Yellow urine in women: causes, possible diseases and their treatment. Why does a child have dark brown or bright yellow urine: causes of dark urine and recommendations for parents

The color of the urine says a lot when it comes to about metabolism in organism. The fluid secreted by the kidneys in a healthy person can have a hue from straw to deep yellow.

In the morning, bright urine is considered the norm. If a high concentration of pigments persists, this indicates a disease or a chronic lack of fluid, which leads to dehydration.

First, remember what has been eaten lately, what medicines have been drunk. Review the amount of fluid you consume throughout the day. It is desirable to drink at least 2 l water per day - without gas. It can be replaced with juices, weak tea or compotes.

When yellowing urine is not accompanied by alarms - high fever, nausea, or problems with stools, then there is nothing to worry about. If within 2-3 days the color of the urine does not return to normal, it's time to consult with a therapist or urologist. The specialist will find out what caused the change in the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys, and determine the list of drugs in combination with the diet.

Causes of body dysfunction

When the appearance of rich yellow urine is associated with malfunctions in the body, this indicates heart failure, an intestinal infection, or hepatitis. The cause may be swelling that occurs with complications after the disease. More harmless sources of bright pigment include:

  • increased sweating during sports or physical labor;
  • taking a laxative;
  • dehydration due to extreme heat or during breastfeeding.

If there is not enough water, the kidneys start compensation mechanism.. During the day in the hot season, up to 2-3 liters of fluid comes out through the skin in the process of sweating. When the loss is not restored, the urine becomes intensely yellow.

If the urine is bright yellow and smells

Its unpleasant smell appears when garlic, horseradish, and spicy spices are present in the diet. From asparagus and seafood, the fluid secreted by the kidneys becomes saturated and foul-smelling.

If the cause is pathological, such symptoms indicate inflammatory process in the kidneys or bladder, which may be infectious.

Allocate among the causes of liver failure, diseases of the genital organs, jaundice or intoxication of the body as a result of the abuse of alcoholic beverages. When urine smells like acetone, this is a sign of an exacerbation of diabetes.

Why does pathology appear in children?

In a child, the fluid secreted by the kidneys normally changes color up to several times a day. For an early age, this is due to the adaptation of the urinary system to the functioning outside the mother's womb. The kidneys adjust their work gradually, they may not always cope with their task.

When the process becomes too long, the urine turns bright yellow. But this is not yet a cause for concern. Perhaps, little fluid enters the child's body, the water balance is disturbed. Then it is enough to drink more water, compote or diluted juice. Just in case, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

What does bright urine color mean in women?

Among the reasons provoking changes in its color are:

  • water imbalance as a result of a lack of fluid in the body;
  • profuse sweating;
  • breastfeeding - a lot of water leaves with milk;
  • tissue swelling;
  • infection with intestinal pathogenic microbes;
  • the use of laxatives or vitamin complexes;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • intoxication, accompanied by vomiting and fever;
  • an excess of protein compounds - then urine may look like foam.

yellow urine during pregnancy

Its color and composition are decisive in the process of diagnosing the development of the baby and the condition of his mother. Urine analysis is done before each visit to the gynecologist, so that detect changes in the body. A bright yellow tint is not always considered a symptom of pathology. Food can also change the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys. This is especially true of cherries, blackberries.

Vitamins taken to boost immunity, or fruit juices, sometimes lead to a similar effect. If you have not used any of the above, contact the antenatal clinic for examination and testing. Perhaps the reason is not in the disease, but in the fact that the mother's body tries for two when removing metabolic products, doubling the load to the urinary system.

Changing the color of urine in men

This may be related with an excess of leukocytes in its composition, which is caused by the inflammatory process. The urinary sphere as a whole or its individual organs suffer from it. This happens with urethritis, prostate adenoma, kidney disease or genital tract infections. Then the walls of the channel for urination stick together, the secretions linger on them, which are mixed with urine during defecation. Sometimes bright yellow urine appears in the stronger sex with an excess of sperm in it.

Any changes in the body that resemble deviation from the norm should be discussed with a specialist. Don't be afraid to let your doctor know about your problems.

The color of urine is an important indicator characterizing the state of metabolism. Normally, the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys is yellow. The intensity of the color depends on the concentration of urine and on the amount of pigments contained in it. If you drink a lot of liquid, then the urine will become a light straw color. Urine of bright yellow color is also a variant of the norm. But sometimes too bright coloring can indicate some diseases.

Causes of bright yellow urine

In most cases, the saturated color of urine indicates its increased concentration. The reason for the change in color in this case may be:

  • insufficient fluid intake,
  • increased sweating,
  • lactation,
  • edema in some diseases,
  • acute intestinal infections,
  • taking laxatives.

With insufficient intake of fluid in the kidneys, increased water reabsorption occurs, this is due to compensatory mechanisms. Therefore, the urine becomes bright yellow. The same thing happens with increased fluid loss. For example, in a hot climate or during high physical activity, the body loses a lot of water through sweat. Up to several liters of sweat fluid can evaporate from the skin per day. In nursing mothers, a certain amount of water leaves the body with milk, so it is so important to drink plenty of juices, tea and other drinks during lactation.

Dehydration can occur with acute intestinal infections, when repeated vomiting and diarrhea are observed, at a high temperature with heavy sweat. Uncontrolled intake of laxatives, toxicosis of pregnant women with frequent vomiting can also be the cause of bright yellow urine.

In some diseases, fluid retention occurs, but there are still signs of dehydration. A similar situation can be with chronic heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver and gestosis of pregnant women. The liquid part of the blood leaves the bloodstream into the intercellular space, which causes the occurrence of edema. With preeclampsia, edema may be hidden, they can be suspected by a sudden increase in body weight. In cirrhosis, plasma leaks into the abdominal cavity and ascites occurs while the blood becomes viscous.

Important: if the urine remains bright yellow for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Especially if there are additional symptoms - pain in the lower back, right hypochondrium, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

Other causes of urine color change

Not always bright yellow urine is a sign of dehydration. Sometimes the cause of discoloration may be individual or hereditary characteristics of metabolism. For example, increased salt formation can lead to bright yellow urine. After some time, if no action is taken, sand will begin to form in the kidneys, and then larger stones. By the way, if more concentrated urine is excreted for a long time, this almost inevitably leads to kidney stone formation.

The color of urine can change with the use of certain drugs, food supplements, products. For example, carrots or carrot juice make urine orange or bright yellow. Now many products, especially sweets, have food coloring in their composition. Therefore, you should not be immediately scared if the urine has become bright yellow: the cause may be a handful of sweet dragees eaten in yellow icing or marmalade. Many dyes are found in all kinds of carbonated drinks.

Carrots can turn urine bright yellow

Medications that color urine

Many medicines can cause urine to change color, making it darker. These funds include:

  • vitamins (A, C, group B),
  • some antibiotics,
  • derivatives of 5-nitrofuran.

Vitamins can give urine a bright lemon color when taken orally and parenterally. Artificial vitamin substances usually cannot be fully absorbed by the body, and therefore are excreted by the kidneys. During the intake of riboflavin (vitamin B2), the products of its transformation stain the urine. Even if the drug itself does not cause a discoloration of the urine, this may be due to the food coloring contained in the tablet shell.

What should I do if my urine turns bright yellow?

If the urine has acquired a bright rich yellow hue, do not panic. You should remember what medications you have taken in recent days, what foods and drinks you have consumed. You also need to reconsider your drinking regimen. Perhaps the body simply does not have enough fluid. If there are no other alarming symptoms, then you can try drinking more fluids. Plain still water or diluted fruit juice, weak tea will do.

Important: if the color of urine has not returned to normal within a few days, you should consult a urologist or therapist. The doctor will determine why the urine is bright yellow, and if necessary, prescribe treatment or select a diet. After all, too concentrated urine can lead to urolithiasis.

One of the important indicators that allows you to assess the state of metabolism is the color of urine. Most often, the fluid that the kidneys secrete is colored yellow, however, deviations from the norm are often found. Bright yellow urine can serve as a dangerous signal, and the reasons for the formation of urine of just such a color can be varied.

Do foods affect the color of urine?

The composition of urine is determined by the following factors:

  • Foods that a person usually consumes;
  • normal functioning of the digestive tract;
  • the state of the system.

Pigments present in urine give it a certain color, and also reflect the activity of metabolic processes that occur in the human body.

Medical practice shows that the brighter this process proceeds in the tissues of the body, the yellower the liquid secreted by the kidneys, and vice versa.

Human waste products are stained with urobilin, and its presence in the human body allows us to get an answer to the question of why urine is yellow in color. The starting material from which urobilin is subsequently formed is bilirubin. It is this pigment that is processed:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder

However, the kidneys also process bilirubin, since often the organs do not cope with their task of completely removing this substance from the human body.

In this regard, it is possible to observe a rich yellow color of the urethra in patients when a large amount of bilirubin was processed in the kidneys, and the resulting urobilin was sent to the bladder. Darker and brighter urine color in adults and older children will be observed when the kidneys are under increased stress.

Do not forget the fact that the color of urine can be influenced by the food that a person consumes. The fluid secreted by the kidneys may turn bright yellow or reddish yellow when eating the following foods:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • sparkling water with colored dyes,

It is for this reason that when specialists diagnose a change in the color of urine or the appearance of red discharge, first of all, the question is asked about what foods he used the day before. In the event that urine analysis is carried out in the representatives of the stronger sex, which additionally specifies the level of physical activity on the body.

Causes of bright yellow urine

Most often, the saturated color of urine indicates its increased concentration and the following reasons may be the reason for this color:

  • violation of the water regime, that is, during the day a person consumes an insufficient amount of liquid;
  • excessive sweating, which indicates the loss of a large amount of fluid from the body
  • breast period;
  • progression in the human body of various diseases, which are accompanied by the development of tissue swelling;
  • the course of acute intestinal infections in the body;
  • taking laxative drugs.

In the event that the process of entering a sufficient amount of fluid into the human body is disrupted, this causes increased reabsorption of water in the kidneys.

It is for this reason that urine stains in a rich yellow color, and this can also be observed with increased fluid loss. During the day, up to several liters of liquid in the form of sweat can evaporate from the skin of a person. During breastfeeding, a woman loses a certain amount of fluid along with milk, and it is for this reason that experts recommend drinking as much water and other drinks as possible.

Dehydration can develop if an acute intestinal infection enters the human body. In this situation, the patient begins to complain of the following symptoms:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • seizures;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • increased sweating.

In some cases, bright urine can be observed if the patient is taking laxatives, as well as with severe toxicosis during childbearing.

In medical practice, there are pathologies that cause fluid retention in the human body, but are accompanied by signs of dehydration. These types of diseases include:

  • disruption of the cardiovascular system of a chronic nature;
  • development of cirrhosis;
  • progression of preeclampsia in the body of pregnant women.

With the development of such pathological conditions, a certain part of the blood accumulates in the intercellular space and the result is the formation of edema.

Intense yellow urine in children

In childhood, urine can change its color even within one day. Immediately after the appearance of the baby, the urine has a transparent color and within one week the body of the newborn is adapted to exist in the external environment. Gradually, all the baby's organs begin to actively work to perform their vital functions, however, in some cases, a certain failure may occur.

In the event that the process of such an adaptation of the child's body to external conditions is delayed or drastic changes occur in it, this can cause the urine to stain in a rich yellow color. However, the detection of a bright color of urine does not mean at all that any treatment of the child should be carried out.

Often, for some time after the detection of such a pathology, the color of the urine can normalize. In the event that the urine excreted by the kidneys in a newborn does not change its saturated color, this may indicate the development of various types of diseases in the child's body or insufficient fluid intake. In fact, bright yellow urine is not always an indicator of dangerous diseases in the child's body, but it is better in such a situation to still show alertness and attention to the condition of the baby.

Urine during pregnancy

Urinalysis during pregnancy is the main type of study, the results of which can be used to judge the state of the whole body of a woman. It is for this reason that the future mother gives urine for examination before each visit to the gynecologist, which allows you to track any changes in its composition and color. In the event that urine becomes bright yellow during pregnancy, this is not always a sure sign of a pathological condition of the body.

During pregnancy, the staining of urine in a bright yellow color can occur for the following reasons:

  • eating on the eve of foods that can change color;
  • taking yellow-colored vitamins, which are often prescribed to expectant mothers during pregnancy.

In a situation where these reasons cannot cause the urine to stain in a saturated color, then at the first suspicious signs, you should seek the help of a specialist for examination.

A feature of the female body is the fact that during pregnancy it is engaged not only in ensuring the normal development of the fetus, but also takes an active part in all continuous life processes. During the bearing of a child, the excretion products of the cut from two organisms occur, which is not an easy task.

What to do with bright yellow urine

In the event that the urine turns into a rich yellow color, then this is not necessarily evidence of the development of any severe in the body. That is why you should not panic, but you need to analyze the past days well and answer a few questions:

  • Have you taken any medications in the last few days?
  • Have you eaten foods and drinks with bright colors?

In addition, it is important to reconsider your drinking regimen and if an insufficient amount of fluid enters the body, it must be replenished. However, in the event that the saturated color of the urine does not change over the next few days, then you should contact your therapist for advice.

While watching the video, you will learn the necessary information about urinalysis.

The specialist will identify the cause of such a pathological condition of the body and, if necessary, prescribe an effective one.

As you know, normal urine is transparent and colored in pale yellow, one might say, straw color. But the intensity of its color can be affected by various factors, in particular, the amount of pigments excreted from the body and the amount of liquid drunk during the day.

Therefore, even in a completely healthy person, urine of a bright yellow color is sometimes released, although in some cases this may indicate the presence of health problems.

Pathological causes

As a rule, bright yellow urine is observed when the body is dehydrated, which can be triggered by various factors, including:

  • the use of drinks, especially water, in insufficient volume;
  • diseases accompanied by the formation of edema, for example:
    • chronic heart failure;
    • gestosis of pregnant women;
    • cirrhosis of the liver, etc.
  • excessive sweating, for example, with hyperhidrosis or increased physical exertion;
  • congestion in the kidneys;
  • acute and other diseases that are characterized by prolonged diarrhea or vomiting, etc.

Important: if the expectant mother, especially in the second half of pregnancy, has a sharp weight gain, she should be carefully examined for the development of preeclampsia with latent edema, since this pathology can be life-threatening for the fetus and the woman herself.

Thus, all these conditions are characterized by a lack of water in the body, that is, less water enters than is excreted. In such cases, the kidneys try to correct the situation due to their compensatory mechanisms, namely, increased water reabsorption. As a result, the urine becomes more concentrated and acquires a rich yellow color.

Scale for determining the degree of dehydration of the body

But it is not always easy to find the answer to the question of why urine is bright yellow, since the true causes of color changes may lie in the individual characteristics of a person. Quite often, metabolic disorders of certain salts, which are hereditary, provoke an increase in the intensity of urine color. If they are not detected in time and the person does not undergo a course of corrective therapy, over time, sand and even stones can form in the kidneys, which require surgical intervention to remove.

Other reasons

However, yellow staining of urine is not always a sign of pathology. Often this effect is given by the use of certain food additives, excessive passion for pumpkin, carrots or carrot juice. Also, food colorings contained in most modern foods, especially carbonated drinks, can give urine an intense color.

Attention! The urine of lactating women can also take on an intense yellow tint, since most of the fluid consumed is used by the body for milk production, so this is considered a normal variant.

Drugs as the cause of urine staining

In addition to the reasons listed above, bright yellow urine may be the result of taking laxatives, since drugs of this pharmacological group provoke the active removal of water from the body, resulting in a gradual increase in urine concentration.

In addition, sometimes the urine takes on a bright lemon color. This may be the result of taking:

  • vitamins, in particular, A, C and group B;
  • certain antibiotics;
  • preparations based on 5-nitrofuran derivatives.

Thus, urine can acquire an unhealthy intense color due to various circumstances that are in no way dangerous to human health. Therefore, you should not immediately panic in such cases. It is much better to remember whether you ate carrots, pumpkin or dishes based on them the day before, or whether you took any medicines. If within a few days the state of urine does not normalize, you should still consult a doctor.

Attention! If for a long time the urine retains its rich yellow tint and there are pains in the lower back or right hypochondrium, fever, indigestion or vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A variant of the norm is a change in shade when taking vitamin preparations. Retinol, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, which are part of all vitamin complexes, contribute to the staining of secretions in an intense yellow color.

The norm is a bright shade of urine after eating foods rich in pigments - carrots, sweets containing dyes.

Morning urine is more concentrated, so it is more intensely colored. This is not a deviation from the norm.

Causes of bright yellow urine

A change in the shade of the secreted liquid to a rich yellow can be caused by a number of reasons. Some of them do not pose a threat, others require treatment. The possible causes of discoloration of urine in adults, children and pregnant women are discussed below.

Lemon color urine in women and men

The reasons for the bright color of urine can be natural, for example:

  • insufficient drinking;
  • increased sweating;
  • taking vitamins or certain medications;
  • nutritional features;
  • breast-feeding.

In addition, a change in the color of urine can indicate serious health problems:

  1. Diarrhea and vomiting accompanying an intestinal infection. Dehydration in this case leads to an increase in the concentration of urine.
  2. Liver diseases. This is caused either by increased secretion of the urobilin pigment, or by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity with a decrease in its output through the kidneys (with cirrhosis).
  3. Urolithiasis and predisposition to it (the shade changes due to an increase in the concentration of excreted fluid).
  4. Urinary tract infections.
  5. Diseases of the biliary system. Accompanying symptoms - yellowing of the mucous membranes, skin, whites of the eyes.
  6. Edema of various etiologies.

If it is not possible to justify the change in urine color with simple reasons that do not pose a threat to health, you should contact your therapist for an additional examination and diagnosis.

Causes of color change in children

It is advisable to evaluate the color of children's urine in relation to the age of the child. In a newborn, it is practically. During the first four weeks of life, color jumps associated with internal processes are possible. For example, about a week after birth, the color of the liquid changes to brick yellow. This short-term change is natural. By the second month of life, the color of the discharge stabilizes, straw yellow is considered the norm.

Too bright coloring of children's urine can be due to both dietary habits, vitamin intake or lack of fluid, and various diseases. Color change is provoked by the following pathologies:

  1. Viral hepatitis.
  2. Hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells increases urine pigmentation).
  3. Urolithiasis (rare, but occurs in children).
  4. Diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Biliary dyskinesia.
  6. Inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis.
  7. Inflammation of the urogenital area ().

It is urgent to consult a doctor if, in addition to changing the appearance of urine, there are other alarming symptoms - pain, temperature, unusual color of the skin and mucous membranes. A dangerous symptom is fluid and the appearance of uncharacteristic impurities - pus or blood. A reason to be wary is the persistence of atypical staining for several days, if this is not due to the intake of any drugs or food rich in pigments.

Color changes in pregnancy

The color and other characteristics of urine are very important indicators of a woman's health during pregnancy. Bright coloring may indicate the presence of toxicosis - a dangerous condition for the mother and fetus.

Another serious complication of pregnancy that affects the color of the discharge is preeclampsia. Accompanied by edema, high blood pressure. The work of the brain, blood vessels and kidneys worsens, the protein content in the excreted fluid increases, and its concentration increases.

Lack of fluid, prenatal multivitamins and some foods also affect the color of urine.

How to bring the color of urine back to normal

The answer to this question depends on the reason that caused it to change:

  1. If it's dehydration, you need to increase the amount of water you drink. The concentration of urine will decrease, and the color will return to normal.
  2. Unnatural coloration that has arisen while taking vitamins or medications will pass on its own after the course is completed.
  3. If the color change is provoked by certain foods (beets, carrots, citrus fruits, foods with dyes in the composition), you can reduce their consumption or remove them from the diet, but not necessarily.

Saturated urine color, not explained by the above reasons, may be a symptom of a serious illness. In this case, you must consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe additional tests and examinations, the results of which will help diagnose the disease, and prescribe the right treatment.