Crochet amigurumi doggy. How to crochet a dog - a step-by-step description, diagrams and recommendations

Amigurumi is a spiral knitting technique invented in Japan. As a rule, animals, humanoid creatures, but sometimes inanimate objects are created in this way. Let's figure out how to make knitted dogs using the amigurumi technique using a crochet hook, a diagram and its description.

How to knit

Dachshund - colored blot

In order to crochet a dog using the amigurumi technique, you will need:

  • yarn: black, brown and several bright colors;
  • hook;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • filler (synthetic winterizer or cotton wool);
  • a special needle for sewing soft products, or a needle with a large eye is suitable;
  • blanks for the spout and eye, for example, beads.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Any toy made with this technique begins with an "amigurumi ring".
  • Start knitting from the body. Take yarn of any bright color. Make the beginning and end of the body of the product in one color, with the same yarn you will later knit the rest of the details of the dog.
  • Knit several colored strips, alternating the colors of the knitting threads to your taste. Having completed the main detail, stuff the future dachshund with filler.
  • Now it's the turn of the head. Start knitting from the spout using a black skein of thread. Go to the muzzle and, almost finished with the detail, fill it with cotton wool or padding polyester. Now you need to tie the head of the dachshund.
  • Do the same with the rest of the toy: paws, ears, neck and tail.
  • Now sew all the details of the toy, glue or sew on the eyes and nose.
  • You can also make a collar. To do this, tie the future decoration with twenty air loops, make a ring out of it, and after that twenty more single crochets. Fasten the resulting collar, take another thread and make twenty single crochets from the side of the air loops of the finished collar.
  • Decorate it with a bead by threading it through the thread and securing it in the desired place. You have a dog crocheted using the amigurumi technique. A multi-colored dachshund is the first step to mastering the method, try to make other amigurumi animals according to easy patterns.

Labrador puppy

For making a puppy you will need:

  • yarn of any color;
  • hook in thickness to match the yarn;
  • eyes and nose (you can take beads, buttons or something else);
  • scissors;
  • a needle with a large eye;
  • filler (synthetic winterizer, cotton wool);
  • glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

Crochet lovers will definitely love the chocolate-colored dog made with amigurumi.

You will need:

  • brown, chocolate white and black yarn;
  • hook;
  • scissors;
  • filler (choose synthetic winterizer, cotton wool or any other);
  • glue;
  • eyes (beads, buttons or something else);
  • a needle with a wide eye or special for making soft toys.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, make the muzzle of the dog, using the instructions provided in the diagram. Fill it with filler and finish the product: fasten the thread, pull off the loops, and hide the remaining tip. Mark the approximate location of the eyes and nose of the future dog.
  2. Now start knitting the nose, fasten the thread, stuff the part of the toy and sew it to the muzzle.
  3. In order to tie your ears, you can choose one of the options that suit you. The first scheme is focused on the ears of thin mohair, the second on the yarn of their wool mixture. At the end of knitting, fasten the thread, leave a long end for sewing.
  4. Make the most voluminous part of the toy - the torso. Stuff the body with padding polyester, cotton wool or any other filler, fasten the thread and leave a long end for sewing.
  5. The tail is knitted with two yarns: first the one that is white, then chocolate. Stuff a part of the toy with filler, fasten the thread and leave it for sewing.
  6. For the front and hind legs, we also need two yarns: white and brown. Follow the instructions given in the diagram, stuff the paws, for example, with synthetic winterizer and fasten the thread.
  7. Now connect all the parts of the toy, sew on the eyes, you can decorate it with additional accessories.

You will need:

  • black and white yarn;
  • the floss is light beige, as well as gray and brown-red;
  • synthetic winterizer or any other stuffing material;
  • scissors;
  • needle with a wide eye;
  • beady eyes; glue;
  • hook number 1.5.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To make a crocheted amigurumi dog, carefully study the master class, which contains a diagram and detailed descriptions. Start from the head. Having made two air loops, start knitting columns from the second, each new row, increasing by six, unless the diagram says otherwise.
  2. When you finish knitting the part, do not sew up the resulting hole, you will need it to fill the toy with padding polyester.
  3. Do the same with the body, front and hind legs, ears and tail and muzzle.
  4. Finally, fill the product with padding polyester and sew the details of the dog. From the remaining white yarn, try to make an "amigurumi snowman".
  5. Now decide on the place where the eyes of the Yorkie will be located, and sew or glue them. Use a black thread needle to make a nose.
  6. The turn of long hair has come, and this is where you will need floss threads. Take a needle, insert a thread into the eye and insert the needle into each loop, starting from the spout. Pull the thread to the length you need, tie a knot and cut off the excess. Don't worry if the wool turns out uneven, because in the end, in any case, you will have to cut the threads.

Video with master class lessons

  • This video about crochet amigurumi dogs is created according to a simple pattern for beginners. In it, you will learn about the features of the amigurumi technique, and as a nice bonus for your efforts, you will get a nice little dog. For knitting, you will need yarn, a hook, threads, scissors, a needle with a thick eye, eyes and a little patience.

  • Watch this video of an amigurumi dog crocheted from thick yarn. To do this, you will need a hook of the appropriate size and a little time. A toy made of large yarn looks very interesting in the finished version.

  • Watch this video to crochet a small dog in a colorful amigurumi shirt using the amigurumi technique. Who said that the nose must be knitted or made from beads? The author suggests stitching the muzzle with thick black threads to make a dog's nose. You will probably have colored yarn left, try to make a colored one - amigurumi hare -.

  • From this video you will learn how to make a real true friend. The lesson consists of two parts, in each of which the author describes in detail his actions, tells beginners how to properly work with the amigurumi technique.

  • From this video you will learn how to crochet a pug dog using the amigurumi technique in a very simple pattern. The author clearly demonstrates the correct knitting technique, comments on his actions, and also explains the main details of knitting a pug. Try to create your own unique toy.

Amigurumi is a Japanese technique that is gaining wide popularity. With the help of simple tricks, you can create amazing toys for yourself or for a gift. Tell us in the comments if you have ever knitted using this technique? Would you like to try this toy with your own hands?

Hi all! Today I want to offer you an unusual topic, or rather, even this applies to one of my favorite hobbies. Once upon a time, I was fond of knitting and crocheting. With the birth of babies, I rarely began to knit, but then the moment came when the children grew up a little and I had time to make souvenirs with my own hands.

Today I suggest you knit funny puppies, you can say little animals of dogs, which will be made using the amigurumi technique. Moreover, the New Year is just around the corner, and the dog will be the symbol of the next year. I hope you enjoy my selection.

I will say right away that I took all the pictures and photos that you will see here exclusively from the Internet, selected exactly those that I liked the most, and those that are in the public domain for everyone.

I’ll start with the simplest and most uncomplicated job descriptions to help beginners figure out how to knit such wonderful creations, because they are only at the very beginning of the needlework journey.

I certainly understand that many people like certain breeds of dogs and therefore you would probably want to knit the one that you love the most. Perhaps such a pet lives with you, but unfortunately, I cannot provide you with so many diagrams and step-by-step descriptions of all dog breeds.

1. I propose to tie you, for starters, the easiest dog in my opinion in the style of amigurumi.

Such a mischievous blue puppy that any child will be delighted with.

Stages of knitting:

1. First of all, prepare all the tools and materials for work. Tie the legs and body first.

2. Then proceed to the design and knitting of the head.

3. All other parts of the body are knitted separately. Read the instructions and follow all instructions.

2. For the little ones, I want to suggest knitting such a wonderful masterpiece, just lovely, see for yourself:

3. The next option, generally funny, such little cuties can live in your house. They are cute and very small. Yarn will leave absolutely nothing, you can impose a whole bunch of these:

4. You can also crochet a dog keychain.

Do not forget to glue the nose and eyes, ears and paws. Also embroider with a needle and thread the place where the nose, a vertical strip, you can make eyebrows. To make a ponytail, you can simply tie a regular lace from eyelets, and then sew it where the dog's ass is))).

5. You can see a rather simple version of a dog for beginners in this step-by-step photo instruction:

Crocheted amigurumi dogs for the New Year with a description and work patterns

I could not get past this topic, because the holidays are coming, and this is what I found:

All these four options just sunk into my soul, I share one of them on the pages of my website in more detail with all the job descriptions, you can use these pictures to tie such a wonderful little dog. If you have any questions, write your comments, reviews.

Start the craft with the paws, tie two identical paws, and then connect them together.

Thus, they will not be sewn separately.

After you tie the body, tie two paws and ears, and then a muzzle and a red cap, like Santa Claus or Santa Claus.

But the other three master classes, who need to write to me, I will send you to your mail absolutely free, for this, just leave a comment at the bottom of this article))). I will definitely answer.

And you know that the coolest thing is that from a brown dog, or rather a template and schemes, you can make not only a puppy, but other animals, such as a deer, a koala, a bear and a lamb, see for yourself:

The body and head are the same, such a universal layout, just the design is different. Cool and just a great idea!

Master class amigurumi dog toys crochet. footage

Since crocheting puppies is already relevant this year, the time has come when 2018 is just around the corner, so I offer you such detailed stories with such bright multi-colored dogs:

I also suggest you knit an unusual dog or you can say crafts in the form of a ball on a Christmas tree:

And here is another video showing step by step and in detail how to tie a little pug:

White and yellow dog - do-it-yourself symbol of 2018

In fact, the symbol of the upcoming year will be a dog in light yellow colors, this information is taken from the Eastern calendar. Although some sources refer specifically to a white dog. I think that in any case, every needlewoman can make such a souvenir of a toy, or a talisman.

Since there were different opinions, I found two master classes in exactly two different colors. One is quite easy, the other is a little more difficult, choose the one that you like best.

1. A puppy named Bobik, white and so affectionate in the face, will decorate any Christmas tree or act as a decoration on the festive table.

2. Well, in the golden color of yellow shades, here is such a cool and super cute little dog named Chamomile can settle in your house:

That's all for me, and in conclusion, I want to offer you a bunch of pictures and photos with knitted dogs from young craftswomen. Do you want one like this??? Bow-wow)))

Perhaps you didn’t like the options that I showed you before, so choose from these, but I can send you step-by-step instructions and descriptions with diagrams to your mail for free, just write a comment below asking you to send master classes of animals in the form of dogs.

I got such a mischievous family, just super in my opinion!

The selection is large, but what a variety it is.

There are dogs of different breeds, almost all, well, or most))).

These are pugs, poodles, mongrels, chihuahuas, bulldogs, dolmatians, dachshunds, huskies, dogs in the form of a tilde doll and even the hero Druzhok from the cartoon about the Barboskins, Snoopy. And there is a rattle knitting pattern for little babies.

I don't know about you, but I like it.

Look at these charming cuties, there are Bobby and Balls, and even Barbosik with a smile.

DIY crocheted toys have always been valued and will be the most original gifts, and most importantly, safe for children and adults.

I think that all fans of dogs will certainly be happy with such a selection. In addition, I got it for free, of course I had to go to different sites and collect it, so I am happy to share it with you, dear guests and readers of the blog. I hope it will be useful to someone))).

By the way, you can send me your photographs of animals through feedback, just write a letter and I will gladly publish your work here on this site.

That's all for me, I got such a plush and soft selection of toys! See you all! Bye bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Knitted crafts can be not only cute and wonderful toys for children, but also good souvenirs or gifts that will decorate, and perhaps profitably complement the interior of your home.

If you're just getting started with needlework, try crocheting amigurumi-style little dogs and you'll soon want to flood the place with an abundance of these adorable soft little animals that are pretty easy to make yourself. diana crochet special issue 2009 crochet scarves patterns kids

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Amigurumi? knitting for everyone

Such a beautiful and fascinating word is one of the techniques of the Japanese art of knitting small animals? needlewomen knit rabbits, cats, dogs, bears, monkeys, owls, sheep and many other animals. At first, such knitting was carried out both on knitting needles and crocheted, but in the near future crafts made specifically by crocheting are gaining immense popularity.

oversized crochet cardigan

Usually, to knit amigurumi, ordinary colored yarn is taken and a very common knitting method is used - in a spiral. An amigurumi dog, like any other knitted toy in this style, begins with knitting the so-called amigurumi ring. If you look at the diagrams, you will see that it is usually indicated there in the first row.

fashion crochet

crochet baby skirt

crochet children's summer scarves

In general, if you wish, you can start in a different way: just cast on two air loops and knit the number of single crochets that you need into the second loop from the hook. However, keep in mind that the amigurumi ring has a very big advantage, because with this method of knitting in the middle you will not have a hole.

crochet in the round video

intarsia crochet bags

sirloin crochet rectangular doily

In Japanese technology, unlike European technology, it is usually not necessary to connect circles. It is better to crochet, which will be, relative to the thickness of the selected yarn, a couple of sizes smaller. This way you will be able to create a dense fabric in which there will be no openings or gaps, and this will help preserve the stuffing material and give the toy a more aesthetic look.

The amigurumi dog is made in parts, which are then connected. Sometimes, to give live weight to the limbs, plastic pieces are used to stuff them, and the body itself is stuffed with fiber filler.

Master class Dachshund rainbow amigurumi crochet

Before proceeding directly to work, prepare everything you need:

  • yarn of the desired colors (usually, you will need several of them);
  • hook relative to the thickness of the yarn;
  • filler (you can take cotton wool or synthetic winterizer);
  • scissors, glue;
  • a special needle for sewing soft toys or a needle with a large eye;
  • blanks for the spout and eye (it can be beads), other decorations, if you want.

Decide on the intended appearance of your future toy. An amigurumi puppy can be of any breed: dachshund, bulldog, poodle, dalmatian, papillon, shiba, shiba inu or any other. Depending on what you choose, you will need to select the colors of the yarn.

And here are some examples for inspiration. Let's start with the tax.

  1. Dachshund amigurumi will look very beautiful if you take threads of bright rainbow colors to create it. You will also need a thin hook (No. 1.5).
  2. First make the body of the dachshund. You need to start and finish in one color (let it be brown), and in the middle place stripes of all the colors of the rainbow. Having tied the body, fill it with filler.
  3. Then grab your head. You need to start knitting it from the spout, in other words, with black yarn. Then also stuff and tie.
  4. Now it's the turn of the neck and ears. And after what? tail and paws.
  5. When everything is ready, sew all the details together, glue the eyes (or sew on the beads). You can make a dachshund and a small beautiful collar. To do this, you need to tie twenty air loops, connect them into a ring and knit twenty single crochets. Then cut off the thread, choose some other color and with a thread of this color in the first row of the chain that you already have, knit another twenty sc from the back. To complete the collar, take a bead, thread it through the thread and secure.
  6. Your rainbow and cheerful dachshund is ready!

Knitted crafts can be not only cute and beautiful toys for children, but also excellent souvenirs or gifts that will decorate, and maybe even complement the interior of your home. If you're just getting started with needlework, try amigurumi crochet small dogs and soon you'll want to fill the space with a plethora of these adorable stuffed animals that are easy enough to make on your own.

Amigurumi - knitting for everyone

One of the techniques of the Japanese art of knitting small animals is called such a beautiful and interesting word - needlewomen knit bunnies, cats, dogs, bears, monkeys, owlets, sheep and many other animals. Initially, such knitting was carried out both on knitting needles and crocheted, but recently, crafts made with crochet are gaining more and more popularity.

As a rule, to knit amigurumi, ordinary colored yarn is taken and a very simple knitting method is used - in a spiral. An amigurumi dog, like any other knitted toy in this style, begins with knitting the so-called amigurumi ring. If you look at the diagrams, you will see that it is usually indicated there in the first row.

However, if you wish, you can start in a different way: just cast on two air loops and knit the number of single crochets that you need into the second loop from the hook. However, keep in mind that the amigurumi ring has a very big advantage, since with this method of knitting in the middle you will not have a hole.

In Japanese technology, unlike European technology, as a rule, it is not necessary to connect circles. It is better to crochet, which will be, relative to the thickness of the selected yarn, a couple of sizes smaller. This way you will be able to create a dense fabric in which there will be no openings or gaps, and this will help preserve the stuffing material and give the toy a more aesthetic look.

The amigurumi dog is made in parts, which are then connected. Sometimes, to give live weight to the limbs, plastic pieces are used to stuff them, and the body itself is stuffed with fiber filler.

Master class Dachshund rainbow amigurumi crochet

Before proceeding directly to work, prepare everything you need:

  • yarn of the desired colors (as a rule, you will need several of them);
  • hook relative to the thickness of the yarn;
  • filler (you can take cotton wool or synthetic winterizer);
  • scissors, glue;
  • a special needle for sewing soft toys or a needle with a large eye;
  • blanks for the spout and eye (it can be beads), other decorations, if you want.

Decide on the intended appearance of your future toy. An amigurumi puppy can be of any breed: dachshund, bulldog, poodle, dalmatian, papillon, shiba, shiba inu or any other. Depending on what you choose, you will need to select the colors of the yarn.

And here are some examples for inspiration. Let's start with the tax.

  1. Dachshund amigurumi will look very beautiful if you take threads of bright rainbow colors to create it. You will also need a thin hook (No. 1.5).
  2. First make the body of the dachshund. You need to start and finish in one color (let it be brown), and in the middle place stripes of all the colors of the rainbow. Having tied the body, fill it with filler.
  3. Then grab your head. You need to start knitting it from the spout, that is, black yarn. Then also stuff and tie.
  4. Now it's the turn of the neck and ears. And after that - the tail and paws.
  5. When everything is ready, sew all the details together, glue the eyes (or sew on the beads). You can make a dachshund and a small beautiful collar. To do this, you need to tie twenty air loops, connect them into a ring and knit twenty single crochets. Then cut off the thread, choose some other color and with a thread of this color in the first row of the chain that you already have, knit another twenty sc from the back. To complete the collar, take a bead, thread it through the thread and secure.
  6. Your rainbow and cheerful dachshund is ready!

Having chosen the desired scheme, focus on it. First, tie the head and mark with dots the places where you will then glue or sew on the eyes. Having finished the head with the nose, move on to the ears and front legs, then the torso, hind legs and tail. Having connected all the details, fill them with filler and sew.

In conclusion, you can decorate your dogs with some interesting details or accessories, giving them a special personality, charm and character.

"R-r-r-aw!" - amigurumi puppy wants to wish you a happy Valentine's Day. This baby was created by talented craftswoman Lee Mei Li. Try it too crochet this wonderful doggy, and it will surely fill your every day with romance.

The master class on knitting amigurumi dogs suitable for beginners, because it requires a minimum amount of knowledge when crochet, namely, you should have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to knit air loops, a single crochet, make increases and decreases.

Most often small toys start to knit from the so-called amigurumi rings, which is considered the first row in the schemes. Of course start knitting from the ring is not necessary. Instead, you can dial 2 air loops, and then knit the required number of single crochets into the second loop from the hook. However, the undoubted advantage amigurumi rings is that there is no hole in the middle.

In order to learn how to knit an amigurumi ring, watch the following master class on our website:

  • How to knit an amigurumi ring. Master class with step by step photos.
  • Let's get started knitting dog.

    Difficulty level: for beginners.

    Working hours: approximately 4 hours.

    Toy size: 7-8 cm (depending on the chosen yarn).

    Knitting materials:

  • Hook number 2.3.
  • Yarn in white, blue and red colors.
  • Black eyes for toys or beads.
  • Needle for sewing soft toys.
  • Filler.
  • Knitting a dog's head.

    1 row:

    2 row:

    3 row:

    4 row:

    5 row:*3 tbsp. b / n, increase * - repeat 6 times (30 loops).

    6 row:*4 tbsp. b / n, increase * - repeat 6 times (36 loops).

    7-8 rows:

    9 row: 12 st. b / n, change the color of the yarn to white, knit 5 tbsp. b / n, then knit again with blue yarn 2 tbsp. b / n, knit with white yarn 5 tbsp. b / n, blue - 12 tbsp. b / n (36 loops).

    10-11 rows: We knit with blue yarn 12 tbsp. b / n, white - 12 tbsp. b / n, blue - 12 tbsp. b / n (36 loops).

    12 row: Art. b / n in each loop (36 loops).

    13 row:* decrease, 4 tbsp. b / n * - 6 times (30 loops).

    14 row:* reduction, 3 tbsp. b / n * - 6 times (24 loops).

    15 row:* decrease, 2 tbsp. b / n * - 6 times (18 loops).

    We fill the head with filler.

    16 row:* reduction, 1 tbsp. b / n * - 6 times (12 loops).

    17 row: decrease until the hole is completely closed.

    Finishing knitting. We leave a long "tail" of yarn, then to sew the head to the body dogs.

    Knitting the body of a dog.

    We start knitting with white yarn.

    1 row: 6 art. b / n in the amigurumi ring (6 loops).

    2 row:* increase in each loop * - repeat 6 times (12 loops).

    3 row:*1 tbsp. b / n, increase * - repeat 6 times (18 loops).

    4 row:*2 tbsp. b / n, increase * - repeat 6 times (24 loops).

    6-9 rows: blue yarn - 4 tbsp. b / n, white - 16 tbsp. b / n, blue - 4 tbsp. b / n (24 loops).

    10 row: In the first 4 loops we knit: decrease, 2 tbsp. b / n (blue yarn), then * decrease, 2 tbsp. b / n * - repeat 4 times (white yarn), decrease, 2 tbsp. b / n in the last 4 loops of the row (blue yarn) - (18 loops).

    At this stage, we finish knitting the body of the dog.

    Knitting ears for a dog.

    We knit 2 parts with blue yarn.

    1 row: 6 art. b / n in the amigurumi ring (6 loops).

    2 row:* increase in each loop * - repeat 6 times (12 loops).

    3-10 rows: Art. b / n in each loop of the previous row (12 loops).

    We finish knitting, leaving a long "tail", so that later we can sew the ears to the head.


    We knit with white yarn.

    1 row: 5 st. b / n in the amigurumi ring (5 loops).

    2 row:* increase in each loop * - repeat 5 times (10 loops).

    Knitting handles (2 parts).

    We knit with white yarn.

    1 row: 6 art. b / n in the amigurumi ring (6 loops).

    2-5 rows: Art. b / n in each loop (6 loops).

    We finish knitting and, according to tradition, we leave the "tail" in order to sew the handles to the body of the dog later.

    Knitting legs (2 parts).

    We knit legs for a dog with white yarn.

    1 row: 6 art. b / n in the amigurumi ring (6 loops).

    2 row:* increase in each loop * - repeat 6 times (12 loops).

    3 row: Art. b / n in each loop (12 loops).

    4 row: 6 decreases (6 loops).

    We finish knitting, leave the "tail".


    We knit with white yarn.

    1 row: 3 art. b / n in the amigurumi ring (3 loops).

    2 row: 3 increases (6 loops).

    3 row:* increase, 1 tbsp. b / n * - repeat 3 times (9 loops).

    4 row: 9 st. b / n (9 loops).

    5 row:* reduction, 1 tbsp. b / * - repeat 3 times (6 loops).

    6 row: 6 art. b/n.

    We finish knitting.

    Knitting heart.

    The heart will be knitted with red yarn. Crochet two identical pieces, then join them together.

    First half of the heart:

    1 row:

    2-3 rows: 8 art. b/n.

    Second half of the heart:

    1 row: 8 art. b / n in the amigurumi ring (8 loops).

    2-3 rows: 8 art. b/n.

    4 row: We begin to connect the two parts of the heart together. We knit 6 tbsp. b / n, then we connect with the first half of the connecting column. It turns out 16 loops. Next, knit in a circle.

    5 row:* decrease, 2 tbsp. b / n * - repeat 4 times (12 loops).

    6 row:* reduction, 1 tbsp. b / n * - repeat 4 times (8 loops).

    7 row: decrease until the hole closes.

    We finish knitting.

    Assembling the toy:

    1. Sew the muzzle to the head. Pull the head a little with stitches in the eye area (see photo).

    2. Sew on the eyes. Sew on the nose with a series of horizontal stitches.

    3. Embroider a W-shaped smile.

    4. Sew the head, arms, legs and tail to the body.

    5. Sew on a heart.

    Amigurumi dog is ready!