Addresses of therapeutic pedicure salons. What is the difference between a medical pedicure and a hardware and classic one?

Order inexpensive and high-quality medical pedicure services in Moscow on the Yuda website. Yudu performers will perform high-quality medical treatment of the nail plates and skin of the feet. Special equipment helps to quickly achieve results. Pedicures are performed by specialists with medical education.

Therapeutic pedicure procedure

Medical pedicure at home is carried out using modern equipment and high-quality professional products.

  • dry skin
  • ingrown toenails
  • calluses
  • corns
  • cracks
  • nail fungus

Yudu performers guarantee the safety of the procedure and the achievement of results in a short time. The price of services is negotiable.

Performing a pedicure

On the YouDo website you will find out the average cost of services, as well as a description of the procedures implemented by the specialists. You can get all the information you need from your chosen specialist. Order the services of an experienced doctor, and he will come to your address.

The stages of a medical pedicure include the following:

  • diagnostic measures
  • foot treatment
  • care recommendations

Order a professional service to your home

Therapeutic pedicure for ingrown toenails is an important part of a comprehensive solution to common foot problems. A complex procedure performed by Yudu professionals will not only provide temporary relief, but will eliminate all causes of changes in the skin and nails.

You should contact Yudu performers because:

  • Podologists constantly improve their knowledge
  • the qualifications of a medical worker who comes to your home allows you to successfully treat serious diseases surgically
  • the use of modern devices by podiatrists ensures good results

Now you don't need to look for where to get a pedicure. Order online medical manicure and pedicure services at any convenient time on Yuda by filling out an application on the page. Many specialists will answer you and are ready to complete the task at home.

The manicure and pedicure room is equipped with the most modern equipment and instruments for performing medical and cosmetic procedures related to fingernails and toenails. The work uses GENWOL cosmetics. Complete sterility is maintained. Accepted by experienced specialists who have completed training in leading centers in Moscow, as well as internships in Germany.

The following procedures are carried out

  • manicure – classic, European, hardware, SPA
  • peelings, hand massage
  • hardware pedicure, choice of pedicure technology
  • treatment of ingrown toenails using a non-surgical method (by installing a nail plate)
  • antifungal programs
  • treatment of core calluses
  • SPA treatments for feet

Ingrown nails

There is hardly a person among our relatives and friends who, at least once in his life, has not experienced unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the nails and periungual ridges, especially on the feet and most often in the area of ​​the big toes. Problems often occur in children and adolescents due to anatomical and age-related predisposition. “It will hurt and it will go away,” most of us think, and, indeed, in most cases this is what happens. But what to do if it doesn’t go away on its own and doesn’t go away? If your toe hurts, swells, and doesn’t allow you to wear your usual shoes? In addition, an ingrown toenail can lead to serious consequences, including amputation. Therefore, you should not let this situation take its course, but it is important, as always, to contact specialists in a timely manner. The earlier you contact, the higher the chance of solving the problem of an ingrown toenail without surgical removal of the nail plate.

You can remove the nail plate at any time, but will this really be the right decision? After removal, the nail does not always grow back beautiful and even as before removal; nail deformations and repeated cases of “ingrowing” are common.

It is necessary not only to cure, but to establish the cause leading to this problem and try, if possible, to eliminate it. A specialist who has undergone special training and education at a podiatry school can help with this. Today there are few specialists with special training, but they exist, including at the ON CLINIC medical center on Novy Arbat. There are many options for painless and conservative care that does not require surgical intervention, in particular, the “ORTHONICSIA” technique.

If you have a problem with an ingrown toenail, it is better to consult with several specialists and find out what treatment methods they can offer, how long it will take, whether this will completely solve the problem or whether some subsequent additional manipulations will be needed.

Depending on each specific situation, solving the problem may require from 1-2 procedures (2-3 months), to 10-12 procedures (1.5-2 years) - this is the time it takes until a healthy nail plate grows completely (in case when it is necessary to change the shape of the nail, for example, curled).

The treatment process can take a lot of time and money, requiring patience from the patient and strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations (quite simple, but necessary). But a long-term result will be achieved.

The clinic on Novy Arbat has opened a mycology room, where a mycologist diagnoses, treats and prevents fungal diseases of the skin and nails.


The average cost of a therapeutic hardware pedicure varies depending on the stage of development of the lesion. from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles.

How is it carried out?

During a therapeutic pedicure, the nail plates, epidermis of the feet and fingers are sequentially treated. All manipulations are carried out in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. The specialist must wear disposable medical gloves and a mask.

Gloves and a mask are the minimum requirements for a podiatrist

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Preliminary. Includes examination of the feet, consultation with a podiatrist, determination of the severity of mycosis development and making a final diagnosis;
  2. Disinfectant. The specialist will treat the surface of the feet with a disinfectant;
  3. Preparatory. To soften the epidermis, a solution is applied with a lint-free cloth, affecting the keratinized areas of the skin;
  4. Foot treatment. Dead areas of epithelium are removed using cone-shaped and spherical hardware attachments, while simultaneously cleansing the skin of dry calluses. In rare cases, if mycosis of the foot does not allow you to get rid of keratinized skin using a pedicure device, the podiatrist works manually with special devices;
  5. Treatment of the nail plate. A specialist cleans the deformed part. If the fungus has completely infected the nail plate, then it is carefully removed and a special silicone overlay is fixed on top with mastic, under which a healthy nail will form;
  6. Massage. This procedure is performed according to indications in the presence of certain diseases. For example, in case of diabetes mellitus, when it is necessary to mechanically increase blood circulation in the feet;
  7. Final processing. The podiatrist covers healthy nails and applies it to the skin of the foot.

Luna device from the German company Gerlach for medical pedicure

The procedure is carried out with a special device with replaceable attachments. It has the function of suction and filtration of the removed epidermis. This helps prevent infected tissue from coming into contact with healthy skin.

The video clearly shows how the procedure is carried out:

Preparing for a pedicure

When choosing a clinic specify that you need a therapeutic pedicure and you have nail fungus. The procedure must be performed by a podiatrist. The specialist must have a medical education and a specialist certificate. In addition, before the procedure, you should visit a dermatologist and get a prescription for drugs for the treatment of mycosis.

Immediately before the procedure remove cosmetic nail polish and do not apply any creams or ointments.

If you have chronic diseases, acute allergic reactions and a history of bronchospasms, be sure to inform your specialist about this. Also, you should not undergo a medical pedicure if you have wet calluses.

We identify a good specialist

A number of rules that a podiatrist must follow when performing a pedicure:

  1. The master must have all personal protective equipment: disposable medical gloves and a mask, a cap or hair cap, a gown, shoe covers or shoe covers - which should be changed to new ones immediately after the procedure;
  2. Pedicure attachments must be sterilized, the chair for the procedure must be covered with a disposable diaper;
  3. Instead of regular towels, you should use paper or non-woven napkins, which are disposed of immediately after use;
  4. The file, spatula and other tools for processing nails must be disposable.

During a medical pedicure, you should not steam the patient’s feet, as this will increase the spread of the fungus. In addition, nails cannot be covered with decorative varnish; only special pharmacological agents are used to treat the nail plate.

How to do a therapeutic pedicure at home

Medical pedicure it is better to carry out in specialized clinics, since quality and sterility at home cannot be fully ensured. You can carry out a similar procedure yourself for preventive purposes if you do not have fungal infections of the feet and nails.

Scheme of stages for self-treatment of nails

Features of a therapeutic pedicure for nail fungus at home:

  • Avoid trimming cuticles and dead skin. To soften the epidermis, use special compounds. This will avoid the appearance of wounds and scratches and, as a result, the spread of mycosis;
  • To carry out the procedure, you must have individual instruments, a bath or basin, and a medicinal product to cover the nails. It is best to use disposable napkins or paper towels;
  • All instruments after the procedure must be disinfected with special means or 70% alcohol.

Pedicure at home is carried out in two stages:

  1. First, treat your feet with a special softening and disinfectant composition in accordance with the instructions, applying it with massaging movements, and leave the product for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Then, if you perform the procedure using a special device, use large ball- or cone-shaped nozzles to remove the dead epidermis. Use medium-grain cutters to clean the area around the nail. Using a fine abrasive nozzle, treat the nail plate.

After the procedure, it is worth doing a foot massage using a nourishing and disinfecting cream.

Medical pedicure as a fungus prevention

Therapeutic pedicure can be performed as a measure to prevent onychomycosis. Disinfectants and fungicidal agents that are applied to the foot and nail plates during the procedure destroy the fungus even before it appears. In addition, an experienced specialist will be able to notice any developing pathologies during the procedure and report them in a timely manner.

Medical pedicure is a special procedure performed by a professional specialist with medical education in cases of problem feet. Unlike a regular pedicure, where only the appearance of the feet is improved, a medical hardware pedicure is aimed at improving the health of the feet in general and eliminating problem areas on the feet.

You can get a high-quality medical pedicure in Moscow in our manicure and pedicure salon, next to the Novokuznetskaya metro station. Below you can see the price for this procedure. By contacting our studio, you will receive professional help in caring for your nails.

It includes the following areas:

  • treatment of nail fungus using antifungal therapy;
  • treatment of hyperkeratosis – pathological skin growths;
  • treatment and removal of core calluses - only a specialist podologist will be able to correctly cut out the dead area of ​​skin.

Not all beauty salons offer therapeutic medical pedicures. This is a rather complex and painstaking procedure, so you should carefully choose both the beauty studio where these services will be provided, and the choice of a specialist. Only a professional with appropriate qualifications and experience will be able to identify the presence of certain foot diseases and carry out a preventive procedure.

Ours has all the necessary tools to carry out this procedure. We have modern equipment and all the necessary cosmetics, certified and highly qualified professionals - all this gives you a 100% guarantee of excellent results at an affordable cost.

In our center we perform medical pedicures for both young and elderly people using a device. A pedicure device will help eliminate calluses and corns, skin growths with fungus, and the device is also effective for other foot problems. Dry feet are always carefully treated with the device, which will protect them from microtrauma. And the cosmetics used by our center from well-known European manufacturers will help cope with excessive sweating of the feet, fatigue and will perfectly soften the skin.

The methodology for the procedure includes:

  • consultation with a specialist - podologist, during which the doctor will identify the causes and occurrence of a particular pathology.
  • diagnostics;
  • drawing up a treatment and care plan;
  • treatment of the foot and elimination of pathology or inflammation that will be identified during diagnosis;
  • drawing up recommendations for caring for problem areas of the legs at home;
  • attending the next procedure according to the prescribed treatment schedule.

In our beauty studio, consultations on foot care are available with the possibility of purchasing all the necessary treatments.

Performing hardware medical pedicure in our studio.

  • the first stage, after a preliminary consultation, is: applying an antiseptic to the client’s feet or to disinfect and destroy microorganisms so that during further processing they cannot penetrate microcracks and cause infection.
  • if the patient experiences thickening of the nails or their deformation. The master uses a special cutter to process nails, which will level the surface and give the nail the correct shape;
  • The rotating cutters of the device carefully file the nail folds, while maintaining a number of basic principles for a long time;
  • the horny part of the cuticle is not cut off, but filed; with this type of procedure, it is not injured and the risk of violating its basic protective functions is significantly reduced;
  • A very important feature of the device when treating the sinuses of the lateral ridges or the lateral edges of the nails is that they are processed with special thin attachments that carefully cut out excessive keratinized areas. This result cannot be achieved with any other tools. Only thanks to the device.
  • The shape of the nails is also created using a machine with a cutter with the appropriate configuration. This avoids the use of pedicure files, which becomes a more hygienic method;
  • If the patient has overgrown skin on the feet, or its separation occurs, the podiatrist uses diamond cutters with fine or medium abrasive to eliminate this problem, which also eliminates injury to the skin.
  • Treatment of leather on soles;
  • thin skin with cracks is treated with disposable rotating instruments of various diameters depending on the condition of the feet;
  • normal skin without pathologies (corns, cracks) is filed with a milling cutter with a mixed abrasive;
  • Thick skin with large areas of corns and cracks requires preliminary softening with the help of special professional cosmetics that do not contain acids. Only after this, the master grinds the skin by analogy with the treatment of normal skin, without using tools, only a machine.
  • The procedure ends with mandatory softening of the skin - cream or balm is applied. The choice of cosmetic product for moisturizing and softening also depends on skin type;
  • if the client wishes to apply a decorative coating to the nails - varnish, shellac or bio-gel, the master carries out the next stage of nail design;
  • The last stage, after complete treatment of the foot and nails, is the application of a special protective oil to prevent various diseases, as well as to give the nails, periungual space and cuticle elasticity and provide maximum nutrition.

Regular pedicures will help preserve the beauty of your feet for a long time. You will forget about problems such as ingrown nails, dry calluses, nail fungus and other problems. We recommend performing a medical pedicure not only in the summer, when our legs are open and all imperfections are visible to others, but also in the cold season, to prevent the above problems. If you neglect pedicure, your feet quickly lose their aesthetic beauty and become painful, which leads to a number of other diseases in our body. Don’t forget that there are a lot of different nerve endings on the feet that are directly connected to our internal organs. Therefore, maintaining healthy feet is our direct responsibility. Then our body will thank us with good health, an easy gait and an excellent mood.

The procedure can take up to 3 hours. Therefore, before visiting our beauty and health center, be sure to carefully plan your time and cancel all important appointments and tasks. This will help you completely relax and trust yourself in the hands of a professional. You will not be distracted and will definitely enjoy the process. Our specialists always approach each client or patient carefully and individually, carefully discuss with you all the delicate leg problems that you may be experiencing, and deal with it effectively.

When the opportunity to take timely care of your feet and nails has been missed, you will come to the rescue medical pedicure, which will bring the feet and nail plates to ideal condition. With this service you can forget about calluses and corns that have been bothering you for a long time.

Many ladies are mistaken in believing that a pedicure is just coating the nail plates with varnish. In fact, a full-fledged procedure for any pedicure involves proper care of the skin of the feet and the condition of the nails. In Japanese pedicure, the procedure is also complemented by foot massage using herbal bags.

Medical pedicure not only improves the appearance of nails and feet, but also prevents various diseases associated with the nail plates and skin of the feet. Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, as well as wearing tight and poor-quality shoes and hosiery, can also worsen the well-being of the feet. Fungal diseases and unpleasant foot odor also affect the condition of the feet, toes and nails.

A medical pedicure allows you to completely forget about problems such as calluses, corns, and ingrown nails. A medical pedicure will help get rid of such problems without surgery.

The human body begins to age from the feet up. There are no sebaceous glands, which is why the skin often becomes hard and rough. It is important to note that there are energy points on a person’s feet, which affect the entire body. For this reason, it is important to monitor the health of your feet and take care of them constantly.

Speaking about medical pedicure, we should talk about hardware pedicure. Hardware pedicure can be described as a pleasant and safe procedure that involves:

  • Softening feet and removing rough skin using special products
  • Gentle and gentle removal of upper epithelial cells
  • Treatment of hard heels and feet
  • Nail polishing
  • Cuticle treatment.

Medical pedicure is nothing more than a “dry” type of hardware pedicure, which is also recommended for diabetic feet, clients with heel cracks, corns, calluses, and ingrown toenails. Beauty salons use disposable materials, which is why pedicures can be considered safe and recommended to all women and men.

With a medical pedicure, there is no need to steam your feet in water. Foot treatment is carried out using disinfectant compounds. A special preparation softens the skin. The compositions used have an effect only on rough skin and dead cells, that is, living soft tissue is not damaged. The softened skin is removed with a special nozzle, and the cuticles are processed with a finer nozzle. Most often, beauty salons and medical centers use cosmetics from Gevol and Peklavus for medical pedicure. The cost of the procedure in the salon is 2000-3000 rubles.

A medical pedicure procedure can be performed by a specialist with a medical education. The master uses exclusively safe techniques and uses only sterile equipment.

The medical pedicure procedure may be recommended in the following cases:

  • Having diabetic foot
  • Varicose veins on the legs
  • The presence of corns, calluses that cause pain when walking or create discomfort
  • Having ingrown toenails
  • Pathology of nail growth
  • The presence of fungal diseases of the nails and skin of the feet
  • The need for prosthetic nails
  • Rough skin on the feet, cracked heels and feet
  • Unpleasant foot odor and increased sweating
  • Tired legs
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Burning and cold foot syndromes
  • Brittle and brittle nails.

When using a service such as a medical pedicure, you will be asked to go through the following steps:

  • Immersion of feet in a special composition that will soften rough skin. These can be flavored salt compositions from the German company Gewohl. To take a bath, disposable bags are used, which prevent contamination and infections.
  • Treatment of feet with surgical medical instruments. Various cutters are also used, which can be ceramic, diamond or made from another material.
  • Applying a nourishing healing cream to the skin of the feet. As an alternative, Gewol's medicinal ointment can be used to get rid of cracks.
  • Softening cuticles with a special composition.
  • Removing cuticles using sterile instruments.
  • Treatment of nail plates with cutters. At this stage, the nails are given the desired shape.
  • Applying a medicinal cream or nutritional composition.
  • Coating the nail plates with a base for varnish. This drug has a high calcium content, which allows it to have a healing effect on the nails.
  • Massage of feet and toes. The specialist uses a massage cream that has a therapeutic effect.
  • Covering the nail plates with a layer of varnish. This procedure is carried out at the request of the client.
  • The duration of the medical pedicure procedure is 1-1.5 hours.

Medical pedicure: clinic or beauty salon?

The range of services provided by modern beauty salons is colossal. However, it is necessary to indicate the following reasons that motivate to carry out a medical pedicure service in a medical clinic or center, and not in a beauty salon.

  • Virus infection. You can also catch hepatitis C, B and HIV in a beauty salon. The reason is insufficient or incorrect processing of the instruments. Often, pedicurists simply forget to disinfect, trying to serve more clients. Medical clinics have a specially equipped sterilization department, where autoclaves, packaging machines and sterilizers are located, which help maintain the sterility of pedicure instruments.
  • Master's qualification. The medical clinic employs exclusively specialists with medical education, which cannot always be said about the professionals working in beauty salons.

Medical pedicure has a healing and fairly quick effect that lasts for a long time. But you shouldn’t assume that the problems will disappear forever if you forget about the usual pedicure procedure, which must be done once every 2-3 weeks. A medical pedicurist can recommend highly effective and high-quality products from Gevol, which you can purchase directly in the salon or at other points of sale.

  • Softeners. These compounds act on rough areas of the skin without affecting healthy areas. With their help, you can forget about corns and calluses.
  • Baths. They can be cleansing, warming or fragrant, depending on the problems that were noticed by the specialist during the examination and during the pedicure procedure. Foot baths allow you to relax and enjoy.
  • Balms. They have the effect of a therapeutic mask and can also be used as a massage product.
  • Emollients and oils for nails. They will help give your nails shine and strength.
  • Lotions. Allows you to protect the skin of your feet from harmful effects. They can complete the home pedicure procedure.

Pedicure products from the German company Gewohl have been used in the beauty industry for more than 140 years. During this time, the company presented a whole series of products to solve problems with feet and nails. The preparations are created on the basis of natural plant and animal materials and are recommended for both professional and home pedicures. The compositions are completely painless and safe.

Health problems are much easier to prevent than to get rid of them. That is why we advise you to regularly care for your feet in order to use the medical pedicure procedure as little as possible, which will improve the skin of your feet and improve the health of your nail plates.