Do-it-yourself physical equipment. How to attract preschool children to physical education using non-standard equipment

One of the priorities in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of preschool age is the creation of motivation for learning and its instillation. An important direction in the formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized object-spatial environment, primarily a motor-developing one. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, transformable, multifunctional. To do this, in the group we use non-standard sports equipment made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify sports and recreational work

Insufficient financial support, the inability to purchase the necessary expensive equipment, an ardent desire, no matter what, to make physical education entertaining and effective, exciting and varied, prompted me to look for new forms of work. Non-standard equipment stimulates the interest of children, the desire to move, participate in games; evokes joy and positive emotions. Diverse and unpredictable world of things that can find a second life, thanks to creativity, invention and skillful hands.

"Health Path" Material: the paths are a surface with buttons sewn in a certain order, from rods, from plastic circles. Exercise: for general developmental exercises in the classroom. Purpose: to promote the prevention of flat feet; foot massage and strengthening of the arches of the feet; improved blood circulation

“Massage flower” Material: colored pencils, a case from a kinder surprise Exercise: for games, used for breathing exercises (garlic, onion, lemon are in the cases) Purpose: development of fine motor skills of the hands, improvement of blood circulation in the fingers and hands.

"Dumbbells" Material: plastic bottles with sand. Purpose: to promote the development of strength qualities, agility, speed, motor reactions, balance, endurance. Exercises with the physical training aid "Dumbbells" contribute to the development of coordination of movements, activates the activity of the analyzer systems and affects speech and mental development.

"Expander" Material: made of plastic bottles, linen gum. Stickers are used for decoration. Purpose: to develop and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and strength, it can be used in morning exercises, for individual work, in physical education classes.

New, bright, non-standard benefits - increases children's interest in classes, allows you to use familiar exercises more widely, vary tasks. Non-standard equipment combines physical education with the game, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in motor activity. All manuals and equipment are used in all types of physical culture and health-improving work: in morning exercises, physical education classes, in gaming activities.

Do-it-yourself non-standard physical education equipment in kindergarten

At present, particularly urgent tasks are to instill in children an interest in physical culture and sports, as well as teaching them accessible motor skills and abilities. For the full development of the child, it is necessary that in the motor activity he gets acquainted with as many various physical training aids and objects as possible. The subject environment is of great importance for the development of children's motor activity, the formation of their initiative behavior and creativity. Along with traditional physical education aids, much attention is paid to the production of non-traditional aids. Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive for physical culture and health-improving work. Therefore, it is never redundant. You can upgrade the group's game inventory at no extra cost. Sports and gaming non-standard equipment is designed to help solve the problems of purposeful and comprehensive development of children, and the formation of personality. The project is non-standard equipment for motor activity of children.


"Non-standard equipment for physical activity of children"

Educator: Stepanenko Yulia Viktorovna. MKDOU Ts.R.R. kindergarten No. 21. group No. 3

1 youngest (nursery).

Relevance of the topic.

The main task of preschool institutions is to improve, ensure the versatile physical development of the child, the kindergarten has certain ones that allow you to fully engage in the improvement of preschoolers. These are tempering procedures in groups, breathing exercises and acupressure, morning exercises, physical education classes and a swimming pool, sports holidays and entertainment, health days, various circles.

It is no secret that in kindergarten and at home, children spend most of their time in a static position at tables, watching TV, etc.

IN Lately in kindergarten, the number of children with musculoskeletal disorders has increased. I believe that the main purpose of physical culture is movement and active recreation, which should help children get rid of the syndrome of physical inactivity.

New sports equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical education and health work with children,

Diverse and unpredictable is the world of things that can find a second life thanks to creativity, fiction and skillful hands. More than one generation used chicken eggs, coils, corks, matchboxes, etc. to realize their fantasies.

To replace the disappearing household pets, we chose modern items that attracted us with unusual shapes and materials from which they are made: cases from Kinder Surprises, plastic bottles, yogurt jars, as well as all kinds of packaging, rubber stoppers, spools of - under adhesive tape, etc. These seemingly useless objects have turned into funny toys and aids for performing various exercises and corrective exercises.

Children in physical education classes should be, first of all, interesting.

equipment, especially non-standard equipment, plays an important role in creating an exciting atmosphere of the lesson.

Project problem:

Development of movements at a young age - is it a need or a path to health?


Non-standard equipment allows to form motor skills and abilities more quickly and efficiently, promotes an increase in interest in physical education.


Build motor skills and abilities.

Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

Development of creativity, imagination when using non-traditional equipment.

To promote the development of a culture of movements and bodily reflection.

Arouse children's interest in the use of non-traditional equipment in the classroom and in free activities.

Expected results:

For children:

1. Formation of ideas about Z.O.Zh.

2. Development of physical activity.

3. Interest in physical development classes.

4. Possession of cultural and hygienic skills.

For parents:

1 Involvement of all parents in the work on the project.

2. Search for new forms and methods of working with parents in the work on this topic.

Project summary:

Production by the teacher of non-standard equipment for motor activity of children.

Non-standard equipment stimulates the interest of children, the desire to move, participate in games; evokes joy and positive emotions. The materials for the manufacture of such a manual are varied and low-cost: cases from Kinder Surprises, plastic yogurt bottles, various buttons, fabric, linoleum bobbins, etc. These seemingly useless objects have turned into fun toys and aids for performing various exercises and corrective gymnastics. Having achieved the goal of expanding the subject-developing environment by creating new non-standard equipment that helps the full physical development of children, we solve the following tasks: - Provide high physical activity, improving the movements of children and their physical qualities. To develop creative imagination, the desire for activity, independence. - To develop in children an interest in the process of movements using non-standard equipment. - To create and consolidate a positive psychosomatic state. - To cultivate friendly relationships between children, the desire to help each other. The use of non-standard benefits adds variety to physical activities and the effects of novelty, allows you to use familiar exercises more widely. Non-standard equipment combines physical education with the game, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in motor activity. The use of bright colored manuals increases children's interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional coloring.

BARRIERS Can be used for stepping, jumping, crawling, overcoming obstacles. Purpose: Energetic actions, various physical qualities are stimulated. Materials: polypropylene pipes and chocolate eggs from kinder surprises.

MASSAGE TRACK: Use for foot massage, walking to prevent flat feet. Purpose: Stimulates the work of internal organs. Develops coordination of movements, balance. Materials: Rubber footprints, square foam mats.

MULTI-COLORED STREAMS: (Pigtails made of thick fabrics) Can be used for jumping over the "stream", for walking along the "path" (narrow to wide). Purpose: Exercise develops coordination of movements, jumping ability, agility, strengthens the muscles of the legs. Materials: thick threads

SNAKE: Use: For stepping over, jumping, building in a line, column, circle, for games and fun. Purpose: Develops the muscles of the body, coordination of movements, dexterity, positive emotions. Material: Kinder surprise capsules, polypropylene pipes.

FOAM lanes: Usage: Snaking between balls, throwing away from behind the head with both hands, pushing the ball with the head in front of you, stepping over the balls, throwing the ball to each other from different positions. Purpose: Develops coordination of movements, eye, dexterity, the ability to play in pairs, positive emotions. Material: Fabric, foam.

FIGHT WITH FOAM PILLOWS made of foam rubber; use: For games. Purpose: To develop the eye of children, coordination of movements, dexterity, develop strong-willed qualities. Material: foam, material.

Massager "foot" (Sledochki from rubber) left, right.

Usage: foot massage.

Material. Rubber

“Footprints. Used: to consolidate the concepts of "left leg", "right leg", for general developmental exercises.

Material: pieces of rubber

Games with custom hardware

« fun tracks»:

a) “Do not wet your feet” - younger age - walking in a straight direction at the signal of a teacher or parents.

b) "Do not fall" - older and younger age - walking on a rope in the straight direction on the left foot and sideways on the heels, on the toes, in the middle of the foot.

« Multi-level racks»:

a) "Jump over the back" - jumping on two legs over the crossbar in height.

b) “Climb - do not touch” - crawling under the crossbar (can be used in relay races for speed).

c) “Do not hit the rope” - in relay races, running with a snake at the signal of a teacher or parents.

« Tunnel»:

a) "Climb into the tunnel" - two teams of five people each take part in the game (for speed).

« funny clown»:

a) “Hello everyone” - younger age - crawl on all fours under the clown and shake his hand.

b) "Say hello to the clown" - older age - crawling in the forward direction, right and left side.

"Gates" are designed for stepping over, jumping, climbing from an early age

Material: Material: chocolate egg capsules, polypropylene pipes. Purpose: to develop an eye, coordination of small movements, train the forearm and hands and feet, torso.

to develop in children the ability to perform movements according to

the signal of the educator, exercise in walking, running, stepping over.

Treadmill: Material: foam rubber squares. Purpose: to develop speed, endurance, attention; for relay races and outdoor games, develops the muscles of the arms when lifting them up, the muscles of the legs when walking; - to develop coordination abilities during movement; - to form a sense of collectivism, friendship, since several children participate in the game in close contact at the same time. Used for stepping, jumping.


Material: foam, filler Tasks: for the development of hand strength, ball games for ORU, ATS, for throwing and outdoor games, as well as for the development of fine motor skills, develop strength, coordination of movement

Walker ropes - pigtails; Material: woolen or cotton threads.
Tasks: are used for occupying outdoor switchgear, for outdoor games, stepping over

snake running


Games and fun

"Snake» material blue, beige, white strong thread

Purpose: to develop the muscles of the body,

movement coordination,

Agility, balance, positive emotions



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A growing body needs movement. Therefore, the main task of the kindergarten is to improve, ensure the versatile physical development of the child.

Movement is the basis of almost any activity of the child. However, at present, doctors note a significant reduction in the volume of motor activity of children. Observing children, one can note a decrease in children's interest in organized motor activity: their inactivity, unwillingness to take part in outdoor games and exercises. Therefore, it is necessary:

  • To increase the interest of children in various types of motor activities.
  • Raise the emotional mood of children.
  • Encourage children to independent motor activity.

All of the above tasks can be solved in physical education classes and independent motor activity using non-traditional equipment. Non-standard equipment stimulates the interest of children, the desire to move, participate in games; evokes joy and positive emotions.

The use of non-standard benefits adds variety to physical activities and the effects of novelty, allows you to use familiar exercises more widely. Non-standard equipment combines physical education with the game, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in motor activity.

The use of bright colored manuals increases children's interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional coloring.

We offer non-standard equipment that you can make yourself and use it for games, game exercises and outdoor activities.



Material: lenolium


Use for outdoor games

Target: make children want to participate in outdoor games

Material: threads, your desire.

Can use for jumping over the "stream".

Target:, jumping ability, agility, strengthen leg muscles.

Materials: Linoleum, paint, adhesive paper

Can be used in the classroom for stepping over, running with a snake.

Purpose: Develops stability during movements and in a static position, coordination of movements.

Material: coffee cans, self-adhesive paper, foam hat

Use to perform outdoor switchgear, to jump over, step over

Target: Exercise develops coordination, jumping ability, agility, strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Material: papier-mâché, gouache.


Use: to jump up

Target: learn to jump, develop jumping ability.

Material: threads, hook, synthetic winterizer

Usage: for stepping, jumping, building in a line, column, circle, for games and fun.

Target: Develops the muscles of the body, coordination of movements, dexterity, positive emotions.

Material: Kinder surprise capsules, plastic bottle caps.

Usage: Walking like a snake between snowballs, throwing into the distance with your right, left hand, stepping over balls, throwing the ball to each other from different positions.

Target: Develops coordination of movements, eye, dexterity, the ability to play in pairs, positive emotions.

Material: foam rubber.

Use to perform outdoor switchgear

Target: Exercise develop coordination of movements

Use to perform outdoor switchgear

Target: Exercise develop coordination of movements

Material: plastic bags of different colors, adhesive tape

Use for foot massage, walking to prevent flat feet.

Target: stimulates the work of internal organs. Develops coordination of movements, balance.

Materials: linoleum, cork, glue

FILLING BALLS - 0.5 - 1kg



Material: fabric, synthetic winterizer.

(snowman, puppy Tobik, parsley, Masha-clumsy)

Use: to organize young children in class. Middle-aged children teach these heroes to perform various exercises, explain why and how to do it.

Material: threads, hook, synthetic winterizer.

Use for performing outdoor switchgear, for jumping over, stepping over, running around with a “snake”

Target: Exercise develops coordination of movements, jumping ability, agility, strength.

Material: fabric, synthetic winterizer.


For the prevention of flat feet.

Material: 1) linoleum, wheels from a children's car; 2) linoleum, thick rope, knots are tied on it

(handkerchief, sponge, soap, towel, germ)

Use: teach children how to properly use toiletries.

Using non-traditional equipment in physical education classes, games and game exercises, relay races, outdoor activities, we increase children's interest in various types of motor activity, increase the volume of motor activity, and raise the emotional mood.

Samolovskikh Natalya Igorevna
physical education instructor
Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution
"Kindergarten No. 369", Perm Russia, city of Perm

non-traditional equipment

“The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the organization of physical culture in kindergarten and in the family…” N.M. Amosov

Purpose: to introduce an element of novelty into the educational process in physical education, with the help of bright non-standard equipment, to arouse children's interest in physical education.

At first glance, these are just crafts made by the joint efforts of educators and parents, but they are indispensable helpers in their work. They help to develop the muscles of the arms, legs, coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity, attention and causes positive emotions in children.

The production of such benefits does not require large expenditures. Basically, a variety of waste material was used: everything that is likely to be found in any house from the category of unnecessary things. And as a result, very bright, attention-grabbing benefits are obtained.

"Colored Rings"

Material: thick cardboard, colored tape.
Manufacturing: a ring is cut out of cardboard according to the template, pasted over with colored tape.

Relay "Throw the ring"

Children are divided into two teams, take turns throwing a ring on a decorated bottle. The team with the most hits is the winner.

General developmental exercises using rings

Rings can be used not only in general developmental exercises in the classroom and morning exercises, but also in outdoor games.

"Fancy balls"

Material : plastic bottles, colored self-adhesive film, adhesive tape.
Manufacturing : the bottom of two plastic bottles is decorated with a film and connected with tape.

With their unusual shape, the balls attract the attention of children, they fit comfortably in the hand, they are light, beautiful. Being engaged with such a benefit, children not only develop the muscles of the hands, but also enjoy it.

"Space rockets"

Material : plastic bottle, self-adhesive film, cardboard, adhesive tape.
Manufacturing : cardboard cones are glued to the bottom of the bottle, pasted over with a film, made out under a rocket.

Relay "Cosmonauts"

When relay races have a plot, as well as interesting attributes for them, children are happy to participate in competitions.

Plastic cans decorated with colored film can be used as landmarks in relay races and lane changes.

She made landmarks for building in a circle, in a line, in columns.

WITH made attributes for outdoor games.

"Merry Caterpillar"

This equipment was especially fond of children, it is so nice to step on soft footprints cut out of foam rubber. You can not only walk on the caterpillar, but also jump.

  • Material: dense green fabric, soft foam mat, glue, colored self-adhesive film.
  • Production: cut out circles from the fabric, sew along the edges, glue the traces of foam rubber, decorate the muzzle of the caterpillar with a film

One example of using the "Merry Caterpillar"

Physical education, children perform the main types of movements, the method of organization is in-line. This manual is perfectly combined with other non-standard equipment. It can also be used for hardening and for the prevention of flat feet.

"Footprints, palms"

  • Material: pieces of linoleum.
  • Production: according to the template, traces, palms are cut out of linoleum.

With the help of this manual, you can even consolidate the concepts of “right, left” leg or arm. For example, if children act on the instructions of the teacher.

"Noise Makers"

  • Material: yogurt cups and any cereal, colored self-adhesive film.
  • Production: pour cereal into a glass, cover with another one and glue, decorate with a colored film.

These bright noisemakers are used by us even at holidays and entertainment, they perfectly replace the musical instrument called maracas.

"Funny gates"

  • Material : wooden frame, plastic egg kinder surprise.
  • Manufacturing : make holes in the Kinder Surprise egg, put them on sticks, fix the sticks with self-tapping screws.


This equipment is used as a horizontal target for throwing. Plastic eggs kinder surprise replace the balls. The child chooses a bucket of a certain color and tries to get into it. By counting the eggs, the winner is determined.

  • Material: plastic buckets, colored self-adhesive film, glue, a piece of plywood.
  • Production: decorate the buckets with a film, then glue them on a circle cut out of plywood.

"Magic Flowers"

They can be used in outdoor games, they can also decorate any holiday or entertainment.

  • Material: plastic bottles, self-adhesive color film, cardboard.
  • Production: the bottom is cut off from the bottle, cuts are made, bent for the stability of the flower. A flower is cut out of cardboard, decorated with a film, put on the neck and screwed on with a lid.

"Bright Plates"

This original manual is also multifunctional, it all depends on the imagination of the teacher.

  • Material: disposable plates, glue, braid, satin ribbon, color film.
  • Production: two plates are glued together and decorated with ribbons, braid and colored film.


Light, airy, flowing rustling, sultans are so eye-catching. They can be used as equipment in physical education classes and as attributes in dances.

  • Material: disposable plastic bags, wooden sticks, adhesive tape.
  • Production: the bags are cut into strips, gathered into a bundle and attached with adhesive tape to a stick.


  • Material: multi-colored satin ribbons, sticks from old flags, small carnations.
  • Production: the tape is cut into strips 50 cm long, the edges of the tape are processed and then the tapes are attached to sticks using small nails.


  • Material: wooden Chinese sticks, cereals and plastic eggs kinder surprise.
  • Production: a hole is made in the egg, grits are poured into the inside of the stick.

"Pom Poms"

  • Material: empty Kinder surprise egg, red yarn, crochet hook.
  • Production: the egg is tied with yarn using a hook.

Our kids are delighted with these pompoms and always with great pleasure throw them at any target, both horizontal and vertical.

"Fancy Ball"

The ball is used for high jump. Children jump up to the ball and glue the butterfly to the Velcro. It can also be used for holidays and entertainment. The idea is very original and will help enliven any event.

  • Material: any material, Velcro tape, threads, needle, decorative butterflies.
  • Production: sew a bag out of fabric, put a ball in it, tighten it with tape from the bottom and top, sew Velcro on both the bag and the butterflies.


  • Material: Empty Pringles boxes, colored paper and colored tape.
  • Production: boxes are pasted over with colored paper and decorated with colored tape.

When teachers have such bright and different equipment, any lesson can become both entertaining and interesting.

Many people want to keep fit and play sports, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit professional fitness centers for a number of reasons. Do not be upset, because this problem can be easily solved. In one of our articles, we told, taking into account all the technical nuances. But to start classes, you need to have at least a minimum set of sports equipment.

Modern sporting goods stores offer a wide variety of exercise equipment, but the prices for them are very “bite”. Therefore, many became interested in how to make equipment for a home gym with their own hands, without spending a lot of money. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Homemade punching bag for the home gym

A punching bag is one of the most necessary projectiles that will help you work out the strength and technique of hitting. Making it yourself is pretty easy:

  • To do this, you need to take an old fire hose and rip one of the folds;
  • You should get a canvas strip that needs to be washed and boiled so that the fabric is not too stiff and does not hurt your hands;

  • We measure the desired length from the workpiece and sew a cylindrical bag with a diameter of up to half a meter. Inside we place another tight bag, well stuffed with sawdust, grain or plastic granules. It is not recommended to fill the product with sand, because it will be too hard at the bottom and soft at the top. This will create inconvenience;
  • The finished projectile is best attached to the ceiling with a chain or rope. You can also fix the inventory on a bracket, crossbar or Swedish wall. When exercising outdoors, the bag is hung on a strong tree.

There is another option on how to make a punching bag at home with your own hands. You will get the so-called "pugnacious bag", which will help train the reaction and learn how to dodge the blow.

  • Fill a small piece from a fire hose with unnecessary things or rags and fix it well on both sides;
  • Hang the product on a tight elastic band or fasten the stretch on two bundles. On impact, the bag will spring back.

Also, such do-it-yourself sports equipment can be made from a tarpaulin from a car cover, but it will have to be sewn together in several layers so that it does not tear.

Homemade kettlebell for home gym

The simplest version of this inventory is a plastic canister with a comfortable handle. It can be filled with sand, gravel or small coins. You can cast the product yourself by making a metal case and lead "insides". But you should not create a projectile completely from lead, since the specified metal, in contact with the skin, can harm it.

There are a couple more simple ways to make a kettlebell with your own hands:

  • We put three strong bags into each other, fill in the filler, and give the product the desired shape with adhesive tape. How it will look, look at the photo below;

  • We turn the tube of small diameter into a handle. In a ball with a dense shell (basketball is best), we make a cut, put large bolts and metal waste inside, pour concrete mixture. In it we fix the handle, connecting its ends to each other. Then we sew the incision tightly. The disadvantage of such a weight is that it will be difficult to calculate its exact weight.

Do-it-yourself dumbbells and barbell from plastic bottles

Dumbbells are one of the most common sports equipment that can be used in a variety of exercises. They can be easily made from improvised materials. The easiest option is to use plastic bottles.

Instructions on how to make dumbbells with your own hands:

  1. To assemble one pair of shells, you will need 4 bottles. Their middle part is cut out, and the top and bottom are fastened together with electrical tape;
  2. Filler is loaded into the resulting containers, for example, a mixture of cement and sand. To increase the weight, metal elements (bearings, nails, small scrap metal) must be placed in the filler;
  3. Next, the two parts of the bottles are interconnected by a tube or a strong wooden stick, which must be inserted into the necks;
  4. The joints and the resulting handle are wrapped with tape or tape.

Before starting a workout, double-check all joints so that the filling material does not "leak" out.

Plastic bottles can also be used to create a barbell. Since the design involves more weight than dumbbells, therefore, more material will be needed.

A simple diagram of how to make a barbell with your own hands:

  1. We take at least 8 whole plastic bottles and fill them with filler. The weight of each element should be the same so that during the exercises there is no skew to the sides;
  2. As a neck, we use an armature (wrapped with tape) or a pipe that fits comfortably in our hands;
  3. Ready weights are evenly placed at each end of the neck and tightly tightened with electrical tape. Each side should have 4 filled bottles. Be sure to check the tightness of the connection and do not regret the electrical tape if the neck moves out;
  4. To increase the weight of the projectile, additional weights can be placed on top of the bottles, for example, from wooden blocks, also taping them with tape to the main cargo.

You can increase the weight on such a bar up to 100 kg. And to make it easier to calculate how much homemade inventory will weigh, use the following data:

Weight of a 2 liter plastic bottle (in kg):

  • With water - 1.997;
  • With crushed stone (sandstone) - 2,600;
  • With compacted sand - 3.360;
  • With wet sand - 3,840;
  • With lead - 22,800.

Do-it-yourself barbell bench

Almost all sports equipment can be used as separate units without additional equipment. And to work with the barbell, a special bench for the bench press is required. To make it, you must have the skills to work with metal.

To create a metal base you will need:

  • Drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Profile pipe with a section of 40x40 mm;
  • Roulette;
  • Vise;
  • Steel strip (length 140 mm, width 40 mm);
  • Welding machine.

We make a bench under the bar:

  1. We cut 2 pieces of pipe 830 mm long each. They will be used to support the bar, so they need to be as strong as possible. From the bottom of each product, 340 mm is measured and a mark is made with a simple pencil;
  2. We install two pipes at a distance of 520 mm from each other and at a height of 340 mm (this is how much you need to retreat from the weld to the base). The weld must be made taking into account the fact that it will be subjected to a load of more than 100 kg;
  3. The support element for the bench will have a length of 970 mm. It will combine the structure with the rear and front supports (it is placed on the back on top, and attached to the side by welding in front);
  4. On the reverse side, a 340 mm leg cuts;
  5. To evenly distribute the load on the floor plane, an extension of 220 mm is made under the front legs, and 300 mm under the back. The joints are well welded;
  6. From a steel strip in a vice, 2 supports are bent in the form of the letter “J” of the same length. Their rear protrusion should be high (7-8 cm), and the front, on the contrary, should be small.

Also, holes with a diameter of 1 cm should be provided in the design. They are used for the entry of rods and are located at a distance of 160 mm from the center of the beam that unites the front legs (see drawing).

  • Roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Door hinges;
  • Sheet steel 2 mm;
  • Welding machine;
  • Reinforcing rod without ribs;
  • Foam rubber;
  • rubberized fabric;
  • Cutting board.

Stages of work:

  1. We cut steel sheets 350x160 and 350x940 mm in size. We fix the first with a weld in the leg area with a protrusion outside the pipe of 1 cm;
  2. We fix the second one with a steel loop by welding it with one side to the pipe, and the other to the steel plate;
  3. On the reverse side, 100 mm recedes and two ribless fittings 300 mm long are fixed. This will allow you to set the backrest at an angle;
  4. At the final stage, we lay a chipboard or edged board on top so that it protrudes half a centimeter in each side. Only at the junction of two plates, on the contrary, it is necessary to cut 1 cm each.

All joints of metal and wood are carefully fixed with self-tapping screws so as not to break through the wooden surface. From above, the structure is wrapped with foam rubber and wrapped with a rubberized fabric with maximum density.

Do-it-yourself press roller

The ab roller is the simplest effective projectile that many people use. It's pretty easy to make.

The main part for such a device is a wheel with a diameter of about 10-20 cm. This spare part from a stroller, a children's bicycle or a large toy is quite suitable. The second necessary detail is a metal tube (you can also use a plastic pipe or a piece of wooden handle). The length of this element is at least 30 cm, and the diameter is at least 3 cm (it should be as close as possible to the hole).

The easiest assembly method is when the tube is threaded into the hole in the wheel and secured on both sides with electrical tape. You can come up with other fasteners, for example, by putting on a plastic bottle cap on each side.

There is another option, how to make a do-it-yourself press simulator. In this case, the design will be more reliable. To do this, we take a metal rod with a threaded thread, thread it through the hole in the wheel and fix it with nuts. For convenience, we put on it two pieces of an irrigation hose on each side.

As you can see, you can make home exercise equipment yourself, and it is not at all necessary to buy expensive equipment that many stores offer. You just need to stock up on the necessary materials, spend a little time and effort, then you can fully equip your sports corner for comfortable and effective workouts.

Video: Homemade bar from plastic bottles