Origami fairy tale bun made of colored paper. Origami bun made of triangular modules. Triangular module manufacturing technology

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper applique for children over 7 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos

Application “Kolobok – ruddy side”. Photos and technological maps

Derkach Anastasia Sergeevna, Additional education teacher, MBOU DOD CDT "Commonwealth", Creative Association "Peacock", Novosibirsk

Description: This master class is intended for children from 7 years old, additional education teachers, and parents.

Purpose: Panel, gift, interior decoration, illustration for a fairy tale.

Target: Creating a three-dimensional applique based on a fairy tale

- develop practical skills in working with paper;
- develop interest in artistic creativity;
- develop fine motor skills, eye, imagination, aesthetic taste, compositional skills and spatial thinking;
- consolidate skills in handling simple tools - scissors, paper;
- improve design and application skills and abilities;
- cultivate independence, accuracy in work, patience, perseverance

Manufacturing technique:
- applique
- paper plastic
- crumpled paper
- symmetrical cutting
- design

Materials and tools:

For work we will need:
- A-4 cardboard for background
- watercolor paper A-3 for passe-partout
- paper for scrapbooking with floral prints
- colored paper
- white paper for copier
- scissors
- a simple pencil
- glue stick
- black marker

Safety rules when working with scissors
1. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors
2. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends
3. Place the scissors with the rings facing you
4. Watch the movement of the blades while cutting
5. Don't leave scissors open
6. Pass the scissors rings first
7. Don’t play with scissors, don’t bring them to your face
8. Use scissors as intended

Rules for working with PVA glue
1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage
3. It is necessary to apply the glue in an even thin layer
4. Remove excess glue with a paper napkin
5. Try not to get the glue on your clothes, face, or especially your eyes.
6. After work, close the glue tightly and put it away
7. Wash your hands and work area with soap and water



Panel No. 1
Glue gold A-4 cardboard onto a sheet of A-3 size watercolor paper

We cut out fields of different sizes from scrapbooking paper with a floral print.

Glue them to the background

Making a house
Technological map No. 1

Technological map No. 2

Glue the finished house onto the clearing

Cut out yellow paper and collect the sun


Glue everything to the background

Cut out clouds from light paper of different shades and glue them

Planting a vegetable garden:

A hundred clothes
And all without fasteners.



Long sharp red nose
In the garden it has grown into the ground.
And the green braid
Upstairs - a miracle of beauty!



There is grass above the ground,
Burgundy head underground.


Cut out a path of any shape from brown paper

Of course Kolobok is running along the path
Technological map No. 3

Straight from the shelf, beyond the threshold
The ruddy side ran away.
Our friend rolled away
Who is this?...


Freckles, smile, eyebrows,.... draw with a black marker

Our first painting is ready!

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They decided to somehow bake a bun. The old man said to the old woman:
- Come on, old woman, scratch the box, mark the bottom, see if you can scrape some flour into a bun.
The old woman did just that: she scraped along the box, broomed along the bottom and scraped up two handfuls of flour. I kneaded the dough, rolled it into a ball, baked it and put it on the window to cool. The bun lying on the window became boring, so he took it and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the grass, from the grass to the path - and further along the path......

Panel No. 2

The base is made according to the same scheme as panel No. 1

Making a bunny
Technological map No. 4

Loves red carrots
He gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who do you say he is...


Glue it to the farthest clearing

Cut out a path of any shape from brown paper

In the foreground we will have a wolf
Making a wolf
Technological map No. 5

Glue it

He roams the forest all the time,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes,
Who can say this -...


Our Kolobok is running along the path, from the hare to the wolf.

Decorate the picture, add the sun and clouds


Our second painting is ready!

......The bun is rolling, and a hare meets it:
- Don’t eat me, hare, I’ll sing you a song: I’m a bun, I scrape the boxes, I sweep the bottom, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, it’s not smart to leave you, the hare!
And the bun rolled on - only the hare saw it!

The bun rolls, and a wolf meets it:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
- Don’t eat me, wolf, I’ll sing you a song: I’m a bun, I’m scraping the box, I’m sweeping the bottom of the barrel, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, but it’s not difficult to leave you, wolf!
And the bun rolled on!.....

Panel No. 3

Cut out and glue flower fields onto the base

Making bushes
Technological map No. 6

Glue it


Chubby, no arms, no legs,
He's from a fairy tale...


Making Kolobok chamomile wreath

Teddy Bear
Technological map No. 7

The bear will have raspberries in its paws

The bear is ready, glue it to the clearing

Clubfoot and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves pine cones, loves honey,
Well, who will name it?


Our third painting is ready!

....The bun is rolling, and a bear meets it:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
- Don't eat it, bear! I am a bun, I scrape the box, I sweep the bottom of the barrel, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I left the wolf and I will easily leave you, bear! The bear only saw him...

By the way, you can experiment with kolobok

Panel No. 4

We cut out flower fields from scrap paper and glue them to the base

Adding a path

Making stump
Technological map No. 8

Kolobok sits on a stump

Decorating the background

Making a fox
Technological map No. 9

She is more cunning than all the animals,
She is wearing a red fur coat.
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
This forest animal is….


Glue the fox on the panel

Add chamomile

He left his grandfather
And he left his grandmother.
Only, unfortunately, in the forest
Met the cunning Fox.

The last picture is ready!

Bobovikov Alexander

Defended his project at the Iskorka festival



MBOU "Belorucheyskaya Secondary School"

Individual creative project

"Origami Theater"

Project manager: Elena Aleksandrovna Sharapova, primary school teacher


  1. Introduction
  2. Preparatory stage
  3. Theoretical stage
  4. Practical stage
  5. Final stage
  6. conclusions



Relevance of the selected topic

Many children love fairy tales very much. You can endlessly sit in front of the TV and watch drawn fairy tales. You can also try to become a participant in the creation of a fairy tale. No, we won't draw a cartoon. Let's try to make a theater. And colored paper and imagination will help you quickly prepare fairy-tale characters.

Project idea

Try yourself as a master of toys for the theater - origami and as puppeteers.

Goal of the project

Organize a theater - origami.

Project objectives

  • Prepare and learn texts for the performance
  • Learn to make figurines for the theater
  • Show mini-performances for other children

Project type

Creative, individual, short-term.

Project stages and expected results.

Stage 1. Organizational.

At this stage of the project, I outlined a plan according to which I would carry out the work.

  • Find information on the Internet and books about origami and patterns for making paper figures.
  • Choose fairy tales for which you need to learn how to make paper figures using the origami method.
  • Make fairy tale characters.
  • Ask dad and older brother to make a screen.
  • Learn the texts of fairy tales by role.
  • Rehearse fairy tales at home and show them to your family.
  • Show a fairy tale in class, in kindergarten, in preschool.
  • Print photos for a report or make a presentation.

Stage 2. Theoretical.

I found diagrams for folding figures for an origami theater on the Internet and in a book. We chose the fairy tales “Turnip” and “Kolobok”.

Stage 3. Practical.

  • I read the fairy tale and learned the text.
  • I learned how to fold paper figures using the origami method.
  • I rehearsed the performance at home and showed it to my family.
  • Showed the play at school.
  • Mom took a photo of us while we were performing.

Stage 4. Final.

The most difficult thing in our work turned out to be making figures using the origami method, but we learned how.

Most of all we enjoyed showing the performance to other children.


I completed the project with the help of my parents and older brothers and sisters. Dad also participated in the creation of the project; he cut out a screen from plywood with a jigsaw and helped read the diagrams of the figures from a book.

I think that the project was successful, I was able to perform a mini-play in my class. I plan to show the fairy tale in kindergarten, in front of preschoolers who attend preschool classes.

The collected material will be useful to me in the future for showing other fairy tales. To do this, you need to learn how to make other toys out of paper.


  • Text of the fairy tale "Kolobok"
  • Toy folding patterns
  • Photos
  • Tabletop origami theater.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bolsheyanikovskaya secondary school" of Urmara district of the Chuvash Republic

Creative project

« Modular origami. Kolobok."

Work completed

Galkina Anastasia, 7th grade student at Bolsheyanikovskaya Secondary School


technology teacher

MBOU "Bolsheyanikovskaya Secondary School"

Alexandrova Anna Vasilievna

Bolshoye Yanikovo village, 2015

Slide 2:

The magician who invented colored paper: red, yellow and blue,

I probably believed that the guys could make figures from different squares.

Only Japanese children knew these figures all over the world.

Fairytale butterflies and pink hares can be made using your fingers.

We invite you to try learning the origami technique with us!

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Brief summary

This project will introduce you to the original Japanese paper folding technique - modular origami. You will learn the history of this technology. And also learn how to fold modules and connect them in different ways, resulting in beautiful three-dimensional toys.

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Goal of the work:

Create a beautiful three-dimensional toy using the modular origami technique.


    get acquainted with the history of the “modular origami” technique;

    learn how to fold triangular modules;

    connect modules in different ways.

5 slide

Model selection

Having examined all possible options for products from modular origami, we decided to choose the “Kolobok” sketch. My niece really liked this sketch, as she loves the fairy tale “Kolobok” and I decided to make her dream come true.

It will not cost much, because we only need note paper and glue.

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Expected Results

As a result of the implementation of this project, we plan:

    make a beautiful three-dimensional toy for a New Year gift;

    expand our horizons;

    become more diligent;

    improve abilities such as:

fine motor skills, memory, thinking, spatial imagination, intelligence.

7 slide

Work plan

Preparatory stage:

    Practical need for the product.

    Model selection.

    Materials, tools, equipment.

    Manufacturing technology.

Technological stage:

    Technological operations.

    Safe work rules.

The final stage:

    Final control.

    Project protection.

Project implementation timeline: October – November 2015

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Interpretation of the concept

Origami – (Japanese: “folded paper”) is the ancient Japanese art of creating a variety of models and figures by folding sheets of paper.

The art of origami is a mystery, and it attracts every child with incredible transformations. It's not even a trick, it's a miracle! There are many images hidden in a piece of paper. In the hands of a child, paper comes to life. How much joy, how much delight! Children experience feelings of emotional comfort, a sense of the joy of childhood, and an incomparable feeling of satisfaction from handmade crafts. Such a toy is dear to the heart, people talk to it, play with it, and keep it carefully. This art has everything that would draw a child to climb to the very top of the Ladder of Creativity and make this climb excitingly interesting. Today, many people all over the world are interested in the art of origami.

Slide 9

From the history of origami

The history of origami begins in Japan. The very first pieces of paper folded into figures first appeared in monasteries. In Japanese, "God" and "paper" sound the same. Therefore, such paper figures had a symbolic meaning. They decorated temples, they participated in religious ceremonies, and they were placed on the sacrificial fire. The history of origami has preserved for us the first paper figures - “sanbo” boxes, where the Japanese put pieces of vegetables and fish for sacrifices. This was not real art. It was just a piece of paper marked with the name of God and, at that time, worth a lot of money.

Slide 10:

Modular origami – folding figures from modules. This technique, unlike classic origami, uses several sheets of paper during the folding process. Each individual sheet is folded into a module according to the rules of classic origami, and then the modules are connected by inserting them into each other, the elastic force that appears in this case prevents the structure from falling apart and allows you to do without glue. Modular origami models can be either flat or three-dimensional.

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Preparatory stage

Practical need for the product:

Our calendar is rich in holidays. And on holidays it is customary to give gifts. Almost all children often face the question: “What to give?” You can give a box of chocolates, but they will be eaten that same evening. You can buy something inexpensive, but as experience shows, such trinkets often turn out to be unnecessary. But a beautiful product, made with soul, and even with your own hands, will be a decoration and will be preserved for a long, long memory.

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Materials, tools, equipment

1. Note paper.

2.Colored paper.

3. Glue.

4. Scissors.




Slide 13

Technological stage

Safe work rules:

Safety precautions when working with scissors:

    Hold on the table to the right, with the blades closed away from you.

    Pass the rings forward, holding the closed ones


    Monitor the movement and position of the blades during


    Don't play with scissors, don't put scissors near your face.

Safety precautions when working with glue:

    Work on a table covered with cellophane oilcloth.

    When not in use, the adhesive must be closed.

    You need to be careful, as glue may get on

skin and clothing.

    You need to take a small amount of glue, as it

may leave stains on the product.

Slide 14

Technological operations

Operation to be performed

Tools and accessories

Make triangular modules from note paper

(502 orange, 424 white, 16 black, 431 dark green, 246 light green)

note paper

From ready-made modules, assemble a toy bun, tree stump, or Christmas tree according to the diagram

diagram, ready-made modules

Collect mushrooms


Glue the mushrooms to the stump

glue, brush

Cut out a mouth, nose, eyes, cheeks, hair and leaves from colored paper

colored paper, pencil, scissors

Glue the mouth, nose, eyes, cheeks, hair and leaves

glue, brush

15 slide

Triangular module manufacturing technology

Slide 16, 17, 18

Diagram of the three-dimensional toy “Kolobok”

1. Make 462 orange triangular modules.

2. 1-3 row - 10 modules per row. We increase the number of modules to 20 in a row.

3. Row 4 - 20 modules, put on each corner of the previous row.

4. 5 row - 20 modules.

5. 6th row - 40 modules. We increase the number of modules by 2 times. We put one module on each corner.

6. 7-12 row of 40 origami modules.

7. Row 13 - 27 modules, reduce the modules: for every 3 modules we put on 2.

8. 14 row - 27 modules.

9. 15 row - 18 modules. For every 3 modules we put on 2 modules. Use your hands to give it a rounded shape.

Slide 19

Mushrooms on a stump

Each mushroom consists of 3 rows of modules.

1-2 row - 5 modules each

3rd row - 10 modules.

The stem of the fungus can be of different lengths. The modules fit on top of each other. Glue the stem of the mushroom to the cap.

Slides 21, 22, 23

Origami tree stump

The stump requires 480 modules: 424 white, 16 black, 40 green.

Row 12 - 40 green modules.

The paper stump is ready.

We cut strips of brown paper 0.3-0.5 mm and twist them with scissors, we get such curls, glue them to the top of the bun. We draw eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, hands, leaves and glue everything.

22 slide

We insert the mushrooms into the stump, it is better to glue them with glue

Slides 23,24,25,26,27,28

Modular origami “Herringbone”

1. For the Christmas tree, you can take modules of one or two colors. Modules made of rectangles measuring 38x60 mm were used here. But there may be other sizes. For this Christmas tree, 637 modules were needed (391 dark green, 246 light green). Fold the triangular modules according to the diagram.

2. Start collecting a twig. Take two modules (long side on top), insert two near corners into two pockets of the third module.

3. This is what the first two rows of the twig look like. The first row has 2 modules, the second row has 1 module. If the branch is short, then you can start assembling it from one module; if it is long, then it is better from two, so it will be easier to connect them later.

4. Make the third row by placing two more modules on the corners of the second row module. You need to insert the corners into those pockets that are located closer to each other. Then the outer corners will stick out freely to the sides, like needles.

5. Connect 5 branches in a circle in the same way. Make the next circle smaller again. Each branch has 10 rows, the side branches have three. It turned out to be three circles of branched branches.

6. Now make two small circles of twigs without side branches. The number of rows is 8 and 6. Connect in the same way.

7. Make an intermediate ring that will separate the rows of large branches. To do this, take 7 modules for the first row and 7 for the second. Connect them this way. This is what all the blanks look like. Doesn't it look like snowflakes?

28 slide

Collecting a Christmas tree

Slide 29

Photo of the finished product

30 slide

The final stage


We managed to make a three-dimensional kolobok using the given design. Our product has been pleasing to the eye for 2 months and arouses the admiration of everyone who sees it. The modular origami technique has aroused great interest not only among our peers, but also among adults (parents, grandmothers, acquaintances). For some of us, this activity has grown into a hobby. Crafts made using the modular origami technique are a great gift for any occasion!!! Minimum costs, maximum pleasure!

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Environmental justification for the project

We used environmentally friendly material - paper. We also used glue that has a certified trademark confirming that this material will not harm the environment.

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Economic justification for the project

Paper A 4:

1. Orange: 38 sheets - 95 rubles;

2. White: 27 sheets – 67 rub. 50 kopecks;

3. Dark green: 27 sheets - 67 rub. 50 kopecks

4. Light green: 16 sheets - 40 rubles.

5. Glue: 30 rubles

TOTAL: 300 rubles

Slide 33

Our works using modular origami technique

Slide 34


I made this product in my free time from studying. It took about two weeks to make the craft. I'm happy with my product, it turned out beautiful, interesting and neat. My work was appreciated by students and teachers, this inspires me very much.

35 slide


The world of origami represents a completely new, potentially infinitely diverse continuum of spatial forms. Origami, as a method, is one of the most effective creative techniques for creating new spatial forms for building the objective world of the future and for enriching the artistic world. The role of origami can hardly be overestimated, since it contributes to the development of not only certain craft and technical skills, but also such qualities as spatial imagination, artistic-imaginative thinking, and constructive-visual thinking.

36 slide

Information sources

    Prosnyakova T.N. “Funny figures. Modular origami", M. AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2012

    Prosnyakova T.N. – Modular origami - M. AST - PRESS BOOK 2011

    Afonkin S.Yu. –Encyclopedia of origami for children and adults.

Design lesson notes

Software theme:Origami "Kolobok"


Educational:the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, develop the eye, and become accustomed to precise finger movements under the control of consciousness.

Educational : cultivate accuracy, perseverance.

Developmental environment:yellow rectangle, size 20x40 cm. orange and red squares, size 3x3cm, two orange circles, glue, brush, napkins, bi-ba-bo dolls.

Methods and techniques:

Visual - sample kolobok, grandfather and grandmother dolls.

Verbal – teacher's explanation.

Practical – independent work of children.

Grandfather and grandmother (bi-ba-bo dolls) come with an empty basket.

Hello children! We come to you from a fairy tale.

Grandma, I baked a bun and put it in the window to cool, but it just rolled away and hasn’t come back yet.

Have you guessed which fairy tale we came from?

From the Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

My grandfather and I were very upset and came to you for help.

Educator: Children, can we help grandma and grandpa? Let's make a paper bun for them.

Show sample. Explanation of how to do it.

Place the rectangle with the white plane facing you, bend it in half twice.

1.Fold all corners (evenly).

2.Fold the piece in half.

3.Lower the top corners along the sides of the fold (same as at the top).

Turn the part over and make a mouth.

Place the red square, angle down, with the white plane facing you.

4.Fold the square in half with a scarf.

5.Lift the bottom corner of the triangle towards the top side.

6. Turn the part over.

Let's make the nose. Place the orange square corner down.

7.Fold it in half with a “kerchief”

8.Fold the corners towards you and turn the figure over.

9. Glue circles to the main figure - cheeks on folded parts - nose and mouth, draw or glue eyes.

Children repeat the teacher’s actions in the same sequence. The teacher helps the children as needed.

Physical education minute.

One two three four five,

We start again

It's fun to walk together.

One two three four,

Arms to the sides wider!

One two Three! Turn your body.

One, two! Head back and forth.

Once! Everyone sat down at once.

Educator: Children, how many ruddy buns you baked for your grandfather and grandmother! Let's put them in their basket.

Grandfather and grandmother: Thank you, dear children! See you in a fairy tale!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. It is in this section that we have collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there is sure to be one that your child will especially love. If you have a lot to do or just want to relax, and the child asks for constant attention, and if there is none, then he begins to “mess up”, then cartoons will come to the rescue. By turning on a cartoon for a child, you can distract him for at least half an hour, or even two or three.

An art form such as animation has been around for quite a long time. During this time, the quality has improved, which is good news. Children of any generation absolutely love cartoons; everyone, as a child, loved cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what was shown. Some people were lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already watch what they want without spending money from their parents’ wallet, because almost every home already has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge card index of cartoons can be opened for every taste and color.

For the little ones, the Soviet classics, which are famous for their simplicity, kindness and pleasant pictures, are perfect. For example, “Crocodile Gena”, “Prostokvashino”, “Well, wait a minute!”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “Flying Ship”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Baby and Carlson” and many others. You can even sit down with your child and reminisce about childhood. Also for young children there are many modern educational cartoons, which differ not only in brighter pictures, but also in content.

For children who are already finishing kindergarten or studying in elementary school, entertaining cartoons are suitable, where heroes save someone or even the whole world. These include foreign cartoons about superheroes from comic books, about sorceresses or fairies, as well as domestic ones about heroes.

Those kids who are already slowly and surely moving towards adolescence may already begin to be interested in cartoons that are especially different in plot. In such cartoons, in a relaxed manner, children are forced to think about serious things and experience a lot of emotions. They are suitable for viewing by the whole family, because due to the well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely placed on the same shelf as family films.

Teenagers, despite the fact that they consider themselves adults, still love to watch cartoons. For teenagers, they are already more daring and not as harmless as children. They are dominated by entertainment, adult jokes, and teenage problems. These are mainly foreign multi-part cartoons, such as “The Simpsons”, “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, etc.

Don't forget about adults. Yes, they also draw for adults, only they are somewhat similar to teenagers, but more rude, there may be curse words, intimate overtones and adult problems are touched upon (family life, work, loans, midlife crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are an art form in which the author’s hands are completely free, because you can depict absolutely anything and at the same time add a charming story. We invite you to watch them right now and have great fun.