Install the mod on smart residents. Helpful Villagers - mod for smart villagers

The Helpful Villagers mod is a great addition to the standard Minecraft, in which ordinary villagers will now be more helpful to you. This is a mod for smart residents for Minecraft 1.7.10. Usually, if you meet a resident, then the place of his life is most often the starting point for you to develop a village or city. But the problem is that the standard villages in the game are very mundane and simple, and essentially useless. But with this mod, everything can change. Now you can assign professions and skills to all villagers and they will become smart and will benefit you.

The main aspect of the Helpful Villagers mod is the Guild Hall, you need it to unlock all professions. And then, in order to give a resident work on the wall of the house, where there is an entrance door, you need to place a frame, place in this frame a tool corresponding to his future work, for example, an ax - a lumberjack; hoe - farmer, etc. Do such manipulations with all available professions and you will have your own subsidiary plot or even production.

Then find the idly staggering villager. Right click on it and you will be able to assign it to work. And then you need to either put enough tools of all types in the town hall or manually distribute these same tools to everyone.

After all this, all the appointed residents will each go to their work. At first it will seem that everything is going very slowly, but over time, farmers, lumberjacks, fishermen, miners and many other smart people will be under your command. Feel like a feudal lord or a landowner.

And one more important point. Now every villager in Minecraft with the Helpful Villagers mod has its own inventory. This is good not only for them to keep all the extracted resources and things there, but you can also use this free space for your own purposes by placing the things you need there, and then ask the villager to follow you with a self-propelled chest.

Maud Comes Alive will make the inhabitants in Minecraft Pocket Edition much smarter and now you can communicate with them, interact and even build relationships.

At the moment, the mod is still under development, but already now you can evaluate some of the functionality. We will monitor the release of new versions and will update this post =)

Create a new world and make sure you are in survival mode. You will be given an item crystal ball(ID: 4000) (will be in inventory). Click on the ground with this item to continue.

You will find yourself in a small room with bookshelves and an enchantment table. Click on the table to decide your fate. A small graphical interface will open and here you need to choose whether you want to be a man or a woman.

I chose a man Male). But you can also pass a woman! =)

The next question that will appear in the window is which field you wish to marry. You can choose both male and female Either), but in this case I chose women ( females).

Now you will be asked to enter your name, but this does not work yet, so just click on continue ( Continue).

The fourth and final question will affect your future destiny, so be careful with it!

At the moment, none of these options work, but this will be done in the next version!

  • I have a family - will create you in a house with a wife and children (0-2).
  • I live alone / alone - will create you alone in the house.
  • I live in a village - will create you in a populated village.
  • None of the options - you will be returned to the world, but you will also be able to find villages and inhabitants to communicate with them.

How to interact with residents?

You can find residents in the villages. To interact with a resident, you need to look at him and a button will appear Interact. Click this button and the interface will open.

As you can see, the interface is very nice. The villager's name will appear above.


  • Interact - in development
  • Follow me - will follow you
  • Stay here - will stand still
  • Free movement - will just walk
  • Trade - in development
  • Set home point - in development
  • Special - in development

And as we said, not all features are still working in the mod and they will be replenished in the next updates.

Other features

At the moment, most of the items are not implemented and they are not needed for anything yet, but they will work fully in the future.

Item IDs and crafting

  • Magic crystal (id - 4000)
  • Baby (id - 4001)
  • Baby (id - 4002)
  • The offspring of a man (id - 4003)
  • The offspring of a woman (id - 4004)
  • Needle (id - 4005) - 1 iron ingot
  • Needle and thread (id - 4006) - 1 Needle + 1 thread
  • Fabric (id - 4007) - 1 Needle and String + 1 white wool
  • New equipment (id - 4008) - 8 Cloth
  • Tombstone (id - 4009) - 6 stones + 1 tablet
  • Whistle (id - 4010) - 4 iron ingots + 1 planks
  • Divorce paper (id - 4011) - 1 ink bag + sheet + 1 pen
  • Resident editor (id - 4012)

Villagers will turn into real likeness of live players. Family mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4 - Comes Alive takes the concept of "intelligent mobs" to a new level. Each of the new townspeople has its own appearance, occupation, name, and most importantly - character. Now ordinary conversations with NPCs will turn into realistic conversations.

It doesn't matter if you don't know English, everything is translated into Russian. Choose a resident you like, get to know him, make friends, give gifts and soon you will be able to move into one house and start a real family. New types of items in the form of jewelry, clothes and other things will help you win friendship and love. Meet citizens from different fields of activity, discuss various events with them using a convenient dialogue menu, get married or get married and have children. To install this wonderful addition, just download the family mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4 - Comes Alive and soon you will be able to live in a truly lively village with intelligent inhabitants.

Video review Comes Alive

How to install?

  1. Download and install the required Forge from the mods section.
  2. Download the Comes Alive mod for Minecraft and move it to the %appdata%/.minecraft/mods directory.
  3. Launch the game with the Forge profile (selected in the launcher). All is ready!

A wonderful modification that will make your life in Minecraft more fun and full of meaning. The Comes Alive mod opens up incredible possibilities related to the relationship between the villagers. It's just incredible, but you can have a family and children! Propose to your beloved by crafting a cute ring, and she is completely yours. Then, undoubtedly, you will have children, and you will watch, sitting by the fireplace, how they grow up, learn new things and discover this huge cubic world of Minecraft.

On this page you can download Comes Alive for Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and 1.7.10. As always, you will also need Forge for some versions of RadixCore.

Features of the Comes Alive mod

  • The villagers will become more developed - they will receive gender (female and male) and more than 200 unique skins.
  • You will be able to chat with them, hire them, ask them to follow you and give them gifts.
  • Thanks to the Comes Alive modification, you will be able to build relationships, up to marriage.
  • Of course, after the creation of a marriage union, the logical continuation would be to have children. And you will have such an opportunity! Kids will grow up and will help you in every possible way.
  • In addition, after your children grow up, they will be able to start their own family and their own children.
  • In Minecraft Hardcore mode with the Comes Alive mod activated, a surprise awaits you.

crafting recipes

Craft a wedding ring to marry a villager. You can start with a wedding ring, in which case you will receive gifts.

Craft an engagement ring before the wedding and present it to your chosen one to receive gifts from the villagers.

Two pimp rings can be used to organize a wedding between villagers.

Tombstone. The Comes Alive mod for Minecraft does not make villagers immortal.

With the help of a whistle, you can call your whole family.

Divorce document. Craft if we want to get a divorce.

The crown will turn you into a monarch, which will make it possible to hire villagers for free.

Crown of the heir. Give it to your children and they will be able to keep your things if you suddenly die.

The Comes Alive mod also adds clothes to Minecraft that are purely decorative.

Decorative crown.