It means size 1. How to understand what one size means for aliexpress. American label: girls clothes

Knowing the size of your chest for any woman is as important as knowing the size of a dress or jeans. And even more important, because the right one always gives special confidence. Determining the size is very simple, and it is advisable to do this at home so that in the lingerie store you do not have to try on all the sets available there.

Easy way: just two parameters

Experts advise to determine the size of the chest in different ways: some say that you must be completely naked, others allow a light bra (without push-up). If desired, you can choose any method, since the difference in performance will be minimal.

You will need to take only two measurements, for which you need a metric tape also called "centimeter". They need to measure the volume of the chest, stretching it under the shoulder blades, through the armpits and the line of the nipples. The second parameter is even easier to calculate - with the same centimeter you need to measure the volume of the body under the chest. In this case, it is advisable to stand straight and try to relax, and by all means exhale the air.

The result will be two numbers. From the larger one (bust girth) it is necessary to subtract the smaller one (girth under the bust) - a simple task. And then just check with a small table.

cm difference 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23
Breast size 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Using this table is also easy. For example, if the volume under the bust is 92 cm, and the volume along its protruding part is 112 cm, then the fullness of the cup will be C, and the number 90 will be in front of it, respectively. Most European manufacturers usually differ in the volume under the breast by five units and starts at 60. So on bras it would be 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, etc.

Girth under bust A IN WITH D E F G
63-67 77-79 79-81 81-83 83-85
68-72 82-84 84-86 86-88 88-90 90-92
73-77 87-89 89-91 91-93 93-95 95-97 97-99 99-101
78-82 92-94 94-96 96-98 98-100 100-102 102-104 104-106
83-87 97-99 99-101 101-103 103-105 105-107 107-109 109-111
88-92 102-104 104-106 106-108 108-110 110-112 112-114 114-116
93-97 107-109 109-111 111-113 113-115 115-117 117-119 119-121
98-102 112-114 114-116 116-118 118-120 120-122 122-124 124-126

Subtle tricks

Coming to the store even after carefully studying their parameters and determining the sizes according to the tables, women may have unforeseen surprises. It seems that the customer wears a 75B bra, and in the boutique, the 70D bra sat perfectly on her. Coincidence or mistake? This is the so-called parallel dimension. when two bras can fit at the same time, completely matching in all respects. But usually the fair sex knows only one size, because good stores always have the necessary tables and a consultant will help you use them. There are advantages in parallel sizes: if the requested size is not available, you can always pick up its “analogue”.

75 A 70 V
80 A 75 V 70C
85 A 80D 75C
75 V 70C 80 A
80 V 75C 70D
85 V 80C 75D
90 V 85C 80D
85 C 80D 75 E
90D 85 E 80F

Also, sometimes there is a marking of bras that completely coincides with the sizes of dresses or blouses. And it is indicated in Latin letters (XS, S, M, L, XL) or a number, where the size matches the European clothing size - 32, 34, 36, 38, etc. If it needs to be “correlated” with the Russian one, it is worth adding six units. So, the European 32 size corresponds to the 38 Russian, and the 40th size corresponds to the 46th. But even in this case, there are usually no difficulties when buying underwear, since sellers always know the volumes of female figures corresponding to these sizes.

Sometimes it happens that in a woman's wardrobe there are bras of different sizes, and they cannot be called parallel. Sometimes the convenience of a bra depends not only on a certain size, but also on the model. For example, bras of the same manufacturer, but completely different models, can look completely different on the same woman. And it can fit both the size of 75V, and 70V, and even 80V. This should not be too surprising, because the main thing is a feeling of comfort, so sometimes you can once again use the fitting.

How to choose a bra as a gift

Firstly, this way you don’t have to explain to the seller for a long time who their chosen one looks like. And secondly, she will surely be satisfied. Moreover, both beautiful underwear, and an understanding of how well a loved one knows her. And even if it’s embarrassing to ask a woman directly about the size, you can always peep the designations on her bra. And only then go to the store for such an exciting and luxurious gift.

– we will consider in the next article.

If you do not often use the services of foreign Internet sites to buy clothes, most likely, from time to time you have an unpleasant confusion with determining the appropriate size. Despite the generally recognized international labeling of women's clothing, most online stores indicate the dimensional grid belonging to the country of origin.

Women's clothing: marking features

When buying women's clothing abroad through an Internet resource, where most of the assortment has letter markings, you may come across an unusual digital designation that only the most advanced shopaholic can “read”. The numbers from 1 to 10 can refer to different systems: a grid of sizes for sportswear and American clothing.

Sportswear manufacturers now do not bother much with international size standards, releasing products according to their own dimensional grid. However, some firms use a little-known numerical marking to indicate sports clothing sizes.

The ratio of sportswear labels: from 1 to 10 women's clothing size

The so-called "sports" marking, in accordance with the letter and Russian, looks something like this:

  • XS-size is equal to 2/3 "sports" or 40 Russian size;
  • S-ka is 4/5 "sports" or domestic 42nd;
  • M-size corresponds to 10 and 11 "sports" or 44 Russian size;
  • Size L - equal to "sporty" 7/6 or, according to Russian labeling - 48/50 sizes;
  • XL is "sporty" * women's clothing size 12, or domestic 52nd;
  • XXL size corresponds to the 13th "sports" or 54/56th size in Russia.

For the convenience of the ratio of "sports" sizes with the sizes of other countries, all parameters are listed in the size table:

Size, Russia international standard Size, Germany, France Size, Italy Size, England US size
Sportswear Jeans
38 XXS 30/32 36 30 1 24/25
40 XS 32/34 38 32 2/3 26/27
42 S 34/36 40 34 4/5 28/29
44 M 38/40 42 36 6/7 30/31
46 M 40/42 44 38 8/9 31/32
48 L 42/44 46 40 10 32/33
50 L 44/46 48 42 11 34/35
52 XL 46/48 50 44 12 36/37
54 XXL 48/50 52 46 13 37/38

Decoding example: "sports" women's clothing size 2

According to the data indicated in the table, the 2nd sports size corresponds to the international S, which means it will fit perfectly on the figure with the following parameters: chest volume - 84/87 cm, waist circumference - 66/69 cm, hip circumference - 90/93 see For more "non-standard" figures, which for some reason go beyond the specified values, it is better to order the 3rd sports size.

American label: girls clothing

If you've come across size 1 to 10 labels on clothing that has nothing to do with athletic style, it's likely that it's labeled with the American sizing system for teens and young girls.

Clothing sizes for girls with a height of 150 - 160 cm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Breast volume 80 82,5 85 87,5 90 93 96,5 100 104 109 114
Waist 60 62 65 67 70 72,5 76 80 84 89 94
Hips 86,5 89 91,5 94 96,5 99 103 107 110,5 115,5 121

Clothing sizes for girls with a height of 162.5 cm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Breast volume 80 82,5 85 87,5 90 93 96,5 100 104 109 114
Waist 60 62 65 67 70 72,5 76 80 84 89 94
Hips 86,5 89 91,5 94 96,5 99 103 107 110,5 115,5 121

A feature of this marking is the division of sizes into two tables by height: the first is for girls whose height is 150-160 cm, the second - for girls with a height of 161 to 170 cm. The sizes are grouped in such a way that even numbers refer to the first, and odd to the second table.

For example, women's clothing size 6 refers to the table for young girls with a height of 150-160 cm, and women's clothing size 3 is for teenage girls with a height of 161 cm or more. Thus, knowing your height, you can most accurately choose the right clothes.

Perhaps you will be interested

Are you planning to go shopping? Going shopping, buying new things, changing style and image is definitely an exciting and interesting activity. However, the incomprehensible letters that indicate the sizes S M and L, xl, xxl can make some confusion in the process of buying the item you like if you do not know what they mean.

How to determine the size of clothes

We used to think that the main indicator for determining the size is half the girth of the chest. It is important to take measurements correctly. The measuring tape should be placed exactly horizontally, firmly attached to the body without much stretch or sagging, and pass through the most prominent points of the chest.

The person on whom measurements are taken must be in underwear or light summer clothes. In order to decipher the sizes S M L to be as accurate as possible, we recommend that you make additional measurements:

    chest girth;

    waist circumference;

    hip girth.

We measure the waist on a naked body, without pulling in or protruding the stomach, the position of the body should be relaxed and natural. Hips are measured at their widest point.

Keep in mind that if your body type, for example, corresponds to the sizes of T-shirts S M L, this does not mean that skirts or trousers will have the same dimension.

Correspondence of letter designations with digital

There are several generally accepted dimension markings: Russian, European and American. The international letter system is usually used.

In order to decide, S M L is what sizes, let's say right away that the letter designation represents the first letter of the corresponding English word:

    S - Small (small);

    M - Middle (medium);

    L- Large (large).

The letter X (extra) can mean very small (XS) or vice versa very large (HL).

For women




To determine S M L what are these sizes in the Russian manner of designating the size range, it is better to use a special table. The standard European dimensional grid of women's clothing translated into Russian size S M L is as follows:

    S - corresponds to 44;

    M - for the value of POG 46 cm;

    L - means Russian 48.

For men

The S M L clothing size chart for men has a similar look. The principle for determining men's metric values ​​is the same as for women's clothing:

    S - corresponds to the 46th;

    L stands for 50.

The size of men's clothing S M L, unlike women's, includes such an indicator as neck circumference. It is important when choosing and buying classic shirts.

Those who find it easier to navigate in the usual dimensional grid can easily convert European designations into women's Russian size S M L with the help of tables.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of clothes

Despite the fact that there is a generally accepted size chart S M L, the dimensions of clothing from different manufacturers can vary significantly. Sometimes it happens that the winter collection will be more complete than the summer one of the same brand. Please note that the product may be produced for the market of a specific country, and there may be a different metric system in use.

To be sure, it is better to use not average data, but size tables of the brand whose clothes you are going to buy. This information can usually be found on the manufacturer's website.

The surest way, how not to make a mistake when buying clothes, is to try on things in the brand's company store. If you plan to buy clothes in an online store, then it would be right to visit a real outlet and try on several items of the selected brand.

If we summarize the data, we get a summary table of the correspondence between the size range of women's and men's clothing.

one size. However, not every client knows what this means. So what is this size - one size? Is this wording the seller's mistake? Answer: no, it is not! In China, for example, they have long been accustomed to this concept and know what size it is. One size - versatile clothing. It is suitable for owners of various parameters.

What size is this - one size? What does it mean?

So, let's take a closer look at what size it is. One size - things made of pliable, elastic materials. In addition, this also includes clothing that, due to its cut and open design, suits not only specific figures. Accordingly, this size relieves the manufacturer of the need to sew a lot of things for different volumes. It turns out that one product is enough to satisfy the needs of a large number of customers.

Universal things

In a word, it becomes clear what size it is. One size is a concept that most often includes the following things: stockings, socks, T-shirts, leggings, scarves, bathrobes, some styles of dresses, loose cardigans, overalls and carnival costumes. Although not necessary. As already mentioned, the material, as a rule, is selected for sewing elastic. So it all depends on the model. In general, at the discretion of the designers.

Buyer category

However, one more nuance should not be forgotten. Whatever fabric is still elastic, it will not work for especially large buyers. After all, it cannot turn into rubber. Yes, for some owners of magnificent forms, one-size clothing is quite suitable. What size it is, it is noticeable even “by eye” when making a purchase. That is, for example, 4XL is not compatible with universal things.

Remember that things made in China are designed primarily for the inhabitants of this country. And large sizes are quite rare there. Therefore, Chinese seamstresses do not particularly think about large quantities.

In general, one size is designed for owners of sizes 40-46. The growth of the buyer should be approximately from 155 to 175 centimeters. Approximate weight is 65-70 kilograms. A miniature physique and small stature are normal parameters for Asians. For a resident of Russia, the acquired thing may turn out to be small. Thus, when making purchases, you must carefully inspect the goods.


Let's summarize. The question "One size is how much?" considered in sufficient detail. Versatile clothing can also be abbreviated as OS. It is suitable for people of various physiques. And they look charming in it, emphasizing their individuality and attractiveness. OS items fit three to four standard sizes. Most often this is due to the elasticity of the material from which they are made. The stretch of the fabric is usually achieved by adding Lycra fibers and special hosiery.

Such clothes can be supplemented with adjustable straps. This is done so that the outfit, if necessary, can be adjusted to your height. For models that do not require too tight fit to the body, separate inserts made of stretchable material can be used. For example, in the chest or waist.

In general, the options are different. Purchasing clothes in one size can solve certain problems. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the fact that you will gain extra pounds. Modern models in any case will look good on you. With the advent of elastic material containing easily stretchable, elastic threads, adjustable straps and special cuts, fashion collections are regularly replenished with universal clothing. In a word, happy shopping!

Welcome! Today you will learn how not to make a mistake with the purchase when going to the new season for new clothes in a real or virtual store. After all, very often, considering the letters on the labels, we ask ourselves questions.

We will answer the question: “XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL is what size of women's clothing in the Russian way (38,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,60,62, etc. .)?”

In this article, we will take a closer look at which letter designations correspond to certain numbers, and learn how to learn how to correctly compare them with our volumes.

Determine the parameters for the dimensional grid (Russia)

And now let's find out what you need to know in order to determine, S, M, L, XL, what are the sizes of women's clothing? To do this, remember how the Russian size range is determined. (Picture clickable)

However, remember that for tall girls, the numbers are slightly adjusted based on height.

As we can see from the tables, Russian sizes are determined by the half-girth of the chest or hips. This means that we divide the figure obtained by measuring the volume of the chest or hips by 2 and get the actual size.

Since for most women the parameters of the top and bottom do not match, we take this into account when buying clothes.

So, for example, if the chest volume is 92 cm, the size of the blouse or sweater will be 46, but the hip volume can be 100, then it is better to choose trousers or skirts of the 50th orXL.

How to take measurements to determine the size

To correctly make the necessary measurements, it is enough for us to ask someone close for help.

We will need high-quality, not stretched tailor's tape, a mirror and an assistant.

How to measure chest girth: dress in thin light clothes without underwear, cover the chest at the most protruding points, making sure that there is no sagging on the back, but not too tight.

How to measure the waist circumference: we measure the waist on a naked body, without pulling in the stomach and without dissolving it - we maintain the natural position of the body.

How to measure the circumference of the hips: we measure the hips along their widest part, and not along the protruding buttocks, especially if there is a “breeches”, as this will significantly affect the correct size determination.

Now you know how best to determine what size clothes it is, for example, 42 or 50, S or XL, and you can accurately purchase the right item in a real or virtual store. The main thing to remember is how important it is to correctly measure your own parameters - the accuracy of the choice will depend on this!