flower topiary "Spring Aroma" with photos and videos:.


DIY cardboard flower topiary made from standard egg trays.

✔ Step by step complete master class - decorative tree "Charm" with photos and videos:.

orange mix

Original do-it-yourself topiary with prefabricated orange peel flowers, satin ribbons and foam tangerines.

✔ Detailed master class - natural tree "Orange mix" with photo and video:.

money topiary


Money topiary with roses made of paper bills, with coins and a homemade plaster pot with a lightning bolt.

✔ Detailed master class - do-it-yourself money tree "Abundance" with photos and videos:.

spring luxury

Money tree with roses made of paper notes, paper flowers and a decorative butterfly on the crown.

✔ Detailed master class - money topiary "Spring luxury" with photos and videos:.

Marine topiary do-it-yourself

lavender sea

Sea tree made of sisal balls and shells with homemade roses made of purple and lilac keramoplastilin.

Blue Lagoon

Marine topiary made of snail shells dyed with ultramarine and a large half of a rapana on the crown. The tree is planted in a homemade pot made from shells and ice cream sticks.

✔ Detailed master class - Blue Lagoon tree with photo and video:.

coral reef

A tree of happiness made of shells painted with mother-of-pearl, airy organza flowers and accents - decorative marine life.

✔ Detailed master class - do-it-yourself marine topiary "Coral Reef" with photo and video:.

Heart shaped topiary

sapphire heart

The heart-shaped topiary is decorated with coffee beans, foamiran roses, fabric flowers, smooth berries and cones.

✔ Full master class - tree of happiness "Sapphire heart" with photo and video:.

On the wings of Love

Delicate heart-shaped topiary made of coffee beans, artificial rose flowers, with pearls, sisal and delicate wings made of natural goose feathers.

✔ Full master class - heart topiary "On the wings of love" with photo and video:.

Do-it-yourself topiary for beginner needlewomen

The tree of happiness "Seasons" is made very simply and quickly, inexpensive materials are used. The master class involves 3 thematic designs: New Year's, autumn and flower or spring topiary.

New Year


✔ A detailed master class - a do-it-yourself tree of happiness for beginners "Seasons" with photos and videos:.

autumn topiary

For Teacher's Day

Themed topiary made of natural material and artificial flowers is perfect as a DIY gift for Teacher's Day.

✔ Detailed master class - topiary "For Teacher's Day" with photo and video:.

Notes of autumn

Topiary made of natural material with yellow napkin roses and sisal balls. The clay pot is decorated with coffee beans and wooden sticks.

✔ Detailed master class - tree "Notes of Autumn" with photos and videos:.

magic meadow

Autumn topiary with chestnuts, acorns, walnuts, foam vegetables and artificial flowers.

✔ Detailed master class - the Magic Glade tree with photos and videos:.

Autumn mood

Fragrant topiary made from natural materials: with orange peel roses, acorn caps and twine.

✔ Detailed step-by-step master class - natural topiary "Autumn mood" with photos and videos:.

New Year's topiary

First snow

A chic DIY New Year's topiary with a crown of chestnuts, acorns and a typical New Year's decor.

✔ A full-fledged step-by-step master class - the First Snow topiary with photos and videos:.

Berries in the snow

Topiary for the New Year in a restored wooden pot, with a crown of walnuts and sisal balls. Gorgeous combination of white and red.