Golden quotes by F. G. Ranevskaya. The best aphorisms of Faina Ranevskaya

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts!

The main thing is to live a living life, and not to fumble through the back streets of memory.

Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, or immoral, or leads to obesity.

If a person is smart and honest, then he is non-partisan.
If smart and party-then dishonest.
If honest and party-the fool.

Companion of glory - loneliness.

Alone. Mortal anguish. I am 81 years old ... I am sitting in Moscow, it is summer, I cannot leave the dog. They rented me a house outside the city and with a toilet. And at my age, one can be a lover - a home closet.

Ranevskaya dined in a restaurant and was dissatisfied with both the kitchen and the service.
- Call the director, - she said, having paid.
And when he came, she offered him a hug.
- What's happened? - he was confused.
“Hug me,” repeated Faina Georgievna.
- But why?
- Goodbye. You won't see me here again.

Animals, which are few, were listed in the Red Book, and which are many - in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food.

Serve the lady mouth! (Ranevskaya asked for a light.)

For the actress there is no inconvenience if it is necessary for the role.

The closet of Lyubov Petrovna Orlova is so full of clothes that the moth living in it cannot learn to fly!

There are two, maybe three thoughts in my old head, but at times they raise such a fuss that it seems there are thousands of them.

Ranevskaya walks very sad, upset about something.
- My pearl necklace was stolen!
- What did it look like?
- Like real...

They all have friends the same as themselves - they make friends on the basis of purchases, almost live in commission shops, go to visit each other. How I envy them, brainless!

A boy and a girl are sitting on a bench. The young man is very shy. The girl wants him to kiss her, and she says:
- Oh, my cheek hurts.
The young man kisses her on the cheek.
- Well, how does it hurt now?
- No, it doesn't hurt.
Over time:
- Oh, my neck hurts.
He kissed her on the neck:
- Well, does it hurt?
- No, it doesn't hurt.
Ranevskaya sits nearby and asks:
- Young man, you don't treat hemorrhoids?!

When I have a nightmare, it means that I am in a movie in a dream.

It has always been a mystery to me - how great actors could play with artists from whom there is nothing to catch, even a runny nose. How to explain, mediocrity: no one will come to you, because there is nothing to take from you. Do you understand my shallow thought?

Ranevskaya was asked if she knew the reasons for the divorce of a familiar couple. Faina Georgievna replied:
- They had different tastes: she loved men, and he - women.

That blind man to whom you gave the coin is not pretending, he really does not see.
- Why did you decide so?
- He told you: “Thank you, beauty!”

Life is in full swing ... on the head!


All my life I've been swimming in the toilet with a butterfly stroke.

We were accustomed to single-celled words, scant thoughts, play Ostrovsky after that!

Horseradish, put on the opinions of others, provides a calm and happy life.

Under the most beautiful tail of a peacock hides the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen.

I am like eggs: I participate, but I do not enter.

Why are all women so stupid?

Do you know what it's like to act in films? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and a tour is being led there.

Life is a long jump from n * zdy to the grave.

I'm like an old palm tree at the station - no one needs it, but it's a pity to throw it away.

For an actress, there are no disadvantages if it is necessary for the role.

To gain recognition, one must, even must, die.

Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. There are, in fact, only two perversions: field hockey and ballet on ice.

Beautiful people shit too.

I do not recognize the word "play". You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You have to live on the stage.

Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, or immoral, or leads to obesity.

I hate you. Wherever I go, everyone looks around and says: “Look, this is Mulya, don’t annoy me, she’s coming.”

Everyone is free to dispose of his ass as he wants. So I pick mine up and fuck it

I get letters: "Help me become an actor." I answer: "God will help!".

Women are smarter, of course. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

Pee-pee in a tram is all he did in art.

Talent is self-doubt and painful dissatisfaction with yourself and your shortcomings, which I have never seen in mediocrity.

I am watching this film for the fourth time and I must tell you that today the actors played like never before.

Actress stories

Once Ranevskaya stood in her make-up room completely naked. And smoked. Suddenly, without knocking, the director, manager of the Mossovet Theater Valentin Shkolnikov entered her. And froze in shock. Faina Georgievna calmly asked: “Does it shock you that I smoke?”

Explaining to someone why the condom is white, Ranevskaya said: "Because the white color makes you fat."

Ranevskaya was asked: “Which women, in your opinion, tend to be more faithful brunettes or blondes?” Without hesitation, she replied: "Greys!".
Once in the theater, a young capricious actress declared: "The pearls that I will wear in the first act must be real." “Everything will be real,” Ranevskaya reassures her, “Everything: pearls in the first act, and poison in the last.”

Oh, you know, Zavadsky has such grief!

What grief?

He died.

Ranevskaya said with envy to Yevgeny Gavrilovich, who lived in his last years in the House of Cinema Veterans:

“It’s good for you: you came to the dining room - there are people all around, sit and eat for pleasure! And I sit down at the table all alone ... Eating alone, my dear, is just as unnatural as shitting together!

Let the idiots and clowns out of your life. The circus must tour.

It seems that God loves the sufferers. Have you ever seen a happy genius? No, everyone was ruffled by life, like a blade of grass in the wind. Happiness is a concept for average citizens in all respects, and there is no justice here.

In Moscow, you can go out into the street dressed as you please, and no one will pay attention. In Odessa, my print dresses cause general bewilderment - this is discussed in hairdressing salons, dental outpatient clinics, trams, and private homes. Everyone is upset by my monstrous "stinginess" - for no one believes in poverty.

There is such love that it is better to immediately replace it with execution.

It is better to be a good person, "swearing" than a quiet, well-mannered creature.

Now I looked at the photo for a long time - the eyes of the dog are surprisingly human. I love them, they are smart and kind, but people make them evil.

Faina, - her old friend asked, - do you think medicine is making progress?

But how. When I was young, I had to undress every time I went to the doctor, but now it’s enough to show my tongue.


This doctor is amazing! He cured all my illnesses literally in a minute, - Faina Georgievna remarked sarcastically after visiting the doctor.
- How?

He said that all my illnesses are not illnesses, but symptoms of approaching old age.

Ranevskaya was asked:

How are you feeling, Faina Georgievna?

The liver, heart, legs, head hurt. Well, I'm not a man, otherwise the prostate would get sick.


Either I'm getting old and stupid, or today's youth is like nothing! - complained Ranevskaya. “Before, I just didn’t know how to answer their questions, but now I don’t even understand what they are asking about.

Faina Georgievna, what is love?

Ranevskaya thought and said:

But I remember that it is something very pleasant.

You won’t believe it, Faina Georgievna, but no one has kissed me yet, except for the groom.

Are you bragging, my dear, or are you complaining?


Ranevskaya dined in a restaurant and was dissatisfied with both the kitchen and the service.

Call the director, - she said, having paid.

And when he came, she offered him a hug.

What's happened? - he was confused.

Hug me, - repeated Faina Georgievna.

But why?

Goodbye. You won't see me here again.

Sometimes it seems to me that I am still living only because I really want to live. For 53 years, a habit has developed to live in the world. The heart works sluggishly and all the time makes attempts to stop serving me, but I order him: “Fight, cursed, and don’t you dare stop.”

Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya


Date of Birth:

Date of death:

Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya - Soviet theater and film actress. Modern journalists are called "one of the greatest Russian actresses of the 20th century" and "the queen of the second plan." In the modern public consciousness, Ranevskaya is most often associated with many of her own aphorisms, most of which have become "winged".

One of the biographers of Faina Georgievna Matvey Geyser wrote: “The most paradoxical thing in the acting fate of Ranevskaya is that she played dozens of such roles in the theater and cinema, about which the writer-humorist Emil Krotky remarked: “His name did not leave the poster, where he is invariably figured among “et al.””. Despite the small, sometimes episodic, images, the audience and directors noticed the actress after the first film role - Mrs. Loiseau in Mikhail Romm's silent drama "Dumb". She did not play in the cinema as often as in the theater, saying that "the money is eaten, but the shame remains." Nevertheless, on the movie screen, Ranevskaya reincarnated as a considerable number of characters - she was, among others, the hot-tempered lady Lyalya in the comedy Foundling, the housekeeper Margarita Lvovna in the musical comedy Spring, and the evil stepmother in the classic fairy tale Cinderella. The “housekeeper” Freken Bock speaks in a remarkable low voice Ranevskaya in the cartoon “Carlson is back”.

In 1896, in the family of a wealthy Jew, Girsha Feldman, the owner of a factory, a steamboat, several houses and shops. Since childhood, the girl stuttered slightly, so her peers constantly hurt her. Because of this, she decided to leave the gymnasium and was educated at home.

She was very fond of Russian classics, especially Chekhov. By the way, she borrowed her stage name - “Ranevskaya” from the great classic. If you remember, that was the name of Chekhov's heroine from the play "The Cherry Orchard". As for the choice of a profession, then, as Faina Girshievna stated, she did not choose it, since it “lurked” in her. She possessed sharpness of mind and language, subtle humor, free views on life. This is what the great Faina Ranevskaya was like for her contemporaries.

The catchphrases that we often repeat today contain a deep meaning. They are so accurate, fair and correspond to today's reality that sometimes you are simply surprised that their author is a woman born in the 19th century.

When Ranevskaya worked at the Mossovet Theater, she had problems with the leader - She often parodied him, could put him in his place even in front of the whole team, and many of Faina Ranevskaya's sharp words and expressions were born precisely because of this conflict.

One of her most apt phrases explains her whole life: “What is it like to play on stage? You can play checkers, cards, hide and seek. You have to live on the stage!” Yes, she was one of the most truthful actresses on the Soviet screen, despite the fact that she never managed to fully realize herself as an actress. Perhaps because of her unusual appearance and the specific timbre of her voice, she was not given the roles that she dreamed of playing. However, even those few images that she created on stage or in front of a movie camera were forever remembered by the viewer. The most interesting thing is that today's younger generation, which does not know the actress who played on stage under the pseudonym Faina Ranevskaya, knows the catchphrases belonging to her by heart. Here are some of them:

  • “Life must be lived in such a way that even bastards remember you.”
  • “You know, when I first saw this bald man on an armored car, I immediately thought: there are very big troubles ahead of us.” (So ​​she put it about Vladimir Lenin.)
  • But this one, for sure, many women like to repeat: “Life is very short in order to spend it on some kind of diet, and a bad mood.”
  • “There are people in life who you just want to approach and ask: is it difficult to live without brains?”

Probably, many thought: "Ay, yes Faina Ranevskaya!" The catchphrases invented by her are simply priceless! For example, this one: “Optimism is just a lack of information.” Having comprehended the essence of what was said, you are simply amazed at the depth of its meaning.

Faina Ranevskaya: catchphrases about women

The actress has a great many caustic. Surely, many have heard this one:

“If a woman walks with her head down, then she has a lover. If a woman proudly steps with her head up, then she definitely has a lover. If a woman walks and holds her head straight, then she has a lover. And in general, if a woman has a head, then she certainly has a lover!”

Or this one: “If you want to lose weight, then eat naked and in front of a mirror!”

But this is more of an anecdote than a catchphrase:

Today I killed 5 flies. Of these, two were males and three were females.

And how did you manage to determine this?

Easily! Two sat on a bottle of beer, and three on mirrors.

About loneliness

Faina Ranevskaya never married and had no children. In old age, she acutely felt loneliness, and some of her phrases are precisely about this state.

  • “Loneliness is such a state that there is no one to even talk about.”
  • Or: “Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house, only the alarm clock rings.”

Faina Ranevskaya, the great Russian actress, died in 1984 at the age of 88, leaving behind a large collection of aphorisms and films with her participation.

Theme of the collection: quotes and phrases of Faina Ranevskaya.

  • Women die later than men because they are always late.
  • People, like candles, are divided into two types: some - for light and heat, and others - in the ass.
  • What is the difference between smart and wise? A smart man knows how to get out of a difficult situation, but a wise man never gets into it.
  • If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.
  • I do not know how to express strong feelings, although I can express myself strongly.
  • Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods.
  • Do you know what it's like to act in films? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and a tour is being led there.
  • Something hasn't been told to me for a long time that I would ... . Losing popularity.
  • I am watching this film for the fourth time and I must tell you that today the actors played like never before.
  • Why did God create women so beautiful and so stupid? once asked Ranevskaya. Beautiful so that they can be loved by men, and stupid so that they can love men.
  • I am amused by the excitement of people over trifles, I myself was the same fool. Now, before the finish, I understand clearly that everything is empty. All you need is kindness and compassion.
  • Optimism is a lack of information.
  • Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. There are, in fact, only two perversions: field hockey and ballet on ice.
  • If a woman walks with her head down, she has a lover! If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover! If a woman keeps her head straight, she has a lover! And in general - if a woman has a head, then she has a lover!
  • The union of a stupid man and a stupid woman gives birth to the heroine mother. The union of a stupid woman and a smart man creates a single mother. The union of a smart woman and a stupid man gives rise to an ordinary family. The union of a smart man and a smart woman gives rise to easy flirting.
  • On an empty stomach, a Russian person does not want to do anything and think, but on a full stomach, he cannot.
  • Animals, which are few, were listed in the Red Book, and which are many - in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food. (Funny statements by Ranevskaya about animals)
  • Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.
  • They ask me why I don’t write about Akhmatova, because we were friends ... I answer: I don’t write, because I love her very much.
  • I don’t drink, I don’t smoke anymore and I never cheated on my husband - because I never had one, ”Ranevskaya said, anticipating possible questions from the journalist. - So, - the journalist does not lag behind, - does it mean that you do not have any shortcomings at all? “In general, no,” Ranevskaya answered modestly, but with dignity. And after a short pause, she added: - True, I have a big ass and sometimes I lie a little ...
  • A woman in the theater washes the toilet. I ask her to work for me, to clean the apartment. Answers: "I can't, I love art."
  • Women are smarter, of course. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?
  • A fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. And the reality is when the opposite is true.
  • Life is a long jump from p... to the grave. (Statements of Ranevskaya about life and death)
  • Life is a short walk before eternal sleep.
  • Life passes and does not bow like an angry neighbor.
  • I keep thinking about Pushkin. Pushkin is a planet! He's around somewhere. I will not part with him. What would I do in this world without Pushkin...
  • After the next performance, already in the dressing room, looking at flowers, notes, letters, postcards, Ranevskaya often noticed: - How much love, but there is no one to go to the pharmacy ...
  • Ranevskaya was asked: what is the most difficult for her? “Oh, I do my hardest before breakfast,” she said. - And what is it? - I get out of bed. (Faina Ranevskaya quotes about the most difficult ...)
  • When I die, bury me and write on the monument: "Died of disgust."
  • I will have a happy day when you become impotent, ”Ranevskaya said to her stubborn boyfriend.
  • I feel myself, but not well.
  • I saw how the sparrow obviously spoke taunts to another, tiny and weak, and as a result poked him in the head with his beak. Everything is like people. (Ranevskaya quotes and aphorisms)
  • I was smart enough to live my life stupidly.
  • A child from the first grade of school must be taught the science of loneliness.
  • Why are all women so stupid?
  • Some man pushed Ranevskaya walking down the street, and even cursed with dirty words. Faina Georgievna said to him: “For a number of reasons, I cannot now answer you in the words you use. But I sincerely hope that when you return home, your mother will jump out of the gateway and bite you properly.
  • How I envy the brainless! (Many people search the Internet for funny or cool sayings by Faina Ranevskaya, this saying can be classified as such)
  • At night I almost always read Pushkin. Then I take sleeping pills and read again, because sleeping pills do not work. I again take sleeping pills and think about Pushkin. If I met him, I would tell him how wonderful he is, how we all remember him, how I live by him all my long life ... Then I fall asleep, and I dream of Pushkin. He walks with a cane along Tverskoy Boulevard. I run to him, I scream. He stopped, looked, bowed and said: "Leave me alone, old b ... How you bored me with your love."
  • Our people are the most gifted, kind and conscientious. But almost somehow it turns out that constantly, eighty percent, we are surrounded by idiots, scammers and creepy ladies without dogs. Trouble!

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website I decided to recall the witty sayings of the great actress, which at one time silenced interlocutors for a long time.


  • All my life I've been swimming in the toilet with a butterfly stroke.
  • We were accustomed to single-celled words, scant thoughts, play Ostrovsky after that!
  • Horseradish, put on the opinions of others, provides a calm and happy life.
  • Under the most beautiful tail of a peacock hides the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen.
  • I am like eggs: I participate, but I do not enter.
  • Why are all women so stupid?
  • Do you know what it's like to act in films? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and a tour is being led there.
  • Life is a long jump from n * zdy to the grave.
  • I'm like an old palm tree at the station - no one needs it, but it's a pity to throw it away.
  • For an actress, there are no disadvantages if it is necessary for the role.
  • When I start writing memoirs, beyond the phrase: “I was born in the family of a poor oilman ...”, - I can’t do anything.
  • To gain recognition, one must, even must, die.
  • Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. There are, in fact, only two perversions: field hockey and ballet on ice.
  • Beautiful people shit too.
  • I do not recognize the word "play". You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You have to live on the stage.
  • Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, or immoral, or leads to obesity.
  • I hate you. Wherever I go, everyone looks around and says: “Look, this is Mulya, don’t annoy me, she’s coming.”
  • Everyone is free to dispose of his ass as he wants. So I pick mine up and fuck it
  • I get letters: "Help me become an actor." I answer: "God will help!".
  • Women are smarter, of course. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?
  • Pee-pee in a tram is all he did in art.
  • Talent is self-doubt and painful dissatisfaction with yourself and your shortcomings, which I have never seen in mediocrity.
  • I am watching this film for the fourth time and I must tell you that today the actors played like never before.
  • It is better to be a good person, "swearing" than a quiet, well-mannered creature.

Actress stories

Once Ranevskaya stood in her make-up room completely naked. And smoked. Suddenly, without knocking, the director, manager of the Mossovet Theater Valentin Shkolnikov entered her. And froze in shock. Faina Georgievna calmly asked: “Does it shock you that I smoke?”

Explaining to someone why the condom is white, Ranevskaya said: "Because white makes you fat."

Ranevskaya was asked: “Which women, in your opinion, tend to be more faithful brunettes or blondes?” Without thinking, she replied: "Greys!".

Once in the theater, a young capricious actress declared: "The pearls that I will wear in the first act must be real." “Everything will be real,” Ranevskaya reassures her, “Everything: pearls in the first act, and poison in the last”.