Skin care in spring (interview with a beautician). “Every decent woman should visit a beautician once a month!” Interview with star cosmetologist Nadezhda Vishchipanova

Elena Alexandrovna, did you want to become a doctor since childhood?

As a child, probably, like many girls and boys, I changed my idea of ​​my future profession every month. True, there were two main ones, which I adhered to with enviable constancy: a teacher and a doctor. However, there was another important point: thanks to our neighbors (a family of academic doctors), I had the best medical instruments among my peers. Therefore, all my friends brought their "sick" teddy bears and dolls to me for injections and procedures.

What was decisive in choosing a profession?

My teacher played a decisive role in choosing a profession. In the 9th grade, I entered the Real Gymnasium No. 92. Since I studied "excellently" from the 1st grade, the level of my preparation allowed me to choose any direction. But a large selection of options did not interfere with the decision. Grinberg M.Ya., an honored teacher of biology, managed to convince me that I was created for medicine. Following her advice, I made my choice. And after graduating from school, my path was clear - only St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after Mechnikov. So I became the first doctor in the family.

But why cosmetology?

Since I am an esthete by nature, I already knew from the first year that I would become a cosmetologist. I was happy to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the skin, attended courses in cosmetology. After graduating from the Academy, she entered the Clinical residency in the specialty: "Dermatovenereology". Then I studied full-time graduate school, which introduced me to GrandMed. I have been working as a cosmetologist in the Clinic since the foundation of the cosmetology department. We can say that GrandMed is my second home.

Is it possible to find a common language with all patients?

With almost everyone. It just takes the will and the time to do so. After all, a doctor must have not only professional knowledge, but also be able to communicate with people. I like that the appointment at the clinic is not put on a conveyor, and the time allotted for servicing one patient allows not only to perform the necessary procedure, but also to communicate. There is no rush, no fuss.

How often do people expect the impossible?

I would say differently. More often, people are surprised at the pleasant changes that have occurred with their appearance. Favorite phrase: "Doctor, but I used to be different..." Usually a person feels much younger than he looks. And my task is to bring everything into balance. Almost nothing is impossible. After all, we work in tandem with plastic surgeons, and we can fulfill people's desires in the ways that will give the maximum effect. Either it will be plastic, or cosmetology, or, which happens more often, an integrated approach that includes different methods and technologies.

Have there been any special cases in your practice?

Each case is unique. And I solve every problem of the patient as if it were my own.

Do you have a favorite cosmetic procedure?

I am confident in the future of phototherapy. The device I use allows solving a number of problems: excessive hair growth, the appearance of blood vessels on the face, age spots, as well as skin aging and uneven complexion. The most popular procedure among my patients, the name of which speaks for itself, is photorejuvenation. It stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, rejuvenating the skin from the inside. Photorejuvenation was created specifically for women who lead an active lifestyle, whose day is scheduled literally by the minute.

Are there men among your patients?

Men are always special patients. And the approach to them is completely different than to women. Women for the sake of beauty can endure anything. Men, on the other hand, want to relax during the procedure and in the end, be sure to get the desired result.

What procedures can you recommend for effective rejuvenation?

It happens that your photo is improved on the computer using the Photoshop program. I have nothing against it, but it will only help the image, not your face. But the procedure of photorejuvenation, which I will carry out, will help you and your photo look great without photoshop. The fact is that photorejuvenation allows you to really renew the skin, stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, and removes a number of defects: red blood vessels and age spots (both hormonal and resulting from the abuse of sunburn).

Also one of the most popular anti-aging procedures is LAFT rejuvenation. I am pleased to inform you that our experience with this device is one of the largest in St. Petersburg, and the results of the procedures performed impress even specialists at forums and congresses of cosmetologists.

And once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that if you want to get a lasting aesthetic result, and the changes on the skin are already very serious, remember that only a set of procedures can provide this.

For example, photobiomodulation is a combination of photorejuvenation and biorevitalization procedures! Recent scientific data have proven that the combination of these two techniques in a strictly defined sequence will reduce the total number of procedures and enhance their anti-aging effect.

Do not regret the time spent on yourself and change only for the better!

Interview: Margarita Virova

Meeting with a good beautician can radically change the attitude towards care, reduce senseless spending on inappropriate cosmetics and cleanse not only pores, but also the soul. However, it is often the visits to a specialist that fall into the category of empty expenses, which were caused not by the desire to make friends with your skin, but by problems that are no longer solved with your favorite cream. We asked several girls from different cities about what brought them to the beautician's office, what mistakes to avoid and how it turned out to get the most out of hiking.

Katya Lukyanova

medical student

For the first time I turned to the services of a beautician at the age of thirteen. To whom to go, there were no questions at all. I lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone, so it was easy to make inquiries. Puberty was in full swing, and the condition of the skin of the face left much to be desired. Unfortunately, at that age it was unrealistic to force me to follow all the recommendations (however, even now it is not always possible). I was prescribed a course of treatment, and I began to regularly go to the salon every 2-3 weeks. At that time, it seemed to me terribly adult and responsible. The hardest part was the diet. The attitude towards other appointments was much more serious, albeit not for long. During this time I have tried almost all cosmetics for problem skin. Moreover, the older I got, the more I felt how strongly they recommend to me exactly the company with which the salon has a contract. As a result, I use the usual baby cream.

After I moved to Moscow and unsuccessfully went to the salon a couple of times, I just started to be afraid to go somewhere and for a while I decided to completely abandon it. It still remains a mystery to me how residents of big cities find good specialists. Now my attitude to cosmetology has changed a lot. I myself am already a senior student at a medical university and go only to doctors I know. First, some of the recommendations now raise too many questions. Secondly, hearing about “marine collagen” and the like is now simply ridiculous, and in general, I have more confidence in qualified specialists.

Inga Rachkova


My acquaintance with the world of cosmetology began five years ago, as soon as I came of age. Despite the large number of “verified” cosmetologists, an intelligent doctor, whom I can confidently entrust my beauty and health to, I found only six months ago. Happiness did not last long, I moved to another city and now again in search of "the one." Unfortunately, I had to deal with negligent, sometimes even monstrous, in my opinion, attitude of the so-called specialists. For example, during a salicylic peel (and chemical peel, as you know, is a controlled burn), the beautician allowed herself to leave the office for twenty or twenty, Carl! - minutes. After that, there were serious consequences that I had to deal with alone: ​​neither the cosmetologist nor the clinic management could adequately comment on the situation and take responsibility for what happened.

One of the cosmetologists prescribed me oral contraceptives in the fight for beautiful skin, despite the fact that I did not even have moderate acne. Moreover, the appointment of OK was without testing, which is also a serious mistake. The following advice was also heard: “wipe the skin with chlorhexidine and alcohol”, “steam off your face, wipe with ice” - which is unacceptable with rosacea, which I inherited. Fortunately, a large amount of information on the Internet helps to independently reduce the number of errors in skin care. My combination skin requires regular cleaning (I prefer atraumatic) and good home care. Here I settled on cosmeceuticals containing acids.

In my opinion, the cosmetologist is obliged to collect an anamnesis. If you have been prescribed any procedures without it, you are at great risk. The specialist must have a higher specialized education, although now the presence of a diploma is also not a guarantee. It is good if you have the opportunity to contact the beautician after leaving the office: as a rule, questions arise about the condition of the skin. It should match your home care while providing an alternative in terms of price and affordability. For me, an important indicator is also the condition of the skin of the cosmetologist himself, since “a shoemaker without boots” is a bad option.

Olga Tarasova

11th grade student

I started going to a beautician around the age of 13-14, when I started having minor age-related skin problems. It was not difficult to find my doctor, because quite quickly through my friends I found out exactly about the beautician whom I still visit. Home care in accordance with the advice of a specialist has changed. If earlier I could just buy a well-known brand of facial cleanser in a pharmacy, now everything is different - and the effect, of course, is better. Of the mandatory procedures, I do the following: every day I wash my face with cream-soap, apply a mask that tightens pores, after the mask - a protective cream. In the evening, after washing, I use camphor cream.


The first time I went to a beautician at the age of 24 - then I stopped taking oral contraceptives and for the first time since adolescence I had skin problems. While taking hormonal drugs, the skin was close to the state of "baby bottom" without any effort and remained so even with the approach "I will wash you at least somehow and smear at least something." With the abolition of drugs, the situation has changed dramatically. After one particularly long morning retouching of all the rashes on my face, I decided: enough to endure this. It is worth saying that I did not particularly understand how the skin works and what are the causes of failures in its work. Therefore, I was guided by the principle "there is inflammation - it means that it is not washed cleanly enough." This logically followed the almost daily cleansing of the unfortunate face with scrubs, which, of course, only aggravated the situation, since the skin was very dry.

I started looking for a beautician. Questions from friends did not give a result, I did not want to go randomly to the salons. Omitting the details, I can formulate the first rule of the fight club: do not go to beauticians who accept in private offices. Perhaps I was just unlucky, but once again I would not want to go through a two-week healing of wounds on my face after a banal atraumatic cleansing. Add to that a ban on make-up for five days. There was no improvement after this procedure, which is not surprising - they never told me about the causes of skin problems. To my question about proper care, the beautician immediately said: “You need to buy professional products, I will give you a catalog of the brand I work with - buy from them.” This prospect somehow did not inspire me.

After the ill-fated first cleaning, for a couple of months I was afraid to even think about the next trip to the beautician. But somehow a photo of my friend appeared in the Instagram feed in one of the cosmetology clinics in our city. Since the skin condition of the author of the photo pleased me (yes, I know about the existence of Photoshop and filters, but this is not the case), I decided to try again. Frightened by the effect of the previous “atraumatic” cleansing, I signed up for an ultrasound in order to avoid severe damage to my face. After the procedure, I was told that before doing anything more serious than ultrasound, the skin needed to be cured, and I was advised to leave it alone - as much as possible. Completely abandon scrubs, buy a hypoallergenic Physiogel, drink a course of Laktofiltrum and see what happens in a month. A month later, I saw skin that needed a thin layer of powder instead of a half-hour application of tone, concealer, corrector, and so on. No, not perfect, but much cleaner.

Then there was another cleaning, already combined. I went to the procedure like hard labor, on Friday evening, in order to spend the next two days at home under the covers. However, it was recommended to give up makeup only for the next two hours after the procedure, and my face did not look intimidating at all. Finally, everything healed in five days, and since then global skin problems have not returned. If you take a break between cleanings for more than two and a half to three months, the situation, of course, worsens - but this is a great reminder that you should not put off visiting at all. I no longer make any decisions about changing care and procedures on my own - there is a doctor for this. The moral of this story is this: look for a good clinic and your doctor, and you will be happy and have clear skin.

Tanya Tsivlina

thermal power engineer

I went to the beautician in order to finally solve the problem of rashes on my face, having previously dealt with the main cause from the field of gynecology. I was looking for my doctor on the principle of word of mouth, the reviews on the Internet seemed unreliable to me. I had an idea about cosmetic procedures even before visiting a specialist, but after that it became clear what, when, where and why to inject, when to start doing it or not, and how to do without punctures, but keep a smooth face. In general, it is somehow premature to expect magic from cosmetologists at the age of 24. All problems with inflammation on the face are usually associated with either gastrointestinal problems or hormonal levels. Therefore, I would advise everyone who wants to put the solution of all skin problems on the shoulders of cosmetologists, first contact a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist and eliminate the cause, and then deal with the consequences on the face.

Polina Kirichenko


I believe that everyone comes to the beautician with different goals. If someone has the ingenuity and time to just provide the necessary skin care, then okay. But as far as real problems go, here's my story. From the age of twelve, my face was such that I hid it behind my hair. In search of “that one and only” cosmetologist, I met different guys who took some courses or promoted the miraculous cosmetics of one brand. At the age of sixteen (my self-esteem was already in the red, and the skin of my face was no better), I found the specialist who really saved my future. It was not just a beautician - it was a doctor. Diet is not the first thing that was prescribed to me. She sent me to take tests, to the endocrinologist and so on - the process began.

A year later, I didn't have a single pimple. And the beautician took only 250 hryvnias from me (about 600 rubles - ed.) for cleaning and nothing for advice on care, diet, rashes and so on. In general, I made this conclusion for myself: a beautician should be a guide from an external problem (face + acne) to an internal one (in my case, hormones). It’s good if it’s a doctor: in this way, most likely, you will cure not only the skin, but also solve an internal problem that may manifest itself in the future. Therefore, advice: look for a doctor and a conscientious person in the face of a beautician. The main thing to remember is that if scrub creams did not help to completely get rid of, for example, rashes, you may need to reconsider your diet or check your health. And immediately run away from those who advise not to use powder / foundation in any case. This is far from the first and not the third, from which your problems could arise, and an intelligent cosmetologist should know this. Now I communicate with my doctor-cosmetologist "VKontakte" to my complete pleasure.

Diana Pogozheva

Senior Specialist
at Gazprombank

I started going to the beautician when I started having problems with my face. Gradually, new needs and desires began to appear: to inject something, to freshen up, and so on. It’s not so easy to find “your” beautician, especially now that there are so many of them divorced. But here I was lucky, because my mother carefully monitors her appearance, and I just went to her own specialists. I use the services of three cosmetologists, two of them are from my mother, those that are “for years”. They are highly experienced and properly educated, I'm not even sure if they post photos of their work anywhere. I really like both of them, but each has its own technique, its own materials, so I share them: to one - to inject something, to the other - for peels and masks. I found the third beautician on Instagram - this is a girl with a bunch of clients and subscribers. I went to her once to pin up my lips a little: I needed a certain result, and I, in principle, got it.

My home care has changed, I started looking for certain brands with normal composition, suitable for my skin. I rarely make masks myself, I don’t need to be reminded of washing. Well, there were emergency funds at home, if something unpleasant unexpectedly pops up on the face.

An experienced cosmetologist is always needed in reserve, my advice is better than one. What is very important, a good specialist with great experience can give many recommendations on various procedures, even those that he does not do. The doctor will advise what tests to take and what can be checked. If you want to carry out any surgical interventions, then such a cosmetologist always has contacts of surgeons, to whom you can go for a consultation on the recommendation - it's always calmer that way.

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Interview with Zalina Tsallagova, cosmetologist at the Euphoria salon

Zalina, good afternoon! Tell us, how long have you been working as a cosmetologist and where did you study?

I have been a beautician for 14 years. First, I received a medical education, and then studied on a private basis with the famous cosmetologist and esthetician Rosa Sarkitova. Later she graduated from the Dolores Academy, studied at the Hair-School training center, took seminar courses at Mila dOpiz, CNC cosmetic, Biodroga, Cellcosmet, Swisdermil.

I still regularly attend various conferences on aesthetic cosmetology, because the beauty industry is constantly evolving, and you need to improve your knowledge as much as possible in order to give your clients professional advice and provide them with decent care at the highest level.

And why did you, having received a medical education, not become a doctor, but went into cosmetology?

I wanted to be a cosmetologist from the very beginning, and I received a medical education for this very reason. At the age of 10, I realized that this was my calling - to make people beautiful. It inspires me a lot.

What do you consider the most important thing in the work of a cosmetologist?

I believe that the most important thing in the work of a cosmetologist is the desire and ability to help human nature, reveal its natural beauty and make it more well-groomed and healthy. After all, not only the external, but also the internal state depends on this.

I have noticed more than once that after the procedures my clients become more harmonious, reveal their femininity, gain self-confidence and a positive attitude and carry it further into the world. Feeling our external attractiveness and internal beauty helps us become happier and more successful.

What procedures do you enjoy doing the most and why?

Most of all I like to do beauty treatments and massages. At the time of these procedures, I feel incredible inspiration and pleasure in anticipation of the result, as I see how the face and skin are transformed literally before our eyes - it becomes younger, tightened, renewed, and begins to shine. And I am happy that I help a person become more beautiful.

What procedures are most in demand among your clients?

My clients often do waxing. As they say, I have a very light hand, which makes the process less painful. Treatments and massages are also very popular - this is always a guaranteed result even from one procedure. Clients especially like the effect after leaving, because in addition to the energy of my hands, the cosmetics on which I prefer to work are of great importance in this case - they are really of very good quality, and, of course, the absolute sterility of the materials used. As for massage, it is really a complete relaxation, because for 14 years of work I was able to improve it to a very high level. And through constant practice, I chose the most effective and pleasant techniques.

If we are talking about a regular visit, then 2 times a month is enough. In the case of clients with problematic skin or with active aging processes, as well as any other skin problems, diagnostics are carried out, then a consultation and a course of procedures necessary in a particular case is prescribed.

I approach each client individually and prescribe what is suitable exclusively for this person. And I am very glad that the extensive line of professional cosmetic products presented in the company I work for can solve almost any problem, from teenage problems and skin recovery after stress to age-related changes.

Do I need to go to a beautician if at first glance nothing bothers me?

Considering that we live in a metropolis, and our skin is constantly exposed to stress, both from external factors, and from nutrition and lifestyle in general, it is necessary to visit a beautician if only in order to cleanse the skin qualitatively and saturate it with vitamins. Home care is not able to give the skin a complete renewal and saturation. I repeat that everything that I recommend has been repeatedly tested by me on myself personally and on my clients who have been coming to me for many years. And, believe me, the difference between home and professional care is cardinal.

What are your tips for those who want to have beautiful and healthy skin?

First of all, it is care, more enhanced and active in the salon and supporting at home. In skin care, the main rule is regularity. Try to drink more clean water and watch your diet - it should be moderate and varied. Get enough sleep, be outdoors more often. And be sure to think positively, because the hormones of happiness transform and rejuvenate us better than any cosmetics. Love and take care of yourself! Here are my basic beauty rules.

I invite you to our cozy salon, where only high-class masters work, where there is always a friendly atmosphere and very pleasant promotions are regularly held. And on my own behalf, I guarantee that I will do everything in my power so that you leave happier, more joyful and beautiful! See you!

Thank you for the interview!

Article provided by the salon:

About how skin care around the eyes differs in 20 and 30 years, what to do if the swelling is permanent, and what means can help in the fight against them, says cosmetologist-esthetician Elena Kutkovich.

Elena Kutkovich,

At a young age, the skin around the eyes often requires only moisturizing.

- If we talk about the skin around the eyes and its features, then they certainly exist. For example, the top layer contains much fewer rows of cells. That is why the skin here is particularly thin. It also has fewer elastic fibers and no subcutaneous fat.

Accordingly, the skin quickly loses and loses its barrier functions. But the load on the circular muscle of the eye, located under the skin, is intense.

We spend a lot of time at computers, driving, on the phone. Tension, lack of sleep, stressful moments - everything affects the condition of the skin around the eyes.

The specialist explains that the first signs of problems sometimes appear at 18 or 20 years old. This is because people from a very young age are often overloaded (study, work).

- At an early age of 20+, it is easy to deal with the problem. Enough good cleansing and moisturizing gels on an ongoing basis.

At 35+, the skin around the eyes needs special care.

At 35+, well-chosen care is already needed. Moreover, the compositions must be reinforced. These are not just moisturizing ingredients (such as hyaluronic acid, light extracts and antioxidants).

It is better to use products with antioxidants and vitamins (A, C, E and B3). They are able to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, reduce wrinkles and signs of photoaging, even out the tone. Tonic substances such as green tea extract (contains caffeine), ginkgo biloba (for skin tone), peptides and ceramides (help strengthen the protective and barrier functions of the skin) will not interfere. Chamomile, cucumber, calendula, chestnut in the composition of the funds can help fight swelling and soothe delicate skin.

The specialist explains that the skin under the eyes is thin. Due to anatomical features, many Slavic girls have large beautiful eyes. Naturally, the periorbital space is also large. It is in this area that mimic wrinkles are more often formed, which constantly deepen over time.

– That is why sometimes I recommend to my clients the use of oils, but it is light, not all. It can be jojoba oil, almond, avocado, macadamia, peach. They nourish the skin and maintain its hydrolipidic mantle. However, with each of these tools you need to be as careful as possible.

The area around the eyes is sensitive, so it is necessary to select only high-quality cosmetics. The skin here is vulnerable, especially if there are aggressive components and allergens. Someone even has a tendency to edema. Therefore, it is not worth sparing money when choosing skin care products around the eyes.

The specialist explains: to see the result, you need constancy. A cream, for example, needs to work on the skin for at least 4-6 weeks before it can be evaluated.

- For the effect you need time, constancy of care and a competent formula of the product. The following substances are undesirable in the composition: silicone (components ending cone and xane), bitionol (Bithionol), aluminum acetate (Aluminum Acetate), propylene glycol (Propylene Glycol), mineral oils. Such substances abound, as a rule, cheap cosmetics.

- And how do you feel about folk remedies (homemade masks) for facial skin care?

- I can't answer for sure. Naturally, some "grandmother's recipes" are included in modern products (for example, active substances). Today, there is a lot of advice on the Internet, with the undesirable consequences of which we, specialists, often have to work with.

The specialist says that women often try to get rid of swelling under the eyes. Compresses really help to solve this problem. But tea bags do not always cope with this. Indeed, in them, in addition to tonic substances, there are also tannins. It is better to use a modern analogue of compresses - patches under the eyes.

- In the care of women's skin (including around the eyes), a system is needed. Even such a seemingly simple procedure as washing can be harmful. Especially if you stretch the skin and constantly use the wrong movements. This will eventually lead to wrinkles. The same result can be achieved if you choose products that do not cleanse the skin well. Indeed, in this case, you will need to make more efforts to get rid of cosmetics.

To remove makeup from the area around the eyes, any tool that works quickly will do.

Elena explains: choosing an eye makeup remover is easy. The main thing to remember is that its main task is to remove makeup as quickly as possible with minimal skin friction and the number of movements.

- The choice of make-up remover also depends on what kind of cosmetics the girl uses. Today there is a lot of professional with dense textures. Therefore, the choice of means for removing makeup is an individual matter. For example, I use two-phase cosmetic products. The only thing I carefully select according to the composition and my own feelings.

For the beauty of the area around the eyes, overall health is important

The cosmetologist adds: if persistent edema appears in the paraorbital zone constantly, then it is important to pay attention to the general state of health. In particular, on the neck and spine. Often it is the manifestations of osteochondrosis that are the cause of stagnation of blood outflow in the lymph of the paraorbital region. The blood supply is disturbed, respectively, there are swelling and bruising under the eyes.

- Everything else is well regulated by sleep, drinking regimen, properly selected cosmetics and facial exercises.

Now there are many techniques for working with facial muscles. You can consult with professionals or choose exercises on the Internet. The main thing is to do gymnastics regularly. This keeps the skin in good shape and prevents it from relaxing. However, this method is unlikely to help cope with age-related skin changes.

Women's mistakes in skin care around the eyes

Some girls believe that a good facial product is also suitable for the area around the eyes. This is wrong.

- The second mistake is applying the cream very close to the mucous membrane of the eye and immediately before bedtime (preferably a few hours before bedtime). This tactic often gives congestion and swelling. Sometimes girls use a cream not for their age. For example, too active means begin to use at an early age.

To avoid mistakes, you need to consult with a specialist. Cosmetics don't have to be expensive. And there are strong positions in budget funds.

Cosmetologist Tatyana Kildishova:"Beauty is hard work"

Tatyana Etvaldovna Kildishova - cosmetologist, high-class professional - represents the Beauty Laboratory "INGENIUM". She will tell us not only about her institution, but also about the tasks of modern cosmetology, about new techniques, about how to preserve beauty and youth for many years to come.

Education: medical higher education, graduated from Siberian State Medical University, internship in dermatovenereology, worked in her specialty for 2 years. At the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in St. Petersburg, she received the specialty "dermatocosmetologist". She received the specialty "doctor-cosmetologist" at the Siberian State Medical University.

Job title: cosmetologist, head of the cosmetology department of the Ingenium Beauty Laboratory.

Attitude to the profession: Beautician is an interesting and at the same time very responsible profession that requires a creative approach. A cosmetologist is not only an exceptional professional in medicine, but also a psychologist who knows how to understand and listen. And, of course, this is a profession that constantly requires the improvement of professional knowledge and skills.

The main thing in life: family, 17-year-old daughter, favorite work.

Hobby: loves to go mushroom picking with the whole family. He reads a lot, mostly vital philosophical literature, loves to draw and knit.

- Tatyana, what is the characteristic feature of the institution in which you work, what is its credo?

Our rules are honesty, competence and great responsibility. We never promise the patient mountains of gold and amazingly fast results. It's not professional. We rely on the professionalism of our employees, as well as on their talent. That's how our name translates. INGENIUM" - "ability and talent".

We strive to convey to our clients that beauty and youth are the result of constant efforts: both the beautician and the patient himself. It is not enough to remove external signs, it is necessary to eliminate the very cause of skin aging or hair disease, and only in this case we will be able to achieve good results together.

What is the basic rule of beauty? Does something depend on the person himself, or will modern cosmetology turn any woman into a “written beauty”?

Of course, beauty can be made. For example, to some specific date. But for how long? It must be understood that beauty is hard work that requires consistency and self-discipline.

The most important thing for getting results is motivation. For example, when a mother with a teenage child comes to us for a consultation on problematic skin, I always wonder who brought whom: the mother of the child or vice versa. If the mother was the initiator, then it is hardly worth expecting from the child that he will follow all the recommendations - to wash and apply the remedy correctly. And if, nevertheless, this problem worries the child himself, then the effect is already half guaranteed.

Often patients believe that to get a 100% result, it is enough to take a course. cosmetic procedures. But we must not forget that the skin is an organ, a part of our body. Failure in the work of one organ leads to disruption of the activity of all systems and organs. And we often advise you to undergo a series of examinations to find out the cause of the problems that have appeared on the skin. This is very convenient for our patients, since our cosmetology department is a structural subdivision of the Diagnostic Center. Practice shows that joint treatment by a cosmetologist and narrow specialists gives the best results.

As for examinations, everything seems to be clear to everyone, but some patients do not find time for this. And since the cause has not been established, the effect of the procedures may be temporary, and after some period they will have to be repeated.

At what age should a woman start taking care of maintaining her beauty and youth? For example, many people turn to cosmetic clinics in Tomsk at the age of 40, when the signs of aging become obvious. And is it perhaps too late?

A woman should take care of preserving her beauty and youth from adolescence. You need to know how to properly care for yourself, so as not to harm, but to increase beauty.

From the age of 25, it is imperative to use a cream. And from the age of 35, regularly, once a week, visit the cosmetologist's office.

After 40 years, a woman, as a rule, already has adult children, an accomplished career, but not always a wonderful appearance. Most women in our time at this age look several years younger than their mothers or grandmothers at the same years. However, it is after forty that we begin to pay for the careless attitude to our skin. Therefore, we may need not only cream and masks, but more serious procedures.

All chronic diseases are reflected on the skin of the face after 40 years, so pay attention not only to appearance, but to the state of the body as a whole. Don't relax! It's time to help the skin so that it is young, as it can no longer cope on its own. After forty, you need to say goodbye to bad habits, meet with a beautician more often and go to the gym, eat right and take good care of your skin. And remember that a woman can be beautiful at any age, and life after forty years is just beginning for many.

Progress does not stand still, new techniques are constantly being introduced. So why do we need a banal cosmetic massage of the face or body, when there are, for example, injection techniques?

A variety of methods of exposure to the skin are important. They complement each other, not exclude each other. For young skin, massage is suitable, at a more mature age, hardware techniques and injection methods of correction are added.

This is a whole science, and only a cosmetologist will be able to choose an individual treatment program for each individual patient - without harm to the skin.

- What factor most quickly destroys natural beauty and youth?

The sun and once again the sun, which is the culprit of premature skin aging. Under the influence of excessive ultraviolet radiation, the DNA of skin cells is damaged, which can lead to a decrease in immunity and the development of skin cancer; the elasticity of blood vessels is lost, which leads to rosacea. Melanogenesis is disrupted, and this provokes the appearance of age spots. These conditions are difficult and expensive to treat.

So many people say, but what about vitamin D? But in order to get the required dose of this vitamin, you need to stay in the sun for only 10 minutes a day. We love to lie on the beach for hours.

Remember: how was it in the old days? Ladies walked with umbrellas, their skin was snow-white and smooth. A tanned woman was considered a commoner, because she probably worked in the field, so she got tanned ...

It is characteristic that in our country there is a cult of tanning. In other countries, especially in the south, children know from an early age that a lot of sun is very harmful. And only in Russia, young girls run to the solarium, where the exposure is 10 times stronger!

Please tell us about the new products that have recently been introduced in your beauty laboratory or are being prepared for implementation.

We are glad that a trichologist is again visiting our department, who will select individual programs for the treatment of hair loss, alopecia and other pathological conditions of the scalp and hair.

Among the new products, I would like to present Italian professional cosmetics belonging to the class bioceuticals. This is a new generation of cosmetic products aimed at combating skin aging. Bioceuticals- a radical change in ideas about cosmetic products. They have a high degree of activity, work at all levels of the skin, rejuvenating and structurally renewing it. This cosmetic is so unique that it allows you to go to the beach after the procedure to get a beautiful, even, long-lasting tan without harm to the skin. And also can restore the skin after solar insolation.

I also want to note the ability of this cosmetic to restore the vascular wall of a damaged vessel, reducing its permeability and skin sensitivity to thermal changes.

One of the latest innovations is threadlifting- a unique technique for installing threads from an absolutely safe, self-absorbable material for rejuvenation and three-dimensional modeling of the face and body, which allows you to achieve a lifting effect in just one procedure, comparable in result to a surgical lift.

The introduction of mesothreads is a revolution in the methods of lifting and reinforcing the face and body, which were inaccessible to other methods of correction.

Advantages of the method:

security, because mesothreads completely absorbed

No scars and scars: the procedure is performed without incisions, through miniature punctures.

Youth for a long time: biolamination with threads gives a long-lasting effect of rejuvenation.

Fast: outpatient procedure under local anesthesia lasts 30-40 minutes.

Excellent esthetic result without compromising business activity.

Well tolerated by patients.

. bioreinforcement performed by an experienced cosmetologist in sterile conditions, which eliminates the risk of complications.

A SPA-cabinet has also been opened in our department, which widely uses both skin care procedures (wrap, massage) and apparatus methods (vacuum and laser therapy) for body shaping.

Those who wish can purchase gift certificates for all these procedures and make a nice gift to their friends, relatives and colleagues!

Interviewed by Alla Ivonina