Feminine style in clothes: we choose the right wardrobe. Feminine style

What is feminine style? For most women, torn between career, family, household and social work, switching from trousers to a skirt is already a big concession towards femininity. What to do: the modern pace of life makes too many demands on women, so you have to choose a wardrobe based on practical considerations, and then beauty. However, if you feel like you need to change something in order to stop feeling like a draft horse, Stylish Stuff advises you to start with clothes.

And in order to make it clearer to you in which direction to move, we will tell you what the feminine style is and how to get closer to it.

The main components of feminine style

Actually, why is this style called feminine? Because no one will confuse you with a man. Those. it is aimed primarily at to emphasize our differences from the opposite sex.

-Style. The main feature of feminine clothing is the emphasis on the silhouette. It doesn't have to be tight at all. It doesn’t matter in what way, but feminine clothes leave no doubts about the presence of your chest, waist and hips. However, do not confuse femininity with defiant sexuality. A deep neckline or an ultra-short mini is not in itself a sign of femininity.

Do you remember how the heroine Leah Akhedzhakova said in the film “Office Romance”: “There must be a mystery in a woman!”. The style of clothing should leave room for imagination. Of course, ideally, skirts and dresses match the feminine style, but this does not mean that there is no place for trousers in a feminine wardrobe. They just have to perform the same task - to declare to others that you are not a gentleman.

- Color. Of course, the color scheme must be selected based on your individual type of appearance. However, try to choose a pastel, delicate palette. Pay attention to pink, coral, lilac tones. The task of coloring your clothes is to please the eye, attract attention and awaken joy in the souls of those around you. And not blend in with the pavement, as we used to dress.

refuse from strict geometric colors - cells, stripes, etc. Let there be more frivolous patterns in your clothes - flowers, butterflies, abstract stains.

— Fabrics. When choosing fabrics for your new feminine wardrobe, try to create a feeling of flight, lightness, and airiness. Let it be silk, satin, chiffon, knitwear. Avoid rough materials, as well as those that do not hold their shape. You should also not mess with fabrics that are equally suitable for both men and women - after all, you are just trying to maximize the number of differences from the male.

- Details. Even if you are naturally very conservative, do not neglect the various "female things" in clothing. After all, such decorative elements as lace, ruffles, flounces, guipure inserts, etc. make your outfit more festive. And to use them in your image is an exclusively female prerogative. At the very least, no self-respecting man can go out in public in something like this without damaging his reputation.

- Shoes. Feminine style necessarily involves high-heeled shoes. And not on a wedge heel, not on a platform, but on an elegant hairpin. Of course, if you are more used to sneakers, it will be difficult for you to readjust. But the game is worth the candle. Heels make us visually slimmer, give our gait grace and touching fragility. In fact, the love of heels is a matter of habit. It takes a little practice - and you will no longer imagine your life without them, just like Victoria Beckham. The main thing is to choose a comfortable shoe and a stable model.

- What is hidden from the eyes of others. A real woman is perfect in everything. You should not give yourself a descent into trifles, arguing that no one will see or know anyway. Believe me, life is so unpredictable! Therefore, your entire image must meet high standards. Wear only beautiful underwear in which you would not be ashamed to undress. Always. Even if you don't plan to undress. Carry a spare pair of stockings with you.

Do not allow yourself to wear holey tights, justifying yourself by saying that the hole is invisible under the shoes. Feminine style is primarily sensuality and sex appeal. And they are incompatible with holey tights.

- Accessories. They make the image complete and harmonious. Instead of large semi-sports trunks over your shoulder, hang a small handbag on your elbow or take an elegant clutch under your arm. If it seems to you that you can’t live a day without all those things that you carry with you, maybe it’s worth doing an audit in your bag? You will surely find hidden reserves. However, a practical bag can also be feminine. Use thin belts with an elegant buckle. Do not neglect rings, chains, earrings, bracelets, but make a choice in favor of classics and elegance.

Let's not argue: dress in feminine style in our harsh time and with our rhythm of life is not easy. But as the same Leah Akhedzhakova said in the already mentioned film, "You are a woman - be patient." And perhaps changes in your appearance will not keep you waiting for changes in life.

It's easy to be stylish! — Sat for women Stylish Thing

What are women guided by when they visit hairdressers, pluck their eyebrows, paint their lips, buy a hundred and first blouse at a sale? What makes us prance around the treadmill in the gym with the last of our strength? Why do we roast in the solarium? Do we put cucumbers and seaweed on our face? You can say all you want that the main goal of this is to please yourself / stay healthy and young as long as possible / you have such a hobby, and find a lot of convincing arguments. But in fact, behind all these tricks lies the basic desire inherent in nature to please the opposite sex. This is fine. We are so conceived from above. That is our nature.

Today Stylish Stuff wants to talk to you about what clothes are considered feminine and how to change your wardrobe to get closer to the standard of female beauty that every man wears in his heart.

Women's clothes, or find the maximum differences from men

Of course, a man must love in you, first of all, your beautiful soul - no doubt. But there is a possibility that behind the gray feathers he simply will not have time to consider it. And considering how modern women dress and how they behave, he may even decide that you are a different man. And why should he think differently about a creature dressed in black jeans, a nondescript sweater and sneakers? After all, this is how his relatives dress.

Thus, we get the key characteristic of feminine clothing: it should signal your belonging to the weaker sex.

Therefore, a feminine wardrobe must be selected from the contrary:

Men wear practical, non-staining clothing. Formal suits, khaki pants, some neutral-colored jeans, sweaters and turtlenecks from the same opera are the lot of men. Accordingly, your priorities are aesthetics, even at the expense of convenience.

A woman should create a sense of celebration. Choose those colors that give you a taste for life. Let it be something light, gentle, or, conversely, bright, saturated. All shades of red, lilac, emerald, pistachio - something that catches the eye. You must look like a ray of light in a dark realm. And looking at you, so summery and bright, like a luxurious butterfly, a man will certainly want to keep his eyes on you.

Of course color scheme you need to choose based on your type of figure, appearance, and not on the principle - the brighter the better. But absolutely under any image you can choose shades that will distinguish you from the crowd.

-men wear trousers. Accordingly, a feminine wardrobe implies the maximum number of skirts and. It is generally accepted that trousers are much more comfortable. But you must admit that you don’t have to climb trees every day or catch up with a running minibus with sprint prowess? In all other cases, you can choose a skirt that will favorably emphasize the features of your figure, while remaining comfortable.

Do you find that you do not have the most attractive legs? Choose max. If you don’t want to think every minute whether the skirt has risen up, put on a rather narrow model, for example, a pencil skirt. And if you want to show others long, slender legs, but you still don’t dare to wear a mini, shorts are an excellent alternative - it’s both comfortable and sexy.

- men are tough. They should not be frivolous - including in the wardrobe. Accordingly, the feminine wardrobe is distinguished by a large number of such festive details as ruffles, frills, lace, flounces and other decorative elements. An abundance of accessories is also encouraged - elegant scarves, stylish handbags, jewelry, etc.

-Men wear flat shoes. Accordingly, the heel is a purely female prerogative. And is there an easier way to make our gait flying, the camp slimmer, and our legs longer than to stand on high heels? In addition, a woman parading in heels is forced to sway her hips and gracefully wave her arms to maintain balance, and this acts on men simply magnetically.

— among men don't wear too tight clothes. Usually, to emphasize their masculinity, men wear only tight-fitting T-shirts that show the relief of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and jeans that are narrow at the hips. Therefore, clothes that fit a female figure should demonstrate the presence of such features as a narrow waist, lush breasts and hips. Those. that in men, due to their anatomical features, is not provided.

- Among men also it is customary to touch each other. Handshakes are for men. Hugs and kisses are a common practice among girlfriends. Accordingly, men often do not care how their clothes feel to the touch. Women's clothes are made of light, delicate, flowing fabrics, which are a pleasure to touch.

Of course feminine clothing is far from appropriate in all cases of life, and our site in no way encourages you to blindly follow the tastes and preferences of men. In the end, it is impossible to please all men in the world. However, knowing their basic tastes is still not superfluous. After all, sometimes only small changes are enough for the Real Men around you to become much more.

It's easy to be stylish!— Website for women Stylish Trick

Most beautiful ladies prefer to wear feminine style clothes. Even girls who wear only jeans and T-shirts in everyday life, sooner or later think about how to make their image more feminine. But when choosing a feminine set of clothes, there is a risk of creating an image that is too frank, defiantly sexy (for example, very deep necklines or ultra-short skirts).

In principle, the concept of "feminine style" is rather abstract. A girl can look feminine in a sports outfit. Here we are talking more about a feminine image, created with the help of properly selected clothes.

Feminine image

There are two basic rules, based on which you can easily choose a girl's wardrobe in a feminine style:

  • choose things that men will never wear;
  • opt for things that men themselves consider feminine.

The main item of any feminine wardrobe is a dress. What is characteristic of a dress in a feminine style? It should favorably emphasize the female dignity of the figure - the waist, chest, legs - in general, everything that nature has endowed.

Sporty feminine style

Do you want to stay feminine while dressing sporty and comfortable? Opt for a dress in a sporty style. Its main feature is that it is very comfortable, usually made from natural materials.

The second plus of a sports dress is a simple cut, so this outfit will not hamper movement. The style of a sports dress can be tight-fitting, or it can be loose, but always comfortable. And, despite all these qualities, a sports dress can be attractive and seductive.

The shades that are most common in are very diverse. The most popular natural tones are white, shades of brown, gray, khaki.

Feminine style remains the most attractive for both men and women. He lures the strong half of humanity with soft and smooth lines, beautiful colors and emphasizing all the advantages of the female figure. In turn, women love this style for the impression it allows you to make. Women's clothing attracts attention, but does not look vulgar or pretentious. Therefore, for girls whose goal is a serious relationship and finding a soul mate, feminine style will be the best solution. Perhaps the image is more effective and catches the eye with aggressive sex appeal, but when looking for a life partner, it definitely does not work for the final result.

Feminine colors and prints

Feminine style uses medium and light tones. It does not have gloomy dark colors. The color scheme is predominantly pastel and delicate: blue, pink, pale yellow, turquoise, mint, beige, cornflower blue, coral, peach and other soft shades. This does not mean at all that there are no bright colors in the style, they are, but not in spectral or neon, eye-catching versions.

When composing color combinations for a set, it should be remembered that the feminine style does not accept high contrasts. clothes look together restrained, but attractive.

It will not be in a feminine style and bright active. Most often, floral and floral motifs or polka dots are used as a pattern. A soft gradient on the fabric is possible. But geometric, "animal" and abstract prints on clothes should be avoided.

Feminine style fabrics and styles

In contrast to the classic, feminine style uses soft and light fabrics that do not hold their shape. It has a lot of flowing materials, shimmering and translucent fabrics: silk, chiffon, fine wool, etc.

Feminine style is rich in decor. Clothes are decorated with embroidery and lace or sewn entirely from lace fabric, frills and ruffles are used in the design of frivolous flying dresses, translucent or decorated with frills or have cute lantern sleeves. Feminine-style clothing has a lot of charming little details and draperies that attract the eye, forcing you to stop and look.

The preferred forms of clothing for a feminine style will be skirts with blouses, sundresses. may also be present, but much less frequently. It is better to completely refuse jeans, they will look too simple and rough, destroying the lightness of the image. The length of the skirts is varied, but there will still be no ultra mini. The silhouette of things is fitted, the fit is strong enough. Blouses and bodices of dresses often have plunging necklines. Skirt styles can be absolutely anything: A-shaped, pencil skirts, tulip, puffy skirts, sun skirt, etc. The main criterion is the lightness and femininity of the image with an admixture of coquetry.

Every woman knows what she prefers in clothes, but are wondering how to create a feminine look. Stylists often notice the frequent visits of girls with the requirement to recreate a feminine image, give practical advice and help to choose the right things in this style.

Girls who like to wear more practical things also want to look feminine:

  • With jeans;
  • T-shirts;
  • sneakers;
  • Sportswear.

We will try to talk about the intricacies of a feminine look so that you do not look revealing by choosing too open necklines and short dresses or skirts. Emphasize clothes that highlight your figure and adjust your image. It is necessary to remember whether it is classic or sportswear, you can look masculine or feminine.

Two rules in the selection of a feminine image

  • Wear clothes that men would never wear under any circumstances;
  • Give preference to clothes that men consider feminine.

What is unfeminine for a man

  1. 60% of 100 - consider sneakers not the best choice of shoes;
  2. 70% of 100 - do not approve of shoes on a high platform;
  3. 65% of 100 - do not tolerate clothes strewn with leopard and tiger prints;
  4. 55% of 100 - do not like bright colors in clothes;
  5. 90% of 100- deny the image in combination with a skirt below the knee.

Men appreciate in image

  1. 75% of 100- love pumps with stilettos;
  2. 77% of 100 - prefer painted lips with bright lipsticks;
  3. 65% of 100 - no matter how unexpected, they prefer dresses with flowers;
  4. 90% of 100 - consider in a feminine way, the style of a secretary in the office.

How to determine if the image fits the feminine style?

Manicure, hairstyle and MakeUp

  • The hairstyle emphasizes the feminine image, the length of the hair can be a bob style and below the shoulder blades, and loose hair is the best choice;
  • Light makeup using mascara and lip gloss is already a good option;
  • A manicure that can be done in bright colors, such as red or pink.
  • Hair styling - complement the image with hairpins, ribbons, headbands.


  • Heels for all time the standard of femininity;
  • Sandals and ballet shoes are also not inferior to the hairpin, they fit the female look.

Bijouterie and jewelry in clothes

  • Rings with ornaments and stones;
  • Earrings decorated with flowers, pearls, long chains;
  • hats;
  • Silk scarves;
  • Jewelry made of pearls and flowers.

Classic women's things

Femininity to the figure adds:

  • Skirts that emphasize your figure, for example, a thin waist and lush hips, beautiful breasts. These are the skirts:
  1. Pencil;
  2. Fitted.

They can be combined with fitted jackets.

  • Sheath dresses.

To highlight the waist, use straps, if you have shortcomings in the waist, then using clothes hide your shortcomings.

  • Asymmetrical shirts and blouses on one shoulder;
  • Sleeveless Tops;
  • Ruffled clothing.

Give preference to clothes that suit you

From the outside, such advice is perceived with surprise, because each item purchased was matched to your figure. But the purchased clothes are made according to standard sizes, and they do not always fit you like a glove. So the girls agree with the shortcomings in the purchase, whether it be a discrepancy in the size of clothes in: chest, waist, shoulders. Do not leave these shortcomings, take the purchase to the studio and adjust it to fit your figure.


A feminine look for every day can be combined with chains, bracelets, earrings, rings on the fingers. Think over each purchase to the smallest detail, purchasing a blouse or dress, combine it with elegant beads or other jewelry that will look gentle and unobtrusive. Do not buy catchy and large jewelry, they are not suitable for recreating a feminine style.

Bright colors

In the cold season, you can’t wear light fabrics, but they can be replaced with bright colors in warm clothes and accessories. These can be colored scarves, hats, shoes, gloves and bags.

Eau de toilette and perfume

Your fragrance also plays a big role in a woman's image. Flavors should be soft and delicate. It can be the smells of flowers and fruits, which beckon their smell. Even the most ordinary look in a combination of blouses, shirts and jeans will be replenished thanks to feminine perfumes.


Choosing a stylish hairstyle for every day, you will not visit the hairdresser every time. But at the same time, you need to be able to correctly and elegantly collect your curls and this should not take much time. Curls require a long time, in order to look well-groomed and at the same time feminine, you just need to add the necessary accessories to your hair. This can be elastic bands with brooches, headbands with flowers, hairpins, while taking into account your age, as well as the length of your hair, so as not to look ridiculous.


Sneakers are not the best choice for a feminine look, they will only scatter a matched outfit. Ankle boots, pumps, high boots, ballet flats complete your feminine look.

There are a lot of tips for creating the perfect female image, it is important to be comfortable in it and not lose a sense of confidence. Pay your attention to the photos that we offered you in the article, based on them you can easily complete your image.