Herbs for healthy skin. Herbs for the face - unique natural properties will help to cope with wrinkles. Chamomile decoction

Herbs for the face were the first cosmetics. Used for centuries for cleansing and freshness, preserving youth. Today, herbal skin masks can be used to solve various aesthetic problems. Treatment of acne, smoothing wrinkles, restoring elasticity - everything is within the power of natural compounds.

What herbs are good for the skin

Facial care with the help of natural ingredients allows you to have a complex effect. For each type, you can select a unique medicinal recipe.

The list shows which herbs will help solve basic cosmetic problems:

  • calamus - has an antimicrobial effect, dries and soothes inflammation;
  • aloe - provides hydration and care for oily problem skin;
  • immortelle - cleanses and removes toxins, removes oily sheen;
  • birch - strengthens facial vessels, recommended for problematic/combination dermis;
  • hawthorn - tones and strengthens facial capillaries;
  • elderberry - refreshes color, treats acne and pimples;
  • oak - reduces the secretion of glands, cleanses the ducts;
  • oregano - has antimicrobial properties, soothes and moisturizes;
  • elecampane - gives an even healthy tone, relieves itching and inflammation, nourishes;
  • St. John's wort - accelerates renewal processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • strawberries - relieves puffiness and swelling, removes toxins;
  • Ivan tea - rejuvenates, increases immune properties;
  • calendula - for sensitive and allergic skin, soothes and has an antiseptic effect;
  • nettle - for oily and combination dermis, improves structure, relieves redness;
  • clover - retains moisture, restores elasticity and firmness;
  • lavender - removes peeling and itching, soothes the skin;
  • linden - rejuvenates, reduces gland secretion;
  • burdock - removes decay products, cleanses ducts, normalizes oxygen metabolism;
  • coltsfoot - protects from adverse environmental factors, softens and nourishes;
  • lungwort - cleansing dry and sensitive skin, restoring elasticity;
  • mint - tones and refreshes, reduces gland secretion;
  • dandelion - whitens pigmentation and freckles;
  • primrose – soothes irritations, tones;
  • parsley - removes spots, smoothes wrinkles, fights age-related changes;
  • wormwood - smoothes scars, stimulates renewal processes;
  • plantain - tightens pores, treats rashes;
  • chamomile - has a powerful antioxidant effect, a universal remedy for care and rejuvenation of all types;
  • rosemary - copes with wrinkles and sagging;
  • Rowan - whitens, removes sebaceous plugs, tightens pores;
  • yarrow - soothes, relieves itching and irritation;
  • series - cleanses and tones, normalizes intracellular processes;
  • thyme - to remove impurities, prevent vitamin deficiency and maintain freshness;
  • celandine - treats purulent acne, inflammation, relieves itching;
  • sage - gives radiance and freshness, corrects age-related changes;
  • horsetail - treats purulent formations.

Rules for the use and application of herbs for the face

The use of medicinal herbs requires the implementation of certain recommendations. Tonics and masks will be effective if you follow the basic rules of herbal medicine.

Herbal decoctions

For preparation, you can use dry herbs or freshly harvested ones. The latter is best used within two days; it cannot be stored longer, as it can be harmful. Be sure to check for any allergic reaction. To prepare homemade skin decoctions, use a mortar or coffee grinder; mix the components in a glass or ceramic bowl. Leaves and inflorescences are often used to prepare decoctions. The required amount is poured with boiling water and placed in a water bath to simmer, fifteen/twenty minutes is enough.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Herbal infusions

Infusions are no less effective than decoctions; they are used to prepare lotions, compresses, refreshing sprays, as well as herbal face masks. The crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water and left under a closed lid for about half an hour. It is then filtered and added to various cosmetic formulations. For deep cleansing, it is useful to steam your face with herbs. To do this, dip a towel into the hot infusion, wring it out lightly and lay it on the skin. You can cover your head and hold your face over the steam for a healthy color and to remove toxins.

Ice with herbs

Mask against age spots and freckles with dandelion

To get rid of uneven pigmentation, freckles, and to improve complexion, you should use proven recipes. Plant components allow you to remove the upper layers of the epidermis without damaging the renewed tissue. As a result, after several procedures, the tone becomes even, the distribution of melanin is normalized.


  • 10 ml dandelion juice;
  • 5 gr. rice starch;
  • 15 gr. yogurt.

Production and method of application: squeeze the juice from the stems and leaves, mix with the components, distribute on pigmented areas, except for the eyelids and the triangle near the lips. Keep for six/eight minutes.

Nourishing mask for dry skin with chamomile

Natural cosmetics based on herbs will get rid of flaking and dryness and give the skin a refreshed look. The regenerating properties of chamomile help restore cellular structure, saturating it with beneficial elements. It is recommended to use the product in the off-season, as well as under unfavorable environmental factors.


  • 10 gr. chamomile;
  • 10 gr. persimmons;
  • 5 gr. palm oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the healing inflorescences together with persimmons in a mortar, add melted butter. Spread the mixture on the covers, rest for about thirty minutes.

Recipe for sensitive skin

With your own hands you can soothe irritated skin prone to redness and allergic reactions. A natural mask removes toxins and improves immune function. Application helps restore pH balance and provides oxygen breathing.


  • 20 ml of infusion of a string;
  • 10 gr. clay;
  • 10 drops of vitamin B2.

Production and method of application: brew the string and leave for about an hour, then mix with blue or white clay, add a vitamin solution. Wipe your face with mineral water, distribute the finished product along the lymphatic lines. Wash off after ten/twelve minutes of action.

Recipe for aging skin

You can refresh and rejuvenate sagging, aging skin by resorting to natural cosmetics. It’s easy to saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals and activate elastin synthesis on your own. A noticeable lifting effect occurs after a course of eight sessions.


  • 10 gr. sage;
  • yolk;
  • 10 gr. cottage cheese.

Production and method of application: lightly pour boiling water over sage, then mash vigorously in a mortar, add cottage cheese and yolk. Distribute on face using a spatula from bottom to top and leave for twenty-five minutes. Then remove with a damp sponge.

Video recipe: Homemade face mask made from grass and yolk

Recipe for oily skin

The medicinal components of homemade cosmetics help to have a comprehensive effect on the skin. The secretion of glands decreases, the ducts noticeably narrow, and the complexion becomes healthier. Repeating twice a month is enough to reduce redness and prevent acne.


  • 15 ml of horsetail decoction;
  • 10 gr. thyme;
  • 15 drops of calendula oil.

Production and method of application: add ground thyme powder and marigold oil to the prepared healing decoction. Steam the skin with a compress, distribute the paste in a circular motion, leave for twenty minutes, rinse off as always.

Recipe for problem skin

Deeply cleanses pores, eliminating blackheads, and refreshes color. The caring procedure allows you to normalize intracellular processes, relieve swelling and signs of fatigue. The procedure is also effective for the aging dermis, reducing the number of wrinkles and tightening the contour of the oval.


  • 10 ml rowan juice;
  • 10 gr. Moroccan clay;
  • 15 drops of avocado oil.

Production and method of application: add red powder and nourishing oil to the squeezed berry juice. Having distributed the plastic mass evenly, leave it to act for fifteen/eighteen minutes, rinse off in the usual way.

Moisturizing mask with honey and herbs

Useful herbs in honey recipes have a tonic effect. Facial vessels are strengthened, saturation with active elements and oxygen occurs. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out, peeling and dryness disappear.


  • sprig of rosemary;
  • 5 gr. thyme;
  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. coconut oil.

Production and method of application: grind rosemary and thyme in a mortar, add liquid honey and nut oil. Spread a generous layer on a steamed surface, rinse as usual after twelve minutes of action.

Whitening mask with St. John's wort

To whiten and cleanse your face, you should use time-tested products. Organic cosmetics have a gentle effect on the skin, removing pigmentation and accelerating blood flow. The mask is also useful in a complex of rejuvenating procedures, allowing you to normalize renewal processes.


  • 20 ml of St. John's wort infusion;
  • 5 ml of lemon juice;

Production and method of application: cook thick semolina porridge, add the infused, strained liquid and lemon juice. Clean your face of makeup, then spread the mixture in a thick layer on your skin, avoiding the eyelids and the triangle near the lips. Hold for twenty/twenty-five minutes, then you can finish.

Soothing mint mask

Recipes made from fresh herbs allow you to restore irritation and inflammation, restoring a beautiful, even tone. Normalizes regeneration processes, helps moisturize the skin. Thanks to natural products, you can forget about flaking and dry skin.


  • 5 gr. mint;
  • 10 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 8 drops of cashew butter.

Preparation and method of application: Bring fresh leaves with cottage cheese until smooth. Add oil and mix well, apply to face. After spreading over the entire area, place a warm compress on top. Keep the mask on for half an hour to forty minutes.

Video recipe: Homemade mask relieves swelling, smoothes wrinkles and brightens the skin

Refreshing mask

Relieves signs of fatigue and insomnia, removes excess moisture, improves elasticity, an affordable natural remedy. As a result, the color and structure of the dermis are restored, and irritation goes away. Tonic elements compensate for the lack of minerals and vitamins in cells.


  • 10 ml of celandine decoction;
  • 10 gr. starch;
  • 8 drops of almond oil.

Production and method of application: brew and strain celandine, mix with corn powder, add moisturizing oil. Distribute the finished mass with a spatula along the massage lines and leave for ten minutes.

Cleansing mask

It's easy to create a natural scrub based on the gifts of nature. Healing cosmetics do not cause an addictive effect, allowing you to enjoy snow-white porcelain skin after the first procedure. Two uses per month at home are sufficient.


  • 5 gr. parsley;
  • 10 gr. lentils.

Preparation and method of application: chop the beans together with yarrow, add green juice, pour hot green tea. Apply the finished mixture to previously steamed and cleaned surfaces in a circular motion. Leave on for three/five minutes, then rinse as usual.

Herbal juice mask

To rejuvenate your face, you should use a natural concentrate. It helps smooth out even deep static wrinkles in just a few procedures and restores softness and elasticity.


  • 15 drops of coltsfoot;
  • 10 drops of plantain;
  • 10 drops of parsley;
  • 10 drops of basil;
  • 15 ml yogurt.

Production and method of application: rinse the leaves thoroughly and pat dry with a paper towel. Squeeze the vegetable juice and add to cooled yogurt. Distribute the product on steamed skin, leave overnight, and rinse with mineral water in the morning.

Herbs and plant extracts have been used for youthful, healthy skin for thousands of years. Thanks to biologically active plant components, washing the face with herbal decoctions is a necessary addition to daily facial care and is suitable for all skin types without causing irritation or other adverse reactions.

Some plants used in the procedure work as strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal agents, and are therefore indicated for caring for problematic types of epidermis.

It is better to carry out the procedure 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening after removing makeup. It is useful to use alternating hot and cold herbal decoction, as well as rubbing the face with ice cubes.

Properties of some popular plants in cosmetology


Has universal qualities. Tones and removes oily shine, improves blood microcirculation. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help fight a wide range of skin problems, including acne. For thousands of years, basil has been used in facial care as an anti-aging agent due to its high antioxidant content.


Useful for treating problematic types of epidermis. Reduces acne, stimulates blood circulation, relieves inflammation and fights bacteria.


Calendula officinalis is known for its soothing and healing properties. Helps reduce irritation and inflammation of sensitive and acne-prone skin. Effective in the treatment of sunburn, eczema, relieves inflammation, nourishes and softens the epidermis.


The root of the plant neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and fungi, so it is excellent for treating skin diseases. Dandelions contain compounds called sesquiterpene lactones, which have anti-inflammatory properties when applied topically.


It helps to even out the complexion, reducing freckles and age spots. Relieves inflammation and closes enlarged pores.


Washing with fennel herbal decoction is indicated for dry skin with signs of premature aging. Cleanses well, softens, moisturizes, tones and reduces the formation of wrinkles.


It is an excellent choice for the care of mature skin. The decoction reduces wrinkles and promotes cell regeneration. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it useful for problematic types of epidermis.


One of the most popular herbs in cosmetology and is one of the few that have been included in clinical trials to study the effectiveness of use in skin care.

Chamomile contains a long list of chemical compounds that are individually known for their anti-inflammatory properties. However, only a few chemicals have given the flower its reputation as a fantastic skin healer.

Apigenin is a flavonoid that is highly effective in reducing oxidative cell damage and acts as an anti-inflammatory component. Present only in the flowers of the plant. Azulene - reduces swelling and promotes detoxification of the skin. You can read more about the benefits of washing your face with chamomile.



Washing with hibiscus tea softens, moisturizes and tightens the epidermis. The flowers contain a firming agent that provides a natural lifting effect. Ideal for the care of mature and dry skin.

White jasmine flowers

Jasmine has been widely used in beauty recipes since the Ming Dynasty in China. Its universal properties are useful for dry, sensitive and problematic types of epidermis. Jasmine decoction nourishes, reduces wrinkles, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.


It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Daily herbal washing with lavender normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stimulates blood microcirculation, reduces pain from injuries and inflammatory processes, stimulates the growth of new cells and promotes wound healing. Suitable for all skin types.


Indicated for oily and acne-prone epidermis. Cleanses and reduces pores, has a calming effect.


Peppermint tea or decoction is widely used in cosmetology as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent. It increases local blood flow, tones, helps restore skin elasticity, reduces oily shine and minimizes enlarged pores. You can learn about the use and properties of mint in facial care in this article.

Rose petals

Rose is famous for its universal properties. It has an astringent, tonic, moisturizing effect. A decoction of rose petals nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. It is useful to add a few drops of rose essential oil.


The plant contains vitamins A and C and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Washing your face with this herb nourishes, soothes irritation, and gives vitality to tired, dull skin.


Stimulates blood circulation, improving blood flow to the skin and enriching it with oxygen. Excellent for dull, lifeless epidermis, helps cope with acne.

Salvia officinalis

Contains a large amount of antioxidants, so it is indicated for mature skin prone to aging. Reduces enlarged pores, mattifies, stimulates blood flow, restores the elasticity of the epidermis.

thyme or thyme

It has high healing properties, reducing the appearance of acne. Often used for deep cleansing of the face in the form of steam baths.


Washing your face with this herb improves the tone of the epidermis, tightens pores, normalizes sebum production, reduces wrinkles and soothes irritated skin.


Anthocyanins in cornflower have a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, so using this herb to wash your face will help increase the tone and elasticity of the epidermis and soothe irritation. A decoction works especially well to reduce

Today, medicinal products occupy a very strong leading place in the list of the most effective means that can preserve and restore lost youth to the skin. They are used in the production of expensive cosmetic products and in professional cosmetology. The unique composition of medicinal herbs, which includes alkaloids, vitamins, essential oils, fats and other active substances, allows them to be used as the main component in anti-aging anti-aging facial skin care.

The only thing is that in the composition of finished cosmetic products, extracts of medicinal herbs are often contained in negligibly small quantities, and therefore do not allow their consumers to fully experience the “miraculous” and healing power of herbs. Therefore, it is more rational and correct to use herbs for rejuvenation in homemade cosmetics prepared with your own hands.

Herbs for facial rejuvenation - the right choice

First of all, let us remember the goal of comprehensive anti-aging care for mature skin - nutrition, moisturizing, maintaining and stimulating all metabolic and regenerative processes in the dermis of the skin, eliminating existing visible signs of age on the face and preventing the appearance of new ones.

Thus, for anti-aging care, traditional healers recommend using the following herbs for facial skin rejuvenation:

  • Sage, aloe, St. John's wort, basil, sea buckthorn, black currant leaves– these herbs have high antioxidant properties and are also considered active stimulators of renewal and restoration of mature skin cells.
  • Linden, wheat, green tea, mint – data herbs for rejuvenation used in cosmetics as moisturizing and nourishing components that improve the appearance and complexion.
  • Birch, calendula, flax, oats, viburnum – have high anti-aging properties - they perfectly smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent their appearance, and also activate the natural production of collagen by mature skin cells.
  • Rowan, parsley, hops, rosehip, radiola – perfectly tone aging facial skin, restoring its lost freshness and radiant appearance.

Important point! Correct herbs for facial rejuvenation must be of high quality, i.e. grown in ecologically clean areas, and not near highways or, worse, chemical plants.

Herbs for facial skin rejuvenation - effective methods of use

Homemade cosmetics, today referred to by the more modern term “had-made,” has countless different recipes based on the use of medicinal herbs. Herbs for rejuvenation used in the preparation of lotions, tonics, creams, masks, peelings, scrubs, as part of infusions and decoctions for washing.

Let's look at some of the most effective ways to use medicinal herbs for rejuvenating purposes:

Compresses and lotions To prepare these cosmetics, it is recommended to use aloe juice (preferably biostimulated), infusions of birch leaves, black currant, viburnum or linden flowers. To get aloe juice with biostimulants It is necessary to cut the fleshy leaves from an adult (at least 8-10 years old) aloe plant, rinse them with clean water and place them on the bottom shelf (or side door) of the refrigerator for 10-12 days. Then you should grind the leaves of the plant using a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice from the resulting pulp. In the process of extinction of the life processes of the plant under these conditions, aloe begins to naturally produce unique biosubstances that can enhance the vital activity of skin cells. Therefore, the use of aloe juice prepared in this way will tenfold enhance the rejuvenating effect of cosmetics using it. Cold and hot compresses To prepare them, it is recommended to use the following herbs for facial rejuvenation: nettle, mint, linden, chamomile, hops. To prepare a cold compress, you should brew the dry herb with boiling water in advance (for 250 ml of boiling water, 1 heaping tablespoon of chopped herb or herbal mixture) and let it brew, and then moisten a cloth in the cool infusion and apply it to the skin of the face for a few minutes . For hot compresses, herbs are infused in a similar way, only before use the infusion is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 35-37 o C. Face masks The most popular home cosmetics that use herbs for facial skin rejuvenation, both in pure form and in combination with other rejuvenating natural products - honey, fermented milk products, eggs, natural vegetable and essential oils, cosmetic clay. An excellent mask for mature wrinkled skin is the following composition: brew crushed leaves of black currant, St. John's wort, nettle, rowan fruits (½ tsp each) with a small amount of boiling water (~100 ml) and wait until they swell a little. Then strain the infusion (it can later be used as a lotion or lotion), and combine the herbal pulp with 10 ml of aloe juice, 5 ml of natural honey and 1 egg. The resulting mass should be applied to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, for at least 15-20 minutes. Night face cream It can be prepared on the basis of butter (preferably homemade) and horsetail (pushkin). To prepare it, you need to combine 30 g of softened butter with 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs and melt in the oven for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to store the finished cosmetic product in the refrigerator for no more than 5-6 days.

Herbs for rejuvenation - precautions

All medicinal herbs, without exception, are considered absolutely safe for use. They are not addictive and are almost impossible to overdose on. But despite this, herbs for facial rejuvenation can harm your health in the form of an allergic reaction, which is often caused by individual intolerance to the substances that make up certain herbs. Thus, before using herbal cosmetics, do not forget to conduct a preliminary allergy test to determine the sensitivity of the skin to the components of the skin care composition.

Problematic skin makes you think about your own health and treatment.

Nobody likes acne and constantly oily skin, but getting rid of these imperfections is not so easy.

Therefore, treatment should be approached comprehensively, using not only modern cosmetic products, but also folk recipes.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Where to get

Herbs for acne can either be prepared independently or purchased at your nearest pharmacy.

But in the first case, you need to have a good understanding of medicinal herbs.

Each plant has its own time for collection and storage conditions. Make sure they dry properly in a well-ventilated area.

At the pharmacy you can buy not only herbs and infusions, but also ready-made tinctures.

What herbs can be used for acne

Not all herbs can be used to cleanse facial skin.

Some of them will not bring results.

In addition, there are herbs for washing, and there are for ingestion. They cleanse the skin, removing and relieving inflammation.

For outdoor use

Photo: aloe juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates pimple maturation

Herbs for acne on the face, from which various decoctions and tinctures are prepared:

  • aloe;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • Birch buds;
  • calendula;
  • celandine.

The anti-acne medicine is very easy to prepare: to do this, you need to pour the mixture with vodka in a ratio of 1:10 and leave to infuse in a dark, cool place for 5-7 days.

  • After this, the infusion is applied to the face with a cotton swab.
  • The liquid can be frozen into cubes and then simply wiped over your face.
  • If there is severe inflammation on the face, then compresses should be applied.

For internal

Photo: You should not take medicinal herbs without consulting your doctor.

What are the best herbs to drink to get rid of acne and make your skin healthy?

  • Firstly, not all herbs are suitable for oral administration, so you should not experiment.
  • Secondly, it is better to consult a specialist so as not to harm your health.

The following decoctions are safe for treatment:

  1. equal parts of walnut leaves, elecampane and burdock root are poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil. Take half a glass 2 times a day.
  2. a mixture of dandelion, nettle and thorn roots is poured with 1-2 glasses of water. The broth is brought to a boil and infused. It is recommended to take a little bit throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1 week. After some time, the course can be repeated.

How they work

Herbs for the face differ from each other in their medicinal properties.

There is a herb that treats all inflammations and cleanses pores, and there are plants that only heal the skin. Therefore, you should understand a little about the properties of some medicinal herbs in order to choose the right treatment.


Photo: infusion of calendula flowers has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects

This is the best medicinal plant to help get rid of acne.

  • Calendula regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so the skin stops becoming oily.
  • In addition, the plant is known for its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. All wounds and inflammations on the skin heal very quickly thanks to calendula.

To enhance the effect, the flowers of the plant must be infused with vodka or alcohol.

When using, it is important to ensure that there is no allergic reaction.


Chamomile is known to be an effective remedy for treating colds.

Photo: chamomile is an effective antispasmodic and antiseptic

  • However, it can also be used in cosmetology. She takes very good care of the skin, improving its condition.
  • Chamomile can be used to make decoctions with both alcohol and water, as well as drink them.
  • It is “friendly” with almost all other medicinal herbs, so it can be added to any mixture.

In addition, chamomile is a hypoallergenic plant.


Photo: badyagi powder can be used to make masks for problem skin

These algae can most often be found in the pharmacy in powder form.

  • Badyaga is often included in creams for bruises and contusions. This is an excellent remedy for eliminating acne.
  • Another advantage of badyagi is that it promotes rapid skin regeneration. Therefore, it is often used when it is necessary to improve the relief of the skin and get rid of scars.

Badyagu is often used as an additional component in various masks.

For example, one of the effective masks for problem skin is made as follows: hydrogen peroxide and a little badyagi powder are added to cosmetic clay diluted with water.

Clay and badyagi masks must be kept on the face until completely dry.

But badyagi also has its contraindications.

  • In no case should you use the powder if there are inflamed areas on the face.
  • Badyaga will best help in the treatment of post-acne.


Photo: celandine is popular in the treatment of skin diseases

Many skin diseases are treated with the help of celandine.

  • The plant is used against eczema and allergies, as well as acne and boils.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of this medicinal herb can improve the condition of the skin quickly enough.

You can make decoctions and infusions from the plant, or you can use its juice.

  • If there are acne on the body, then the juice can be added to the bath.
  • For the face, it is better to dilute the juice with water.

But celandine also has its contraindications.

It is better to postpone its use for acute dermatitis, open wounds, ulcers and herpes.

Video: “Herbal infusions and teas for beauty and health”

How to get rid of it using folk remedies

Folk remedies also help in the fight against acne, which most often appears due to malfunctions in the body.

Therefore, before using traditional recipes, it is necessary to find out the cause of acne.

Medicinal fees

If there are problems with, then the following collection should be used for treatment.

Photo: infusions of medicinal herbs are useful for digestive problems

  • You will need St. John's wort, mint, centaury, calamus root and plantain.
  • Herbs are taken in equal parts and filled with water. 1 tbsp is enough. l. mixture for 1 cup boiling water.
  • After half an hour, filter the infusion and drink half a glass before meals 2-3 times a day.

In case of increased acidity of the stomach, the following composition should be used:

  • To do this, take one part each of celandine and yarrow, as well as two parts of chamomile.
  • You only need 1 tbsp. l. mixture, which is also poured with a glass of boiling water and infused.

Drink half an hour before meals several times a day.

With spastic colitis, inflammation of the skin can also occur.

Photo: chamomile tea is useful for spastic colitis

But you can try to cure them from the inside with the help of medicinal herbs.

The drink is prepared as follows:

  • One part each of cumin and oregano, as well as two parts of chamomile, are thoroughly mixed;
  • then 1 tbsp. l. The mixture is infused in boiling water for an hour and filtered.

Take before meals 2 times a day.


Not only herbs help in treating problem skin.

Photo: for oily skin types you can prepare a berry mask

There are several berries that can cure acne.

First of all, this is viburnum, which contains a lot of vitamins.

  • You can make your own masks from the berries by simply applying viburnum juice to your face.
  • Or you can drink special infusions. It’s easy to make such a drink - 5-7 berries are ground and poured with 2-3 glasses of boiling water. After they are infused, the medicine is drunk before meals.

Raspberries can work a real miracle with problem skin.

They are also used to make masks and infusions.

For long-term use of this natural component, an ointment based on Vaseline is made.

Wild strawberries and rose hips cope well with rashes.


  • The juice of fresh cucumbers can be safely used for compresses. They are applied to inflamed areas. In addition, cucumbers whiten the skin, which helps to get rid of age spots and acne marks.

Photo: You can make a healing mask from cucumber

  • No less useful is pumpkin, pieces of which are simply wiped over the skin of the face.
  • Regular potatoes are a great way to fight acne. You will need potato juice, approximately 100 ml. It is mixed with honey and applied to the face. You should leave it on for at least half an hour for the mask to take effect. For very problematic skin, you need to undergo a course of treatment, which lasts 2 weeks. In this case, the mask is applied every day. Then a break is taken for a week and the course can be repeated.

Questions and answers

Many people are interested in how effective folk recipes are for treating problem skin.

They ask a variety of questions, for example, what herbs really helped you get rid of acne?

What plants are effective for eczema and allergies?

Celandine, mint, stinging nettle, burdock root and sage can help cure these diseases.

Infusions and decoctions for external use are made from the collection.

How can you cure boils?

Photo: treatment of a boil should be comprehensive

  • For furunculosis, you can use lemon balm, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, calendula and oak bark. From these herbs you can prepare mixtures for external use.
  • And for treatment from the inside, infusions of cornflower, marigold, violet, stinging nettle, horsetail, speedwell and string flowers are suitable.

Which mixture is suitable for cleansing the face of a teenager?

If the appearance of acne is not associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the medicinal mixture should only cleanse the skin of the face.

Therefore, herbs such as chamomile, mint, calendula, yarrow and sage are suitable. You can add a little string to this collection.

Treatment of acne with herbs is always very effective, as it heals the body.

Especially if you know what herb to drink for cleansing.

Of course, no one cancels proper skin care even after getting rid of acne.

Otherwise, the problem may quickly return.

If herbal treatment does not help, then perhaps the reason lies much deeper and it is better to visit a specialist.

Video: “Removing acne spots on the face”

Many women prefer natural skin care. There is a logical explanation for this. Natural components do not have a negative effect on the human body. Despite this, they are effective in combating various deficiencies.

The use of herbs is the most popular and affordable way to prevent the appearance of age-related changes.

Herbs for dry skin are used as beneficial ingredients in recipes that preserve natural beauty.

There are several skin types - combination, oily, normal and dry. In each individual case, certain care is required. Dehydrated skin needs hydration and nutrition. The following herbs are suitable for it:

  • sage,
  • aloe,
  • rosemary,
  • mint,
  • yarrow,
  • spring primrose,
  • Linden,
  • parsley,
  • chamomile,
  • rose.

Properly selected herbs can replace industrial cosmetics. Lotions, masks and creams are prepared from herbs. The advantage of homemade cosmetic products is the absence of dyes and preservatives. Regular use of herbal decoctions in skin care eliminates flaking and a feeling of tightness. Those with dry skin are prone to the early appearance of wrinkles. Home care using herbs delays the aging process indefinitely.

Reference: It is not recommended to use horsetail, calamus, immortelle and nettle. They produce a drying effect on the epidermis.

How to use them correctly?

Herbs can be purchased at any pharmacy or collected yourself. In pharmacies they are found in loose form and in bags for one-time brewing. The method of preparing the decoction directly depends on the packaging format. The instructions for any pharmaceutical herb contain a specific algorithm for its preparation. The herb in bags is filled with the required amount of hot water. Usually 1-2 sachets are required for 1 glass. The loose herb is prepared in a water bath.

The broth is brought to a boil as many times as indicated on the package. It is then cooled to room temperature. The resulting ingredient must be stored in the refrigerator. Some decoctions are allowed to be taken internally. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications first. Oral intake of herbs should not be abused. Treatment of the skin from the inside is carried out in a course. Its duration does not exceed 1 month.

Recipes using herbs

There are a huge number of recipes, the preparation of which is not particularly difficult. Each of them is aimed at a specific problem. Before choosing the most suitable recipe, it is necessary to assess the condition of the skin.


Most often, herbs are used to make decoctions for dry skin to moisturize the skin of the body or cleanse it. They are used for rinsing, creating lotion or ice cubes for wiping. The difference between a decoction and an infusion lies in the method of preparation. The dried plant is filled with water and brought to a boil over high heat. There is no need to further infuse the resulting composition. To enhance the effect, herbal preparations are combined.


Perfect for moisturizing dehydrated skin a combination of hops, lemon balm and yarrow. The components are mixed in equal proportions. The optimal amount is half a tablespoon of each herb. The mixture is poured into a glass of clean water and brought to a boil over low heat. The strained and cooled broth is used as a lotion for daily care.


To cleanse dry skin mix sage, rose hips, mint, dill and linden blossom. Each herb is taken in the amount of 1 teaspoon. The dry mixture is poured with a glass of water. Boil the herbs for 5 minutes. Herbal paste can be used as a mask. The decoction is a complete replacement for cosmetic lotion. They wipe the skin twice a day.


Infusions have a longer preparation process. Choosing which recipe will be the most optimal is quite simple. It all depends on the initial condition of the skin. A large number of acne, blackheads and enlarged pores indicate the need for intensive cleansing. The tendency to wrinkles indicates insufficient skin hydration.


For intense hydration suitable flower infusion. To prepare it you will need linden, jasmine, rose and chamomile flowers. The flowers are mixed in equal quantities - 1 tablespoon. Pour a glass of boiling water over the flower mixture and leave for two hours. After the specified time, the pulp is removed, and the infusion is used to wipe the face.


To cleanse dehydrated skin Sea buckthorn is used. 3 tablespoons of herbs are required to pour 0.5 liters of hot water. The infusion will be ready when the liquid has cooled completely. The resulting solution is used for daily wiping of the skin.

Herbal masks

Regular use of herbal masks helps rejuvenate the skin. They even out the complexion and eliminate existing imperfections. Preparing masks does not take much time, but their effect exceeds all expectations.

Attention: Most herbal mask recipes include active ingredients. In some cases they cause an allergic reaction. It is recommended to conduct a tolerance test first.

For wrinkles

Chamomile is considered one of the effective means for preserving youthful skin. When combined with dandelion, it enhances the positive properties. To prepare the mask, mix:

  • 3 tablespoons dandelion;
  • a spoonful of liquid honey;
  • water by eye;
  • 3 tablespoons of chamomile;

For acne

The following ingredients are suitable for eliminating acne:

  • a quarter cup of calendula;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of any honey;

The components are mixed and applied to the face for no more than 15 minutes. After the allotted time, the mask is washed off.

From blackheads

Works great on blackheads lemon juice combined with chamomile. The components are measured in equal proportions - no more than 1 tbsp. spoons. The mask is applied pointwise to problem areas for 15 minutes. It is important not to apply the product to an overly dry area.

Peculiarities: To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine recipes.

For pigment spots

To eliminate pigment spots herbs used for oily skin. They must have a whitening effect. Parsley is considered the most effective remedy in this direction. It needs to be mixed with lemon and honey. In addition to lemon juice, chopped zest is used. The mask is kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes. The effect will be noticeable only with regular use.


For a moisturizing mask you will need:

  • yarrow,
  • hop,
  • Apple juice,
  • St. John's wort,
  • chamomile,
  • egg yolk,
  • a glass of hot water.

The mixture of components is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. With regular use, peeling and tightness of the epidermis are eliminated.


A paste is made from black currants and viburnum berries. For convenience, a meat grinder is used. A spoonful of honey is added to the resulting mixture. The resulting substance is distributed over gauze and applied to the face. Regular use is required to achieve the desired effect.