Three energies ramie blackt read online. Three energies. Forgotten canons of health and harmony - Rami Blekt. Other books on similar topics

Rami Blekt

Three energies

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the Teachers, thanks to whom I was lucky to touch the Highest knowledge.

I would also like to thank Yulia Verba, Elena Skomorokhova, Boris Shitikov, Irina Maksimova, Elena Kudashova, Olga Shiryaeva, Elena Korotaeva, and Sergey Medvedev for their great help in preparing this book for publication. Without their help, the book would hardly have seen the light of day.

Special thanks to my wife Marina for writing several important chapters practically for me based on our notes, and also to Professor David Frawley for important recommendations and for writing a wonderful foreword.

Rami Blekt

What prompted me to write this book

In September 2006 we traveled through South India. It was a very eventful journey. We went through a full course of panchakarma, that is, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, met with amazing people: astrologers, yogis, spiritual teachers ... But most of all, those who were with me remembered the meeting with one famous Ayurvedic doctor. He was already over 80 years old, but he looked great and literally radiated the energy of happiness and tranquility.

All his life he studied and practiced Ayurveda and achieved a lot in this science. In his office, there were many different diplomas and photographs, in which he was depicted with the first persons of the state, who wrote words of gratitude on them. He carefully looked into the person's eyes, felt the pulse, sometimes pressed certain points on the body and immediately made a clear diagnosis: which organs were in what condition. Then he gave recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle changes, and for some - special Ayurvedic preparations.

He devoted the most time to one person (by the way, the youngest of our company). He found several serious illnesses that he already knew about. In one case, doctors insisted on surgery. But this doctor said that if he followed his advice, everything would pass within a few months.

He prescribed some herbs collected in the Himalayas - they had to be boiled for several hours and then the remaining liquid should be drunk. Our companion followed everything that the doctor said, and as a result, his benign tumor resolved, gastritis and problems with the genitourinary system disappeared. The Ayurvedic doctor gave him not only herbs, but also the knowledge, thanks to which these herbs worked in a magical way, and if a person lives in accordance with this knowledge from birth, then he does not need any treatment at all.

A few days later, we met with a famous astrologer, whom we got only through the personal recommendation of an acquaintance of the Maharaja. This astrologer is a consultant to many leading politicians and businessmen. The meeting with this master was of great importance for me, as he agreed to become one of my teachers and gave me many important lessons in a few days.

He shocked us all with a deep vision of life and various karmic situations, as well as his predictive abilities. He also talked about some knowledge that can neutralize the adverse influence of the planets and even generally remove a person from the influence of the laws of karma. For an ordinary person, this knowledge is important because it can save him from illness and suffering and make him happy, healthy and harmonious.

Both masters, despite their advanced age, shone with health and happiness. They inspired me to talk about this knowledge in my book - in the simplest possible language, understandable to people living outside of India. The sages of India possessed this knowledge, but now few people know about them, and even fewer people realize how important and practical they are.

I have seen many times how this knowledge miraculously changes the lives of people who begin to use it: it helps to heal from physical and mental illnesses, solve problems in their personal lives, achieve success in social activities, develop intuition, quickly progress in spiritual life and, most most importantly, they give a feeling of enormous, constantly increasing happiness, practically independent of external circumstances.

If you want such changes to happen in your life, read this book at least once, but two or three is better, then this generally simple knowledge will be easily assimilated and even a little practice will bring great results.

After five editions of this book, I was very pleased to hear that it is very useful and easy to read. Moreover, 90% of those who told me about this had never before been familiar with oriental medicine and psychology. In my opinion, only at the beginning of the first and second parts there is information that is not so much difficult as somewhat unusual, but it is explained in detail in the course of the story. The same applies to the meanings of the Sanskrit terms used in the book.

Life itself is neither good nor evil: it is a container for both good and evil, depending on what you yourself have turned it into.

Michel Montaigne

Foreword by David Frawley

Yoga is not just a system of physical exercises, it is a wonderful practical philosophy of life and healing. In this regard, it is closely related to Ayurvedic medicine - the traditional natural system of treatment in India, as well as Vedic astrology - the Indian science of stars and karma.

Yoga philosophy has made a huge contribution to the world knowledge of spirituality. Yoga sees the universe as the interaction of two primary forces: the force of consciousness within us, what we call Purusha in Sanskrit, and the forces of nature, or the original forces of creation, called Prakriti. One of the main insights of yogic philosophy is the perception of everything in the world from the point of view of the three all-pervading primary gunas (energies). The term "guna" means "that which binds the soul", since the forces of nature easily become the forces of binding us to the outer world of time and space and carry us away from a calm stay in our deep and eternal Purusha nature.

Each of the three gunas, named respectively Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, has certain qualities and roles in the structure of the world.

Sattva - the mode of goodness. It represents truth or being. She is identified with light, mind, consciousness, virtue, morality, harmony and balance.

Rajas - the mode of passion. It means turbulence and excitement. Rajas is identified with energy, life, emotions, manifestations, affirmation of something, instability and change.

Tamas - the mode of ignorance, means darkness. Tamas is associated with matter, inertia, the unconscious, dullness, resistance, entropy and stability.

Each of these three qualities takes its place in nature, manifesting itself in the three great cosmic forces: light (Sattva), energy (Rajas) and matter (Tamas).

Everything in the Universe consists of various interactions and mutual transformations of these three forces: light, energy and matter. The great scientist Albert Einstein showed this in the famous equation E=MC2 (energy equals matter times the speed of light squared).

The forces of nature are in constant motion between the three qualities (gunas), which are not separate states, but, on the contrary, integral parts of the mechanism of the functioning of nature.

Three qualities also appear in the nature of man: the body (Tamas), the life force (Rajas) and the mind (Sattva). They provide three levels of our existence.

The body is the material component of our being, the mind is our inner light and finally our life energy or life force (Prana in Sanskrit) provides the energetic connection between mind and body.

These three forces do not exist separately, they are closely intertwined, mixed with one another.

The body, life force and mind are parts of a single space, and they continuously influence each other.

Yoga represents another important aspect of the science of the gunas.

The mind itself is the natural realm of sattva.

It needs light, harmony, balance and clarity to function properly.

This means that when we look at everything from the point of view of the mind, then Tamas and Rajas, or the influences of the body and life energy, can become disturbing factors, since the influences of the body can dull the mind, and the life force energy can disturb the mind.

Rajas and Tamas become "doshas", or causes of disease on a psychological and spiritual level.

Rajas and Tamas allow the factors of arousal and dullness, or wrong imagination and wrong judgment, to cloud or hide from us how our intellect actually works.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the Teachers, thanks to whom I was lucky to touch the Highest knowledge.

I would also like to thank Yulia Verba, Elena Skomorokhova, Boris Shitikov, Irina Maksimova, Elena Kudashova, Olga Shiryaeva, Elena Korotaeva, and Sergey Medvedev for their great help in preparing this book for publication. Without their help, the book would hardly have seen the light of day.

Special thanks to my wife Marina for writing several important chapters practically for me based on our notes, and also to Professor David Frawley for important recommendations and for writing a wonderful foreword.

Rami Blekt

about the author

Rami (Pavel) Blekt is a teacher of Eastern (alternative) psychology, writer, philosopher. For the last twenty-five years he has been studying and practicing various spiritual practices, Eastern (alternative) psychology and medicine, as well as ancient Indian astrology.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Alternative Medicine. He completed the Vedic Astrology course, and also completed additional courses in Healing Ayurveda and an advanced course in Healing Ayurveda at the American Institute of Vedic Studies.

In 1996, at the International Competition of Experts in Oriental Psychology and Philosophy, he won the main prize and was awarded the title of "pandit" ( Skt. -"scientist, connoisseur").

Recognized as the best psychologist-trainer at the V International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars. Winner of the main international award "Alchemy of Life - 2007" in the nomination "Person of the Year in the field of training programs."

He has extensive experience in personal counseling and teaching, including at universities and colleges.

President of the International Association of Eastern Psychology.

Editor-in-Chief of the international magazine "Thanksgiving with Love" (the total circulation of the magazine is more than 1 million copies).

Author of amazing books “Fate and I”, “How to negotiate with the Universe, or On the influence of planets on the fate and health of a person”, “Alchemy of communication”, “How to become a seer, or a Tutorial for real astrology”, “Tutorial for a perfect personality, or 10 steps on the Path to Happiness, Health and Success” and “Journeys in search of the meaning of life. The stories of those who found it.

What prompted me to write this book

Life itself is neither good nor evil: it is a container for both good and evil, depending on what you yourself have turned it into.

Michel Montaigne

In September 2006 we traveled through South India.

It was a very eventful journey. We went through a full course of panchakarma, that is, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, met with amazing people: astrologers, yogis, spiritual teachers ... But most of all, those who were with me remembered the meeting with a famous Ayurvedic doctor. He was already over 80 years old, but he looked great and literally radiated the energy of happiness and tranquility.

All his life he studied and practiced Ayurveda and achieved a lot in this science. In his office, there were many different diplomas and photographs, in which he was depicted with the first persons of the state, who wrote words of gratitude on them. He carefully looked into the person's eyes, felt the pulse, sometimes pressed certain points on the body and immediately made a clear diagnosis: which organs were in what condition. Then he gave recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle changes, and for some - special Ayurvedic preparations.

He devoted the most time to one person (by the way, the youngest of our company). He found several serious illnesses that he already knew about. In one case, doctors insisted on surgery. But this doctor said that if he followed his advice, everything would pass within a few months.

He prescribed some herbs collected in the Himalayas - they had to be boiled for several hours and then the remaining liquid should be drunk. Our companion followed everything that the doctor said, and as a result, his benign tumor resolved, gastritis and problems with the genitourinary system disappeared. The Ayurvedic doctor gave him not only herbs, but also the knowledge, thanks to which these herbs worked in a magical way, and if a person lives in accordance with this knowledge from birth, then he does not need any treatment at all.

A few days later, we met with a famous astrologer, whom we got only through the personal recommendation of an acquaintance of the Maharaja. This astrologer is a consultant to many leading politicians and businessmen. The meeting with this master was of great importance for me, as he agreed to become one of my teachers and gave me many important lessons in a few days.

He shocked us all with a deep vision of life and various karmic situations, as well as his predictive abilities. He also talked about some knowledge that can neutralize the adverse influence of the planets and even generally remove a person from the influence of the laws of karma. For an ordinary person, this knowledge is important because it can save him from illness and suffering and make him happy, healthy and harmonious.

Both masters, despite their advanced age, shone with health and happiness. They inspired me to talk about this knowledge in my book - in the simplest possible language, understandable to people living outside of India. The sages of India possessed this knowledge, but now few people know about them, and even fewer people realize how important and practical they are.

I have seen many times how this knowledge miraculously changes the lives of people who begin to use it: it helps to heal from physical and mental illnesses, solve problems in their personal lives, achieve success in social activities, develop intuition, quickly progress in spiritual life and, most most importantly, they give a feeling of enormous, constantly increasing happiness, practically independent of external circumstances. If you want such changes to happen in your life, read this book at least once, but two or three is better, then this generally simple knowledge will be easily assimilated and even a little practice will bring great results.

After five editions of this book, I was very pleased to hear that it is very useful and easy to read. Moreover, 90% of those who told me about this had never before been familiar with oriental medicine and psychology. In my opinion, only at the beginning of the first and second parts there is information that is not so much difficult as somewhat unusual, but it is explained in detail in the course of the story. The same applies to the meanings of the Sanskrit terms used in the book.

Foreword by David Frawley

Yoga is not just a system of physical exercises, it is a wonderful practical philosophy of life and healing. In this regard, it is closely related to Ayurvedic medicine - the traditional natural system of treatment in India, as well as Vedic astrology - the Indian science of stars and karma.

Yoga philosophy has made a huge contribution to the world knowledge of spirituality. Yoga sees the universe as the interaction of two primary forces: the force of consciousness within us, what we call Purusha in Sanskrit, and the forces of nature, or the original forces of creation, called Prakriti. One of the main insights of yogic philosophy is the perception of everything in the world from the point of view of the three all-pervading primary gunas (energies). The term "guna" means "that which binds the soul", since the forces of nature easily become the forces of binding us to the outer world of time and space and carry us away from a calm stay in our deep and eternal Purusha nature.

Each of the three gunas, called respectively Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, has certain qualities and roles in the structure of the world.

Sattva is the mode of goodness. It represents truth or being. She is identified with light, mind, consciousness, virtue, morality, harmony and balance.

Rajas is the mode of passion. It means turbulence and excitement. Rajas is identified with energy, life, emotions, manifestations, affirmation of something, instability and change.

Tamas is the mode of ignorance, meaning darkness. Tamas is associated with matter, inertia, the unconscious, dullness, resistance, entropy and stability.

Each of these three qualities takes its place in nature, manifesting itself in the three great cosmic forces: light (Sattva), energy (Rajas) and matter (Tamas).

Everything in the Universe consists of various interactions and mutual transformations of these three forces: light, energy and matter. The great scientist Albert Einstein showed this in the famous equation E=MC 2 (energy equals matter times the speed of light squared).

The forces of nature are in constant motion between the three qualities (gunas), which are not separate states, but, on the contrary, integral parts of the mechanism of the functioning of nature.

Three qualities also appear in the nature of man: the body (Tamas), the life force (Rajas) and the mind (Sattva). They provide three levels of our existence.

The body is the material component of our being, the mind is our inner light and finally our life energy or life force (Prana in Sanskrit) provides the energetic connection between mind and body.

These three forces do not exist separately, they are closely intertwined, mixed with one another.

The body, life force and mind are parts of a single space, and they constantly influence each other.

Yoga represents another important aspect of the science of the gunas.

The mind itself is the natural realm of sattva. It needs light, harmony, balance and clarity to function properly.

This means that when we look at everything from the point of view of the mind, then Tamas and Rajas, or the influences of the body and life energy, can become disturbing factors, since the influences of the body can dull the mind, and the life force energy can disturb the mind.

Rajas and Tamas become "doshas", or causes of disease on a psychological and spiritual level.

Rajas and Tamas allow the factors of arousal and dullness, or wrong imagination and wrong judgment, to cloud or hide from us how our intellect actually works.

This, in turn, leads to great difficulties in life, diseases or other disorders and suffering. In addition, it can interfere with the development of wisdom (Sattva), which helps us cope with everyday problems.

That is why yoga always emphasizes the importance of developing Sattva Guna as the main principle of inner growth.

Yoga encourages us to stick to a lifestyle - food, experiences, ideas and social circles - that enhances Sattva-guna, and avoid everything that enhances Rajas and Tamas.

The main principle of spiritual development through yoga and Ayurvedic medicine, which is also important for the correct understanding of karma and Vedic astrology, is the science of the three energies-gunas and, at the same time, the need to activate Sattva-guna as the main value of the human mind and soul.

The three gunas give us an excellent practical system for classifying our actions and learning how to enhance those activities that lead to higher awareness.

The priority of Sattva-guna is the basis for yoga's recommendations for a vegetarian diet and the inadmissibility of cruelty as the main principle of behavior.

Indeed, non-violence (ahimsa) is the foundation of a sattwic way of life and thinking. This means that we should not wish harm to others in any way and not only avoid manifestations of violence, but also cultivate light and peace within ourselves.

Yoga offers a system of values, sets of exercises for emotional and mental states and practices such as mantra, pranayama and meditation, in accordance with the three gunas.

Even yoga asanas (physical exercises) are designed in such a way as to enhance Sattva, that is, the state of peace and tranquility on the physical level.

Ayurveda, the yogic alternative system of medicine, similarly provides us with a detailed classification of foods, medicinal plants, and therapies corresponding to the three gunas.

Vedic astrology gives an understanding of the influence of the planets also in accordance with the three gunas. Understanding the gunas is central to all Vedic sciences.

It is very important that students who study and practice yoga or other spiritual sciences use the system of knowledge of the three gunas in their daily lives.

However, there are not many books that cover this subject and show us how to use the gunas in practice.

Much research on the gunas comes down to simply making lists of the main characteristics of the gunas. Therefore, students are often in doubt about how to actually apply the gunas properly.

In this context, Rami Blekt has written a new, important book about the gunas in Russian, which gives clear explanations to the modern reader.

His book meets the urgent demand and offers many useful tools for self-healing, self-understanding and self-realization, which can be of great value for people's lives and their awareness of being.

Rami is a professional psychologist, astrologer, teacher of yoga and Ayurveda, with extensive experience and knowledge.

His book is not only an academic study, but also the result of many years of personal practical work as a teacher and consultant.

He understood how to adapt the ancient Eastern science of the Gunas to life in the modern world and how to present it to the modern reader in a clear and simple way.

Since the development of the Sattva Guna is the key to the mind, and therefore to psychological recovery, his book is very relevant for those who are looking for a more practical and spiritual approach to understanding the mind and emotions.

What and how we feel with the mind cannot be separated from food, from what we eat, from how we breathe, and with what and with whom we are connected in life. In this regard, the science of gunas can add new dimensions to psychology in all its forms.

Psychologists should study this approach and see how our emotional health can be improved by behavioral changes that are under our control in terms of their development and do not necessarily require the use of drugs or the intervention of chemicals.

It is my hope that this book will be warmly and warmly received by the readers, and that many people will benefit from knowing the tools of Vedic knowledge that everyone needs.

We must thank Rami for his service and can only wish that he continues to contribute to the well-being of the people in the future.

Sattva-guna has not only the ability to heal, but also to promote understanding and ensure peace on earth.

This is what we really need right now.

We cannot achieve peace until our way of life is conducive to achieving peace.

A peaceful state must be rooted in our constant actions and our awareness, in all our interactions with the surrounding reality. It can't just be an occasional interest or just political expediency.

Sattva-guna leads us to "Sat" which is the principle of pure existence associated with "Chit" (clear conscience) and "Ananda" (Divine love and happiness).

By strengthening Sattva, we prepare ourselves to become conductors of the higher forces of the Universe. I wish this book to increase the wonderful quality of Sattva Guna in all those who carefully read its pages.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 2008


The significant problems before us cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that we created them with.

Albert Einstein

This book is about how to attract the energy of happiness, health, true success and harmony into your life and at the same time get rid of the energies of destruction, illness and misfortune. Everything in this world has different energies, and modern science has come to this conclusion. Enlightened sages taught thousands of years ago how to attract the necessary energies into your life.

Today, the concept of "Ayurveda" is associated with many people with improving health with the help of herbs, massage, cleansing procedures, diets ... Yes, indeed, all this is an integral part of Ayurveda, but, unfortunately, the word "Ayurveda" is now increasingly used simply as an advertising slogan, and few people know that Ayurveda is, first of all, a psychological system, following the laws of which, you can easily and quickly get rid of diseases at the very initial stage (level), and if you are already sick, then you can be cured, or at least significantly speed up recovery.

According to the Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita (one of the main treatises of Ayurveda, written by enlightened sages over 2500 years ago), there are six stages of the disease.

1. Psychophysiological (gunas).

2. Energy-information, ethereal (imbalance of information and energy channels).

3. Neuroendocrine (out of balance doshas).

4. Endotoxic (accumulation in the body of products of incomplete metabolism, toxins).

5. Manifested, symptomatic (appearance of clinical symptoms of the disease).

6. Terminal (death of the affected organ).

At the same time, it is known that in the first two stages the diseases are easily curable (!), in the third and fourth stages they are amenable to therapeutic effects, in the fifth they are intractable, and the sixth stage is not available for therapy.

Modern medicine, as a rule, begins to work at the fifth stage (!) , and sometimes even on the sixth. Ayurvedic clinics, for the most part, offer treatment in the third and fourth stages.

The well-known researcher S. N. Lazarev, author of the series of books "Diagnostics of Karma", successfully makes diagnoses, seeing the energy field of a person, already at the second stage, but even his system is not able to help if the first level is closed in a person (dominance of the energy of ignorance and passions). Although, in fairness, it must be said that Ayurveda also speaks of the presence of a karmic level, which underlies these six stages. It is this level that can be seen in the energy-information field of a person. How you can change karma, influence the karmic level, thus changing the fate, we will discuss in the second chapter of the book.

This book talks primarily about the first stage and partly about the second: in these stages, everything can be easily and quickly changed for the better. And if you follow this knowledge, then generally forget about a bad mood and a lot of ailments and diseases.

Just imagine: in ancient India, and later in China, the case of a person in a city or village was considered out of the ordinary. This became a shame for the doctor: how could he allow this?! The duty of a doctor at that time was to regularly go around his patients and simply ... talk to them - about the meaning of life, about higher harmony, about Divine Love, about the temporality of everything in this world, and also to give advice on lifestyle: how to balance nutrition in accordance with individual body constitution, how to improve communication, etc.

Interestingly, the Russian language, which belongs to the Indo-European group of languages, comes from Sanskrit and has retained many Sanskrit words and terms. For example, the word "doctor" comes from the word "lie" - to speak. Almost all Ayurvedic doctors were very advanced spiritual personalities. The most famous doctors of antiquity, the founders of their own systems and schools, were also prominent spiritual ascetics and teachers. This was not only the case in the Vedic civilization. The ancient Slavs had wise men, the Jews have such an example as Rambam, the Arabs have Avicenna.

Unfortunately, this knowledge is usually written down in a language that is difficult for a modern person to understand. All I have done is, after reading many books and attending a number of seminars on this topic, I have stated it as simply as possible. I have seen how this knowledge has helped many people, regardless of their spiritual path. I'm sure they will help you too!

The first part of this book was written on the basis of a seminar given to several groups of beginners who had little or no knowledge of the topic. In it, for easier perception of the material, a somewhat “conversational” style is deliberately left. Based on our experience, regardless of education, religion, gender, etc., almost anyone can easily understand and apply everything in life. The truth is simple. The laws of nature affect us whether we believe in them or not. The main thing is a sincere desire to be healthy, happy and successful.

I repeat: it was a pleasure to receive a huge number of grateful comments both from people who were previously completely unfamiliar with this topic, from those who have never been fond of Eastern knowledge, alternative medicine and psychology, and from those who have been studying and working in the field of Eastern medicine for many years. medicine and psychology.

Even if your goal is not spiritual progress, but simply a happier, healthier and more financially successful life, then this knowledge will help you with this. This knowledge is practical wisdom, essential for those who want to be happy, healthy and successful.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the Teachers, thanks to whom I was lucky to touch the Highest knowledge.

I would also like to thank Yulia Verba, Elena Skomorokhova, Boris Shitikov, Irina Maksimova, Elena Kudashova, Olga Shiryaeva, Elena Korotaeva, and Sergey Medvedev for their great help in preparing this book for publication. Without their help, the book would hardly have seen the light of day.

Special thanks to my wife Marina for writing several important chapters practically for me based on our notes, and also to Professor David Frawley for important recommendations and for writing a wonderful foreword.

Rami Blekt

about the author

Rami (Pavel) Blekt is a teacher of Eastern (alternative) psychology, writer, philosopher. For the last twenty-five years he has been studying and practicing various spiritual practices, Eastern (alternative) psychology and medicine, as well as ancient Indian astrology.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Alternative Medicine. He completed the Vedic Astrology course, and also completed additional courses in Healing Ayurveda and an advanced course in Healing Ayurveda at the American Institute of Vedic Studies.

In 1996, at the International Competition of Experts in Oriental Psychology and Philosophy, he won the main prize and was awarded the title of "pandit" ( Skt. -"scientist, connoisseur").

Recognized as the best psychologist-trainer at the V International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars. Winner of the main international award "Alchemy of Life - 2007" in the nomination "Person of the Year in the field of training programs."

He has extensive experience in personal counseling and teaching, including at universities and colleges.

President of the International Association of Eastern Psychology.

Editor-in-Chief of the international magazine "Thanksgiving with Love" (the total circulation of the magazine is more than 1 million copies).

Author of amazing books “Fate and I”, “How to negotiate with the Universe, or On the influence of planets on the fate and health of a person”, “Alchemy of communication”, “How to become a seer, or a Tutorial for real astrology”, “Tutorial for a perfect personality, or 10 steps on the Path to Happiness, Health and Success” and “Journeys in search of the meaning of life. The stories of those who found it.

What prompted me to write this book

Life itself is neither good nor evil: it is a container for both good and evil, depending on what you yourself have turned it into.

Michel Montaigne

In September 2006 we traveled through South India. It was a very eventful journey. We went through a full course of panchakarma, that is, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, met with amazing people: astrologers, yogis, spiritual teachers ... But most of all, those who were with me remembered the meeting with a famous Ayurvedic doctor. He was already over 80 years old, but he looked great and literally radiated the energy of happiness and tranquility.

All his life he studied and practiced Ayurveda and achieved a lot in this science. In his office, there were many different diplomas and photographs, in which he was depicted with the first persons of the state, who wrote words of gratitude on them. He carefully looked into the person's eyes, felt the pulse, sometimes pressed certain points on the body and immediately made a clear diagnosis: which organs were in what condition. Then he gave recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle changes, and for some - special Ayurvedic preparations.

He devoted the most time to one person (by the way, the youngest of our company). He found several serious illnesses that he already knew about. In one case, doctors insisted on surgery. But this doctor said that if he followed his advice, everything would pass within a few months.

He prescribed some herbs collected in the Himalayas - they had to be boiled for several hours and then the remaining liquid should be drunk. Our companion followed everything that the doctor said, and as a result, his benign tumor resolved, gastritis and problems with the genitourinary system disappeared. The Ayurvedic doctor gave him not only herbs, but also the knowledge, thanks to which these herbs worked in a magical way, and if a person lives in accordance with this knowledge from birth, then he does not need any treatment at all.

A few days later, we met with a famous astrologer, whom we got only through the personal recommendation of an acquaintance of the Maharaja. This astrologer is a consultant to many leading politicians and businessmen. The meeting with this master was of great importance for me, as he agreed to become one of my teachers and gave me many important lessons in a few days.

He shocked us all with a deep vision of life and various karmic situations, as well as his predictive abilities. He also talked about some knowledge that can neutralize the adverse influence of the planets and even generally remove a person from the influence of the laws of karma. For an ordinary person, this knowledge is important because it can save him from illness and suffering and make him happy, healthy and harmonious.

Both masters, despite their advanced age, shone with health and happiness. They inspired me to talk about this knowledge in my book - in the simplest possible language, understandable to people living outside of India. The sages of India possessed this knowledge, but now few people know about them, and even fewer people realize how important and practical they are.

I have seen many times how this knowledge miraculously changes the lives of people who begin to use it: it helps to heal from physical and mental illnesses, solve problems in their personal lives, achieve success in social activities, develop intuition, quickly progress in spiritual life and, most most importantly, they give a feeling of enormous, constantly increasing happiness, practically independent of external circumstances. If you want such changes to happen in your life, read this book at least once, but two or three is better, then this generally simple knowledge will be easily assimilated and even a little practice will bring great results.

After five editions of this book, I was very pleased to hear that it is very useful and easy to read. Moreover, 90% of those who told me about this had never before been familiar with oriental medicine and psychology. In my opinion, only at the beginning of the first and second parts there is information that is not so much difficult as somewhat unusual, but it is explained in detail in the course of the story. The same applies to the meanings of the Sanskrit terms used in the book.



CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Guna

What is guna?

We begin to analyze an important topic. If you understand it and put it into practice, then your life will change. Even a simple introduction to this topic will make a big difference in your life. This knowledge determines how happy and successful a person will be at all levels, how healthy and harmonious he will be.

First, we will analyze the concept of "guna", which will come in handy in the process of reading the book. There are two meanings of guna - "rope" and "quality", but this translation is very superficial. In the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, an ancient treatise that underlies Eastern psychology, a more accurate and profound translation is given: guna - "that which underlies all qualities."

According to yoga psychology gunas determine the inner and essential structure of all things. Therefore, it can be said that the properties inherent in each substance depend on the gunas. If a thing is composite, then its properties will depend on all the internal structures of all its components.

In Eastern psychology, it is said that the sphere of the gunas is applicable to any area of ​​life. The three gunas underlie the manifested universe and must determine the course of life in all areas, as well as the state of things belonging to various categories.

In the Bhagavad Gita (3.27) it is said that a living being under the influence of a false ego thinks that it is he who performs actions, but in fact, all actions are performed for us by the three modes of material nature, but we can only desire.

An American psychotherapist, Professor Abraham Maslow, wrote on this topic. As a result of his research, it was found that 99% of people live mechanically, and only 1% live in reality - and these people are many times more successful in all areas of life than the remaining 99% combined. If you understand the topic under consideration, then you can easily enter the 1% of healthy, happy and harmonious people and stop being a slave to lower energies.

Everything is determined by subtle energy

Everything we see in this world is different energies. If energy carriers such as oil, electricity and the like disappear from our lives for a while, our civilization will collapse in a few days.

There are different energies: subtle and gross, material and spiritual, good, evil, etc. For example, if you write on a piece of paper: “I love you”, then your mood will improve, a feeling of flight will appear. But if they write on the same sheet with the same ink: “I hate you,” it can kill you or at least spoil your mood.

Another example: if you walk into a room where you had an argument some time ago, you can immediately feel the tense atmosphere, feel as if you have plunged into something dirty, even if everyone in the room just sits, works and smiles. People who live mainly in Tamas and Rajas (ignorance and passion), on the contrary, will feel their “native” environment and will even be delighted: “What, have you quarreled again? And rightly so! ”... Such people often create tense situations themselves if everything is calm around.

Every person, every organ, every object, every place radiates some kind of energy. We all need energy to live healthy lives and create. Subtle energy determines everything, and if your subtle body and intuition are at least a little activated as a result of prayers, yoga practice, reading mantras, and just a harmonious lifestyle, you will quite possibly begin to see and feel this energy.

Origin and types of energies

The Vedas say that God, Adipurusham, is the original Supreme Being, the one Parabrahman from which all energies emanate.

There are three main energies: internal energy (spiritual), marginal and external.

spiritual energy is divided into 3 types: Samvit- knowledge; Sadhini- being and Hladini- bliss.

Border energy is living beings, souls who are separated from God and, like us, live in the material world.

External, the illusory energy of Maya, in turn, is represented by three energies: Rajas(passion) - the energy of creation; sattva(goodness) - the energy of maintenance and Tamas(ignorance) is the energy of destruction.

Four steps to realizing the truth

Everything in this world exists in three energies (gunas) - goodness, passion and ignorance. A person can create around him, for example, the energies of happiness, health, harmony and prosperity, or be captured by the energies of destruction, illness, failure. Success in life depends on the right choice.

In this book, the reader will find the answer to the question: HOW to live right?» How to surround yourself with harmonious energy in order to improve your relationships with your family, be successful at work, get rid of illnesses and be happy. The author of the book, Rami Blekt, a professional psychologist, writer, provides practical recommendations that will be useful in any life situation. This book is the result of a wealth of consulting and teaching experience.

All his life he studied and practiced Ayurveda and achieved a lot in this science. In his office, there were many different letters and photographs, where he was photographed with the first persons of the state, and thanks from them. He carefully looked into the person's eyes, felt the pulse, sometimes pressed on some points of the body and immediately made a clear diagnosis: which organs were in what condition. Then he gave recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle changes, some - special Ayurvedic preparations.

By the way, he devoted the most time to one person, the youngest of our company. He found several serious illnesses that this man already knew about. In one case, doctors insisted on surgery. But this doctor said that if he followed his advice, everything would pass within a few months. He prescribed some herbs collected in the Himalayas, which had to be boiled down for several hours and then the remaining liquid should be drunk. This man followed everything that the doctor said, and as a result, he had a benign tumor, gastritis, and problems with the genitourinary system. The Ayurvedic doctor gave him not only herbs, but also the knowledge, thanks to which, these herbs worked in a magical way, and if a person follows them from birth, then he does not need any treatment at all. A few days later, we met with a well-known astrologer, whom we got only through the personal recommendation of one Maharaja. He is a consultant to many leading politicians and businessmen. The meeting with the Master was of great importance for me, as he agreed to be my teacher, and in a few days he gave me many important lessons. He shocked everyone with a deep vision of life and various karmic situations, as well as predictive abilities.

He also talked about some knowledge that can neutralize the adverse influence of the planets and even generally remove a person from the influence of the laws of karma. For an ordinary person, this knowledge is important because it can save him from illness, suffering and make him happy, healthy and harmonious. Both masters seemed to radiate what they were saying, and despite their advanced age, they seemed to glow with health and happiness. They inspired me to write a book about this knowledge in the simplest possible language for people living outside of India.

The sages of India possessed this knowledge, but now few people know about them, and even fewer people realize how important and practical they are. I have seen many times magical changes in the lives of people who begin to use them in practice: curing of physical and mental illnesses, solving problems in their personal lives, achieving success in social activities, developing a strong intuition, rapid progress in spiritual life and, most importantly, a feeling of great ever-increasing happiness, practically independent of external circumstances. If you want magical changes to happen in your life, you need to read this book at least once...

Review of the book by Bhakti Vigyan Goswami Maharaj, one of the most famous experts in Vedic philosophy and culture, as well as a member of the Society for Business and Cultural Relations with India. Everyone wants to be happy. Unfortunately, in their attempts to become happy, people are moving further and further away from true happiness.

The scriptures of ancient India contain the eternal secrets of happiness. These secrets are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. Anyone can apply them in their life and feel the results. However, in order to begin to apply these principles in your life, you need some initial faith.

And faith and the desire to try come to us when we are faced with someone else's experience, a living experience of happiness.

Rami Blekt's book "Three Energies" is valuable precisely for this - on the pages of this book, any reader can get in touch with the living experience of following the ancient principles of the Vedas. He can look at the world through the eyes of the author and see in this world what he has never seen before: the subtle laws of love, harmony and justice in action.

Bhakti Vigyan Goswami Maharaj


Review of the writer, journalist and radio host of the radio station "Silver Rain" Alex Dubas.

In this book you can find the answer to the main question: "Why, in fact, do we live?" And, having learned the answer to this most important question, we, of course, will have others, for example: "How to live right?"

The "Three Energies" will consistently answer this question as well. This is a real guide to almost every aspect of life, from how to make the bed and how to eat right, to planning and then raising children.

What does the unprepared layman learn from the book? He learns that there are Three Energies, which in translation from ancient Indian into common people are called as follows: "bad", "medium" and "very good". Then, carefully following the author, the reader will discover for himself that "bad" though terrible energy, but without it - nowhere, like light, nowhere without darkness.

"Average", in general, normal and the most common, encouraging you to dare, achieve and win.

And "very good" is also needed in moderation. After all, you can’t live on desserts alone, and in the end, we cannot fully enjoy goodness if we haven’t experienced passions before.

Rami Blekt teaches this science of managing three vital energies, and as a result: the ability to live in harmony with oneself and with the world around.

And if you study diligently and not being lazy, then "Your life becomes better in every way!" - the most important mantra and goal of the teachings of Rami Blekt.

But, this book can still be perceived not only as a textbook, but also as a "virtual" conversation with a good and intelligent person. There are days when everything seems to be in order on the outside, but something is wrong on the inside. Then it's time to leaf through the "Three Energies" - it is full of parables, philosophical statements of the sages of all teachers and denominations, and even anecdotes.

We are surrounded by symbols, associations and pleasant reminders: photographs, paintings, amulets, trinkets brought from abroad, memorable gifts hang in our apartments - in general, everything that subconsciously calls for positive experiences in us.

For me, one of these symbols is a wooden elephant presented by Rami - a stand for pens, one of which with great pleasure I wrote a commentary on this wonderful and useful "in all respects" book.

Foreword to Dr. David Frawley's book.

Yoga is not just a system of physical exercises, it is a wonderful practical philosophy of life and healing. In this regard, it is closely related to Ayurvedic medicine, the traditional natural healing system of India, as well as Vedic astrology, the Indian science of stars and karma.

Yoga philosophy has made a huge contribution to the world knowledge of spirituality. Yoga sees the universe as the interaction of two primary forces: the force of consciousness within us, which is what we call Purusha in Sanskrit, and the forces of nature or the original forces of creation, called Prakriti. One of the main insights of yogic philosophy is the perception of everything in the world from the point of view of the three all-pervading primary gunas (energies). The term "guna" means "that which binds the soul", since the forces of nature easily become the forces of binding us to the outer world of time and space, and carry us away from a calm stay in our deep and eternal Purusha nature.

Each of the three gunas, called respectively SATTVA, RAJAS and TAMAS, has certain qualities and roles in the structure of the world.

sattva- the mode of goodness. It represents truth or otherwise being. She is identified with light, mind, consciousness, virtue, morality, harmony and balance.

Rajas- the mode of passion. It means turbulence and excitement. Rajas is identified with energy, life, emotions, manifestations, affirmation of something, instability and change.

Tamas- the mode of ignorance, which means darkness. Tamas is associated with matter, inertia, the unconscious, dullness, resistance, entropy, and stability.

All these three qualities have their important place in the natural world, beginning with the manifestation in the three great cosmic forces: light (Sattva), energy (Rajas) and matter (Tamas). Everything in the Universe consists of various interactions and mutual transformations of these three forces: light, energy and matter, which the great scientist Einstein showed in his equation E=MC2 (energy equals matter times the speed of light squared).

The forces of nature are constantly moving back and forth between the three qualities (gunas), which are not separate states, but on the contrary, they are integral parts of the mechanism of the functioning of nature.

All three qualities also have their manifestations in our human nature: this is the body (Tamas), the force of vitality (Rajas) and the mind (Sattva). They provide three levels of our existence.

The body is the material component of our being, the mind is our inner light and finally our life energy or life force (Prana in Sanskrit) provides the energetic connection between mind and body. These three forces do not exist separately. They are closely intertwined with one another and mixed. The body, life force and mind are parts of a single space, and they continuously influence each other.

Here yoga represents another important aspect of this science of the gunas. Mind itself is a natural area of ​​Sattva requiring light, harmony, balance and clarity in order to function properly. This means that when we look at everything from the point of view of the mind, then Tamas and Rajas, or the influences of the body and life energy, can become disturbing factors, since the influences of the body have the ability to dull the mind, and the life force energy has the ability to disturb the mind.

Rajas and Tamas become "doshas" or disease factors on a psychological and spiritual level.

Rajas and Tamas allow the factors of arousal and dullness or wrong imagination and wrong judgment to cloud or hide from us how our intellect actually works.

That is why yoga always emphasizes the importance of developing Sattva-guna as the main principle of inner growth. Yoga encourages us to stick to those types of food, impressions, ideas, expressions and associations that enhance the Sattva guna and avoid anything that enhances Rajas and Tamas.

The main principle of spiritual development through yoga and Ayurvedic medicine, which is also important for the correct understanding of karma and Vedic astrology, is the science of three energies - gunas, and along with this, the need to activate Sattva-guna, as the main value of the human mind and soul.

The three gunas give us an excellent practical system for classifying our actions and learning how to enhance those activities that lead to higher awareness.

The emphasis on the importance of sattva-guna is the basis for yoga's recommendations regarding a vegetarian diet, and the inadmissibility of cruelty as a main principle of behavior.

And, indeed, non-violence (ahimsa) is the foundation of a sattwic way of life and thinking, and this means that we should not wish harm to others in any way, and not only avoid manifestations of violence, but cultivate light and peace within us.

Yoga offers a system of values, sets of exercises, emotional and mental states and practices such as mantra, pranayama and meditation, in accordance with the three gunas.

Even yoga asanas (physical exercises) are designed in such a way as to enhance Sattva, that is, the state of peace and tranquility on the physical level.

Ayurveda, the yogic alternative system of medicine, similarly provides us with a detailed classification of foods, medicinal plants, and therapies corresponding to the three gunas.

Vedic astrology gives an understanding of the influence of the planets also in accordance with the three gunas. Understanding the gunas is central to all Vedic sciences.

It is very important that students who study and practice yoga or other spiritual sciences use this system of knowledge of the three gunas in their own daily lives.

However, there are few books that cover this subject and show us how to use the gunas in practice. Much research on the gunas comes down to simply making lists of the main characteristics of the gunas, and nothing more. Therefore, students are often in doubt about how to actually apply the gunas properly.

In this context, Rami Blekt has written a new, important book about the gunas in Russian, which gives clear explanations to the modern reader.

His book meets the urgent demand and offers many useful tools for self-healing, self-understanding and self-realization, which can be of great value for people's lives and their awareness of being.

Rami is a professional psychologist, astrologer, teacher of yoga and Ayurveda, with extensive experience and knowledge. His book is not only an academic study, but also the result of many years of personal practical work as a teacher and consultant. He understood how to adapt the ancient Eastern science of the gunas to life in the modern world, and how to present it to the modern reader in a clear and simple way.

Since the development of the Sattva Guna is the key to the mind, and therefore to psychological recovery, his book is very relevant for those who are looking for a more practical and spiritual approach to understanding the mind and emotions.

What and how we feel in our mind cannot be separated from the food, what we eat, how we breathe, and what and who we are connected to in life.

In this regard, the science of gunas can add new dimensions to psychology, in all its forms. All psychologists should study this approach and see how our emotional health can be changed by behavioral changes that are under our control in terms of their development and do not necessarily require the use of drugs or the intervention of chemistry.

I hope that this book will be warmly and warmly received by the readers, and that many people will benefit from the tools of Vedic knowledge that are important to everyone.

We must thank Rami for his service and can only wish that he continues to contribute to the well-being of the people in the future.

Sattva-guna has not only the ability to heal, but also to promote understanding and ensure peace on earth. This is what we really need right now.

We cannot achieve peace until our lifestyle is conducive to achieving peace.

A peaceful state must be rooted in our constant actions and our awareness, in all our interactions with the surrounding reality. It can't just be an occasional interest or just political expediency.

Sattva-guna leads us to "Sat" which is the principle of pure existence associated with "Chit" (clear conscience) and "Ananda" (Divine love and happiness).

By strengthening Sattva, we prepare ourselves to become conductors of the higher forces of the Universe. I wish this book to increase the wonderful quality of Sattva-guna to all those who carefully read its pages.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA