Cleaning in the children's room: life hacks. Children's room cleaning technology Dedicated to mothers of little boys. (from the Internet)

After the appearance of a child in the house, cleaning his room becomes an obligatory ritual. And here there are some nuances that cannot be neglected. The cleanliness of the room depends on:

  • the state of health of the child;
  • his safety;
  • education of discipline and responsibility;
  • accustoming the child to order.

By following the 7 basic rules for cleaning the children's room, this activity will become less energy-intensive and tedious:


Detergents must not contain substances hazardous to health. The presence of fragrances is also highly undesirable because of the danger of an allergic reaction. Similarly, with rags for cleaning - only hypoallergenic materials. Now there is an extensive selection of cleaning products that meet all the requirements and safety standards. The situation is the same with the detergent - textiles from the room should not exude strong odors.


Washing the floor in the children's room three times a day with detergent is too much. The frequency should be determined based on the age of the child and on specific conditions - in which area the housing is located, how often other people visit the room, and so on.


When cleaning in a children's room, it is imperative to wipe the dust from all open surfaces - a window sill, a table, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, shelves, and so on. At least once a month, it is desirable to carry out wet cleaning in difficult places - under the bed (if you can’t wash the floor under it every time), behind the chest of drawers, and so on. All toys (except soft ones) should be washed in soapy water. It is not at all necessary to spend money on an expensive detergent - laundry soap will perfectly cope with the task - to rid toys of germs and pollution. The regularity depends on the age of the child - if he is still small and puts everything in his mouth, then you need to wash at least once a week. This procedure should be carried out after each illness and after visiting the room with other children.


It is necessary to accustom the child to order early. In a year, a child is able to put toys in a box or basket. Children need to see how mom puts things in order. It is also important to determine the place of each toy so that it is easier for the child to clean up later. Sort toys into groups - designers, dolls, cars and so on. Place the toys in such a way that the child can easily take them out and put them away. That is, those with whom he plays more often should be closer than the others.


Have a ritual of putting toys away before bed. For example, an hour before going to bed, before bathing, you need to put everything in place. So the habit will form faster and it will be easier for everyone - both mother and children.

Put everything back in its place

Otherwise, the toys accumulate, and after a couple of days, cleaning will take much longer than it could. Clothing should also be cleaned immediately after being removed. The child should know where to put the pajamas taken off in the morning, where to hang the jacket, and so on.

If a baby or even a few is growing up in your house, taking care of them does not mean at all to fill up with toys, especially soft ones, which quickly become dust collectors. It is much more important to ensure hygienic cleanliness in the nursery, thus making an investment in their health. Cleaning in the children's room is not a banal laying out of toys in places, as many people are used to thinking, although you can't do without it. This is a whole range of activities that need to be carried out much more carefully than in other rooms, because the health of your children is on the scales.

5 easy steps to cleaning a nursery

  1. Any cleaning in the children's room - daily or general - begins with putting the scattered things in their places. For a nursery, this is more true than for any other room. If you introduce a child to this process, every day this stage will take less and less time.
  2. Shelves, shelving, window sill, desktop and drawers in it, radiator and lamps - you need to walk on all surfaces with a damp cloth, following the “top to bottom” principle. At this stage, it is important to feel like a detective and find the most secluded corners in the room: this is where the dust usually remains, causing the child to have an “unreasonable” cough, skin rashes and allergies. Indeed, such zones are often difficult to access only for adults, but by no means for children.
  3. Vacuuming the floor is not enough at all when cleaning the nursery, even if the vacuum cleaner is heavy duty, sucking up 99% of dust and germs, equipped with a special filter. It is also necessary to vacuum the child's bed and walls if they are pasted over with ordinary paper wallpaper. Washable wallpaper can be maintained by wiping it with a damp sponge or microfiber cloth.
  4. The floors in the children's room are washed using non-aggressive household products, such as baby shampoos, because babies are much more in contact with the floor than adults.
  5. An obligatory stage of cleaning in the nursery is ventilation: fresh air will help get rid of the smell of detergents.

Mosquito nets on the windows or ordinary gauze on the window will save the children's room not only from flies and mosquitoes, but also partially protect the air from street dust.

How to carry out general cleaning in the children's room?

The children's room needs general cleaning less often than everyone else, of course, provided that the events mentioned above are regularly held in it. And, nevertheless, from time to time there is a need to wash windows, wash curtains, dry-clean upholstered furniture, move a closet to remove dust in the most inaccessible places. What exactly is recommended to do as part of general cleaning?

  • Windows in the nursery are washed in calm weather with the help of special, necessarily non-aggressive means. Dirty windows reduce the quality of lighting in the room, as a result of which the child's eyesight can be strained excessively, not to mention the additional costs of electricity - sources of artificial lighting.
  • 1-2 times a week, all plastic toys should be washed with hot water and baby soap, and soft toys should be washed periodically with baby powder.
  • Every 3-4 months it is necessary to wash curtains, bedspreads and blankets, which also collect a lot of dust. In order not to provoke an allergy in a child with pungent odors, it is better to use ordinary running water instead of fabric rinses. You can also order dry cleaning of curtains and blinds at home, which is carried out with the help of gentle chemical compounds: it is both easier and safer.
  • If there are carpets in the children's room, which, in principle, is undesirable, they also need regular cleaning. Ideally, carpets should be shaken outside, avoiding the use of strong cleaners.
If you have an ordinary vacuum cleaner without a washing function and without special filters, use it in the nursery no more than once every two weeks, always with the window open. To eliminate dust particles with allergens that rise into the air after vacuuming, it is necessary to immediately carry out wet cleaning.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make sure that there is no dust at all. You can reduce its amount by removing unnecessary soft things from the nursery and leaving the necessary minimum of furniture there - a bed, a wardrobe and a workplace. Therefore, the task of conscientious parents is to regularly remove dust and ensure that the child breathes clean, humidified air.

Not enough time or patience for general cleaning in the nursery? Not sure if you can choose safe detergents? Entrust this to the specialists of the Cleaner company, who will not be afraid of either the eternal chaos of toys on the floor, or paper clippings in the most unexpected corners of the room, or dust hopelessly ingrained into the upholstery of the sofa or heavy curtains. Professional equipment, safe detergents, gentle cleaning experience and patience - and your nursery will shine with cleanliness!

How to clean up the mess and get rid of at least half of the toy trash.

1 Put the Little Boy out for an hour and a half.

2 Put all the toys in a pile in the middle of the room. Shug a cat who decides to play climber.

3 Gather some parts from some railroads and non-railroads. Randomly stuff into three huge bags. Hide. Be surprised that the mountain of toys has not become smaller.

4 Gather an odd number of batteries in the corners. Find teeth marks on one. Realize that batteries have always been bought in pairs. Rethink your neighbors' phrase "You have such an energetic boy!"

5 Dump all the bricks / parts of Lego / designers into one bag (drawer, cabinet, bag). Do not worry about sorting by manufacturers and forms. The creations of a brilliant architect are still created from all this, regardless of the shape and size, mixed with packaging foam and half-eaten sandwich.

6 Lose your slippers in a pile of toys. Never find him again.

7 Discover an arsenal of 12 firearms, including a huge multicolored assault rifle. Leave: 1) the newest 2) the largest 3) green 4) watery 5) the one that yells Feuer! 6) something else, for quantity. Shun the cat with one of the machine guns.

8 Throw out 258 arms, legs and bodies from different figures (soldiers, Shreks, dogs, etc.). War is scary, it does not spare even fairies.

9 Surrender to the elements of ordering by sorting toys from kinders, letters, numbers, magnets, small cars and other small trash into separate containers for each type of trash. Enjoy your work. Recall that the heap is still in place, and hasn't shrunk in the slightest.

10 Throw away an indeterminate number of plastic parts from who knows what, including two shiny red... uh... things. Try not to think that some of these plastics may be the most necessary parts of #3.

11 Attention! NEVER, under any circumstances, throw away: 1) balls, two rubber balls and one glass 2) a frozen feather, a snail shell and a bump 3) a stick 4) a fake glass from glasses. I repeat: under no circumstances should you throw it away. It is necessary. You just need it and that's it! These wings, broken off from something, are also needed. They are needed because Tydydysh! Breathe! Pew Pew!

13 Find your hair tie, lost a month ago. Fail to take her off the tank. Leave the rubber band in place, this is now a new guidance system.

14 Throw away the piece of cookie you found that you baked two months ago. Try not to think about why the cookie has a fresh bite.

15 If you find anything systemically organized (built with Lego or bricks; folded puzzle; coins in a row), leave it as it is, just move it to another place. Do not break under any circumstances. He is building an empire here, and you!