Transfiguration. How and when is it celebrated? Transfiguration of the Lord: nothing good in a person is lost

On August 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord. The holiday is dedicated to the miraculous event described in the Gospels, which took place on Mount Tabor, where the appearance of the Divine glory and greatness of Jesus Christ over the three closest disciples took place.

Transfiguration of the Lord: history of the holiday

Although the Savior’s disciples believed Him with all their hearts, they did not understand how He, the Son of God, could suffer and die. It seemed to them that this was impossible, and when they thought about the future sufferings of the Messiah, they became confused. To strengthen them in this thought, the Lord decided to show them His Divine glory. To do this, He, accompanied by three closest disciples - James, John and Peter - ascended the high Galilean Mount Tabor.

On the mountain, Christ prayed to God the Father, and the glory of His Divinity was revealed: the Savior’s face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white like snow. Witnesses of the Transfiguration of the Lord from the Other World appeared on the mountain - the prophets Elijah and Moses, who were once honored to see the Divine glory of the Lord - one at Horeb, the other at Sinai. The prophets talked with the Son of God about His exodus, i.e. about the death of the God-man on the cross.

The Lord's intentions to show His Divine glory to the disciples were completely justified. She delighted the apostles so much that they always wanted to watch her while on the mountain. Soon they heard a voice from heaven: “ This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!" At the sound of the voice, the frightened disciples could not look at the radiance of Jesus’ face and fell to the ground. He came up to them, touched them and said: “ Stand up and don't be afraid" Raising their eyes, the apostles saw no one but the Lord.

What does the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord mean?

By celebrating the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Orthodox Church solemnly glorifies and confesses the union of the human and the Divine in the person of Jesus Christ and His voluntary suffering for the salvation of all mankind.

Saint Ephraim the Syrian, in his conversation on the day of the celebration of the Transfiguration, said that Jesus led the apostles to Mount Tabor in order to show them who He is and whose Son, in order to show them His Divine glory and prove that He is the deliverer of Israel, promised by the prophets.

By proclaiming and confessing the Divinity of Christ, the Feast of the Transfiguration proves that His suffering and death were voluntary and saving. The Lord, by His transformation, protected the disciples from despondency and raised them to the highest hope amid the disasters that would befall them in the future.

By celebrating the Transfiguration of the Lord into the heavenly glory prepared for each of us, the Church morally consoles us during our earthly journey, sometimes filled with sorrows and hardships, pointing out that behind short-term sorrows the heavenly glory of eternal bliss will shine.

This holiday inspires Christians that for a grace-filled transformation from the darkness of sin into the light of virtue and truth, which opens the doors of Paradise to people, prayer and impartiality to the delights of the world are necessary, because for His transfiguration, it was not without reason that the Lord rose to a height that removed Him from worldly life . Having ascended His body to the mountain, he prayerfully ascended to Heaven and was transformed into glory.

Transfiguration of the Lord: traditions and customs

In the folk calendar, this holiday is known as the Second or Apple Savior. By this time, many garden fruits and garden vegetables are ripening, the harvesting of grain plants is coming to an end, and the honeycombs are being trimmed.

Our ancestors were accustomed to starting and ending any business with God’s blessing, therefore, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, they brought to the church for consecration the fruits of garden trees and garden vegetables (with the exception of cucumbers), which they had not eaten before this date, considering it a sin. From the day of the Transfiguration, all the fruits of the new harvest appeared on their tables.

Even today, the owners of the grain fields bring seeds and ears of new bread to the temple, over which a prayer is read and sprinkled with holy water. In the old days, these consecrated “firstfruits” were saved for the beginning of sowing.

In the old days, a ritual of sowing fields was timed to coincide with the Feast of the Transfiguration, which consisted in the fact that, at the request of the owners, a priest came to the field with icons and sprinkled the plowed soil with sacred water. After which the host or one of the most respected guests present during the ceremony threw grains of grain into the consecrated ground. This ritual served as the beginning of sowing.

In the old days, on the day of Transfiguration, the poor and needy were treated to good things collected from gardens and fields. This tradition was strictly observed, but if someone refused to perform this good deed, then our ancestors considered such a person unworthy of respect and did not want to have anything to do with him. And today, on this holiday, from various vegetables and fruits, after their consecration in the temple, in some places alms are made to the poor and needy.

The folk custom of sanctifying everything with the blessing of God is undoubtedly one of the oldest customs of Christianity. To celebrate it, holidays were usually chosen - freer and more solemn in the life of rural residents. So, for example, according to God’s decree, in the Old Testament, on the feast of Pentecost, the first fruits of vegetables were brought to the altar for consecration. Likewise, in the New Testament Church, the conciliar and apostolic rules decreed that they should be brought to the temple for consecration on the most important holidays. In Greece, there was a custom to consecrate the fruits on August 6th and 15th. In Rus', the holiday of Transfiguration has become one of the most important days for the blessing of the fruits of garden, vegetable and field plants, because it is by this time that they usually ripen. No wonder there is a popular proverb about this: “ The Savior has come - it’s only an hour».

Video: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

On the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, we remember the gospel event when on Mount Tabor the apostles John, Peter and James saw Christ in all His Divine, eternal glory.

Icon “Transfiguration of the Lord” (XIV century), icon painter - Theophanes the Greek.


The last days of Christ's earthly life were approaching. The day before, the Lord for the first time directly asked His disciples who they thought He was. Then Peter answered firmly and without hesitation: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matthew 16:16), expressing the opinion of all the apostles. The significance of his words lay in the fact that before this Jesus Himself had not in any way clearly revealed His Divine nature to them, so that the apostles would believe in Him as God not forcedly, but freely. After all, He could have revealed Himself to the disciples in all His greatness and glory at the very beginning of the sermon, but then the apostles would have confessed Jesus as God simply out of fear, impressed by what was revealed to them.

Then the Lord, beginning to “tune” the apostles to the upcoming events, said that “He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and high priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day rise again” (Matthew 16:21). These words saddened the apostles so much that Peter even began to rebuke the Teacher: “Be merciful to yourself, Lord! let this not happen to you!” (Matt. 16:22).

After several days, the Lord, taking Peter, James and John with him, went up Mount Tabor to pray. And when they were at the top, Christ was transformed before them. At the same time, two great Old Testament prophets appeared - Elijah and Moses, who talked with the Lord about the future.

A bright cloud descended on the mountain, from which the voice of God the Father was heard: “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to Him” (Matthew 17:5). The apostles fell to the ground in horror.

When they stood up and stood up, the Old Testament prophets and the cloud had already disappeared, and their Teacher stood before them - no longer shining with a blinding light.

Thus, the Savior revealed His Divine nature to the apostles, strengthening them in faith before His future torment and death on Calvary and showing everyone who follows Him the light with which he will be transformed in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Holiday icon

The prophets Moses and Elijah are the main prophets of the Old Testament. Moses died before reaching the promised land, Elijah was taken to heaven alive. Their appearance, writes Chrysostom, meant that “Christ has power over life and death, rules over heaven and earth.”

Mount Tabor is flat. The rocks on the icon are a symbol of the believer’s spiritual ascent to God, as well as an image of faith strong as stone.

The apostles, blinded by the light, lie on the ground. James and John cover their faces with their hands, not daring to look at the Transfigured Savior, and only Peter looks at Christ, preparing to utter the words: “Mentor! It’s good for us to be here.”

Mandorla is a circle of light around Christ, a symbol of Divine glory and greatness.

The rays of light emanating from the figure of Christ are an image of the light of the Transfiguration: “His clothes became shining, very white, like snow, as a whitener on earth cannot bleach” (Mark 9:3).

Tabor light is the light of Divine glory with which the face of Christ shone during the Transfiguration. In the 14th century, a theological dispute arose about what kind of light it was - created or uncreated. As a result, the position of Saint Gregory Palamas triumphed, who wrote that the disciples of Christ “saw, and saw for certain, that uncreated and Divine Radiance, while God [Himself] remained invisible in [His] all-essential Hiddenness.” And since Christ Himself sanctified human nature with this light, then every person who believes in the Savior, according to the teachings of the Church, can also be worthy of his own personal Transfiguration, having received the uncreated, Tabor light. This is the greatest meaning of this twelfth holiday.

Theophanes the Greek, the famous ancient Russian icon painter of the 14th century, painted one of the most famous icons of the Transfiguration of the Lord (see above). The Tabor light seemed to “materialize” in Theophanes the Greek’s palette, present in every image with flashes.

Four facts about the holiday

1. Mount Tabor, or Mount of Transfiguration, is located in the eastern part of the Jezreel Valley, in the Lower Galilee. Today, on its top there are two monasteries - Catholic and Orthodox.

2. The tradition of celebrating the Transfiguration of the Lord originated in the 4th century. It was then that Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helen built the first temple on Mount Tabor, which was dedicated to this gospel event.

3. The Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky is the only one of the five first white-stone churches of North-Eastern Rus' that has survived to this day, almost completely preserved. The temple was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, and completed in 1157 under Andrei Bogolyubsky. The temple icon of the Transfiguration, attributed to the brush of Theophanes the Greek, is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

4. Apple Savior is the popular name for the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It is connected with the ancient custom when the Jews brought to the temple everything that appeared first in the field or in the stable. Christians also adopted this tradition, so that when the first grape harvest ripened in August, it was brought to the church just for the Feast of the Transfiguration. In our area they brought apples instead.


Troparion of the Transfiguration of the Lord, tone 7

Thou art transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, / showing Thy disciples Thy glory, / like a man, / may Thy ever-present light shine upon us, sinners, / through the prayers of the Mother of God, / Giving light, glory Hail to you.

Kontakion of the Transfiguration of the Lord, tone 7

You were transfigured on the mountain, / and as the host of Your disciples, / You saw Your glory, O Christ God, / so that when they see You crucified, / they will understand freely suffering, / preach to the world They say that you are truly the Father’s radiance.

The Greatness of the Transfiguration of the Lord

We glorify You, Life-Giver Christ, and honor the glorious Transfiguration of Your Most Pure Body.

Prayer to the Transfiguration of the Lord

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, in the Living Light, unapproachable, the Radiance of the Glory of the Father and the Image of His Hypostasis! When the fulfillment of times came, You humbled Yourself for your unspeakable mercy towards the fallen human race, You accepted the form of a servant, You humbled Yourself, being obedient even to the point of laughter. rtti. Moreover, before the Cross and Your free passion on Mount Tavorstei, You were transformed in Your Divine Glory before Your saints, disciples and Apostles, little hiding the perception of the flesh, and when You They see you being crucified and put to death; they will understand Your free suffering and Divinity. Grant to all of us, Thy most pure Transfiguration of Thy Flesh, those who celebrate, with pure hearts and unfiltered minds, to ascend to Thy Holy Mountain, to the village of Thy holy glory, where the voice is pure from the heart. those who rise, the voice of unspeakable joy, so that together with them, face to face, we will see Your Glory in uneven are the days of Your Kingdom, and with all the saints who have pleased You from all eternity, let us glorify Your All-Holy name with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Transfiguration of the Lord - what does this holiday mean? What are its origins? You will find answers to these and other questions in the sermon below.

Today’s holiday, dear brothers and sisters, gives us rich food for thought. I would like to note this feature of the Gospel event now being remembered. On Mount Tabor, Moses and Christ appeared to Christ, who revealed to us, to the extent possible for our earthly perception, His heavenly glory. Liturgical texts reveal to us one of the meanings of this meeting of God with two of the greatest Old Testament prophets: “For Christ, who is ruler of heaven and earth and has power over the underworld, the apostles appeared to you from the earth, Elijah the Tishbite from heaven, and Moses from the dead, singing in agreement: people, exalt them to all ages” (canon, canto 8).

But in the presence of Moses and Elijah before Christ there was also something very personal; This is indicated by the proverbs of the holiday, which were read yesterday at the All-Night Vigil. The Book of Exodus talks about how Moses cried out to the Lord: “If I have found favor in Your sight, then I pray: Show me Yourself with understanding, that I may see You; show me Your glory." And the Lord answered Moses: “You cannot see My face, because man cannot see Me and live.” And the Lord said: “This is my place - stand on this rock; When My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I pass by; and when I remove My hand, you will see Me from behind, but My face will not be visible to you” (Exodus, chapter 33). And in the Third Book of Kings it is told about the prophet Elijah, who was jealous of the Lord God of Hosts. And the Lord said to him: “Go out and stand on the mountain before the face of the Lord, and behold, the Lord will pass by; and a great and strong wind, rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord is not in the wind; after the wind there is an earthquake, but the Lord is not in the earthquake; after the earthquake there is fire, but the Lord is not in the fire; after the fire there is a thin voice of cold, and the Lord is there.” Hearing this, Elijah covered his face with his mantle (1 Kings, chapter 19).

Of course, such a request, such a desire of Moses and Elijah to see God, came from some essential depths of their spiritual life, because it is not just that a person says to God: show yourself to me, show yourself to me. It is impossible to turn this request to God out of idle curiosity; it is born from the heart only when a person with all his strength wants to transform himself and his whole life so that only God lives and acts in it, and nothing but Him. And the fact that the Lord responded to such a request speaks precisely about this.

It testifies that God did not show Himself to either Moses or Elijah, but only allowed Himself to be felt by a certain edge, covering their perception with His right hand. But the desire of Moses and Elijah nevertheless did not go unfulfilled. Moses had already departed to the land of the dead, and Elijah was mysteriously taken from the earth, and many thousands of years passed - and their desire to see God in fullness was fulfilled. On Mount Tabor, Moses and Elijah contemplated God face to face - but the disciples of Christ could not look at this and fell to the ground in horror.

And this is a great consolation from God and edification for us. Even when we ask God for something with all our soul, with all our heart, and the Lord does not fulfill it for some reason that is unknown to us, our good desire will still be fulfilled, if not in this life, then in the future . And this is the very important, deep essence of the Gospel: nothing good in a person is lost, any of his desires addressed to God will be fulfilled. And we must always rely on this with faith and joy - especially when we are in difficult circumstances, for example, when a person is undergoing some kind of long-term internal temptation. It happens that we pray to God for years, but everything remains the same, as if God does not hear us. And then we need to remember the Transfiguration of Christ and the prophets Moses and Elijah, who asked God for the unthinkable, the highest thing - and received what they asked from Him, although a lot of time had passed. But God does not have time - and for Christians who communicate with Him through the Gospel life and the Holy Sacraments, time has no meaning. When we live in God by faith, He transforms our lives, eases our sorrows - and will certainly fulfill all the desires coming from a believing heart. Amen.

Read also:

Transfiguration of the Lord: a film about the holiday

On August 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord - one of the most mysterious New Testament events. We present to our readers a film from the Neophyte film company about the Transfiguration of the Lord and the places of the Holy Land.

Consecration of fruits for the Transfiguration

The Transfiguration is celebrated after the harvest of grain (in the north, and earlier in the south) after the fruits have ripened, that is, at the end of labor. And moreover, when everything reaches perfection, maturity. Especially in the south. This is a symbol of perfection, the fullness of the future Kingdom of glory, but after the labors of our life on the cross.


It is no coincidence that the Apostle Peter on Tabor spoke to the Lord about tabernacles. Tabernacles are huts made of branches and greenery, which in ancient Israel, according to the Law of Moses, were supposed to be built at the beginning of the harvest of fruits in memory of the fact that the ancestors of the Israelites lived in the huts when the Lord brought them out of Egypt, where they were under the yoke of Pharaoh.

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Sometimes we are at Tabor, and sometimes we find ourselves at Golgotha. Sometimes the presence of God is so palpable, obvious, that we would like these minutes to never end, to last forever. But sometimes God seems to abandon us, leaving us in the darkness alone with ourselves, with our problems and sins.

Transfiguration of the Lord: the free path from Tabor to Golgotha

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Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ: the free path from Tabor to Golgotha

On August 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel tells that at the end of his earthly journey, shortly before Calvary, Christ took his three disciples Peter, James and John and led them to the mountain. According to legend, this was Mount Tabor. Now groups of Christian pilgrims climb there in an organized manner: in forty minutes they reach the top, following the same paths that Christ and His disciples once walked...

Transfiguration of the Lord: iconography of the holiday

The iconography of the Transfiguration goes back to ancient times, when symbolic forms of presenting biblical stories played an important role. Pokrovsky cites St. Apollinare in Classe as the first chronologically defined example of a mosaic.

Orthodoxy is the religion of Transfiguration

In the light of Christ the world is changed, not abolished. Favor leaves no room for the gloomy nihilism of all kinds of yogas. An uncreated, unearthly light sparkled on the Tabor peak - and the world was not burned by it. Christ's clothes became white as snow - but remained clothes. The body of Christ shone like the sun - but Christ did not disincarnate. Peter saw the One Light of the Universe - but did not turn into an angel or Moses, he remained Peter, with his own reactions and aspirations.

Transfiguration of the Lord in 2019 (August 19)- the twelfth holiday, which the Orthodox Church celebrates on August 19. People usually call it Apple Savior.

Transfiguration of the Lord: history

This event is narrated in three synoptic Gospels: Matthew (17:1-6), Mark (9:1-8), Luke (9:28-36). Shortly before His suffering (Tradition says that the Transfiguration took place forty days before Golgotha, so the interval between the Transfiguration and the Exaltation of the Cross is forty days), Christ took the three apostles - Peter, James and John - to a mountain in Galilee (according to Tradition - Mount Tabor), where, praying, he was transformed: His clothes and face shone with white light. The prophets Moses and Elijah stood near Christ and talked with Him.

In inexpressible joy, the Apostle Peter simply turned to the Lord: “Mentor! It’s good for us to be here; We will make three tabernacles, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” At this moment, a bright cloud overshadows the apostles, from which the voice of God is heard: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to him.”

Descending from the mountain, Christ commanded his disciples not to tell about the wondrous phenomenon until His Resurrection.

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord has been celebrated since the 4th century - the time when the holy Queen Helen built the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the site of the event.

The theological content of the Transfiguration of the Lord is difficult to overestimate. The outstanding Byzantine theologian and one of the greatest Orthodox saints of the 14th century, Saint Gregory Palamas, formulated the doctrine of the Light of Tabor - one of the manifestations of grace through which a person is united with God. Hesychasm, the Eastern Christian practice of so-called mental prayer, is based on this teaching.

St. Gregory's polemic with another theologian of that time, Barlaam, revealed serious contradictions between Orthodox and Western theology. St. Gregory's opponent, Barlaam, later accepted Roman Catholicism and became the Bishop of Jerak, his teachings were accepted by the Roman Catholic Church.

The popular name for the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord is Apple Savior. On this day, according to tradition, the fruits of the new harvest are blessed. According to the charter, grapes are supposed to be blessed, but in Russia, where grapes do not ripen, apples are used. Based on the statutory requirements, a pious folk custom developed not to eat apples from the new harvest until the Transfiguration, the so-called “apple fast.”

According to the regulations of the Dormition Fast, the sixth day of which is a holiday, it is allowed to eat fish on this day.

The event of the holiday and its eorthological dynamics

This holiday was established in memory of the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ before the disciples on Mount Tabor. He is told about in the three Synoptic Gospels: Matt. 17:1–6; Mk. 9: 1–8; OK. 9:28–36.

In the last year of His public ministry, while in Caesarea Philippi, the Lord, in anticipation of the coming suffering, began to reveal to the disciples that “He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day rise again” ( Matthew 16:21). The Teacher’s words greatly saddened the apostles, and especially Peter, who began to contradict the Savior, saying: “Be merciful to yourself, Lord! let this not happen to you!” (Matthew 16:22). Noticing the grief of the disciples and wanting to alleviate it, Jesus Christ promised some of them to show the glory in which He would be clothed after His departure: “Truly I say to you, there are some of those standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom" (Matthew 16:28).

Six days later, the Lord, accompanied by his disciples, set out from Caesarea to the borders of Galilee. Stopping at Mount Tabor, He took with Him three disciples - Peter and the brothers James and John - and went up with them to the top to pray. And the apostles, tired, fell asleep: “Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep” (Luke 9:32).

During their sleep, the Lord Jesus Christ was transformed: “And as He prayed, the appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became white and shining” (Luke 9:29). Waking up from sleep, the apostles saw Him in light clothes with a bright light emanating from Him. Christ talked with two men - the prophets Moses and Elijah about the upcoming suffering. As the conversation came to an end, Peter became bold and said to the Lord: “Master! It’s good for us to be here, let’s make three tabernacles, one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah” (Luke 9:33). But Jesus immediately showed him that he had no need for a tabernacle, that He was the One who for 40 years made cloud tents for his fathers in the desert. “While He was still speaking,” narrates the Evangelist Matthew, “behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold, a voice from the cloud, saying: This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to Him” (Matthew 17:5).

At these words, the apostles fell on their faces in great fear. At this time, the glory of the Lord, and with it the prophets, hid from them. The Lord approached the disciples lying on the ground, saying: “Get up, do not be afraid” (Matthew 17: 7). Looking up, the apostles saw no one except the Lord Jesus. They began to descend from the mountain. The dear Lord commanded them not to tell anyone about the vision until He accepted suffering and death and rose again on the third day. The apostles complied with the Savior’s request and kept silent for the time being about what they saw.

Despite the fact that the event being remembered took place 40 days before the crucifixion of the Savior, it is celebrated in August and not in February, since otherwise the celebration would fall during Lent. According to established tradition, a time period of 40 days separates the Transfiguration from the Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrated on September 14, when the Church again remembers Christ's passion and His suffering on the cross. In this regard, Archpriest Alexander Schmemann notes: “Before its designation as a separate holiday, the remembrance of the Transfiguration was undoubtedly associated with the Easter cycle, which is still indicated by the troparion and kontakion of this day: “... may they ever see Thee crucified.”

As for the chronology of the establishment of the holiday, in historical liturgics there are versions about its extremely ancient origin: “Since 900 it has been celebrated in Byzantium as ... the Transfiguration of the Savior.”

However, it is more likely that the holiday in question was established in the 4th century: at that time, Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen, mother of Constantine the Great, built a temple on Mount Tabor in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. And for some time the Transfiguration was a local celebration in Palestine. Only from the 5th century did the celebration become widespread in the Christian East.

Holiday in Orthodox worship

Some information related to the diachronic specificity of the celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Palestine can be gleaned from the work of A.A. Dmitrievsky "Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Tabor". He, in particular, writes: “By August 6, the day of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, life on Mount Tabor takes on not only a lively character, but even an overly playful one, completely alien to the calm and complete silence that reigns here in normal times... To perform a solemn service in this day either the Metropolitan of Nazareth arrives with his retinue, or even one of the synodal bishops arrives from Jerusalem.”

The evening service is performed by the bishop with local and visiting clergy. Specially invited singers try to make the all-night vigil even more magnificent with the help of musical anixandarii (verses of the psalm “Bless the Lord, O my soul”), kekragarii (stichera on “Lord, I cried”) and doxastarii - glorifiers. In addition to the usual solemn small exit of all the clergy to sing “Quiet Light,” “the blessing of the loaves is also performed at the litia, and when the crowd of pilgrims in the church is significant, they go out to the monastery courtyard under the open sky to perform the litia and bless the loaves.”

Matins is performed in the usual order according to the rite of the Great Church of Constantinople, before the Great Doxology, after which the Liturgy immediately follows. If it is served by a bishop, then, according to the accepted custom, his vestments occur first - in the middle of the temple, and the sacred bishop's vestments are carried out of the altar by the priests serving with him after the deacon exclaims: “Priests, come out.”

During the liturgy, as well as at matins, some litanies and exclamations are pronounced in Church Slavonic, and the Apostle and Gospel are read in three languages ​​- Greek, Arabic and Church Slavonic.

At the end of the liturgy, a prayer service is held and a religious procession is held around the Church of the Transfiguration.

A local feature of the holiday is that Palestinian Christians often mark the baptism of their children on the day of the Transfiguration, as well as the time of the first tonsure of children who have already reached three years of age or even older. Therefore, on the eve of Tabor, a baptism ceremony is performed at the monastery. On the very day of the holiday, at the liturgy according to the Gospel, the bishop reads prayers “for the tonsure of the hair” and tonsures the children in a cross shape, saying: “The servant of God (name of the rivers) is tonsured in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Then a short, intense litany is said for the recipient and the tonsured one, and the dismissal is performed.

On a synchronic level, the Transfiguration of the Lord belongs in the Russian Orthodox Church to the Lord's, fixed feasts and has all the liturgical features of the great twelve-day celebration. In addition, there is one day of pre-celebration (August 5) and seven days of post-celebration (from 7 to 13 August). The donation takes place on August 13th.

The rite of blessing of fruits at the Transfiguration of the Lord

To some extent, which cannot, however, be exaggerated, the Feast of the Transfiguration is connected and comparable to the Old Testament Feast of Tabernacles. Such reciprocity is confirmed by the tradition of consecrating fruits on both of these celebrations.

In the East, by the beginning of August, cereals and grapes ripen, which Christians bring to the temple for blessing as a sign of gratitude to God for the gift of these fruits. In the first centuries, Christians donated part of the harvest to the temple for the sacrament of the Eucharist. It is obvious that in Christianity the consecration of fruits on the day of the Transfiguration has acquired a special symbolic meaning. The Transfiguration of Christ shows that new, transformed and grace-filled state that man and the world acquire through the Resurrection of Christ and which will be realized in the resurrection of people. And all of nature, which fell into disorder from the moment sin entered the world through man, now awaits the coming renewal together with man. Therefore, a few words need to be said about the rite of consecration of fruits developed in the Russian Orthodox Church, which is dearly loved by Orthodox people. Over time, the holiday in question even received the name Apple Savior, since apples, the most common fruit in Rus', are blessed on this day.

So, after the prayer behind the pulpit, while singing the troparion and kontakion of the holiday, the priest censes the fruits. Then the deacon exclaims: “Let us pray to the Lord,” and the priest reads the prayer “for the communion of the bunch”: “Bless, Lord” and the prayer “for those who bring the first fruits of vegetables”: “O Lord our God.” Afterwards, while singing the troparion, he sprinkles the fruits with holy water. Then follow “Be the name of the Lord” and the dismissal of the holiday.

Iconography of the holiday

The basis for the iconography of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is the gospel narrative.

On icons, frescoes, and manuscript miniatures, the Savior standing on the mountain is depicted in the center of the composition, on either side of Him are the prophets, and at the foot of the mountain are the fallen apostles.

One of the oldest images of the Transfiguration is the mosaic of the apse of the Church of St. Apollinaris (San Apollinare in Classe) in Rome (mid-6th century): the figure of Christ in the center is replaced by the image of a huge four-pointed cross in a medallion, above it is the right hand of the Lord. On the sides on the clouds are half-figures of Moses and Elijah, and below, in the middle of the trees, three lambs are depicted, apparently symbolizing the three disciples of the Savior. This type of iconography is characteristic of early Christian art, replete with complex symbols. However, it does not find further distribution.

Another pictorial type is demonstrated by the mosaics of the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai. They represent the appearance of the Lord in glory to the apostles, that is, the event of the New Testament, at which the prophet Moses is also present. The prophets and apostles are depicted here on a golden background, wearing white robes. Standing in the center of the composition, the blessing Savior is surrounded by a radiance of glory - rays of light emanate from the oval blue mandorla. This composition became widespread in Byzantine and Old Russian art.

From about the 12th century, it will be supplemented with images of the apostles ascending and descending from the mountain, led by Christ: the Church of the Annunciation in Gračanica (1321), the Virgin Mary Periveleptus in Mystras (third quarter of the 14th century).

In later monuments, a number of more iconographic details appear, making the story of the Transfiguration more detailed. Thus, on some icons of the 16th–17th centuries, not only the prophets Moses and Elijah are depicted on the sides of Christ, but also the rise of Moses from the grave and the transfer to Mount Tabor on the cloud of Elijah. Both Old Testament righteous men are accompanied by angels (Russian icons of the late 16th century).

The role of the Transfiguration scene in the composition of temple paintings and the peculiarities of its location in the space of temples is very significant. Since the Transfiguration was understood as a prototype of the coming Passion of Christ, which was reflected both in patristic interpretations and in liturgical texts, this plot, in violation of the chronological narrative, was an element of the passion cycle (Church of the Savior on Nereditsa; 1199; Novgorod the Great). Moreover, often in Russian iconostases of the 16th–17th centuries, the Transfiguration becomes a symbol of the passionate cycle, replacing it in the festive series between the compositions of the Entry into Jerusalem and the Crucifixion.

Bishop Kassian Bezobrazov
  • The Transfigured Christ Antanas Macejna
  • May your light shine on us too Victor Trostnikov
  • August poem by Boris Pasternak
  • Divine light V. N. Lossky
  • Talks on the Gospel of Mark Bishop Vasily of Kineshma
  • About the uncreated light Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)
  • In the Orthodox calendar this holiday is called “ Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ” and is now taking place on August 19th. For many literature lovers, he is associated with the wonderful poems of Boris Pasternak.

    You walked in a crowd, separately and in pairs,
    Suddenly someone remembered that today
    The sixth of August in the old days,

    Usually light without flame
    Coming from Tabor on this day,
    And autumn, clear as a sign,

    "Light Without Flame"

    These poems express the mood of the holiday - so aristocratically refined and brilliant. In the folk calendar, which is overly concerned with culinary problems, it is called the Second, or even Apple, Savior.

    Let's start with the first level of studying this calendar phenomenon - with clarification of the meaning of the Gospel event of “transfiguration” itself. What does this term itself mean? What event of Sacred history and why received such a name?

    Transfiguration: event and meaning

    Eight days after the solemn confession of St. Peter, his Teacher the Messiah (Christ), writes the Evangelist Luke, Jesus, “taking Peter, John and James with Him, went up to the mountain to pray. And during prayer, His face suddenly changed, and His clothes became sparkling white. And two people talked with Him - these were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in the radiance of heavenly glory. And they talked about the exodus that He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem.

    And Peter and his companions fell asleep, and when they woke up, they saw the radiance of His glory and two men standing next to Him. And when they were about to leave Him, Peter said to Jesus: “Master, how good it is for us to be here! Let us build three tents here: one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah!” “He himself didn’t know what he was saying,” Luke notes and continues. - And before he even finished speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them with its shadow. The disciples, finding themselves in the cloud, were afraid. But a voice came from the cloud, saying: “This is My chosen Son, listen to Him!” And when the voice ceased, it turned out that Jesus was alone. The disciples kept it a secret and did not tell anyone at that time what they were doing. O saw" ( ).

    And Evangelist Mark clarifies: “When they descended from the mountain, Jesus commanded that they should not tell anyone about what they had seen until the Son of Man rose from the tomb. They did this, but among themselves they interpreted: “What does it mean to rise from the grave?”

    The historical and theological meaning of this important episode of Sacred History is clear. Let us remember that not only the common people, but even the disciples considered Jesus Christ primarily an earthly king-warrior. And the false messianic illusions persisted among the apostles even after His Ascension, right up to Pentecost! Therefore, the Lord lifts the curtain of the future for them and reveals Himself as the Son of God, the ruler of life and death. He assures his disciples in advance that the coming suffering is not defeat and shame, but victory and glory, crowned by the Resurrection.

    At the same time, Christ resorts to the judicial rule formulated in the Law of Moses: “At the words of two witnesses... every matter will take place” ( ). By this He legally refutes the absurd accusations made by the scribes and Pharisees of his violation of Jewish law. Calling as “witnesses” the Lawgiver himself (!) and the formidable prophet Elijah, who speak with Him about His “exodus” to death and Resurrection, Christ certifies the apostles in the agreement of His work with the Law of Moses. He hopes that at least his closest students will not succumb to despair, but will themselves become a support for those who doubt. This is the meaning of the event being celebrated.

    On holiday icons, Jesus usually appears in a halo of “Taborian light” - the radiance that appeared to the apostles. To the left and right of Him are Elijah and Moses, who is holding in his hands the “Tablets of the Covenant” - stone tablets with the ten most important laws. At their feet are the apostles, fallen on their faces and covering them with their hands from the unbearable light rushing towards them in the form of broken rays.

    Transfiguration: a single event and an annual celebration

    But when did the event of transfiguration itself take place - was it really at the end of summer, and not before the Savior’s suffering on the cross, as is clear from the logic of the Gospel narrative?

    Outstanding Russian historian, prof. St. Petersburg Theological Academy V.V. Bolotov convincingly proved that Christ was transfigured before his disciples shortly before His last Easter, in February or March according to our calendar. At the same time, analyzing the history of several holidays, he shows that in establishing calendar dates for its celebrations, the Church was sometimes guided by “pedagogical” (missionary) considerations. By fixing holidays deliberately on the days of pagan celebrations, the Church wanted to overcome local traditions and remnants of previous religious customs.

    This happened with the Feast of the Transfiguration. Previously, according to V. Bolotov, it was established in Armenia and Cappadocia to replace the local veneration of the pagan goddess Astghik (analogous to the Greek Aphrodite) and fell on the sixth week after Easter.

    This “missionary” logic was also relevant in other countries. Thus, in Greece and Italy, the end of the grape harvest was accompanied for a long time by pagan “bacchanalia” - a cheerful holiday in honor of the intoxicating god Bacchus. In order to oust it from everyday life (or “Christianize”), it was decided to celebrate the “Transfiguration” at this time, artificially combining with it a thanksgiving prayer to God for the bestowal of “earthly fruits.” (It was possible to gather the maximum number of villagers, especially those living in distant mountainous regions, in the church only on major holidays.) This is a continuation of the Old Testament custom of blessing the “firstfruits” - the first fruits. In Constantinople, the holiday was established only under Emperor Leo the Philosopher (886-912), and it was fixed in the fixed, menain calendar (the reason for the origin of the date on August 6 is still in question). And from the Byzantines it passed to the Slavs.

    It is interesting that this holiday, oriental in origin, appeared in the West quite late. Here Festum Transfigurationis Christi, as it is called in the Catholic calendar, was not universal for a long time. Only in 1457 did Pope Callixtus III make it universal and establish a rite of worship for it. Moreover, this was done in memory of the important victory of the Christian army gathered by St. John Capistran, over the Turks on August 6, 1456. As a result, the siege of Belgrade was lifted and Turkish expansion into Western Europe was stopped.

    In the Orthodox Church, the Transfiguration has the status of the twelfth holiday. In the Catholic Church, its liturgical rank is lower and corresponds to the holidays in honor of the apostles and evangelists. In this regard, the Lithuanian philosopher and theologian Antanas Maceina wrote: “The basis for the emergence of the holiday in the East is theological: these are the reflections of writers and fathers of the Greek Church about God as Light, which shines in the depths of existence and therefore a person can not only feel Him, but sometimes even see clearly. In the West, the incentive to celebrate it was of a public nature.”

    Fine! - the impatient reader will exclaim. - These are theological subtleties! But what do apples have to do with it?! Everything is very simple.

    Indeed, the “Prayer at the Communion of the Cluster on the 6th day of August” prescribed by the Church Charter speaks only of the blessing of the “new fruit of the vine” (grapes). But, having borrowed from the Greeks the calendar of holidays and accompanying rituals that were formed in the Mediterranean region, the Russians inevitably had to “violate” the charter and replace grapes with apples - the main fruits of the North. Hence the strange, albeit euphonious name of the holiday - “Apple Savior”, which has nothing to do with its theological and historical basis.

    For curious readers:

    Bolotov V.V. Michaelmas. Why is the Cathedral of St. Archangel Michael takes place on November 8th? (Eortological study) // Christian Reading. 1892. No. 11-12. pp. 616-621, 644;
    Dmitrievsky A. A. Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor. St. Petersburg, 1913;
    Ruban Yu.“Light without flame” // “Living water”. St. Petersburg Church Bulletin. 2007. No. 8.


    Troparion of the Transfiguration of the Lord

    Thou art transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, / showing Thy disciples Thy glory, / like a man, / may Thy ever-present light shine upon us, sinners, / through the prayers of the Mother of God, / Giving light, glory Hail to you.

    Translation: You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, showing Your disciples Your glory as far as it was possible for them. May Your eternal light shine upon us, sinners, too, through the prayers of the Mother of God. Giver of light, glory to You!

    Kontakion of the Transfiguration of the Lord

    You were transfigured on the mountain, / and as the host of Your disciples, / You saw Your glory, O Christ God, / so that when they see You crucified, / they will understand freely suffering, / preach to the world They say that you are truly the Father’s radiance.

    Translation: You were transfigured on the mountain, and as far as Your disciples could comprehend, they contemplated Your glory, O Christ God, so that when they saw You crucified, they would understand that Your suffering was voluntary and proclaim to the world that You are truly the Father’s radiance.

    The Greatness of the Transfiguration of the Lord

    We glorify You, Life-Giver Christ, and honor the glorious Transfiguration of Your Most Pure Body.

    Prayer to the Transfiguration of the Lord

    Lord Jesus Christ, our God, in the Living Light, unapproachable, the Radiance of the Glory of the Father and the Image of His Hypostasis! When the fulfillment of times came, You humbled Yourself for your unspeakable mercy towards the fallen human race, You accepted the form of a servant, You humbled Yourself, being obedient even to the point of laughter. rtti. Moreover, before the Cross and Your free passion on Mount Tavorstei, You were transformed in Your Divine Glory before Your saints, disciples and Apostles, little hiding the perception of the flesh, and when You They see you being crucified and put to death; they will understand Your free suffering and Divinity. Grant to all of us, Thy most pure Transfiguration of Thy Flesh, those who celebrate, with pure hearts and unfiltered minds, to ascend to Thy Holy Mountain, to the village of Thy holy glory, where the voice is pure from the heart. those who rise, the voice of unspeakable joy, so that together with them, face to face, we will see Your Glory in uneven are the days of Your Kingdom, and with all the saints who have pleased You from all eternity, let us glorify Your All-Holy name with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Canons and Akathists

    Akathist to the Transfiguration of the Lord

    Kontakion 1

    Chosen to the Voivode and King of glory, to You, the Creator of heaven and earth, beholding on Mount Tavorstei transformed with glory, all creation was amazed, the heavens trembled, and all earthly beings rejoiced, but we are unworthy of You for the sake of the Transfiguration, gratefully offering adoration, with Peter we cry out to Ty from the bottom of our hearts: Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Ikos 1

    Unknown to angels and unapproachable to man, Thy, Light-Giver Christ, Divinity, with ever-lasting lightning and rays of Thy Everlasting Light, Thou didst reveal on Mount Tavorstei as Thy chief disciple, but changed by Divine horror, shone with a bright cloud and heard the voice of the Father, understanding Thy incarnation, the mystery crying out to Thee this: Jesus, Immortal Son of God, enlighten us with the light of Your illuminated Face. Jesus, Good God Almighty, awaken us sleeping from the depths of the darkness of sinful sleep. Jesus, the living unapproachable in the light, bring us out of the dark region. Jesus, having filled the whole world with Your glory, lead us into the abode of paradise. Jesus, Light of the world, free us from the evil world who sit in darkness. Jesus, Sun of Truth, clothe us with power and righteousness, in the shadow of those sleeping in death. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 2

    Seeing that Your disciples, O Lord of mankind, are still unenlightened, they do not understand that it is fitting for You to go to Jerusalem and suffer a lot and be killed there, You began to tell them from there that all this must be endured by Your will for the sake of our salvation. Both of you are not yet able to think about what is the essence of God, but what is the essence of man, for this reason, after six days, you taught Peter, James and John, and I brought you up to Mount Tabor to show them, before the Cross, Your Divine Glory, and even during Your sufferings it was reasonable They will sing to You: Alleluia.

    Ikos 2

    Your disciples, Lord, cannot understand Your free suffering. For this reason, before Your Cross, in a deep night, You raised Your best disciples to a high mountain, so that they may see the miracle of Your terrible Transfiguration and the unbearable Divine Coming of Your eternal beauty from afar, so that when they see You crucified, Your suffering may be understood freely. For this reason, we cry out to You: Jesus, Your disciples, who brought us up from the riches to the high mountain, bring us up to the mountain, so that we may learn to seek the pleasures on high. Jesus, who separated Peter and Zebedee from worldly cares and the multitude of people, separate our minds from earthly goods, so that we may learn to avoid addictions. Jesus, who through many labors lifted up His friends to great heights, and taught us through many toils and sweats to strive all day long. Jesus, in the silence of the night prayer you showed your Transfiguration to your disciples, and now grant to your faithful ones to be enlightened at night by the sweetness of your words. Jesus, the threefold witnesses of Thy glory in the silence of the Tavorites, and now grant to the silent and deserted always to contemplate Thy glory. Jesus, Tabor and Hermon, rejoicing in Your Name, grant us, by invoking Your sweetest Name, to accomplish the rise of the mountain. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 3

    You have clothed Your chosen Apostles with the power from above, O Jesus, You have elevated me to Tabor, so that they may become accustomed to seek the things on high and to be wise on high, and not earthly, and clothe us, who have fallen to the ground and are always overcome by the weakness of the flesh, by Your power and glory, so that Your strength is in our weakness. It will be accomplished, so for our sake we will sing to You with love: Alleluia.

    Ikos 3

    Before the Cross and Your free suffering, let Your disciples reveal in part Your Divinity, O Christ our Savior, You chose three from those living on the earth, so that the spectators of Your Divine glory will be, for these three before Your eyes are better than all peoples and language: Peter, as he who loved You more than others, and as the first of all to confess the Son of God to You, James, as the first among the Apostles of hope for the sake of future blessings, bowed his head under the sword and thus laid the foundation for Your martyrdom, John, as a virgin and most of all purity of flesh and spirit chastely preserving and for this sake a special grace received more than others to the vision of ineffable revelations and Thy Divine Glory. With them, accept from us also Your praises: Jesus, from Peter before Your Transfiguration, accept the confession of faith, accept also my warm confession. Jesus, to the same Peter at Tabor who gave the boldness to speak with You, speak good and peaceful things in my heart. Jesus, for the flame of their love you have called the sons of Zebedee sons of thunder; do not strike me with the thunder of Your wrath. Jesus, by the same disciple, who did not allow fire to be brought down from heaven to the Samaritans, extinguish the fire of passions in me. Jesus, with the virgin John, in purity of flesh and spirit, lead me to Tabor on high. Jesus, with the courageous Jacob, who drank Your cup first, lead me into paradise. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 4

    The storm of Your Epiphany was on Mount Sinai, when in thunder and lightning You gave the law to Your saint Moses, so on Mount Horeb there was a strong spirit, ravaging the mountains, coward and fire, when Elijah the prophet wanted to see You, both not in a whirlwind storm, not in coward and not in fire, Lord, but in a thin voice of coldness You showed them Your Face and the glory of Your Divinity, when on Mount Tabor You appeared to them, crying out to You with joy: Alleluia.

    Ikos 4

    Moses and Elijah heard Your words at Tabor about Your exodus, which You wanted to end in Jerusalem, being Your witness to the whole world, Lord, that You are truly the Son of God for the salvation of people from God the Father, sent and shown by a voice from heaven. Moses was called from the dead to be a witness in hell to those who are holding Thy coming into the world. Elijah was called from paradise to quickly speak to Enoch of Your Glory in the Transfiguration of Your Most Pure Flesh seen. We, marveling at the mystery of Your prophet's appearance on Tabor, call with tenderness to You: Jesus, Moses the Seer of God, who desired to see Your Face, who appeared on Tabor Face to face, show us in the coming time of Your Face the much-desired sweetness. Jesus, in God's vision of Thy rearers of old, the radiance of Thy Glory was shown to Moses, show us in Thy Kingdom, face to the Face of Thy Vision, ineffable kindness. Jesus, in the silence and voice of subtle coldness, who instructed Elijah with Your revelation, instruct me wonderfully in the silence of divine dispassion. Jesus, on the fiery chariot of Thy unfaded heavenly One who brought Elijah to paradise, lead me wonderfully to the height of the most perfect life. Jesus, who of old with the prophets spoke many words, and who announced to them His outcome on Tabor, feed my hungry soul with the words of the eternal life. Jesus, in the presence of the two witnesses, having revealed the Mystery of the Transfiguration to Your disciple, with the unspoken sighs of the Holy Spirit, kindled my cold faith. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 5

    More than the God-bearing star that rose in the night, become like, Light-Giver Lord, the ineffable radiance of Your most pure Flesh, when as a disciple sleeping and the night approaching the morning, You offered up Your most peaceful prayer to Your Father on the height of the mountain. Then Your Face was illuminated like the sun, and Your robe was shining, as white as snow. The Apostles, having found Divine power, awakened and saw Your Glory, as the Only Begotten of the Father, and were filled with grace and truth, and stood in awe, singing to You: Alleluia.

    Ikos 5

    The Apostles saw Thee on Tabor in the form of human beings, and were transformed by Divine glory and conversed with Moses and Elijah about Thy exodus, understanding Thy ever-present power and the Divinity hidden under the cover of flesh, and the horror of being, listening to the words and enjoying the sight of Thy Divine glory, just as you see, the tree of bodily combs and sight can accommodate them. With them, we also sing to You this: Jesus, Your disciple has made Your ineffable and God-radiant Glory shine forth, shine forth in our souls Your ever-present Light. Jesus, the chief ruler of the law and grace of Thy most worldly Light, through Thy communion gather our ever-lost minds. Jesus, the lightning of Thy Divinity on Tabor, hidden in the flesh, little revealing, expose the hidden fall of sin in my wretched conscience, Jesus, Thy uncreated Light, illuminating the Holy Mountain with rays from Thy Flesh, illuminate the light of Thy commandments in my darkened soul. Jesus, by the Transfiguration of Thy pure Flesh, enlighten the ends of the world, enlighten and beautify us who are darkened. Jesus, by the brilliance of Thy Tabor Light, purifying us like snow, your disciples, cleanse and renew us who have been darkened. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 6

    Having seen Your most gracious and saving conversation, O Christ our God, with Moses and Elijah on Mount Tabor, Your disciples, Peter, James and John, rejoiced greatly. Peter, with a voice filled with divine love, said: “Lord, it is good for us to be here: if you want, we will create three canopies here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” We are unworthy, we do not dare to ask You directly, but we humbly pray to You for mercy and cry out to You with a trembling voice: Alleluia.

    Ikos 6

    The rising on Tabor as a sign of the whole universe, a cloud of light, Peter asking about the canopy, the revelation of the voice of the Fatherland announcing the coming of the Holy Spirit, and when the Apostles, the top of the surrounding mountain, were even more afraid and entered the cloud with fear, feeling Your unapproachable Divinity, and with With the boldness of many I cried out to You like this: Jesus, the pillar of cloud that guided Israel of old in the wilderness, He Himself now show us the way to Your Kingdom. Jesus, Thy Apostles in a bright cloud overshadowed Tabor, with the dew of Thy Holy Spirit overshadowing us. Jesus, in the Temple not made by hands, living in heaven, the temple is luminous and the most pure canopy, show me Your Divinity. Jesus, who did not desire tabernacles made with hands on earth, create for me the inner beautiful tabernacle of Your Spirit, so that I may ascend to heaven. Jesus, dress yourself in light like a robe, clothe me naked in the richly woven garments of chastity and purity. Jesus, stretch out the sky like a skin, clothe me, flabby, in the snow-light clothes of Your heavenly beauty. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 7

    Although Your Heavenly Father revealed the secret of Your Divinity, hidden from time to time, as before on the Jordan during Your Baptism, proclaim Your Sonship with God and thus testify with a voice from the cloud, saying: “This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.” The apostles, from the great horror, lost their strength, fell prostrate to the ground, crying out to You: Alleluia.

    Ikos 7

    The new one who saw and was glorious on Tabor, Thy Word, Lord Lord, the witnesses and servants, and the voice of the Father and the noise from the cloud heard, was terrible and suddenly illuminated with a new light, in vain, wondering at each other and falling prostrate to the ground, bowing to You, the Lord of all , sending forth the following praises to You: Jesus, Image of the Most Bright Hypostasis of the Father, transform my dark and unclean life. Jesus, Glory of the Father's Radiance, enlighten my fallen and deepened soul into darkness. Jesus, wondrous and terrible in the glory of Your Divine vision, renew our spiritual vision, corrupted by corruption. Quiet Jesus, full of love, with the indescribable grace of Your Flesh, all the impurity of my flesh has become whiter than snow. Jesus, the Beginningless Light, in Your light, revealed on Tabor, Show us the Father. Jesus, unchanging Light, in the invisible Light of Your Kingdom, show us the Light and the Spirit. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 8

    Marvelously and strangely, Moses and Elijah appeared to You on Tabor, Master Lord, seeing the mark of the Divine Hypostasis, and speaking about Your free suffering, which stands before You in a sacred manner. When a bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice came from heaven, the Glory of the Lord was taken from the vision of Your disciples, and the prophets also took to their places, singing to You: Alleluia.

    Ikos 8

    You were all from the highest, Innumerable in the Word of God, when Your most pure Flesh was transfigured on Tabor, but You also in no way departed from the lower ones, when the prophet departed and the vision had already passed away, You approached those lying in fear on earth as Your disciple, and touched them with your hand , you said to them: “Arise, do not be afraid.” The disciples, lifting up their eyes and seeing no one else, but You who are One with them, rejoiced greatly and gave thanks to God, singing to You like this: Jesus, having the words of the eternal Life, always abide with us in our earthly journey. Jesus, having filled us with the vision of Your Divinity, do not leave us orphans in Your service. Jesus, before Thy Cross, having understood the Mystery of free suffering, grant us to always remember Thy for our sake of exhaustion. Jesus, before You died, Who showed us Your glory, grant us always to understand the deification of Your Flesh. Jesus, the indispensable image of Existence, renew in my soul the longed-for image of Your image and likeness. Jesus, like a seal like the Father, seal Your beauty and ineffable kindness in my flesh. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 9

    All nature was confused, in vain Your glorious Transfiguration on Tabor, Christ the Savior: Angels, invisibly approaching, serving You with fear and trembling, the heavens were afraid, the whole earth was moving and trembling, seeing the glory of the Lord, “Mount Tabor, formerly dark and smoky,” covered with a bright cloud, “on her” your most pure “nose stood”, but your disciples, Lord, cannot bear to behold your unbearable visage, throwing themselves down to the ground, covering their faces, until you yourself, in the vision of having passed away, have raised up those who cry out to you : Alleluia.

    Ikos 9

    Superstitious spirits, unenlightened by grace, cannot understand Your glorious Transfiguration of the Sacrament, Lord. For this reason, when you and your disciples came down from the mountain, the day was beginning to shine, you commanded your friends, so that visions of the former would be revealed to no one, until, after accepting suffering and death, you were resurrected on the third day from the grave. And they kept silent, and declared to no one in those days nothing from those whom they had seen and heard, but still in my heart I cried out to You: Jesus, you have clothed yourself in all of Adam, enlighten the anciently blackened nature of man. Jesus, carried in clouds, lights and darkness, by Your Grace consume all the spiritual darkness in us. Jesus, delighting Your Apostles with the radiance of the Divine noise, always delight us with the words of Your Divine revelation. Jesus, Thy disciples who enlightened with a budding cloud, always enlighten us with the dawning of Thy glorious Transfiguration. Jesus, having sanctified Mount Tabor with Your most pure feet, direct our nose to Your everlasting service. Jesus, with innocent hands, commanded to ascend Your mountain, stir up our hands to lift up the mountain in prayer. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 10

    To save even the world, at Tabor you have been transformed for our sake, O Lord, may you make us worthy of the heavenly glory prepared for your chosen ones and may you transform the body of our humility, so that it will be consistent with the body of your glory in the general resurrection of all and in your endless kingdom, which you have prepared from of the creation of the world by those who love Thee, and in it grant us also, like Moses and Elijah on Tabor, to behold Thee face to face and with all the saints to sing to Thee the eternal song: Alleluia.

    Ikos 10

    To the Eternal King! You do everything for our salvation. For my sake, you took on the most pure flesh from the Most Holy Virgin Mary and came into this world in the form of a servant. In the same way, You were transformed on the holy mountain, not pleasing Yourself; the Light does not require enlightenment, but for us, for the sake of the condemned, so that you may enlighten our darkness and transform us, who sit in darkness and in the midst of the shadow of death, from the sons of wrath into Your beloved children. For this reason, we cry out to You in gratitude as follows: Jesus, you who transformed the servant form on Tabor, may you make us children of God from slaves of sin. Jesus, who exhausted Himself even to the flesh, may you transform our fallen nature with You. Jesus, manifest the indescribable beauty of Your Kingdom on Tabor, establish joy, peace and the truth about the Holy Spirit in us. Jesus, by the Divine splendor of Your flesh you have deified all creation, by the deification of your flesh at Your Second Coming renew us. Jesus, the fire of Your Divinity was revealed on Tabor, and my sins were consumed by immaterial fire. Jesus, having nourished Your disciples there with Your sweetest conversation, sanctify my smooth soul with Your Holy Mysteries. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 11

    I bring all-contrite singing to You, unworthy, performing a bright triumph of Your Transfiguration and crying out to You: grant now the height of heavenly life and ever-present glory of Divine radiance to Your servant, with a pure heart grant us the ability to mentally ascend to Your holy mountain, to see with our rational eyes the glorious Transfiguration of Yours, so that we may sing brightly To you: Alleluia.

    Ikos 11

    This Light is Unapproachable and the Giver of Light, Jesus, the Beginningless and Ever-Sustaining Light, You brought Your Light into the world, when with Your most pure flesh You entered Mount Tabor and there You showed the Uncreated and Divine Light to Your disciples, showing the image of the Glory of the Father. Desiring to be partakers of this supernatural Light of Yours, from the depths of my soul we cry out to You like this: Jesus Christ, True Light, live my soul with good thoughts all the days of my earthly journey. Jesus the King, the Beginningless Light, rekindle the extinguished lamp of my soul until the day of my death. Jesus, Quiet Light, give life, light and life descended on my soul in the terrible hour of my death. Jesus, Holy Light, shine and burn, then rescue me from the unquenchable fire and pitch darkness. Jesus, Sweetest and Most Holy Light, lead me to the light of Your heavenly palace among the bitter ordeals of the air. Jesus, Most Bright Light of the sun, in the lordships of Thy saints in the unevening days of Thy Kingdom, enlighten me. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 12

    Grant me Thy grace, O Jesus my God, which Thou didst bestow on Tabor to Thy chosen disciples Peter, John and James, and accept us as they are, so that we may be endowed with Thy power from above and enlightened by the Holy Spirit, having a pure heart and a renewed spirit, let us ascend to mental Favor, ascending from strength to strength, striving especially in fasting and prayer, remaining in chastity and purity, and there let us sing to You: Alleluia.

    Ikos 12

    Singing to Your most pure Flesh the glorious Transfiguration, we glorify Your Divine Glory revealed on Tabor, we worship Your ever-essential Power and Divinity, Whose little dawn You revealed there, O Christ, and we believe with Peter that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, who came into the sinful world to save, and in the same way we cry out to him from the depths of our souls: it is good for us to be here with You. For this sake, do not disgrace us who believe in Your right, both weak and covered with flesh, and cover us with the Light of Your God-blessed Flesh, who with love call to You: Jesus, the Unsetting Sun, who rose on Tabor. Shine upon me with Your Divine radiance, O Jesus, the Light unconcealed in the Transfiguration, Warm me with Your grace through communion. Jesus, Eternal Temple of Heavenly Jerusalem, brought me into the tabernacle of God with men. Jesus, Fragrant Flower of the All-Holy Paradise, fragrance me with the heavenly aromas of holiness and purity. Jesus, purifying Fire, although you may cleanse heaven and earth from all defilement, cleanse me from the defilement of flesh and spirit. Jesus, O all-bearing Stone, who instead of the sun illuminates the High Zion with Divine beauty, deliver me from the sight of other beauty. Jesus, Eternal God, it is good for us to always be under the shelter of Your grace.

    Kontakion 13

    Oh, Sweet and All-Bountiful Jesus, shining with Divine glory on Tabor! Accept now this little prayer of ours, and just as you received worship from your disciples on the holy mountain, so grant us veneration to your glorious Transfiguration, shining in the light of good deeds, so that the darkness of sin that lives in us will be enlightened by you, and may we appear worthy of being heirs of the endless Thy Kingdom is in heaven, where with all the saints grant us also to sing to You: Alleluia. (Three times).

    (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

    Prayer to the Transfiguration of the Lord

    Lord Jesus Christ, our God, in the Living Light, unapproachable, the Radiance of the Father’s Glory and the Image of His Hypostasis! When the fulfillment of times came, You humbled Yourself for your unspeakable mercy for the fallen human race, You took on the form of a servant, You humbled Yourself, obedient even to the point of death. Moreover, before the Cross and Your free passion on Mount Tavorstei, You were transfigured in Your Divine Glory before Your saints, the disciples and Apostles, little hiding the perception of the flesh, so that when they see You crucified and put to death, they will understand Your free suffering and Divinity. Grant to all of us, Thy most pure Flesh, the Transfiguration of those celebrating, with pure hearts and undefiled minds, to ascend to Thy Holy Mountain, to the holy villages of Thy glory, where the pure voice of those celebrating, the voice of unspeakable joy, so that together with them, face to face, we will see Thy Glory in unfading are the days of Your Kingdom, and with all the saints who have pleased You from all eternity, let us glorify Your All-Holy Name with Your Originless Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

    Sermon of Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky). A Word on the Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord about spiritual light.

    Sermon by St. Philaret of Moscow. Word on the Transfiguration of the Lord.

    Sermon by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Transfiguration.