Fell in love with a girl: How to behave? What should a girl do if she fell in love, how to behave Girls fall very much in love with

It is believed that women are very amorous natures. But only those who really do not know men think so.

If you ever saw a really loving man. They saw how self-confident, formidable and huge as a rock, the uncle turns into a shy young man at the sight of his beloved. You will understand what I am talking about.

Before true love, no masculine character, restraint, self-control can resist. Moreover, the most hardened and unapproachable bachelors change the most when Cupid hits them with his arrow. Men fall in love each time completely and irrevocably, as if jumping into a cold river.

Moreover, it is very simple to explain such a male “defencelessness” before love. Let's take a look at its causes together.

Men are used to crushing emotions ...

… but when men fall in love, and feelings break out, they can’t be stopped.

This is the reason for the sometimes reckless actions of men in love. They are ready for all sorts of feats for the lady of their heart.

This is because men have been suppressing their emotions for years, ignoring feelings. They try to appear confident and prudent (otherwise they simply cannot become successful in a male society).

But when a woman touches the secret strings of their souls. When with her they can be yourself and let your feelings go. After that, “putting the genie back into the bottle” and again crushing emotions in yourself is already very difficult.

Men become attached to a woman who has truly captured their heart. They are ready to do anything for her. Moreover, it is very difficult for them to let go of such a woman. Indeed, without it, the bright world of feelings and emotions simply will not exist. Only with her next to her the world becomes different and something happens to them beyond their control.

Therefore, according to statistics, it is women who, more often than men, initiate the dissolution of marriages and long-term relationships. Men are not ready to let go of their beloved women so easily.

Men don't doubt their feelings

This is one of the reasons why men fall in love so quickly.

Women are taught almost from childhood to understand feelings, to get to the bottom of their essence. They teach not to succumb to the first impulses of emotions and to cope with experiences. Women understand when feelings take over, and make allowance for it.

With men, the situation is different.

They rarely question or try to explain the strong feelings that appear in them. They were just never taught that. If a strong feeling has appeared, then it should be so (approximately such a line of reasoning).

This applies to all feelings, including love.

A man does not doubt the woman herself, who evokes a real feeling of love in him. He simply accepts everything "as is", proves his love with actions and hopes for reciprocity.

They rarely do this

Unlike women, for men, such sensations are a deficit.

Women maintain a strong emotional connection with each other. They can experience tides of tenderness, affection and kindness in the circle of friends, relatives, children. They can experience strong excitement and passion for their favorite pastime.

Men, in the circle of their friends and at work, are reserved and cold.

They don't hug and comfort each other, they don't jump together for joy, they don't pour out their hearts to their friends. They don't tell their friends about their most secret inner desires and fears. They almost never ask for advice in spiritual matters, and God forbid talking about feelings or experiences.

When a woman brings warmth, affection, understanding, joy, emotions, passion into relationships, which she has become accustomed to in her life. For a man, this is something new.

Moreover, this is a deficit that they cannot get anywhere except in a relationship. Having experienced all these sensations, it becomes very difficult to refuse them.

So why do men disappear and break hearts?

There are many reasons why men fall in love much faster than women. But on the condition that it really love .

Not tricks that they see perfectly (after all, they have already come across them in the past). Not trying to hook him to the quick or make him prove that he is worth something (all this has nothing to do with love). Not a persistent "conquest or subjugation" campaign. And it’s definitely not the desire to just seduce “for show”. All this at best will provide a short romance.

A man cannot resist true love. And he is ready for anything for the sake of the one that awakened this feeling.

The only problem is that even sincerely in love women too often try to “conquer” or “seduce” men. Unfortunately, forgetting that they can fall in love .

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Sooner or later, a feeling of love enters the life of any girl. How to understand that you are really in love with a person, and this is not really a fleeting, meaningless hobby?

I think I'm in love, how can I check

People in love, first of all, want to spend as much time as possible with the object of their sympathy. They are characterized by fantasies about a possible future together and reflections on whether a lover or beloved is experiencing reciprocal feelings. If you catch yourself thinking about a person almost constantly. then most likely. you are indifferent to him. Although, of course, there are many other signs.

What is love

Women's opinion

Most women believe that if a man loves her, then she will certainly feel and see it. A man in love, in the representation of the beautiful half of humanity, constantly renders signs of attention to the object of sympathy. If a guy rarely calls, invites you on dates a little, is not very generous, is not interested in the affairs of the girl, then she will consider that the boyfriend does not have serious feelings for her.

Most often, women believe that a man's love is manifested in the actions that they are ready to go for the sake of their chosen ones. Material confirmation of feelings is also important - even if a guy makes small surprises to his beloved, she understands that, most likely, he is not indifferent to him. Also, a woman is usually convinced that a man in love will not be interested in someone else, and if she catches him flirting with a certain lady, then it is quite possible to lose faith in his love.

Men's opinion

The vast majority of men agree with women in the opinion that love inevitably implies care and various signs of attention. In part, they expect from the chosen one the attitude that their mother showed them. In their opinion, a loving woman should be interested in the affairs of her beloved, not deny him intimacy, admire him, listen to his opinion, and the like.

From the point of view of psychology

Love is different, and everyone can express this feeling in their own way. For example, a man may feel an all-consuming and passionate love for one woman. Being carried away by this woman, he will always strive for physical possession of her.

Over time, feelings may fade away, and the same man will fall in love with another woman, but this time the nature of his love will manifest itself differently - sexual interest will not be expressed as clearly as before, and now the man will strive to take care of his chosen one, patronage.

That is, a man can experience completely different feelings for different women throughout his life, but every time it will be love.

Signs of a person in love

So, you feel that you are in love with a certain person, but how to determine this for sure? There are several clear signs.

1. Suspiciousness

You think for a long time over each randomly thrown phrase thrown by the object of sympathy, trying to find some secret and very important meaning in it. Ordinary words you can interpret in a completely unexpected way - both for the better and for the worse for yourself. Even if the guy just said “Hi!” to you, you try again and again to remember the intonation with which the greeting was uttered in order to determine how the lover feels about you.

2. Curiosity

You are trying to find out as much information as possible about the past and present of the man you like. You are interested in literally everything that has to do with him - with whom he met before, where he works, what he is fond of, with whom he is friends, what kind of character he has. Subsequently, you can go further - find the guy’s ex-lover on the Web, study her page in detail, trying to understand what attracted the chosen one in this girl.

3. Jealousy

It seems unbearable to you that the person you love can be carried away by someone other than you. It is unpleasant for you if he shows signs of attention to someone, and you react painfully to information that he is interested in someone. If your chosen one is registered on social networks, you carefully study his profile in order to find out with whom he communicates the most.

4. Resourcefulness

If in the near future you have no reasons for meetings and correspondence, you yourself are trying to find them, or even come up with them. Knowing where the object of sympathy works or studies, you can “completely by chance” end up in that area. Also, you will not miss the opportunity to write a message or call the guy you like, even if the reason for this looks very unconvincing.

5. Unusual behavior

In the presence of your lover, you behave very differently than usual, and in this case two extremes can be noted. In the first case, you begin to be shy and withdraw into yourself, sometimes it is physically difficult for you to start a conversation with the person you fell in love with. As a rule, such changes in behavior are immediately noticed by mutual friends. In the second case, you begin to show unprecedented activity. You want to impress your loved one - you start talking loudly and a lot, joking out of place, often laughing and fussing.

6. Change of mood

You see yourself changing moods more and more often. You can all morning, smiling happily, reflect on what the prospects for your potential relationship might be. Already after a couple of hours, you can be in a gloomy and depressed mood, without waiting for the desired sign of attention from your beloved, or even for no apparent reason at all. If you do not yet know whether your love is mutual, then you can constantly be thrown from a feeling of euphoria to absolute confusion and emptiness.

7. Desire to be better

You want to admire the man you love and please him. In pursuit of this goal, a woman often decides to change in style, and often they can be very unusual. Now you spend more time in front of the mirror, carefully select your wardrobe and think over your makeup.

8. Willingness to “tune in” to his taste

Did you find out that before your lover preferred to meet dark-haired girls, but you yourself are a platinum blonde? The revealed information can push you to drastic changes and make you go to the hairdresser to change your hair color. Did you find out that the guy you like is fond of football? Even if you were far from the world of sports before, now you are starting to wonder which players play in your favorite team and what days the matches take place. Such examples can relate to almost everything - appearance, character, manner of dressing, hobbies, and the like.

Of course, love and falling in love are not the same thing! What are the key differences between these feelings, which some people often confuse?

How to recognize love

  • Love does not arise suddenly, from scratch - it is simply impossible. It appears gradually, taking up more and more space in your life. Communicating with a person again and again, and getting to know him from new sides, you understand that the feeling for him is becoming deeper and more conscious.
  • It may take months or years to get rid of this feeling - it slowly settles in your life, and also gradually leaves it.
  • If you love, then you are not able to be carried away by another person for a while. Your chosen one is the only man in whom you are sincerely interested.
  • You do not idealize your beloved, but clearly see all his shortcomings. However, you accept that your loved one is not perfect, and appreciate him exactly as he is, without trying to “fit” him into some perfect image of himself.
  • Love makes you better. You find inspiration in yourself for new achievements. Even if a loved one chose not you, but you know that he is happy, then you are not angry or jealous - you completely accept this outcome.

Differences between infatuation and love

  • Love can flare up instantly. Yesterday you did not know about the existence of this person, and today you already imagine how you will play a wedding with him and give birth to children for him.
  • This feeling can disappear from life as quickly as it flared up. Disappointed in the chosen one, you can be sad or cry for a couple of days, but when you meet an equally interesting guy, switch your attention to him and go headlong into a new novel.
  • If a girl declares that she loves two young people at the same time, and does not know how to determine her feelings, then in fact there is no love in her life. There is love, passion, lust, passion, but not love.
  • You tend to idealize the guy you like. Subsequently, you begin to understand that this person is not the same as you imagined him before, and you can even say: “You are not the one I loved.” This is true, you were fascinated by a fictional image that had little in common with a real person. Now you know this guy better and the former charm of him began to melt.
  • Sometimes, you realize that this feeling is destroying you. You become irritable or jealous, putting forward more and more claims to your lover. You can also fall into a state of depression if the guy does not live up to the expectations placed on him.

How to determine that these are real feelings, and not a habit

1. Think about whether you would want to build a relationship with this person if you initially knew all his shortcomings and could roughly guess how your relationship would develop further? If love lives in your heart, then you will answer this question in the affirmative.

2. Also, in order to dispel doubts, you can imagine next to you a man who, according to your ideas, can be called an ideal. Determine for yourself, would you trade your chosen one for this “perfect” person? If your relationship is more habit than love, then you will choose an unattainable ideal.

4. If you increasingly catch yourself thinking that you like another man or the objects of your sympathy are constantly changing, then, apparently, only habit keeps you with your current boyfriend or husband.

What if I'm in love and he doesn't notice

Get his attention. Of course, if the young man who attracts you does not notice you, then the most logical thing would be to try to attract his attention. If you are unfamiliar, then find him on a social network and write a message. For starters, just try to make an acquaintance. If you already know each other and see each other from time to time, then you have a chance to attract him with a change in image.

Learn about his tastes. It can be about both hobbies and girls that he liked before. try to determine which type he prefers, if you have anything in common with this type and if you can somehow get closer to him. also find out what the guy is into. Perhaps these hobbies will seem interesting to you, and subsequently you will get closer precisely on this basis.

Find new interests. Try to become more interesting for your chosen one, as long as he does not show interest. You can find many exciting hobbies that will boost your self-esteem and present you in a new light in the eyes of your lover.

If the guy is much younger or older

Such relationships have their pros and cons. Let's consider them in more detail.

Pros and cons if the guy is older

The disadvantages of such relationships often follow from their advantages. As she grows older, the girl ceases to need the advice and support of a man, and she begins to annoy her guardianship and authoritarianism.

Pros and cons if the guy is younger

Recently, there are more and more couples in which the girl is much older than her partner. Disillusioned with their peers, tired of their busy careers and pragmatism, girls begin to look for romance, and often lovers who are younger than them are able to provide such feelings. The guys see their advantages in such a connection - they like that the partner is more experienced and in many ways seems more interesting to them than their peers - while the chosen one, most often, looks no worse than them, but in some ways surpasses them.

A disadvantage for a woman can be a feeling of self-doubt. It begins to seem to her that the guy will soon get tired of such an affair, and he will turn his eyes to younger girls.

Unrequited love

Many women are faced with unrequited feelings, but if you make some effort, you can deal with it. Spend more time with your friends, meet new people, keep your days busy with interesting activities, and you will have less and less opportunity and desire to indulge in thoughts about not working relationships.

A change of scenery may also help. Embark on an exciting journey - for sure, you will return back with completely different thoughts.

The most important thing is not to get hung up on a person who is not interested in you. Stop following his life and do not try to get in touch with him if he does not want to. Also, stop harassing or intrusive calls to him. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is cut him out of your life completely. Otherwise, you risk sinking into depression for a long time.

Statistics and interesting facts

  • As it turned out, when meeting guys, they often turn their attention to the face, rather than to the figure. If they like the face of a girl, then this is enough for falling in love, even if her figure is far from perfect.
  • Most often, a guy can be sympathetic to a girl, in whose facial features he finds something in common with his own facial features. In general, any coincidence in hobbies and outlook on life can provoke the appearance of falling in love.
  • Falling in love, a person becomes more distracted.
  • Communication with a loved one can cause a special reaction in a guy or girl, similar to intoxication.

Often girls fall in love with guys who either deliberately do not pay attention to them, or simply do not look in their direction, thereby expressing absolutely no interest. These girls have no idea what to do and how to perceive what is happening. Those of them who know how to lure a guy and whether it is worth it have already done something. Others, who do not understand how to proceed, look for answers on the Internet.

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Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, but only when it brings positive emotions. If the object of sympathy does not reciprocate, then it is worth taking some measures, otherwise love will only bring unnecessary suffering and disappointment.

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    Who to reach out to?

    First you need to figure out who to reach out to, and from whom it is better to stay away. It is not difficult to determine this, it is enough to understand by what criteria men should be divided. You can fall in love with anyone, it often happens:

    • best friend, because they are congenial people;
    • guy who has a girlfriend
    • a boy who is an order of magnitude younger than a girl;
    • an adult man or a young man who is an order of magnitude older than a woman who has fallen in love (a teacher or best friend of an older brother);
    • boyfriend of a friend or a man married to her.

    The main criteria by which it will be easier to determine whether a girl needs a man or not:

    1. 1. Reciprocity is one of the most important aspects that you need to pay attention to when choosing a partner.
    2. 2. Attractiveness is not only in the range of feelings, but also in the realization that he has qualities that satisfy a woman.
    3. 3. High level of possibility to continue the relationship. If the beloved is a simple guy with whom there are chances of frequent meetings, and not a screen star or a resident of another country or a distant city, although sometimes such acquaintances lead to marriage, it is better to look for your happiness somewhere nearby.
    4. 4. The traditional orientation of the guy.
    5. 5. Concurrence of interests.

    If these criteria are true, then you can safely rush into battle and charm any guy who likes. If some important criterion does not fit, then you should not give up, you can try to attract his attention.

    How to make a boy fall in love with you

    Unrequited love

    If a girl fell in love with a guy unrequitedly, then she should be smart and find out what this guy is interested in. Most guys probably don't like being pushed around, but trying to get love justifies the means, but you shouldn't show obsession. The most hopeless cases sometimes end in a guy's sudden love for a girl who is always by his side. You don’t need to constantly tell him about your love, but if he is once informed about feelings, he is unlikely to ignore it.

    Psychologists recommend maintaining a relationship with your loved one in order to have a chance at happiness with him. But if a person does not reciprocate for more than six months, contacts should be broken so as not to hurt yourself with the indifference of the chosen one. Sometimes it is this gap that pushes a man to search for the missing. It is likely that while the lover is nearby, the partner simply does not realize that he has already fallen in love with her.

    Non-reciprocal love

    He has a girlfriend

    Do not be discouraged when the gentleman is temporarily busy, not married, not living with someone, but just dating. If there is no final certainty that he and his beloved are crazy about each other, there is every chance to take someone else's boyfriend away, it is possible that this will be more correct for everyone, since the relationship has reached an impasse. Attempts to destroy strong relationships are often in vain, so psychologists do not recommend spending too much time on them; for the sake of true love, it is permissible to use a few months.

    You need to believe in yourself. Even when there is a feeling that a person does not like you, do not despair, because other people's relationships can crack, and being in the field of view of the chosen one, you can catch such a moment and show your interest.

    This is great for friendship. Pretending to be a friend, the girl has a chance to be close to her lover. Guys like it when there are girlfriends in their environment who admire their masculine virtues, it is they who are first noticed when they quarrel with their constant passion.

    Fell in love with a married man

    Difficulties in creating relationships

    Mostly certain difficulties arise in the relationship of couples with a large age difference. In this situation, it is necessary to learn to forget about public opinion and act independently of it. The call of the heart is the guide of lovers, and no gossip and whispering behind your back should interfere with the happiness of two people.

    Love for a married person is very often accompanied by mental suffering, not only for the couple, but also for the close people of this man. You should not break other people's families, because if the feelings of a family man for an outside woman are strong, then he will find the strength to first end the previous relationship, and then enter into a new relationship. The love triangle will only exhaust the nerves of all its participants in vain.

    Relationships with a busy gentleman are considered immoral in society, but even if this is true love and a man goes to his mistress, you should definitely think about the fact that he is able to do the same with a new chosen one in the future.

    Unions are considered very difficult, where the partner is fixated on himself, psychologists do not advise spending your life on those who are initially unable to fully satisfy the desires of the chosen one. It is better to endure a painful breakup at the beginning of a relationship than to torment yourself for many years, hoping that one day your loved one will change.


    One of the most deplorable situations in the event of warm feelings for a man is non-traditional sexual orientation. In such a situation, it all depends on how the girl is able to get the guy to change her. Psychologists note that many homosexuals, who simply lacked female warmth all their lives, decide to get in touch with people of their own sex only for the sake of any relationship that can give them a sense of reciprocity of feelings.

Love always comes unexpectedly. You saw a man and like lightning pierced. Now his appearance causes you stiffness and embarrassment, every day you count the minutes until the moment when you see him again. With bated breath, catch every word and look in your direction. You hope that he reciprocates, and you notice that he lingers his eyes on you a little longer. But, if in some cases a man himself tries to get close to the woman he likes, then in others, for a variety of reasons, he is in no hurry to take the first step. And the longer this uncertainty lasts, the harder it becomes in your soul. Love is rarely selfless, any lover wants to be close to the one he loves. Therefore, in order not to torment yourself further, it is better to take some action and resolve this situation. What actions are best taken if you fall in love depends on each specific situation, but there is something in common in every love story.

So today we want to talk about such a topic that excites many of the fair sex, how what to do if you fall in love. Here are some tips on how to behave in different situations, for example, if the man you love is married or he is your best friend. After all, the reciprocal feelings of the desired man largely depend on how to behave correctly if you fell in love. And what is now more important for a woman in love than reciprocity?

Is there reciprocity?

The first thing to do if you fell in love: try to understand if your lover reciprocates. It depends on what is best to do next. There are several options here: confess your love yourself, wait for him to do it, or fall out of love.

Each of these decisions depends on who became your lover, how he treats you, is married, has a girlfriend, or you see him for the first time and do not know anything about him.

When a girl feels that she has fallen in love, along with this she is seized with anxiety. It is difficult enough to understand what a man is experiencing if he does not show any emotions. Usually, when a girl does not know what to do, it immediately becomes clear that this is not the love that captured two lovers, and they are absorbed in each other, but the one that can become unrequited, bringing only suffering. That is why do not take any steps, but wait and look carefully at who you are in love with. You can say about sympathy without words, so do not rush things.

Action plan if you fell in love

Find out everything about your beloved

First of all, if you fell in love, try to find out everything you can about the chosen one. Friends and mutual acquaintances can help with this.

Having learned as much as possible about his character and behavior, think again if he has any traits that annoy you, which you consider unacceptable, whether you can put up with them for a long time. Or maybe you have already felt that he is not so beautiful, and you are not ready to experience unpleasant moments for him.

Study his personal characteristics and habits

If everything suits you, and you are even more convinced of how wonderful he is, start studying his habits, hobbies, what he likes or dislikes. This will help to avoid any mistakes in behavior that can push him away, and at the same time will provide an opportunity to find some common ground, for example, in the form of visiting one club of interests, cinema, restaurants.

What girls are attracted to him?

Also, if you fell in love with a man, analyze what girls he likes, what attracts them. But even if he likes blondes or brunettes, the main thing in female beauty is still a sense of style, moderate use of cosmetics and well-groomed hair, face and body. Examine your wardrobe, whether everything matches your type, fits and decorates.

If not, get rid of these things and pick up a few, but those that are right for you. To find a style that will highlight all the advantages, you can use the advice of stylists, which can be found in women's magazines. Pay special attention to the condition of your nails and hands, men really do not like too long and overly painted nails. Therefore, it is better if the nails protrude only a few mm and are painted with a soft-colored varnish.

Use scents and aphrodisiacs

Be aware of the effect of smells on men. Choose perfumes with a pleasant aroma that will emphasize lightness and femininity, leaving behind a mysterious train. Fashionable fragrances from well-known brands will make almost any heart tremble.

Join the company of the man you like

If possible, become a member of his circle of friends. This will help to get to know him better and provide an opportunity to get to know you better. Maybe after a closer acquaintance, you won’t have to make any efforts to win him over. He himself will take the first step towards rapprochement, getting to know you closer.

stay yourself

You should not change yourself, adjusting to the one you love. You must remain yourself, only in this way you will preserve your own originality and beauty. Your task is simply to show how interesting, beautiful and unique you are, and everything else will be superfluous. But with all this, your beauty and manners should be modest and decent.

Be a good conversationalist, know how to listen

Of course, if you fall in love, learn to listen to what the interlocutor says and try to use this information to interest him even more. He loves football - find out more about this sport, he is interested in books of a certain content - read a few new books. Learn to keep the conversation going.

If the man is married

But what if you fell in love with a married man? If a man is married or in a relationship, it is best to stop loving him. Don't harm your psyche. You should not fully devote yourself to loving a busy man, especially if he himself does not show any signs of attention to you. Thus, you can save yourself from unnecessary humiliation and do not introduce an imbalance into your soul, which will not be so easy to get rid of later. For every woman there should be her only one, and if your lover is married, then wait until he breaks up with his wife or breaks up with the girl himself, without effort on your part. After all, they say correctly: you cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune.

But often everything is wrong, a man will not make a loved one suffer, which means you will always be in second place. Therefore, if you fell in love with a man who is in a relationship, the best solution would be to stop loving him and get rid of this feeling before it brings trouble. Often such love arises from a lack of male attention, and not because this man is your prince.

Therefore, it is better to use the tips to fall out of love with a married man and meet your love. You will be amazed when you meet your prince how much better he is than a man who is busy. Direct your energy in search of true love, do not waste your energy on a stranger who you do not need. After all, all the actions that you decide to take to win him will only bring disappointment and pain.

What to do, beloved - friend

Sometimes it happens like this ... you suddenly realize that you have fallen in love with your best friend. It would seem that it is easy to confess your feelings to a person who is always there and whom you know better than others. But it does not always happen that a friend considers you as a bride, or vice versa, you are afraid that if the relationship does not work out, the friendship will be lost.

If you want him to be around as a young man, then take advantage of other girls. You know him very well, all his habits and hobbies. But you need to make sure that he looks at you differently. Change your style of dress when you meet him. Dress now like you're going on a date, even though you are now. Arrange a romantic dinner, watch a movie about love. Maybe all this will make him see a beautiful girl in you or confess the feelings that he hid, fearing to destroy your friendship. If you are embarrassed to immediately openly say that you fell in love with him, say that you fell in love with a good friend. Having learned about this, he will try to find out who he is, especially if he himself is not indifferent to you. And you will have a chance to explain to each other.

How to behave

In order not to feel awkward, try not to show others that you have fallen in love. Give attention to the man you like, but try not to go beyond certain limits, especially if you work together and spend a lot of time in a team. If your falling in love ends unsuccessfully, this can provoke ridicule from colleagues whose attitude towards you, for some reason, is unfriendly, or nagging from the authorities if you make any mistakes while doing the work.

Having made the choice to speak frankly with your lover, stop loving him if he is busy, or leave everything as it is, hoping that the man himself will take the first step, you make a serious decision. Whatever it is, the decision must be made consciously, be acceptable to you and not cause internal discomfort. Therefore, no matter how events develop further, do not forget that any experience carries invaluable knowledge that will be useful in later life. Love ennobles a person, makes him softer and softens the blows of fate. Whatever your love ends up with, it's better to try than to do nothing and regret it for the rest of your life.

Hello dear readers! Today I would like to talk to you about what to do if you fall in love. Sometimes feelings arise completely for the wrong person to whom we would like: she already has a lover, she does not pay attention at all, you are completely incompatible, and so on. But you can't command feelings. But what if your joint happy future is still possible? Let's figure it out.

What is love

Eyes burning, smile shining, hands shaking, legs giving way - that's just a small list of symptoms. A person can forget about sleep and food, and think only about the object of his adoration.

Love inspires and gives strength. To new achievements, exploits and romantic deeds. This feeling helps to forget about fears and worries. And you run bolder towards your happiness.

But sometimes love is blinding. Due to the fact that you constantly want to see or at least hear a person, you start writing a hundred messages a day and call dozens of times. You look for any reason to meet, and at the sight of a person you lose the gift of speech and look embarrassed and stupid.

Falling in love can bring both insane happiness, and vice versa, excruciating suffering. Especially if the feelings are unrequited. How to understand what to do in a given situation? For example, if you are a high school student and fell in love with a teacher? Or did you recently realize that you have feelings for your best friend's girlfriend?

Many guys get lost and completely do not understand how to behave when you are in love. To begin with, I suggest that you read the article "". So, you can understand what the young lady feels for you.

And if she sympathizes with you, then the matter remains small. Ask her out on a date, win her over and take over her heart.
But what if your case turned out to be much more difficult and incomprehensible?

Depending on the situation

Of course, even the same situations can result in two completely different stories. It all depends on the little things and details that create the uniqueness of each individual case.

Fell in love with another

It happens that while already in a relationship, you suddenly meet a girl and go crazy. She is not like yours, so brave and interesting, beautiful and smart. Look at her and be amazed. How not to fall in love with this?

But here's the catch. And your woman was like that. You just forgot. Life, gray everyday life and habit prevent you from seeing in her that very interesting, attractive and charming young lady with whom you then fell in love.

A new lover for the time being will seem so mysterious and alluring. Over time, and with her, relations will turn into everyday life. Try to improve the relationships you already have. And with this girl, minimize your communication until you figure it out.

Share one desk for two

There is nothing surprising or unusual about falling in love with a classmate or colleague. When we often see a person, we slowly get used to it, we begin to notice its features, we get used to it. This helps sometimes to get closer.

Familiar with diapers

Falling in love among friends is not such a rare case. But as practice shows, usually only one person has feelings, while the second prefers to leave everything as it is.

In this situation, you need to decide for yourself. Trying to get her or really just being friends. In order to woo a friend, you will have to show her that you are not only a good friend, but also a gallant gentleman, and that she will gain more than she will lose if she agrees to date you.

She already has a prince

Often, men also find themselves in a situation where their beloved is not free. My client fell head over heels in love with a married woman. He showered her with gifts, showed all kinds of signs of attention, poured, but she was an impregnable rock, because her love for her husband was stronger than new emotions and impressions.

Of course, you cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune. And I am opposed to breaking up an already established pair. If you see that a girl is unhappy in a relationship, she suffers, but then you have a chance. But you should not, immediately impudently, try to drag her into a new relationship. She will not be easy now and she needs you as support. Be this support, which will surely be rewarded in the future.

Of course, I have not considered all situations. Describe your story in the comments and together we will decide what to do and how best to proceed.

Love and be loved!