Do I need to turn on the right turn signal
when entering a roundabout?




M. Sedogin

(continued, see beginning)

Chapter 12
when entering a roundabout?
For many years, almost all drivers, without exception, when entering a roundabout, if they turn on the right “turn signal”, then only in the case of rebuilding in the right lane and turning right from the ring at the first “branch”. If the driver intends to drive the ring “straight” or “left”, he usually does not do this, but, on the contrary, turns on the left “turn signal” to show the rest of the traffic participants that he does not intend to leave the “ring” at the next turn, but vice versa, will keep to the left side of the roadway so as not to interfere with those turning right at the next exit. And only then, before “his” exit from the ring, he gives a right turn signal. This scheme of actions is the most informative and natural.

However, in one of the telecasts, Chugunov, a responsible officer of the Samara traffic police, pointed out to all Russian drivers that they were acting incorrectly, that it was necessary to turn on the right “turn signal” when entering a roundabout. Well, what can I say: if the issue is approached in a primitive-formal way, it may seem that he is right. In the Rules and in the "Commentary..." the roundabout is considered as an intersection with a one-way road (a variant of the T-junction), and therefore, entering such an intersection means turning right. And there are no exceptions in the use of signals for such cases in the Rules. And in the "Comments ..." there is even a picture from which the position of the authors is clear without comment (although the picture itself refers to another issue):

Although I saw somewhere the published explanations of other senior traffic police officials that the inclusion of the right “turn signal” before entering the roundabout was required by the Rules in force in the 60s, but now it is not.

But one thing is clear: if tomorrow everyone starts to comply with the "Chugunov's rule", then with the current traffic density, all roundabouts will turn into a "colliding cars" attraction...

But, on the other hand, there is no direct instruction in the Rules to turn on the right turn signal before entering the ring, and the opinion of Chugunov (and even the head of the Main Directorate of the GAI of the Russian Federation Fedorov) is only an interpretation of the Rules, one of many. It is possible, for example, to consider the entrance to the ring as a "curvilinear section of the road", where, according to the same "Comments ...", a turn signal should not be given.

Advice: it is better to act at the entrance to the ring in the way that modern traffic conditions require (see the beginning of the chapter), and not in the way that the Rules of Chugunov and the authors of the "Comments ..." interpret. It is unlikely that the traffic police inspector will get the driver, "wrong", in his opinion, who gave the signal. But if you follow the opinion of Chugunov and the authors of “Comments ...” in this matter, you can easily confuse everyone and end up in a stupid accident.

P.S. This topic had an unexpected continuation.

In November 2003, I received an e-mail from the head of the traffic police of Samara, I.A. Rudakov, which said:

"Your advice<действовать при въезде на кольцо так, как этого требуют
current traffic conditions > unlikely to be accepted by a court when considering
cases of accidents. You should also not use this advice when passing
qualified exams for obtaining the right to drive transport
means. For example: question 6 of the ticket? 37 (approved by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Russia) was specifically assigned to the condemned case. And in the explanations to him
says:<Всегда, прежде чем поворачивать руль (кроме как на вираже дороги
without an intersection) - you need to turn on the direction indicators.<Круговое движение>This
intersection, not<голый>turn of the road. So turn on the turn signal
you are now obliged>.
<Круговое движение>is a special case of an ordinary intersection.
The peculiarity lies in the fact that you can enter it from any lane, but
to leave - only from the extreme right position. Circle movement is not
is considered a left turn, but is considered as a straight ahead (taking into account
your thoughts about<криволинейном участке дороги>). And this is the method of preparation
drivers in driving schools, which was developed by the compilers of the examination
tickets and the authors of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation ... "

The arguments that I used in my answer to I.A. Rudakov to the above letter were as follows:

The tips available on my page on the topic "SDA: continuous contradictions" are not intended for use in passing exams on traffic rules, and this obviously follows from the very form of submission of the material. Most of the contradictions I found in the traffic rules are not resolved within the framework of the current traffic rules, and therefore they are not on the tickets. Although the question about the "turn signal" at the roundabout did suddenly hit the tickets, I know this, and I will certainly put information about it on my page so that someone does not have problems passing the exam. (Which I do now, M.S.). I draw your attention to the fact that tickets for preparing for passing exams for knowledge of traffic rules are not approved by the Government, the Duma or the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a regulatory document, therefore they have no legal force. (But to pass the exams, this collision will have to be remembered, M.S.).
<Всегда, прежде чем поворачивать руль (кроме как на вираже дороги без перекрестка) - надо включить указатели поворота. ???
For proof, this is an extremely unfortunate example. It turns out that if you pass an intersection, moving along the same marked lane, repeating its bends by turning the steering wheel and not wanting to turn anywhere (an intersection with a lane shift, an intersection with a "kink" of lanes, and there are a lot of such intersections in Samara), it turns out, you have to turn on the turn signal too? Such a driver, whose car is constantly randomly flashing direction indicators, like a Christmas tree, misleads other road users, which is prohibited by clause 8.2. SDA.
By the way, when entering most of the “rings”, the direction changes by less than 5-10 degrees, the “turn of the steering wheel” is almost not noticeable here.

Conclusion: the need to turn on (or not turn on) the right turn signal when driving along a curved section of the road does not depend on the presence or absence of an intersection on this section or the angle of rotation of the steering wheel, but depends only on whether there is an intention to rebuild into the right lane or turn onto the road adjacent to the right .
As for the court decision on a possible accident: with all your imagination, it is impossible to imagine an unlit turn signal as the cause of an emergency at the entrance to the ring. The reverse situation is more real.
Therefore, I consider the requirement to turn on the right turn signal when entering a roundabout extremely harmful. Speaking of driving schools: experienced teachers (I know this for sure) just draw the attention of students to this stupidity in tickets and advise using this "rule" only for exams, and after them, immediately forget about it so as not to create an emergency.

M. Sedogin

Sign 4.3 allows movement only in the direction shown on the sign, while the first turn must be only to the right, a U-turn is prohibited.

Sign 4.3 is not a priority sign, therefore, crossing carriageways with roundabouts without sign 2.1 "Main road" or 2.4 "Give way" is an intersection of equivalent roads, where the driver must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. But that was before November 8, 2017. After the amendments to the SDA come into force, vehicles moving in a circle have an advantage over vehicles that are going to enter the circle. Therefore, the right hand rule no longer works in this situation.

According to clause 8.5 of the SDA, entry into a roundabout with a multi-lane entrance can be carried out from the right and left lanes to any lane of the roundabout, and with a single-lane entrance - as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway and only to the extreme right lane of the roundabout; then you can change lanes to the left if available (clause 8.6 of the rules). The congress from the circle can only be carried out from the extreme right lane.


Just before the roundabout.

Exam questions for sign 4.3 "Roundabout" until 2017. (Ticket number and question may not match)

Ticket number 9 Question number 3

In which directions are you allowed to continue driving?

2. B or C.

3. Only B.

A comment: The obligatory sign 4.3 "Roundabout" allows you to continue moving only in the direction indicated on it (arrows), therefore movement along the trajectory "B" is prohibited. In addition, sign 3.18.1 “No right turn is prohibited” prohibits turning right into the nearest passage “A”.

Ticket number 10 Question number 7

You intend to make a U-turn at an intersection. Which direction indicators should be turned on when entering an intersection?

1. There is no need to turn on the direction indicators in this situation.

3. Right.

A comment: Signaling by direction indicators should be carried out well in advance of the start of the maneuver. At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users. At such a roundabout, sign 4.3 “Roundabout” you must move in the direction indicated on the sign, turning on the right turn signal before entering.

Ticket number 12 Question number 14

You intend to continue through the roundabout. Should I give way to a truck?

1. No.

2. Yes.

A comment: Sign 4.3 "Roundabout" allows movement in the direction indicated by the arrows and gives you no advantage. Therefore, you are approaching an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads and must give way to vehicles that are on your right.

Ticket number 13 Question number 8

From which lane can you enter this intersection?

1. From the right or left.

2. Only on the right.

A comment: When entering a roundabout marked with the sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, according to paragraph 8.5 of the rules, you can turn right not only from the extreme right lane, but also from the left.

Ticket number 16 Question number 14

When you enter an intersection, you:

1. Must give way only to a motorcycle.

2. Must give way to both vehicles.

3. You have the priority right to move.

A comment: The roundabout is the "Main Road". Therefore, you must give way to both vehicles.

Ticket number 23 Question number 8

On what trajectory can you continue moving?

1. Only according to A.

2. Only for A or B.